Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ISSN: 1821-1291, URL: http://www.bmathaa.org Volume 4 Issue 4 (2012), Pages 76-90. SOME SERIES IDENTITIES FOR SOME SPECIAL CLASSES OF APOSTOL-BERNOULLI AND APOSTOL-EULER POLYNOMIALS RELATED TO GENERALIZED POWER AND ALTERNATING SUMS (COMMUNICATED BY R.K. RAINA) B.-J. FUGÈRE, S. GABOURY, R. TREMBLAY Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to obtain several series identities involving some classes of generalized Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Euler polynomials introduced lately by Srivastava et al. in [16, 17] as well as the generalized sum of integer powers, the generalized alternating sum and the analogues of the expansions of the hyperbolic tangent and the hyperbolic cotangent. The method used is that of generating functions. It can be found that many identities recently obtained are special cases of our results. 1. Introduction, Definitions and Notations (α) The generalized Bernoulli polynomials Bn (x) of order α ∈ C, the generalized (α) Euler polynomials En (x) of order α ∈ C and the generalized Genocchi polynomials (α) Gn (x) of order α ∈ C, each of degree n as well as in α, are defined respectively by the following generating functions (see,[4, vol.3, p.253 et seq.], [8, Section 2.8] and [10]): α ∞ X t tk (α) xt · e = Bk (x) (|t| < 2π; 1α := 1), (1.1) t e −1 k! k=0 α ∞ X tk 2 (α) xt · e = E (x) (|t| < π; 1α := 1) (1.2) k et + 1 k! k=0 and 2t et + 1 α · ext = ∞ X (α) Gk (x) k=0 tk k! (|t| < π; 1α := 1). (1.3) The literature contains a large number of interesting properties and relationships involving these polynomials [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15]. Q.-M. Luo and Srivastava ([12, (α) 14]) introduced the generalized Apostol-Bernoulli polynomials Bn (x) of order α, 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 11B68; Secondary 11S80. Key words and phrases. Bernoulli numbers and polynomials, Euler numbers and polynomials, Genocchi numbers and polynomials, Apostol-Bernoulli polynomials, Apostol-Euler polynomials, Apostol-Genocchi polynomials, Generalized power sums, Generalized alternating sums. Submitted June 19, 2012. Published November 6, 2012. 76 77 (α) Q.-M. Luo [9] investigated the generalized Apostol-Euler polynomials En (x) of (α) order α and the generalized Apostol-Genocchi polynomials Gn (x) of order α (see also,[10, 11, 13]). (α) The generalized Apostol-Bernoulli polynomials Bn (x; λ) of order α ∈ C, the (α) generalized Apostol-Euler polynomials En (x; λ) of order α ∈ C, the generalized (α) Apostol-Genocchi polynomials Gn (x; λ) of order α ∈ C are defined respectively by the following generating functions α ∞ X tk t (α) xt · e = B (x; λ) (|t + ln λ| < 2π; 1α := 1) (1.4) k λet − 1 k! k=0 2 λet + 1 α ·e xt = ∞ X (α) Ek (x; λ) k=0 tk k! (|t + ln λ| < π; 1α := 1) (1.5) and 2t t λe + 1 α · ext = ∞ X (α) Gk (x; λ) k=0 tk k! (|t + ln λ| < π; 1α := 1). (1.6) It is easy to see that (α) (α) Bn (x) = Bn (x; 1), (α) (α) En (x) = En (x; 1) (α) (α) and Gn (x) = Gn (x; 1). Recently, Srivastava et al. in [16, 17] have investigated some new classes of Apostol-Bernoulli, Apostol-Euler and Apostol-Genocchi polynomials with parameters a, b and c defined by the following generating functions. Definition 1.1. Let a, b, c ∈ R+ , (a 6= b) and n ∈ N0 . The generalized Apostol(α) Bernoulli polynomials Bn (x; λ; a, b, c) of order α, the generalized Apostol-Euler (α) polynomials En (x; λ; a, b, c) of order α and the generalized Apostol-Genocchi poly(α) nomials Gn (x; λ; a, b, c) of order α are defined respectively by the following generating functions α ∞ a X t tn α xt (α) , t ln + ln λ < 2π; 1 := 1 , c = B (x; λ; a, b, c) n λbt − at n! b n=0 (1.7) 2 t λb + at and α 2t t λb + at cxt = ∞ X E(α) n (x; λ; a, b, c) n=0 α cxt = ∞ X n=0 a tn , t ln + ln λ < π; 1α := 1 (1.8) n! b G(α) n (x; λ; a, b, c) a tn , t ln + ln λ < π; 1α := 1 . n! b (1.9) If we take a = 1, b = c = e in (1.7), (1.8) and (1.9) respectively, we have (1.4), (1.5) and (1.6). Obviously, when we set λ = 1, α = 1, a = 1, b = c = e in (1.7), (1.8) and (1.9), we have classical Bernoulli polynomials Bn (x), classical Euler polynomials En (x) and classical Genocchi polynomials Gn (x). 78 For each k ∈ N0 , Sk (n) defined by Sk (n) = n X jk (1.10) j=0 is called the sum of integer powers. The exponential generating function for Sk (n) is given by [19] ∞ X e(n+1)t − 1 tk . (1.11) Sk (n) = k! et − 1 k=0 We now define the generalized sum of integer powers as follows. Definition 1.2. For an arbitrary real or complex λ, the generalized sum of integers powers Sk (n; λ) is defined by the generating relation ∞ X Sk (n; λ) k=0 λe(n+1)t − 1 tk = . k! λet − 1 (1.12) It is obvious that Sk (n; 1) = Sk (1). (1.13) For k ∈ N0 and n ∈ N, Tk (n) defined by Tk (n) = n−1 X (−1)k nk (1.14) k=0 is called the alternating sum. The exponential generating function for Tk (n) is given by ∞ X tk 1 − (−1)n ent Tk (n) = . (1.15) k! 1 + et k=0 The generalized alternating sum of order α is defined in [7] as follows. Definition 1.3. For any arbitrary real or complex parameter λ, the generalized (α) alternating sum of order α, Tk (n; λ) is defined by the following generating function: α ∞ X tk 1 − λ(−1)n ent (α) Tk (n; λ) = . (1.16) k! 1 + λet k=0 It is easy to observe that (1) Tk (n; 1) = Tk (n). (1.17) In this paper, we present several series identities involving the generalized ApostolBernoulli and the generalized Apostol-Euler polynomials defined respectively by (1.7) and (1.8). In Section 2, we obtain several symmetry identities for the generalized Apostol-Bernoulli polynomials a relation between the these polynomials and the generalized sum of integer powers (1.12). In Section 3, we prove several identities involving the generalized Apostol-Euler, the generalized alternating sum and the analogues of the expansions of the hyperbolic tangent and the hyperbolic cotangent. Some identities are also obtained by using the relationships between the generalized Apostol-Bernoulli, Apostol-Euler and Apostol-Genocchi polynomials. 79 2. Symmetry identities for the generalized Apostol-Bernoulli polynomials In this section, we establish some symmetry identities involving the generalized (α) Apostol-Bernoulli polynomials Bn (x; λ; a, b, c) defined in the first section and the generalized sum of integer powers defined by (1.12). This is done by using the method of generating functions. These results provides generalization of known identities [18, 21, 22, 23] Theorem 2.1. For all integers µ > 0, ν > 0, α ≥ 1, n ≥ 0, for a, b, c ∈ R+ (a 6= b) and for λ ∈ C, we have the following identity: ! (µ − 1)ν ln a n (α) ; λ; a, b, c µn−k ν k+1 Bn−k νx + µ ln c k k=0 ! k−i k X k b (α−1) (µy; λ; a, b, c) ln Sk−i (µ − 1, λ) Bi × i a i=0 ! n X (ν − 1)µ ln a n (α) = Bn−k µx + ; λ; a, b, c ν n−k µk+1 k ν ln c k=0 ! k−i k X b k (α−1) (νy; λ; a, b, c) ln . × Sk−i (ν − 1, λ) Bi a i i=0 n X (2.1) t2α−1 c µνxt (λbµνt − aµνt )c µνyt . We have to expand the (λbµt − aµt )α (λbνt − aνt )α last function into series in two way to prove the theorem. We have Proof. Considering g(t) = t2α−1 c µνxt (λbµνt − aµνt )c µνyt (λbµt − aµt )α (λbνt − aνt )α α µνt α−1 µt λb − aµνt νt 1 νxµt = α α−1 c c µνyt µ ν λbµt − aµt λbνt − aνt λbνt − aνt µt bν (µ−1)νt ln a α α−1 λ − 1 ln c aν c µt νt νxµt = c c µνyt ν t µα ν α−1 λbµt − aµt λbνt − aνt λ ab ν − 1 ! ∞ X (µ − 1)ν ln a (µt)n 1 (α) = α α−1 Bn νx + ; λ; a, b, c µ ν µ ln c n! n=0 ! ! ∞ ∞ k X X (νt)i b tk (α−1) × Sk (µ − 1, λ) ν ln Bi (µy; λ; a, b, c) a k! i! i=0 k=0 " n ! ∞ (µ − 1)ν ln a 1 X X n (α) = α α Bn−k νx + ; λ; a, b, c µn−k ν k+1 µ ν n=0 k µ ln c k=0 ! k−i # n k X k b t (α−1) × Sk−i (µ − 1, λ) Bi (µy; λ; a, b, c) ln . i a n! i=0 g(t) = (2.2) 80 By expanding in a different way, we have " n ! ∞ (ν − 1)µ ln a 1 X X n (α) g(t) = α α ; λ; a, b, c ν n−k µk+1 Bn−k µx + ν µ n=0 ν ln c k k=0 ! k−i # n k X k b t (α−1) × Sk−i (ν − 1, λ) Bi . (νy; λ; a, b, c) ln i a n! i=0 (2.3) By setting a = 1, b = c = e in Theorem 1, we obtain one of the results exhibited by Zhang and Yang [23, Eq. 8]: Corollary 2.2. For all integers µ > 0, ν > 0, α ≥ 1, n ≥ 0 and for λ ∈ C, we have n k X X n k (α) (α−1) Bn−k (νx; λ) µn−k ν k+1 Sk−i (µ − 1, λ) Bi (µy; λ) k i i=0 k=0 = n k X X n k (α) (α−1) Bn−k (µx; λ) ν n−k µk+1 Sk−i (ν − 1, λ) Bi (νy; λ). (2.4) k i i=0 k=0 Putting x = 0, y = 0 and α = 1 in Theorem 1, we have: Corollary 2.3. For all integers µ > 0, ν > 0, n ≥ 0 and for a, b, c ∈ R+ (a 6= b) and λ ∈ C, we have the following relation: ! n−k (µ − 1)ν ln a b n k−1 n−k ; λ; a, b, c µ ν Sn−k (µ − 1, λ) ln Bk µ ln c a k k=0 ! n−k (2.5) n X (ν − 1)µ ln a n b = Bk ; λ; a, b, c ν k−1 µn−k Sn−k (ν − 1, λ) ln . k ν ln c a n X k=0 Finally, substituting λ = 1, a = 1, b = c = e in (2.5), we find n n X X n k−1 n−k n k−1 n−k µ ν Bk Sn−k (µ − 1) = ν µ Bk Sn−k (ν − 1) k k k=0 (2.6) k=0 a result given by Tuenter [18]. Theorem 2.4. For all integers µ > 0, ν > 0, α ≥ 1, n ≥ 0, for a, b, c ∈ R+ , (a 6= b) and for λ ∈ C, we have the following identity: ! µ−1 ν−1 ! n X iν ln ab + (2µν − ν − µ) ln a n X X i+j n−k k (α) λ µ ν Bn−k νx + ; λ; a, b, c k i=0 j=0 µ ln c k=0 ! jµ ln ab (α) × Bk µy + ; λ; a, b, c ν ln c ! ν−1 µ−1 ! n X iµ ln ab + (2µν − ν − µ) ln a n X X n−k k (α) = ν µ Bn−k µx + ; λ; a, b, c k i=0 j=0 ν ln c k=0 ! jν ln ab (α) × λi+j Bk νy + ; λ; a, b, c . µ ln c (2.7) 81 Proof. Let the function h(t) be given by h(t) = t2α c µνxt (λµ bµνt − aµνt )(λν bµνt − aµνt )c µνyt , (λbµt − aµt )α+1 (λbνt − aνt )α+1 (2.8) which can be expanded as follows: α µ µνt α µt λ b − aµνt νt 1 µνxt c (µν)α λbµt − aµt λbνt − aνt λbνt − aνt ν µνt λ b − aµνt × c µνyt µt λb − aµt ! α α b λµ e µνt ln( a ) − 1 µt a2µνt−νt−µt νt µνxt c = b (µν)α λbµt − aµt λbνt − aνt λe νt ln( a ) − 1 ! b λν e νµt ln( a ) − 1 × c µνyt b λe µt ln( a ) − 1 α µ−1 X (2µν−ν−µ)t ln a b 1 µt µνxt ln c = c c λi e iνt ln( a ) (µν)α λbµt − aµt i=0 α ν−1 X b νt × λj e jµt ln( a ) c µνyt νt νt λb − a j=0 iνt ln ab (2µν − ν − µ)t ln a α µ−1 X + µνxt + 1 µt i ln c ln c = λ c (µν)α i=0 λbµt − aµt jµt ln ab ν−1 α X µνyt + νt ln c × λj c νt νt λb − a j=0 ! µ−1 ∞ iν ln ab + (2µν − ν − µ) ln a 1 X i X (α) (µt)n λ B νx + ; λ; a, b, c = (µν)α i=0 n=0 n µ ln c n! ! ν−1 ∞ X X jµ ln ab (νt)k (α) × λj Bk µy + ; λ; a, b, c ν ln c k! j=0 k=0 " n µ−1 ν−1 ! ∞ jµ ln ab 1 X X n X X i+j n−k k (α) ; λ; a, b, c = λ µ ν Bk µy + (µν)α n=0 k i=0 j=0 ν ln c k=0 !# iν ln ab + (2µν − ν − µ) ln a tn (α) × Bn−k νx + ; λ; a, b, c . µ ln c n! h(t) = (2.9) Since h(t) is symmetric in µ and ν, we can also expand h(t) as follows: ! ν−1 µ−1 " n ! ∞ jν ln ab 1 X X n X X i+j n−k k (α) h(t) = λ ν µ Bk νy + ; λ; a, b, c k i=0 j=0 (µν)α n=0 µ ln c k=0 (2.10) !# iµ ln ab + (2µν − ν − µ) ln a tn (α) × Bn−k µx + ; λ; a, b, c . ν ln c n! 82 n By equating the coefficient of tn! on the right-hand sides of these last two (2.9) and (2.10), we get the identity (2.7). Setting a = 1, b = c = e in Theorem 2 yields a result given recently by Zhang and Yang [23, Eq. 18] : Corollary 2.5. For all integers µ > 0, ν > 0, α ≥ 1, n ≥ 0 and for λ ∈ C, we have ! µ−1 ν−1 n X jµ n X X i+j n−k k (α) iν (α) µy + ;λ λ µ ν Bn−k νx + ; λ Bk µ ν k i=0 j=0 k=0 ! ν−1 µ−1 n X jν n X X i+j n−k k (α) iµ (α) = νy + ;λ . λ ν µ Bn−k µx + ; λ Bk ν µ k i=0 j=0 (2.11) k=0 Putting ν = 1 and y = 0 in Theorem 2 gives the next corollary: Corollary 2.6. For all integers µ > 0, α ≥ 1, n ≥ 0, for a, b, c ∈ R+ , (a 6= b) and for λ ∈ C, we have the following identity: ! ! µ−1 n X i ln ab + (µ − 1) ln a n X i n−k (α) (α) ; λ; a, b, c Bk (0; λ; a, b, c) λµ Bn−k x + µ ln c k i=0 k=0 ! µ−1 ! n X j ln ab (µ − 1) ln a n X j k (α) (α) λ µ Bn−k µx + = ; λ; a, b, c Bk ; λ; a, b, c . k j=0 ν ln c µ ln c k=0 (2.12) Theorem 2.7. For all integers µ > 0, ν > 0, α ≥ 1, n ≥ 0, for a, b, c ∈ R+ , (a 6= b) and for λ ∈ C, we have the following identity: ! µ−1 ν−1 n X n X X i+j n−k k (α) λ µ ν Bk (µy; λ; a, b, c) k i=0 j=0 k=0 iν ln ab + (2µν − ν − µ) ln a + jµ ln (α) × Bn−k νx + µ ln c ! µ−1 ν−1 n X n X X i+j n−k k (α) = λ ν µ Bk (νy; λ; a, b, c) k i=0 j=0 k=0 iµ ln ab + (2µν − ν − µ) ln a + jν ln (α) × Bn−k µx + ν ln c b a ! ; λ; a, b, c (2.13) b a ! ; λ; a, b, c . Proof. The proof of Theorem 3 is similar to that of Theorems 1 and 2. In the proof of Theorem 3, we first make use of (1.7) in order to expand the function h(t) defined by (2.8) and then apply the symmetry of h(t) in µ and ν to obtain a second expansion of h(t). The details involved are straightforward and we leave them as an exercise. If we set a = 1, b = c = e in Theorem 3, we recover a result given recently by Zhang and Yang [23, Eq. 23] : 83 Corollary 2.8. For all integers µ > 0, ν > 0, α ≥ 1, n ≥ 0 and for λ ∈ C, we have ! µ−1 ν−1 n X n X X i+j n−k k (α) ν (α) λ µ ν Bn−k νx + i + j; λ Bk (µy; λ) k i=0 j=0 µ k=0 ! ν−1 µ−1 n X n X X i+j n−k k (α) µ (α) = λ ν µ Bn−k µx + i + j; λ Bk (νy; λ) . ν k i=0 j=0 (2.14) k=0 Putting ν = 1 and y = 0 in Theorem 3 gives the next corollary: Corollary 2.9. For all integers µ > 0, α ≥ 1, n ≥ 0, for a, b, c ∈ R+ , (a 6= b) and for λ ∈ C, we have the following identity: ! ! µ−1 n X i ln ab + (µ − 1) ln a n X i n−k (α) (α) ; λ; a, b, c Bk (0; λ; a, b, c) λµ Bn−k x + µ ln c k i=0 k=0 ! µ−1 ! n X (µ − 1) ln a + j ln ab n X j k (α) (α) λ µ Bn−k µx + = ; λ; a, b, c Bk (0; λ; a, b, c) . k j=0 ln c k=0 (2.15) 3. Some identities related to generalized Apostol-Euler polynomials In this section, we derive some identities concerning the generalized Apostol(α) Euler polynomials En (x; λ; a, b, c) defined by (1.8), the generalized alternating sum (1.16) and the analogues of the expansions of hyperbolic cotangent and hyperbolic tangent introduced in [20]. These results extend some known formulas [6, 7, 21]. We conclude this section by giving some identities based on relation(α) ships between the generalized Apostol-Euler polynomials En (x; λ; a, b, c) and the (α) generalized Apostol-Bernoulli polynomials Bn (x; λ; a, b, c) and between the gener(α) alized Apostol-Bernoulli polynomials Bn (x; λ; a, b, c) and the generalized Apostol(α) Genocchi polynomials Gn (x; λ; a, b, c) defined by (1.9). Theorem 3.1. For n ∈ N0 , µ, ν ∈ N, α ≥ 1, a, b, c ∈ R+ , (a 6= b) and for λ ∈ C. If µ and ν have the same parity, then the following identity holds true: ! k n X n n−k k b αν ln a (α) (α) µ ν ln En−k νx − ; λ; a, b, c Tk (µ; λ) k a µ ln c k=0 ! k n X n n−k k b αµ ln a (α) (α) = ν µ ln En−k µx − ; λ; a, b, c Tk (ν; λ). k a ν ln c (3.1) k=0 Proof. Let the function g(t) be given by α b c µνxt 1 − λ(−1)µ eµνt ln( a ) g(t) = α (λbµt + aµt ) (λbνt + aνt ) α (3.2) 84 Making use of (1.8) and (1.16) to expand g(t) to obtain first: !α b 1 − λ(−1)µ eµνt ln( a ) c b λeνt ln( a ) + 1 k ∞ ∞ X νt ln ab (µt)n X (α) αν ln a (α) νx − ; λ; a, b, c En Tk (µ; λ) µ ln c n! k! n=0 k=0 ! ∞ X n k X tn b αν ln a n n−k k (α) (α) ; λ; a, b, c Tk (µ; λ) . En−k νx − µ ν ln a µ ln c n! k n=0 1 −ανt ln a g(t) = α c ln c 2 = 1 2α = 1 2α 2 λbµt + aµt α νxµt k=0 (3.3) Now, since µ and ν have the same parity, then the function g(t) is symmetric in µ and ν. Therefore, we can expand g(t) as follows: ! k ∞ n 1 X X n n−k k tn b αµ ln a (α) (α) g(t) = α En−k µx − ; λ; a, b, c Tk (ν; λ) . ν µ ln 2 n=0 a ν ln c n! k k=0 (3.4) n By equating the coefficient of tn! on the right-hand side of the last two equations (3.3) and (3.4), we thus recover the identity (3.1) asserted by Theorem 4. As a special case, if we set a = 1, b = c = e in Theorem 4, we obtain the following corollary given recently by Lu and Srivastava in [7, Eq. 30]. Corollary 3.2. For n ∈ N0 , µ, ν ∈ N, α ≥ 1 and for λ ∈ C. If µ and ν have the same parity, then the following identity holds true: ! ! n n X X n n−k k (α) n n−k k (α) (α) (α) µ ν En−k (νx ; λ) Tk (µ; λ) = ν µ En−k (µx; λ) Tk (ν; λ). k k k=0 k=0 (3.5) Now, letting α = λ = 1, we recover the result given by Yang and Qiao in [21, Eq. 18]: Corollary 3.3. For n ∈ N0 and µ, ν ∈ N. If µ and ν have the same parity, then we have ! ! n n X X n n−k k n n−k k µ ν En−k (νx) Tk (µ) = ν µ En−k (µx) Tk (ν). k k (3.6) k=0 k=0 Theorem 3.4. For n ∈ N0 , µ, ν ∈ N, α ≥ 1, a, b, c ∈ R+ , (a 6= b) and for λ ∈ C. If µ and ν have the same parity, then the following identity holds true: ! µ−1 ν−1 n X n XX (α) (−λ)i+j µn−k ν k En−k k i=0 j=0 νx + (iν + jµ) ln k=0 ! − (µ + ν) ln a ; λ; a, b, c µ ln c b a (α) × Ek (µy; λ; a, b, c) ! ν−1 µ−1 n X n XX (α) = (−λ)i+j ν n−k µk En−k k i=0 j=0 k=0 µx + (iµ + jν) ln ! − (µ + ν) ln a ; λ; a, b, c ν ln c b a (α) × Ek (νy; λ; a, b, c). (3.7) 85 Proof. Let the function g(t) be given by h νt µ i h µt ν i cµνxt cµνyt 1 − −λ ab 1 − −λ ab g(t) = α+1 α+1 (λbµt + aµt ) (λbνt + aνt ) (3.8) which can be expanded, with the help of (1.8), as follows: µ b νt 1 − −λ a 1 2 1 g(t) = 2α cµνxt νt νt 2 λbµt + aµt a λ ab +1 ν b µt α 1 1 − −λ a 2 × µt cµνyt µt a λbνt + aνt λ ab +1 iνt ! α µ−1 X a−(µ+ν)t b 2 i µνxt = (−λ) c 22α λbµt + aµt a i=0 α jµt ! ν−1 X 2 b cµνyt × (−λ)j a λbνt + aνt j=0 jµt ln ab iνt ln ab (µ + ν)t ln a α µ−1 ν−1 X X + − µνxt + 1 2 ln c ln c ln c (λ)i+j c = 2α 2 i=0 j=0 λbµt + aµt α 2 × cµνyt λbνt + aνt ! µ−1 ν−1 ∞ (iν + µj) ln ab − (µ + ν) ln a (µt)n 1 X X i+j X (α) = 2α (λ) En νx + ; λ; a, b, c 2 i=0 j=0 µ ln c n! n=0 × ∞ X (α) Ek (µy; λ; a, b, c) k=0 = α (νt)k k! " n ! µ−1 ν−1 ∞ 1 X X n XX (α) (−λ)i+j µn−k ν k Ek (µy; λ; a, b, c) 22α n=0 k i=0 j=0 k=0 !# (iν + µj) ln ab − (µ + ν) ln a tn (α) ; λ; a, b, c . × En−k νx + µ ln c n! Using the fact that g(t) is symmetric since µ and ν have the same parity, we can also expand g(t) in the following the way: " n ! ν−1 µ−1 ∞ 1 X X n XX (α) g(t) = 2α (−λ)i+j ν n−k µk Ek (νy; λ; a, b, c) 2 n=0 k i=0 j=0 k=0 !# (iµ + νj) ln ab − (µ + ν) ln a tn (α) ×En−k µx + ; λ; a, b, c . ν ln c n! (3.9) n Equating coefficients of tn! in the right-hand side of the last two equations gives the identity of the Theorem 5. Letting a = 1, b = c = e in Theorem 5, we find the following corollary given recently by Lu and Srivastava in [7, Eq. 43]. 86 Corollary 3.5. For n ∈ N0 , µ, ν ∈ N, α ≥ 1 and for λ ∈ C. If µ and ν have the same parity, then the following identity holds true: ! µ−1 ν−1 n X n XX ν (α) (α) (−λ)i+j µn−k ν k En−k νx + i + j; λ Ek (µy; λ) k i=0 j=0 µ k=0 ! ν−1 µ−1 n X n XX µ (α) (α) = (−λ)i+j ν n−k µk En−k µx + i + j; λ Ek (νy; λ). ν k i=0 j=0 (3.10) k=0 According to [20], we have the following analogues of the expansions of hyperbolic cotangent and hyperbolic tangent, respectively: ∞ X Bn (0; λ) + λBn (1; λ) λe2z + 1 = (2z)n−1 , λe2z − 1 n! n=0 (3.11) ∞ X (2z)n λe2z − 1 = − + 1. E (0; λ) n λe2z + 1 n! n=0 (3.12) From (3.11), we can obtain the following theorem. Theorem 3.6. For n ∈ N0 , µ, ν ∈ N, α ≥ 1, a, b, c ∈ R+ , (a 6= b) and for λ ∈ C. Let δi,j denotes the Kronecker delta defined by δi,i = 1 and δi,j = 0 for i 6= j. If µ is odd and ν is even then the following identity holds true: ! ! k n + 1 [δn+1−k,1 + 2Bn+1−k (0; λ)] n−k X k µi ν n−i − µ i k n+1 i=0 k=0 ! X i n−k+i−j µ ln a i b (α) (α−1) (1) ×Ek−i µx − (νy; λ; a, b, c) ; λ; a, b, c ln Ti−j (ν; λ)Ej ν ln c j a j=0 ! ! X n k k−i X n n−k k (α) ν ln a k b (1) = µ ν En−k νx − ; λ; a, b, c ln Tk−i (µ; λ) k µ ln c i a i=0 n+1 X k=0 (α−1) × Ei (µy; λ; a, b, c). (3.13) Proof. When µ is odd and ν is even, the function g(t), given below, is not symmetric in µ and ν, so we have on the one hand α 2 g(t) = 2α−1 cµνxt 2 λbνt + aνt α−1 2 × cµνyt λbµt + aµt 1 b 1 − λ(−1)ν eµνt ln( a ) λbµt + aµt ! ! µt ln a α b µνxt − 1 − λ(−1)µ eµνt ln( a ) 2 ln c = 2α−1 c b 2 λbνt + aνt 1 − λ(−1)ν eµνt ln( a ) ! α−1 b 1 − λ(−1)ν eµνt ln( a ) 2 × cµνyt b λbµt + aµt λeµt ln( a ) + 1 n−1 ! ∞ X Bn (0; λ) + λBn (1; λ) −1 b = 2α−1 µνt ln 2 n! a n=0 ! ∞ X (νt)k µ ln a (α) × Ek µx − ; λ; a, b, c ν ln c k! 1 k=0 b 1 − λ(−1)µ eµνt ln( a ) b 1 − λ(−1)ν eµνt ln( a ) ! 87 ! i ! ∞ X (α−1) µt ln ab (µt)j × ; λ) Ej (νy; λ; a, b, c) i! j! i=0 j=0 " ! ∞ n −1 X X n = 2α−1 [Bn−k (0; λ) + λBn−k (1; λ)] µn−1−k 2 k n=0 k=0 ! k X k i n−1−i (α) µ ln a ; λ; a, b, c × µν Ek−i µx − ν ln c i i=0 ! # i n−1−k+i−j X i b tn−1 (1) (α−1) × ln Ti−j (ν; λ)Ej . (νy; λ; a, b, c) j a n! j=0 ∞ X (1) Ti (ν (3.14) On the other other hand, we can also expand g(t) as follows: ! α b 1 − λ(−1)µ eµνt ln( a ) 2 µνxt c g(t) = 2α−1 2 λbµt + aµt λbνt + aνt α−1 2 × c µνyt λbνt + aνt ! νt ln a α b µνxt − 1 − λ(−1)µ eµνt ln( a ) 1 2 ln c = 2α−1 c b 2 λbµt + aµt 1 + λeνt ln( a ) α−1 2 c µνyt × λbνt + aνt ! ∞ k ! ∞ X X (1) νt ln ab (µt)n 1 ν ln a (α) = 2α−1 En νx − ; λ; a, b, c Tk (µ; λ) 2 µ ln c n! k! n=0 k=0 ! ∞ X (α−1) (νt)i Ei (µy; λ; a, b, c) × i! i=0 " n ! ∞ 1 X X n n−k k (α) ν ln a ; λ; a, b, c = 2α−1 µ ν En−k νx − 2 µ ln c k n=0 k=0 ! # k−i k X k b tn (1) (α−1) ln (µy; λ; a, b, c) × Tk−i (µ; λ)Ei . i a n! i=0 1 Since λBn (x + 1; λ) − Bn (x; λ) = nxn−1 (see [14]) then Bn (0; λ) + λBn (1; λ) = δn,1 + 2Bn (0; λ). (3.15) Making use of this last relation (3.15) involving the Apostol-Bernoulli polynomials n and numbers and equating the coefficients of tn! in (3.14) and (3.15), we obtain (3.13). Substituting a = 1, b = c = e in Theorem 6 furnishes the following corollary. Corollary 3.7. For n ∈ N0 , µ, ν ∈ N, α ≥ 1 and for λ ∈ C. Let δi,j denotes the Kronecker delta defined by δi,i = 1 and δi,j = 0 for i 6= j. If µ is odd and ν is even then the following identity holds true: ! ! k n + 1 [δn+1−k,1 + 2Bn+1−k (0; λ)] n−k X k (α) − µ µi ν n−i Ek−i (µx; λ) n+1 i k i=0 k=0 ! i X i (1) (α−1) × T (ν; λ)Ej (νy; λ) j i−j j=0 n+1 X 88 ! ! n k X X n n−k k (α) k (1) (α−1) = µ ν En−k (νx; λ) Tk−i (µ; λ)Ei (µy; λ). k i i=0 (3.16) k=0 Letting λ = 1 in (3.16), we get the result obtained by Liu and Wang in [6, Theorem 2.4]. Corollary 3.8. For n ∈ N0 , µ, ν ∈ N, α ≥ 1. If µ is odd and ν is even then the following identity holds true: −2 n+1 X k=0 k6=n ! ! ! k i X i n + 1 Bn+1−k (0) n−k X k (1) (α−1) i n−i (α) µ µν Ek−i (µx) Ti−j (ν)Ej (νy) n+1 i j k i=0 j=0 ! ! n k X X n n−k k (α) k (1) (α−1) = µ ν En−k (νx) Tk−i (µ)Ei (µy). k i i=0 (3.17) k=0 We can proceed similarly to Theorem 3.6, but using this time (3.12) to establish the next result. Theorem 3.9. For n ≥ 1, µ, ν ∈ N, α ≥ 1, a, b, c ∈ R+ , (a 6= b) and for λ ∈ C. If µ is even and ν is odd then the following identity holds true: ! ! k n X X k µ ln a n (α) n−k ; λ; a, b, c µi ν n−i Ek−i µx − En−k (0; λ)µ ν ln c i k i=0 k=0 ! n−k+i−j i X i b (α−1) (1) (νy; λ; a, b, c) × ln Ti−j (ν; λ)Ej j a j=0 ! n X n n−k k (α) µ ln a ν µ En−k µx − − ; λ; a, b, c k ν ln c k=0 ! k−i k X k b (1) (α−1) × ln (νy; λ; a, b, c) Tk−i (ν; λ)Ei i a i=0 ! n X n n−k k (α) ν ln a µ ν En−k νx − = ; λ; a, b, c k µ ln c k=0 ! k k−i X k b (1) (α−1) × ln Tk−i (µ; λ)Ei (µy; λ; a, b, c). i a i=0 (3.18) An interesting special case of Theorem 7 is obtained by setting a = 1, b = c = e and λ = 1 in (3.18). Corollary 3.10. For n ≥ 1, µ, ν ∈ N, α ≥ 1. If µ is even and ν is odd then the following identity holds true: n−1 X k=0 ! ! ! k i X X i n k (1) (α−1) n−k i n−i (α) Ti−j (ν)Ej (νy) En−k (0)µ µν Ek−i (µx) k i j i=0 j=0 ! ! n k X X n n−k k (α) k (1) (α−1) = µ ν En−k (νx) Tk−i (µ)Ei (µy) k i i=0 k=0 a result given first by Liu and Wang in [6, Theorem 2.7]. (3.19) 89 Finally, we would like to mention that many other identities can be obtained from those shown in this paper. As example, it is easy to see that the two following relationships hold between the Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Euler polynomials and the Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Genocchi polynomials. Respectively, we have for n ∈ N0 , µ, ν ∈ N, α ∈ N, a, b, c ∈ R+ , (a 6= b) and for λ ∈ C, (α) E(α) n (x; λ; a, b, c) = (−2)α n! Bn+α (x; −λ; a, b, c) (n + α)! and (3.20) (α) Gn (x; −λ; a, b, c) . (3.21) (−2)α Let us see two examples of application of these two results. First, combining (3.20) with Theorem 4 yields B(α) n (x; λ; a, b, c) = Theorem 3.11. For n ∈ N0 , µ, ν ∈ N, α ∈ N, a, b, c ∈ R+ , (a 6= b) and for λ ∈ C. If µ and ν have the same parity, then the following identity holds true: ! αν ln a k (n − k)! B(α) n X n−k+α νx − µ ln c ; −λ; a, b, c n n−k k b (α) µ ν ln Tk (µ; λ) k a (n − k + α)! k=0 ! k (α) n ln a X (n − k)! Bn−k+α µx − αµ ; −λ; a, b, c (α) n n−k k b ν ln c Tk (ν; λ). = ν µ ln a (n − k + α)! k k=0 (3.22) Next, considering (3.21) with Theorem 1 gives Theorem 3.12. For all integers µ > 0, ν > 0, α ∈ N, n ≥ 0, for a, b, c ∈ R+ (a 6= b) and for λ ∈ C, we have the following identity: ! (µ − 1)ν ln a n (α) ; −λ; a, b, c µn−k ν k+1 Gn−k νx + k µ ln c k=0 ! k−i k X k b (α−1) (µy; −λ; a, b, c) ln × Sk−i (µ − 1, λ) Gi i a i=0 ! n X (ν − 1)µ ln a n (α) = Gn−k µx + ; −λ; a, b, c ν n−k µk+1 ν ln c k k=0 ! k−i k X k b (α−1) × Sk−i (ν − 1, λ) Gi (νy; −λ; a, b, c) ln . i a i=0 n X (3.23) References 1. M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun, Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs and mathematical tables, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, 1964. 2. Yu. A. Brychkov, On multiple sums of special functions, Integral Transform Spec. Funct. 21 (12) (2010), 877–884. 3. L. Comtet, Advanced combinatorics: The art of finite and infinite expansions, (Translated from french by J.W. 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B.-Jean Fugère Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7K 5L0 E-mail address: fugerej@rmc.ca Sebastien Gaboury Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada, G7H 2B1 E-mail address: s1gabour@uqac.ca Richard Tremblay Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada, G7H 2B1 E-mail address: rtrembla@uqac.ca