Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2010, Article ID 246287, 15 pages doi:10.1155/2010/246287 Research Article Weighted Differentiation Composition Operators from the Mixed-Norm Space to the nth Weigthed-Type Space on the Unit Disk Stevo Stević Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Knez Mihailova 36/III, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Correspondence should be addressed to Stevo Stević, sstevic@ptt.rs Received 26 March 2010; Accepted 9 May 2010 Academic Editor: Narcisa C. Apreutesei Copyright q 2010 Stevo Stević. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The boundedness and compactness of the weighted differentiation composition operator from the mixed-norm space to the nth weighted-type space on the unit disk are characterized. 1. Introduction Throughout this paper D will denote the open unit disk in the complex plane C, HD the class of all holomorphic functions on D, and H ∞ H ∞ D the space of all bounded holomorphic functions on D with the norm f∞ supz∈D |fz|. The mixed norm space Hp,q,γ Hp,q,γ D, 0 < p, q < ∞, −1 < γ < ∞, consists of all f ∈ HD such that q f Hp,q,γ 1 q Mp f, r 1 − rγ dr < ∞, 1.1 0 where Mp f, r 1 2π 1/p 2π p iθ . f re dθ 0 1.2 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis A positive continuous function on D is called weight. Let μz be a weight and n ∈ N0 . n The nth weighted-type space on D, denoted by Wμ D, consists of all f ∈ HD such that n μz bWn f : sup z f < ∞. μ D z∈D 1.3 The space was recently introduced by this author in 1 as an extension of several weightedtype spaces which attracted a lot of attention in last few decades. For instance, when n 0, the space becomes the weighted-type space Hμ∞ D see, e.g., 2–4, when n 1, the Blochtype space Bμ D see, e.g., 5–7, and for n 2, the Zygmund-type space Zμ D. Some information on Zygmund-type spaces on D and some operators on them can be found, for example, in 8–10 and on the unit ball, for example, in 11, 12. n f is a seminorm on the nth weighted-type space Wμ D and a The quantity bWn μ D n norm on Wμ D/Pn−1 , where Pn−1 is the set of all polynomials whose degrees are less than or equal to n − 1. A natural norm on the nth weighted-type space is introduced as follows: n−1 j f n f . f 0 bWn Wμ D D μ 1.4 j0 With this norm the nth weighted-type space becomes a Banach space. n n The little nth weighted-type space, denoted by Wμ,0 D, is a closed subspace of Wμ D consisting of those f for which lim μzf n z 0. |z| → 1 1.5 An analytic self-map ϕ : D → D induces the composition operator Cϕ on HD, defined by Cϕ fz fϕz for f ∈ HD see, e.g., 8, 13–16. Let ϕ be an analytic self-map of D, u ∈ HD, and m ∈ N. Then the weighted m , is defined on HD by differentiation composition operator, denoted by Dϕ,u m fz uzf m ϕz , Dϕ,u f ∈ HD. 1.6 Recently there has been some interest in studying some particular cases of operator m see, e.g., 17–25. For some other products of linear operators on spaces of holomorphic Dϕ,u functions see also recent papers 11, 26–32. m from Hp,q,γ to Here we study the boundedness and compactness of the operator Dϕ,u nth weighted-type spaces, where n ∈ N. Throughout this paper, constants are denoted by C; they are positive and may differ from one occurrence to the other. The notation A B means that there is a positive constant C such that B/C ≤ A ≤ CB. Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 2. Auxiliary Results Here we quote some auxiliary results which will be used in the proofs of the main results. The first lemma can be proved in a standard way see, e.g., in 13, Proposition 3.11 or in 15, Lemma 3. Lemma 2.1. Assume that m ∈ N0 , n ∈ N, p, q > 0, γ > −1, ϕ is an analytic self-map of D and n n m m u ∈ HD. Then the operator Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is compact if and only if Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is bounded and for any bounded sequence fk k∈N in Hp,q,γ which converges to zero uniformly on n m fk → 0 in Wμ as k → ∞. compact subsets of D, Dϕ,u The next lemma is known, but we give a proof of it for the benefit of the reader. Lemma 2.2. Assume that n ∈ N0 , 0 < p, q < ∞, −1 < γ < ∞ and f ∈ Hp,q,γ . Then there is a positive constant C independent of f such that f n f z ≤ C Hp,q,γ 1 − |z|2 γ1/q1/pn . 2.1 Proof. By the monotonicity of the integral means, using the well-known asymptotic formula 1 q Mp f, r 1 q − r dr f0 γ 1 0 q Mp f n , r 1 − rγnq dr, 2.2 0 and Theorem 7.2.5 in 33, we have that q f Hp,q,γ ≥ 1 1|z|/2 q Mp f n , r 1 − rγnq dr γ1nq 1 |z| q ≥ CMp f n , 1 − |z|2 2 γ1nqq/p n q ≥ C 1 − |z|2 f z , 2.3 from which the result follows. The following lemma can be found in 34. Lemma 2.3. For β > −1 and m > 1 β one has 1 0 1β−m 1 − rβ , m dr ≤ C 1 − ρ 1 − ρr 0 < ρ < 1. A proof of the next lemma can be found in 35, Lemma 2.3. 2.4 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis Lemma 2.4. Assume a > 0 and 1 1 a a1 aa 1 a 1a 2 Dn a n−2 n−2 aj aj 1 j0 j0 Then Dn a ··· 1 ··· an−1 · · · a n − 1a n . ··· n−2 ··· aj n−1 j0 2.5 n−1 j1 j!. The following formula n n f k ϕz f ◦ϕ z k1 k1 ,...,kn n n! k1 ! · · · kn ! j1 ϕj z j! kj , 2.6 where the second sum is over all nonnegative integers k1 , k2 , . . . , kn satisfying k k1 k2 · · ·kn and k1 2k2 · · ·nkn n, is attributed to Faà di Bruno 36. By using Bell polynomials Bn,k x1 , . . . , xn−k1 it can be written as follows: n n f k ϕz Bn,k ϕ z, ϕ z, . . . , ϕn−k1 z . f ◦ϕ z 2.7 k0 For n ∈ N the last sum can go from k 1 since Bn,0 ϕ z, ϕ z, . . . , ϕn1 z 0; however we will keep the summation since for n 0 the only existing term B0,0 is equal to 1 and we will use it. The Leibnitz formula along with 2.6 yields n l n Cln un−l z g k ϕz Bl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z . uzg ϕz l0 2.8 k0 Hence we have the next result. Lemma 2.5. Assume that g, u ∈ HD and ϕ is an analytic self-map of D. Then n n n uzg ϕz g k ϕz Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z . k0 2.9 lk n m 3. The Boundedness and Compactness of Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ m This section characterizes the boundedness and compactness of the operator Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → n Wμ . Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 Theorem 3.1. Suppose that m, n ∈ N, 0 < p, q < ∞, −1 < γ < ∞, ϕ is an analytic self-map of the n m : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is bounded if and unit disk, u ∈ HD, and μ is a weight. Then the operator Dϕ,u only if for each k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n} μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z Ik : sup < ∞. 2 γ1/q1/pmk z∈D 1 − ϕz 3.1 n m Moreover if Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is bounded, then the following asymptotic relation holds m Dϕ,u n Hp,q,γ → Wμ /Pn−1 n Ik . 3.2 k0 n m Proof. First assume that Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is bounded; then there exists a constant C such that m Dϕ,u f n Wμ ≤ Cf Hp,q,γ 3.3 for all f ∈ Hp,q,γ . For a fixed w ∈ D, t ≥ γ 1/q, and constants c1 , . . . , cn1 , set gw z n1 j1 cj m−1 gw,j z, 3.4 j 1, . . . , n 1. 3.5 j t 1/p l l0 where gw,j z 1 − |w|2 jt−γ1/q 1 − wz 1/pjt , By 33, Theorem 1.4.10, we get Mp gw,j , r ≤ C 1 − |w|2 jt−γ1/q 1 − r|w|jt , j 1, . . . , n 1. 3.6 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis Applying Lemma 2.3, we have that gw,j q Hp,q,γ 1 q Mp gw,j , r 1 − rγ dr 0 ≤C qjt−γ1 1 1 − |w|2 0 qjt 1 − r|w| 1 − rγ dr 3.7 ≤ C. Therefore gw ∈ Hp,q,γ , and moreover supw∈D gw Hp,q,γ < ∞. Now we show that for each s ∈ {m, m 1, . . . , m n}, there are constants c1 , c2 , . . . , cn1 , such that s gw w 1 − |w|2 ws sγ1/q1/p , t gw w 0, t ∈ {m, . . . , m n} \ {s}. 3.8 By differentiating function gw , for each s ∈ {m, . . . , m n}, 3.8 becomes c1 c2 · · · cn1 0, t p−1 m 1 c1 t p−1 m 2 c2 · · · t p−1 m n 1 cn1 0, .. . s−m s−m t p−1 m j c1 · · · t p−1 m n j cn1 1, j1 3.9 j1 .. . n n t p−1 m j c1 · · · t p−1 m n j cn1 0. j1 j1 Applying Lemma 2.4 with a t 1/p m 1 > 0 and where n → n 1, we see that the determinant of system 3.9 is different from zero, as claimed. By gw,k , k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n}, denote the corresponding family of functions which satisfy 3.8 with s m k. Then, for each fixed k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n}, inequality 3.3 along with 2.9 and 3.8 implies that for each ϕw /0 km μwϕw nlk Cln un−l wBl,k ϕ w, . . . , ϕl−k1 w 2 γ1/q1/pkm 1 − ϕw m ≤ CsupDϕ,u gϕw,k w∈D n Wμ m ≤ CDϕ,u n Hp,q,γ → Wμ . 3.10 Abstract and Applied Analysis 7 From 3.10 it follows that for each k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n}, μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z m ≤ CDϕ,u Hp,q,γ → Wn . sup γ1/q1/pkm μ 2 |ϕz|>1/2 1 − ϕz 3.11 Let hk z zk , k m, . . . , n m. 3.12 for each k ∈ N. 3.13 Then clearly hk Hp,q,γ ≤ 1, By formula 2.9 applied to the function fz hm z we get m Dϕ,u hm n m z hm ϕz n Cln un−l zBl,0 ϕ z, . . . , ϕl1 z l0 n m! Cln un−l zBl,0 ϕ z, . . . , ϕl1 z , 3.14 l0 n m which along with the boundedness of the operator Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ and 3.13 implies that n m m m n n−l l1 . m!sup μz Cl u zBl,0 ϕ z, . . . , ϕ z ≤ Dϕ,u z n ≤ Dϕ,u n l0 Wμ Hp,q,γ → Wμ z∈D 3.15 Now assume that we have proved that for j ∈ {0, 1, . . . , k − 1} and a k ≤ n n n n−l m . supμz Cl u zBl,j ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−j1 z ≤ CDϕ,u n Hp,q,γ → Wμ lj z∈D 3.16 Applying 2.9 to the function fz hmk z, k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n}, and noticing that s hmk z ≡ 0 for s > m k, we get m Dϕ,u hmk n z k n mj hmk ϕz Cln un−l zBl,j ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−j1 z j0 lj n k k−j Cln un−l zBl,j ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−j1 z . m k · · · k − j 1 ϕz j0 lj 3.17 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis n m From 3.17, the boundedness of the operator Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ , the fact that ϕ∞ ≤ 1, the triangle inequality, noticing that m k! is the coefficient at n n n−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z, and finally using hypothesis 3.16 we get lk Cl u n m n n−l l−k1 . sup μz Cl u zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕ z ≤ CDϕ,u n lk Hp,q,γ → Wμ z∈B 3.18 Hence by induction, 3.18 holds for each k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n}. From 3.18, for each fixed k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n} μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z sup 2 γ1/q1/pkm |ϕz|≤1/2 1 − ϕz n m n n−l l−k1 ≤ C sup μz Cl u . zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕ z ≤ CDϕ,u n lk Hp,q,γ → Wμ z∈B 3.19 Inequalities 3.11 and 3.19 imply n m Ik ≤ CDϕ,u n Hp,q,γ → Wμ k0 . 3.20 Now assume that 3.1 holds. Then for any f ∈ Hp,q,γ , by 2.9 and Lemma 2.2 we have n n m n mk n n−l l−k1 Cl u μz Dϕ,u f ϕz z μz f zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕ z k0 lk n n mk n n−l l−k1 ≤ μz f ϕz Cl u zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕ z k0 lk 3.21 l−k1 n μz n Cn un−l zB z l,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕ lk l ≤ C f Hp,q,γ 3.22 2 γ1/q1/pkm k0 1 − ϕz n μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z ≤ C f Hp,q,γ sup 2 γ1/q1/pkm k0 z∈D 1 − ϕz 3.23 Abstract and Applied Analysis 9 We also have that for each s ∈ {1, . . . , n − 1} s s m s mk s s−l l−k1 Dϕ,u f Cl u ϕ0 0 f 0Bl,k ϕ 0, . . . , ϕ 0 k0 lk l−k1 s s Cs us−l 0B 0 l,k ϕ 0, . . . , ϕ lk l ≤ Cf Hp,q,γ , 2 γ1/q1/pmk k0 1 − ϕ0 3.24 f Hp,q,γ 2 γ1/q1/pm . 1 − ϕ0 m Dϕ,u f 0 |u0|f m ϕ0 ≤ C|u0| n m Using 3.23, 3.24, and 3.1 it follows that the operator Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is bounded. From 3.23 and 3.20 the asymptotic relation 3.2 follows. Theorem 3.2. Suppose that m, n ∈ N, 0 < p, q < ∞, −1 < γ < ∞, ϕ is an analytic self-map of the n m unit disk, u ∈ HD, and μ is a weight. Then the operator Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ,0 is bounded if and n m only if Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is bounded and for each k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n} n n n−l l−k1 lim μz Cl u zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕ z 0. lk |z| → 1 n 3.25 n m m Proof. The boundedness of Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ,0 clearly implies that Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is m hm ∈ bounded. Applying 2.9 to the function fz hm z and using the assumption Dϕ,u n Wμ,0 it follows that n n m n n−l l1 μz Dϕ,u hm z m!μz Cl u zBl,0 ϕ z, . . . , ϕ z −→ 0, 3.26 l0 as |z| → 1, which is 3.25 for k 0. Assume that we have proved the following inequalities: n n n−l lim μz Cl u zBl,j ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−j1 z 0, |z| → 1 lj 3.27 for j ∈ {0, 1, . . . , k − 1} and a k ≤ n. Applying formula 2.9 to the function fz hmk z, k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n}, we get 3.17. From 3.17, by using the boundedness of function ϕ, the triangle inequality, noticing that the coefficient at nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z is independent of z, and finally using 10 Abstract and Applied Analysis hypothesis 3.27, we easily obtain n n n−l l−k1 lim μz Cl u zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕ z 0. lk |z| → 1 3.28 Hence by induction we get that 3.25 holds for each k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n}. n m Now assume that Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is bounded and 3.25 holds for each k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n}. For each polynomial p we have n n m n k n n−l l−k1 Cl u μz Dϕ,u p ϕz z μz p zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕ z k0 lk n n k n n−l l−k1 ≤ zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕ z −→ 0, p μz Cl u ∞ k0 lk 3.29 as |z| → 1. n m From 3.29 we have that, for each polynomial p, Dϕ,u p ∈ Wμ,0 . The set of all polynomials is dense in Hp,q,γ , so we have that for each f ∈ Hp,q,γ , there is a sequence of polynomials pk k∈N such that f − pk Hp,q,γ → 0 as k → ∞. Thus the boundedness of n m : Hp,q,γ → Wμ implies Dϕ,u m m pk Dϕ,u f − Dϕ,u n Wμ m ≤ Dϕ,u n Hp,q,γ → Wμ f − pk −→ 0, Hp,q,γ as k −→ ∞. n 3.30 n m m Hence Dϕ,u Hp,q,γ ⊆ Wμ,0 , from which the boundedness of Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ,0 follows, completing the proof of the theorem. Theorem 3.3. Suppose that m, n ∈ N, 0 < p, q < ∞, −1 < γ < ∞, ϕ is an analytic self-map of the n m unit disk, u ∈ HD, and μ is a weight. Then the operator Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is compact if and n m only if Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is bounded and for each k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n} μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z 0. lim 2 γ1/q1/pkm |ϕz| → 1 1 − ϕz n 3.31 m Proof. First assume that Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is bounded and 3.31 holds. By Theorem 3.1 we have that for each k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n}, 3.1 holds. Abstract and Applied Analysis 11 Let fi i∈N be a sequence in Hp,q,γ such that supi∈N fi Hp,q,γ ≤ L and fi converges to 0 uniformly on compact subsets of D as i → ∞. By the assumption, for any ε > 0, there is a δ ∈ 0, 1, such that for each k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n} and δ < |ϕz| < 1 μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z < ε. 2 γ1/q1/pkm 1 − ϕz 3.32 We have m Dϕ,u fi n Wμ n−1 m n m j supμz Dϕ,u fi z Dϕ,u fi 0 z∈D j0 n n mk supμz fi Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z ϕz z∈D k0 lk j j n−1 j j−l mk l−k1 fi Cl u ϕ0 0Bl,k ϕ 0, . . . , ϕ 0 j0 k0 lk ⎛ ⎞ n n mk n n−l l−k1 ⎝ ⎠ sup sup ≤ μz fi ϕz Cl u zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕ z k0 lk |ϕz|≤δ |ϕz|>δ j j n−1 j j−l mk l−k1 fi Cl u ϕ0 0Bl,k ϕ 0, . . . , ϕ 0 J1 J2 J3 . j0 k0 lk 3.33 Now we estimate J1 , J2 , and J3 : n n mk n n−l l−k1 J1 sup μz fi ϕz Cl u zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕ z |ϕz|≤δ k0 lk n mk ≤ sup fi w sup μz Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z |ϕz|≤δ k0 |w|≤δ lk n μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z mk ≤ sup fi wsup 2 γ1/q1/pmk z∈D k0 |w|≤δ 1 − ϕz n n mk sup fi wIk −→ 0, k0 |w|≤δ 3.34 as i −→ ∞, where in 3.34 we have used the fact that from fi → 0 uniformly on compact subsets of D as s i → ∞ it follows that for each s ∈ N, fi → 0 uniformly on compact subsets of D as i → ∞. 12 Abstract and Applied Analysis The fact that j j n−1 j j−l mk l−k1 J3 Cl u ϕ0 0Bl,k ϕ 0, . . . , ϕ 0 −→ 0, fi j0 k0 lk 3.35 as i → ∞, is proved similarly; so we omit it. By Lemma 2.2 and 3.32 we have that n μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z J2 ≤ Cfi Hp,q,γ sup < Cεn 1L. 2 γ1/q1/pkm k0 |ϕz|>δ 1 − ϕz 3.36 From 3.34, 3.35, and 3.36 we obtain m lim Dϕ,u fi i→∞ n Wμ 0. 3.37 From this and applying Lemma 2.1 the implication follows. n n m m : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is compact; then clearly Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is Now assume that Dϕ,u bounded. Let zi i∈N be a sequence in D such that |ϕzi | → 1 as i → ∞. If such a sequence does not exist, then the conditions in 3.31 automatically hold. Let gw,k , k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n} be as in Theorem 3.1. Then the sequences gϕzi ,k i∈N are m : Hp,q,γ → bounded and gϕzi ,k → 0 uniformly on compact subsets of D as i → ∞. Since Dϕ,u n Wμ is compact, we have that for each k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n} m lim Dϕ,u gϕzi ,k i→∞ n Wμ 0. 3.38 On the other hand, from 3.10 we obtain m Dϕ,u gϕzi ,k n Wμ km Cμzi ϕzi nlk Cln un−l zi Bl,k ϕ zi , . . . , ϕl−k1 zi ≥ , 3.39 2 γ1/q1/pkm 1 − ϕzi which along with |ϕzi | → 1 as i → ∞ and 3.38 implies that μzi nlk Cln un−l zi Bl,k ϕ zi , . . . , ϕl−k1 zi , lim 2 γ1/q1/pkm i→∞ 1 − ϕzi for each k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n}, from which 3.31 holds in this case. 3.40 Abstract and Applied Analysis 13 n m 4. The Compactness of the Operator Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ,0 n m The compactness of Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ,0 is characterized here. The proof of the next lemma is similar to the proof of the corresponding result in 14. Lemma 4.1. Suppose that n ∈ N0 and μ is a radial weight such that lim|z| → 1 μz 0. A closed set n K in Wμ,0 is compact if and only if it is bounded and satisfies lim sup μzf n z 0. |z| → 1 f∈K 4.1 Theorem 4.2. Suppose that m, n ∈ N, 0 < p, q < ∞, −1 < γ < ∞, ϕ is an analytic self-map of the unit disk, u ∈ HD and μ is a radial weight such that lim|z| → 1 μz 0. Then the operator n m : Hp,q,γ → Wμ,0 is compact if and only if for each k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n} Dϕ,u μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z 0. lim 2 γ1/q1/pkm |z| → 1 1 − ϕz 4.2 n m Proof. First assume that Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ,0 is compact. Then it is bounded and since the test functions in 3.12 belong to Hp,q,γ D, we have that 3.25 holds. Beside this the operator n m : Hp,q,γ → Wμ is compact too, so that 3.31 holds. Hence, if ϕ∞ < 1, from 3.25 for Dϕ,u each k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n} we get μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z 2 γ1/q1/pkm 1 − ϕz μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z ≤ −→ 0, 2 γ1/q1/pkm 1 − ϕ∞ 4.3 as |z| → 1, hence we obtain 4.2 in this case. Now assume ϕ∞ 1. Let ϕzi i∈N be a sequence such that |ϕzi | → 1 as i → ∞. Then from 3.31 we have that for every ε > 0, there is an r ∈ 0, 1 such that for each k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n} μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z <ε 2 γ1/q1/pkm 1 − ϕz 4.4 when r < |ϕz| < 1, and from 3.25 there exists a σ ∈ 0, 1 such that for σ < |z| < 1 n γ1/q1/pkm n n−l l−k1 μz Cl u . zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕ z < ε 1 − r 2 lk 4.5 14 Abstract and Applied Analysis Therefore, when σ < |z| < 1 and r < |ϕz| < 1, we have that μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z < ε. 2 γ1/q1/pkm 1 − ϕz 4.6 On the other hand, if |ϕz| ≤ r and σ < |z| < 1, from 4.5 we obtain μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z 2 γ1/q1/pkm 1 − ϕz < μz nlk Cln un−l zBl,k ϕ z, . . . , ϕl−k1 z 1 − r 2 γ1/q1/pkm 4.7 < ε. Combining the last two inequalities we obtain 4.2, as desired. Now assume that 4.2 holds. Taking the supremum in 3.22 over f in the unit ball of Hp,q,γ , then letting |z| → 1 is such obtained inequality and using 4.2 we get lim sup |z| → 1 f Hp,q,γ ≤1 m n μz Dϕ,u f z 0. 4.8 n m Hence by Lemma 4.1 the compactness of the operator Dϕ,u : Hp,q,γ → Wμ,0 follows. References 1 S. Stević, “Composition operators from the Hardy space to the Zygmund-type space on the upper half-plane,” Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2009, Article ID 161528, 8 pages, 2009. 2 K. D. Bierstedt and W. H. Summers, “Biduals of weighted Banach spaces of analytic functions,” Australian Mathematical Society Journal Series A, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 70–79, 1993. 3 S. Stević, “Essential norms of weighted composition operators from the Bergman space to weightedtype spaces on the unit ball,” Ars Combinatoria, vol. 91, pp. 391–400, 2009. 4 W. Yang, “Weighted composition operators from Bloch-type spaces to weighted-type spaces,” Ars Combinatoria, vol. 93, pp. 265–274, 2009. 5 S. 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