DOI: 10.1515/auom-2016-0005 An. Şt. Univ. Ovidius Constanţa Vol. 24(1),2016, 95–119 A Classifier for Unimodular Isolated Complete Intersection Space Curve Singularities Deeba Afzal and Gerhard Pfister Abstract C.T.C. Wall classified the unimodular complete intersection singularities. He indicated in the list only the µ-constant strata and not the complete classification in each case. In this article we give a complete list of space curve unimodular singularities and also the description of a classifier. Instead of computing the normal forms, the singularity is identified by certain invariants. 1 Introduction Marc Giusti gave the complete list of simple isolated complete intersection singularities which are not hypersurfaces (cf. [GM83]). An implementation in Singular for the classification of simple isolated complete intersection singularities over the complex numbers is given by Gerhard Pfister and Deeba Afzal in classifyci.lib as a Singular library (cf. [ADPG1], ADPG2). Wall achieved the classification of contact unimodular singularities which are not hypersurfaces (cf. [Wal83]). We report about a classifier for unimodular isolated complete intersection curve singularities in the computer algebra system Singular (cf. [DGPS13],[GP07]). A basis for a classifier is a complete list of these singularities together with a list of invariants characterizing them. Since Wall gave only representatives of the µ-constant strata in his classification (cf. [Wal83]), we complete his list by computing the versal µ-constant deformation of the Key Words: Milnor number, Tjurina number, semigroup, versal deformation. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 14B05; Secondary 14H20, 14J17. Received: 17.03.2014 Accepted: 13.08.2014. 95 A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 96 singularities. The new list obtained in this way contains all unimodular complete intersection curve singularities. In section 2 we characterize the 2-jet of the unimodular complete intersection singularities by using primary decomposition and Hilbert polynomials. In section 3 we give the complete list of unimodular complete intersection space curve singularities by fixing the 2-jet of the singularities and develop algorithms for each case. In section 4 we present examples. Let us recall the basic definitions. Let C[[x]] = C[[x1 , ..., xn ]] be the local ring of formal power series and hxi = hx1 , ..., xn i its maximal ideal. Definition 1.1. f =< f1 , f2 , ..., fp >, is called complete intersection if dim C[[x]]/hf1 , . . . , fi i = n − i ,∀ i = 1, . . . , p. Hypersurfaces are special cases of complete intersections for p = 1. Definition 1.2. Let f = hf1 , . . . , fp i ⊆ C[[x]] be a complete intersection. f = hf1 , . . . , fp i has an isolated singularity at 0, if ∂fi ). 1. hf1 , . . . , fp , M1 , . . . Mk i ⊆ hxi, M1 , . . . , Mk the p × p–minors of ( ∂x j 2. hxic ⊆ hf1 , . . . , fp , M1 , . . . Mk i for some c > 0. The Milnor number µ(f ) is defined as follows µ(f ) = p X (−1)p−i dimC C[[x]]/Ci i=1 1 ,...,fi ) with Ci = hf1 , f2 , ..., fi−1 , ∂(f ∂xj1 ...xji , 1 ≤ j1 , . . . < ji ≤ ni (cf. [GM75]). The Tjurina number of f is defined to be dimC C[[x]]p /f C[[x]]p + n X ∂f C[[x]]. ∂xi i=1 Let In,p be the set of all isolated complete intersection singularities. Then Gc = Aut(C[[x]]) × GLp (C[[x]]) acts on In,p as follows: let (φ, ψ) ∈ Gc and f = (f1 , . . . , fp ) ∈ In,p then (φ, ψ)(f ) = ψ −1 ◦ f ◦ φ. Definition 1.3. Let f and g ∈ In,p are called contact equivalent, if there exists (φ, ψ) ∈ Gc , such that f = (φ, ψ)(g). In,p ⊆ C[[x]]p caries a canonical topology. It is the topology such that the maps C[[x]]p → (C[[x]]/hxic )p are continuous ∀ c. Here we consider the classical topology of the affine space (C[[x]]/hxic )p . A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 97 Definition 1.4. An element f ∈ In,p is called simple singularity, if there exists a neighborhood of f in In,p containing only finitely many orbits of G. In other words the modality of the singularity is zero. Definition 1.5. f is called unimodular singularity if there exists a neighborhood of f in In,p containing only one–dimensional families of orbits of Gc . In other words the modality of the singularity is 1. Definition 1.6. f ∈ In,p defines a curve if C[[x]]/f is of of dimension 1. If f defines an irreducible curve , i:e f ⊆ C[[x]] is prime. Then the normalization of C[[x]]/f is C[[t]] and we have parametrization C[[x]]/f ∼ = K[[x1 (t), x2 (t), ..., xn (t)]] ⊆ C[[t]] Definition 1.7. Γf = {ord(f ) | f ∈ C[[x1 (t), x2 (t), ..., xn (t)]]} is the semi group of the curve. Definition 1.8. f = hf1 , . . . , fp i ∈ In,p then F = hF1 , . . . , Fp i, where t = {t1 , . . . , tn } is a deformation of f if Fi ∈ C[[x, t]] C[[x]]/hf i ∼ = C[[x]]/hF (x, 0)i. Any deformation can be induced from the versal deformation by specifying parameters. P F = f + ti mi is a versal deformation of f where m1 , . . . , mτ is basis for ∂f1 /∂xn ∂f1 /∂x1 .. .. C[[x]]p /f C[[x]]p + C[[x]]. C[[x]] + . . . + . . ∂fp /∂x1 2 ∂fp /∂xn Characterization of normal form of 2-jet of singularities Let I = hf, gi ⊆ hx, y, zi2 C[[x, y, z]] defines a complete intersection singularity and I2 be the 2-jet of I. According to C.T.C. Wall’s classification the 2jet of hf, gi is a homogenous ideal generated by 2 polynomials of degree 2. We want to give a description of the type of a singularity without producing the normal form. C.T.C. Wall’s classification is based on the classification of Ts the 2-jet I2 of hf, gi. Let i=1 Qi be the irredundant primary decomposition of I2 in C[x, y, z]. Let di = dimC (C[x, y, z]/Qi ), i = 1, ..., s and hi be the Hilbert polynomial of C[x, y, z]/Qi . According to C.T.C. Wall’s classification we obtain unimodular singularities only in the following cases. A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 98 Table 1: Type P J F H G K 3 Characterization s = 2, d1 = d2 = 1 h1 = h2 = 2 s = 2, d1 = d2 = 1 h1 = 1, h2 = 4 s = 2, d1 = 1, d2 = 2 h1 = 1, h2 = 1 + t s = 2, d1 = 1, d2 = 2 h1 = 2, h2 = 1 + t √ 3 s = 1 and I2 ⊆ I2 √ 3 s = 1 and I2 6⊆ I2 Normal form of I2 hx2 , yzi hxy + z 2 , xzi hxy, xzi hxy, x2 i hx2 , y 2 i hxy + z 2 , x2 i Unimodular complete intersection space curve singularities We set ( xy q , li (x, y) = y q+2 , if i = 2q if i = 2q + 1 for brevity. Assume the 2-jet of hf, gi has normal form hxy, z 2 i. In this case according to C.T.C. Wall’s classification the unimodular space curves are given in the table below Table 2: Type Normal Form µ τ Semigroup Pk,l hxy, xk + y l + z 2 i k ≥ l ≥ 3, k > 3 l+k+1 l+k+1 h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i l, k even h1i, h1i, h2, ki l is even, k is odd h2, ki, h2, li l, k odd Proposition 3.1. Let I =< f, g >⊆ C[[x, y, z]] defines an isolated complete intersection singularity (V (I), 0) ⊆ (C3 , 0). Let µ be the Milnor number of I. Assume that the 2-jet of I has normal form hx2 , yzi. If (V (I), 0) has 4 branches and all branches are smooth, let J1 , J2 , J3 be the ideals of the strict transform of I blowing up C3 at 0 corresponding to the A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 99 three affine charts. Assume (V (J1 ), 0) is an Al−3 singularity and (V (J2 ), 0) is an Ak−3 singularity. Then I is unimodular of type Pk,l , k ≥ 4 and l ≥ 3. If (V (I), 0) has 3 branches, two branches are smooth and the third branch has a semigroup generated by (2, k) then I is unimodular of type Pk,µ−k−1 if (k, µ) 6= (4, 8) and µ − k > 3. If (V (I), 0) has 2 branches and the semigroup of the two branches are (2, k) and (2, l) then I is unimodular of type Pk,l if (k, l) 6= (3, 3) and (k, l) 6= (5, 3). Proof. Using lemma 3.2 (cf. [ADPG1]) we may assume I = hx2 + y k + z l + g, yz + hi, 3 ≤ k ≤ l ≤ ∞, g ∈ hx, y, zil+1 , h ∈ hx, y, zi3 . According to Wall’s classification we may assume that I = hyz, x2 + z l + y k i. Then I = T 2 k 2 hz, x + y i hy, x + z l i. If l and k are even then (V (I), 0) has 4 smooth branches. If l + k is odd then (V (I), 0) has 3 branches, 2 of them smooth and the third defining an Ak−1 respectively Al−1 singularity. If l and k are odd then (V (I), 0) has 2 branches, an Ak−1 respectively Al−1 singularity. This proves the second and third part of the Proposition. For the first part we have to identify k and l. To do this we blow up of 0 of C3 and consider the strict transform in the 3 affine charts. We obtain J1 = hy, x2 + z l−2 i, J2 = hz, x2 + y k−2 i, J3 = hyz, 1 + z l xl−2 + y k xk−2 i. (V (J1 ), 0) is an Al−3 singularity and (V (J2 ), 0) is an Ak−3 singularity. Algorithm 1 Psingularity(I) Input: I =< f, g >∈< x, y, z >2 C[[x, y, z]] and 2-jet of I having normal form (xy, z 2 ) Output: the type of the singularity 1: compute µ =Milnor number of the I; 2: compute τ =Tjurina number of the I; 3: compute B =semigroups of I corresponding to the branches; 4: T = f indlk(I); ∗ 5: if µ = τ and µ = T [1] + T [2] + 1 then 6: if T [1] and T [2] even and B = h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i then 7: return (PT [1],T [2] ); 8: if T [1] + T [2] odd and B = h2, T [1]i, h1i, h1i or B = h2, T [2]i, h1i, h1i then 9: return (PT [1],T [2] ); 10: if T [1] and T [2] odd and B = (2, T [1]), (2, T [2]) then 11: return (PT [1],T [2] ); 12: return (not unimodular); ∗ findlk(I) is a procedure which computes k and l for the given I = hxy, x2 + y l + z k i. A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 100 Assume the 2-jet of hf, gi has normal form hxy, xzi. According to C.T.C. Wall’s classification all unimodular curve singularities are in the µ-constant strata of the versal deformation of the curve singularities given in the Table 3. Table 3: Type F T4,4 F Tk,l Normal Form hxy + z 3 , xz + y 3 + λyz 2 i hxy + z l−1 , xz + y k−1 + yz 2 i µ 10 l+k+2 τ 10 l+k+1 13 14 16 13 14 16 16 + i 16 + i − 2 h1i, h1i, h1i, h2, 3i if i odd h1i, h2, 3i, h2, µ − 13i if i even 16 + i 14 + i − 2 h1i, h2, 3i, h2, 3i 18 19 6m + 6 6m + 7 6m + 8 6m + 4 18 19 6m + 6 6m + 7 6m + 8 6m + 4 if i even h1i, h4, 6, τ − 2, τ i if i odd h1i, h1i, h3, 5i h1i, h4, 7, 17i h1i, h1i, h3, 3m + 1i h1i, h1i, h2, 2m + 1i h1i, h1i, h3, 3m + 2i h1i, h1i, h1i, h2, 2m + ii 6m + 4 + i 5m + 4 + i k ≥ l ≥ 4, k > 4 F W13 F W14 F W1,0 F W1,i 0 F W1,i F W18 F W19 F Z6m+6 F Z6m+7 F Z6m+8 F Zm−1,0 F Zm−1,i hxy + z 3 , xz + y 4 i hxy + z 3 , xz + zy 3 i hxy + z 3 , xz + z 2 y 2 + λy 5 i λ 6= 0, −1/4 hxy + z 3 , xz + z 2 y 2 + y 5+i i hxy + z 3 , xz + 2z 2 y 2 − y 5 +zy 2 li (z, y)i hxy + z 3 , xz + zy 4 i hxy + z 3 , xz + y 6 i hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 i hxy, xz + z 3 + zy 2m+1 i hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+2 i hxy, xz + z 3 + z 2 y m + λy 3m i λ 6= 0, −4/27 hxy, xz + z 3 + z 2 y m + y 3m+i i Semigroup h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i if k, l even h1i, h2, l − 2i, h2, k − 2i if k, l odd h1i, h1i, h1i, h2, k − 2i if k odd, l even h1i, h4, 5, 11i h1i, h1i, h3, 4i h1i, h2, 3i, h2, 3i h1i, h1i, h1i, h2, 2m + ii if i odd h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i if i even Proposition 3.2. The unimodular complete intersection curve singularities with Milnor number 13, 2 branches and semigroup h1i, h4, 5, 11i are F W13 with Tjurina number 13 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , xz + y 4 i and F W13,1 with Tjurina number 12 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , xz + y 4 + y 2 z 2 i. Proof. In the list of C.T.C. Wall F W13 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , xz + y 4 i is the only singularity with µ = 13, 2 branches and semigroup h1i, h4, 5, 11i. The versal deformation of F W13 is given by hxy + z 3 + ν1 z 2 + ν2 z + ν3 , xz + 4 y + λ1 y 2 z 2 + λ2 yz 2 + λ3 z 2 + λ4 y 2 z + λ5 yz + λ6 z + λ7 y 3 + λ8 y 2 + λ9 i. F W13 A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 101 defines a weighted homogenous isolated complete intersection singularity with weights (w1 , w2 , w3 ) = (11, 4, 5) and degrees (d1 , d2 ) = (15, 16). The versal µ-constant deformation of F W13 is given by hxy + z 3 , xz + y 4 + λ1 y 2 z 2 i. Using the coordinate change x → ξ 11 x, y → ξ 4 y, z → ξ 5 z we have Iλ = hxy + z 3 , xz + y 4 + ξ 2 λ1 y 2 z 2 i. Choose ξ such that ξ 2 λ1 = 1. So we obtain hxy + z 3 , xz + y 4 + y 2 z 2 i. It has 2 branches and same semigroup as F W13 and τ = 12. It can be distinguished from F W13 by the Tjurina number. Proposition 3.3. The unimodular complete intersection curve singularities with Milnor number 14, 3 branches two of them are smooth and the third branch has semigroup h3, 4i are F W14 with Tjurina number 14 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , xz + zy 3 i and F W14,1 with the Tjurina number 13 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , xz + zy 3 + y 5 i. Proposition 3.4. The unimodular complete intersection curve singularities with Milnor number 16, 3 branches and semigroup h1i, h2, 3i, h2, 3i are F W1,0 with Tjurina number τ = 16 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , xz + z 2 y 2 + λy 5 i and F W1,0,1 Tjurina number τ = 15 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , xz + z 2 y 2 + λy 5 + y 6 i. Proof. The proofs of propositions 3.3 and 3.4 are similar to the proof of proposition 3.2. Proposition 3.5. The unimodular complete intersection curve singularities with Milnor number 18, 3 branches and semigroup h1i, h1i, h3, 5i are F W18 with Tjurina number τ = 18 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , xz + zy 4 i τ = 18, F W18,1 with Tjurina number τ = 17 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , xz + zy 4 + y 7 i and F W18,2 with Tjurina number τ = 16 defined by the ideal hxy+z 3 , xz+zy 4 +y 6 i. Proof. In the list of C.T.C. Wall F W18 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , xz + zy 4 i is the only singularity with µ = 18, 3 branches and semigroup h1i, h1i, h3, 5i. The versal deformation of F W18 is given by hxy + z 3 + ν1 z 2 + ν2 z + ν3 , xz + 4 y z +λ1 y 2 z 2 +λ2 yz 2 +λ3 z 2 +λ4 y 3 z +λ5 y 2 z +λ6 yz +λ7 z +λ8 y 7 +λ9 y 6 +λ10 y 5 + λ11 y 4 + λ12 y 3 + λ13 y 2 + λ14 y + λ15 i. F W18 defines a weighted homogenous isolated complete intersection singularity with weights (w1 , w2 , w3 ) = (12, 3, 5) and degrees (d1 , d2 ) = (15, 17). The versal µ-constant deformation of F W18 is given by hxy + z 3 , xz + y 4 z + λ8 y 7 + λ9 y 6 i. If λ9 6= 0 then we have I = hxy + z 3 , xz + y 4 z + uy 6 i where u = λ8 y + λ7 . Using the coordinate change x → ξ 12 x, y → ξ 3 y, z → ξ 5 z we may assume I = hxy + z 3 , xz + y 4 z + ξ ūy 6 i. Choose ξ such that ξ ū = 1. So I = hxy + z 3 , xz + y 4 z + y 6 i. It has Tjurina number τ = 17, two branches and the same semigroup as F W18 . A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 102 If λ9 = 0 we again apply the same transformation and obtain I = hxy + z 3 , xz + y 4 z + y 7 i by choosing λ48 = 1. It has Tjurina number τ = 16, also 3 branches and the same semigroup as F W18 . F W18,1 and F W18,2 can be differentiated from F W18 by the Tjurina numbers. Proposition 3.6. The unimodular complete intersection curve singularities with Milnor number 19, 2 branches and semigroup h1i, h4, 7, 17i are F W19 with Tjurina number τ = 19 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , xz + y 6 i, F W19,1 with Tjurina number τ = 18 defined by the ideal hxy+z 3 , xz+y 6 +y 4 z 2 i and F W19,2 with Tjurina number τ = 17 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , xz + y 6 + y 3 z 2 i . Proof. The proof can be done similarly to the proof of proposition 3.5. Proposition 3.7. The unimodular complete intersection singularities having Milnor number of the form µ = 6m + 6 where m is a positive integer with 3 branches , 2 branches are smooth and third branch has semigroup h3, 3m + 1i are F Z6m+6 defined by the ideal hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 i with Tjurina number τ = 6m + 6 and F Z6m+6,i+1 , i=0,1,...,m-1, defined by the ideal hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 + y 3m−i zi with Tjurina number τ = µ − i − 1. Proof. In C.T.C. Wall’s list F Z6m+6 , m ≥ 1 defined by the ideal hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 i are the singularities with µ = 6m + 6, 3 branches and semigroup h1i, h1i, h3, 3m + 1i. The versal deformation of F Z6m+6 is given by hxy+ν1 z 2 +ν2 z+ν3 , xz+z 3 + 3m 3m P P y 3m+1 + αi y 3m−i z + βi y 3m−i i. F Z6m+6 defines a weighted homogenous i=0 i=0 isolated complete intersection singularity with weights (w1 , w2 , w3 ) = (6m + 2, 3, 3m + 1) and degrees (d1 , d2 ) = (6m + 5, 9m + 3). The versal µ-constant m−1 P deformation of F Z6m+6 is given by hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 + αi y 3m−i zi. i=0 Consider φ ∈ AutC (C[[x, y, z]]) defined by φ(x) = ξ 6m+2 x, φ(y) = ξ 3 y and φ(z) = ξ 3m+1 z. If αm−1 6= 0, then I = hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 + y 2m+1 z m−2 m−2 P P ( αi y (m−1)−i + αm−1 )i. Let um−1 = αi y (m−1)−i + αm−1 then I = i=0 i=0 hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 +y 2m+1 zum−1 i. By applying the transformation φ we get I = hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 + ξy 2m+1 z ūm−1 i. Choose ξ such that ξ ūm−1 = 1 This implies I = hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 + y 2m+1 zi. Now we assume αm−1 = 0. This implies I = hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 + y 2m+2 z m−3 m−3 P P ( αi y (m−2)−i + αm−2 i. Let um−2 = αi y (m−2)−i + αm−2 then I = i=0 i=0 hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 + y 2m+2 zum−2 i. After applying φ we may assume that I = hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 + ξ 4 y 2m+2 z ūm−2 i. Choose ξ such that ξ 4 ūm−2 = 1. A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 103 This implies I = hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 + y 2m+2 zi. If αm−2 = 0 then we assume αm−3 6= 0. We may iterate this process and we get m different unimodular singularities I = hxy, xz +z 3 +y 3m+1 +y 3m−i zi, i = 0, 1, ...., m−1 having Tjurina number τ = µ − i − 1 and the same semigroup as F Z6m+6 . These singularities can be distinguished from F Z6m+6 by the Tjurina numbers. Proposition 3.8. The unimodular complete intersection singularities having Milnor number of the form µ = 6m + 7 where m is a positive integer with 4 branches , 3 branches are smooth and the fourth branch has semigroup generated by h2, 2m + 1i are F Z6m+7 with Tjurina number τ = 6m + 7 defined by the ideal hxy, xz + z 3 + zy 2m+1 i and F Z6m+7,i , i = 1, ..., m with Tjurina number τ = µ − i defined by the ideal hxy, xz + z 3 + zy 2m+1 + y 4m+2−i i . Proposition 3.9. The unimodular complete intersection singularities having Milnor number of the form µ = 6m + 8 where m is a positive integer with 3 branches and the semigroup h1i, h1i, h3, 3m + 2i are F Z6m+8 defined by the ideal hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+2 i with Tjurina number τ = 6m + 8 and F Z6m+8,i , i = 1, ..., m defined by the ideal hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+2 + y 3m+2−i zi with Tjurina number τ = µ − i. Proof. The proofs of propositions 3.8 and 3.9 are similar to proof of proposition 3.7. Summarizing the results of the above propositions we complete the list of unimodular complete intersection singularities in case of hf, gi having 2-jet with normal form hxy, xzi. Proposition 3.10. Let (V (hf, gi), 0) ⊆ (C3 , 0) be the germ of a complete intersection space curve singularity. Assume it is not a hypersurface singularity and the 2-jet of hf, gi has normal form hxy, xzi. (V (hf, gi), 0) is unimodular if and only if it is isomorphic to a complete intersection in Table 3 and 4. Proof. The proof is a direct consequence of C.T.C. Wall’s classification and Propositions 3.2 - 3.9. A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 104 Algorithm 2 Fsingularity(I) Input: I =< f, g >∈< x, y, z >2 C[[x, y, z]] and 2-jet of I having normal form (xy, xz). Output: the type of the singularity 1: compute µ =Milnor number of the I; 2: compute τ =Tjurina number of the I; 3: compute B =semigroups of I corresponding to the branches; 4: if µ = 10 and B = h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i then 5: if µ = τ then 6: return (F T4,4 ); 7: if µ = 13 and B = h1i, h4, 5, 11i then 8: if µ = τ then 9: return (F W13 ); 10: if µ − τ = 1 then 11: return (F W13,1 ); 12: if µ = 14 and A = h1i, h1i, h3, 4i then 13: if µ = τ then 14: return (F W14 ); 15: if µ − τ = 1 then 16: return (F W14,1 ); 17: if µ = 18 and A = h1i, h1i, h3, 5i then 18: if µ = τ then 19: return (F W18 ); 20: else 21: return (F W18,µ−τ ); 22: if µ = 19 and B = h1i, h4, 7, 17i then 23: if µ = τ then 24: return (F W19 ); 25: else 26: return (F W19,µ−τ ); 27: if µ = 16 and B = h1i, h2, 3i, h2, 3i then 28: if µ = τ then 29: return (F W1,0 ); 30: if µ − τ = 1 then 31: return (F W1,0,1 ); 32: if µ ≡ 0 mod 6 , µ > 11 and B = h1i, h1i, h3, 3(µ − 6)/6 + 1i then 33: if µ = τ then 34: return (F Zµ ); 35: else 36: return (F Zµ,µ−τ ); A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 105 † 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: 40: 41: if µ ≡ 1 mod 6, µ > 12 and B = h1i, h1i, h2, 2(µ − 7)/6 + 1i then if µ = τ then return (F Zµ ); else return (F Zµ,µ−τ ); if µ ≡ 2 mod 6, µ > 13 and B = h1i, h1i, h3, 3(µ − 8)/6 + 2i then if µ = τ then return (F Zµ ); else return (F Zµ,µ−τ ); if µ ≡ 4 mod 6 and µ > 9 then m = (µ − 4)/6; if µ = τ then if m is even and B = h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i then return (F Zm−1,0 ); if m is odd and B = h1i, h1i, h2, 3(µ − 4)/6i then return (F Zm−1,0 ); if µ 6= τ then if µ − τ = 1 then T = f indlk(I); if µ = T [1] + T [2] + 2 then if T [1] and T [2] even and B = h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i then return (F TT [1],T [2] ); if T [1] + T [2] odd and B = h1i, h1i, h1i, h2, k − 2i or B = h1i, h1i, h1i, h2, l − 2i then return (F TT [1],T [2] ); if T [1] and T [2] odd and B = h1i, h2, l − 2i, h2, k − 2i then return (F TT [1],T [2] ); if µ is odd and µ > 16 then if B = h1i, h1i, h1ih2, 3i then return (F W1,µ−16 ); if B = h1i, h4, 6, µ − 4, µ − 2i then 0 return (F W1,µ−16 ); if µ is even and µ > 16 then if B = h1i, h2, 3, h2, µ − 13i then return (F W1,µ−16 ); if B = h1i, h2, 3i, h2, 3i then 0 return (F W1,µ−16 ); if µ is even, µ ≥ 11 and B = h1, h1i, h1i, h1i then return (F Zµ−τ −1,6τ −5µ−4 ); if µ is odd, µ ≥ 11 and B = h1, h1i, h1i, h1i, h4τ − 3µ − 4, 2i then return (F Zµ−τ −1,6τ −5µ−4 ); A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 106 Table 4: Type Normal Form µ τ Semigroup F W13,1 hxy + z 3 , xz + y 4 + y 2 z 2 i 13 12 h1i, h4, 5, 11i F W14,1 hxy + z 3 , xz + zy 3 + y 5 i 14 13 h1i, h1i, h3, 4i F W1,0,1 hxy + z 3 , xz + z 2 y 2 + λy 5 + y 6 i λ 6= 0, −1/4 16 15 h1i, h2, 3i, h2, 3i F W18,1 F W18,2 hxy + z 3 , xz + zy 4 + y 7 i hxy + z 3 , xz + zy 4 + y 6 i 18 18 17 16 h1i, h1i, h3, 5i h1i, h1i, h3, 5i F W19,1 F W19,2 hxy + z 3 , xz + y 6 + y 4 z 2 i hxy + z 3 , xz + y 6 + y 3 z 2 i 19 19 18 17 h1i, h4, 7, 17i h1i, h4, 7, 17i F Z6m+6,i hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 + y 3m−i zi i = 0, 1, ...., m − 1 6m + 6 6m + 5 − i h1i, h1i, h3, 3m + 1i F Z6m+7,i hxy, xz + z 3 + zy 2m+1 + y 4m+2−i i i = 1, ...., m 6m + 7 6m + 7 − i h1i, h1i, h2, 2m + 1i F Z6m+8,i hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+2 + y 3m+2−i zi 6m + 8 6m + 8 − i h1i, h1i, h3, 3m + 2i i = 1, ...., m Proposition 3.11. Assume the 2-jet of hf, gi has normal form hx2 ,y 2 i. According to C.T.C. Wall’s classification the unimodular space curve singularities are given in the table below Table 5: Type Normal Form µ τ Semigroup G2n+3 n ≥ 3 (x2 + z 3 , y 2 + z n ) 2n + 3 2n + 3 (2, 3), (2, 3) G2n+6 n ≥ 2 (x2 + z 3 , y 2 + xz n ) 2n + 6 2n + 6 (4, 6, 2n + 3) A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 107 Algorithm 3 Gsingularity(I) Input: I =< f, g >∈< x, y, z >2 C[[x, y, z]] having 2-jet of the form (x2 , y 2 ). Output: the type of the singularity 1: compute µ =Milnor number of I; 2: compute τ =Tjurina number of the I; 3: compute B =semigroups of I corresponding to the branches; 4: if µ = τ then 5: if µ is even and B = (4, 6, µ − 3) then 6: return (Gµ ); 7: if µ is odd and B = (2, 3), (2, 3) then 8: return (Gµ ); 9: return (not unimodular); Assume the 2-jet of hf, gi has normal form hxy, x2 i. According to C.T.C. Wall’s classification all unimodular curve singularities are in the µ-constant strata of the versal deformation of the curve singularities given in the table below Table 6: Type Normal Form µ τ Semigroup HA11 hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + yz 2 + y 3 i 11 11 h1i, h1i, h1i, h2, 3i HAr+11 hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + yz 2 + y 3+r i r≥1 r + 11 r + 10 h1i, h1i, h1i, h2, 3i, µ odd h1i, h2, 3i, h2, 2 + ri, µ even HBr+13 hxy + z 3 , x2 + yz 2 + y 4+r i r≥0 r + 13 r + 12 h3, 4, 5i, h2, 3 + ri HC13 hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + y 4 i 13 13 h2, 3i, h3, 4i HC14 hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + zy 3 i 14 14 h1i, h2, 3i, h2, 3i HC15 hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + y 5 i 15 15 h2, 3i, h3, 5i HD13 hxy + z 3 , x2 + zy 2 i 13 13 h1i, h4, 5, 7i HD14 hxy + z 3 , x2 + y 3 i 14 14 h5, 6, 9i Proposition 3.12. The unimodular complete intersection curve singularities with Milnor number 13, 2 branches and with semigroups h2, 3i, h3, 4i are HC13 with Tjurina number 13 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + y 4 i and HC13,1 with Tjurina number τ = 12 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + y 4 + y 3 zi. A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 108 The singularities having the same Milnor number but being irreducible with semigroup h5, 6, 9i are HD13 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , x2 + zy 2 i with Tjurina number 13 and HD13,1 with Tjurina number τ = 12 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 + yz 2 , x2 + zy 2 + zy 13 i. Proof. In the list of C.T.C. Wall HC13 defined by the ideal I = hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + y 4 i is the only singularity with µ = 13, 2 branches and semigroup h2, 3i, h3, 4i. We may choose an automorphism ψ ∈ AutC (C[[x, y, z]]) such that ψ(I) = hxy, x2 + z 3 + y 4 i. The versal deformation is given by hxy + ν1 z 2 + ν2 yz + ν3 z + ν4 y+ν5 , x2 +z 3 +y 4 +λ1 y 3 z+λ2 y 2 z+λ3 yz+λ4 z+λ5 y 3 +λ6 y 2 +λ7 y+λ8 i. HC13 defines a weighted homogenous isolated complete intersection singularity with weights hw1 , w2 , w3 i = h6, 3, 4i and degrees hd1 , d2 i = h9, 12i. The versal µconstant deformation of HC13 is given by hxy, x2 + z 3 + y 4 + λ1 y 3 zi. Using the coordinate change x → ξ 6 x, y → ξ 3 y, z → ξ 4 z, we may assume Iλ1 = hxy + z 3 , x2 +z 3 +y 4 +ξλ1 y 3 zi. Choose ξ such that ξλ1 = 1. So hxy, x2 +z 3 +y 4 +y 3 zi has two branches with same semigroup as HC13 and Tjurina number τ = 12. It can be differentiated from HC13 by the Tjurina number. In C.T.C. Wall’list HD13 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , x2 + zy 2 i is the only singularity with µ = 13, 2 branches and semigroup h1i, h4, 5, 7i. The versal deformation of HD13 is given by hxy +z 3 +ν1 yz 2 +ν2 z 2 +ν3 yz + ν4 z + ν5 y + ν6 , x2 + zy 2 + λ1 z 3 + λ2 yz 2 + λ3 z 2 + λ4 yz + λ5 z + λ6 y + λ7 i. HD13 defines a weighted homogenous isolated complete intersection singularity with weights hw1 , w2 , w3 i = h7, 5, 4i and degrees hd1 , d2 i = h12, 14i. The versal µ-constant deformation of HD13 is given by h xy + z 3 + ν1 yz 2 , x2 +y 2 z i. Using the coordinate change x → ξ 7 x, y → ξ 5 y, z → ξ 4 z, we may assume Iλ = hxy + z 3 + ξν1 yz 2 , x2 + y 2 zi. Choose ξ such that ξν1 = 1. So hxy + z 3 + yz 2 , x2 + y 2 zi has 2 branches with same semigroup as HD13 and Tjurina number τ = 12. It can be differentiated from HD13 by the Tjurina number. Proposition 3.13. The unimodular complete intersection curve singularities with Milnor number 14, 3 branches and with semigroup h1i, h2, 3i, h2, 3i are HC14 with Tjurina number 14 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + zy 3 i and HC14,1 with Tjurina number τ = 13 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + zy 3 + y 5 i. The singularities having same Milnor number but irreducible with semigroup h5, 6, 9i are HD14 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , x2 + y 3 i with Tjurina number 13 and HD14,1 with Tjurina number τ = 13 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , x2 + y 3 + z 4 i. Proposition 3.14. The unimodular complete intersection curve singularities with Milnor number 15, 2 branches and semigroup h2, 3i, h3, 5i are HC15 with A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 109 Tjurina number 15 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + y 5 i and HC15,1 with Tjurina number τ = 14 defined by the ideal hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + y 5 + y 4 zi. Proof. The proofs of Propositions 3.13 and 3.14 are similar to proof of Proposition 3.12. Summarizing the results of the propositions above we complete the list of unimodular complete intersection singularities in case of hf, gi having 2-jet with normal form hxy, x2 i. Table 7: Type Normal Form µ τ Semigroup HC13,1 hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + y 4 + y 3 zi 13 12 h2, 3i, h3, 4i HC14,1 hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + zy 3 + y 5 i 14 13 h1i, h2, 3i, h2, 3i HC15,1 hxy + z 3 , x2 + z 3 + y 5 + y 4 zi 15 14 h2, 3i, h3, 5i HD13,1 hxy + z 3 + yz 2 , x2 + zy 2 i 13 12 h1i, h4, 5, 7i HD14,1 hxy + z 3 , x2 + y 3 + z 4 i 14 13 h5, 6, 9i Proposition 3.15. Let (V (hf, gi), 0) ⊆ (C3 , 0) be the germ of a complete intersection space curve singularity. Assume it is not a hypersurface singularity and the 2-jet of hf, gi has normal form hxy, x2 i. (V (hf, gi), 0) is unimodular if and only if it is isomorphic to a complete intersection in the Table 6 and 7. Proof. The proof is a direct consequence of C.T.C. Wall’s classification and Propositions 3.12 - 3.14. A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 110 Algorithm 4 Hsingularity(I) Input: I =< f, g >∈< x, y, z >2 C[[x, y, z]] 2-jet of I having normal form (xy, x2 ) Output: the type of the singularity 1: compute µ =Milnor number of the I and τ =Tjurina number of the I; 2: compute B =semigroups of I corresponding to the branches; 3: if µ = 13 then 4: if µ = τ then 5: if B = h2, 3i, h3, 4i then 6: return (HC13 ); 7: if B = h1i, h4, 5, 7i then 8: return (HD13 ); 9: else 10: if B = h2, 3i, h3, 4i then 11: return (HC13,µ−τ ); 12: if B = h1i, h4, 5, 7i then 13: return (HD13,µ−τ ); 14: if µ = 14 then 15: if µ = τ then 16: if B = h1i, h2, 3i, h2, 3i then 17: return (HC14 ); 18: if B = h5, 6, 9i then 19: return (HD14 ); 20: else 21: if B = h1i, h2, 3i, h2, 3i then 22: return (HC14,µ−τ ); 23: if B = h5, 6, 9i then 24: return (HD14,µ−τ ); 25: if µ = 15 and B = h2, 3i, h3, 5i then 26: if µ = τ then 27: return (HC15 ); 28: else 29: return (HC15,µ−τ ); 30: if µ = 11 and A = h1i, h1i, h1i, h2, 3i then 31: if µ = τ then 32: return (HA11 ); 33: if µ 6= τ then 34: if µ − τ = 1 and µ > 11 then 35: if µ is even and B = h1i, h2, 3i, h2, µ − 9i then 36: return (HAµ ); 37: if µ is odd and B = h1i, h1i, h1i, h2, 3i then 38: return (HAµ ); 39: if µ is even and B = h1i, h1i, h3, 4, 5i then 40: return (HBµ ); 41: if µ is odd and B = h3, 4, 5i, h2, µ − 10i then 42: return (HBµ ); 43: return not unimodular; A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 111 Assume the 2-jet of hf, gi has normal form hxy + z 2 , xzi. According to C.T.C. Wall’s classification all unimodular curve singularities are in the µconstant strata of the versal deformation of the curve singularities given in the table below Table 8: Type Normal Form µ τ Semigroup J6m+7 hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+3 i λ 6= 0, −4/27 6m + 7 6m + 7 h1i, h3, 3m + 4, 6m + 5i J6m+8 hxy + z 2 , xz + zy 2m+2 i 6m + 8 6m + 8 h1i, h1i, h2, 2m + 3i J6m+9 hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+4 i 6m + 9 6m + 9 h1i, h3m + 5, 6m + 7i Jm+1,0 hxy + z 2 , xz + z2y m + λy 3m+2 i 6m + 5 6m + 5 h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i Jm+1,i hxy + z 2 , xz + z2y m + y 3m+2+i i 6m + i + 5 5m + i + 5 h1i, h1i, h2, 2m + i + 2i, if i is odd h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i if i is even Proposition 3.16. The unimodular complete intersection singularities having Milnor number of the form µ = 6m + 7 where m is a positive integer with 2 branches and semigroup generated by h1i, h3, 3m+4, 6m+5i are J6m+7 defined by the ideal hxy +z 2 , xz +y 3m+3 i with Tjurina number τ = 6m+7 and J6m+7,i , i = 0, ..., m − 1 defined by the ideal hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+3 + y (3m+1)−i zi with Tjurina number τ = µ − i. Proof. In C.T.C. Wall’s list J6m+7 , m ≥ 1 defined by hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+3 i are the singularities with µ = 6m + 7, 2 branches and semigroup h1i, h3, 3m + 4, 6m + 5i. The versal deformation of J6m+7 is given by hxy+z 2 +ν1 z+ν2 , xz+y 3m+3 + 3m+1 3m+2 P P αi y (3m+1)−i z + βi y (3m+2)−i i. J6m+7 defines a weighted homogenous i=0 i=0 isolated complete intersection singularity with weights (w1 , w2 , w3 ) = (6m + 5, 3, 3m + 4) and degrees (d1 , d2 ) = (6m + 8, 9m + 9). The versal µ-constant m−1 P deformation of J6m+7 is given by hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+3 + αi y (3m+1)−i zi. i=0 Consider φ ∈ AutC (C[[x, y, z]] defined by φ(x) = ξ 6m+5 x, φ(y) = ξ 3 y and φ(z) = ξ 3m+4 z. If αm−1 6= 0 then I = hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+3 + y 2m+2 z m−2 P ( αi y (m−1)−i + αm−1 )i. i=0 A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 112 Let um−1 = m−2 P αi y (m−1)−i + αm−1 . Then I = hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+3 + i=0 y 2m+2 zui. By applying the transformation φ we get I = hxy +z 2 , xz +y 3m+3 + ξy 2m+2 z ūm−1 i. Choose ξ such that ξ ūm−1 = 1. This implies I = hxy+z 2 , xz+ y 3m+3 + y 2m+2 zi. m−3 P αi y (m−2)−i + If αm−1 = 0 then I = hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+3 + y 2m+3 z( i=0 αm−2 i. Let um−2 = m−3 P αi y (m−2)−i z + αm−2 then I = hxy, xz + z 3 + y 3m+1 + i=0 y 2m+3 zum−2 i. After applying φ we may assume that I = hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+3 + ξ 4 y 2m+3 z ūm−2 i. Choose ξ such that ξ 4 ūm−2 = 1. This implies I = hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+3 + y 2m+3 zi. If αm−2 = 0. We may iterate this process and we get m different unimodular space curve singularities I = hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+3 + y (3m+1)−i zi , i = 0, 1, ...., m − 1 having Tjurina number τ = µ − i. These singularities can be distinguished from J6m+7 by the Tjurina numbers. Proposition 3.17. The unimodular complete intersection singularities having Milnor number of the form µ = 6m + 8 where m is a positive integer with 3 branches and semigroup generated by h1i, h1i, h2, 2m + 3iare J6m+8 with Tjurina number τ = 6m + 8 defined by the ideal hxy + z 2 , xz + zy 2m+2 i and J6m+8,i , i = 1, ..., m with Tjurina number τ = µ − i defined by the ideal hxy + z 2 , xz + zy 2m+2 + y 4m+4−i i. Proposition 3.18. The unimodular complete intersection singularities having Milnor number of the form µ = 6m + 9 where m is a positive integer with 2 branches and semigroup generated by h1i, h3m + 5, 6m + 7i are J6m+9 with Tjurina number τ = 6m + 9 defined by the ideal hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+4 i and J6m+9,i , i = 1, ..., m with Tjurina number τ = µ − i defined by the ideal hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+4 + y (3m+3)−i i. Proof. The proofs of Propositions 3.17 and 3.18 can be done similarly to the proof of Proposition 3.16. We complete the list of unimodular singularities in this case as Proposition 3.19. Let (V (hf, gi), 0) ⊆ (C3 , 0) be the germ of a complete intersection space curve singularity. Assume it is not a hypersurface singularity and the 2-jet of hf, gi has normal form hxy + z 2 , xzi. (V (hf, gi), 0) is unimodular if and only if it is isomorphic to a complete intersection in Table 8 and 9. Proof. The proof is a direct consequence of C.T.C. Wall’s classification and Propositions 3.16 - 3.18. A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 113 Table 9: Type Normal Form µ τ Semigroup J6m+7,i hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+3 + y (3m+1)−i zi 6m + 7 6m + 7 − i h1i, h3, 3m + 4, 6m + 5i J6m+8,i hxy + z 2 , xz + zy 2m+2 + y (4m+4)−i i 6m + 8 6m + 8 − i h1i, h1i, h2, 2m + 3i J6m+9.i hxy + z 2 , xz + y 3m+4 + y (3m+3)−i i 6m + 9 6m + 9 − i h1i, h3m + 5, 6m + 7i Assume the 2-jet of hf, gi has normal form hxy + z 2 , x2 i. According to C.T.C. Wall’s classification all unimodular curve singularities are in the µconstant strata of the versal deformation of the curve singularities given in the table below Table 10: Type Normal Form µ τ Semigroup K1,0 hxy + z 2 , x2 + z 2 y + λy 4 i λ 6= 0, 1/4 11 11 h2, 3i, h2, 3i K1,i hxy + z 2 , x2 + z 2 y + y 4 + y 4+i i 11 + i 11 + i − 1 h1i, h1i, h2, 3i, if i is odd h2, 3i, h2, 3 + ii, if i is even 0 hxy + z 2 , x2 + 2z 2 y + y 4 + zyli hz, yii 11 + i 11 + i − 1 K1,i h2, 3i, h2, 3i, if i is odd h2, 3i, h2, 8 + ii, if i is even K13 hxy + z 2 , x2 + zy 3 i 13 13 h1i, h3, 5, 7i K14 z 2 , x2 14 14 h4, 7, 10i hxy + + y5 i Proposition 3.20. The unimodular complete intersection curve singularities with Milnor number 13, 2 branches and semigroup h1i, h3, 5, 7i are K13 with Tjurina number 13 defined by the ideal hxy + z 2 , x2 + zy 3 i and K13,1 with Tjurina number τ = 12 defined by the ideal hxy + z 2 , x2 + zy 3 + y 5 i. Proof. In the list of C.T.C. Wall K13 defined by the ideal hxy + z 2 , x2 + zy 3 i is the only singularity with µ = 13, 2 branches and semigroup h1i, h3, 5, 7i. The versal deformation of K13 is given by hxy + z 2 + ν1 z + ν2 , x2 + zy 3 + λ1 yz 2 + λ2 z 2 + λ3 y 2 z + λ4 yz + λ5 z + λ6 y 5 + λ7 y 4 + λ8 y 3 + λ9 y 2 + λ10 y + λ11 i. K13 defines a weighted homogenous isolated complete intersection singularity with weights (w1 , w2 , w3 ) = (7, 3, 5) and degrees (d1 , d2 ) = (10, 14). The versal µ-constant deformation of K13 is given by hxy + z 2 , x2 + zy 3 + λ6 y 5 i. A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 114 Algorithm 5 Jsingularity(I) Input: I =< f, g >∈< x, y, z >2 C[[x, y, z]] and 2-jet of I having normal form (xy + z 2 , xz) Output: the type of the singularity 1: compute µ =Milnor number of the I; 2: compute τ =Tjurina number of the I; 3: compute B =Semigroup of I corresponding to each branch.; 4: if µ ≡ 1 mod 6 and B = h1i, h3, 3(µ − 7)/6 + 4, 6(µ − 7)/6 + 5i then 5: if µ = τ then 6: return (Jµ ); 7: else 8: return (Jµ,µ−τ ); 9: if µ ≡ 2 mod 6 and B = h1i, h1ih2, 2(µ − 8)/6 + 3i then 10: if µ = τ then 11: return (Jµ ); 12: else 13: return (Jµ,µ−τ ); 14: if µ ≡ 3 mod 6 and B = h1i, h3, 3(m − 9)/6 + 5, 6(m − 9)/6 + 7i then 15: if µ = τ then 16: return (Jµ ); 17: else 18: return (Jµ,µ−τ ); 19: if µ ≡ 5 mod 6 and B = h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i then 20: if µ = τ then 21: return (J(µ−5)/6+1,0 ); 22: if µ 6= τ then 23: if µ is even and B = h1i, h1i, h2, 4τ − 3µ − 3i then 24: return (Jµ−τ +1,6τ −5µ−5 ); 25: if µ is odd then 26: if B = h1i, h1i, h1i, h1i then 27: return (Jµ−τ +1,6τ −5µ−5 ); 28: return not unimodular; A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 115 Using the coordinate change x → ξ 7 x, y → ξ 3 y, z → ξ 5 z, we may assume Iλ6 = hxy + z 2 , x2 + zy 3 + ξλ6 y 5 i. Choose ξ such that ξλ6 = 1. So we obtain hxy + z 2 , x2 + zy 3 + y 5 i. It has 2 branches and same semigroup as K13 but τ = 12. It can be differentiated from K13 by the Tjurina number. Proposition 3.21. The unimodular complete intersection curve singularities with Milnor number 14, irreducible having semigroup h4, 7, 10i are K14 with Tjurina number 14 defined by the ideal hxy+z 2 , x2 +y 5 i and K14,1 with Tjurina number τ = 13 defined by the ideal hxy + z 2 , x2 + y 5 + y 2 z 2 i. We complete the list of unimodular singularities in this case as Table 11: K13,1 hxy + z 2 , x2 + zy 3 + y 5 i 13 12 h1i, h3, 5, 7i K14,1 hxy + z 2 , x2 + y 5 + y 2 z 2 i 14 13 h4, 7, 10i Proposition 3.22. Let (V (hf, gi), 0) ⊆ (C3 , 0) be the germ of a complete intersection space curve singularity. Assume it is not a hypersurface singularity and the 2-jet of hf, gi has normal form hxy + z 2 , x2 i. Then (V (hf, gi), 0) is unimodular if and only if it is isomorphic to a complete intersection in Table 10 and 11. Proof. The proof is a direct consequence of C.T.C. Wall’s classification and Propositions 3.20 and 3.21. A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 116 The following Algorithm is the basis for classifying the unimodular complete intersection curve singularities when char(K) = 0. 4 Singular examples > ring R=0,(x,y,z),ds; > ideal I=xy+11y2+9yz+z3,x2+22xy+121y2+18xz+198yz+81z2+z3+y4; > classifyicis1(I); HC_13:(xy+z3,x2+z3+y4) > ideal J=x2+xy+2y2+2xz+z2,x2+2xy+xz+2yz+xy12+y12z; > classifyicis1(J); J_6*5+8:(xy+z2,xz+zy12) References [ADPG1] Afzal, D.; Pfister, G.: A classifier for simple isolated complete interssection singularities. Research preprint series, ASSMS :532 (2013). [ADPG2] Afzal, D.; Pfister, G.: classifyci.lib. A Singular 3-1-6 library for classifying simple isolated complete singularities for the base field of characteristic 0 (2013). [DGPS13] Decker, W.: Greuel, G.-M.; Pfister, G.; Schönemann, H.: Singular 3-1-6 – A computer algebra system for polynomial computations. (2013). [GM83] Giusti, M.: Classification des Singularités Isolées Simples d’Intersections Complètes. Proc. Symp. Pure Math.40 (1983), 457-494. [GM75] Greuel, G.-M.: Der Gauß-Manin-Zusamnenhang isolierter singuläritaten von vollständigen Durchschnitten. Math. Ann. 214(1975), 235-266. [GP07] Greuel, G.-M.: Pfister, G.: A Singular Introduction to Commutative Algebra. Second edition, Springer (2007). [Wal83] Wall, C.T.C.: Classification of unimodal isolated singularities complete intersections. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 40, Part2, Amer. Math. Soc. (1983), 625-640. A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 117 Algorithm 6 Ksingulariy(I) Input: I =< f, g >∈< x, y, z >2 C[[x, y, z]] having 2-jet of the form (xy + z 2 , x2 ) Output: the type of the singularity 1: compute µ =Milnor number of the I; 2: compute τ =Tjurina number of the I; 3: compute B =semigroups of I corresponding to the branches; 4: if µ = 13 and B = h1i, h3, 5, 7i then 5: if µ = τ then 6: return (K13 ); 7: if µ − τ = 1 then 8: return (K13,1 ); 9: if µ = 14 and B = h4, 7, 10i then 10: if µ = τ then 11: return (K14 ); 12: if µ − τ = 1 then 13: return (K14,1 ); 14: if µ = 11 and B = h2, 3i, h2, 3i then 15: if µ = τ then 16: return (K1,0 ); 17: if µ 6= τ then 18: if µ − τ = 1 and µ > 11 then 19: if µ is even then 20: if B = h1i, h1i, h2, 3i then 21: return (K1,µ−11 ); 22: if B = h2, 3i, h2, 3i then 0 23: return (K1,µ−11 ); 24: if µ is odd then 25: if B = h2, 3i, h2, µ − 8i then 26: return (K1,µ−11 ); 27: if B = h4, 6, µ − 3i then 0 28: return (K1,µ−11 ); 29: return not unimodular; A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 118 Algorithm 7 classifyicis1(I)[Unimodular curve singularities] Input: I = hf, gi ⊆ hx, y, zi2 C[[x, y, z]] isolated complete intersection curve singularity. Output: The type of the singularity (V (I), 0). 1: compute I2 the 2-jet of I; Ts 2: compute I2 = i=1 Qi the irredundant primary decomposition over C; 3: compute di =Krull dimension of C[x, y, z]/Qi ; 4: compute hi ∈ Q[t] the Hilbert polynomial corresponding to each Qi ; 5: if s = 2 then 6: if d1 = d2 = 1 then 7: if h1 = h2 = 2 then 8: return Psingularity(I); via Algorithm 1 9: if h1 = 1 and h2 = 4 then 10: return (Jsingularity); via Algorithm 5 11: if d1 = 1, d2 = 2 then 12: if h1 = 1, h2 = 1 + t then 13: return (Fsingularity(I)); via Algorithm 2 14: if h1 = 2 and h2 = 1 + t then 15: return (Hsingulrity(I)); via Algorithm 4 16: if s = 1 then 17: compute R the radical of I2 18: if R3 6⊆ I2 then 19: return (Gsingularity(I)); via Algorithm 3 20: else 21: return (Ksingualrtiy(I)); via Algorithm 6 22: return (not unimodular); A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 119 Deeba Afzal, Department of Mathematics, University of Lahore, Near Raiwind Road Lahore 54600, Pakistan. Email: Gerhard Pfister, Department of Mathematics, University of Kaiserslautern, Erwin-Schrödinger-Str. 67663 Kaiserslautern Germany. A CLASSIFIER FOR UNIMODULAR ISOLATED COMPLETE INTERSECTION SPACE CURVE SINGULARITIES 120