Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ISSN: 1821-1291, URL: http://www.bmathaa.org Volume 1 Issue 3(2009), Pages 42-48. ON GENERALIZED π-RECURRENT SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS (DEDICATED IN OCCASION OF THE 65-YEARS OF PROFESSOR R.K. RAINA) D. A. PATIL, D. G. PRAKASHA AND C. S. BAGEWADI Abstract. The object of the present paper is to study generalized π-recurrent Sasakian manifolds. Here it is proved that a generalized π-recurrent Sasakian manifold is an Einstein manifold. We also ο¬nd a relation between the associated 1-forms π΄ and π΅ for a generalized π -recurrent and generalized concircular π-recurrent Sasakian manifolds. Finally, we proved that a three dimensional locally generalized π-recurrent Sasakian manifold is of constant curvature. 1. Introduction The notion of local symmetry of a Riemannian manifold has been weakened by many authors in several ways to a diο¬erent extent. As a weaker version of local symmetry, T. Takahashi[10] introduced the notion of local π-symmetry on a Sasakian manifold. Generalizing the notion of π-symmetry, the authors U.C. De, A.A. Shaikh and Sudipta Biswas introduced the notion of π-recurrent Sasakian manifolds in[4]. This notion has been studied by many authors for diο¬erent types of Riemannain manifolds([7, 6, 5, 11]). A Sasakian manifold is said to be a π−recurrent manifold if there exists a nonzero 1−form π΄ such that π2 ((∇π π )(π, π)π ) = π΄(π)π (π, π)π for arbitrary vector ο¬elds π, π , π, π . If the 1−form π΄ vanishes, then the manifold reduces to a π−symmetric manifold. The notion of generalized recurrent manifolds was introduced by U.C.De and N.Guha[3]. A Riemannian manifold (π 2π+1 , π) is called generalized recurrrent if its curvature tensor π satisο¬es the condition (∇π π )(π, π)π = π΄(π)π (π, π)π + π΅(π)[π(π, π )π − π(π, π )π] 2000 Mathematics Subject Classiο¬cation. 53C05, 53C20, 53C25. Key words and phrases. Sasakian manifolds; generalized π-recurrent Sasakian manifolds; Einstein manifold; Concircular curvature tensor. c β2009 Universiteti i PrishtineΜs, PrishtineΜ, KosoveΜ. Submitted November, 2008. Published October, 2009. 42 ON GENERALIZED π-RECURRENT SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS 43 where, π΄ and π΅ are two 1-forms, π΅ is non-zero and these are deο¬ned by π΄(π) = π(π, π1 ), π΅(π) = π(π, π2 ), π1 and π2 are vector ο¬elds associated with 1-froms π΄ and π΅, respectively. Generalizing the notion of π-recurrency, the authors A. Basari and C. Murathan[1] introduced the notion of generalized π-recurrency to Kenmotsu manifolds. Motivated by the above studies, in this paper we extend the study of generalized πrecurrency to Sasakian manifolds and obtain some interesting results. A Sasakian manifold (π 2π+1 , π) is said to be an Einstein manifold is its Ricci tensor π is of the form π(π, π ) = ππ(π, π ) (1.1) for any vector ο¬elds π, π and where π is any constant. The paper is organized as follows. In preliminaries, we give a brief account of Sasakian manifolds. In section 3, it is proved that a generalized π-recurrent Sasakian manifold is an Einstein manifold. We also ο¬nd some relations between the associated 1-forms π΄ and π΅ for a generalized π-recurrent and genralized concircular π-recurrent sasakian manifolds. In the last section, we proved that a three dimensional locally generalized π-recurrent Sasakian manifold is of constant curvature. 2. Sasakian manifolds 2π+1 Let (π , π) be a contact Riemannian manifold with a contact form π, the associated vector ο¬eld π, (1−1) tensor ο¬eld π and the associated Riemannian metric π. If π is a killing vector ο¬eld, then π 2π+1 is called a πΎ-contact Riemannian manifold([2], [9]). A πΎ-contact Riemannian manifold is called a sasakian manifold if (∇π π)(π, π ) = π(π, π )π − π(π )π (2.1) holds, where ∇ denotes the operator of covariant diο¬erentiation with respect to π. Let π and π denote, the Ricci tensors of type (0, 2) and of type (1, 1) of π 2π+1 respectively. It is known that in a Sasakian manifold π 2π+1 , besides the relation (2.1), the following relations also hold (see [2], [9]): π2 = −πΌ + π ⊗ π, (2.2) (π)π(π) = 1, (π)ππ = 0, (π)π β π = 0, (π)π(π, π) = π(π), (2.3) π(ππ, ππ ) = π(π, π ) − π(π)π(π ), (2.4) (π)∇π π = −ππ, (π)(∇π π)π = π(π, ππ ), (2.5) π (π, π)π = (∇π π)π = π(π, π )π − π(π )π, (2.6) π (π, π )π = π(π )π − π(π)π, (2.7) π (π, π)π = π(π )π − π(π, π )π, (2.8) π(π (π, π )π) = π(π, π)π(π) − π(π, π)π(π ), (2.9) π(π, π) = 2ππ(π), (2.10) π(ππ, ππ ) = π(π, π ) − 2ππ(π)π(π ), (2.11) for all vector ο¬elds π, π , π. The above results will be used in the next sections. 44 D. A. PATIL, D. G. PRAKASHA AND C. S. BAGEWADI 3. ON GENERALIZED π-RECURRENT SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS Deο¬nition 3.1. Sasakian manifold (π 2π+1 , π) is called generalized π-recurrent if its curvature tensor π satisο¬es the condition π2 ((∇π π )(π, π )π) = π΄(π )π (π, π )π + π΅(π )[π(π, π)π − π(π, π)π ] (3.1) where π΄ and π΅ are two 1-forms, π΅ is non-zero and these are deο¬ned by: πΌ(π ) = π(π, π1 ), π½(π ) = π(π, π2 ) (3.2) and π1 , π2 are vector ο¬elds associated with 1-forms π΄ and π΅,respectively. Let us consider a generalized π-recurrent Sasakian manifold. Then by virtue of (2.2) and (3.1) we have −(∇π π )(π, π )π + π((∇π π )(π, π )π)π = (3.3) π΄(π )π (π, π )π + π΅(π )[π(π, π)π − π(π, π)π ]. From which it follows that −π((∇π π )(π, π )π, π ) + π((∇π π )(π, π )π)π(π ) (3.4) = π΄(π )π(π (π, π )π, π ) + π΅(π )[π(π, π)π(π, π ) − π(π, π)π(π, π )]. Let {ππ }, π = 1, 2, ..., 2π + 1 be an orthonormal basis of the tangent space at any point of the manifold. Then putting π = π = ππ in (3.4) and taking summation over i, 1 ≤ π ≤ 2π + 1, we get −(∇π π)(π, π) + 2π+1 ∑ π((∇π π )(ππ , π )π)π(ππ ) (3.5) π=1 = π΄(π )π(π, π) + 2ππ΅(π )π(π, π). The second term of left hand side of (3.5) by putting π = π takes the form π((∇π π )(ππ , π )π, π), which is zero in this case. So, by replacing π by π in (3.5) and using (2.10) we get (∇π π)(π, π) = −π΄(π )2ππ(π ) − 2ππ΅(π )π(π ). (3.6) Now we have (∇π π)(π, π) = ∇π π(π, π) − π(∇π π, π) − π(π, ∇π π). Using (2.5)(π) and (2.9) in the above relation, then it follows that (∇π π)(π, π) = −2ππ(ππ, π ) + π(π, ππ ). (3.7) From (3.6) and (3.7) we obtain − 2ππ(ππ, π ) + π(π, ππ ) = −2ππ(π )(π΄(π ) + π΅(π )). (3.8) Replacing π = π in (3.8) then using (2.9) and (2.2) we get π΄(π ) = −π΅(π ). (3.9) Thus the 1-forms π΄ and π΅ are related as πΌ + π½ = 0. Next using (3.9) in (3.8), we obtain π(π, ππ ) = 2ππ(π, ππ ). (3.10) That is, the manifold is an Einstein manifold. This leads to the following result: Theorem 3.2. A generalized π-recurrent Sasakian manifold (π 2π+1 , π) is an Einstein manifold and moreover; the 1-forms π΄ and π΅ are related as π΄ + π΅ = 0. ON GENERALIZED π-RECURRENT SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS 45 Now from (3.1) we have (∇π π )(π, π )π = π((∇π π )(π, π )π)π (3.11) −π΄(π )π (π, π )π − π΅(π )[π((π, π)π − π(π, π)π ]. Changing π , π, π cyclically in (3.11) and then adding the results, we obtain (∇π π )(π, π )π + (∇π π )(π, π )π + (∇π π )(π, π)π = (3.12) π((∇π π )(π, π )π)π + π((∇π π )(π, π )π)π + π((∇π π )(π, π)π)π −π΄(π )π (π, π )π − π΅(π )[π((π, π)π − π(π, π)π ] −π΄(π)π (π, π )π − π΅(π)[π((π, π)π − π(π, π)π ] −π΄(π )π (π, π)π − π΅(π )[π((π, π)π − π(π, π)π] = 0. Then by the use of second Bianchi identity and (3.9) we have π΄(π )π (π, π )π − π΅(π )[π((π, π)π − π(π, π)π ] +π΄(π)π (π, π )π − π΅(π)[π((π, π)π − π(π, π)π ] +π΄(π )π (π, π)π − π΅(π )[π((π, π)π − π(π, π)π] = 0. so by a suitable contraction from (3.12) we get π΄(π )π(π, π ) − 2ππ΄(π )π(π, π ) − π΄(π)π(π, π ) + 2ππ΄(π)π(π, π(3.13) ) −π΄(π (π, π)π ) − π΄(π)π(π, π ) + π΄(π )π(π, π ) = 0. Using (3.10) in above, we get − π(π (π, π)π, π1 ) − π΄(π)π(π, π ) + π΄(π )π(π, π ) = 0. (3.14) Replacing π = π = ππ in (3.14) we get π(π, π1 ) = 2ππ΄(π ). (3.15) This leads to the following result: Theorem 3.3. In a generalized π-recurrent Sasakian manifold (π 2π+1 , π), 2π is the eigen value of the ricci tensor corresponding to the eigen vector π1 , where π1 is the associated vector ο¬eld of the 1-form π΄. Deο¬nition 3.4. A Sasakian manifold (π 2π+1 , π) is called generalized concircular π-recurrent if its concircular curvature tensor πΆ (Yano, K., Kon, M., 1984) π πΆ(π, π )π = π (π, π )π − [π(π, π)π − π(π, π)π ] (3.16) 2π(2π + 1) satisο¬es the condition [8] π2 (∇π πΆ(π, π )π) = π΄(π )πΆ(π, π )π + π΅(π )[π(π, π)π − π(π, π)π ] (3.17) where π΄(π ) and π΅(π ) are deο¬ned as in (3.2) and π is the scalar curvature of the manifold (π 2π+1 , π). Let us consider a generalized concircular π-recurrent Sasakian manifold. Then by virtue of (2.2) we have −(∇π πΆ(π, π )π) + π((∇π πΆ(π, π )π))π = π΄(π )πΆ(π, π )π + π΅(π )[π(π, π)π − π(π, π)π ]. From which, it follows that (3.18) 46 D. A. PATIL, D. G. PRAKASHA AND C. S. BAGEWADI −π((∇π πΆ(π, π )π), π ) + π((∇π πΆ(π, π )π))π(π ) (3.19) = π΄(π )π(πΆ(π, π )π, π ) + π΅(π )[π(π, π)π(π, π ) − π(π, π)π(π, π )]. Let {ππ }, π = 1, 2, ..., 2π + 1, be an orthonormal basis of the tangent space at any point of the manifold. Then putting π = π = ππ in (3.19) and taking summation over π, 1 ≤ π ≤ 2π + 1, we get = ∇π π ∇π π −(∇π π)(π, π ) + π(π, π ) + (∇π π)(π, π)π(π ) − π(π)π(π (3.20) ) (2π + 1) 2π + 1 ] [ π π(π, π ) + 2ππ΅(π )π(π, π ). π΄(π ) π(π, π ) − 2π + 1 Replacing U by π in (3.20) and using (2.3d) and (2.10), we have [ ] π π΄(π ) 2π − π(π) + 2ππ΅(π )π(π) = 0. 2π + 1 (3.21) Putting π = π in (3.21), we obtain ( π΅(π ) = ) π − 1 π΄(π ). 2π(2π + 1) (3.22) This leads to the following result: Theorem 3.5. In a generalized concircular π-recurrent Sasakian manifold (π 2π+1 , π), the 1-forms π΄ and π΅ are related as in (3.22). 4. Three Dimensional Locally Generalized π-recurrent Sasakian Manifolds In a three-dimensional Riemannian manifold (π 3 , π), we have = π(π, π)ππ − π(π, π)ππ + π(π, π)π (4.1) π −π(π, π)π + [π(π, π)π − π(π, π)π], 2 where π is the Ricci operator, that is, S(X, Y) = g(QX, Y) and π is the scalar curvature of the manifold. Now putting π = π in (4.1) and using (2.10), we get π (π, π )π π (π, π )π = π(π )ππ − π(π)ππ π +2[π(π )π − π(π)π ] + [π(π)π − π(π )π]. 2 Using (2.7) in (4.2), we have ( π) 1− [π(π )π − π(π)π ] = π(π)ππ − π(π )ππ. 2 Putting π = π in (4.3) and using (2.10), we get (π ) ( π) ππ = −1 π + 3− π(π)π. 2 2 Therefore, it follows from (4.4) that (π ) ( π) π(π, π ) = − 1 π(π, π ) + 3 − π(π)π(π ). 2 2 (4.2) (4.3) (4.4) (4.5) ON GENERALIZED π-RECURRENT SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS Thus from (4.1), (4.4) and (4.5), we get (π ) π (π, π )π = − 2 [π(π, π)π − π(π, π)π ] 2( π) + 3− [π(π, π)π(π)π − π(π, π)π(π )π 2 +π(π )π(π)π − π(π)π(π)π ]. 47 (4.6) Taking the covariant diο¬erentiation to the both sides of the equation (4.6), we get (∇π π )(π, π )π = ππ(π ) [π(π, π)π − π(π, π)π − π(π, π)π(π)π 2 +π(π, π)π(π )π − π(π )π(π)π + π(π)π(π)π ] ( π) [π(π, π)π(π) − π(π, π)π(π )]∇π π + 3− 2) ( π + 3− [π(π )π − π(π)π ](∇π π)(π) 2 ( π) [π(π, π)π − π(π)π ](∇π π)(π) + 3− 2) ( π − 3− [π(π, π)π − π(π)π](∇π π)(π ). 2 (4.7) Noting that we may assume that all vector ο¬elds π, π, π, π are orthogonal to π and using (2.2), we get ππ(π ) (∇π π )(π, π )π = [π(π, π)π − π(π, π)π ] 2 ( π) + 3− [π(π, π)(∇π π)(π) − π(π, π)(∇π π)(π )]π. 2 (4.8) Applying π2 to the both sides of (4.8) and using (2.2) and (2.3), we get π2 ((∇π π )(π, π )π) = ππ(π ) [π(π, π)π − π(π, π)π]. 2 (4.9) By (3.1) the equation (4.9) reduces to ] [ ππ(π ) − π΅(π ) [π(π, π)π − π(π, π)π]. π΄(π )π (π, π )π = 2 Putting π = {ππ }, where {ππ }, π = 1, 2, 3, is an orthonormal basis of the tangent space at any point of the manifold and taking summation over π, 1 ≤ π ≤ 3, we obtain where π = [ ππ(ππ ) 2π΄(ππ ) π (π, π )π = π[π(π, π)π − π(π, π)π]. ] π΅ππ − π΄(π is a scalar, since π΄ is a non-zero 1-form. Then by Schur’s π) theorem π will be a constant on the manifold. Therefore, (π 3 , π) is of constant curvature π. Thus we get the following theorem: Theorem 4.1. A three dimensional locally generalized π-recurrent Sasakian manifold (π 3 , π) is of constant curvature. Acknowledgments. The authors would like to thank the anonymous referee for his comments that helped us improve this article. 48 D. A. PATIL, D. G. PRAKASHA AND C. S. BAGEWADI References [1] A. Basari, C. Murathan On generalized π-recurrent Kenmotsu manifolds, SDU FEN EDEBIYAT FAKULTESI FEN DERGISI (E-DERGI), 3 10(2008), 91 - 97. [2] D. E. Blair, Contact manifold in Riemannian geometry, Lecture notes in Mathematics, Springer Verlag, 509(1976). [3] U. C. De, N. Guha On generalised recurrent manifolds, J. National Academy of Math. India, 9 (1991), 85-92. [4] U. C. De, A. A. Shaikh, Sudipta Biswas, On π-recurrent Sasakian manifolds, Novi Sad J. Math. 33 2 (2003), 43 48 [5] U. C. 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Prakasha Department of Mathematics, Karnatak University, Pavate Nagar, Dharwad-580 003, INDIA. E-mail address: prakashadg@gmail.com C. S. Bagewadi Department of Mathematics, Kuvempu University, Jnana Sahyadri, Shankaraghatta-577 451, INDIA. E-mail address: prof bagewadi@yahoo.co.in