Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Lateral Self-cleaning MEMS Switch By Yong SHI B.Eng., Materials Sciences and Applied Chemistry The National University of Defense Technology, P. R. China, 1985 S.M., Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001 Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Aeronautics and Astronautics At the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY August 2004 2004 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved. Signature of Author... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Departmen( of Aeronautics and Astronautics Aug. 20, 2004 Certified by ... ...... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... . Sang-Gook Kim ~ Esther & Harold Edgerton Professor of Mech. Eng. - Thesis Supervisor Certified by ... ... ... ... ... ... .. L/ S. Mark-Sp g Professor of Arfonauticsnd Astronautics Certified by ...... . Charles Stark "ra fe2s & Astro. Certified by ... ... . G e Barbastathis Esther & Harold Edgerton Professor of Mech. Eng. Certified by ... Nannaji Saka Pri~~pal Research Scientist A ccepted by ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . ... .... OF T . .... ... ..... ... ... ... . . ..... Jaime Peraire Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics Chair, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students jo OCT 15 2008 LIBRARIES ... AERO Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Lateral Self-cleaning MEMS Switch by YONG SHI Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics On August 20, 2004 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Aeronautics and Astronautics ABSTRACT A lateral contact MEMS switch has been developed to address the need for a long life cycle, low contact resistance RF switch. At the present time, there is no commercial MEMS switch that meets all the requirements. The objectives of this research are to understand the functional requirements and the failure modes of such MEMS switches, and to develop a cost effective, compact and highly reliable direct contact MEMS switch. Major switch performance parameters were investigated to determine the real functional requirements of an RF switch, which leads to a novel switch design. This switch design is characterized by the self-alignment of the contact surfaces, self-cleaning of the particles generated from asperity fracture and deformation, and the anchoring method of the metal contacts in the micro switch structures and the large stroke piezo-actuation by the strain amplifying MEMS mechanism. The analytical model for the contact force - contact resistance relation is established to predict the required contact force, while modeling of the switch isolation provides the required displacement of the actuator. The 5-mask fabrication process for the device consists of several steps including bottom electrode lift-off, plating mold formation, electroplating, mold removal, switch structure formation and device release. The major issue is the fabrication of the vertical sidewall of gold for electrical contact. A fine control of electroplating current and temperature makes deep and clean vertical metal walls. The device is released with XeF 2. It has been demonstrated that a contact resistance lower than 0.1 is achieved for up to 10 billion operating cycles. The grooved surface exhibited the self-cleaning effect and the parallel-beam design of the switch structure guaranteed the perfect contact during the switch operation. In addition, no failure has been observed in the anchoring of the gold metal to the switch structure. Finally, molded electroplating proved to be an effective way to create vertical metal sidewall for electric contact. The electroplated gold surface is more uniform and the microstructure is denser than that deposited by e-beam evaporation. Thesis Supervisor: Sang-Gook Kim Title: Esther & Harold Edgerton Assoc Professor of Mechanical Engineering 2 Acknowledgements I would like to thank my advisor Prof. Sang-Gook Kim sincerely for his supervising and supporting on this project, especially his encouraging and emphasizing on the way of creative thinking, and the ability to balance looking into the "big pictures" as well as the details in research. My sincere thanks also go to all the memebres of the MIT Mcro/Nano Systems Laboratory and my office mates Dr. Yongbae Jeon, Dr. J. H. Jeong, Dr. Cheewei. Wong, Dr. Y. A. Song, Nick Conway, Raj Sood, Tarek A. El Aguizy, Clemens Mueller-Falcke, Sunil Doddabasanagonda, Ray Hardin, the MIT Microsystems Technology Laboratory staff Dave Terry, Kurt Broderick, Vicky Diadiuk, Dennis Ward and my friends Dr. Hanqin Li and Dr. Hongwei Sun for their help and advice. I would also like to thank Prof. Mark Spearing for the partial RA support and Prof. Carol Livermore and Prof. Joel Voldman for the TA support during the course of this work. Finally I want to thank my wife Zhihong Wang, my son Caleb and my daughter Isabel for their love and making all this meaningful. This project was originally funded by the Manufacturing Institute of MIT and the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM). 3 Contents ACK N O W LEDGEM ENTS ......................................................................................... 3 CONTENTS....................................................................................................................... 4 LIST O F FIG URES ....................................................................................................... 7 LIST O F TABLES ....................................................................................................... 11 NO M EN CLATURE..................................................................................................... 13 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 17 1.1 BACKGROUND AND M OTIVATION................................................................. 17 1.2 O BJECTIVES................................................................................................. 18 1.3 LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................... 19 General switch perform ances .................................................................... M EM S Switch classification.................................................................... Contact m echanics and switch failure modes ........................................... Sum mary.................................................................................................. 19 21 23 24 1.4 APPROACH...................................................................................................... 25 1.5 ORGANIZATION OF THE DOCUMENT ............................................................. 26 RF M EM S SW ITCH DESIGN ............................................................. 29 SWITCH FAILURE MODE ANALYSIS............................................................... FUNCTIONAL DESIGN OF THE SW ITCH SYSTEM .............................................. 29 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 2. 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 Functional requirem ents: ........................................................................ D esign param eters:................................................................................... 30 30 30 SWITCH CONCEPT AND DESIGN .................................................................... 31 The general concept ................................................................................. The self-alignm ent of the contact surfaces ................................................ The self-cleanimg of the dam aged surface................................................... Attaching of the gold contacts to the structure.......................................... Contact force adjustm ent......................................................................... 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 34 35 SWITCH MATERIALS SELECTION .................................................................. SWITCH MODELING...................................................................................... Equivalent m odel ................................................................................... Switch isolation........................................................................................ 4 2.5.3 2.5.4 2.6 3. Switch insertion loss................................................................................. M icro strip transmission line design......................................................... 36 37 SU M M A RY ................................................................................................... 39 CONTACT MECHANICS AND CONTACT RESISTANCE............. 40 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 4. CONTACT SURFACE CHARACTERIZATION..................................................... C ONTACT M ECHANICS .................................................................................. 40 Hertz contact ........................................... Plastic contact...........................................44 42 CONSTRICTION RESISTANCE ....................................................................... OVERALL CONTACT RESISTANCE .................................................................... 46 Elastic C ontact ........................................................................................ Plastic contact .......................................................................................... 47 48 C OM PUTING EXAM PLES.................................................................................. 49 Contact resistance and force with a single asperity ................... Contact resistance and force with distributed asperities ................ SWITCH ACTUATION......................................................................... 4.1 42 47 49 53 61 ACTUATION METHOD REVIEW ...................................................................... 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 61 Force and displacement of micro actuators................................................ 61 Work densities and frequencies of micro actuators .................. 65 Actuation efficiency of micro actuators ... .................................... 66 Driving voltage or current of micro actuators ..................... 67 PIEZOELECTRIC ACTUATOR......... ...................................................... 68 The common operation modes ............................... 68 The transverse mode............................................................. 69 PZT actuator ................. ....................................... 69 4.3 ACTUATOR DESIGN AND SIMULATION............................................................. 71 Bow actuator ....... ..... ............................ ............................... M odal analysis mode..... ..................................... ....................................... Bow actuators used in parallel and series....................................................... 71 72 73 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 5. 5.1 5.2 SWITCH-ACTUATOR COUPLED ANALYSIS........................................................ 73 Sliding condition......................................................................................... 73 Sw itch beam stiffness................................................................................... 75 Coupled analysis i arlea...........ndse...................................................76 SWITCH GEOMETRY AND THE SWITCH SCHEMA I ......................................... 80 The switch geometry................................................................................... The beam stiffness. ........................................ ....................................... Switch schem atics...................................................................................... 80 81 82 DEVICE FABRICATION HE.SWITHSCC......... 83 ...................................... 5.3 INTRODUCTION .... ............................................................................. PROCESS EVALUATION............................................................................... FABRICATION PROCESS FLOW......................................................................... 5.4 ISSUES AND PROBLEMS OF THE DEVICE FABRICATION.................................. 91 Electroplating in general ........................................................................... Electroplating m old.................................................................................. 91 92 5.4.1 5.4.2 5 83 .83 86 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 E lectroplating........................................................................................... Underplating ........................................................................................... Other issues .............................................................................................. 95 97 100 FABRICATION RESULTS AND SUMMARY ........................................................ 101 DEVICE TESTING RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................ 106 6 .1 T E ST SET -U P ................................................................................................. 106 6.2 CONTACT SURFACE CHARACTERIZATION...................................................... 108 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 CONTACT RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT......................................................... 110 Dummy design resistance measurement...................................................... Contact resistance measurement................................................................. 110 111 6.4 HOT AND COLD SWITCH TEST........................................................................ 114 Hot test..................................................................................................... Cold T est .................................................................................................. 114 116 TEST RESUL TS DISCUSSION.......................................................................... 118 5.5 6. 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.5 7. RESEARCH SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS .......................................................... ............................................... . 123 7.1 RESEARCH SUMMARY................................................. 123 7.2 CON CLU SION S ............................................................................................ 124 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 CONTRIBUTIONS........................................................................................ 125 MEMS switch design.............................................................................. M odeling.............................. ..... ........... ........................................ MEMS switch fabrication ......................................................................... MEMS switch test and Analysis............................... 125 125 126 126 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK ............................... 126 .... ............................................ .. D esign ............................................ .............................................. Fabncation............................ Device integration, packaging................................................................... Testing................................................ 126 127 127 128 ................................. REFERENCES ............................................ .............. 129 APPENDIX A ............................................................ P RO CESS D ETA ILS ................................................................. ........... ...................... 6 1 34 137 APPENDIX B.......................................................... M A TLA B SCR IPTS....................................................................... 134 ............................... 137 List of Figures Figure 2-1 Switch concept.......................................................................................... 32 Figure 2-2 Mechanical anchoring of the contacts to the switch ..................................... 33 Figure 2-3 MEMS switch simplified configuration ...................................................... 35 Figure 2-4 Switch equivalent model............................................................................. 35 Figure 2-5 Insertion loss vs. contact resistance............................................................. 37 Figure 2-6 Micro-strip transmission line ..................................................................... 38 Figure 2-7 Micro-strip impedance vs. the ratio of w/h ................................................. 38 Figure 3-1 Sidewall surface of e-beam evaporated Gold................................................ 41 Figure 3-2 A simple contact surface............................................................................. 42 Figure 3-3 Single asperity elastic contact ...................................................................... 43 Figure 3-4 Volume conservation after plastic deformation............................................ 45 Figure 3-5 Constriction resistance between surfaces Al and Ac .................................... 46 Figure 3-6 Contact resistance vs. contact force for single asperity ................................ 52 Figure 3-7 Influence of asperity size on the contact force-contact resistance relation.........53 Figure 3-8 Contact force-contact resistance for varying plastic index............................ 59 Figure 3-9 Comparison of the contact resistance-force relations from the single asperity 60 model and the distributed asperity model ............................................. 7 Figure 4-1 Curved electrode electrostatic actuator......................................................... 61 Figure 4-2 PZT micro gripper...................................................................................... 62 Figure 4-3 Comb drive actuator ............................................ 63 Figure 4-4 Scratch drive actuator...........................................64 Figure 4-5 Actuator work density vs. cycling frequency ................................................ 66 Figure 4-6 Principle of the transverse mode of piezoelectric actuator............................ 69 Figure 4-7 Displacement from a simple PZT actuator.................................................70 Figure 4-8 Bow actuator model.............................................72 Figure 4-9 Free body diagram of the switch beam ........... .............................. 74 Figure 4-10 The coupled switch -actuator system.................................76 Figure 4-11 Switch schematics ......................................... 82 Figure 5-1 Su-8 structure with e-beam evaporated Gold................................84 Figure 5-2 Close-up view of the Gold film on the sidewall .......................... 85 Figure 5-3 Surface quality of the sidewall.................................85 Figure 5-4 Step 1: Growth of thermal oxide on the Si substrate and the 5 masks ............... 86 Figure 5-5 Step 2: Photolithography and bottom electrode lift-off................................87 Figure 5-6 Step 3&4: Thin Film PZT deposition, patterning and top electrode lift-off ....... 87 Figure 5-7 Step 5: Preparation of photo resist mold for electroplating.........................88 Figure 5-8 Step 6:Electroplating of the contact metal...............................88 Figure 5-9 Step 7: Electroplated contact metal after electroplating mold is removed ..... 89 Figure 5-10 Step 8: Switch structural layer (Su-8) deposition and patterning..................89 Figure 5-11 Step 9: Device release by XeF2 etching 8 ....... ............................ 90 Figure 5-12 Positive photo resist mold cross-section.................................................... 93 Figure 5-13 Su-8 mold cross-section on flat surface ...................................................... 94 Figure 5-14 Su-8 mold after parameters trade-off.........................................................95 Figure 5-15 Plating results with un-cleaned mold ........................................................ 96 Figure 5-16 Typical de-bonding between the Su-8 mold and substrate .......................... 99 Figure 5-17 Underplating at the edges of electrode....................................................... 99 Figure 5-18 Plated Gold contacts after mold removal..................................................... 102 Figure 5-19 SEM picture of device with two rows of actuators after it's released ...... 103 Figure 5-20 SEM picture of device with single row of three actuators after it's released ... 103 Figure 5-21 SEM picture of the switch part of the released device ................ 104 Figure 5-22 Picture of the released device showing the undercut of the release (darker area) ............................................................................................................ 104 Figure 5-23 SEM picture of the contact area of the released device............... 105 Figure 6-1 Test set-up schem atic............................................................................... 106 Figure 6-2 The probe station and the measuring system................................................. 107 Figure 6-3 The actuator driving system .......................................................................... 107 Figure 6-4 SEM picture of the sidewall surface of gold by molded electroplating...... 108 Figure 6-5 SEM picture comparison of the contact surfaces .................... 109 Figure 6-6 AFM image of the mold surface.................................................................... 109 Figure 6-7 Circuit for contact resistance measurement.................................................... 111 Figure 6-8 Relationships between contact force and contact resistance............................ 114 Figure 6-9 Contact resistance vs. number of operation cycles for hot test........................ 116 Figure 6-10 Contact resistance vs. number of operation cycles for cold test..................... 117 9 Figure 6-11 Picture of the device under testing using four-probe method........................ 119 Figure 6-12 SEM picture of the contact area after the cycling test ................ 121 Figure 6-13 Zoom-in SEM picture of the contact area after cycling test ......................... 122 10 List of Tables Table 1-1 Comparison of MEMS switch to traditional switches .................................... 19 Table 1-2 Performance review of MEMS switches developed by industry ..................... 20 Table 1-3 Performances review of MEMS Switches developed by academia..................21 Table 1-4 Comparison of metal contacting and capacitive coupling..............................22 Table 2-1 Switch isolation for given geometry............................................................. 36 Table 3-1 Au Material properties and asperity size....................................................... 50 Table 3-2 Plastic index and surface topography........................................................... 58 Table 4-1 Actuator performance comparison............................................................... 65 Table 4-2 Actuation efficiency of micro actuators ........................................................ 67 Table 4-3 Driving voltage or current comparison of different actuators for MEMS switch. 67 Table 4-4 Bow actuator size and performances ............................................................ 72 Table 4-5 Modal analysis of the bow actuator ............................................................... 73 Table 4-6 Actuators performances summary...............................................................73 Table 4-7 Sw itch design m atrix ................................................................................... 80 Table 4-8 Switch Beam thickness ................................................................................ 81 Table 6-1 Resistance measurements on dummy design B15D ......................................... 111 Table 6-2 Resistance measurement on dummy design B25D .......................................... 111 11 Table 6-3 D riving voltage vs. contact resistance ............................................................. 112 Table 6-4 Contact force Vs. Contact Resistance............................................................. 113 Table 6-5 Test matrix for long cycle contact resistance measurement.............................. 115 Table 6-6 Hot contact resistance measurement (sample 1-15-8# at 12 V driving voltage) 115 Table 6-7 Hot contact resistance measurement (Sample 2-36-3 # at 9 V driving voltage).. 116 Table 6-8 Contact resistance measurement for cold test ............................................ 12 117 Nomenclature a Contact radius A, Area of the contact surface Contact radius at plastic deformation b Switch beam width C11E Stiffness under constant electric field C Off- state capacity of the switch C,t Capacity of PZT actuator d Gap between two switch contacts/distance between to contacts Piezoelectric coefficient in 1-3 direction D, D3 Electric displacement, electric displacement in 3 direction E Young's modulus of the switch beam material Young's modulus of contact materails 1 and 2 EL, E3 Electric field and electric field in the 3 direction e13 Piezoelctric coefficient in 1-3 direction 13 F Force on the contact surface from the actuator Force normal to the contact surface FnT Total contact force Force paralell to the contact surface X and y components of Fn FS Force on the actuator from the switch Ge Contact conductance h Switch structure thickness H Brinell hardness I Current Stiffness matrix of the switch beam and actuator KpzT Stiffness of the PZT actuator I Length of the switch beam Al,, Al Deformation of the switch beam in x and y direction due to sliding Moment on the switch beam Mass matrix of the structure and actuator n Normal direction N Total number of asperties P Contact presure 14 Pc Yield stress PP01 Poling of the PZT Q Charge on the surface q Change generated by PZT actuator Radius of the asperity Contact resistance/constriction resistance S21 SS, S parameter of transmissiom coefficient from port 1 to port 2 Strain, strain in 1 direction Compliance under constant electric field SD Compliance at open circuit T, T, Stress , stress in 1 direction V Voltage w Width of the microstrip (electrode width on the switch beam) x Sliding motion between two contact surfaces zo Characteristic impedance indentation Critical indentation when plastic deformation occurs Plastic indentation 8s Dielectric constanct at constant strain 15 ST Dielectric constanct at constant stress (z) Asaperity height distribution fuction (ppi, <p, Potential and potential on surface A, and surface A, Friction cofficient 0 Angle of the contact surface Electrio-mechanical coupling term p0 Resistivity (- Standard deviation of the asperity heights Signal frequency to, Plastic index Electric mode shape Mechanical mode shape 16 1. Introduction 1.1 Background and Motivation Radio frequency (RF) MEMS switches are devices that provide a short circuit or open circuit in the RF transmission line by micro-mechanical movement. RF switches usually operate at radio frequency to millimeter wavelength (frequencies of 0.1 to 100 GHz) [1]. They have wide applications from satellite communication to wireless sensors. In the past, semiconductor switches such as GaAs or InP p-i-n diodes as well as FET (Field Effect Transistors) have been used to perform the switching function. In the last 15 years, the performance of GaAs HEMT (high-electron mobility transistors) devices and silicon CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductors) have had tremendous advances, but the performance of the semiconductor switches has no significant improvements until the emergence of the MEMS (Microelectromechanical system) technology. The cut-off frequency, which is an indication of the low-loss performances of the switch, is 1-2 THz for GaAs p-i-n diodes and 0.2-0.5 TEIz for FET switches respectively, while this frequencies for MEMS switches is 30 to80 THz, which are much higher that of semiconductor switches. The isolation of MEMS switches could be as low as -40 dB at 40 GHz, while that of the semiconductor switches is only about -5 dB [1]. 17 Because of their broad range of applications, hybrid technology and the huge market potential, RF MEMS switches have attracted a great deal of research interests. Different kinds of MEMS switches have been developed by a number of companies and universities [2]-[8]. Most of the current RF MEMS switches are designed with electrostatic actuators [3], although there are some designs using thermal [4] or magnetic [5] actuators. One of the major problems of MEMS switch is the low reliability or short lifecycle. The typical life cycle requirement for a RF switch for radar systems and other instrumentation systems is over 40 to 100 billion cycles [1]. The best practice of the RF MEMS switch reported can achieve about 10 billion life cycles. There is a big gap between the current technology and the market requirement. To address these issues, the functional requirements of switches, which reflect customers' demands, have to be investigated. The failure mechanisms of MEMS switches and the contact mechanics and physics of the switching members have to be taken into account. The primary goal of this research is to fully investigate the contact mechanics and failure modes of MEMS switches, design and fabricate a low contact resistance and long lifecycle RF MEMS switch. 1.2 Objectives The objectives of this research are three-fold: 1) To investigate the functional requirements of MEMS switches, determine the key factors that influence the major switch performance parameters, in order to design and build a MEMS switch emphasizing the uniqueness of micro fabrication rather than just miniaturizing a bulk conventional product. 2) To understand, model and analyze the mechanical behavior, contact resistance of such a micro contact systems. In addition, the effect of adhesion and micro wielding 18 between the two contact surfaces are also studied to further investigate the failure modes of MEMS switches. 3) To verify experimentally the model and analysis through the design, fabrication and testing of a new MEMS switch. The major performance target is to achieve a low contact resistance of less than 0.1 Q (about 0.5 0 is the current best practice) over its entire life cycle. The test and analysis results should provide guidelines for further switch performance improvements in order to build a cost effective, robust and highly reliable MEMS switch with a lifetime of more than 100 billion cycles. 1.3 1.3.1 Literature review General switch performances Petersen reported the first MEMS switch in 1979 [9]. Since then, a large number of RF MEMS switches have been developed. Gabriel M. Rebeiz summarized the performance of MEMS RF switches and those of traditional RF switches, which are compared in Table 1-1 [1]. Table 1-1 Comparison of MEMS switch to traditional switches Voltage (V) Power consluription Switching time Rs Q Isolation(1-10 GHz) Isolation (10-40 GHz) Loss (1-100 GHZ) RFMEMS 20-80 0.05-0.1 mW 1-300 ps ± 3-5 5-100 mW 1-100 ns FET 3-5 0.05-0. 1mW 1-100 ns 0.5-2 -40~ -60 dB -30-40 dB 2-4 -40--20 dB -20 ~-5 dB 4-6 -30--10 dB 0 -- 5 dB 0.05-0.2 dB 0.3-1.2 dB 0.4-2.5 dB 19 PIN From Table 1-1 we can see that the advantages of MEMS RF switches are the low power consumption, high isolation and low insertion loss. Besides, MEMS switches are very linear devices and require very low intermodulation. The disadvantages are the longer switching time and higher driving voltages. The latter will be addressed further since it is related to the actuation mechanism. In Table 1-2 and Table 1-3, the performance of some of the recently developed MEMS switches from both the industry and academia is compared [10]. Table 1-2 Performance review of MEMS switches developed by industry cenhza A voage CWmq, es Suik& fte Rentuie Idagen Less IeMuIfesn a ydes V mW ps sN A 4 G~r, a zakedenA 40-5e 0* 2-4 100 1-2 -44 Anabgmke 70-30 0 3-6 100 OaMn Ueduk& 17-20 0 300 meteru h 1000 > 6x10 10 >6x1013 1-2 -40 -0.15 >1x10' -30 -0.25 >x10' 2000CreMa n SumwUg nI. DUIaR " ST-jmaddia nhual 5 200 10,000 3000 mdrsms ed i 60 0 8-10 50-150 0.0-2 -50 -0.1 >1x10' 5-s 0 100 50-100 0.5-1 -35 -0.15 >5x10 2e-3 0 30-40 50-100 1-2 -44 -0.15 v1x10' edkedk& 73 0 el 50-150 1-2 -40 -0.15 >lx10 nmr 5 0 300 100-200 -44 -0.5 >1x108 -50 -0.2 >1x108 xerU e& zedresds dedredus cretoa maadeswK 5 0 500 50-150 NEC Redkvsb 30-50 0 30-40 50-100 20 Table 1-3 Performances review of MEMS Switches developed by academia University Actuation voltage Power Consumptian Switch time Contact force Resistanc e Isolatio n lass Proven life time V mW pS pN 0 4 GHz, dB dB cycles Northeastr Eletrostatic 60-80 0* 2-3 1-1.5 -40 -0.15 Michigan Eletrostatic 30-40 0 26-30 0.5-1 -35 -0.15 Berkeley Electrostatic 30-110 0 0.2-0.4 -37 -0.2 UCDavis Thermal 6-8 30-40 10003000 -36 -0.5 Fraunhofer Germany Electrostatic 20-260 0 5-30 1-3 Beijing U. Electrostatic 43-135 0 50 1 U. Illinois Electrostatic 0 1-1.5 x107 -25 -0.1 It can be seen that the majority of the switches utilize electrostatic actuators that require high driving voltages from 20 volt up to 260 volt. The typical ones need driving voltages of 60-80 volts. The high voltage requires expensive dc-dc converter, which prevents low cost RF MEMS switch eventually. The contact resistances of these switches range from 0.5 Q to 2 Q, while the life cycles can reach as high as 1010, although in several cases no lifetime data is reported. In addition, most of MEMS switches cannot handle more than 2050 mW powers. Furthermore, they also need to be packaged in inert gas environment and in very low humidity, which results in very high cost. 1.3.2 MEMS Switch classification MEMS switches can be classified according to the actuation methods. These included electrostatic [11], thermal-electric [12], electromagnetic [13-16], piezoelectric [17,18]. Electrostatic actuators need higher driving voltages, while thermal-electric and electromagnetic actuators require higher power consumption. This will be discussed in detail in section 4.1. 21 According to the switch configurations, MEMS switches can be classified as vertical contact [8] and lateral contact [19, 20, 21]. The dynamic behavior of lateral contact switches is superior to many vertical contact switches. For example, the switch contact can be made through a linear controllable motion provided by the thermal actuator as reported in [19], which avoid pull-in (unstable condition) of the switch member. Pull-in is a phenomenon typical for electrostatic actuators. However, the contact resistances of the lateral contact switches are much higher due to the higher roughness on etched sidewall surfaces and the contact materials for the existing switches. Lateral contact switch fabricated by bulk micromachining method [20,21] may also need wafer bonding which makes the process more complex. To take advantage of the lateral contact switch, a new fabrication method has to be developed to make smoother sidewalls for contact. According to the switch contact methods, there are two types of switches: direct metal contacting [8] and capacitive coupling [22]. Performances of switches with the two methods are compared in Table 1-4 [10]. Table 1-4 Comparison of metal contacting and capacitive coupling Power Handlig mW Frequency range GHz Metal-metal contact 0.5 - 5 available 10-100 low reliability DC-60 GHz Capacitive contact 30-300 > 10 GHz It can be seen that metal-metal contact switches provide large application frequency ranges, however, capacitive contact switches are relatively more successful than metal-metal 22 contact switches. The major reasons are that metal-metal contact switches have low power handling capability and their reliability is also relatively low. Contact resistance of a switch controls its power-handling capacity, while the lack of an effective way to maintain a low contact resistance reduces its reliability. 1.3.3 Contact mechanics and switch failure modes Several types of contact mechanics models have been proposed. The Greenwood- Williamson contact model is one of the basic "asperity-based-model" [23]. The model is valid for an elastic contact. Chang et al [24] expanded this model by introducing plastic deformation, so that the model can operate at both low and high contact force situation. In addition, Negus-Yovanovich [25] has proposed a thermal contact model, while Leung and Hyman [26] used numerical method called " thermal network analysis". J. Tringe, et al. [27] studies the contact problem of electroplated gold thoroughly. They measured gold contact resistance of 100 mQ with a contact force of 100 tN. They found that as a contact metal, gold is relatively inert, forming only modest contamination layers, and there is no insulating oxide that must be broken with a large force in order to obtain the required contact resistance. They observed that arcing could occur, causing sufficient energy transfer to the contact surfaces to destroy the switch. D. Hyman et al. [26] studied the contact physics of electroplated gold probe tip on sputtered pure gold substrate. They found that heat dissipation is the critical design parameter for maintaining a low contact resistance, a high power handling capability, and a minimum of surface adhesion in a metallic contact switch. This limiting factor can be addressed through the design of a proper heat sink and thermal modeling throughout switch development. D. Hyman suggested that the switch contact electrodes should be fabricated of 23 films, which also have high thermal conductivities, with a minimum thermal path to a sink substrate. Y. Wang, et al. [19] developed low-voltage lateral-contact micro-relays which is surface micro-machined in 2002. The thermal actuator has a length of 200 tm, width and thickness of 2 gm, center offset of 10 gm. The maximum displacement calculated is 5.4 yxm. The sidewall of the switch is sputtered gold with a thickness of 0.5 ym. It has a skin depth of 0.71 ytm at 12 GHz and 0.45 ym at 30 GHz. They believe sputtered gold has a higher hardness that gives less surface damage for metallic micro-contacts. The structure of the micro-relay is polycrystalline silicon. The actuator part and the contact head is connected through a 0.6 tm low stress silicon nitride serving also as electric and thermal isolation. They found that contact heads with round and square shapes showed better reliability than the angled-shaped contact head. The failure modes they observed were due to metal contact welding. Besides, surface roughness on the sidewall results in bad contact and a high adherence force of gold also plays a role in contact degradation. They suggested that a gold and nickel alloy be considered as the contact metal due to its small adherence force and relatively low resistance. 1.3.4 Summary Most MEMS RF switch designs utilize electrostatic actuators that require high operation voltage and packaging in inert gas environment resulting in high cost. The switch functional requirements are not fully investigated. Lateral metal-metal contact switches have shown to have promising characteristics compared to other configurations, especially their better dynamic behavior and their large application frequency range. However, the reliability of this type of switches is low and the contact resistance of this type of switch is usually high 24 because their contact surfaces (sidewall) are usually etched, so that they have high surface roughness. 1.4 Approach Beginning with an extensive literature review to summarize the current status of MEMS switch, the present research focuses on the conceptualization of novel switch configuration and contact method to satisfy fully the requirements for an RF switch. Failure analysis of currently available MEMS switches will be carried out to better understand the switch function and also provide feedback for satisfying the functional requirements of RF switches. There are several parameters which have been utilized to define the performance of an RF switch, such as cut-off frequency, isolation, insertion loss, power carrying capacity, switching speed, contact resistance and reliability etc. However, not all of these parameters are independent. Contact resistance is one of the dominant factors. A low contact resistance has positive influence on most of these operating parameters. These parameters will be investigated to determine the major functional requirements for MEMS switches in order to generate a decoupled and optimized design. Low contact resistance is the primary requirement for high performance RF MEMS switches. To achieve a low contact resistance, a higher contact force is required to generate a sufficiently large real contact area through elastic-plastic deformation of the asperities between the surfaces. Contact mechanics and contact resistance will be modeled to provide guidelines for switch and actuator design. The ability to maintain the low contact resistance directly influences the life cycles of the switches. Switch design will focus on how to maintain the low contact resistance. Self- 25 cleaning switch configurations will be developed to satisfy this requirement. In the mean time, the configurations should not dramatically increase the complexity for fabrication to reduce the cost [28]. Different actuators will be compared with each other according to their performance. An actuator for the switch will be selected and designed based on its performance (displacement, force, driving voltage, controllability). Optimization of the actuator will be conducted to improve the switch performance. Finally the RF switch will be fabricated and tested. The contact resistance and long term performance of the switch will be measured, analyzed and compared with the theoretical prediction. Further suggestion and recommendation will be given for the commercialization of the switch. 1.5 Organization of the document This document is organized in the same way as the problem is approached. Chapter 2 presents the analysis of the failure modes of currently available RF MEMS switches, and also investigates the functional requirements of these types of switches. The main switch performances will be examined and the major functional requirements of a MEMS switch will be determined: contact resistance and isolation. These major functional requirements are further investigated and decoupled into a set of independent functional requirements. Each of the functional requirements is satisfied by an independent design parameter. This leads to the novel design of the switch, which is a lateral contact series switch and is capable of self-cleaning, self-alignment and maintaining a low contact resistance over a long life cycle. 26 Chapter 3 presents the modeling of contact mechanics and contact resistance. A higher contact force is required to generate large enough real contact area through elasticplastic deformation of the asperities on the contact surfaces. However, if the contact force is too large, the frictional force will also be very large resulting in a high wear rate of the contact materials. This obviously will reduce the life cycles of the switches. The modeling of the contact resistance consists of more steps: surface characterization, real contact area determination using Hertz 's law for elastic contact, and the contact resistance determination using Holm's equation. For larger force, the deformation of the asperity is probably in plastic region and is treated accordingly. The modeling provides the force and displacement requirements for the low contact resistance requirements. Chapter 4 presents the selection of the actuation methods. Based on the literature review, a PZT actuator has been selected because of its high force and low driving voltage. However, the displacement from piezoelectric actuators is relatively small. An amplification mechanism is required to obtain the required displacement. Finite element analysis is applied to verify and optimize the actuator design. After that, an actuator-switch coupled analysis is conducted to determine the appropriate switch geometry. Chapter 5 discusses the key fabrication issues of this MEMS switch and the corresponding fabrication results. Process verification tests have been done to determine the method to deposit Au on the sidewall of the structure for metal-metal contacts. Electroplating of Au is chosen to deposit the metal film on the contact areas over E-beam evaporated Au. Pt by e-beam evaporation is used as a seed layer. To obtain high quality contact metal by electroplating, the mold for electroplating is critical. The mold should have near vertical sidewall and should be removed easily after electroplating. Spin-on Su-8 has been chosen for the mold and also the switch structure materials for its unique vertical sidewall and compatibility with the actuator. PZT 27 actuator is deposited using the sol-gel method. The final fabrication process utilizes five masks. Special considerations have been given to ensure the process compatibility with surface micro machining techniques, such as photolithography, lift-off, and XeF2 dry release etc. Chapter 6 presents the principle of the measurements, the design of the test set-up, and the experiments conducted. The surface quality of the electroplated contact areas are studied under SEM and compared with that of e-beam evaporated surface. The former is far smoother than the latter. Contact-force and contact-resistance relationships are determined and the results correlated with the theoretical prediction. Both dynamic tests (power on when cycling) and static tests (power off when cycling) are conducted. The results have demonstrated the self-cleaning effect of the modulated contact surface design. Chapter 7 summarizes and concludes the research. Compared with the existing MEMS switches, the uniqueness of the device lies in the self-alignment of the contact surfaces, self-cleaning of the particles generated from asperity fracture and plastic deformation, and the anchoring method of the metal contact to the micro switch structure. By introducing a modulated surface to modify the tribological behavior of the contact surfaces, low contact resistance of 0.1 Q can be maintained for billions of operating cycles without sacrificing the benefits of MEMS switches such as low insertion loss, near zero power consumption, and very high isolation. 28 2. RF MEMS Switch Design 2.1 Switch failure mode analysis Failure analysis of currently available MEMS switches provides a deep understanding of the switch functional requirements and also feedback for satisfying the functional requirements. The major failure modes of MEMS switches are damage, pitting and surface hardening of the contact area [26]. These are caused by the asperity fracture, plastic deformation, and repeated impact from the opposite switching members, which gradually reduces the real contact area and increases the contact resistance. Another failure mode is micro welding between switching members. Micro welding, which causes the switch fail to open, is due to Joule heating. The increase in contact resistance results in the increase of Joule heating, which increases the local temperature, then further increases contact resistance and causes more plastic deformation and micro welding. In order to minimize the two failure modes, a mechanism to maintain low contact resistance has to be developed. Other failure modes are mostly decoupled from the system and can be easily avoided. For example, adding a protecting circuit can minimize arcing, while packaging of the device in inert gas environment can almost eliminate the deposition of organics and contaminants on the contact area [29]. 29 2.2 Functional design of the switch system The switch performance is investigated to determine the real functional requirements of an RF switch. There are several parameters which have been used to define the performance of an RF switch, such as cut-off frequency, isolation, insertion loss, power carrying capacity, switching speed, contact resistance and reliability etc. However, not all of these parameters are independent. Contact resistance is one of the dominant factors. A low contact resistance has a positive influence on most of these parameters. Another independent parameter is the isolation that can be determined by the separation of the two switching members. The functional requirements of a new RF MEMS switch can be summarized as how to provide and maintain the low contact resistance and high isolation over a high number of operating cycles. 2.2.1 Functional requirements: " FR1: Provide low resistivity at contact e FR2: Remove particles periodically between contact surfaces " FR3: Provide low off-state capacitance Each of the functional requirements is to be satisfied by an appropriate design parameter or solution. The new design parameters are generated to meet individual functional requirement it's associated with, but not to couple to other functional requirements. 2.2.2 Design parameters: " DP 1: Maximize true contact area by high force piezoelectric actuation " DP2: Micro-grooved contact surface with limited sliding motion (self-cleaning) 30 9 2.3 2.3.1 DP3: Piezoelectric actuation with amplified strokes Switch concept and design The general concept The switch design is shown in Figure 2-1. It is a lateral contact series switch that consists of fixed switching members, movable switching members and the position stopper to prevent excessive contact forces. Each switching member consists of two parallel beams with angled contact surfaces at the tips that are floating and induce small scale sliding between fixed and movable contacts. Gold or other noble metals are to be deposited on the sidewall or the angled contact surfaces as well as the transmission line along the beams and pads. When the movable members meet the fixed members under a linear controllable motion, the physical contacts between the two pairs of angled surfaces will create a short circuit in the transmission line from one of the fixed members to the other. When a certain amount of separation (or gap) is maintained between the two pairs of angled surfaces, there will be an open circuit between the two fixed members. 31 Contac . .F. urfac e ixe d Undulated surface n sto -- 25 pm MovablI6 Figure 2-1 Switch concept 2.3.2 The self-alignment of the contact surfaces Several novel ideas are devised for the new design. First of all, geometric or position mismatch of the contact surfaces from device operation or fabrication will reduce the normal contact area and even prevent a real contact. The two pairs of identical beams shown in Figure 2-1 will deform equally in magnitude but opposite in directions. This will ensure a good contact between the two pairs of surfaces during switch operation. A slight torsional movement of the two pairs of beams can also compensate for any the contact surface sidewall slope resulting from the fabrication process. 2.3.3 The self-cleaning of the damaged surface The debris or loose particles generated on the contact area during operations are to be cleaned through micro sliding motion between the two surfaces, and then trapped in the micro grooves fabricated on one of the surfaces. The concept of undulation of low friction surface was first developed by Suh [30,31] and this research adapts the micro-scale version 32 from it. Low contact resistance can thus be maintained throughout the long life cycles of the switch. 2.3.4 Attaching of the gold contacts to the structure Noble metals or alloys have weak adhesion to the sidewall of the switch structure, such as Si or SU-8 (an epoxy). The connecting parts of the switch have been designed as a series of dovetails. The contact metal is filled into these dovetail trenches, and thus is embedded and anchored in the switch structures. Mechanically anchoring the contact metal into the structure ensures the two have secure physical and mechanical connection as shown in Figure 2-2. Sftructue Contact mnetals 4 pmrr Figure 2-2 Mechanical anchoring of the contacts to the switch 2.3.5 Contact force adjustment To achieve a low contact resistance, a higher contact force is required to generate a sufficiently large real contact area through elastic-plastic deformation of the asperities between the surfaces. However, if the contact force is too large, the frictional force will also be very large resulting in a high wear rate of the contact materials. This obviously will reduce 33 the life cycle of the switches. The angle between the contact surfaces and the switch beams provides the adjustment of the contact forces, which ensures the capability to optimize the switch performance. 2.4 Switch materials selection There are several materials that could be used as the structural materials both for the switches and the actuators. The most commonly used material is Si since it is available as the substrate materials and also its fabrication techniques are mature. However, we have chosen SU-8 as the switch and actuator structural material. There are few reasons. First of all, SU-8 is a negative, epoxy-type, near-UV photoresist (365 nm) [32]. It can be patterned directly by photolithography and the thickness of the structures can be as high as 2 mm with an aspect ratio of up to 25. This will dramatically simplify the fabrication process avoiding deep reaction ion etch and chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) for Si structures. Besides, it has been demonstrated that the sidewall of the SU-8 structure can be nearly vertical, which is crucial for forming the switch contact surfaces. In addition, SU-8 is an epoxy resin with a Young's modulus of about 4.4 GPa and a Poisson's ratio of about 0.22. Its low stiffness allows the switch beams to deform or bend easier because this bending is required by the self-cleaning mechanism. This is also advantageous for the strain amplification PZT actuator as can be seen later. 2.5 2.5.1 Switch modeling Equivalent model The proposed MEMS switch is a lateral contact series switch. For modelling purpose, it is simplified as a configuration shown in Figure 2-3. 34 metal Actuator d Substrae Figure 2-3 MEMS switch simplified configuration This lateral switch is equivalent to a capacitor at off state and a resistor at on state [1] as is shown in Figure 2-4. zo Cs zo Off State: zo On State: zo Figure 2-4 Switch equivalent model 2.5.2 Switch isolation Isolation is defined as the ratio of the power delivered to the load for an ideal switch in the "ON" state to the actual power delivered to the load when the switch is in the "OFF" state [33]. Isolation can be found from the transmission coefficient parameter, S21, as following = 4w 2 CSz 2 (2-1) Alternatively, isolation can also be expressed in decibel form 35 1OLog(S ) 2 = 20Log,1 2>CZ 0 | ( (2-2) For a given set of switch geometry and signal frequency, the isolation of the switch can be computed as listed in Table 2-1, where the impedance is assumed to be 50 0. Table 2-1 Switch isolation for given geometry Thickness h AVid th b pm Gap d pm pm qe .ncy Fr. Frequency GHz Isolation dB 4 -67 10 10 10 10 3 4 -62 10 10 5 40 -47 10 10 3 40 -43 It is shown from the table that the isolation is comparable to the existing MEMS switches even with a small gap of 3 pm. 2.5.3 Switch insertion loss The insertion loss is defined as the ratio of the power delivered to the load in the "ON" state of the ideal switch to the actual power delivered by the practical switch, in the ON state [33]. An idea switch is assumed to have no power loss. Insertion loss can be determined from the S parameters: InsertionLoss = -20Log(l 36 - c 2ZO Assuming the impedance is again 50 Q, the insertion loss vs. contact resistance is shown in Figure 2-5. 0.8 0.7 0.6 0. -- 03 0 S0.20.10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Contact resistance ohm Figure 2-5 Insertion loss vs. contact resistance For a contact resistance of 0.1 2.5.4 , the insertion loss is only 0.01 dB. Micro strip transmission line design A micro strip transmission line [33] as shown in Figure 2-6 below has been used in most RF MEMS design due to its simplicity of fabrication. The critical parameters of a micro strip are the ratio of metal layer width to dielectric layer thickness (w/h). The candidate material for the switch structure is SU-8, which has been explained in 2.4. The dielectric constant of SU-8 is around 4.8 and the impedance of the transmission line can be chosen from 50 to 100 Q depending on the application. From Figure 2-7 [33], it can be determined that w/h should be around 1-2.5. In this research, a range of switch beam widths (w) and heights (h) has been chosen and the ratio of w/h varied from 1- 2.5. 37 Figure 2-6 Micro-strip transmission line 1000 500 400 300 200 100 4) Q C cc E 50 40 30 20 .2 10 5 4 3 2 ItI -7 6l I I 1 C4J Ci Id Ui 66660 - N M lt L 0 IN 0 000 M I-t L w/h Figure 2-7 Micro-strip impedance vs. the ratio of w/h 38 0 0 2.6 Summary A novel MEMS switch was conceptualized based on switch performance analysis. Several novel ideas are devised for the new switch design. First of all, compliant supports of the contact surfaces deform accordingly to compensate for the geometric or position mismatch of the two contact surfaces, resulting from either device operation or fabrication. Second, the debris from damages generated on the contact area during operation are to be cleaned through micro sliding motion between the two surfaces, and then trapped in the micro grooves fabricated on one of the surfaces. Low contact resistance is thus maintained throughout the long life cycles of the switch. Thirdly, noble contact metals and alloys, which are to be used as contact materials for their low resistivity, have weak adhesion to the sidewall. Anchoring the contact metal into the switch structure mechanically solves this problem, so that the two have secure mechanical connection. The equivalent model of the switch is established and the insertion loss and signal isolation loss has been predicted to provide guideline for the design of the switch. 39 3. Contact Mechanics and Contact Resistance In this research, the primary goal is not to develop a better contact model, but rather use the existing models to provide a guideline for the selection and design of the actuator. There are several models for the mechanical contact behaviour of rough surfaces. Greenwood and Williamson proposed the basic elastic contact model in 1958 [23]. The modeling of the contact resistance consists of a few more steps. First the contact surface is characterized to determine the distribution of asperity diameter and height, then, a single asperity contact analysis is made to find the relation between contact force and the radius of the contact area for either elastic or plastic contact. With the radius of contact, we can find the constriction resistance for the single asperity. Finally, the total contact resistance is found by integrating all the contact asperities over the whole area using Greenwood and Williamson's model. 3.1 Contact surface characterization The contact resistance of two surfaces is closely related to the mechanical behaviour of the two contact surfaces. 40 Ii -- hi If we zoom in any surface of a real material, we find that the surface consists of asperities. An example is the sidewall surface of e-beam evaporated gold film by SEM as shown in Figure 3-1. /84nm 10nm 3.7 7G Acc V Spot Magn 10 0 kV 3_0 80000x Det WD GSE 8.0 nm 200 nmn 4.1 Tourr Figure 3-1 Sidewall surface of e-beam evaporated Gold In general, we can assume that contact between a plane and a normally flat surface covered with a large number of asperities; the asperities are all spherical and the heights vary randomly. An example surface is presented schematically in Figure 3-2. 41 Z d \) Reference Figure 3-2 A simple contact surface If the two surfaces come together until their reference planes are separated by a distance d. Then the probability of making contact at any asperity of height z is # (z)dz prob(z > d)= (3-1) d where * (z) is a probability function. 3.2 3.2.1 Contact mechanics Hertz contact To study the contact behaviour of the two surfaces, we can start with a simple case, the contact of two spherical bodies as shown in Figure 3-3. Hertz first solved this problem in the elastic regime [34]. 42 m~ m.-. U 2W -~ - - T~ W~~EL~ ZI E1.,oD R1 L2 Figure 3-3 Single asperity elastic contact From the theory of elasticity, the vertical deformation can be expressed as a = (ki + k)go 7 2a (3-2) 2 The contact radius, a, is given by a= (k +k 2 ) K (3-3) 4p9 v2l - where 1 1 v 7E 2 R1 +R2 2RR 2 From force balance, we have go 2 2a3 a 3 = F --> go = "2ra 3F~ "2 43 (3-4) Substituting equation (3-4) into equation (3-3) and simplifying, we have the normal contact force 431 1 1 F, =-a3(-+-3 R R 2 ;r(k+ k 2 ) For (3-5) -> 0X, the contact radius, indentation and contact force can be related by the R2 following equations I I 3 4 F '=-ERI a 2 (3-6) 3 1 1-v E El 2 1 E2 Through these equations, contact radius a and the contact force Fn is related to each other by the indentation a if the deformation is in elastic regime. They can be use to determine the contact radius from the force applied. 3.2.2 Plastic contact Under higher contact forces, plastic deformation will occur and the Hertz contact solution is no longer valid. From the work of Tabor (1951), it can be shown that yield occurs when the contact pressure PC = 0.6 H ( 3-7) where H is the Brinell hardness of the contact material. Since the contact area is of prime interest while the actual shape of the deformed asperity outside the contact is less important, W. R. Chang (1987) assumed that the volume of the materials should be conserved after plastic deformation occurs as shown in Figure 3-4 [24]. 44 c ap 2a Figure 3-4 Volume conservation after plastic deformation From equation (3-6) and (3-7), it can be found that the critical indentation when plastic deformation occurs is, ac 0.3rH (3-8) 2R E Based on the assumption, the control volume before and after plastic deformation is constant. The diameter of the contact area after plastic deformation occurs can be expressed as a (3-9) (39) 2=RaC Where C is related to the plastic indentation and can be expressed as -- a-, a (3-10) a=aC+a, By substituting equation (3-10) into (3-9), the contact radius after plastic deformation can be determined as 45 a 3.3 (3-11) Ria (2 -- a a Constriction resistance R. Holm (1967) [29] described the constriction resistance due to the geometry change in a conductor. Assuming two arbitrary surfaces A1 and Ac with potential <p and <p as shown in Figure 3-5. A1 (Pi n Ac (PC Figure 3-5 Constriction resistance between surfaces Al and Ac From Ohm's law, the constriction resistance is simply given by - |P where Q -(| _ Q (3-12) I IC is the charge on the surface Ac and I is current through it. 46 1=::- dA I = 8P dA a Substituting in (3-12), we have RC = 4xrC Assuming the arbitrary Ac is circular with radius a, then RC = (3-13) 2a This equation relates the contact radius with the constriction resistance. With all these relations, we are able to determine the overall contact resistance. 3.4 3.4.1 Overall contact resistance Elastic Contact If the contact pressure P on an asperity satisfies P < Pc = 0.6H, The deformation of the contact material is in the elastic region. If we assume the total asperities number is N, then the expected number of contacts can be estimated as n =N (3-14) $(z)dz Since a=z-d, the contact area (3-15) Al= rzaa 47 The mean contact area is (3-16) fra(z - d)#(z)dz The total expected area of contact is given by (3-17) A = irNR, J(z - d)#(z)dz d The total expected load is then Fr = 3NER2 f(z - d) 2 (3-18) #(z)dz And the total conductance is GC= 2NR12 - -f(z P -d) 2 (3-19) 0(Z)dZ d This is the Greenwood and William model [23]. 3.4.2 Plastic contact If the contact pressure P on an asperity satisfies P > Pc = 0.6H, The deformation of the asperity subjected to such a high force will experience plastic deformation, while the deformation of the other asperities might still be in elastic regime. The critical indentation ac associated with this critical pressure is expressed in Equation (38). The total expected load is F =3 I d+ac NER1I f (z -d) 3 2 00 #(z)dz+0.6;rRNH J[2(z -d)-a,]#(z)dz d+a, 48 (3-20) The total conductance is GC = 2NR2 df , V- (z -d) 2 2NR- #b(z)dz± + [2(z - d) -a ] 2 #(z)dz 1Jd (3-21) d From this conductance equation, we can find the total contact resistance. 3.5 Computing Examples To provide the actuator design guideline, we assume the contact requirement for the proposed MEMS switch is 0.1 Q. The surface profile of the contact surface is similar to that described in section 3.1. We will look at the contact behavior of two cases: 1). Single asperity. 2). Distributed asperities. 3.5.1 Contact resistance and force with a single asperity Assuming the contact resistance requirement is RC = 0.1 Q From (3-13), (3-22) 2RC From (3-6), a = RI2a 2 Equalizing the two equations, we have, p 2RC 1 1 R 2ca 2 1 49 a = P 2RR (3-23) Substituting (2-23) into (2-3), 1 3 F =-ER R1 a 2 2 3 (3-24) _E Cp 6 RI R To evaluate the force requirement, we choose Au to the contact material and its material properties and asperity size are listed in Table 3-1. Table 3-1 Au Material properties and asperity size Parameters Asperity radius m 1.1xl1077.2 Young's modules GPa Resistivity Q.m 2.2 x 10-8 0.42 Poisson's ratio 2 Brinell Hardness GPa Substituting the parameters in Table 3-1 into (3-23) and (3-24), we can find the indentation and contact force, a = 1.1 x10~7 M And F, =7.6 x10 4 N The critical indentation when plastic deformation occurs can be found from (3-8), 50 06H )2 ac= 2E =1.78x1' 0 (3-25) R m The critical indentation ac << a , plastic deformation will occur. For plastic contact, the contact radius can be found from (3-11). Equalizing it to (3-22), I I 2 = R 2(2a 2R -- aC )2 Then, 2 (2a -ac)= (3-26) 2RR2 Since the maximum contact pressure at plastic deformation is 0.6 H, then the contact force F = a2 x 0.6H = TR1 (2a -ac) x 0.6H Substituting in (3-26), 0.6H ,2 "4 R 2 (3-27) =4.56 x 10-5 N The indentation can be found from (3-26), 1 2 a = -ac + 8 2 I R 2R2 =5.5 x 10-8 m 51 (3-28) The analysis above indicts that to achieve a contact resistance of 0.1 Q, assuming single asperity contact, the contact force requirement is about 45.6 pN. For the assumed asperity size and material properties, the force-contact resistance relations are shown in Figure 3-6. It can be seen that the elastic-plastic model predicts a low contact resistance for a given contact force. Figure 3-7 shows the influence of the asperity size on the contact forcecontact resistance relationships for elastic contact. For a given contact force, the elastic model predicts that the contact resistance of a larger asperity is lower. In the case of plastic contact, the elastic-plastic model shows that the asperity size has no influence. Contact resistance vs contact force for single asperity Elastic model - 0.9-- Elastic-plastic model 0.8 - E 0-7 O. Q0.6 0.5 t0.4 0 00.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 Contact force N 2 1.5 x10 Figure 3-6 Contact resistance vs. contact force for single asperity 52 Contact resistance vs contact force for single asperity 1.1 0.9 E 0. 8 0 0.7 0.6 B0.5 0 L)0.4 0 0.5 1 Contact force N 1.5 2 x10 Figure 3-7 Influence of asperity size on the contact force-contact resistance relation 3.5.2 Contact resistance and force with distributed asperities We assume that the contact surface consists of multiple asperities as was described in section 3.1. All the asperities have the same diameter but their heights vary according to a certain distribution function. Greenwood analyzed the contact resistance and contact force of steel surface by assuming two asperity distribution functions: exponential and Gaussian [23]. He obtained very close results using the two different distribution functions. The reason was probably that the uppermost of the asperities of the contact surfaces dominant the contact behavior, although the height distribution tends to be a Gaussian. To simplify the analysis and obtain a close form solution, we assume the asperity heights follow an exponential distribution, 53 #(z) (3-29) = -e where o- is the standard deviation of the asperity heights. From equation (3-21), d+a" 2NR2 = 2NR 2 (Z - d) Se d+a 2NR2(. I 0dz+r2d+ac [2(z -d)--a C]2e dz a 2 p 2NR 2 a 2 [2(z - d) -a]1#(z)dz d Assuming z = as and h GC - (z - d)2 #(z)dz + f( 1 as h)2 e -Sds + VfJ2Is-(h+ {J+ f {G, a)j 2a T S (3-30) +G 1} P where ha, Ge, = GC=I a (s - h)S esds s -(h+ e-si ). e-jds GC, and GUI can be further evaluated. For G, , assuming s - h = x, 54 a,1 GC x 2 e-'dx =e (3-31) =-e a 2 9 e + dx where dx = 2V(1 fe- TX x 3x 5x 1.3 2.5 3.7 (3-32) Equation (3-32) can be rewritten as f dx=2x$(-1)" n=O X (3-33) n!(2n +1) Substituting (3-33) into (3-31) and simplifying, GCI= e-' 2 (ac o- a +E(-1)" -e e_=± n!(2n +1) (3-34) Similarly, assuming s - (h + aC ) = y for Ge11 , 2-(h +a( Gcjj = e = 2o- f y 2 e-'dy (3-35) g 2a ac {Jo 2 -}'dy -2a 2eYdy where y2e-'dy = (3-36) 2 and 55 2a 2 'dy = ac e 2c- 2a + I)(-1) (3-37) n!(2n + n Substituting (3-36) and (3-37) into (3-35), we have c GCII- ac ) -- 7r +± 2a e 2 ac (2a) 2 ! 2a) 2a) 2a- n!(2n±+1)j =0 (3-38) Substituting (3-34) and (3-38) into (3-30), we have GC=2 N(R o-)2 2) pe rac"N e +2o ± a a 2 -0) a n! (2n +1) n1=0 2 - a- ) 1n-0 (3-39) To evaluate the contact force, we assume the same exponential distribution function of (329), and also z = os and h = d --. Substituting them into (3-20), we have 7 1 FT = 3NER1 a 2 3 3 2 2 (s - h) e-ds + 0.67rR1NH(20-) [s - (h+ h' a where 56 -i)]e'ds (3-40) +a( (s -h) 3 e S'ds e S + (3-44) 3 2 C and + 2aC)]e-Sds [s-(h± 20- (3-45) e - 2aSubstituting (3-44) and (3-45) into (3-40), we have 33 F 2,=0H (R o)f 3 + 1.2;rNH(RIo-)( - (h'+ ac) ac RI 3 + - GC, 2 - }+ (3-46) a -1Ie where GC, and Ge,, are given by equation (3-34) and (3-38) respectively. Greenwood [23] defined plastic index 2 =(aC (3-47) (- Substituting equation (3-8) into (3-47), 2E 2 0.6xrH R) (3-48) From (3-48), we can see that plastic index depends on both the material properties and the surface topography. 57 The contact resistance and contact force relation can be evaluated by varying the plastic index, a function of (o- / R,), and (o-R,). The parameters assumed in the evaluation are listed in Table 3-2. Much larger or smaller plastic indexes give unrealistic results. Since we are just making relative comparison, the number of asperity was chosen to be 200 and the asperity radius was 110 nm if not specified. There was no special reason for this choice. Table 3-2 Plastic index and surface topography The derived multi-asperity elastic-plastic contact model is evaluated by varying the plastic index and the results are compared to the Greenwood and William model as shown in Figure 3-8. It can be seen that for low plastic index, which means that contact tends to be elastic, the multi-asperity elastic-plastic contact model gives closer prediction comparing with that from GW model. Figure 3-9 shows that comparison of the results from the single asperity plastic contact model and the multi-asperity elastic-plastic contact model. The latter predicts low contact 58 resistance under given contact force. Since it is almost for sure that the first single asperity will experience plastic deformation during contact for most cases, the real contact resistance might fall in between the predicted results of the two models. 10 Coitact resistance vs contact force for distributed asperties T=0.5 5 T=0.45 plastic index 045 plastic index 0.55 plastic index 0.65 plastic index 0.85 --- GWmodel - Eo 0 T=O.85 GW is 10 10 10 C 10tc Contact force N 10 10 Figure 3-8 Contact force-contact resistance for varying plastic index 59 Comparison of the distributed and single asperity model 101 distributed model, plastic index 0.55 single asperity model - E 0 10 0 010' 10 10 10 10 10 10 Contact force, N Figure 3-9 Comparison of the contact resistance-force relations from the single asperity model and the distributed asperity model 60 - _____ - -_~~~ 4. Switch Actuation 4.1 4.1.1 Actuation method review Force and displacement of micro actuators There are many kinds of micro actuators, which have been used for different applications. A few of these actuators [35-40] are shown from Figure 4-1 to Figure 4-4 and their performances are listed below in Table 4-1. Figure 4-1 Curved electrode electrostatic actuator 61 1W -W -_ _ _ _ _ _ -- -. c The curved electrode electrostatic actuator shown in Figure 4-1 has two fixed curved electrodes and one floating movable beam electrode. When voltage is applied to the electrodes, the movable electrode will deform according to the shape of the curved electrode, and therefore, relatively high force and large displacement can be obtained compared to a parallel plate actuator. Flexible Hinge Piezoactuator Glass Figure 4-2 PZT micro gripper The PZT micro gripper shown in Figure 4-2 utilizes the transverse mode of the PZT actuator (dark area in the center) and amplifies its displacement. When voltage is applied to PZT, it will shrink laterally, then the two movable arms will rotate along the flexible hinge as shown by the arrows. 62 A& W- -~--~ W -~-~ Figure 4-3 Comb drive actuator Figure 4-3 shows a platform driven by four comb drives in x-y directions. Each comb drive consists of many fingers that form capacitors in parallel. Force and displacement can be generated due to the area change of the capacitors when voltage is applied. A comb drive does not exhibit pull-in and has wide applications. 63 __________ W L, Bushing TA Substrate.Wns o Figure 4-4 Scratch drive actuator Figure 4-4 shows the operating principle of a scratch drive actuator. The actuator consists of a plate with a bushing moving on a substrate. When voltage is applied, the plate will pull-in first and the bushing will deform gradually and stretch forward. After the voltage is switched off, the actuator has moved forward. The process can be repeated and large displacements can be obtained. 64 - AL - -~ ihS... Table 4-1 Actuator performance companison 6 pm P mN Size, pm Conib Diive 40 1.4 x 10-3 1000 (136 fingers) Curved Electrode 120 3.5 600x30x50 Scratch Drive 150 70 X 10-3 100x75 each NI-Ti SMA 60 1000 2000*1000*5 AI/Si bimiorplh 11 11x10-3 100 L 3.3 t PZT Microgripper 250 20 (>1000 L) The Table 4-1 shows a few very typical micro actuators that could be used for MEMS switches. They are mainly electrostatic and piezoelectric actuators. From the comparison, it's obvious that the displacement from these actuators is very large, but the force that can be provided is relatively small. For the purpose of switch actuators, there is special requirement on the actuator force, which is the key for a low contact resistance. It seems that shape memory alloy actuator and the PZT actuator can provide relatively large force. 4.1.2 Work densities and frequencies of micro actuators Energy density and the cycling frequency or actuation frequency are the two other important parameters for actuators. Figure 4-5 compares the work densities and cycling frequencies of commonly used actuators [41]. From this figure, we can see that PZT actuator, electrostatic actuator and the electromagnetic actuator have relatively higher cycling frequencies and also higher energy density. 65 .... a.S. S.aWJ~~~ Thermo SMA 107 ,Pneumatic (F. 51v) J/m 3 Thermal expansion 106 Electromagnetic PZT D] U 105 Muscle Electrostatic N 104 m Micro U bubble 103 102 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 Cycling frequency HZ Figure 4-5 Actuator work density vs. cycling frequency 4.1.3 Actuation efficiency of micro actuators Actuation effciency is another important parameter for actuator selection. Prof. A. J. Flewitt in the Department of Engineering at University of Cambridge has done extensive research in micro actuators performances [42]. The actuation effciency of several micro actuators is shown in Table 4-2. It is obvious that conductive polymer, electrostatic and piezoelectric actuators have the relatively high actuation efficiency. 66 ~ - -. ~--- - - -- ~ U. - - Table 4-2 Actuation efficiency of micro actuators Micro actuator type Actuation efficiency TiNi SMA 0.01 Electrostatic 0.5 Electromagnetic <0.01 Piezoelectric 0.3 Bimetallic 4.1.4 10-4 Thermopneumatic 0.1 Conductive polymer 0.6 Driving voltage or current of micro actuators Among the actuators mentioned above, electrostatic, piezoelectric, thermal and magnetic actuators are usually used for MEMS switch. A comparison of the driving conditions of the different micro actuators is shown in Table 4-3[10]. Table 4-3 Driving voltage or current comparison of different actuators for MEMS switch Acuator type Electrostatic Thermal Magnetic Piezoelectric Voltage V 20-80 3-8 3-5 5 Current mA <0.1 5-100 20-150 <0.1 67 Contact force pN 50-1000 500-3000 50-200 500-2000 - From Table 4-3, we can see that the driving voltage needed by the electrostatic actuator is too high, but the contact force it could provide is rather low. The thermal actuator can operate at a low driving voltage and provide a large force, however it consumes a significant amount of power due to the high current required. The magnetic actuator has the similar problem. The PZT (piezoelectric) actuator seems to be an ideal candidate. It can not only provide linear controllable movement for the required frictional movement of selfcleaning and self-alignment, but also provide a sufficiently large contact force and displacement. Besides, it operates at low driving voltage and also has a high cycling frequency. Therefore, we adopt PZT as the actuator material for the proposed the switch. 4.2 4.2.1 Piezoelectric actuator The common operation modes Generally, various one-dimensional modes of operation are possible depending on the electric field direction, poling direction and application of loads. There are three common operating modes for piezoelectric actuators: longitudinal mode, transverse mode and shear mode. In the longitudinal mode, load and electric field are applied along the direction of poling, while in shear mode, shear load and poling direction are in the plane of the structure, the electric field applied is perpendicular to the plane. In the transverse mode, the load is applied transverse to the poling direction and the electric field is applied along the poling direction. 68 4.2.2 The transverse mode The transverse mode is more suitable for surface micro fabrication. The transverse mode utilizes transverse piezoelectric effects. We choose transverse mode although its coupling term d, is smaller than that of longitudinal mode d33. The principle of the mode is shown in Figure 4-6. N-TT Figure 4-6 Principle of the transverse mode of piezoelectric actuator The transverse mode is characterized by the electric field E3 applied along the poling direction and the normal load T1 applied perpendicular to the poling direction. 4.2.3 PZT actuator As a thin film actuator, PZT actuator usually consists of an oxide layer, which is the diffusion barrier, an adhesion layer between the oxide layer and the bottom electrode, bottom electrode, the PZT thin film and the top electrode. It's a composite beam. The lateral displacement from the PZT actuator can be predicted both analytically [43] and numerically. 69 Assume a simple thin film PZT actuator consists of Pt 0.2 pm/PZT1 Pm /Pt0.15pm /Ti0.15 Im /SiO2 0.3pm and the length of the actuator is 400 Pm. The piezoelectric coefficient d, is assumed to be 100 xlo12 m/V. The displacement from the analytical model [43] and finite element method (CoventorWare, a MEMS device simulation software) is shown in Figure 4-7. PZT actuator displacement vs. applied volatge 7.00E-01 6.00E-01 h- .2 5.00E-01 E C 4.00E-01 'U -S EU 3.00E-01 2.OOE-01 1.00E-01 0.00E+00 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Voltage applied V -+- analytical -U- Finite Elemen Figure 4-7 Displacement from a simple PZT actuator From Figure 4-7, it can be seen that the displacement from the thin film actuator is very small, although the length of the actuator is already 400 pm and the driving voltage is as high as 30 volt. However, PZT is a ceramic material with relatively high Young's modulus and stored energy density. This makes it possible to amplify mechanically the displacement from PZT actuator and to maintain the desired actuator stiffness. 70 4.3 4.3.1 Actuator design and simulation Bow actuator The bow actuator is designed and demonstrated by S. Kim and N. Conway [44,45]. The bow actuator consists of a thin film PZT with associated electrodes and a mechanism to amplify the displacement generated from PZT as shown in Figure 4-8. When voltage is applied to the top and bottom electrode of the thin film PZT, it will shrink laterally (in both x and y direction). The shrinkage in y direction will pull the amplification mechanism inward, so that the compliant parallel guiding linkage structures (the amplification mechanism) on both side of the PZT will deform outward along their flexible pivots. Therefore, amplified displacement in x direction can be generated. To understand its dynamics and behaviours in both lateral and out of plane direction, the bow actuator is simulated using FEM software for MEMS device called CoventorWare (MEMCAD). The geometry and the simulated performances of this actuator is listed in Table 4-4. 71 Top electrode Thin film PZT electrode Pivots _Amplification 11echanlis111 Y 25 jim Y Figure 4-8 Bow actuator model The size of the bow actuator and the performances is listed in Table 4-4. Table 4-4 Bow actuator size and performances Actuator size 550 ptm x 400 pm x10 prm PZT thin film size Driving voltage Max. displacement 400 pm x 100 pm x 0.5 pm 10 V 3.45 pm Amplification 4.3.2 -5.5 Modal analysis Modal analysis of the bow actuator is also done by using CoventorWare (a Finite Element Analysis software for MEMS devices). The first three natural modes of the bow actuator are summarized in Table 4-5. 72 Table 4-5 Modal analysis of the bow actuator Mode 1st, out of plane 2nd, torsional 3rd, lateral 4.3.3 Frequency KHz 29.4 55.2 80.4 Bow actuators used in parallel and series The bow actuators can be used either in parallel or in series depending on the performance requirements. In this research, the bow actuators are used both in series and in parallel. The performances of the actuators are summarized in Table 4-6, where TRSC refers three actuators in a series (three rows single column) and DRDC refers four bow actuators in two rows and two columns. Table 4-6 Actuators performances summary Design Displacement pm Stiffness laterally Stiffness out of plane 3.0 6.0 9.0 N/n 140.0 140.0 47.0 N/m 4.5 1.0 0.2 A1 Single Al DRDC Al TRSC 4.4 Switch-actuator coupled analysis 4.4.1 Sliding condition The two contact surfaces should have relative sliding motion to clean the damaged surfaces. Condition for the sliding has to be determined to ensure it. The free body diagram of the switch is shown in Figure 4-9. Figure 4-9 Free body diagram of the switch beam 73 F Fny Fnx Ff F, tactuation Figure 4-9 Free body diagram of the switch beam From the diagram, we can find that: F, = Fsin9 F, = F cos9 (4-1) F, = pF, = pF cos0 To have sliding, the following conditions should be satisfied: F Ff FsinO pFcosO => tan9 74 p (4-2) Assume p = 0.5 1[31], 0 = 26.60 450. The chosen angle for the switch structure is 450 to gaurantee the frictional motion. 4.4.2 Switch beam stiffness From Figure 4-9, 1, = F, sin0 = F cos0 sin0 (4-3) M,= F,l (4-4) Assuming the deformation of the beam due to sliding is AL , AlX = A/ cos0 (4-5) Al, =Al sin 0 From beam theory, we can find the tip displacement "X AIX = (4-6) 3EI, Where Ix= 12 hb3 Substituting in equation above, A - 4Fcos0sin0l' Ehb 3 AX = Rearranging, the stiffness of the switch beam becomes 3 Ehb 3 K= 2sin201 (4-7) The max stress on the beam is b M2 Ix 3Eb = 2 x 75 (4-8) The dimension of the switch beam has to be determined based on the sliding motion requirements and the maximum stress limit. This can be done by coupled switch-actuator analysis. 4.4.3 Coupled analysis The coupled system The sliding between the two contact surfaces is enforced to clean the contact surfaces. However, the magnitude of the motion should be minimized to avoid reducing the stiffness of the switch beams significantly, so that the contact force is reduced. The magnitude of the sliding motion can be determined through the coupled analysis. The switch-actuator pair is a coupled system and can be simplified as an actuator working against a structural spring as shown in Figure 4-10 assuming the deformation of the switch beams is elastic. PZT actuator Switch Figure 4-10 The coupled switch -actuator system Hagood [46] et al has developed a model for this coupled system based on the Ritz formulation, which consists of the actuator equation and sensor equation. (M, +M,)F +(K, + K,)r -OV = Bff O T r +(Cs +Cp)V = Bqq 76 For quasi-static case, this expression can be simplified and expressed in matrix form for the PZT actuator: ET K EZT 0 0 CPzr x V } F Q (4-10) For the switch beam structure, the force-displacement relation can be written as F, = K, x, (4-11) Compatibility and equilibrium The state of the beam structure and the PZT actuator is related by compatibility and equilibrium requirements. Force equilibrium requires: F=F (4-12) x = -x, = AlX (4-13) Compatibility requires From equation (4-10), we have (4-14) KZT x-OV =F Substitute in equation (4-12) and (4-13), we have K, = OV -AlKPzr AI X x (4-15) 77 Finding the coupling term The coupling term ( can be found using the Ritz method. The electric and mechanical mode shapes, which satisfy the prescribed voltage boundary conditions and the geometric boundary conditions, can be assumed as: (4-16) PZT 'Px (4-17) TM PZT 0 can be found using the expression derived by Hagood [46]. 0 = Ne,N,dVZT VPZT = f/r --1I e 1 PZT VpI 1 cl (4-18) IITdVPZT PZT e31APZT 'PZT Since e, is not a commonly available value for the electromechanical coupling, we can relate it to d, which is available, using the constitutive equations. Constitutive equations For small stress and electric fields, piezoelectric materials follow a linear set governing equations, which describe the electrical and mechanical interaction of the materials. The equation can be expressed as [SD dJ{ T DJL d C' _ El S (4-19) This equation can be simplified for the 1D transverse mode as: dT }[s,' D3 dl T (4-20) E3 78 Equation (4-20) can also be rearranged as TDL3 e3, CSj E3 ~ (4-21) 633 Determining the switch beam stiffness From equation (4-20) and (4-21), we can find e3 1 = d Substituting in equation (4-18) O = daKPZT (4-22) Substituting in equation (4-15), = d31 V -Al A (4-23) * KrzA Since there is a gap d between the switch and the actuator, the equation above has to be modified as KS = (Max.DispaementPZT - d) - AlX AIX KPzr (4-24) Using this equation and also the max. stress equation as constraints, the stiffness of the switch beam can be determined based on the sliding motion AlI . After the beam width and thickness are determined by other requirements such as isolation, the switch beam length can be determined exactly based on beam theory from equation (4-7) Ehb3 2 sin(2O)K, (4-25) 79 4.5 4.5.1 Switch geometry and the switch schematic The switch geometry The final design matrix for the MEMS switch is listed in Table 4-7. The angle of the switch contact surface is chosen to be 450, which gives the maximum possibility for the two contact surfaces to slide on each other. Table 4-7 Switch design matrix o 1# 2# 3# 4# 5# 6# 7# 8# 0 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Actuator TRDC TRSC Groove size pm none 4x3 Beam height pm 10 25 Gap pm 3 Beam width pm 15 15 15 15 25 25 25 25 Beam length pm 125 110 90 65 200 170 140 100 The groove size is chosen to be 4 pm long and 3 pm deep with a rounded comer design, so that the length of each of the normal contact areas is about 2 pm. There are 12 such contact areas on one such surface. The reason for choosing the 2 pm length is that we want the switch beams to experience the minimum deformation, 2 pm in this case, to minimize the stress in the switch beams and also to maintain the required contact force. Two pm is about the smallest feature size we can obtain with UV photolithography. Given the contact area to be 2 pm long, the deformation of the switch beams has to be at least 2 pm in order to completely clean the contact area during switch operation. 80 Based on the modelling results shown in Table 1-2, the gap between the two contacts is chosen to be 3 ptm. This is a trade-off between the isolation requirement and the actuator performance. There are two types of switch structures: 15 prm and 25 pm wide. The actuators TRSC means three actuators in series. TRDC means two columns of three-actuator series in parallel. The beam length of the switch is determined by equation (4-25). 4.5.2 The beam stiffness Based on the switch geometry listed in Table 4-7, the theoretical switch beam stiffness can be determined by equation (4-7) as listed in Table 4-8. The Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and density of SU-8 are chosen to be 4 GPa, 0.22 and 1.22 g/cm' respectively based on literature review. The switch beam stiffness will be used for the prediction of the contact force. Experimental method such as nano indentation and AFM will be used to verify the switch beam stiffness. Table 4-8 Switch Beam thickness Width pm 15 25 Beam # 1# Stiffness N/m 51.84 2# 76.07 3# 4# 1# 2# 3# 138.68 368.68 23.15 37.70 67.50 4# 185.22 81 4.5.3 Switch schematics The most suitable switch configuration for the self-cleaning mechanism is a lateral contact switch. Actuators are needed to provide the in-plane movement to perform the ON/OFF switch function and the frictional movement between the two contact surfaces. One of the switch schematics is shown in Figure 4-11, which includes the switch part and the actuator part. The actuator part consists of three bow actuators in series. The outer boundary line in the figure represents the substrate and the anchored point of the device. Of course, the actuators can also be two rows of actuators in parallel or in other configurations. Actuator part Switch part 30 pm Su-8 base Figure 4-11 Switch schematics The lateral contact configuration is not only suitable for self-cleaning, it is also good for the co-fabrication of the actuators, the contacts and the structures, and reducing the cost, which will be discussed in the following chapter. 82 5. Device Fabrication 5.1 Introduction Several key fabrication issues had to be addressed. Method to deposit Au on the sidewall of the structure has to be determined: e-beam evaporation or electroplating. The ebeam evaporation process is simple but the deposited film has less dense microstructure and there is a geometric limit to evaporating film on the sidewall of a deep narrow gap. While the electroplating process is more flexible to deposit metal in a narrow gap, but the mold for electroplating is critical. The mold should have near vertical sidewalls and be removed easily after electroplating. The process of making a near vertical sidewall with a positive photoresist or SU-8 has to be developed. PZT is deposited using a sol-gel method and SU-8 could be chosen as the switch structure material for its unique vertical sidewall and compatibility with the actuator process. It's possible to use SU-8 as both the electroplating mold and the switch structure; however, SU-8 is very difficult to remove partially after electroplating. 5.2 Process evaluation In order to determine which process to choose to fabricate the near vertical wall of the metal contact, an initial evaluation test had to be done. SU-8 has been selected as the structural material due to its property of forming a vertical sidewall and low stiffness. Then 83 -'- , -- - -L _; -. M-. _;k_ gold is e-beam evaporated on the sidewalls of the structure. To improve the adhesion between gold film and Su-8, a 500 E Ti layer is deposited first. The deposited gold film quality on the sidewall of the structure is inspected using SEM and is shown in Figure 5-1, Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-3. Figure 5-1 Su-8 structure with e-beam evaporated Gold 84 --- h, -iL -- Mmm Figure 5-2 Close-up view of the Gold film on the sidewall Ace, V Spot Magn 10.0 kV 3 0 b0000x Det WD GSE 8,0 I'M0nm 3.9 T orr Figure 5-3 Surface quality of the sidewall From the pictures shown above, it can be seen that the thickness of the gold film on the sidewall is less than half of that deposited on the top surface. Besides, the film is also 85 very porous which exhibits poor electric and mechanical properties. The Su-8 structure used here has a gap of about 10 prm. Since the real device wafer will have a gap of only 3-5 tm, the e-beam deposition of gold on the sidewall will make even poorer sidewalls. As a result, ebeam evaporation is discarded and electroplating is chosen to make the vertical sidewalls of gold as electric contacts. 5.3 Fabrication Process flow The proposed device fabrication consists of several major steps, including bottom electrode lift-off, plating mold formation, electroplating, mold removal, switch structure formation and device release. The process requires 5 masks. For the initial fabrication, thin film PZT is not included because the major challenge here is to verify the effects of the modulated surface on the contact resistance. Figure 5-4 to Figure 5-11 shows the complete process flow and the associated device pictures after each step. The detailed fabrication parameters are shown in Appendix A. 4" wafer,tlernal Oxide o MaSKS Figure 5-4 Step 1: Growth of thermal oxide on the Si substrate and the 5 masks 86 1 Bottom Electrode Figure 5-5 Step 2: Photolithography and bottom electrode lift-off all IIII III ofIf III ll 101 M 1Hf Ill Ill aod 110 lt Mask 2&3 PLT/ top elect rode Figure 5-6 Step 3&4: Thin Film PZT deposition, patterning and top electrode lift-off 87 Mask 4 Photo resist mold Figure 5-7 Step 5: Preparation of photo resist mold for electroplating thermometer wafer stirrer 'Anode Heater/stirrer Fulse Electroplatmig t Figure 5-8 Step 6:Electroplating of the contact metal 88 Mold removal Figure 5-9 Step 7: Electroplated contact metal after electroplating mold is removed B B1 BB - B Mask 5 Su8 coat and pattern agan Figure 5-10 Step 8: Switch structural layer (Su-8) deposition and patterning 89 Device release Figure 5-11 Step 9: Device release by XeF2 etching As shown in Figure 5-4, the fabrication begins with a 4" wafer (either n-type or ptype, but P-type is preferred due to a following process of plasma etching which favors ptype. For concept proving of the self-cleaning mechanism, high resistivity Si substrate is not used). The figure on the right shows the masks, which is an overlap of the 5 masks. The first process is the growth of 200 nm silicon oxide at 1050 0C. Figure 5-5 shows the process for electrode lift-off. Thin negative photo resist AZ 5214 is used as the mold. After the mold is formed, e-beam evaporation is used to deposit the metal (Ti/Au). Finally, the electrode is patterned via lift-off in acetone. The thickness of the Ti and Au are 500 nm and 2.2 ptm respectively. Figure 5-6 shows the deposition of thin film PZT and the lift-off of the bottom electrode. These steps are shown here for the completeness of the fabrication process. However, they are not included for the initial fabrication. 90 Figure 5-7 shows the photo resist mold for electroplating. The critical requirement here is to have vertical sidewalls. The materials of the mold can be either AZ series positive photo resist or Su-8, an epoxy, which is a negative tone photo resist. The mold shown in the figure is from AZ 9260 photo resist with a sidewall angle of about 92.2 . The best vertical angle is 90.1 with Su-8 as the mold material. This will be discussed later. Figure 5-8 shows step 6, which is the electroplating of the contact metal. Details of this process will be discussed later. Figure 5-9 shows the electroplated contact metal after the photo resist mold is removed. Figure 5-10 shows the forming of the switch structure with Su-8; while Figure 5-11 shows the device after released with a XeF 2 etch. 5.4 Issues and problems of the device fabrication The major issue for the device fabrication is the creation of the vertical sidewall of gold for the electric contact. Molded electroplating has been chosen instead of e-beam evaporation based on process evaluation. Thus, the issue becomes how to create the mold with vertical sidewall for electroplating and how to electroplate the high quality contact metal. The problems confronted during fabrication and how they were solved is summarized below. 5.4.1 Electroplating in general Electroplating is used to form the lateral metal contacts by molding electroplated metal into a narrow gap of Su-8. The process consists of three major steps: electrode/seed layer formation by e-beam evaporation, photo resist mold formation and electroplating itself. Photo resist mold formation and the electroplating are the two key processes. For the 91 purpose of electric contact, the mold should have vertical sidewalls for a good contact of switching. And the mold material should be able to survive the electroplating environment (temperature, erosion). For the electroplating itself, there are several plating processes such as DC electroplating, pulsed plating and pulse reverse plating. Pulsed electroplating is chosen because it facilitates the nucleation of new grains, which could make finer-grained deposits. Besides, it provides better deposition at the sharp comers, which is critical to the quality of the micro-grooved contact. The electroplating is conducted in a beaker on a hotplate as shown in Figure 5-8. The plating controller controls the current, the voltage to the anode and also the frequency of the plating. The plating solution used is Orotemp 24 from Technic Inc. The reaction of the plating is a two-step process. 1) A fast equilibrium between the gold cyanide ion and a neutral reducible species: Au(CN)j +->AuCN + CN2) A charge transfer reaction AuCN + e- -> Au(s) + CN- 5.4.2 Electroplating mold There are several issues related to making the required mold for electroplating and also several parameters to optimize the electroplating process. Some of these requirements are coupled, so a trade-off has to be made to ensure a working device. Mold material Both Su-8 [47] and positive photo resist [48] have been considered as a mold material because they can all survive the electroplating environment. Su-8 has the reputation 92 of creating near vertical sidewalls, but it is not easy to be removed due to its cross-linked epoxy structure after curing. A positive photoresist such as AZ9260 can be removed easily by acetone, but it is difficult to form a near vertical sidewall. Positive photo resist mold At the beginning, positive photo resist was used to create the mold. On a substrate without any features (blank wafer), a mold with near vertical sidewall is formed successfully as shown in Figure 5-12. The sidewall angle is about 92.2 . However, in the real situation, bottom electrode and the electroplating seed layer was already deposited on the substrate. The bottom electrode and the seed layer prove to cause problem for forming the mold between the two contacts, which is necessary to separate the two contacts. The positive photoresist mold between the two contacts disappears after development. This is because the resist is positive and the reflection/diffraction from the bottom electrode exposes the nearby mold. SU-8 is eventually chosen as the mold material in this regard. Figure 5-12 Positive photo resist mold cross-section SU-8 mold SU-8 has a similar problem as positive resist. It is relatively easy to create a mold with vertical sidewalls on a flat surface as shown in Figure 5-13. However, the mold has also to be 93 formed between two electrodes to separate the two contacts. If SU-8 is exposed with a normal dose, the pattern for the grooved contact cannot be formed (the pattern can not be developed). The reason is also the reflection and diffraction from the electrode nearby and the negative tone of SU-8. The exposure dose has to be reduced, so that the desired mold pattern can be formed. However, if the exposure dose is reduced significantly, the adhesion between SU-8 and the substrate would become poor and the mold would peel off during electroplating. This happened at the early stage of the test. Figure 5-13 Su-8 mold cross-sections on flat surface To increase the adhesion between the Su-8 and wafer, dehydration process (30 min @120 C) and UV cleaning (5 min) of the wafer are performed before the coating of the SU8. After the SU-8 is developed, an O2 plasma etch is done to remove the residue of SU-8 on the electrode surface. Development time for the SU-8 is also increased to more than 10 min, which is at least twice as long as the normal developing time, for the same reason. However, it is still difficult to remove the residue completely. 94 -~ -~ - ~ -~ ~ ~- - The solution is to reduce the exposure dose to the minimum possible to form the mold, then after the mold is developed, expose the SU-8 with an extra dose (adding the total dose to the normal dose required) and hard bake the mold to increase the adhesion. The picture in Figure 5-14 shows the sidewall of the SU8 mold after this trade-off, which is acceptable. - ~ ~W Figure 5-14 Su-8 mold after parameters trade-off 5.4.3 Electroplating There are several process parameters, which have influence on the quality of the plated metal deposit. The quality of the deposit including roughness, uniformity, purity, density and electrical properties all depend on process parameters, such as, frequency, current density, temperature. There are also several key issues related to plating including the cleanness of the electrode, aspect ratio of the mold, underplating, which are all discussed below. 95 - Electrode cleanness First of all, the cleaning of the electrode is found to be a critical problem. After Su-8 development, there is always some organics/polymer remaining on the electrode. These residues prohibit the deposition of gold on the electrode. At the beginning, development time for Su-8 is increased to remove the residue, however, it is still difficult to remove the residue completely. Then, two plasma etch recipes are tried, one is just 02, another is 0 2 /CF4 . There is a trade-off between the etch time and residue removal. Longer etch times will cause undercut of the mold at the gap of the two contact surfaces. However, if the etch time is short, metal can only be deposited on a few spots on the electrodes as shown in Figure 5-15. O2 plasma is reported to be able to remove the residue but was found it ineffective. In the present work, the combination of 02 and CF4 is used and the results are very good. Gold can be electroplated uniformly in the mold after this treatment. Figure 5-15 Plating results with un-cleaned mold Current density The second issue is the current density control. Higher current density causes dark metal deposit (indicating a very rough surface). The optimized current density is about 50 96 A/m 2 . Because the whole contact area to be plated is about 1 mm2 , a 0.05 mA current is required. However, the minimum controllable current of the existing plating controller is 1 mA. This means a large dummy area on the wafer is required and this creates problems for uniform electroplating on the desired area. Plating frequency Higher plating frequency produces finer grain size. The plating frequency is changed from the initial test frequency of 266 Hz to 1000 Hz with a duty cycle of 10%. 1000 Hz is the maximum possible frequency because the minimum controllable time is 1 ms for the available controller. The actual plating frequency used is 1000 Hz. Wetting Wetting of plating solution on the mold proves to be another issue. It's found at the early stage that it's very hard to deposit metal in mold with the fine feature (the grooves) when the aspect ratio of the mold is very high. This is probably because the mold with fine feature is hard to be wetted by the plating solution. The aspect ratio of the mold is reduced from the initial value of 30/3 to 10/3 and the results become much better. Agitation and temperature control A stirrer is used to keep the plating solution uniform in ion concentration and in temperature, resulting in uniform deposit thickness. The optimized temperature is about 62.5C. 5.4.4 Underplating In addition to the parameters discussed above, underplating has to be solved to obtain the required contacts. This problem is related to both the plating mold creation and the electroplating process and is also observed by J. Voldman [49]. Underplating can cause 97 the switch to fail to operate. The reason is that there is always some de-bonding between the SU-8 mold and the substrate, as shown in Figure 5-16. Electroplating can occur in the space created by the de-bonding shown in Figure 5-17. Since the gap between the two contact metal walls is only 3 micrometer, this underplating will be sufficient to create a short circuit between the two contacts. The following measures have been taken to solve this problem: 1) Dehydration (30 min@ 120 C) and UV cleaning of the wafer (8 min) is performed before the coating of SU-8. 2) Slower temperature ramp down rate after SU-8 is baked (2 C/min). 3) Etch the electrode of the mold with 0 2/CF 4 plasma in a short time (about 2 to 3 min). 4) Lower the electroplating temperature. The temperature is reduced from 65 C to 45 0C, without significant influences on the deposit quality. 5) Quick wet etch A quick dip of about 30 sec in TFA, Transene (etch rate 28 A/sec at 25 'C) is used to guarantee the removal of the underplated metal in the end. 98 Figure 5-16 Typical de-bonding between the Su-8 mold and substrate Figure 5-17 Underplating at the edges of electrode 99 5.4.5 Other issues Thicker bottom electrode To get a better measurement of the contact resistance, it's necessary to minimize the influence from the switch beam, i.e., the resistance from the beam has to be as small as possible. The first electrode used is 0.2 pm thick. The resistance along the beams (the rmicrostrips) is very high, causing difficulty to find the exact value of the contact resistance. Ideally, the thickness of the electrode should be around 2.5 pm, so the resistance on the beam is less than 0.1 Q. However, the thickness of the AZ 5214 image inverse photo resist is only around 1.8 pm. To achieve 2.5 pm metal film lift-off, we need at least 3.5 pm thick mold. Double coating of AZ 5214 photo resist is used to satisfy this requirement. The actual bottom electrode thickness achieved is about 2.2 pm. Mold removal The SU-8 mold is very hard to be etched. A technique has been developed to remove the mold from the substrate after electroplating. The wafer is first immersed in NMP (N-Methylpyrrolidone) and heated to about 80 'C for 1-2 hours in a water bath, followed by a 15 second piranha clean. Piranha can attack Ti, which is used as adhesion layer between the substrate and the gold layer, so the piranha time has to be controlled precisely. Lead electrode for electroplating removal To electroplate the metal contact, current has to be supplied to each of the contacts. The whole wafer is at the same potential and all the contacts are connected. The contacts of the switches have to be separated, which was done by dicing. The solution is to cut into the substrate 10 pm deep to remove the electrode (150 pm wide) by die saw (220 pm wide blade) before the Su-8 switch structure is formed. 100 Delamination of SU-8 after die saw Die saw is also needed before the device is released for testing purposes. Using a wide blade to cut SU-8 causes serious delamination even at very low cutting speed. The delamination was prevented by cutting through the wafer in the middle of the wider streets, which were cut previously, using a narrower blade (30 pm wide). The wider streets were cut to remove the electrode lead for electroplating. 5.5 Fabrication results and summary The switch devices have been fabricated successfully. Near vertical sidewalls of gold for electric contact were obtained after the electroplating mold was removed. The contact structures and the vertical sidewalls were shown in Figure 5-18. The finally released devices were shown from Figure 5-19 to Figure 5-23. It has been demonstrated that molded electroplating is a better way to create near vertical metal sidewalls for electric contact compared to e-beam evaporation. The fabrication method is also fully compatible to the PZT actuator fabrication process, making it possible to fabricate the switch and actuator simultaneously. 101 Figure 5-18 Plated Gold contacts after mold removal 102 Figure 5-19 SEM picture of device with two rows of actuators after it's released Figure 5-20 SEM picture of device with single row of three actuators after it's released 103 Figure 5-21 SEM picture of the switch part of the released device Figure 5-22 Picture of the released device showing the undercut of the release (darker area) 104 Figure 5-23 SEM picture of the contact area of the released device 105 6. Device Testing Discussion 6.1 Results and Test set-up The test schematic is shown in Figure 6-1. The major components or electronics used are listed below. I + - I Power Figure 6-1 Test set-up schematic * RF-1 Microwave Probe Station " Agilent 6614C Power Supply " Trek 610C Amplifier " BK Precision 401 1A 5MHz Function Generator " HP 54602B Oscilloscope " PZT stack actuator: max. Displacement 182.88 pm (at max. voltage 800 V), stiffness 45.2x10 6 N/m, capacitance 3.00 pF, diameter 30.86 mm, overall length 184.15 mm. 106 * MTI 2000 Fotonic sensor The real set-up is shown in Figure 6-2 and Figure 6-3. Figure 6-2 The probe station and the measuring system Figure 6-3 The actuator driving system 107 -- a 6.2 i- a 2 1- - Contact surface characterization Before the contact resistance is measured, the surface quality of the contact metal by electroplating is studied with SEM (Scanning Electron beam Microscope) and AFM (Atomic Force Microscope). The results are shown below and are compared with the surface by ebeam evaporation. A ec.V Spot Magn 25 0 kV 3.0 Det WD h 1 50000x GSE 8 7 200 nm 2-1 Torr Figure 6-4 SEM picture of the sidewall surface of gold by molded electroplating 108 -- I M 5 Figure 6-5 SEM picture comparison of the contact surfaces by molded electroplating (a) and e-beam evaporation (b) The sidewall surface of the electroplated gold shown in Figure 6-4 is much smoother than that achieved by e-beam evaporation in Figure 6-5, which is good for making electric contact. The surface of the Su-8 mold is also checked with AFM, which confirms the SEM result, and it shown in Figure 6-6. 20.C nm 1.5 1. 1.0 . .5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 Figure 6-6 AFM image of the mold surface 109 2.01 m 6.3 Contact resistance measurement The tests, which have been done for the MEMS switches, include the force-contact resistance characterization tests and the long lifecycle performance tests. Contact resistance is measured using the four-probe method, which measures the voltage drop at the contact and also the current in the circuit directly. Two probes are used to connect the MEMS switch with the measurement circuit, so that there is desired current in the circuit flowing through the switch. Two other probes are used to measure the voltage drop exactly from the input to the output pads. The resistance from the probes itself can be excluded. Then contact resistance can be determined directly from these measurements. 6.3.1 Dummy design resistance measurement Since the switch beam has a significant length, the resistance on the beam could be significant, although the thickness of the gold film on the beam has already been increased to about 2.2 tm. To measure the contact resistance correctly, the resistance from the switch beam has to be measured first and then be subtracted from the whole loop resistance measurement. The dummy designs, which have all the same dimension as the real devices but have the contact area connected on purpose, give the best solution. There are two beam-widths with 4 beam lengths each used in all the switch designs. The measurements for the design B15D with beam width of 15 tm is listed in Table 6-1, while the measurements for the design B25D with beam width of 25 tm is listed in Table 6-2. 110 Table 6-1 Resistance measurements on dummy design B15D Device# Beam# V mV I mA RQ 1-6-1# 1# 38.6 51.2 0.7539 1-6-2# 2# 36.4 51.2 0.6914 1-6-3# 3# 31.4 51.2 0.6172 1-6-4# 4# 28.8 51.2 0.5234 Table 6-2 Resistance measurement on dummy design B25D 6.3.2 Device# Beam# V mV I mA RQ 1-47-6# 1# 34.6 50.1 0.6909 1-47-7# 2# 30.2 50.1 0.6028 1-47-8# 3# 28.6 50.1 0.5709 1-47-9# 4# 22.7 50.1 0.5234 Contact resistance measurement As mentioned earlier, the contact resistance measurement circuit is very simple which is shown in Figure 6-7. - A Figure 6-7 Circuit for contact resistance measurement 111 The contact resistance is determined by the voltage and current measurement subtracting the resistance from the switch beam. R = (6-1) R The voltage to the driving actuator is gradually increased while the current and voltage in the circuit is carefully monitored. When the two contact surfaces of the switch merely contact each other, the readings from the voltage and current meters will fluctuate. Further increasing the driving voltage will make a steady contact and the contact resistance will drop accordingly. Lateral movement is provided by a bulk linear piezoelectric stack actuator, which is driven by a function generator and the associated amplifier shown in Figure 6-3. The displacement from the stack actuator is calibrated with MTI Photonic sensor (on the right in the figure). The stack actuator is mounted on a linear stage, which provides position adjustment in x-y-z directions. The tested sample is 1-15-8#, which has the same dimension as the dummy design of 1-47-8#. The resistance on the beam is 0.5709 Q, which can be found from Table 6-2. The driving voltage and contact resistance measurement is listed in Table 6-3. Table 6-3 Driving voltage vs. contact resistance Driving V(V) V (mV) I (mA) 7.9 314.1 50.1 6.27 5.70 8.4 92.9 50.1 1.84 1.27 9 70.6 50.1 1.41 0.84 10 45.6 50.1 0.91 0.34 12 33.5 50.1 0.688 0.098 15 29.9 50.1 0.597 0.027 112 R+Rc Q Rc Q The driving voltage can be converted to the displacement of the actuator, and then the displacement of the actuator can be converted to a contact force based on the switch stiffness. The stiffness of the switch is 67.5 N/m theoretically, while the effective piezoelectric coefficient d33 of the piezo stack actuator is 0.2288 tm/V. This effective piezoelectric coefficient is also verified using an MTL Fotonic sensor, which measures the displacement from the piezo stack actuator directly. The actual gap between the two contacts is about 2.0 pm. The force-resistance relationship is shown in Table 6-4 and Figure 6-8. Table 6-4 Contact force Vs. Contact Resistance Contact Force ( N) Rc Q 0.48 5.70 4.83 1.27 14.09 0.84 29.53 0.34 60.41 0.098 106.73 0.027 113 Contact resistance vs. contact force 7 E 0 6 5 (0 (0 4 <a I- 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Contact force, micro Newton Figure 6-8 Relationships between contact force and contact resistance The force-contact resistance curves correlate with the theoretical prediction very well. Hot and cold switch test 6.4 6.4.1 Hot test The switch is also subjected to accelerated switching tests simulating the real operation and contact resistance is measured in two ways: hot test while the signal power is on during cycling and cold test while the signal power is off during cycling. The test frequency and number of cycles for both hot and cold tests are listed in Table 6-5. 114 Table 6-5 Test matrix for long cycle contact resistance measurement Test# mCce ie 'etrqenyH Frequency H~z Time rmn Cycles 1 0 0 0 2 1 10 6.00x10 2 3 10 10 6.00x103 4 50 20 6.00x10 4 5 100 40 2.40x10 5 6 200 60 7.20x10 5 7 1000 168 1.01x10 8 2000 834 1.00x10 8 7 The hot test results are shown in Table 6-6, Table 6-7, and Figure 6-9. Table 6-6 Hot contact resistance measurement (sample 1-15-8 # at 12 V driving voltage) Test# Voltage mV Current mA R+Rc Q Rc Q 1 30.6 48.0 0.6375 0.0675 2 28.2 45.8 0.6157 0.0457 3 29.6 47.5 0.6232 0.0532 4 34.2 46.3 0.7387 0.1687 5 34.0 44.4 0.7657 0.1958 6 33.2 45.5 0.7297 0.1597 115 Table 6-7 Hot contact resistance measurement (Sample 2-36-3 # at 9 V driving voltage) Test# Voltage mV Current mA R+Rc Q Rc Q 1 36.8 46.0 0.8000 0.2300 2 32.7 45.9 0.7124 0.1424 3 35.3 42.2 0.8365 0.2665 4 38.0 45.7 0.8315 0.2615 5 33.3 43.7 0.7620 0.1920 6 30.3 44.5 0.6809 0.1109 Contact resistance vs. switching cycles for hot test 0.4 -mme -DrMng vottage 90 -+-DrMng votge I:I E .10.3 / / E 0.2 / 0.1 0 1.0E+00 1.OE+01 1.OE+02 1.OE+03 1.OE+04 1.OE+05 1.OE+06 Number of operation cycles Figure 6-9 Contact resistance vs. number of operation cycles for hot test 6.4.2 Cold Test As mentioned earlier, the cold test is conducted while the signal power is off during cycling. The test results are shown in Table 6-8 and Figure 6-10. 116 Table 6-8 Contact resistance measurement for cold test Test# Voltage mV Current mA R+Rc Q Rc n 0 30.5 38.9 0.784 0.098 6.00x10 2 28.9 37.6 0.769 0.104 6.00x103 28.4 36.1 0.787 0.085 6.00x10 4 27.8 36.9 0.753 0.060 2.40x10 5 27.8 36.1 0.770 0.088 7.20x10 5 27.1 35.8 0.757 0.081 1.01x10 7 29.6 37.1 0.798 0.113 1.00x108 28.5 37.5 0.760 0.076 1.00x109 29.3 37.2 0.788 0.099 E 0 0.4 4E 0 E Contact resistance vs. number of cycles for cold test 0.40.3 - E 0.3 S 0.2 0. 0.2 1-23-4# U I 0.0 1.OE+00 1.OE+02 1.OE+04 1.OE+06 1.OE+08 1.OE+10 1.OE+12 Number of switching cycles Figure 6-10 Contact resistance vs. number of operation cycles for cold test 117 The long lifecycle tests show after about 10 billion cycles, the contact resistance has been maintained almost constant. The test is being continued to reach 1011 cycles. 6.5 Test Results Discussion The fatigue test of the switch provides better understanding of the switch function and also feedback for further improvement to satisfy the functional requirements by changing the corresponding design parameters. In the hot test, the contact resistance varies more than in cold test conditions. The reason might be that in a hot test situation, the impact from the actuation, and thermal effect due to the Joule heating over the effective contact areas all has influence over the contact resistance measurement. While under static conditions, this influence might be less significant. Because it took very long to run one switch cycling test and the time available was really limited, no further test results were obtained from both the hot test and cold test. Therefore no concrete conclusion can be made. Further tests are needed to explain the phenomenon in the hot test situation. Figure 6-11 shows the picture of the device under testing with the four probes providing the current in the circuit and also measuring the voltage drop on the contact. 118 Figure 6-11 Picture of the device under testing using four-probe method As discussed early, the first major failure mode of MEMS switches are contact resistance increase caused by damage, pitting and surface hardening of the contact area because of the asperity fracture, plastic deformation, repeated impact from the opposite switching members, and the second major mode is micro-welding between switching members because of heating due to contact resistance increase. The second mode is obviously related to the first one. These two modes are mainly due to the increase in contact resistance of the switch in operation. Since the actuation motion from the PZT actuator is linear and controllable, impact from the switch member is minimized. However, there still could be asperity fracture due to repeated contact, which would cause contact resistance increase. The test results have shown that a low switch contact resistance has been maintained almost constant for 101 cycles, which is a significantly large operating cycle. This 119 also implies that the major cause of the switch failure might be largely controlled. The debris from the surface damage might be cleaned through the frictional motion of each switch operation as expected. Although concrete evidence is still needed to verify the micro scale self-cleaning mechanism, the test results of the contact resistance of 0.1 Q being maintained for up to ten billion operating cycles supports the theory. Figure 6-12 shows the SEM picture of the contact areas after the cycling test, which indicates that the micro grooves on the contact surfaces have been flatted during the test. Figure 6-13 shows the zoom-in SEM picture of the contact surfaces after the test. It seem that the surfaces has some scratches. Further exploration is needed to study the effect of the undulated surfaces on micro scale contacts. 120 Figure 6-12 SEM picture of the contact area after the cycling test 121 - AN, Asiffiffims,. Figure 6-13 Zoom-in SEM picture of the contact area after cycling test 122 7. Research Summary, Conclusions and Contributions 7.1 Research summary A new RF MEMS switch with self-cleaning lateral contacts was developed for wireless, mobile communications. The switch was enabled by strain-amplified PZT actuators, and was designed for improved robustness, compactness and reliability. Compared with the existing MEMS switches, the uniqueness of the device lies in the selfalignment of the contact surfaces, self-cleaning of the particles generated from asperity fracture and plastic deformation, and the anchoring method of the metal contact to the micro switch structure. By introducing a modulated surface to modify the tribological behavior of the contact surfaces, low contact resistance can be maintained for more than one billion operating cycles without sacrificing the benefits of MEMS switches such as low insertion loss, near zero power consumption, and very high isolation. Switch performances analysis was made to determine the primary performances controlling factors, which led to this novel design focusing on two primary: contact resistance and signal isolation. Special measures have been taken to ensure the creation of the near vertical sidewall of the electric contacts and the process compatibility with the PZT actuators, including lift-off, molded electroplating, high-aspect-ratio polymer lithography and XeF2 dry release. 123 The cold switch cycling tests have shown that the contact resistance is maintained at the level of 0.1 to 0.2 Q and has no obvious increase over the operating cycles tested. Low contact resistance has been maintained for the ten billions of operating cycles. However, due to the limited time available and the time consuming nature of the cycling test, no further test results were available. The switch design is compatible to our thin film PZT actuating technology and can be readily integrated into a fully functional MEMS switch. Conclusions 7.2 It has been demonstrated that low contact resistance can be maintained for the billions of operating cycles without sacrificing the benefits of MEMS switches by introducing a modulated surface to modify the tribological behavior of the contact surfaces. The cycling test results of the switch contact resistance supports that the groove design of the switch contact surface has the self-cleaning effect through trapping the debris on the damaged areas during the switch operation. However, further tests are needed to verify it. The parallel beam design of the switch structure guarantees the perfect contact during the switch operation. Even though the contact metal may wear after long lifecycle operation, the contact can always be made due to relative motion of the two contact surfaces. It has also been demonstrated that the connection between gold metal wall and the switch structure is very secure and reliable. It is reported and also shown in this research that gold has poor adhesion with SU-8, however, there is no mechanical connection failure observed between gold and the structure during the test because of the gold contact metal is mechanically anchored in the SU-8 structure. 124 It has also been demonstrated that molded electroplating is a better way to create near vertical metal sidewalls for electric contact compared to e-beam evaporation. The electroplated gold surface is far more uniform than that of the e-beam evaporated surface because of the uniform surface of SU-8 mold. The fabrication method is also fully compatible to the PZT actuator fabrication process, making it possible for the co-fabrication of the switch and actuator. 7.3 7.3.1 Contributions MEMS switch design The main contribution of this work is the modeling and analysis, design, manufacturing and testing of an RF MEMS switch. The novel design of self-alignment of the contact surfaces, self-cleaning of the particles generated from asperity fracture and plastic deformation, and the anchoring method of the metal contact to the micro switch structure are major contributions in the device design. By introducing the modulated surface, the tribological behavior of the contact surfaces is modified. The debris from the damaged area can be pushed and trapped in the grooves and low contact resistance is maintained and the life cycles of the switch are increased dramatically. 7.3.2 Modeling The major contribution is the modeling of the contact resistance for distributed multi-asperity contact using the elastic-plastic indentation model developed by Chang. Chang's elastic-plastic indentation model is a modification to Hertz's elastic indentation model. However, it has not been seen that this model has been used for the contact resistance modeling of distributed multi-asperity contact. By varying the plastic index defined 125 by Greenwood, it was found that this model might be more accurate for the contact of surfaces with high plastic index. 7.3.3 MEMS switch fabrication A novel fabrication technique to create the near vertical gold sidewalls for electrical contact of the device was developed. A series of problems has been solved including evaluating the process of e-beam evaporation and molded electroplating, forming the vertical electroplating mold, cleaning electrode for plating, preventing the mold peeling off during plating, trading off parameters for high quality gold deposition and preventing debonding/underplating etc. The final structures satisfy the requirements of lateral electric contact of the switch. 7.3.4 MEMS switch test and Analysis Theoretical analyses, hot/cold tests have been conducted to evaluate the performance of the switch. It as been experimentally verified, and tested the contact resistance-force relation correlated with the theoretical prediction very well. Both the hot and cold long lifecycle tests have been conducted to determine the long-term effect of the modulated surfaces. It has been demonstrated that there is no obvious change in contact resistance after the billion of operating cycles. 7.4 7.4.1 Recommendations for Future Work Design There are a few issues, which should be taken into account for the improvement of the switch performance. First of all, the gap between the two switch contacts should be increased. The designed gap of the two contacts is 3 Pm, however, the actual gap after device fabrication is about 2 pm. This is because the SU-8 photo resist is negative and 126 during the device fabrication, SU-8 is slightly under exposed to avoid the influence from the bottom electrode. Second, the influence of the size of grooves should be further investigated. In the current design, the groove size is fixed (both width and depth). Third, thorough modeling of friction and wear rate between the two contact surfaces will be critical to further understanding the micro tribology and improving the switch performances. 7.4.2 Fabrication For the fabrication, there are two possible ways to simplify the fabrication process and potentially increase the yield. The first one is to choose a gold electroplating solution that can be plated at room temperature. This will minimize the temperature influence on the adhesion between the Su-8 mold and the substrate. The second is to explore the possibility to use a single uniform layer of bottom electrode and later on etch the electrode between the switch contacts. This might help build a better mold for electroplating because there will be no diffraction/reflection from the bottom electrode. However, since the electrode is etched away, the cross-section of the electrode underneath the mold is not covered. Metal can be deposited on the cross-section during electroplating and eventually connect the two contacts, which has to be addressed. 7.4.3 Device integration, packaging Device packaging should be designed and the device should be kept in a vacuum or inert gas environment to avoid contamination and increase the life cycles of the switches. Low humidity is not really necessary because PZT actuator is not sensitive to it. 127 7.4.4 Testing Further tests are needed to qualify the new switch. These tests include the cold switching tests of up to 10" cycles, and also the hot tests, which determine the performances of the switch when RE signal passes through. Furthermore, the devices without the microgrooves should also be tested. The results should be compared with those results obtained from devices with the microgrooves and directly verify the effectiveness of the selfcleaning mechanism. The insertion loss and isolation of the switches for a given RF signal has to be measured too. A better data acquisition system is needed to monitor the switch performances in the real time. 128 References [1] Rebeiz, G.M., Muldavin, J. B., 2001, "RF MEMS switches and switch circuits," IEEE Microwxmagazie [2] Bozler, C. et al, "MEMS microswitch arrays for reconfigurable distributed microwave components," IEEE Int.Mcraoe Symp. Dig Boston, MA, ppl53-156, 2003 [3] Muldavin, J. switches," IEEE Miroumv B., et al, Sept. 2001, " All-metal series and series/shunt MEMS Wireless Conp. Lett. Vol. 11, No.9, pp 373-375 [4] Qiu, J. et al, "A high-current electrothermal bistable MEMS relay," MEMS'03 [5] Ruan M. et al, 2001,"Latching micro magnetic relays with multistrip permalloy cantilevers," MEMS'01 224-227 [6] Simon J. et al, 1997, "A liquid -filled microrelay with a moving mercury microdrop," JMEMS 6, 208-216 [7] Hyman D. et al, 1999"GaAs-compatible surface micromachined RF MEMS switches," Electn Lett. 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D 133 Appendix A Process Details A. 1 Process for the electroplating seed layer Step 1 Process Premetal Description Start with p-type 4" wafers Piranha clean + HF dip 2 1st photo resist HMDS, 30 sec Image inverse resist AZ 5214E Dispense 6 sec@ 0.5 Krpm Spread 6 sec@0.75 Krpm Spin 3 sec@2 Krpm 3 4 Prebake 2nd photo resist 5 6 Prebake Exposure 10 min @90'C in oven, wait 10 min@RT Image inverse resist AZ 5124E Dispense 6 sec@0.5Krpm Spread 6 sec@0.75 Krpm Spin 30 sec@3 Krpm 30 min @90 0 C in oven EV1, 365-450 nm wavelength at 10 mW/cm 2 Exposure time 1.5 sec 7 8 Postbake Flood exposure 30 min @ 90'C in oven EV1, 365-450 nm wavelength at 10 mW/cm2 Exposure time 60 sec 9 Develop Developer AZ 422, about 120 min (till clear) Photoresist thickness about 3.8Vm. 10 Metal deposition E-beam evaporation 0.5 KA Titanium @ 1 A/sec followed y 24 KA Au @ 5 A/sec 11 Lift-off Wafers immersed in Aceton for 12 hours Spray aceton, methanol and 2-propanol on wafers For fine features, use ultrasound. Keep the power and time of ultrasound the minimal (thinkness of Au 134 L about 22 KA) A. 2 Process for PZT film fabrication. Courtesy of Dr. Yongbae Jeon and Nicholas Conway Step 1 Process PT sol-gel coating 2 Pyrolysis 3 PZT sol-gel coating 4 Pyrolesis 5 Repeat step 3&4 6 Photo resist 7 8 Prebake Exposure 9 10 11 Develop Postbake Wet etch 12 Strip photo resist 13 PZT annealing Description PT sol-gel solution El (Seed layer), 1 wt% PT (125/100), Mitsubishi Materials Co., 3 Krpm on PZT coater Heat to 380 0 C for 1 min on a hotplate Step down to 200 0 C for 1 min Then 800 C form 1 min PZT sol-gel solutionF2, 17 wt% PZT(125/52/48), 2 Krpm on PZT coater Heat to 801C for 1 min on a hotplate Then 380 0C for 5 mM on a hotplate Step down to 200'C for 1 mM The 800C for 1 min About 0.2 pm obtained per coat after annealed Allow wafer to cool down between coats HMDS, 30 sec Thick photo resist AZ 4620 Static dispense the resist Dispense 9 sec @1.5 Krpm Spread 60 sec@3.5 Krpm Spin 10 sec@5 Krpm 900C for 30 min in a oven EV1, exposure 45 sec total at interval of 15 sec with 15 sec wait Developer AZ 440 for 3 min 90'C for 30 min in a oven Etch in100 HCl (17%):20 BOE (4%):400 DI water for < 10 sec. Spray with DI water afetr etch Strip photoresist with aceton, methanol and 2propanol, dry with nitrogen Put wafer on the stainless steel wafer holder and ramp up to 380 0 C on a hot plate, move the wafer with the hoder to the box furnace in air at 650 0C for 20 min. 135 A. 3 Process for mold formation, electroplating and mold removal Step Process Description 1 2 3 Cleaning Dehydrate Su-8 coating UV clean for 5 min Bake the wafer for 30 min @1050 C Su-8 2015, MicroChem. Co. Static dispense Spread 30 sec @ 0.5 Krpm Spin 35 sec @ 4.75 Krpm Yield 10 pm resist 4 Prebake 5 Exposure Ramp to 600 C for 1 min, then 85' C for 4 min, then down to RT naturally on the same hotplate EV1, 350-450 nm wavelength at 10 mW/cm2 Exposure total of 8.7 sec at interval of 2.9 sec a and wait for 15 sec Ramp to 65' C for 1 min, then 940 C for 4 mi, then ramp down to RT naturally on the same hotplate 6 Post exposure bake 7 Develop Su-8 developer PGMEA, 3 min Rinse with 2-propanol Dry with Nitrogen 8 Flood exposure EV1 , a flood of 8 sec exposure to increase the curing degree of Su-8 and the adhesion of su-8 to substrate 9 Hard bake 10 Mold cleaning 11 Electroplating Ramp to 105' C for 60 min, then cool down naturally Plasma etch with 02 and CF 4. Recipe etchcln.rcp on PlasmaQuest Electroplating is done immediately after mold cleaning. Plating solution Orotemp 24 , Technic Inc. Frequency 1 KHz, duty cycle 10% Temprature 450 C to 65.50 C Current 12 Mold removal density 0.05 mA/mm2 The wafer is immersed in NMP at 80' C in a wafer bath for about 60 min Rinse with 2-propanol 10 sec Piranha dip 136 Appendix B Matlab scripts % Matleb scripts for the contact resistance modeling in Chapter 3 Contact resistance % 3.5 Computing examples % 1. single asperity contact % Au material properties R=0.1 % contact resistance requirement ohm R10=110*10^(-9) % asperity radius m E1=77.2*10^9 % Young's modulus Pa v=0.42 % Poisson's ratio H=2*10A9 % Brenell Hardness ro=2.2*10^(-8) % resistivity ohm.m 000%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% E=El/ (2* (1-vA2)) Fn=E*1/(6*RlO)*(ro/R)^ 3 % contact force alfa=(3/4*Fn/(E*R1OAO .5))A (2/3) % indentation AlfaC=(0.3*3.14*H/E)A2*R1O % critical indentation P=3/2*Fn/(3.14*RlO*alfa) % contact pressure Pm=0 . 6*H 137 Alfal=roA2/(4*RA2*RlO) % Alfa >> AlfaC, plastic deformation Fnp=0.6*3.14*H*roA2/(4*RA2) AlfaP=1/2*AlfaC+roA2/(8*RA2*RlO) Fnl=(0:1:200)*10A(-6); R1=110*1OA(-9); % asperity radius x1=6*Rl*Fnl; Rsingl=ro*(xl/E) (-1/3) R2=220*10^(-9); % asperity radius x2=6*R2*Fnl; Rsing2=ro*(x2/E). A (-1/3); A (-1/3); R3=80*10A (9); x3=6*R3*Fnl; Rsing3=ro*(x3/E). % asperity radius yl=4*Fnl/(0.6*pi*H) Rpla=ro*yl. A (-0.5); figure plot (1) (Fn1, Rsing3, Fnl,Rsingl, xlabel('Contact force ', Fn1, Rsing2, '.-') N') ylabel('Contact resistance Ohm') legend ('R1=80 nm', 'R1=110 nm', title('Contact asperity') resistance 'R1=220 vs contact nm') force for %-plot (Fn1, Rsing1,Fn1,Rsing2,'--', Fn1, Rsing3, 138 single figure plot (2) (Fn1, Rsingl, Fn1, Rpla,'--') xlabel('Contact force N') ylabel('Contact resistance Ohm') legend ('Elastic model', 'Elastic-plastic model') title('Contact resistance vs asperity') % 2. contact force for single distributed asperities 00000000000000000000000000000000 % 1). evaluate the value of the two series %phi=[0.35, 0.45,0.55,0.65,0.85]; phi=0.55 % input from assumption, plastic index i=1; % evaluation of the infinite series for n=0:1:176 fan=factorial(n); d3n(i)=(-1).^n.*phi.^(-2*n)./(fan.*(2*n+1)); d3nHalf(i)=(-1).^n.*phi.^(2*n).*0.5.An./(fan.*(2*n+l)); i=i+1; end sumup=sum (d3n) sumupHalf=sum(d3nHalf) % phi =0.2315, sumup=0.2052; sumupHalf=0.2910 % phi=0.2 sump=0.1772, sumuoHalf=0.2507 % phi=0.55 sumup=0.4825, sumupHalf=0.6417 % phi=0.65 sumup=0.5590, sumupHalf=0.7137 % phi=0.45 sumup=0.3981, sumupHalf=0.5492 139 % 2). Contact force and contact resistance R1m=80*10A(-9); % input from assumption, asperity radius N=200 asperities % input from assumption, number modified, separation of cl=2*E/(0.6*pi*H); dl=(phi/cl)^ 2 d2= (Rlm*phi/cl)^2 dev=(dl*d2)A0.5 Dl=dl D2=d2*N h=0.02:0.02:4; % to be normalized by asperity height STD % proposed model A=(pi/2)A0.5*exp(-l/(2*phiA2)); B=l/phi*sumup; C=-l/phi*exp(-l/(2*phi^2)*sumupHalf); Gc=2*N*d2AO .5./(ro*exp(h))*(A+B+C) conductance Rct=l. /Gc; % Contact % Contact resistance Gcl=l./(exp(h)*phi)*(-exp(-l/phi^2)+sumup); Gc2=exp(-h-l/(2*phiA2))*(pi/2+2AO.5/2*1/phi*exp(1/ (2*phi^2) ) - 2A0.5/2*1/phi*sumupHalf); Fl=-l/phi^3*exp(-h-1/phiA2)+3/2*Gcl; F2=(l/(2*phiA2)-l)*exp(-h-1/phi^2); 140 Fnt=4/3*N*E*d2*dl^0.5*F1+1.2*pi*N*H*d2*F2; Contact force sepa=h*dev; %6 % separation % Greenwood model GcGW=N./(ro*exp(h))*(pi*d2)^0.5; RcGW=1./GcGW; FGW=piA0.5*N*E*d2*d1AO.5./exp(h); %Rct3_a80=Rct; %Fnt3_a80=Fnt; figure plot (3) (h, Fnt) xlabel('separation') ylabel('contact force') figure plot (4) (Fnt, Rct, FGW, RcGW, ') '.- xlabel('Contact force') ylabel('Contact resistance Ohm legend ('Elastic-plastic model title('Contact resistance distributed asperities') figure plot 'GW model') vs seperation for (5) (Fnt, Rct, Fn1, Rpla, xlabel('Contact force, '--') N') ylabel('Contact resistance, Ohm') legend ('distributed model, p lastic index 0.55', 'single asperity model') title('Comparison asperity model') of the 141 dist ributed and single figure plot (6) (FGW, RcGW, '.-') xlabel('Contact force N') ylabel('Contact resistance Ohm') legend ('GW model') title('Contact resistance distributed asperities') figure Rct3a, plot '--') vs contact Fnt3, Rct3, force for (7) (Fnt3_a80, Rct3_a80, -', Fnt3a, xlabel('Contact force N') ylabel('Contact resistance Ohm') legend 220 nm' ) ('Asperity 80 nm' , title('Contact resistance 'Asperity 110 nm', 'Asperity vs contact force for different asperity sizes') figure %6 plot FGW, RcGW, (8) (Fnt2, Rct2, -- ' ) Fnt3, Rct3,Fnt4, Rct4,Fnt5, Rct5, xlabel('Contact force N') ylabel('Contact resistance Ohm') legend 0.55', 'plastic ('plastic index index 0.65', 'plastic title('Contact resistance distributed asperities') 142 0.45', index 'plastic index 0.85', 'GW model') vs contact force for