Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2010, Article ID 198608, 7 pages doi:10.1155/2010/198608 Research Article On an Integral-Type Operator from Zygmund-Type Spaces to Mixed-Norm Spaces on the Unit Ball Stevo Stević Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 36/III Knez Mihailova, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Correspondence should be addressed to Stevo Stević, sstevic@ptt.rs Received 23 June 2010; Accepted 27 October 2010 Academic Editor: H. B. Thompson Copyright q 2010 Stevo Stević. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The boundedness and compactness of an integral-type operator recently introduced by the author from Zygmund-type spaces to the mixed-norm space on the unit ball are characterized here. 1. Introduction Let {z ∈ n : |z| < 1} be the open unit ball in n , ∂ its boundary, dVN the normalized volume measure on , and H the class of all holomorphic functions on . Strictly positive, bounded, continuous functions on are called weights. For an f ∈ H with the Taylor expansion fz |β|≥0 aβ zβ , let Êfz βaβ zβ 1.1 |β|≥0 be the radial derivative of f, where β β1 , β2 , . . . , βn is a multi-index, |β| β1 · · · βn and β β zβ z11 · · · znn . A positive, continuous function ν on the interval 0, 1 is called normal 1 if there are δ ∈ 0, 1 and a and b, 0 < a < b such that νr is decreasing on δ, 1, 1 − ra νr 1 − rb is increasing on δ, 1, νr a 0, r → 1 1 − r lim lim νr r → 1 1 − rb ∞. 1.2 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis → 0, ∞ is normal, we also assume that it is radial, that is, If we say that a function ν : νz ν|z|, z ∈ . Let μ be a weight. By Zμ Zμ , we denote the class of all f ∈ H such that z f : sup μz Ê2fz < ∞, z∈ 1.3 and call it the Zygmund-type class. The quantity zf is a seminorm. A norm on Zμ can be introduced by fZ |f0| zf. Zygmund-type class with this norm will be called the Zygmund-type space. The little Zygmund-type space on , denoted by Zμ,0 Zμ,0 , is the closed subspace of Zμ consisting of functions f satisfying the following condition lim μz |z| → 1 Ê2fz 0. 1.4 For 0 < p, q < ∞, and φ normal, the mixed-norm space Hp, q, φ Hp, q, φ consists of all functions f ∈ H such that f Hp,q,φ 1 φ p Mq f, r r dr 1−r 0 p 1/p < ∞, 1.5 where Mq f, r frζq dσζ 1/q 1.6 , ∂ α1/p and dσ is the normalized surface measure on ∂ . For p q, φr 1 − r 2 , and α > −1, p the space is equivalent with the weighted Bergman space Aα . In 2, the present author has introduced products of integral and composition operators on H as follows see also 3–5. Assume g ∈ H , g0 0, and ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of , then we define an operator on H by g Pϕ f z 1 0 dt f ϕtz gtz , t f ∈ H , z ∈ . 1.7 The operator is an extension of the operator introduced in 6. Here, we continue to study g operator Pϕ by characterizing the boundedness and compactness of the operator between Zygmund-type spaces and the mixed-norm space. For some results on related integral-type operators mostly in n , see, for example, 3, 6–27 and the references therein. In this paper, constants are denoted by C; they are positive and may differ from one occurrence to the other. The notation a b means that there is a positive constant C such that a ≤ Cb. If both a b and b a hold, then one says that a b. Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 2. Auxiliary Results In this section, we quote several lemmas which are used in the proofs of the main results. The first lemma was proved in 2. Lemma 2.1. Assume that ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of , g ∈ H , and g0 0. Then, for every f ∈ H it holds Ê Pϕg f z f ϕzgz. 2.1 The next Schwartz-type characterization of compactness 28 is proved in a standard way see, e.g., the proof of the corresponding lemma in 11, hence we omit its proof. Lemma 2.2. Assume p, q > 0, ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of , g ∈ H , g0 0, φ is normal, g and μ is a weight. Then, the operator Pϕ : Zμ or Zμ,0 → Hp, q, φ is compact if and only if for every bounded sequence fk k∈ ⊂ Zμ or Zμ,0 converging to 0 uniformly on compacts of we have g limk → ∞ Pϕ fk Hp,q,φ 0. The next lemma is folklore and can be found, for example, in 6 one-dimensional case for standard power weights is due to Flett 29, Theorems 6 and 7. Lemma 2.3. Assume that 0 < p, q < ∞, φ is normal, and m ∈ . Then, the following asymptotic relationship holds for every f ∈ H , 1 0 p φp r p dr f0 Mq f, r 1−r 1 Êmf, r 1 − rmp φ1 −rr dr. p Mq 0 p 2.2 Lemma 2.4. Assume that μ is normal and f ∈ Zμ . Then, fz ≤ Cf Zμ 1 |z| t 0 0 ds dt , μs z∈ . 2.3 Moreover, if 1 t ds dt < ∞, μs 2.4 fz ≤ Cf , Zμ 2.5 0 0 then for any z ∈ . 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis Proof. By Lemma 2.3.1 in 21 applied to Êf we have that fz ≤ Cf Zμ Ê 1 |z| 0 ds μs 2.6 . Hence, for |z| ≥ 1/2, we have that t|z| 1 z 1 dt dt|z| ds 1 ≤ C f Zμ ftz , fz − f ≤ 2 t |z| 1/2 1/2 0 μs 2.7 |z| t ds 1 fz ≤ M∞ f, C f Z μ 1 dt , 2 0 0 μs 2.8 Ê so that where M∞ f, 1/2 max|z|≤1/2 |fz|. If |z| ≤ 1/2, then by the mean value property of the function fz − f0 see 30, Jensen’s inequality, and Parseval’s formula, we obtain 2 max fz − f0 ≤ 4n |z|≤1/2 ≤ 4n |z|≤3/4 |z|≤3/4 fw − f02 dVN w fw2 dVN w Ê 2.9 2 ≤ 3n max fz . |z|≤3/4 Ê From 2.9 and 2.6, we obtain √ n 3 max fz M∞ f, 1/2 ≤ f0 |z|≤3/4 Ê √ n 3 C f Z μ ≤ f0 1 3/4 0 ds μs 2.10 ≤ C f Z μ . From 2.8 and 2.10, 2.3 follows, from which by 2.4 the second statement follows. Lemma 2.5. Assume μ is normal and 2.4 holds. Then, for every bounded sequence fk k∈ ⊂ Zμ converging to 0 uniformly on compacts of , we have that lim supfk z 0. k → ∞ z∈ 2.11 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 Proof. From 2.4, we have that for every ε > 0, there is a δ ∈ 0, min{ε, 1/2} such that t |z| 1−δ|z| ds dt < ε, μs 0 2.12 for |z| > 1 − δ. Hence, from 2.12 it follows that for each k ∈ and |z| ≥ 1 − δ 1 fk tz dt t 1−δ t|z| 1 ds 1 dt ≤ Cfk Zμ 1−δ 0 μs |z| t ds ≤ C fk Zμ ε dt . 1−δ|z| 0 μs fk z − fk 1 − δz ≤ Ê 2.13 From 2.12 and 2.13, we obtain fk z ≤ sup fk w 2Cε supfk . Zμ 2.14 k∈ |w|≤1−δ Letting k → ∞ in this inequality, using the assumption that fk converges to 0 on the compact |w| ≤ 1 − δ, and using the fact that ε is an arbitrary positive number, the lemma follows. g 3. The Boundedness and Compactness of Pϕ : Zμ or Zμ,0 → Hp, q, φ g The boundedness and compactness of the operator Pϕ : Zμ or Zμ,0 → Hp, q, φ are characterized in this section. Theorem 3.1. Assume that p, q > 0, ϕ is a holomorphic self-map of and μ are normal, and μ satisfies condition 2.4. Let Gz 1 gtz 0 , g ∈ H , g0 0, φ dt . t 3.1 Then, the following statements are equivalent: g a Pϕ : Zμ,0 → Hp, q, φ is bounded; g b Pϕ : Zμ → Hp, q, φ is bounded; g c Pϕ : Zμ,0 → Hp, q, φ is compact; g d Pϕ : Zμ → Hp, q, φ is compact; e G ∈ Hp, q, φ. g Moreover, if Pϕ : Zμ → Hp, q, φ is bounded, then the following asymptotic relations hold: g Pϕ Zμ → Hp,q,φ g Pϕ Zμ,0 → Hp,q,φ GHp,q,φ . 3.2 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis Proof. The implications d ⇒ b, b ⇒ a, d ⇒ c, and c ⇒ a are obvious. g a ⇒ e Since Pϕ : Zμ,0 → Hp, q, φ is bounded and fz ≡ 1 ∈ Zμ,0 , by Lemma 2.1 g we have that Gz Pϕ 1z ∈ Hp, q, φ. Moreover, g GHp,q,φ Pϕ 1 Hp,q,φ g ≤ Pϕ Zμ,0 → Hp,q,φ 3.3 . e ⇒ d Assume that fk k∈ ⊂ Zμ is a bounded sequence converging to 0 uniformly on compacts of . Then, by Lemmas 2.1, 2.3, and 2.5, we have g Pϕ fk Hp,q,φ g Pϕ fk 0 1 p Mq gfk ◦ ϕ, r 0 ≤ CGHp,q,φ supfk z −→ 0, φp r 1 − r1−p 1/p dr 3.4 as k −→ ∞, z∈ g which along with Lemma 2.2 implies the compactness of Pϕ : Zμ → Hp, q, φ. 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