MINUTES OF THE SIXTH MEETING OF THE 2012-13 UNIVERSITY SENATE Thursday, February 14, 2013 Members Present: 64 Members Absent: 10 1. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m., by the Chairperson of the University Senate, David Pearson. Roll Call was taken by initialing the roster located at the entrance to LB 125. Members Present: A. Beane, R. Bremigan, B. Brey, P. Buis, S. Byrum, B. Canada, J. Chapman, M. Chiuini, H. Closson, C. Corbin, R. Davis, G. Dodson, J. Forbey, A. France, M. Gerhard, J. Gora, C. Griewank, D. Grosnick, J. Gruver, Z. Guzeldereli, J. Hammons, M. Hanley, B. Hannon, E. Hashimov, T. Hendricks, M. Holtzman, J. Huff, J. Jemiolo, T. King, J. Kluth, K. Kreamelmeyer, J. Ledbetter, L. Lehman, M. Maggiotto, P. Magro, T. Mahfouz, S. Pattison, D. Pearson, L. Pellerin, K. Pierce, T. Richardson, K. Shawger, K. Slabaugh, G. Stamp, M. Steib, J. Strauss, K. Thurman, C. Updike, D. Wheeler, A. Wieseke, L. Wiley, C. Wilkey, S. Zhuk Substitutes: Kibujjo Kalumba for E. Agnew, Kevin Gatzlaff for O. Benkato, Ron Hicks for E. Bower, Jason Pickell for A. Craft, Kathy Segrist for J. Ellery, Nicola Schmerbeck for M. Guntsche, Carla Earhart for A. Harden, Brian Meekin for C. Munchel, Junfeng Jiao for N. Perera, Shannon Staton for G. Slater, Jeff Green for C. Stone Members Absent: S. Aegisdottir, R. Bellaver, O. Benkato, J. Cassady, J. Dowden, M. Hamil, K. Koch, E. Levitt, R. Purviance, S. Rice-Snow 2. A motion was made and seconded (Steib/Thurman) to approve the minutes of November 29, 2012. The motion carried. 3. Announcements A. Campus Smoking Policy Dr. Kay Bales, Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students Dr. Kerry Anne McGeary, Chair, Smoking Policy Review and Implementation Committee Vice President Bales returned to the Senate today to review the proposal to move to a tobacco-free campus. She thanked the senate members for sharing the presentation with their colleagues; she received feedback from those who received the presentation. She is interested in further feedback from the senate and to answer questions. They were most concerned with students living on campus and their reaction; however, it has been positive. The consensus around campus is to eliminate all smoking areas at once and not phase them out over the spring and summer. Whether to allow smoking in personal vehicles received mix responses on campus. A review of 30 to 40 campuses with tobacco-free policies show half of those campuses permit smoking in personal vehicles. Discussion ensued around smoking at events. Dr. Bales reported Scheumann Stadium and Worthen Arena both have smoking areas and they would be taken away. The University of Michigan as well as the University of Kentucky has adopted a policy where there is no tobacco use, even at athletic events. She hopes to get some direction from the Board of Trustees in March. A question was asked regarding how many citations have been written since the implementation of the current smoking policy. Dr. Bales reported just over 200 citations have been issued in the four years of implementation. University Senate Minutes February 14, 2014 Page Two There has been little or no feedback from the community. Some faculty are concerned individuals will move into the neighborhoods if the tobacco-free policy is implemented. Dr. Bales reported there have been increased patrols in the surrounding neighborhoods for other reasons, but they are aware of the possibility of individuals walking to the surrounding neighborhoods to smoke. The current smoking policy was implemented for the health of the community. The number one complaint she receives from the smoking policy is that people are not honoring the policy (windows not rolled up, etc.). The committee will more than likely recommend no smoking in cars. A member of the senate informed her of the area by the College of Architecture and Planning building where smokers congregate, which is not a designated smoking area. Vice President Bales indicated she would check into this area as she was not aware of it. The goal of the committee is to take it to the Board of Trustees for vote at their March meeting. She thanked the senate for their input. B. Survey Report President Jo Ann Gora This presentation is an abbreviated one from the presentation made to the colleges, however it involves the same two topics: the budget situation/performance funding formula and the Workplace Environment Survey. (Attachment #2) The President replied to the following questions after the presentation: - What is the timeframe on the allocation? This is determined by ICHE. We never know when this is going to happen. - How long do graduate students have to go for us to get funding for them? There is no time limit to graduate. Previously, we did not receive funding for them. - Academic Plan, Master Plan; are there plans to differentiate to obtain more funding? Graduation rate has improved, third highest graduation rates, highest applications rate for freshman class (almost 16,000 applications received). - Will tuition rates go up for students? We will not know until we know what support we are going to receive from the state. It is very challenging to keep our tuition low. - Are there any other feasible formulas used on the state level? Each state has different formulas, but the themes are similar across the nation. We have no control over what year they base the funding and that funding base will affect the next biennium. It is not felt in the current biennium. 4. Agenda Items I.C. (Next scheduled meetings), D. (Results of Constitutional Amendments, Enclosure #1) E. (Results of Constitutional Amendment by electronic vote), F. (Contract and Salary Information, Enclosure #2), G. (University Salary Document, Enclosure #3), H. (Department Name Change), and I. (Response from Undergraduate Committee, Enclosure #4), were reviewed. University Senate Minutes February 14, 2014 Page Three 5. There was a moment of silence to recognize the deaths of Arnold Lee Cirtin, Adelaide Meador Cole, Edward Lyon, and Jerry McManama. 6. Committee Reports A. Governance and Elections Committee – Ralph Bremigan, Chairperson, reported the committee has not met since the last senate meeting. B. Faculty Council – Kip Shawger, Chairperson, reported the council met on January 10 and heard the report from the Special Leave Committee and approved the revisions to the graduate faculty policy and calendar proposal. The next meeting of the council is February 21. C. University Council – Katie Slabaugh, Chairperson, reported the council met on January 24 and approved the revisions to the calendar proposal. Their next meeting is February 28. D. Campus Council – Kevin Thurman, Chairperson, reported the council met and spoke with Vice President Bales and Dr. McGeary concerning the smoking policy. There was also a discussion on Cardinal Cash. The calendar proposal from the Undergraduate Education Committee, failed by vote. E. Student Senate - Chris Wilkey, President, Student Government Association (SGA), reported two pieces of legislation were presented and have gone into committees. They are planning a campus/statewide initiative for school pride and healthy lifestyles. There is a free app for smart phones that can log your miles you walk/run. More information will be available in the coming weeks. 7. Report by Chairperson of Senate – Dave Pearson (University Senate Agenda 2/14/13, Enclosure #5) - Provost Terry King reported on the final report from the Task Force on Academic Rigor. - There is a faculty vacancy on the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE). Dave Pearson is a member of the nominating committee for the state, with the Governor making the final decision. Any full-time faculty member is eligible to serve a two year term. More information will follow on the Communications Center. 8. Unfinished Business A. Diversity Statement SR 02-10/11 (University Senate Agenda 2/14/13, Enclosure #6) TABLED A motion was made and seconded (Wilkey/Guzeldereli) to remove from the table for discussion. The motion carried. Jacob Kluth, author of the student senate resolution, read a statement to the members of the senate (Attachment #1). Kevin Thurman, chair of the Campus Council, explained there are categories of people that are not included in the EEOC statement. The motion amend the current statement, carried. 9. New Business A. Revision of Graduate Faculty Policy (University Senate Agenda, 2/14/13, Enclosure #7) Discussion ensued. A friendly amendment was accepted under 2.112 under 2. Associate Member: University Senate Minutes February 14, 2013 Page Four 2.112 To provide reasonable assurance that their service will be available throughout the period of their appointment as associate member. A motion was made and seconded (Shawger/Steib) to approve the revised policy. The motion carried. B. Motion from Undergraduate Education Committee (UEC) regarding spring semester finals week. UEC 11/19/12 Faculty Council 1/10/13 University Council 1/24/13 Campus Council (Failed 1/31/13) “Change the Spring semester to follow the Fall semester more closely, and to go to a four-day finals week with the Monday of that week given back to instruction. This would add one day of teaching to the Spring semester and make it equivalent to the Fall in terms of the number of class days.” A motion was made and seconded (Steib/Kluth) to approve the revised schedule. Discussion ensued. Kevin Thurman, chair of the Campus Council, explained the reason for the council’s not approving the revision was because it would limit final exams until Tuesday and it was the consensus of the group to spread the exams out over five days instead of four. The motion to approve the revised schedule carried, by hand vote: Yes: 27, No votes or abstentions were counted by hand vote. 10. Other Items There were no other items. 11. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. March 21, 2013 David Pearson, Chairperson /mt Jane Ellery, Secretary University Senate Minutes February 14, 2013 Attachment #1 Statement from Jacob Kluth, Author of SR 02-10/11: For an institution whose strategic plan claims to embrace multicultural inclusion and diversity to simply recommend instead of require a message of goodwill to students who may encounter an uncomfortable situation, Ball State will not fulfill their duties to their students of creating a holistic learning environment where everybody feels like their opinions matter in every classroom. Having the statement in the student code is great, but there is a huge difference between the university's stance on multiculturalism and that of individual professors. While the argument arises that students might not always read their syllabus, it still serves as the most convenient tool that students use to get information about their courses and professors because they can have a paper copy or instant access via blackboard. This diversity statement will help Ball State take a step forward with their strategic plan points of fostering student-faculty collaboration, adapting policies and procedures remove impediments to student success and ensuring that students' academic and student-life experiences. I know some professors and administrators oppose this bill, but I, along with the Student Senate, Multicultural Organizations and Greek Life implore you to take a step forward to help Ball State create a positive learning environment where all input, regardless of its background, is encouraged and accepted. Workplace Environment Survey University Senate Minutes February 14, 2013 Attachment #2 MINUTES OF THE FIRST MEETING OF THE 2013-14 UNIVERSITY SENATE Thursday, April 25, 2013 Members Present: 58 Members Absent: 7 1. The meeting was called to order by the chairperson of the University Senate, Dave Pearson, at 5:05p.m. Roll Call was taken by initialing the roster located at the entrance to LB 125. Members Present: S. Aegisdottir, E. Agnew, A. Beane, R. Bellaver, S. Bhattacharjee, R. Bremigan, B. Brey, B. Byers, S. Byrum, B. Canada, D. Caristi, J. Chapman, M. Chiuini, C. Corbin, E. Crawford, R. Davis, G. Dodson, J. Ellery, J. Fitzgerald, J. Forbey, M. Gillilan, J. Gora, D. Grosnick, J. Gruver, J. Hammons, M. Hanley, T. Hendricks, M. Hill, J. Holden, M. Holtzman, J. Huff, J. Jones-Hall, L. Julian, T. King, K. Koch, K. Kreamelmeyer, M. Maggiotto, C. Munchel, L. O’Hara, C. Pak, S. Pattison, D. Pearson, K. Pierce, T. Richardson, K. Shawger, G. Slater, C. Stone, C. Thomas, K. Thurman, C. Updike, D. Wheeler, J. Zhao Substitutes: Heather Closson for C. Griewank, Carla Earhart for A. Harden, Michael Hawkins for J. Jemiolo, Rachel Kraus for L. Pellerin, Giang Tran for M. Randolph, Chris Wilkey for B. Weaver Members Absent: P. Buis, L. Lehman, N. Perera, S. Rice-Snow, C. Seni, L. Stevens, J. Strauss 2. Dave Pearson, chairperson of the 2012-13 senate, yielded the floor to Kip Shawger, Chair of the Faculty Council, who presided over the meeting for the purpose of conducting elections. 3. New Business A. Elections – Senate Officers A list of nominees for the election of Senate officers and Agenda Committee was presented. (University Senate Agenda, 4/25/13, Enclosure #1) Members received biographical sketch information for each nominee on today’s ballot. A motion was made and seconded to elect the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary by acclamation. The motion carried. The following were elected by acclamation: Chair: David Pearson Vice Chair: Ralph Bremigan Secretary: Amy Harden B. Elections – Committees University Senate Agenda Committee – TWO POSITIONS Nominees: Elizabeth Agnew (Philosophy and Religious Studies) Joyce Huff (Department of English Chris Munchel (Office of Admissions) Darren Wheeler (Political Science) University Senate Minutes April 25, 2013 Page Two The floor was opened for additional nominations for Agenda Committee. There were no nominations from the floor. A motion was made and seconded to close nominations. The motion carried. Having majority vote, Elizabeth Agnew and Darren Wheeler were elected to serve a two year term, ending in 2015. The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. David Pearson, Chairperson /mt Amy Harden, Secretary MINUTES OF THE SECOND MEETING OF THE 2013-14 UNIVERSITY SENATE Thursday, August 29, 2013 Members Present: 51 Members Absent: 12 1. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m., by the Chairperson of the University Senate, David Pearson. Roll Call was taken by initialing the roster located at the entrance to BB 109. Members Present: S. Aegisdottir, E. Agnew, C. Anagnos, A. Beane, R. Bellaver, J. Bolin, R. Bremigan, B. Brey, B. Byers, S. Byrum, B. Canada, C. Corbin, E. Crawford, R. Davis, G. Dodson, J. Fitzgerald, J. Forbey, A. France, M. Gillilan, J. Gora, D. Grosnick, J. Hammons, M. Hanley, A. Harden, M. Holtzman, J. Huff, J. Jemiolo, J. Jones-Hall, L. Julian, T. King, K. Kreamelmeyer, L. Lehman, L. O’Hara, C. Pak, S. Pattison, D. Pearson, L. Pellerin, N. Perera, T. Richardson, D. Shawger, G. Slater, J. Strauss, L. Sun, C. Thomas, K. Thurman, C. Updike, S. Zhuk Substitutes: Ashley Donnelly for D. Caristi, Michelle Johnson for T. Hendricks, Susan Johnson for M. Maggiotto, Giang Tran for M. Randolph Members Absent: S. Bhattacharjee, P. Buis, R. Butler, J. Chapman, M. Chiuini, J. Gruver, K. Koch, C. Munchel, S. Rice-Snow, L. Stevens, C. Stone, D. Wheeler 2. A motion was made and seconded (Shawger/France) to approve the standing rules of the Senate A friendly amendment was accepted to include professional personnel on Item #1 of the Standing Rules. A question was asked to define #17, “Division of the House.” This means using ballots, an additional method of voting instead of the customary “yea/nay” procedure. The motion carried. 3. A motion was made and seconded (France/Richardson) to approve the minutes of April 25, 2013, with various revisions to those in attendance. A revised copy will be filed in the Senate Office. The motion to approved the revised minutes carried. 4. Announcements A. The conservation of paper statement (Item I. B.) was reviewed. B. Terry King, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, announced the absorption of the Fisher Institute of Wellness and Gerontology (FIWG) into the School of Physical Education, Sport, and Exercise Science (SPESES). The institute has two graduate programs and one minor. The FIWG faculty members and faculty members of SPESES voted to align as part of SPESES; programs will stay the same. C. Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Preparation/Discussion Marilyn Buck, co-chair of the Steering Committee for the HLC visit, was in attendance at today’s meeting to provide an update on the preparations. Ball State has been accredited since 1925 and this visit is to affirm our continued accreditation to assure federal funding for the institution and our students. There are several compliance hoops to maneuver, such as the credit hour policy, attendance policy, testing and how we verify the identity of the individuals participating in online courses. The renewal process will change to every four years instead of ten after this visit; however it won’t be as detailed as the ten year process. University Senate Minutes August 29, 2013 Page Two There are four key words the steering committee would like all of the university community to remember, in case they are stopped by members of the accrediting team: Students (first and foremost), Quality (of their education), Application (immersive learning, experiential learning and practicums), and Change (changing the lives of our students). Questions regarding the HLC accreditation visit concerned the following: Burris faculty and if they are tied into the HLC visit? In this particular review, it is the higher education section the HLC is particularly interested in reviewing. Syllabi for independent study? The syllabus for independent studies is usually generated by a student’s proposal. An outline or actual agreement is necessary. Reviewers have been told to look for things out of the ordinary. They will also look at face-to-face classrooms less than online and independent study. The student’s proposal could be attached. If it is taking the place of another course, the learning outcomes have to be the same as the face-to-face class. D. Ralph Bremigan, Vice Chair of the Senate and chair of the Governance and Elections Committee gave a brief overview of the senate system. E. Announcement items E. (Next Scheduled Meetings), F. (Schedule of Meetings in the University Governance System, Enclosure #2) G. (Notice of change in office/department name), I. (Program Information, Enclosure #3), and J. (Results of Constitutional Amendments, Enclosure #4) were reviewed. 5. Item II. (Recognition of Deaths) will be delayed until the next meeting of the Senate 6. Council/Committee/Student Senate Reports A. Governance and Elections Committee – Ralph Bremigan, Chairperson. Ralph reported the committee met this morning and elected Lisa Pellerin secretary of the committee. They are also in the beginning stages of review requested revisions to the membership and responsibilities of committees in the governance system. Dean John Jacobson reported he is optimistic the Professional Education Committee will have suggested revisions by the end of this academic year. B. Faculty Council – Kip Shawger, Chairperson. The Faculty Council will meet on Thursday, September 5. C. University Council – Michael Gillilan, Chairperson. The University Council will meet on Thursday, September 12. D. Campus Council – Kevin Thurman, Chairperson. The Campus Council will meet on Thursday, September 19. E. Student Senate – Alyssa France, President Pro tempore, Student Government Association. The SGA meets every Wednesday and will be filling student positions on University Senate committees as soon as possible. Seven pieces of legislation were reviewed by the Senate Agenda Committee and forwarded to other committees. 7. David Pearson, Chairperson of the University Senate, reviewed the GANTT Chart (Enclosure #5) with the membership of the Senate. University Senate Minutes August 29, 2013 Page Three He has received several emails regarding promotion and tenure. He reminded the membership that the departments and colleges are functioning under the promotion and tenure policy already in place. The department committees should be working on their new promotion and tenure documents. Associate Provost Marilyn Buck has offered and will be sharing a “cheat sheet” for everyone to follow regarding the new guidelines. There are four items that must be changed but do not go into effect until academic year 2014-15. The deadline for college approval of department documents must be completed by November 19. 8. President’s Remarks The President’s remarks included: Please RSVP and make plans to attend the reception for the University Senate at Bracken House on Tuesday, October 1. The President will also be having lunch with the leadership of the University Senate on September 7. There were many individuals involved in the process of writing the self-study report for the Higher Learning Commission and thanked them for their hard work. She will be conducting college forums in January, as she did the past year. If there are issues, please communicate them to the Dean of your college. She will also provide a follow-up report on the legislative budget information provided last January. The Immersive Learning Awards Ceremony will again be held in January 2014. The deadline for submission for awards is Thursday, October 3. She would like to have a good attendance at this ceremony and invites all faculty to attend. She provided the following data concerning students: 69.9% Academic Honors Diploma 3.42 GPA on average Increase in graduation rate: 2012-13 is 40%. In 2011-12 was 36.3%. This increase in four-year graduation rates helps greatly with our state funding. In reviewing freshman classes: in 2007, only 25% had taken an online class. In 2009, 65% of them had taken an online class. There were no questions from the members of the senate. 9. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. 10. New Business There was no new business. 11. Other Items A. The chair has spoken with Information Technology and there will be an app in September that will push an email to students informing them of academic holds. B. There will be a new link to our academic system that will allow students to construct an eight-semester course plan by populating what classes are mandatory and room for electives to be inserted. C. Academic Planning Task Force The Provost reported they are actively engaged in an academic master plan process. This plan will set the course for the next 10-15 years. They are developing a method to obtain information from stakeholders. Some of the questions will involve having the right mix of academic programs and their organization, as well as what we can do to meet the demands of the State of Indiana for the next five to fifteen years. University Senate Minutes August 29, 2013 Page Four Since the last master plan, there was no College of Architecture, Fine Arts, or Communication, Information and Media. All are signature programs today and we must help them grow. What does the university need to look like in the next several years? Dave Pearson and Kip Shawger are both representatives on the steering committee and they will be asking members of the senate to help make decisions in moving things forward. D. A senate member had a question regarding the letter sent by Key Benefits concerning members not having credible coverage with regard to the prescription program. A question was also asked how this affects retirees. There has been an email from Vice President Howard of upcoming dates for benefits forums. It was suggested this would be a good opportunity to seek clarification or to contact the Payroll and Employee Benefits Office directly. 12. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5:05p.m. September 25, 2013 David Pearson, Chairperson /mt Amy Harden, Secretary MINUTES OF THE THIRD MEETING OF THE 2013-14 UNIVERSITY SENATE Thursday, October 24, 2013 Members Present: 57 Members Absent: 7 1. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m., by the Chairperson of the University Senate, David Pearson. Roll Call was taken by initialing the roster located at the entrance to BB 109. Members Present: S. Aegisdottir, E. Agnew, C. Anagnos, R. Bellaver, J. Bolin, R. Bremigan, B. Brey, P. Buis, B. Byers, S. Byrum, B. Canada, D. Caristi, C. Corbin, E. Crawford, R. Davis, G. Dodson, J. Fitzgerald, J. Forbey, A. France, M. Gillilan, D. Grosnick, J. Gruver, J. Hammons, M. Hanley, A. Harden, T. Hendricks, M. Holtzman, J. Huff, J. Jemiolo, L. Julian, K. Kreamelmeyer, L. Lehman, M. Maggiotto, L. O’Hara, C. Pak, S. Pattison, D. Pearson, L. Pellerin, N. Perera, S. Rice-Snow, T. Richardson, D. Shawger, D. Singh, L. Slone, C. Stone, L. Sun, K. Thurman, D. Wheeler, S. Zhuk Substitutes: Jennifer Erickson for M. Hill, Jennifer Pierce for J. Jones-Hall, Marilyn Buck for T. King, Brian Meekin for C. Munchel, Darrion Colbert for K. Pierce, Shannon Staton for G. Slater, Constance McIntosh for C. Thomas, Barry Wagner for C. Updike Members Absent: A. Beane, J. Chapman, M. Chiuini, J. Gora, T. Mahfouz, L. Stevens, J. Strauss 2. A motion was made and seconded (France/Shawger) to approve the University Senate minutes of August 29, 2013. The motion carried. 3. Announcements A. Mind Mixer Laurie Mullen, Associate Dean, Teachers College and Acting Associate Provost, presented information from the Academic Planning Steering Committee. Some of the questions discussed by this committee include what academics will look like in twenty years. She invited and encouraged the campus community to log on to academicplan.bsu.edu, to review the five questions and add their thoughts and opinions. B. Update on Higher Learning Commission (HLC) accreditation visit Marilyn Buck, Associate Provost and Dean of University College, and co-chair of the (HLC) Steering Committee, updated the members on the accreditation visit. Their preliminary report will be coming in two to three weeks. It will be a draft report of their initial thoughts. We will have the opportunity to clarify or correct this report. There were a few of things that came out of the visit: 1) there is a good buy-in for assessment from the faculty, 2) in looking for federal compliance, the Office of Financial Aid stated that faculty think they don’t have to keep track of attendance for their students, and 3) they suggested adding another point to the Credit Hour Policy. This is making its way through the Senate system. She thanked all who participated and felt the visit went very well. The chair of the senate thanked Marilyn and co-chair Michael Maggiotto, for their leadership through this continuing accreditation visit. He also encouraged other faculty members to participate in being a peer reviewer for the HLC. C. Item C. (Next scheduled meetings), D., (Notice of Change in Office/Department Name), E., (Senate/Council/Committee membership-Enclosure #1), F. (Program Information-Enclosure #2), G. (Revision of University Core Curriculum Subcommittee-Enclosure #3), and H. (Resolution of SR-16-12/13-Enclosure #4) were reviewed by the members of the Senate. University Senate Minutes October 24, 2013 Page Two 4. The Senate had a moment of silence to recognize the deaths of Frances (Lem) Anderson, Linda Arndt, Walter Baker, Mildred (Mim) Ballou, David C. Caucci, John F. Clause, Scott Hinkley, John Huffer, Victor B. Lawhead, Rolf Legbandt, Kenneth Poucher, T.K. Puttaswamy, Charles Sappenfield, and Darrel Wible (University Senate Agenda, 10/24/13, Enclosure #5) 5. Council/Committee/Student Senate Reports A. Governance and Elections Committee – Ralph Bremigan, Chairperson. Ralph reported the committee has met twice since the last senate meeting. They approved an amendment to the constitution as well as a large number of editorial revisions. They will be presented to the appropriate council prior to coming to the senate in one group. B. Faculty Council – Kip Shawger, Chairperson. Kip reported the Faculty Council met on October 3 and approved three items on their agenda. Yasemin Tunc, Assistant Vice President for Academic Technology Solutions, was present to discuss E-texts. C. University Council – Michael Gillilan, Chairperson. Michael reported the University Council has met twice since the last Senate meeting and are working on presentations from various offices on campus. Chris Munchel reported on the recruitment and admissions process, and Jim Lowe will be reporting on facilities in November. D. Campus Council – Kevin Thurman, Chairperson. Kevin reported the Campus Council has met twice since the last Senate meeting, including last week. They approved a senate resolution regarding ponding of water between Bracken Library, Pruis Hall, and Emens Auditorium. E. Student Senate – Alyssa France, Vice President, Student Government Association (SGA). Alyssa reported the SGA is working on legislation and fulfilling resolutions on the slate’s platform. The student government is sponsoring a state-wide student government and leadership development conference. 7. David Pearson, Chairperson of the University Senate, reviewed the GANTT Chart (Enclosure #6) with the membership of the Senate. 8. President’s Remarks The President and the Provost were at a Board of Trustees retreat and unable to attend today’s meeting. There were no remarks. 9. Question and Answer Period There were no questions. 10. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. 11. New Business A. Guest Student Policy (University Senate Agenda, 10/24/13, Enclosure #7) A motion was made and seconded (Shawger/Thurman) to place on the floor for discussion. Deborah Mix, Chair of the Graduate Education Committee, was present at today’s meeting to review the suggested revisions to the document. University Senate Minutes October 24, 2013 Page Three The vote to approve the revisions to the Guest Student Policy carried. B. Probationary Admission to Master’s Degree Program (University Senate Agenda, 10/24/13, Enclosure #8) A motion was made and seconded (Thurman/France) to place on the floor for discussion. Deborah Mix also spoke to this revision as it was approved by the Graduate Education Committee. The members were reminded that departments may still have higher standards than what is written in the document. The vote to approve the revisions to the Probationary Admission to Master’s Degree Programs carried. 12. Other Items There were no other items. 13. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. November 14, 2013 David Pearson, Chairperson /mt Amy Harden, Secretary MINUTES OF THE FOURTH MEETING OF THE 2013-14 UNIVERSITY SENATE Thursday, November 14, 2013 Members Present: 61 Members Absent: 7 1. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m., by the Chairperson of the University Senate, David Pearson. Roll Call was taken by initialing the roster located at the entrance to BB 109. Members Present: E. Agnew, C. Anagnos, J. Bolin, R. Bremigan, B. Brey, P. Buis, B. Byers, S. Byrum, B. Canada, D. Caristi, J. Chapman, M. Chiuini, C. Corbin, E. Crawford, R. Davis, G. Dodson, J. Fitzgerald, J. Forbey, A. France, M. Gillilan, J. Gora, D. Grosnick, J. Gruver, J. Hammons, M. Hanley, A. Harden, T. Hendricks, J. Hesser, M. Hill, J. Huff, J. Jemiolo, J. Jones-Hall, L. Julian, T. King, K. Kreamelmeyer, L. Lehman, M. Maggiotto, T. Mahfouz, L. O’Hara, C. Pak, D. Pearson, N. Perera, S. Rice-Snow, T. Richardson, D. Shawger, D. Singh, G. Slater, L. Slone, C. Staggs, L. Stevens, C. Stone, L. Sullivan, L. Sun, C. Thomas, K. Thurman, D. Wheeler, S. Zhuk Substitutes: Ron Kovac for R. Bellaver, Melinda Messineo for L. Pellerin, Sheryl Swingley for J. Strauss, Ruth Jones for S. Wilczynski Members Absent: S. Aegisdottir, A. Beane, R. Butler, M. Holtzman, C. Munchel, S. Pattison, C. Updike 2. A motion was made and seconded (Anagnos/Thurman) to approve the University Senate minutes of October 24, 2013. The motion carried. 3. Announcements A. Next Scheduled Meetings Senate Agenda Committee – Monday, January 6, 2014, 2:00 p.m., Letterman Building (LB), Rm. 104 University Senate – Thursday, January 16, 2014, 4:00 p.m., Letterman Building (LB), Room 125 Items I. B. (Program Information), and C. Student Activities Committee (Enclosure #1) were reviewed by the senate. 4. The Senate had a moment of silence to recognize the deaths of David Feldman and E. Jocelyn Mackey (University Senate Agenda, 11/14/13, Enclosure #2) 5. Council/Committee/Student Senate Reports A. Governance and Elections Committee – Ralph Bremigan, Chairperson. Ralph reported the committee will meet next week to review the amendments and revisions to the handbook. There are two revisions submitted as first readings for today’s meeting. B. Faculty Council – Kip Shawger, Chairperson. Kip reported the Faculty Council met on October 31. They had guests Laura Helms, Associate Dean of University College, and Steve Reed, Coordinator of Enterprise Systems, who discussed the new space assignment software, R25. C. University Council – Michael Gillilan, Chairperson. Michael reported the University Council met on 11/7 and had John Fallon, Associate Vice President for Economic Development and Community Engagement, attend the meeting to talk about the Building Better Communities Initiatives. The council conducted a vote against HJR6 with the results being 14 in favor of opposition and one abstention. University Senate Minutes November 14, 2013 Page Two D. Campus Council – Kevin Thurman, Chairperson. Kevin reported the Campus Council has not met since the last senate meeting. They will meet again in February, 2014. E. Student Senate – Alyssa France, Vice President, Student Government Association (SGA). Alyssa reported the SGA is working fulfilling the platform obligations of the executive committee. They are also sponsoring a state-wide student government and leadership development conference which has been taking up a considerable amount of time. They are proud of sponsoring this first-time ever conference on campus. The student senate also voted and passed opposition to HJR6. 7. David Pearson, Chairperson of the University Senate, reviewed the GANTT Chart (University Senate Agenda, 11/14/13, Enclosure #3) with the membership of the Senate. 8. President’s Remarks The President had no report but asked if there were any questions. - A question was asked as to whether there is fear of ObamaCare affecting our health benefits. The president reported she will know more next week. It was shared with the Board of Trustees at their last meeting. She believes there will be an increased cost to the university; however, no individual will be impacted. 9. Question and Answer Period There were no questions. 10. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. 11. New Business A. Credit Hour Policy (University Senate Agenda, 11/14/13, Enclosure #4) A motion was made and seconded (Shawger/France) to place on the floor for discussion. Marilyn Buck, Associate Provost and Dean of University College, was present at today’s meeting to answer questions. This revision was suggested by the accreditation team of the Higher Learning Commission. The vote to approve the revision of the Credit Hour Policy, carried. B. Constitutional Amendments (University Senate Agenda, 11/14/13, Enclosure #5) A motion was made and seconded (Hesser/Thurman) to place on the floor for discussion. Since this is the first reading and no discussion takes place, a motion was made and seconded (Fitzgerald/Jones-Hall) to table until the next meeting. The motion to table the constitutional amendments carried. C. HJR6 A motion was made and seconded (Shawger/Gillilan) to place on the floor for discussion. The following motion was read by faculty council chair, Kip Shawger: University Senate Minutes November 14, 2013 Page Three “It is moved that Senate request the university administration make the following statement: In light of the ongoing debates around House Joint Resolution 6, Ball State University reaffirms our commitment to diversity and tolerance. We believe that providing a welcoming and supportive environment is not only morally right but also economically sound. To attract the best and brightest students and the most talented faculty and staff, we need to recognize the diverse needs of the university community. On behalf of its faculty, staff, and students, Ball State opposes adoption of House Joint Resolution 6 and supports the goals of the Freedom Indiana organization." Discussion ensued. A senate member inquired about the Freedom Indiana organization. Kip Shawger responded that the goal of this organization is supporting the rights of all citizens of Indiana. Opposition to this bill passed the faculty council (Y33-N6), and university council (Y14-N0-A1). The Student Senate Resolution (05-13/14) was authored by two and sponsored by 329, with more sponsors names coming in daily. It is not clear how the same sex partner benefits offered on campus will play out if this bill is passed. A motion was made and seconded (Fitzgerald/Thurman) to have vote by paper ballot. Clarification was made regarding yes or no. A yes vote means you are opposing the legislation. A no vote means you are in favor of the bill. The results of the paper ballot: Yay 51 Nay 9 Abstention 1 The motion and vote to opposed HJR6 carried. The results of this vote will be forwarded to university administration indicating opposition to HJR6. 12. Other Items There were no other items. 13. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. January 16, 2014 David Pearson, Chairperson /mt Amy Harden, Secretary MINUTES OF THE FIFTH MEETING OF THE 2012-13 UNIVERSITY SENATE Thursday, November 29, 2012 Members Present: 57 Members Absent: 14 1. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m., by the Chairperson of the University Senate, David Pearson. Roll Call was taken by initialing the roster located at the entrance to LB 125. Members Present: E. Agnew, A. Beane, R. Bellaver, E. Bowers, R. Bremigan, B. Brey, S. Byrum, J. Cassady, B. Canada, J. Chapman, M. Chiuini, C. Corbin, G. Dodson, J. Ellery, J. Forbey, A. France, M. Gerhard, J. Gora, D. Grosnick, J. Gruver, M. Guntsche, J. Hammons, M. Hanley, A. Harden, E. Hashimov, T. Hendricks, M. Holtzman, J. Huff, J. Jemiolo, T. King, K. Koch, K. Kreamelmeyer, M. Maggiotto, T. Mahfouz, S. Pattison, D. Pearson, L. Pellerin, N. Perera, K. Pierce, D. Shawger, K. Slabaugh, G. Stamp, M. Steib, C. Stone, K. Thurman, C. Updike, D. Wheeler, C. Wilkey Substitutes: Con Sullivan for H. Closson, Jensen Zhao for R. Davis, Lucinda Van Alst for J. Ledbetter, Jerry McKean for P. Magro, Charles Haynes for C. Munchel, David Roof for T. Richardson, Ann Brown for G. Slater, Gloria Pavlik for L. Wiley, Sviatoslav Dmitriev for S. Zhuk Members Absent: S. Aegisdottir, O. Benkato, P. Buis, J. Dowden, C. Griewank, Z. Guzelderli, M. Hamil, B. Hannon, J. Kluth, L. Lehman, E. Levitt, R. Purviance, S. Rice-Snow, J. Strauss 2. A motion was made and seconded (Shawger/Steib) to approve the minutes of October 25, 2012. Joyce Huff was present at the meeting but was marked absent. The motion carried. 3. Announcements A. Campus Smoking Policy Smoking Policy Review and Implementation Committee Dr. Kay Bales, Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students Vice President Bales introduced Kerry Anne McGeary, Director of the Global Health Institute, Phyllis A. Miller Professor of Health Economics, and Associate Professor of Economics. Dr. McGeary presented a very brief PowerPoint presentation (Attachment #1) regarding the committee and their findings and recommendations for the Ball State campus to be completely smoke and tobacco-free. All designated smoking areas would be closed. Rationale was also presented. Due to time constraints, there was no time for questions to the committee. The PowerPoint presentation will be forwarded to the senate members for review and submission of questions or concerns. B. Dr. Randy Howard Vice President for Business Affairs, and Treasurer Vice President Howard presented a brief PowerPoint concerning the healthcare benefits at Ball State. He responded to the following questions (Attachment #2) - Are health incentives making any difference? The literature is mixed. Smoking is a definite. The university is working to selectively choose those things that have a fiscal and personal benefit. - What if a spouse cannot obtain insurance from their employer? This constitutes a qualifying event that is federally supported. We will not drop any from our insurance if we do not have proof that their employer has picked them up for insurance. - Is the university looking at equivalencies across different insurance companies? When we drop spouses and dependents, what is the employee saving? University Senate Minutes November 29, 2012 Page Two The university tried to put a couple of equivalencies in place, one of which is the subsidy level (put at 60% or higher). We still allow you to put the spouse on as a secondary insurance. - So if you take your spouse off of this policy, does your premium go down? The reason for putting these changes in place was to reduce the pressure on premium increases. Implementing these changes affects both the university and the employee. There are some who will pay more for their spouse’s healthcare plan. Our primary goal is to make sure we can offer quality healthcare to our employees. Because of time constraints for the meeting, employees were directed to the Payroll and Employee Benefits website to find answers to healthcare questions: peb@bsu.edu. Vice President Howard also offered to personally answer any questions. His e-mail address is: rbhoward@bsu.edu. 4. Agenda Items I.C. (Next scheduled meetings), D. (Program Information), and E. (Board of Trustees Action) were reviewed. 5. There was a moment of silence to recognize the deaths of Veva McCoskey, Harlan Roepke, Byron Torke, and most recently, current faculty member Brian C. Donehew. 6. Committee Reports A. Governance and Elections Committee – Ralph Bremigan, Chairperson, reported the committee did not meet as there was nothing on the agenda that was time-sensitive. B. Faculty Council – Kip Shawger, Chairperson, reported the council met on November 1 for a lengthy meeting. Jennifer Bott spoke regarding iLearn, Robert Morris spoke regarding supplemental compensation, and Keith Kothman of the University Promotion and Tenure Committee (UP&T) received feedback from the council on university-wide proposed revisions to the UP&T document. Amy Harden is on assigned leave semester and a substitute is needed for secretary. Marilyn Buck also spoke briefly regarding the Higher Learning Commission and the upcoming forum dates for the campus community to attend. C. University Council – Katie Slabaugh, Chairperson, reported the council met on November 8 and heard from a representative from the steering committee on the Higher Learning Commission’s visit next year. They also reviewed and endorsed sending forward a member’s request for the university to investigate a policy for telecommuting. Rationale was provided and it was sent forward to the Senate Agenda Committee who has forwarded it to the Salary and Benefits Committee for their review and consideration. D. Campus Council – Kevin Thurman, Chairperson, reported the council did not meet this month. E. Student Senate - Chris Wilkey, President, Student Government Association (SGA), reported the following over 1,000 constitutions were distributed on Constitution Day, approximately 350 students registered to vote on Democracy Day, there were 1,300 attendees at the Gibbs/Cheney debate, approximately 150-200 individuals attended the Errington/Oliver debate, 250 people were in attendance at the Election Night Watch Party, over ten different candidates appeared on campus, 250 people rode the campus shuttle to vote at the polls, there were 10,240 hits on the Vote 2012 website. SGA handed out 960 shirts – 500 glow in the dark and 460 Cardinal WINGS were given in trade for a used t-shirt, done in conjunction with the Black-out Football game. All donated shirts will be given to the Muncie Mission. Forty-four students will be going to the Men’s basketball game with Butler on December. SGA provided transportation and halfprice tickets. Approximately 46 individuals from the Muncie community participated in the Dancer Workshop. The start of terms for SGA has been moved back to the middle of April. Legislation passed from Student Senate: 1) Support of continuation of the Athletics Student Rewards Program, 2) Crosswalks on campus, and 3) looking at extending the hours of the Bookmark Café during finals. In progress is implementing a self-defense class through PEFWL and mandatory four-year plans for incoming students. 10. Report by Chairperson of Senate – Dave Pearson (University Senate Agenda 11/29/12, Enclosure #2) A note will be sent to all departments and professional areas who have not returned their voting results on the three University Senate Minutes November 29, 2012 Page Three Constitutional Amendments. The chair reported the Task Force on Academic Rigor will have a report to the Provost and President by the end of the year. An ad hoc salary study committee will meet tomorrow. With regard to Salary Compression: If promotion increments are increased, it will have an impact. The President added there are several areas addressing the issue and giving reviewing every step necessary to accomplish this task, if funding permits. It is not just a matter of distributing the money. Steps have to be done in an incremental fashion. 11. Questions Directed to the President The President reported the following: Her office is arranging meetings with college faculties in late January. If you have particular concerns, please relay them to your dean. She will be bringing information regarding the legislative process and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE), in general. Dialogue with faculty is the purpose of the meeting, however. You will all be receiving the ICHE publication, Reaching Higher and Achieving More, their strategic plan. This is the blueprint that drives the university’s funding. Be looking for it in January. The Benefits Survey will be distributed. It will require you to think hard about your health benefits and what you personally value as an employee. There will be a reception for all faculty in January. The program will be the announcement of the Immersive Learning Awards. The Conversation with Dave and Oprah was excellent. The university has received permission to create DVD’s. Please send her an e-mail if you are interested in receiving a DVD. Finally, our football team is 9-3; we anticipate a bowl game. The President responded to the following question: - Can you make any comments regarding the results of the survey conducted this fall? The President reported she hopes to report results at the January faculty meetings. She has no information from Dr. Knight’s office; however, preliminary results are to be delivered by December 12. There will most definitely be a report in January. 12. Question and Answer Period There were no questions. 13. Unfinished Business A. Constitutional Amendment – Term Limits for Council/Committee Membership – Second Reading (University Senate Agenda 11/29/12, Enclosure #3) A motion was made and seconded (Thurman/Shawger) to remove from the table for discussion. The motion carried. It was explained that the current term limits for the Senate, but not for Councils/Committees. This amendment would put it in line with the term limits for senate, which is three two-year terms (six years total), at which time the member could not serve for one term (two years). The motion in favor of the amendment carried. 14. New Business A. Constitutional Amendment – Revision of Start Date for University Senate Executive Committee – First Reading (University Senate Agenda, 11/29/12, Enclosure #4) The chair of the Governance and Elections Committee, Ralph Bremigan, explained the amendment creates a transition time in the governance system. Currently, all membership begins in the fall. There are instance when administration needs to have conversation with the executive committee of the senate during the summer. This would alleviate the University Senate Minutes November 29, 2012 Page Four confusion as which executive committee is in place. A motion was made and seconded (Thurman/Bowers) to table until the next meeting of the Senate. The motion carried. B. Diversity Statement SR-02-10/11 (University Senate Agenda, 11/29/12, Enclosure #5) Kevin Thurman reported there currently is no unified diversity statement in course syllabi across the university as a whole. This statement protects students as well as gives them direction to have an issue resolved. A motion was made and seconded (Guntsche/Shawger) to approve the statement. Discussion ensued. A friendly amendment was suggested to revise “their” to “his/her” throughout the statement. There was discussion as to whether it must be added to every syllabus? The President concurred, adding it is included in the student handbook as well as the student website. A motion was made and seconded (Steib/Thurman) to table the motion. The motion to table carried. 15. Other Items 16. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. January 17, 2013 David Pearson, Chairperson /mt Amy Harden, Secretary University Senate Minutes November 29, 2012 University Senate Attachment #1 ll State Smoke Free Ball State Smoking Policy Review and Implementation Committee Information and Outreach Subcommittee Smoking Policy Review and Implementation Committee Ball State University Fall 2012 Smoking Policy Review and Implementation Committee Kay Bales, Chair Rhonda Clark Ryan Cole Subcommittee for Information and Outreach Kate Elliot Alyssa France Kenton Hall Kevin Kenyon Kerry Anne McGeary Rhonda Murr Kate Murray Mahbub Rahman Kip Shawger Julie Sturek Brittany Weaver Marie Williams Kerry Anne McGeary, Chair Alyssa France Kenton Hall Mahbub Rahman Kip Shawger Committee Recommendations •Eliminate all remaining smoking areas •Become a Tobacco Free Campus Smoke Free Ball State Smoke Free Ball State Why Tobacco Free? What do we know? Information Regarding the Harms of Tobacco & How to Quit is Prevalent in Our Culture •National Cancer Institute •Surgeon General’s Reports on Smoking and Tobacco Use •American Cancer Society •Indiana Cancer Coalition •Indiana Tobacco Quit Line ~ 1-800-Quit Now. •Tobacco Free Coalition of Delaware County •American College Health Association Consistent with Policies Enforced by: •State of Indiana -Strengthened its smoke free law in July 2012 •Local Government -Delaware County enacted its smoke-free law July 2011 •Our Public Colleagues - IU, Southern IN, Ivy Tech, IUPUI, IN State, U of Kentucky, U of Michigan •825 complete smoke free campuses and of these 608 are tobacco free universities Consistent with Ball State University’s Strategic Goals Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Choices • For Employees ~ Health Insurance Affidavit • For Students ~ Potential Employers Questions and Discussion 1. In general, what is your reaction to a tobacco free campus? 2. How can we effectively implement a tobacco free policy? Peer Enforcement? Administrators? UPD? Faculty? 3. If violators are fined, what is the recommended amount? (current fine is $50.00) Questions and Discussion 4. Should current smoking areas be eliminated in phases? If so, which ones? 5. What are the most effective methods for communicating this change? 6. What other information do you wish to share with the committee? THANK YOU!