Hindawi Publishing Corporation Boundary Value Problems Volume 2009, Article ID 305291, 22 pages doi:10.1155/2009/305291 Research Article The Inverse Problem for Elliptic Equations from Dirichlet to Neumann Map in Multiply Connected Domains Guochun Wen,1 Zuoliang Xu,2 and Fengmin Yang2 1 2 School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China School of Information, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China Correspondence should be addressed to Guochun Wen, wengc@math.pku.edu.cn Received 10 July 2008; Accepted 5 January 2009 Recommended by Pavel Drabek The present paper deals with the inverse problem for linear elliptic equations of second order from Dirichlet to Neumann map in multiply connected domains. Firstly the formulation and the complex form of the problem for the equations are given, and then the existence and global uniqueness of solutions for the above problem are proved by the complex analytic method, where we absorb the advantage of the methods in previous works and give some improvement and development. Copyright q 2009 Guochun Wen et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Formulation of the Inverse Problem for Second-Order Elliptic Equations from Dirichlet to Neumann Map In 1–9, the authors posed and discussed the inverse problem of second-order elliptic equations. In this paper, by using the complex analytic method, the corresponding problem for linear elliptic complex equations of first-order in multiply connected domains is firstly discussed, afterwards the existence and global uniqueness of solutions of the inverse problem for the elliptic equations of second-order are obtained. Let G be an N 1-connected domain bounded domain in the complex plane C with 2 the boundary ∂G L ∪N j0 Lj ∈ Cμ 0 < μ < 1, where Lj j 1, . . . , N are inside of L0 . Consider the linear elliptic equation of second-order: uξξ uηη auξ buη 0 in G, 1.1 2 Boundary Value Problems in which a aζ, b bζ are real functions of ζ ξ iη, and aζ, bζ ∈ Lp G, p> 2 is a positive constant. Moreover let a b 0 in C \ G. The above condition is called Condition C. In this paper the notations are the same as those in 10 or 11. Denote uξ − iuη uζ , Wζ U iV 2 1.2 Wξ iWη uξξ uηη Wζ uζζ in G, 2 4 we can get uζζ Wζ 1 Wξ iWη 2 1 − auξ buη 4 1 − a W W ib W − W 4 1 − a ibW a − ibW 4 1.3 −AζW − BζW −2Re AζW in G, where A Aζ Bζ B a ib/4. We choose a conformal mapping z zζ from the above general domain G onto the circular domain D with the boundary Γ ∪N j0 Γj , Γ0 ΓN1 {|z| 1}, Γj {|z − zj | rj }, j 1, . . . , N, and z 0 ∈ D. In this case, the complex equation 1.3 is reduced to the complex equation Wz −ζ z A ζz W B ζz W , in D, wz uzz −2Re A ζz ζ zuz −2Re A ζz Jzw 1.4 where uζζ uzz |z ζ|2 , Wζ uζ uz z ζ, wz uz , ζ ζz is the inverse function of z zζ, and ζ z 1/z ζ Jz in D is a known Hölder continuously differentiable function see 10, Section 2, Chapter I, hence the above requirement can be realized. Introduce the Dirichlet boundary condition for 1.1 as follows: u fζ on L ∂G, u f ζz on Γ zL, 1.5 where fζ ∈ Cα1 L, fζz ∈ Cα1 Γ, α≤ p − 2/p is a positive constant, which is called Problem D for 1.1 or 1.4. By 10, 11, Problem D has a unique solution u ∈ Wp2 G or Wp2 D satisfying 1.1 or 1.4 and the Dirichlet boundary condition 1.5. From this solution, we can define the Dirichlet to Neumann map Λ : Cα1 L → Cα L or Λ : Cα1 Γ → Cα Γ by Λf ∂u/∂n. Boundary Value Problems 3 Our inverse problem is to determine the coefficient a and b of 1.1 or Aζ in 1.3 from the map Λ. In the following, we will transform the Dirichlet to Neumann map Λ into a equivalent boundary condition. In fact, if we find the derivative of positive tangent direction with respect to the unit arc length parameter s arg zz ∈ Γ0 and s − argz − zj z ∈ Γj , j 1, . . . , N of the boundary Γ with s0 arg z arg1 0 0, then ∂f ζz fs ∂s ⎧ uz zs uz zs uz iz − uz iz 2Re izuz , ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨uz z − zj uz z − zj s s ⎪ ⎪ −uz i z − zj uz i z − zj ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ −2Re i z − zj uz , on Γ0 , 1.6 on Γj , j 1, . . . , N. It is clear that the equivalent boundary value problem is to find a solution Wζz, uζz of the complex equation 1.4 with the boundary conditions ⎧ fs ⎪ ⎪ z ∈ Γ0 , ⎨Re izwz 2 , Re λzwz ⎪ ⎪ ⎩Re iz − zj wz − fs , z ∈ Γj , j 1, . . . , N, 2 u1 f ζ1 b0 , 1.7 and the relation z uz 2Re wzdz b0 in D, 1.8 1 in which λz iz, z ∈ Γ0 and λz iz − zj , z ∈ Γj , j 1, . . . , N. It is easy to see that 2Re Wζdζ 2Re uz dz Γj Lj Sj −2Re i z − zj uz rj ds 1.9 0 Sj fs rj ds 0, 0 where Sj 2πrj j 1, . . . , N is the arc length of Γj {|z − zj | rj } j 1, . . . , N and applying the Green formula, we can see that the function uz determined by the integral in 1.8 in D is single-valued. 4 Boundary Value Problems Under the above condition, the corresponding Neumann boundary condition is ∂u uz zn uz zn ∂n ⎧ ⎨uz zn uz zn uz zuz z 2 Im izuz gz ⎩−u z − z − u z − z −2Imiz − z u z j z j j z un on Γ0 , 1.10 on Γj , j 1, . . . , N, where n is the unit outwards normal vector of Γ. The boundary value problem 1.1 or 1.4, 1.10 will be called Problem N. Taking into account the partial indexes of K0 ΔΓ0 argλz ΔΓ0 arg iz and ΔΓ0 arg z are equal to −1 and Kj ΔΓj argλz ΔΓj arg iz − zj and ΔΓj arg z − zj j 1, . . . , N are equal to 1, thus the index of the above boundary value problem is K K0 K1 · · · KN N − 1. In general the above Problem N is not solvable, we need to give the modified boundary conditions as follows: gz 1 un Re λzuz g0 , z ∈ Γj , j 0, 1, . . . , N, 2 2 u1 b0 on Γ, 1.11 where λz z, z ∈ Γ0 , and λz z − zj , z ∈ Γj , j 1, . . . , N, gz ∈ Cα Γ and g0 0 on Γj j 1, . . . , N, g0 on Γ0 is an undetermined real constant see 11, Chapter VI. Hence, the Dirichlet to Neumann map can be transformed into the boundary conditions as follows: ⎧ ⎨2Re izuz 2iIm izuz 2izwz, z ∈ Γ0 , us iun ⎩−2iz − z wz, z ∈ Γj , j 1, . . . , N, j ⎧ us iun ⎪ ⎪ , z ∈ Γ0 , ⎪ ⎨ 2iz wz hz ⎪ us iun ⎪ ⎪ , z ∈ Γj , j 1, . . . , N, ⎩− 2i z − zj 1.12 which will be called Problem DN for the complex equation 1.4 or 1.1 with the relation 1.8, where hz ∈ Cα Γ is a complex function satisfying the condition Γj Re i z − zj hz ds 0, j 1, . . . , N. 1.13 For any function fζz ∈ Cα1 Γ in the Dirichlet boundary condition 1.5, there is a set {gz} of the functions of Neumann boundary condition 1.10, where gz is corresponding to the complex equation 1.4 one by one, namely if we know the boundary value fζz and one complex equation in 1.4, then the boundary value gz can be determined. Inversely if the gz in 1.10 is given, then one complex equation in 1.4 can be determined, which will be verified later on. We denote the set of functions {eikz hz} by Rh , where k is a complex number and hz is as stated in 1.12. Boundary Value Problems 5 2. Some Relations of Inverse Problem for Second-Order Elliptic Equations from Dirichlet to Neumann Map According to 10, introduce the notations T fz − 1 π C fζ dσζ , ζ−z 2.1 in which fz ∈ Lp D, p > 2. Suppose that fz 0 in C \ D. Obviously T fz fz in C. We consider the complex equation gz JAg ek zBJg 0, gz JAg ek zJAg 0 in C, 2.2 where gz eikz w, ek z eikzkz and k is a complex number. On the basis of the Pompeiu formula see 10, Chapters I and III, the corresponding integral equation of the complex equation 2.2 is as follows: 1 gz, k − T JAg ek JAg 2πi gζ, k dζ Γ ζ−z in D. 2.3 For simplicity we can only consider the following integral equation gz, k − T JAg ek JAg 1 or i 2.4 in D later on. Lemma 2.1. If fz ∈ Lp D p > 2, then lim max T ek f z 0. 2.5 k → ∞ z∈D Proof. It suffices to prove that for any small positive number ε, there exists a sufficiently large positive number N such that T ek f z < ε for z ∈ D, |k| ≥ N. 2.6 In fact, noting that ek z e2iRekz e2|kz|i cosφarg z , φ arg k, |ek z| 1, and using the Hölder inequality, we have T ek f z ≤ Lp f ≤ M1 1/q ek ζ q dσζ D ζ−z 2qi|kζ| cosφarg ζ e D |ζ − z|q 2.7 1/q dσζ , 6 Boundary Value Problems where M1 1 Lp f, 1 < q p/p − 1 < 2. Now we estimate the integral 1/q e2qi|kζ| cosφarg ζ J0 dσ . ζ D |ζ − z|q 2.8 We choose two sufficiently small positive constants δ and η, and divide the domain D into three parts: D1 {|ζ| ≤ δ}, D2 {D \ D1 } ∩ {| arg ζ φ| ≤ η} ∪ {| arg ζ φ − π| ≤ η}, and D3 D \ {D1 ∪ D2 }, such that for the above positive number ε, we can get e2qi|kζ| cosφarg ζ q J dσ ζ 1 D1 |ζ − z|q < ε 3M1 q , J1 < ε , 3M1 e2qi|kζ| cosφarg ζ q J dσ ζ 2 D2 |ζ − z|q 2.9 ≤ |ζ − z|1−q d|ζ − z|dθ D2 ≤ J2 ≤ ε 3M1 q , ε , 3M1 where θ arg ζ. Moreover noting that |dθ φ| |d cosθ φ/ sinθ φ| ≤ |d cosθ φ/ sin η|, if ζ ∈ D3 , and then e2qi|kζ| cosφarg ζ q J dσζ 3 q D3 |ζ − z| e2qi|kζ| cosφarg ζ 1 cosφ arg ζ ≤ ζ − z|d2q|kζ d |ζ − z|q−1 2qk minD3 ζ| sin η| D3 1 |de2qi|kζ| cosφarg ζ | ≤ d|ζ − z| q−1 2q|kδ sin η| D3 |ζ − z| ≤ ε 3M1 q , J3 ≤ ε 3M1 for |k| ≥ N. 2.10 Boundary Value Problems 7 Thus we obtain T ek f z ≤ Lp fJ1 Lp fJ2 Lp fJ3 ≤ M1 J1 J2 J3 < ε for z ∈ D, |k| ≥ N. 2.11 This shows that the formula 2.6 is true. Lemma 2.2. If Lp A, D ≤ k0 , p > 2, where k0 is a positive constant, then the solution gz, k of 2.2 satisfies the estimate Cα gz, k, D ≤ M2 M2 p, α, k0 , D , 2.12 in which M2 is a positive constant. Proof. First of all, we verify that any solution gz, k of 2.2 satisfies the boundedness estimate C gz, k, D ≤ M3 M3 p, α, k0 , D , 2.13 where M3 is a positive constant. Suppose that 2.13 is not true, then there exists a sequence of coefficients {Am z}, which satisfy the same condition of coefficient Az and weakly converges to A0 z, and the corresponding integral equations gmz JAm gm ek JAm gm 0 in D, m 1, 2, . . . 2.14 possess the solutions gm z, k m 1, 2, . . ., but Cgm z, k, D m 1, 2, . . . are unbounded. Hence we can choose a subsequence of {gm z, k} denoted by {gm z, k} again, such that hm Cgm z, k, D → ∞ as m → ∞, and can assume hm ≥ 1. Obviously gm z, k gm z, k/hm m 1, 2, . . . are solutions of the integral equations gmz JAm gm ek JAm gm 0 in D, m 1, 2, . . . . 2.15 Noting that Lp Am gm ≤ k0 , Lp ek Am gm , D ≤ k0 , we can derive the estimate Cα T JAm gm T ek JAm gm , D ≤ M4 M4 p, α, k0 , D , 2.16 Cα gm , D ≤ M5 M5 p, α, k0 , D . 2.17 see 10, 11, thus gm z, k} again, which Hence from { gm z, k}, we can choose a subsequence denoted by { uniformly converges to g0 z in D, it is clear that g0 z is a solution of the equation g0z JA0 g0 0, or g0 z T JA0 g0 0 in D. 2.18 8 Boundary Value Problems On the basis of the result in 10, Section 5, Chapter III, the solution g0 z 0 in D, however, g0 z∗ , D 1, which is from C gm z, k, D 1, there exists a point z∗ ∈ D, such that C impossible. This shows that 2.13 and then the estimate 2.12 are true. Lemma 2.3. Under the above conditions, one has lim gz, k g0 z k→∞ in D, 2.19 where g0 z is a unique solution of the equation g0z JAg0 0 in D. 2.20 Proof. Denote by gz, k the solution of 2.2 in D. From Lemma 2.2, we know that the solution gz, k satisfies the estimate 2.12. Moreover by using 2.5, that is, lim max T ek JAg z 0, k → ∞ z∈D 2.21 we can choose subsequences {kn } and {gz, kn }, where kn → ∞ as n → ∞, such that {gz, kn } in D uniformly converges to g0 z as n → ∞, which is a solution of 2.20 in D see 11. The uniqueness of solutions of 2.20 can be seen from the proof of Lemma 2.4 below. Lemma 2.4. The solution g0 z of 2.20 can be expressed as g0 z Φze−T JA in D, 2.22 where Φz 1 in D. Proof. On the basis of the results as in 10, Section 5, Chapter III, we know that the integral equations g0 z − T JAg0 1 1 in D, in C 2.23 have the unique solutions g0 z in D and C respectively, this shows that the function g0 z in D can be extended in C. Moreover by the result in 10, 11, the solution g0 z can be expressed as Wz g0 z Φze−T JA in C. Note that T JA → 0 as z → ∞, and the entire function Φz in C satisfies the condition Φz → 1 as z → ∞, hence Φz 1 in C, and then g0 z e−T JA in D. Theorem 2.5. For the inverse problem of the equation g0 z z JAg0 0 in D, 2.24 Boundary Value Problems 9 with the boundary condition g0 z≡ / 0 on Γ, 2.25 one can obtain T JA − ln g0 z on Γ, 2.26 which is a known function. Proof. From the expression 2.22 of the solution g0 z in D and Φz 1 in D, it follows that 2.26 is true. 3. The Inverse Scattering Method for Second-Order Elliptic Equations from Dirichlet to Neumann Map For the complex equation 1.4, through the transformation Wz wzeT JA , we can obtain that the function Wz satisfies the complex equation Wz CzW 0 in C, 3.1 where C Cz BζzJzeT JA−T JA AζzJzeT JA−T JA and C Cz 0 in C \ D, in this case every function hzeikz in RA is reduced to hzeikzT JA , hence later on it suffices to discuss the complex equation 3.1 and system of complex equations φjz −1j−1 Czek zφj 0 in C, j 1, 2. 3.2 where ek z eikzkz . In the following we will find two solutions φ1 z and iφ2 z of complex equation φz Czek zφz 0 with the conditions φ1 z → 1 and iφ2 z → i as z → ∞. Now we find two solutions W1 z and W2 z in C of 3.1 with the conditions W1 z ∼ −ikz and W2 z ∼ ie−ikz for sufficiently large |z|. In other words, there exist two solutions e φ1 z eikz W1 z and φ2 z −ieikz W2 z in C of 3.2 with the conditions φ1 z → 1 and φ2 z → 1 as z → ∞. Denote m1 z, k φ1 z φ2 z , 2 m2 z, k ek z φ2 z − φ1 z , 2 3.3 obviously m1 z, k, m2 z, k satisfy the system of first-order complex equations m1 z Cm2 , m2 z − ikm2 Cm1 , ek e−k m2 z Cm1 , φ2 − φ1 ikm2 Cm1 ikm2 , m2 z ek 2 z 3.4 10 Boundary Value Problems such that m1 z, k → 1 and m2 z, k → 0 |m2 z, k| |ek zm2 z, k| → 0 as z → ∞. According to the way in 8, we can obtain the following two lemmas. Lemma 3.1. Under the above conditions, there exist two functions m1 z, k, m2 z, k satisfying the system of complex equations: m1 z, k k T kek zm2 z, k 0, m2 z, k k T kek zm1 z, k 0, 3.5 where i T k − π i e−k ζCζm1 ζ, kdσζ − 2π C C e−ikz Cζ W1 − iW2 dσζ . 3.6 Proof. In the following we verify the 3.5. From 3.4, we have Cζm2 1 dσζ , m1 1 π C z−ζ Cζ m2 k 1 dσζ m1 k π C z−ζ CT kek ζm1 ζ, k 1 dσζ − π C z−ζ −T kek zm2 z, k, e−k Cm1 1 dσζ , e−k m2 π C z−ζ ek Cm1 1 e k m2 dσζ , π C z−ζ ek e−k m1 k m1k − i ζ − z z m1 m1k − i ζ − z m1 − izm1 , m2k ek e−k m2 k izm2 C e−k m1 k ek z dσζ izm2 π C z−ζ Cζe−k ζm1k 1 i dσζ ek e−k ζCζm1 ζ, kdσζ π C π C z−ζ 1 T kCζm2 ζ, k dσζ T k −ek π C z−ζ −T kek zm1 . 3.7 Boundary Value Problems 11 In addition, from 3.5 it follows that m1 z, k m2 z, k m1 z, k − m2 z, k k −T kek z m1 z, k m2 z, k , k T kek z m1 z, k − m2 z, k . 3.8 It is easy to see that ψ1 z, k m1 z, k m2 z, k, 3.9 ψ2 z, k m1 z, k − m2 z, k satisfy the system of complex equations ψ1k T kek zψ1 0, ψ2k − T kek zψ2 0 3.10 with the conditions ψ1 eikz Ψ1 ∼ 1 and ψ2 −ieikz Ψ2 ∼ 1 for sufficient large |k|, and Ψ1 e−ikz ψ1 , Ψ2 ie−ikz ψ2 are the solutions of the complex equation Ψk T kΨ 0 for k ∈ C. 3.11 Later on we will verify T k ∈ L∞ C. Similarly to the way from 3.2 to 3.6, we can obtain the following result. Lemma 3.2. Under the above conditions, there exist two functions W1 z, k, W2 z, k satisfying the system of complex equations: W1 z, k z CzW1 z, k 0, W2 z, k z CzW2 z, k 0 in C, 3.12 where i Cz − π i − 2π C e−k zT k m1 z, k dσk C e −ik z T k Ψ1 z, k − iΨ2 z, k dσk . 3.13 Proof. Now we verify that 3.12 and 3.13 are true. Denote ψ1 z, k ψ2 z, k , n1 2 ψ2 z, k − ψ1 z, k n2 ek z , 2 3.14 12 Boundary Value Problems we see that n1 z, k, n2 z, k satisfy the system of first-order complex equations n1 k T kn2 , n2 k − izn2 T kn1 , ek e−k n2 k T kn1 , ψ2 − ψ1 izn2 T kn1 izn2 , n2 k ek 2 3.15 k such that n1 z, k → 1 and n2 z, k → 0 |n2 z, k| |ek zn2 z, k| → 0 as k → ∞. Thus we have T k n2 1 n1 1 dσk , π C k − k T k n2 z 1 n1 z dσk π C k − k CT k ek n1 z, k 1 − dσk π C k − k −Czek zn2 z, k, e−k T k n1 1 e−k n2 dσk , π C k − k ek T k n1 1 ek n2 dσk , π C k − k ek e−k n1 z n1z − i k − k k n1 n1z − i k − k n1 − ikn1 , n2z ek e−k n2 z ikn2 T k e−k n1 z ek z dσk ikn2 π C k − k T k e−k n1z 1 i ek dσk e−k zT k n1 z, k dσk π C π C k − k CT k n2 z, k 1 − ek dσk Cz π C k − k 3.16 −Czek zn1 . In addition, from 3.12 it follows that n1 z, k n2 z, k z Czek z n1 z, k n2 z, k 0, n1 z, k − n2 z, k z − Czek z n1 z, k − n2 z, k 0. 3.17 Boundary Value Problems 13 It is obvious that φ1 z, k n1 z, k n2 z, k, φ2 z, k n1 z, k − n2 z, k 3.18 φ2z − Czek zφ2 0 3.19 satisfy the system of complex equations φ1z Czek zφ1 0, with the conditions φ1 eikz W1 ∼ 1 and φ2 −ieikz W2 ∼ 1 for sufficient large |z|, and W1 e−ikz φ1 , W2 ie−ikz φ2 are the solutions of the complex equation Wz CzWz 0 for z ∈ C. 3.20 From 3.6 and Lemma 3.3 below, the functions H1 z, k W1 z, k, H2 z, k W2 z, k on Γ can be obtained, then i T k − e−ikζ C W1 − iW2 dσζ 2π C i e−ikζ W1 − iW2 ζ dσζ 2π D 1 − e−ikζ W1 − iW2 dζ 4π Γ i νe−ikz W1 − iW2 dS. 4π Γ 3.21 Here we use the Green formula vz dx dy − D 1 2i Γ v dz 1 2 Γ νv dS, 3.22 and for Γ0 {|z| 1}, ν z e−iθ e−i arg z , and Γj {|z − zj | rj }, ν −z − zj /rj −e−iθ −e−i argz−zj , j 1, . . . , N, dz −iν dS, S θ, z ∈ Γ0 , − dz −dz − zj iν dS, S rj θ, z ∈ Γj , j 1, . . . , N. This shows that the function T k for k ∈ C is known, and then we can solve the solutions m1 , m2 of equations in 3.5. On the basis of Lemma 3.2, we can obtain the system of complex equations in 3.12 and the coefficient Cz BzJzeT JA−T JA of 3.1. This is just the so-called inverse scattering method. We mention that sometimes W1 z, k, W2 z, k are written as W1 z, W2 z. 14 Boundary Value Problems Lemma 3.3. Under the above conditions, the functions h1 z, h2 z as stated in 1.12 are the solutions of the system of integral equations 1 1 − iSk h1 e−ikz , 2 1 h1 ζeikζ−z dζ, Sk h1 π Γ ζ−z 1 1 − iSk h2 ie−ikz , 2 1 h2 ζeikζ−z Sk h2 dζ. π Γ ζ−z 3.23 We first prove one lemma see 7. Lemma 3.4. The function gz, k eikz hj z ∈ Rh , j 1, 2 is a solution of the integral equations gz, k T JAg T ek JAg eikz h1 z gz, k eikz h2 z 1 i in D, 3.24 on Γ, if and only if it is a solution of the integral equation 1 1 gz, k 2 2πi gζ, k dζ Γ ζ−z h1 z 1 2 2πi h2 z 1 2 2πi 1, i, gζ, k ⎧ ⎨eikζ h1 ζ, ⎩eikζ h2 ζ, h1 ζeikζ−z dζ e−ikz , ζ−z Γ h2 ζeikζ−z dζ ie−ikz ζ−z Γ 3.25 on Γ. Proof. It is clear that we can only discuss the case of h1 . If gz, k is a solution of 3.24, then gz −JAg − ek JAg. On the basis of the Pompeiu formula 1 gz, k 2πi 1 2πi gζ, k dζ − T gζ, k ζ Γ ζ−z gζ, k dζ − T JAg ek JAg ζ − z Γ 3.26 in D see 10, Chapters I and III, we have 1 gz, k T JAg T ek JAg 1 2πi gζ, k dζ Γ ζ−z in D, 3.27 Boundary Value Problems 15 where gζ, k eikζ h1 ζ on Γ. Moreover by using the Plemelj-Sokhotzki formula for Cauchy type integral see 12, 13 1 1 2πi gζ, k 1 dζ gz, k, ζ − z 2 Γ gζ, k eikζ h1 ζ on Γ, 3.28 which is the formula 3.25. On the contrary if 3.25 is true, then there exists a solution of equation gz −AJg − ek JAg in D with the boundary values gζ, k eikζ h1 ζ on Γ, thus we have 3.26, where the integral 1/2πi Γ gζ, k/ζ − zdζ in D is analytic, whose boundary value on Γ is 1 lim z ∈D → z∈Γ 2πi gζ, k 1 1 dζ gz, k 2 2πi Γ ζ−z gζ, k dζ 1, Γ ζ−z 3.29 hence 1 2πi gζ, k dζ 1 Γ ζ−z 3.30 in D, and the formula 3.24 is true. Proof of Lemma 3.3. On the basis of the theory of integral equations see 12, 13, we can obtain the solutions h1 z and h2 z of 3.23. From Lemma 3.4, we define the functions W1 z, k W2 z, k ⎧ h1 ζeikζ−z 1 ⎪ −ikz ⎪ dζ, − e ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ 2πi Γ ζ−z z ∈ C \ D, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ CζW1 ζ, k 1 ⎪ −ikz ⎩e dσζ , z ∈ D, π C ζ−z 3.31 ⎧ h2 ζeikζ−z 1 ⎪ −ikz ⎪ dζ, − ie ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ 2πi Γ ζ−z z ∈ C \ D, ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ CζW2 ζ, k 1 ⎪ −ikz ⎩ie dσζ , π C ζ−z z ∈ D, which are analytic in C \ D with the boundary values h1 z, h2 z on Γ respectively, and satisfy the complex equation 3.1. Moreover according to 6, 7, we can obtain the following two lemmas. Lemma 3.5. Under the above conditions, one has ikz e W1 z, k − 1 1 W p,2 Cz ≤ M1 , − ieikz W2 z, k − 1 1 Wp,2 Cz ≤ M1 , for |k| ≥ R, 3.32 16 Boundary Value Problems where p > 2, the positive constant M1 M1 k, p, R is only dependent on k, p and R, and R is a sufficiently large positive number. Moreover the function T k in 3.6 satisfies T k ∈ L∞ Ck. In particular, T k ∈ Lp1 ,2 Ck, where p1 0 < p1 < ∞ is a non-negative number. Proof. From Lemma 3.1, noting that φj z, k → 1, z → ∞, j 1, 2, we have φ1 z, k e ikz 1 W1 z, k 1 π φ2 z, k −ieikz W2 z, k 1 − 1 π Cζek ζφ1 ζ, k dσζ , z−ζ C 3.33 Cζek ζφ2 ζ, k dσζ . z−ζ C On the basis of the result in 10, we can get φ1 z, k − 1 1 Wp,2 Cz 1 Cek ζφ1 ζ, k dσζ π C z−ζ 1 Wp,2 Cz ≤ M2 Cek ζφ1 ζ, kLp,2 Cz 3.34 ≤ M3 CLp,2 Cz ≤ M1 k, p, R in which |k| ≥ R and Mj Mj k, p, R j 2, 3 are positive constants only dependent on k, p and R. Similarly, we can obtain the second estimate in 3.32. In addition, for T k − i 2π i e−ikζ C W1 − iW2 dσζ − 2π C C e−k ζC φ1 φ2 dσζ , 3.35 we have i T k ≤ e ζCφ φ dσ −k 1 2 ζ L∞ C 2π C L∞ Ck i ≤ e−k ζCm1 ζ, kdσζ π C 3.36 L∞ Ck ≤ 1 CLp,2 Cz m1 ζ, kLq,2 Cz L∞ Ck , π in which q p/p − 1, 1 < q < 2. It is not difficult to see that T k ∈ Lp1 ,2 Ck, where p1 0 < p1 < ∞ is a non-negative constant. Boundary Value Problems 17 Lemma 3.6. Under the above conditions, one can find the coefficients Q Qz of the complex system of first-order equations Dk m2 m2z − ikm2 Qm1 Q C in D as follows 1 Qz lim k0 → ∞ πr 2 1 lim k0 → ∞ πr 2 |k−k0 |≤r Dk m2 z, kdσk 3.37 |k−k0 |≤r Qm1 z, kdσk , in which dσk dRe k dIm k. Proof. From the formula 3.4, we can get lim k0 → ∞ |k−k0 |≤r Dk m2 z, kdσk Q lim k0 → ∞ |k−k0 |≤r m1 z, kdσk 3.38 πr 2 Qz, where m1 z, k → 1 as k → ∞, hence the the formula 3.37 is true. Theorem 3.7. For the inverse problem of Problem DN for 1.3 with Condition C, one can reconstruct the coefficients aζ and bζ. Proof. Similarly to 9, we will use the generalized Cauchy formula Fz 1 2πi Γ Ω1 z, ζFdζ − 1 2πi Γ Ω2 z, ζFdζ in D, 3.39 for the complex equation Fz e −T AJ z e −T AJ −AJ −C J J e−T AJ −CF J J 3.40 to find the function F Fz e−T AJ in D, in which Ω1 z, ζ, Ω2 z, ζ are the standard kernels of equation 3.40 see 10, Chapter III. In fact, denote F e−T AJ in D, and F e−T AJ on Γ is known from Theorem 2.5, then according to 3.39, we can find the function Fz in D. Moreover from − ln F z CFJ/FJ C J J eT AJ−T AJ AJ thus the coefficient A aζ ibζ/4 in G is obtained. in D, 3.41 18 Boundary Value Problems 4. The Global Uniqueness Result for Inverse Problem of First-Order Elliptic Complex Equations from Dirichlet to Neumann Map For the elliptic equation of second-order ujξξ ujηη aj ujξ bj ujη 0 in G, j 1, 2, 4.1 in which aj aj ζ, bj bj ζ are real functions of ζ ξ iη ∈ G, j 1, 2, and aj , bj ∈ Lp G, j 1, 2, p> 2 is a positive constant. Moreover define aj bj 0 j 1, 2 in C \ G. Denote ujξ − iujη ujζ ujζ Wj ζ Uj iVj 2 in G, j 1, 2, 4.2 and we can get Wjξ iWjη Wjζ 2 − 1 aj ujξ bj ujη 4 4.3 −Aj ζWj − Bj ζWj −2Re Aj Wj in G, j 1, 2, where Aj Aj ζ Bj ζ aj ibj /4, j 1, 2. As stated in Section 1, suppose that the above equations satisfy Condition C, and through a conformal mapping z zζ, the complex equations in 4.3 can be reduced to the following form Wjz −ζ z Aj ζz Wj Bj ζz Wj , wjz −2Re Aj ζz ζ zujz −2Re Aj ζz Jzwj in D, j 1, 2, 4.4 where D is a circular domain, and Jz ζ z. If wj z ujz j 1, 2 are the corresponding solutions of 4.4 from the Dirichlet to Neumann maps Λj j 1, 2, and Λ1 Λ2 Λ, then the boundary conditions of the inverse boundary value problem for second-order elliptic equations in 4.1 from Dirichlet to Neumann map can be reduced to wj z ujz hz on Γ, j 1, 2, 4.5 where hz ∈ Cα Γ, 0 < α ≤ p − 2/p is a known complex function. In the following we will prove the uniqueness theorem as follows. Boundary Value Problems 19 Theorem 4.1. For the inverse problem of Problem DN for 1.1 (or 1.3) with Condition C, one can uniquely determine the coefficients a, b. In other words, if Λ1 Λ2 for 4.1, then a1 a2 , b1 b2 . We first prove the Carleman estimate see 7. Lemma 4.2. If the complex function uz ∈ Wp1 D with the condition uz 0 on Γ, and the real function φz ∈ Wp2 D p > 2 then one has the Carleman estimate 2 φ uz e dσz . Δφ|u| e dσz ≤ 4 2 φ D 4.6 D Proof. It is sufficient to prove the equality 2 φ uz uφz 2 eφ dσz 4 uz e dσz , Δφ|u|2 eφ dσz 4 D D 4.7 D in which φz ∈ Wp2 D, and uz ∈ Wp1 D with the condition uz 0 on Γ. We first consider the complex form of the Green formula about v uz 1 4 D 1 1 uzz dx dy uz dz, uxx uyy dx dy ux dy − uy dx 4 2i Γ D D 1 1 vz dx dy v dz, or vz dx dy − v dz, 2i 2i D Γ D Γ 4.8 with u ∈ C2 D. If uz, φz are the above functions, by using the Green formula, we have 1 uz uz e dx dy u uz e z dx dy uuz eφ dz 0, 2i Γ D D D 2 φ φ uz e dx dy uz uz e dx dy − u uz eφ z dx dy D D D φ u uzz uz φz e dx dy, − D uz uφz 2 eφ dx dy uz uφz uz uφz eφ dx dy D D φ φ u uz e uφz e z dx dy uφz uz uφz eφ dx dy − D D φ u uzz uz φz uφzz e dx dy − u uz uφz φz eφ dx dy − D D φ uφz uz uφz e dx dy D u uzz uz φz uφzz eφ dx dy, − uuz eφ z dx dy φ D φ 4.9 20 Boundary Value Problems thus 2 φ uz e dx dy − D uz uφz 2 eφ dx dy D uuφzz eφ dx dy D 1 2 |u| Δφeφ dx dy. D4 4.10 This is just the formula 4.7 for uz ∈ C2 D. Due to the density of C2 D in Wp1 Dp > 2, it is known that 4.7 is also true for uz ∈ Wp1 D with the condition uz 0 on Γ. Lemma 4.3. Under the above conditions, one can derive C1 C2 , z ∈ D. 4.11 Proof. On the basis of h1 z h2 z on Γ, and the results of Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2, it follows that the corresponding coefficients T1 k T2 k, and then C1 z C2 z in D. This shows that the formula 4.11 is true. Proof of Theorem 4.1. Similarly to 7, we can prove A 1 A2 4.12 in D. From 4.11, we have C1 A1 JeT JA1 −T JA1 A2 JeT JA2 −T JA2 C2 , z ∈ D. 4.13 If we define Aj z 0, z ∈ C \ D, then C1 C2 , z ∈ C, and denote Ez T J A2 − A1 , Ez J A2 − A1 , Fz eT JA2 −A1 −T JA2 −A1 , 4.14 one gets JA1 FzJA2 , Ez T JA2 − A1 T 1 − FzJA2 in C. 4.15 Setting that iθz T JA2 − A1 − T JA2 − A1 , obviously θz is a real function, and 1 − Fz eiθ − 1 eiθ/2 − e−iθ/2 2 sin θ ≤ |θ| 2 T J A2 − A1 − T J A2 − A1 ≤ 2T J A2 − A1 2Ez, Ez z J A2 − A1 , Ez ≤ JA2 1 − Fz ≤ 2JA2 Ez, z where Ez T JA2 − A1 0 on Γ is derived from Theorem 2.5. 4.16 Boundary Value Problems 21 Finally we use the Carleman estimate for uz Ez and 4.16, and can get 2 2 φ Ez e dσz ΔφEz eφ dσz ≤ 4 D D JA2 2 Ez2 eφ dσz . ≤ 16 4.17 D Taking into account A2 ∈ Lp D, p > 2, and choosing 9 φz π |JA|2 ln |ζ − z|dσζ for Az max 1, A2 , 4.18 D it is easy to see that Δφ 4φzz 18|JA|2 in D, and then JAz2 Ez2 eφ dσz ≤ 0, 2 Ez 0 in D. 4.19 D Consequently J A2 − A1 0, A2 − A1 0 in D, 4.20 this shows the coefficients a1 a2 , b1 b2 of equations in 4.1 in G. 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