PALEOCEANOGRAPHY,VOL. 10,NO. 4 , PAGES841-865, AUGUST 1995 Late Paleocene to Eocene paleoceanography of the equatorial Pacific Ocean: Stable isotopesrecorded at Ocean Drilling Program Site 865, Allison Guyot Timothy J.Bralower, 1James C.Zachos, 2 EllenThomas, 3,4Matthew Parrow, 1Charles K. Paull, • D. ClayKelly,• Isabella Premoli Silva, 5WilliamV. Sliter, 6 andKygerC. Lohmann 7 Abstract. An expanded andlargelycomplete upperPaleocene to upperEocenesectionwas recovered fromthepelagiccapoverlyingAllisonGuyot,Mid-PacificMountainsat OceanDrilling Program(ODP) Site865 (18ø26'N,179ø33'W; paleodepth 1300-1500m). Reconstructions show thatthesitewaswithina few degrees of theequatorduringthePaleogene.Because no other Paleogene sections havebeenrecovered in thePacificOceanat sucha lowlatitude,Site865 provides a uniquerecordof equatorial Pacificpaleoceanography. Detailedstableisotopic investigations wereconducted onthreeplanktonic foraminiferal taxa(species of Acarinina, Morozovella,andSubbotina).We studiedbenthicforaminiferalisotopesat muchlowerresolution onspecies of Cibicidoides andLenticulina, Nuttallides truernpyi andGavelinella beccariiformis, because oftheirexceptional rarity.The•5180 and•513C stratigraphies fromSite865aregenerally similarto thosederivedfrom otherPaleoceneandEocenesections.The planktonicforaminiferal recordsat Site 865, however,includesignificantly lessshort-term, single-sample variabilitythan thosefromhigher-latitude sites,indicatingthatthistropical,oligotrophic locationhada comparatively stablewatercolumnstructure witha deepmixedlayerandlessseasonal variability. Low-amplitude(0.1-0.8%o)oscillations ontimescales of 250,000to 300,000yearscorrelate between the/513C records of allplanktonic taxaandmayrepresent fluctuations in themixing intensityof surfacewaters.Peakseasurfacetemperatures of 24ø-25øCoccurred in theearliest Eocene,followedby a rapidcoolingof 3-6øCin thelateearlyEocene.Temperatures remainedcool andstablethroughthemiddleEocene.In thelateEocene,surfacewatertemperatures decreased further.Verticaltemperature gradients decreased dramatically in thelatePaleocene andwere relativelyconstant throughmuchof theEocenebutincreased markedlyin thelateEocene. Intermediate waterswarmedthroughthelatePaleocene, reachinga maximumtemperature of 10øC in theearlyEocene.Coolingin themiddleandlateEoceneparalleledthatof surfacewaters,with latestEocenetemperatures below5øC. Extinctionpatternsof benthicforaminiferain thelatest Paleocene were similar to those observed at other Pacific sites and were coeval with a short-term, veryrapidnegative excursion in/513C values inplanktonic andbenthic taxaasatothersites. Duringthisexcursion, benthic foraminiferal/5180 values decreased markedly, indicating warming of 4 to 6øCfor tropicalintermediate waters,whileplanktonictaxashowslightwarming(1øC) followed by2øCofcooling.Convergence of/5180values ofplanktonic andbenthic foraminifera suggests thatthermalgradientsin the watercolumnin thistropicallocationcollapsedduringthe excursion.Thesedataare consistent with thehypothesis thatequatorialPacificsurfacewaterswere a potentialsourceof warm,highersalinitywaterswhichfilled portionsof the deepoceanin the latestPaleocene.Oxygenisotopicdataindicatethatequatorto high southernlatitudeseasurface thermalgradientsdecreased to aslittle as4øC at the peakof the excursion,suggesting some fundamentalchangein globalheattransport. 1Department of Geology, University ofNorthCarolina, Chapel Hill. 2EarthScience Board,University of California, SantaCruz. 3Department of Geology andGeophysics, YaleUniversity, New Haven, Connecticut. 6Branch of Paleontology andStratigraphy, U.S.Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. 7Department of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 4AlsoatDepartment ofEarthandEnvironmental Sciences, Wesleyan University,Middletown,Connecticut. Introduction 5Dipartimento di Scienza dellaTerra,Universita di Milano,Milan, Italy. Copyright1995by the AmericanGeophysical Union. Papernumber95PA01143. 0883- 8305/95/95PA- 01143510.00 Paleogenesedimentshave proven to be elusive targetsfor high-resolutionpaleoceanographic studies:they are too young to be widely exposedin mountainbeltsyet too old to be easily accessibleto shallow drilling technology. Most researchhas thusbeendoneon materialrecoveredby the Deep Sea Drilling 842 BRALOWER ETAL.:PALEOGENE EQUATOR/AL PACIFIC PALEOCEANOGRAPHY Project (DSDP) and OceanDrilling Program(ODP), especially in thePaleogene subtropical PacificOcean[ZachosandArthur, sedimentsfrom high southernlatitudesitessuchas from Maud 1986; Miller et al., 1987; Corfield and Cartlidge, 1992; Pak Rise in the southernmostAtlantic Ocean [Barker et al., 1990] and Miller, 1992]. This section accumulated at low and KerguelenPlateauin the Indian Ocean[Wiseet al., 1992]. sedimentationrates and containshighly condensedintervalsor These sectionshave been analyzed at a resolutioncommonly short-termhiatuses(particularly in the lower Eocene), the seen in studieson youngersections[e.g., Kennett and Stott, middleEoceneis missing,and part of the uppermostPaleocene 1990; Stott and Kennett, 1990; Barrera and Huber, 1991; lies in a core break in two holes. A rotary-drilledrecordfrom Zachos et al., 1993; Thomas and Shackleton, 1995], DSDP Site 47.2 alsoon the ShatskyRise hasbeendiscussed by demonstratingthat Paleogeneoceansand climate witnesseda Stott [1992], but significant drilling disturbanceprecludes pattern of short-term(103-104 years) fluctuationsin high-resolution studies. temperature. These short-termexcursionsare superimposed on The Paleogenepelagic cap sectionat Site 865 on Allison long-term(>106years)climaticfluctuations [e.g.,Shackleton Guyot (18ø 26' N, 179ø 33' W; 1530m waterdepth;Figure1) and Kennett, 1975; Savin, 1977; Kennett and Stott, 1991; Corfield and Cartlidge, 1992; Miller, 1992]. During the latest Paleocene to earliest Eocene, high-latitude surface waters warmed graduallyfrom 11ø to 15øCand deep watersfrom 9ø to 13øC [Miller et al., 1987; Stott et al., 1990; Zachos et al., 1993], but in the middle through late Eocene, high-latitude surface and deep waters cooled to 6øC and 4øC, respectively [e.g., Zachos et al., 1994]. The latest Paleocenerapid climatic change was one of the most dramatic warming events in the geological record. Antarctic surfaceand deep water temperaturesincreasedfrom 14øC to 20øC and from 10øC to 18øC, respectively,over less than 10,000 years, so that vertical thermal gradientsdecreased; they remained at these levels for 50,000 to several hundred thousand years [Stott et al., 1990; Kennett and Stott, 1991; Thomas and Shackleton, 1995]. Synchronous with the lies on Cretaceousshallow water limestonestargetedon Leg 143. Calculationsusing the Pacific polar wanderpath indicate paleolatitudes of about2øN in thelatePaleocene to about6øN in the late Eocene (R. Larson, oral communication, 1994). Conventionalpaleodepthback-trackingtechniquescould not be employeddue to the unusualthermalhistoryof the MidPacific Mountains. Depth estimates based on benthic foraminiferaare not precisefor the bathyal-abyssal range in Paleogenesediments[Berggrenand Miller, 1989],but detailed comparisonbetweenPaleocene/Eocene faunasat Site 865 and those at Sites 762 (Indian Ocean, paleodepth1000-1500 m), Site 577 (Pacific Ocean,paleodepthabout 1500 m), Site 752 (Indian Ocean, paleodepth500-1000 m), Site 689 (Weddell Sea, paleodepthabout 1100 m), and Site 525 (Walvis Ridge, paleodepthabout 1600 m) suggeststhat the paleodepthwas in the upper half of the lower bathyal, i.e., betweenabout 1300 dramatic decrease in •180 values wasa largenegative excursion and 1500 m [Thomas and Shackleton, 1995; E. Thomas, in the•13C recordsof planktonic andbenthicforaminifera. manuscriptin preparation,1995], suggestinglittle subsidence The event is believedto have beenassociated with a temporary since the Paleogene.We presentthe isotopicstratigraphyof change in dominant deep water sourcesfrom high to low the Paleogene section at Site 865 and its general paleoceanographic significance. The paleoclimatic latitudes [Kennett and Stott, 1991; Pak and Miller, 1992; implicationsof this recordare furtherexploredby J. C. Zachos Thomas, 1992; Eldholm and Thomas, 1993] which could have et al. (manuscript in preparation, 1995); the benthic been the major cause of the associated mass extinction of benthic foraminifera [Braga et al., 1975; Schnitker, 1979; foraminiferal faunal record will be discussedby E. Thomas Tjalsmaand Lohmann,1983] possiblyresultingfrom decreased (manuscriptin preparation,1995). dissolved oxygen contents of warmer deep waters [e.g., Kennett and Stott, 1990; Thomas, 1990a, 1992; Kennett and Stott, 1991; Kaiho, 1991, 1994]. Methods and Procedures The short-termchangesin Eocenesea surfacetemperatures (SST)arewelldocumented in high-latitude •80 records butnot Sample Selection and Preparation in the low latitudes.Low-latitude•80 recordsare essential, Samples were analyzed from the upper Paleocenethrough however, for reconstructing the low- to high-latitude temperature gradient, especially since inconsistenciesexist between faunal and isotopic temperatureestimatesfor the tropics on longer timescales [e.g., Adams et al., 1990]. A knowledge of latitudinal thermal gradients is essential to developinga betterunderstanding of how heattransportby the ocean and atmospheremay have respondedto changesin radiative forcing [Barron, 1987; Barron and Washington, 1982; Rea et al., 1990;Barron and Peterson,1991]. High-resolutiondeep-seaPaleogenestratigraphicrecords from low latitudesare rare. Abundantchertoccurringin many low-latitude sections of this age has led to reduced core recovery rates [e.g., Pisciotto, 1981]. Diagenesis has overprintedisotope values in many deep burial Paleogene sequences. The sequencefrom Site 577 (Shatsky Rise, paleolatitude15-20ø N) is almosttheonlyproxyfor conditions upper Eocene interval of Hole 865B. Hole 865C was sampled in detail only in the interval close to Paleocene/Eocene boundarybecausethe uppermostPaleocenepart of the section in Hole 865B is interruptedby the break betweenCores 11 and 12. One to three samplesper core section(every 0.5 m to 1.5 m) were selectedfor isotopic measurementfrom Hole 865B, with the densestsampling in the upper Paleoceneto lower Eocene. A more detailedsampleset (one sampleevery 10 cm) was taken close to the benthic foraminiferal extinction horizon in theupperPaleocene in bothholes.One20 cm3 sampleper section was taken in Hole 865B for benthic foraminiferal faunal analysis. All other samplesrangedin volumebetween5 and10 cm3. Samples for planktonic foraminiferal analyses were split, dried, and washedwith pH buffered water through sieves with screenopeningsof 250, 125, 63, and 38 !.tm and then oven-driedat 60øC. The >250 fraction was dry-split BRALOWERET AL.:PALEOGENE EQUATORIALPACIFICPALEOCEANOGRAPHY 843 30øN ..... 20 ø ,., _, . ' Site'n•• ..• . J,ß.I..'','l ' ' ' ";""' '' • ' '" '•' '':,,'• ' .':865 .:, , ...• ..•• • • arshalslands ß . ß ]; - Mage//anR/se . 160øE u •• 170ø • •'. ...... _ •',• . ,: ' , 10 ø ' . 180ø . • :Line Islands 0o 170øW 160ø 150ø Figure 1. Locationof ODP Site865 on AllisonGuyotin theMid-PacificMountains.Insetshowsgeneral locationof detailedmap. into various size fractions: >400, 355-400 pm, 300-355, and 250-300 ontogeneticand other vital effects on the interpretationof stableisotopicresults[e.g., Shackletonet al., 1985a;Corfield and Cartlidge, 1991; Pearson et al., 1993], almost all of our isotopic investigationswere performed on the 300-355 fraction. Initially, 25 specimensof each specieswere picked; Various taxa have been utilized for Paleogeneplanktonic however, the eight to 10 best-preserved specimens were foraminiferal isotope stratigraphy [e.g., Shackletonet al., selectedfor isotopicmeasurement. 1984; Boersrna et al., 1987; Stott et al., 1990; Pearson et al., 1993]. We usedspeciesof MorozovellaandAcarinina because Benthic Foraminiferal Taxa of their (1) taxonomic distinctiveness; (2) overlapping stratigraphicrangesspanningthe interval of interest;and (3) Stableisotopicanalyseshave beenconductedon Nuttallides surface dwelling habitat. We selected Morozovella truernpyiandspeciesof Cibicidoides(largeC. praernundulus) velascoensis (upper Paleocene), Morozovella subbotinae throughoutthe section and Gavelinella beccariiformis and (uppermost Paleocene to lower Eocene), Morozovella species of Lenticulina in samples from the uppermost aragonensis (lower to middle Eocene), Morozovella lehneri Paleocene. Dependingon size, betweenfive and 20 benthic (middle to upperEocene)(Figure2), Acarinina rnckannai(upper foraminifera were picked for isotopic measurement; all Paleocene),Acarinina soldadoensis(upperPaleoceneto lower specimenswere larger than 125 in diameter. Eocene),andAcarinina spp.(lowerto upperEocene)(Figure3). Theselatter taxa, groupedas A. bullbrooki by Bralower et al. Isotopic Analyses [1995], include considerablemorphologicalvariety, grading Isotopic analyses were performed in the Stable Isotope from olderformswhich are compressed and somewhatresemble laboratory at the University of Michigan. Individual A. soldadoensis, to younger conical forms similar to A. Planktonic Foraminiferal Taxa bullbrooki, to forms which resemble Truncorotaloides pseudotopilensis. We have combinedspeciesof Subbotina (Figure 3) becauseof taxonomicuncertainties. Observationsof foraminiferalpreservationwere madein a Leica Stereoscan440 ScanningElectron Microscopein the Geology Departmentat the University of North Carolina-ChapelHill. To reduce foraminifera were sonicated in distilled water to remove adhering particles and roasted in vacuo at 380ø C. The specimenswere processedin a Kiel automated carbonate digestiondevice. Each sample was reactedin an individual vessel with three drops of phosphoricacid at 75ø C. The resulting CO2 was isolated in a single-stepdistillation and 844 BRALOWER ET AL.: PALEOGENE EQUATORIAL PACIFIC PALEOCEANOGRAPHY ß-......-. 1 :.::.•:.::,:.,ii-"•?,.."% .... .• ...z:i?"• :;•?•-.(;%::½•;.'.';::•'•--....-... .... ...... ..... . lo Figure2. Typical specimens of planktonic foraminifera fromSite865. Specimens 1 and2 areMorozovella velascoensis, specimen 1 istheumbilical viewandspecimen 2 isthesideview;Sample 865C-12H-4, 10-12 cm. Specimens 3 and4 areM. subbotinae, specimen 3 istheumbilical viewandspecimen 4 isthesideview; Sample 865C-12H-4, 10-12cm.Specimens 5 and6 areM. aragonensis; specimen 5 istheumbilical viewand specimen 6 isthesideview;Sample 865B-10H-2, 4-6cm.Specimens 7 and8 areM. quetra, specimen 7 isthe umbilical viewandspecimen 8 isthesideview;Sample 865B-10H-2, 60-62cm.Specimens 9 and10areM. lehneri, specimen 9 istheumbilical viewandspecimen 10isthesideview;Sample 865B-4H-6, 20-22cm. Scalebar represents100 microns. BRALOWERET AL.:PALEOGENE EQUATORIALPACIFICPALEOCEANOGRAPHY 845 introduceddirectly to the MAT-251 mass spectrometerfor [e.g., Berggrenet al., 1995], we presentthe isotopicdata from Site 865 in plots versus depth (Figures 4-11). In order to -20 as well as an in-house standard LV-2 were measured on a comparedata from different sites,however,thesedepthsneed daily basisto monitor instrumentcalibrationand analytical to be convertedto a common reference. Becausemany sites accuracy. Average precisiondeterminedfrom 40 replicate have magnetostratigraphic control,we utilize the geomagnetic polafity timescaleof Candeand Kent [1992] as a reference. We analysesof planktonicforaminiferawas betterthan +0.1 for both•5180and•513Cvaluesbut significantly lowerfor benthic have selectedseveralnannofossiland planktonicforaminiferal datums which can be placed reliably in a variety of sites, foraminifera [Bralower et al., 1995]. In orderto calculatepaleotemperatures, we usedthe equation including Site 865 and which have been correlated to the of Erez and Luz [1983]anda •518Osw valueof-0.98%0for geomagneticpolarity timescale [e.g., Berggren et al., 1985; Wei and Wise, 1989]. The numeficalagesof thesedatumswere seawaterassumingan ice-free earth [Zachoset al., 1994] determined by estimating their average relative positions correctedrelative to the Pee Dee belemnite(PDB) standardby within the chrons(Table 1), assumingconstantsedimentation subtracting 0.27%0[Hut, 1985]. In addition,to adjustfor ratesbetweentie points. For compafison,we includethe ages systematicchangesin salinity as a functionof latitude, we appliedthe equationproposedby Zachoset al. [1994] to our of the samedatumstaken from Berggrenet al. [1985] and Wei calculationof $ST. This equationis basedon the assumption and Wise [1989]. In addition,we includethe age of the latest Paleocenebenthic foraminiferal extinction following Pak and that sea surfacesalinitieswere high in the subtropicsand low Miller [1992] and Eldholm and Thomas [1993] (58 Ma from in higherlatitudesthroughout the Cenozoicas today. While it is possiblethat the latitudinal salinity gradienthas changed Aubry et al. [1988]; 55.7 Ma from Candeand Kent, [1992]). measurement.National Bureau of Standards(NBS)-18,-19, and throughtime,thereis no evidenceto suggest thatthe patternor magnitude of this gradient was substantiallydifferent than present. Results Observations indicate high current velocities, winnowing, and redepositionon top of Horizon Guyot [Lonsdale et al., Stratigraphic control is largely based on calcareous 1972]. Similar activity on Allison Guyot as it subsidedshould nannofossilbiostratigraphy[Bralower and Mutterlose,1995], have led to pervasiveunconformitiesand condensedsections. indicatingthat the sequenceis largely complete,with apparent Anomalous enrichments of planktonic foraminifera over smaller particles, including calcareous nannofossils, in unconformitiescorrelating to lower Eocene nannofossilZone NP13 and an interval around the Eocene/Oligoceneboundary. sedimentsfrom Site 865 indicate winnowing. The shallow Assemblages are characterized by only minor apparent burial depths (15-135 meters below sea floor (mbsf)) of the redepositionconcentratedat the top of cores,much of which Paleogenesectionat Site 865 resultedin excellent microfossil might have resultedfrom the soupynature of the sediments preservation, particularly among the foraminifera. Some samplescontain yellowed, corrodedbenthic foraminifera that when cored [Bralower and Mutterlose, 1995]. Preliminary were probablyreworkedfrom older materials(thesespecimens planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy focused on were not used in isotopic and faunal analysis). Benthic determining the precise location of zonal and subzonal boundaries(I. Premoli Silva and W. V. Sliter, unpublisheddata, foraminiferal specimensare extremelyrare in all samples,even for deep-seabenthic foraminifera; about 10-100 times fewer 1994). No magnetostratigraphic control is available. As is specimensper gram occurredat Site 865 than in samplesof standardin low-latitude deep-seasequences[e.g., Berggren et al., 1985;Aubry et al., 1988; Berggren et al., 1995], we use similar age and paleodepth from Maud Rise (Weddell Sea, the last occurrence of the planktonicforaminifer,Morozovella Antarctica [Thomas, 1990b]), and Walvis Ridge (S. Atlantic velascoensis,to recognizethe Paleocene/Eocene boundary. Ocean [Thomas and Shackleton, 1995]). Benthic foraminifera occurredat less than 500 per gram in the Paleocenethrough Nannofossil events which have been used to correlate this boundary,the first occurrences of Tribrachiatusbramletteiand lower Eocene (below the unconformity at 79 mbsf in Hole Discoaster diastypus[e.g., Perch-Nielsen, 1985], cannotbe 865B), increasedto slightly more than 1000 per gram in the first half of the middle Eocene (between 57 and 79 mbsf), determined with confidence in Site 865 [Bralower and decreasedto 500-1000 per gramin the uppermiddleEocene(57 Mutterlose, 1995], although the last occurrence of Fasciculithuscan be determinedprecisely. The highestsample to 35 mbsf), and increasedconsiderably(1500-2000 per gram) analyzed is from the uppermost Eocene based on the in the uppermost middle Eocene (above 35 mbsf). These extremely low values for benthic foraminiferal abundance,as occurrences of DiscoasterbarbadiensisandD. saipanensis. well as benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates in the Paleogene time scales are currently in a state of flux Paleocene through middle Eocene, indicate a very low transport [Berggrenet al., 1992;Berggrenand Aubry, 1995;Berggrenet al., 1995]. The age of the Paleocene/Eoceneboundary has of organic matter to the seafloor [Berger et al., 1994], commonlybeenplacedat 57.8 Ma [Berggrenet al., 1985] or probably as a result of very low primary productivity. The 57 Ma [Aubry et al., 1988], but this value is almostcertainly extremely low abundancemakes isotopic analysesvery time too high in view of newly obtainedradiometricdates[Wing et consuming. Stable isotopicdata are compiledby Bralower et al., 1991;Berggrenet al., 1995]. Candeand Kent [1992] used al. [1995] and Table 2, summarizedin Table 3, and plottedin Biostratigraphy and Timescale a value of 55 Ma in constructing a geomagnetic polarity timescale. Because of inevitable changesin the timescale Figures 4-14withmorepositive •5180values to thefightin all figuresexceptFigure 12 (versusgeneralconvention). 846 BRALOWER ET AL.: PALEOGENE EQUATORIAL PACIFIC PALEOCEANOGRAPHY 'i, Figure 3. Typicalspecimens of planktonic foraminifera fromSite865. Specimens 1 and2 areAcarinina mckannai,specimen 1 is theumbilicalviewandspecimen 2 is thesideview;Sample865C-12H-4,10-12cm. Specimens 3 and4 areA. soldadoensis; specimen 3 is theumbilicalviewandspecimen 4 is the sideview; Sample865C-10H-4,60-62cm. Specimens 5 and6 areSubbotinaspp.,specimen 5 is theumbilicalviewand specimen 6 is thesideview;Sample 865B-12H-4, 70-72cm.Specimens 7-10areAcarinina spp.,specimens 7 and8 areumbilical viewsandspecimens 9 and10aresideviews;Sample 865B-7H-l,118-120 cm.Specimens 11and12areTruncorotaloides rohri;specimen 11istheumbilical view,specimen 12isthesideview;Sample 865B-5H-5,50-72 cm. Scalebar represents 100 microns. BRALOWERET AL.:PALEOGENEEQUATORIALPACIFICPALEOCEANOGRAPHY 847 Table 1. Datums Used in the Estimationof Ages for Intersite Comparison Datum Age (CK92), Polarity Chron* Ma LO D. barbadiensis C13r.0.50 LO C. grandis C17n.ln.0.20 LO C. solitus FOR. umbilicus Age (BKF85), Depth Ma1. 865B •: 34.11 36.7 18.70 37.32 40.0 19.32 C17r.0.00 C19r.0.25 38.50 42.38 41.3 44.6 29.40 47.31 FO C.gigas C20r.0.50 45.08 47.4 67.70 FO D. sublodoensis C22r.0.00 49.60 52.6 79.60 LOT. orthostylus C23n.1.0.50 50.73 53.6 79.60 FO D. lodoensis LO M. velascoensis Benthic foram. extinction C24n. ln.0.50 C24r.0.35 52.39 55.00 55.70 55.2 57.8 58.0 89.60 100.90 102.53- FO. D. multiradiatus FO D. mohleri C25n.0.50 C26n.0.80 56.26 58.12 59.2 60.5 116.21 125.75 FOF. •mI•an•ormis C26r.0.40 60.21 62.0 132.20 Depth 865C$ 98.30 102.95 103.50 {} 114.60 *Terminologyis takenfromCandeandKent[1992]. Numericalsuffixrefersto relativepositionin chronat severalsiteswith baseat 0.00 and top at 1.00. I' Ages aretaken from Berggren etal.[1985] andWeiandWise [1989]. $ Alldepths aremeters below seafloor. {}Thisdepth isbetween Cores 11and12. Planktonic to the lower part of Zone CP6) to an averageof-2.0%0 in the foraminifera lowermost Eocene (-102-84 Acarinina: Oxygen 'isotopes •,,,gures t•-: mbsf; Zones CP9 and CP10), 4- 7) . •u,•owcuby-i.•7 an increaseto -u.J•/oo in the upperEocene(-20 Oxygenisotopicvaluesshowa long-termdecrease from-1.8%o mbsf;Zone CP15). As in the recordof Acarinina, a rapid 1.0%o in the uppermostPaleocene(-115 mbsf; nannofossilZone decreasein 15180valuesoccursin lower EoceneZonesCP10 and CP8) to -2.1%o in the lowermost lower Eocene (-102 mbsf; CP11 (-86-81 mbsf; Figure 5), and an interval with fluctuating Zone CP9) and are relativelyconstantthroughthe lower lower values occursin Zone CP11 to the lower part of Zone CP13 Eocene (-102-84 mbsf; Zones CP9 and CP10) (Figure 4 and (-81-68 mbsf). Table3). A sharp 1.0%o increase in average •5180 values occurs Oxygen isotopic values of M. subbotinaeare up to 0.2%0 in the upper lower Eocene(-84-82 mbsf; upper part of Zone CP10 and Zone CPll), followed by an interval of fluctuating valueswithoutlong-termtrendin the uppermostlower Eocene heavier than those of M. Acarinina: Carbon isotopes (Figures 8-11). Carbon isotopicvalues show a steadydecreasefrom average values of about 4.7%0 in the upper Paleocene(-115 mbsf; nannofossilZone CP8) to an averageof 2.6%0in the lower Eocene (-88-80 mbsf; Zones CP10 and CPll) (Figures8 and 9 andTable 3). A slightincreaseto averagevaluescloseto 3.0%0 lower Eocene (-118-80 velascoensis and between 0.1%o heavierand 0.2%0lighter than thoseof M. aragonensis(Figure 5). Oxygen isotopicvaluesof M. aragonensis are between0.2 (-82-71mbsf;ZoneCP12).Average {5180 values in themiddle and0.4%0lighterthanthoseof M. lehneri(Figure6). and upper Eocene (Zones CP13 to CP15) show a long-term Morozovella: Carbon isotopes (Figures 8-11). increasefrom -1.2%oto 0.2%0(-69-20 mbsf; Figure 4). There Carbon isotopic values show similar trends to those of is little differencebetween15180valuesof A. mckannaiandA. Acarinina (Figures 8-10 and Table 3). Values increasefrom soldadoensis measured in the same samples (Figure 5). Oxygenisotopicvaluesof A. soldadoensis andAcarinina spp. 3.8%0in the lower upper Paleocene(~130 mbsf; nannofossil Zone CP5) to 5.1%oin the middleupperPaleocene(-118 mbsf; differ to a greaterextent(Figure 5). Zone CP7), then decreasethroughthe uppermostPaleoceneand occursin ZonesCP12 andCP13(~80-50mbsf). The fil3C values of A. rnckannai and A. soldadoensis are similar, but values for A. soldadoensisand Acarinina spp. in the lower Eoceneare up to 0.6%0different(Figure9). Morozovella: Oxygen isotopes (Figures 4-7). Oxygenisotopicvaluesfor MorozovellafromHole865Bshow similar patternsto thoseof Acarinina but cover a longer stratigraphic interval(Figure4 andTable 3). Two long-term trendsareclear:(1) a decrease froman averageof ~-1.4%oin the lowerupperPaleocene (-130-124mbsf;nannofossil ZoneCP4 mbsf; Zones CP8 to CPll) to an averageof 2.5%0,followedby a gradualincreaseto an average of 3.0%0 in the lower middle Eocene (-74-61 mbsf; Zone CP13). UppermiddleandupperEocene•513C valuesshowa gradualdeclineto 2.6%0(-20 mbsf;Zone CP15). Overlapping recordsillustrateslightlydifferent•513Cvaluesfor different speciesof Morozovella: M. subbotinae is up to 0.2%0heavier than M. velascoensis and up to 0.5%0 heavier than M. aragonensis(Figure 9). Values of M. aragonensis in turn are up to 0.2%0lighterthanthoseof M. lehneri (Figure 10). Subbotina: Oxygen isotopes (Figures 4-7). Oxygen isotopic values of Subbotina show more variability than thoseof the other planktonicgenera(Figure 4 and Table 3); averagevaluesdecreasefrom about0.0%0in the lower upper Paleocene(-128-124 mbsf; top of Zone CP5 and bottom of Zone CP6) to --1.3%o in the uppermostPaleocene(-117-103 848 BRALOWEREl' AL.' PALEOGENE EQUATORIALPACIFICPALEOCEANOGRAPHY Table 2. Additional Stable Isotopic Data for Site 865 Hole-Core Sec. Interval, mbsf Taxon Size,gm cm õ13C, /5180, %o B-13H B-12H B-12H 1 4 3 21-23 70-72 20-22 113.21 108.70 106.70 Subbotinaspp Subbotina spp Subbotina spp 300-355 300-355 300-355 2.77 2.77 2.67 -1.28 -1.39 -1.26 C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H 4 4 4 4 20-22 20-22D 30-32 40-42 103.00 103.00 103.10 103.20 A. A. A. A. soldadoensis soldadoensis soldadoensis soldadoensis 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 4.05 4.26 4.28 4.05 -2.18 -1.97 -1.96 -2.03 C-11H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C- 12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H C-12H 6 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 52-54 10-12 60-62 70-72 70-72 00-02 10-12 30-32 50-52 60-62 70-72 80-82 90-92 110-112 120-122 130-132 140-142 140-142D 10-12 20-22 20-22D 30-32 40-42 50-52 60-62 70-72 80-82 90-92 110-112 120-122 130-132 140-142 96.82 98.40 98.90 100.50 100.50 101.30 101.40 101.60 101.80 101.90 102.00 102.10 102.20 102.40 102.50 102.60 102.70 102.70 102.90 103.00 103.00 103.10 103.20 103.30 103.40 103.50 103.60 103.70 103.90 104.00 104.10 104.20 Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotinaspp. Subbotinaspp. Subbotinaspp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotinaspp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. Subbotina spp. 300-355 300-355 250-300 300-355 300-355 250-300 250-300 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 250-300 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 300-355 1.74 1.68 1.81 2.00 2.06 2.07 1.82 2.00 1.83 1.81 1.78 1.79 1.66 1.76 1.45 1.47 2.01 1.93 1.53 2.26 2.22 2.39 2.14 2.61 2.17 2.01 2.55 3.72 2.77 2.77 2.54 2.55 2.60 2.75 2.67 2.30 -0.97 -0.96 -1.06 -1.02 -1.50 -1.39 -1.47 -1.47 -1.32 -1.16 -1.06 -1.18 -0.78 -1.04 -0.88 -0.80 -0.76 -1.31 -1.64 -1.56 -1.28 -1.26 -0.80 -1.48 -0.90 -0.42 -1.29 -1.55 -1.50 -1.51 -1.26 -1.35 -1.51 -1.10 -1.28 -0.76 C- 12H C-12H C-12H C-12H 5 5 5 5 00-02 70-72 70-72D 130-132 104.30 105.00 105.00 105.60 D aftercentimeter intervalrefersto duplicateanalysis.All analyses arereportedwithrespectto PeeDee belemnite (PDB) standard. Sec. is section. mbsf is metersbelow sea floor. mbsf;Zone CP8) and increasesteadilyto -0.8 %0in the upper Benthic foraminifera Eocene (-29-20 mbsf; SubzoneCP14b and Zone CP15). Short- termdecreases of upto -1.2%o and0.6%0 in õ180valuesoccur Oxygen isotopes (Figures 4-7). between 91 and 85 mbsf and between 60 and 70 mbsf, respectively. Subbotina: Carbon isotopes (Figures 8-11). The $13C recordof Subbotina resemblesthose of the other two Benthic foraminiferal measurements could not be conducted at a similar resolution as that of the planktonicforaminiferabecauseof the extremeand unusualrarity of benthicforaminifera. We choseto includethe incomplete record in order to demonstrateat least to some degree the intermediatewater developments. Replicate measurements of benthicforaminiferayield greatervariability genera(Figure8 andTable 3). Carbonisotopicvaluesincrease than thoseof planktonicforaminifera[Braloweret al., 1995]. from -1.8%o in the lower upper Paleocene (-133 mbsf; nannofossilZone CP5) to -3.0%0 in the middle part of the upper Paleocene (-118 mbsf; Zone CP7) then decrease to Thisdifference averages 0.93%0(s=0.92;n=5)for$180values and0.53%0for $13Cvalues(s=0.38;n=5). We do notthink -1.0%oin the lower Eocene(-91 mbsf;ZoneCP9) (Figure9). that this larger variability resultsfrom "vital effects"(either Values fluctuate between 1.0%o and 2.0%0 throughout the sizeor microhabitat related),because thevariability in $180 valuesis largerthanthatin $13Cvalues, whileit hasbeenwell remainder of the Eocene (-91-20 mbsf). BRALOWER ET AL.:PALEOGENE EQUATORIAL PACIFICPALEOCEANOGRAPHY i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 849 850 BRALOWERET AL.: PALEOGENEEQUATORIALPACIFICPALEOCEANOGRAPHY , , , NANNOFOSSIL •• ,;i OUJ SERIES ZONE n' •___..• •.• -2 •18 0(%0) -1 ...ic•NP21 cP161a '"'" 2H - • nu.I _•0__ _- _= Morozovella o • '" '" NP17 .,.• b• • 3H I --'" '" •P14 -e-.,. '" '" NP16 • C3_ 30 4H • -- '"• -- 5H • _- a + • • Benthics 40-- Subbotina o • Acarinin • - 6H 50'• Z LUNP15 3P13 b•• •• O O a ..e-..e- 7H 60--: 8H •_..• 70 -- b.e..i. NP14 CP12 7,4-,.e- CP11 '•• 9H 80'• n • NP12 CP10 '•• O ..e-• ._1 NP11 b• • 90"• NP10 CP9a + • LU Z • • 100--_ • +• 110• - NP9 CP8 •• 1•._ _- [O '"'" • • :) LU NP7/8 .•.• • CP6 • ..e- 120-- - • NP6 CP5 •..e1•.•-NP5 CP4 4-• 130-- NP4 CP3 • • 115X-- Figure4. Planktonic andbenthic foraminifer •180(%oversus PeeDeebelemnite (PDB))records of theupper Paleoceneto upperEoceneof Hole 865B. Planktonictaxa are groupedinto genera,and benthictaxa are combined.Calcareous nannofossil zonesof Martini[1971]andBukry[1973,1975](usingterminology of OkadaandBukry[ 1980])areshownat left. Arrowindicates position of benthicforaminiferal extinction. documented that microhabitat variability very strongly (Sample865B-15X-1, 120-125cm) in which15•80valuesin G. influences 1513C values butnot15•80values [e.g.,McCorkle et beccariiformis andN. truempyi differby closeto 1.0%o (Figure al., 1990; Woodruff and Savin, 1985]. We think that the 5). There appear to be no consistent offsets between benthic variability is so much larger than that of the Cibicidoides spp.andN. truempyi[Shackleton andHall, 1984; planktonicsbecausethe benthic sampleswere larger (thus KatzandMiller, 1991;Pak andMiller, 1992]. The 15•80record representinga longertime), and the specimens are extremely for benthicforaminifera showsthesamegeneraltrendsasthose rare and thusrepresentthe full samplethickness(representingfor the planktonicforaminiferaltaxa (Figure4). Oxygen 3000 to 7500 yearsthroughout mostof the section).More data isotopic values in the upper Paleocene (-135-108 mbsf; are beingcollectedto evaluatethisproblemfully. nannofossilZones CP3 to CP8) averageclose to 0.0%o. Analysesof separatetaxa from the samesamplesmostly Averagevaluesdecrease steadilyin the upperPaleocene-lower differ by small amounts(0.1-0.3%o)with one exception Eocene(-108-92 mbsf;ZonesCP8 to CP9) to --0.5%o in Zones BRALOWER ETAL.:PALEOGENE EQUATORIAL PACIFIC PALEOCEANOGRAPHY NANNOFOSSIL "• LLI•13..Q • SERIES ZONE • 851 al80(%o) NP14 CP12 a:::J LLI NP12 O O .,..,..,.i 4' 4' '4,-,.I-,.IcP1o •.;..T. I IIINP11 ...... "''"'"I b • 4.4-1 90• ,,!,..i..i.I CP9 a +*'*'l .1o ......... / [] ---- ;;;I * 4'*'l -100• '" '" '" ! +'"'"1 -- Z NP9 III CP8 ••l •,•o-• O : • NP7/8" I•• •J• 120 • •Q= CP6"" 4';';'1 --'"'"I -- NP6 :::1 _Z NP5CP5 CP4 't::[ ';4H 130-• NP4CP3-T• •[ 15X --'"'"'"I _i .. •T 4- Cibicidoidessp. • M. velascoensis iv A. mckannai ß ß Lenticulina sp. ,, M. subbotinae Cl A. soldadoensis 13 N.truempyi ••-• M.aragonensis 0 Acarinina spp. G.beccariiformis-- M.lehneri ••• Subbotina spp. Figure5. Planktonic andbenthic foraminifer 8180(%0versus PDB)records of theupper Paleocene to lowermost Eocene of Hole 865B. Planktonic taxaare separated into species, andbenthictaxaare differentiated. Seekeybelowforsymbols. Arrowindicates position of benthic foraminiferal extinction. CP10to CP12(-90-74mbsf;Figure5 andTable2). Average fairly consistent offset,with the latter speciesrecording /5180 values increase markedly in thelowerpartofthemiddle average/5•3C values 0.3-0.5%0 lighter thantheformer twotaxa Eocene(-74-68 mbsf;Subzones CP12bandCP13a)to -0.3%0. for mostof the intervalanalyzed(Table3 [e.g.,Pak and For the remainderof the Eocene,valuesincreasesteadily, Miller, 1992]). TheN. truempyirecordandthe combined G. attainingan averageof-0.8%0 in the uppermiddleandlower beccariiformisandCibicidoidesspp.recordshowsimilar upperEocene(-30-20 mbsf;topof ZoneCP14andZoneCP15) trendswith an increase in averagevaluesof about0.9 to 1.1%o (Figure6). In the upperPaleocene, /5180valuesmeasuredon in the upperPaleocene(-135-104 mbsf;nannofossil Zones benthic foraminifera are up to 2.0%0 heavier than those CP3 to CP8), a decreaseto -0.0%0in the lowermostEocene measured on planktonicforaminifera in the samesamples. (-91-83mbsf;ZonesCP9to CP10),stable values through (-91-27mbsf;ZoneCP10 Thisdifference decreases to lessthan1.0%o in theupperlower muchof thelowerandmiddleEocene andmiddleEocene(Figures5 and6). to Subzone CP14b),andthe beginning of an increase in the upperEocene (27-21mbsf;Subzone CP14b)(Figures 9 and10). Carbon isotopes (Figures 8-11). Measurementson G. A negative/5•3Cexcursion of about1.4%ooccursin the beccariiformis, Cibicidoides spp.,andN. truempyishowa Cibicidoides spp.record between Samples 865B-12H-1, 40-42 852 BRALOWERET AL.:PALEOGENEEQUATORIALPACIFICPALEOCEANOGRAPHY ^ofoss,15 • NP21CP16a • • N•a- • • D 20 cP•5 NP17 ,?, • o •E 2H .. 3H CP14 -- __ --- • • • • ,I - b • • __ 0I 2 20 • • -,I 30 O --- • -- NP16 a • • .. • 5H 40-- 2 --- • -- • 50 -- NP150P13b -- 60 --- -- • a.. . _ 70-- NP14 0P12 b • -- • Figure6. Planktonic andbenthic foraminifer •i180(%0versus PDB)records of thelowerto upper Eocene of Hole865B. Planktonic taxaareseparated intospecies, andbenthic taxaaredifferentiated. Seekeyin Figure5 for symbols. cm and-12H-l, 10-12 cm (103.9-103.6mbsf;Figure9). The N. truernpyirecordshowsthe samegeneraltrendbasedon a coarserset of samples. In Hole 865C, carbon isotopic measurements on Cibicidoides spp. show a marked negativeexcursionof approximately2.0%0 in the uppermostPaleocenefrom near 1.5%oto -0.8%0(102.9-102.7mbsf;Figure 11). Valuesare offsetconsistently from thoseof the planktonictaxa, with the exceptionof one sample (865C-12H-4, 10 cm; 102.9 mbsf). thermocline [e.g., Stott et al., 1990; Pearson et al., 1993; D'Hondt et al., 1994]. Data from Site 865 agreewith these established patterns. Differencesbetweenisotopicvaluesof deep-dwelling Subbotinaandthe two surface-dwelling genera are between0.5 and 1.5%ofor 5180 and 1.0 and 2.0%0for •13C (Figures4 and 8), similarto valuesfrom high-latitudesites [e.g.,$tott et al., 1990]. Recordsof •i180 and•i13Cvaluesof $ubbotina containconsiderably moreshort-term variability than the recordsfor the othertwo genera,reflectingeither Theexcursion in •i13Cmeasured onfoursamples ofLenticulina greater(1) habitat variability of this taxon, (2) environmental is offsetdownward by 20 cmfromthatof Cibicidoides spp. heterogeneity of deepersurfacewaters,or (3) interspecific variability within $ubbotina comparedto monospecific Discussion analysesof the otherplanktonicgenera. Relative Isotopic Values of Different Some intervals in the Eocene are characterizedby Planktonic Genera Previous studies have demonstrated the systematic differences(hereaftertermedoffsets)between•i180 and•i13C convergence in the •i13Cvaluesof Acarininaspp.and $ubbotinaspp.(Figures9 and 10). In only oneof eight samples in which•i13Cvaluesfor thetwotaxaconverge, however, are•i180values similar (Figures 5 and6). If depth habitatwasresponsible for theconvergence of $ubbotina spp. andthesurface waterspecies, we wouldexpectboth•i13Cand Shackleton et al. 1985a;Cotfieldand Cartlidge,1991;Pearson •i180 valuesto converge.Therefore we postulate thatthe et al., 1993;D'Hondtet al., 1994]. Lower•i180 andhigher values for Morozovella and $ubbotina [Boersrnaet al., 1979; variability in the middle-upperEoceneAcarinina recordis a •i13Cvalues forMorozovella indicate thatit probably lived result of changesin vital processesover time. It is possible withinthe mixedlayer,whereas higher•i180andlower•i13C thatAcarinina increasedits depthhabitatbut not to the depth values for $ubbotina suggesta habitat within or below the at which $ubbotina reside. BRALOWER ETAL.:PALEOGENE EQUATORIAL PACIFIC PALEOCEANOGRAPHY 853 ZONE E SERIES • NANNO 0 c :i:: EL ß-.,.-w--w. ,,, "' Z UJ ' j_ o < L l•l•J, 0 I•1• •..... 96- ,.•, cO • •180(%) o -2 -1 ELI Q -3 O_ '"'"'" 101- ' ' '"'"'"102-I--I,--,I,, -I--I,-,.!. .,..,..,.103- o• rl •.. z o .,..,..,.104- -'--'--'- -- .,..,..,.lO5 -,--,--,.106 -,--,--,. 107 - Figure7. Planktonic andbenthic foraminifer •5180(%0versus PDB)records of theuppermost Paleocene and lowermostEocene of Hole 865C. Planktonictaxa are separatedinto species,and benthic taxa are differentiated.Seekey in Figure5 for symbols.Calcareous nannofossil zonesof Martini [1971]andBukry [1973, 1975] are shownat left. Planktonicforaminifersubzones of Berggrenand Miller [1988] as determined by D.C. Kelly are indicated.Arrow indicatespositionof benthicforaminiferalextinction. AlthoughAcarinina is inferred to have been a surfacedweller [e.g., Pearson et al., 1993], previous comparisonsof its isotopic values with Morozovella have been mostly inconsistent. Distinguishableoffsets betweenAcarinina and Morozovella exist at Site 865. Below 96 mbsf at Site 865, A. statistically significant, but offsets larger than 0.2%o are. Analysesof AcarininaandMorozovellawere mostlyperformed separatelyseveral months apart and have been correctedfor long-term "machinedrift" [Bralower et al., 1995]. The fact that the offsetbetween Acarinina andMorozovella in the upper mckannai andA. soldadoensis give•il3C valuesconsistentlyPaleocene-lowerEocene is oppositefrom that in the lower0.1 to 0.2%0lighter than speciesof Morozovella includingM. velascoensisand M. subbotinae(Figure 9). A. soldadoensis •i•80values areconsistently lighterby0.1to 0.2%0 thanthose of Morozovella speciesthroughthe uppermostPaleoceneand lower Eocene (Figure 5), except near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary. In the upperlower Eoceneto upperEoceneinterval, species of Acarinina (mostly Acarinina spp.) contain upper Eocene intervals suggeststhat this phenomenonis a result of factors other than "machine drift." Consistent offsets between Acarinina and Morozovella have been observedonly in two other data sets. Similar offsetsto those observed at Site 865 were recorded between combined speciesof MorozovellaandAcarinina in the upperPaleocene- consistently higher•i•80 values by 0.1 to 0.5%0 thanthoseof lower Eocene of South Atlantic Site 524 [Oberhiinsli and Tourmarkine,1985]. In a studyof varioussizefractionsof late Paleoceneplanktonicforaminifera,Acarinina nitida was found Morozovella (M. aragonensisandM. lehneri), but thereis no to recordlower •i•3C valuesthanMorozovellasubbotinaeand consistent offsetin •5•3C. The smaller(0.1%o) offsetsarenot M. velascoensis [D'Hondt et al., 1994]. No reasonswere 854 BRALOWER ETAL.:PALEOGENE EQUATORIAL PACIFIC PALEOCEANOGRAPHY SERIES • ZONE _• • • NP18cP15 [ •E -1 0I 1I 2I _- NP16 a • • :Z • 4H • 4I 5I Benthics • -- ••'•3H• cP14 • •' 3I la Z o Acarinina _ 5H 40• •] 6H 50• • O NP15CP13b +• { 7H 60• - a NP140P12a • • • • CP11 • NP12 • CP10 • a NP11b: • • - , 9H80 • - 90• ++• 100• • NP9 CP8 ...... Z • u ++. NP7/8 + + 110• -- NP5cP4+• 130• NP4 CP3 TT - Figure8. Planktonic andbenthic foraminifer •513C (%0versus PDB)records of theupper Paleocene to upper Eocene of Hole 865B. Planktonictaxa are groupedinto genera,and benthic taxa are combined.Calcareous nannofossilzonesof Martini [1971] andBukry [1973, 1975] are shownat left. Arrow indicatespositionof benthic foraminiferal extinction. given for the offsets in either study. Small but consistent •5180values areoffset,asin themiddleandupperEocene, offsets between speciesmay be the result of differencesin paleohabitatdepthdifferenceis lesslikely, and vital effectsare depth habitat, seasonof growth, or vital effects. Without more probable. ontogenetic information, distinguishing between these two In most other sections where joint measurements of possibilities [e.g., D'Hondt and Zachos, 1993] is difficult. Acarinina and Morozovella have been made, consistentoffsets Whenboth•5180and•513C valuesareoffsetconsistently, asin have not been observed. Boerstoa et al. [1979] showed in withjoint •5180analyses thatin five of sevencases the upper Paleocene-lowerEocene,it is likely that paleohabitat samples depthis a factor.On thebasisof present-day profiles in •513C values of Acarinina [e.g., Kroopnick et al., 1977], the 0.2%0 offset can be explainedby minor (<100 m) differencesin depth. Where only Pearsonet al. [1993] concludedthat relativeisotopicvalues are lower than those of Morozovella. between the two genera, and between individual speciesof BRALOWF_R ET AL.:PALEOGENEEQUATORIALPACIFICPALEOCEANOGRAPHY ,',.Q ZONE -3 g •t•E NP15 •P13 a '" +'•'1 70• o • • III NP14 CP12 a "'""""1 • Z LM • NP12 LU NP10 "' + +1 "''" '"1 ..... + + +1 Z ++ +J + '" '"1 O 11H -- 100• -- -- 12H 110•-- "''"'"1 + + +l •' NP7/8cP7 • .... --,jLU ••l <:• CP6 + ++l Q_ '"'" '"1 NP6 OP5 5 --- ß'++1 LU 4 90--__ +++1 LU NP9 CP8 +++l 3 _ "''"'"1 b "'+ +1 CP9 a "'"'"'1 "' '" '"1 C (%0) 80-- CP10+++l ßI- 4- 4-I NP11 2 ---- '"'"I cP11'" "'"'"'1 •10 I•L•J•I•L•• 1 855 13H +++1 *++l 14H '"+ +1 NP5 CP4 • •. •.1 :::1 -- 120• _ -- - -- 130-- NP4 OP3.,.++1 15X -- •1 • -_-- Figure9. Planktonic andbenthicforaminifer 813C(%0versus PDB)records of theupperPaleocene to lowermostEoceneof Hole 865B. Planktonictaxa are separatedinto species,and benthictaxa are differentiated.Seekey in Figure5 for symbols.Arrowindicates positionof benthicforaminiferal extinction. them, are variablein middle Eocenesamples. The apparent lack of offsetsbetweenthesegeneraat othersitesmay result from slight diagenetic overprinting which may tend to homogenize sample isotope ratios. Alternatively, the equatorialwater columnat Site 865 with a steeperthermal gradientmay havehadmoredistincthabitatseparation. Long-Term Variability: Isotopic Trends and Short-Term Comparison With Other Sites interval of interest. In high-latitudesites[e.g., Stottet al., 1990;Barreraand Huber,1991;Lu andKeller, 1993],large, ornate morozovellidsthat typify tropical assemblages are absentor very rare. In temperateand low-latituderecords, published long-term 8180records aremostlybased ononeor two genera [e.g., Shackletonet al., 1984; Corfield and Cartlidge, 1992]. Analysis of three different low-latitude generahas been performedon short stratigraphicintervals only [e.g., Shackletonet al., 1985a] or in single-sample comparisons [e.g., Boersrna et al., 1979; Boersrna et al., The record of upper Paleoceneto upper Eoceneplanktonic 1987]. Becausethe three generawere thoughtto inhabit and benthic8180 and 813C valuesfor Hole 865B is similar to variablewater depths[e.g., Boersrnaet al., 1987], we can use recordsfrom other sites [e.g., Shackletonand Boersrna,1981; their8•80and8•3Cvalues tointerpret thestructure of surface Oberhiinsliet al., 1984;Shackletonet al., 1984;Keigwin and watersthroughtimein termsof thermalandnutrientgradients. Corliss, 1986; Shackleton, 1986; Miller et al., 1987; Kennett and Stott, 1990; Stott et al., 1990; Barrera and Huber, 1991; Carbon isotopic values of planktonicforaminiferaincrease in theupperPaleocene, reacha peakin its uppermost part,and gradually across thePaleocene/Eocene boundary Corfield and Cartlidge, 1992; Corfield et al., 1992;Pak and thendecrease Miller, 1992; Zachos et al., 1992a, b; Lu and Keller, 1993]. into the lower Eoceneas in othersites[e.g., Shackletonand et al., 1985b;Corfieldand Cartlidge, Our data set is the only one from equatorialPacific watersand Hall, 1984;Shackleton containsdetailed measurements of three planktonicgenera 1992](Figure8). Our dataexhibita slightincrease in 8•3C (Acarinina, Morozovella, and$ubbotina) throughmostof the valuesin all threegenerafrom the lowerto the middleEocene, 856 BRALOWERET AL.:PALEOGENE EQUATORIALPACIFICPALEOCEANOGRAPHY NANNOFOSSIL "r; • SERIES ZONE NP21 •. •. 20 ' • • tT' NP18GP15 LU •' •' • NP17 NP16 l::: 2H 3H b •.• • •. •. CP14 a u.[,Z • LU 0 ! 2 3 -20 -- .•. 30 • 4H •'• - -- 40•-5H ** Q O •13 C (%0) - - •'• •' •' 'r•'u) I-- -- _ •'"' 5o-• .,..,. - NP150P13 b • NP14 3P12 b •' • 8H 70 -- -- Figure10. Planktonic andbenthic foraminifer/513C (%0versus PDB)records of thelowerto upperEocene of Hole865B. Planktonic taxaareseparated intospecies, andbenthic taxaaredifferentiated. Seekeyin Figure5 for symbols. similarto published reports.MiddleandupperEocene/513C preservationof the planktonicforaminiferain Site 865 than in values are fairly constant for all the planktonic and benthic taxa, similar to trends from other sites [e.g., Keigwin and Corliss, 1986; Stott et al., 1990; Kennett and Stott, 1990; Pak and Miller, 1995]. Althoughthe stratigraphic trendsappearsimilar,/513C recordsfrom other sites have different averagevalues. Some differences in /513Cvaluesbetween sitesare probably real, reflecting regional differences in seasurface/513C andnutrient several other sections(e.g., South Atlantic Sites 525-529 contain several intervals with poor to moderate preservation [Boersrna,1984]). The greatervariabilityof the recordat highlatitude siteswith goodpreservation(e.g., Site 690) may result from large seasonalfluctuationsin temperature,depth to the thermocline, mixing intensity, upwelling, and productivity [e.g., Stott et al., 1990]. Tropical, oligotrophic locations today are characterizedby comparativelystablewater column structureswith a deepmixed layer and lessseasonalvariability than high-latitude settings. Carbon isotopic values from Hole 865B appear to show correlatedshort-term(1-3m) multisamplefluctuationsbetween the different planktonic genera (Figure 9). To substantiate levels, while other differencesmight be artifactsof differences in the samplingstrategiesused to constructeach record. For example, minor isotopic variability can be ascribed to disparitiesin the taxonomyand size rangesof the foraminifera measured [e.g., Shackleton et al., 1985a; Corfield and thesecorrelations,we have normalizedall /513Cvaluesto the Cartlidge, 1991]. The planktonicforaminiferal/518 0 and/513 C recordsalso mean value for each genusfor the intervalsbetween94.0 and analysis. We show less high-amplitude (0.5-1.0%o) single sample 130.0 mbsf then carriedout a cross-correlation variability than other records[e.g., Shackletonand Hall, 1984; Stottet al., 1990]. This may be a resultof a numberof factors. First, our recordis moredetailedthan severalothers(e.g., Site 738 [Barrera and Huber, 1991] (0.5-1 m.y. betweenpoints); Site 577 [Corfield and Cartlidge, 1992] (>0.3 m.y. between points)). Becausegenerallylesstime (averageof 0.15 m.y.) is representedbetween our data points, they may record less short-term variability. Second, the lower intersample variability in our record may result from the generallybetter have excluded the abnormal interval around the benthic foraminiferal extinction. Minor (0.1 to 0.8%o)fluctuationsin /513Cvaluesmeasured in all threetaxaare similarwith Pearson correlation coefficients significant at the 99% interval of confidenceand a significantdecreasein correlationcoefficients when curvesare offset upwardor downwardby one or more sample. The lower-amplitudefluctuations(~0.1%o)are closeto precisionlevels, but the higher-amplitudefluctuationswhich show significant correlation between different genera are BRALOWERET AL.:PALEOGENEEQUATORIALPACIFICPALEOCEANOGRAPHY $57 ZONE SERIES NANNO LU 0 rr rr •_ 'r' LU i'1 0 0 LL. n • 3C (%0) .•• • -2-10 1 2 3 4 5 •.-- 97- '"'" 98W(• Z,-øO, • (• T"' i-•+.,..,. /+-,--, 13. • |.,..,..,. |.,..,..,. -- • I11 0 • .• I11 __ /*'"'" a- Z -- •+• 100-- /-'- -'--'- 101- / •+• knu"''"'" 102-/*-'--'- 103 ---' o• /"" '"'" /-'- -'--'- 104l•,, •,, •,, ••• 106*-,-, 107-- Figure11. Planktonic andbenthic foraminifer •513C (%0versus PDB)records oftheuppermost Paleocene and lowermost Eoceneof Hole 865C. Planktonic taxa are separated into species,and benthictaxa are differentiated. Seekeyin Figure 5 forsymbols. Calcareous nannofossil zones ofMartini[1971]andBukry [1973,1975]areshown at left. Planktonic foraminifer subzones of Berggren andMiller[1988]asdetermined by D.C. Kelly areindicated.Arrowindicates positionof benthicforaminiferal extinction. probablynot an artifactof ontogenetic, sedimentologic, or on MaudRise,whichdoesnotshowsimilarcyclesin its carbon isotoperecord. Any global small amplitudeshort-term Fluctuationsin upper Paleoceneplanktonicforaminifera variability,however, maybe masked by thelargeramplitude analytical factors. •513C valuessuggest oscillating oceanographic conditions. variability associatedwith seasonalenvironmentalvariations. Giventhe stratigraphic resolution available,we cannotsay Thusit is possiblethat thesecyclesare reflectingshort-term whether thesefluctuations aretrulyrhythmic, buttheyhavean variations in the mean carbon isotopic compositionof averagefrequency of about2-3 m (250,000-300,000 yearsat a seawater. Lower correlation coefficients observed between the sedimentation rate of 6-8 m/m.y. [Bralower and Mutterlose, 1995]). Covariance of short-term •513C fluctuations in planktonictaxa living at different depthsindicatesthat the variations may reflect changes in either surface water conditions(productivity,nutrient levels) or the mean carbon isotopiccompositionof seawater. If the latter is the sourceof thesevariations,one wouldexpectto seesimilarvariationsat othersites. Unfortunately, mostotherpelagicrecordslackthe resolution to resolvesuchcycles. One exception is Site 690 •5•80records ofthedifferent genera andbetween •5•80and•5•3C would tend to support this inference. These fluctuations disappear in themiddleandupperEoceneinterval,possibly as a result of lower sample resolution or unidentified minor unconformities. PaleogeneTropical Ocean Thermal History Site 865 containsthe only available late Paleoceneto late Eocene15•80recordfroman equatorial locationandthus $55 BRALOWER ETAL.:PALEOGENE EQUATORIAL PACIFIC PALEOCEANOGRAPHY provides a potentially important record of sea surface although these sites were characterizedby colder waters (at temperature. Stratigraphic trendsin therecordof 6]80 values least 0.5-1.0%o, representing~2øC) throughoutthis interval of planktonic foraminifera from Site 865 are similar to those from other sites[Shackletonet al., 1984; Keigwin and Corliss, 1986; Boersrna et al., 1987; Stott et al., 1990; Barrera and Huber, 1991; Corfield and Cartlidge, 1992; Zachos et al., 1994]. Oxygen isotope values gradually decreasedduring the late Paleocene reaching a minimum in the earliest Eocene [e.g., Shackleton and Kennett, 1975; Shackletonet al., 1984; Keigwin and Corliss, 1986; Zachoset al., 1994]. Sparsedata indicate comparabletemperaturesin other equatorial Pacific (Sites 167 and 171) and Indian Ocean (Site 219) locations but Slightlyhighertemperatures in theequatorial Atlantic(Site 366) [e.g., Keigwin and Corliss, 1986; Zachos et al., 1994]. High-latitude sites, on the other hand, witnessed constant (Figure4). ThelowerEocene 6180valuesof surface-dwelling cooling throughoutthe middle and late Eocene [e.g., Stott et species at Site865areamong thelowestrecorded; 6•80 values al., 1990; Barrera and Huber, 1991; Miller, 1992; Mackensen for Acarinina andMorozovella peak at -2.3%o,which indicates and Ehrmann, 1992; Zachos et al., 1992a]. the warmest oceanic temperaturesof the last 65 m.y. [e.g., Comparisonof relative isotopic values of Acarinina and Shackleton and Kennett, 1975; Savin, 1977]. These values are Morozovella with thoseof Subbotinarevealssomeinteresting similar to thoseobtainedfrom Site 171 on Horizon Guyot at a trends(Figure 4), suggestingthat differentparts of the surface comparablelatitude in the central Pacific but slightly lower water layer did not experiencean identicaltemperaturehistory than valuesfrom Site 144 on DemeraraRise in the equatorial and possiblythat the depthto the thermoclinechangedthrough Atlantic [Shackleton and Boersrna, 1981]. Planktonic time. The difference between these groups decreased foraminiferafrom tropical Sites 144 and 171, however,appear throughoutthe late Paleoceneand reacheda minimum in the to have been altered by burial diagenesis which may have latestpart of this epoch(Figures5 and 7) before increasingin lowered•5•80values[e.g.,Anderson andArthur,1983]. The the early Eocene. This late Paleoceneminimumoccurredprior lowestconsistently recordedlower Eocene6180 valuesat to the early Eoceneintervalof maximumwarmthand suggests Antarctic Site 690 and subantarctic Site 738 are about-1.0%o that water column thermal gradients were at a minimum. and -1.3%o, respectively [Stott et al., 1990; Lu and Keller, Carbon isotopic value gradients narrowed but not as 1993], and subtropical-temperate SouthAtlantic Sites525 and significantly(Figure9). For muchof the early Eoceneand the 527 record values close to -1.2%o [Shackleton et al., 1984]. SubtropicalPacific Sites 47.2 and 577 reach minima of-1.5%o Temperature(øC) Age and -1.25%o,respectively,the former in the upper Paleocene 5 10 15 20 25 30 Epochs(Ma)0 and the latter in the lower Eocene [Shackleton et al., 1985a; Corfield and Cartlidge, 1992; Stott, 1992]. Our data suggestthat maximumsea surfacetemperatures of 24-25øC were attainedin the early Eocenein the equatorial Pacific (Figure 12) while coeval paleotemperatures elsewhere ranged from 14øC (subantarctic)to 26øC (equatorialAtlantic) [Zachos et al., 1994]. Oxygen isotopic values from Pacific Sites865, 577 and 47.2 indicatethermalgradientsof some45øC within the low latitudes. Subbotina Ac•rinina Morozovella 3enthic • At Site 865, 6180 valuesfor Morozovella showtwo lower Eocene peaks (100-96 mbsf and 86 mbsf) separatedby an interval of slightly higher values (Figures 5 and 12). The secondpeak includes the lowest values (-2.28%o) recordedfor this genus and separatesshort-termwarming and cooling events. The warmingeventbeginsat 88 mbsf and is clearestin measurements of M. aragonensisbut is alsoseenat a slightly lower stratigraphiclevel in the Subbotina record; the 0.45%o decreasein 6180 valuesfor Morozovella represents a temperature change of just over 2øC. The cooling event between 86 and 80.7 mbsf includesan increasein 6180 values of over 1.10%oindicatingat least 4øC of coolingover a short interval of time. Steady cooling into the middle Eocene is shownby 6•80 values(Figures 6 and12). Overall,theearly and part of the middle Eocenewitnessedsome6øC of cooling, comparablewith other sites[e.g., Shackletonet al., 1984]. Temperature changed little over much of the late middle Eocene, but cooling again commencedin the latest middle Eocene and continuedinto the late Eocene (Figure 12), for an overall 2-3øC of cooling. Oxygen isotopic values from subtropicaland temperate sites suggestrather similar surface water cooling historiesfor much of the middle and late Eocene, Figure 12. Paleogenepaleotemperaturehistory of surface and intermediate waters at Site 865 based on 6•80 values of planktonic and benthic foraminifera (see text for discussion). Note that temperature scale is inverted relative to other figures. BRALOWERET AL.: PALEOGENEEQUATORIALPACIFICPALEOCEANOGRAPHY $59 early part of the middleEocene,the differencebetween/5180 early Eocene, assumingjust the salinity effect, the maximum valuesof Subbotina and the surface-dwellingtaxa remained SST value would increaseby 3øC. In either caseSST would still constant,with two brief intervalswhere gradientsappearedto diminishbriefly, in the middlepart of the early Eoceneand in the early part of the middle Eocene(Figure 4). Surfacewater thermalgradientslessened graduallythroughthe middlepartof the middleEocene,reachinga minimumin Subbiochron CP14a (35-40 mbsf). Thereafter,the deeperpart of the surfacewater not exceed presentday at this latitude. is unexpected. This result is consistentwith other supposed indices of tropical temperature [Adams et al., 1990] but is extremelydifficult to explain in climatemodelingefforts [e.g., Sloan et al., 1995]. Is it possible that our temperature estimatesare biasedtoward coolertemperaturebecausewe have masses.The lowerSite865 •5•80valuesmayresultfroma Tropical Intermediate Water Evolution Oxygen isotopicvaluesof Cibicidoidesspp.andNuttallides truempyi decreasethroughthe upperPaleoceneand reachtheir layercooleddramatically asindicated by an increase in/5180 lowest levels (-0.5%0) in the lower Eocene (Zones CP10 to CP12; Figure 5), but thesevaluesare slightlyhigherthanthose valuesof Subbotinatowardbenthicvalues,whereasthe upper part of the surfacewaterlayercooledmoregradually.Thusthis measuredon the sametaxa from severalother sitesincluding patternindicatesa steeper,more shallow thermocline. Benthic Sites 401 (Bay of Biscay), 524 (Cape Basin), 577 (Shatsky foraminiferal accumulation rates suggest that surface Rise; paleodepthabout 1500 m)), and 738 (KerguelenPlateau; paleodepthabout 1600 m) [Oberhansli et al., 1984; Oberhansli productivity increasedat this time. and Tourrnarkine,1985; Miller et al., 1987; Barrera and Huber, The combinedplanktonic/5180recordfrom Hole 865B 1991; Pak and Miller, 1992; Zachoset al., 1993]. All of these (Figures4-6) suggeststhat after the graduallate Paleoceneto sites possessvalues between -0.7 and -1.2%o in this interval. early Eocenewarming,coolingoccurredfrom the late early The fact that the values are lighter at the other sites, all of Eocene to late Eocene in a seriesof steps. Intervals of rising or which are from higher latitudes and most of which are from of constantsurface water temperatureswere accompaniedby greater water depths, is puzzling. One viable explanation is reduction of surface water thermal gradientswhile periods of thatthelow•5•80intervalis simplynotrepresented at Site865 cooling were accompaniedby increasedthermal gradients0.e., due to a combination of factors including: (1) inadequate the increaseswere larger in Subbotina). The fact that equatorial Pacific temperatures at this time of dramatically reduced samplingresolution and (2) the presenceof a brief hiatus in ZoneNP13. Alternatively, thedifferences in/5•80valuesmay latitudinal thermal gradientswere slightly cooler than those of today(meantemperatures are27-28øC; •180 vahmq are0•5%o) be reflectingdifferencesin the temperatureand salinityof water mixture of cool and warmer but more saline waters [e.g., Kennett and Stott, 1991]. Oxygen isotopic data combined from Cibicidoides spp. and Nuttallides truempyi indicatethat about4øC of warming of intermediatewaterstook placein the underestimated the /5•80 composition of tropicalsurface late Paleocene-early Eocene and that maximum temperatures were closeto 11øC (Figure 12). Cooling of intermediatewaters at Site 865 in the late early Eocene to late Eocene occurredat tropical seasurface/5•80 values weremuchhigher thanpresent. similar rates to other sites suggestinga similar source or sourcesof deepwater [Pak and Miller, 1992; 1995]. The latest Increasingsalinity by one part per thousand(ppt) over typical Eocene intermediatewater temperaturesat Site 865 were around equatorial values today would lead to a decreasein calculated 5øC (Figure 12). paleotemperatureof roughly 1-2øC (assuming0.35%dppt). It Carbon isotopic values for Nuttallides truernpyi and many is very difficult to envisagewhy the salinity would be so high, however, since climate models consistently show higher Cibicidoides spp. are lighter (between0.1 and 0.5%0)at Site precipitation than evaporation in the equatorial belt [e.g., 865 than at most other sites at comparable depths. This differencesuggeststhat deep watersat Site 865 were older than Sloan and Barron, 1992; Sloan et al., 1995]. seawater? There are potentially two ways this could be achieved. The first requires that sea surface salinity and Another possibilityis that the assumedvalue of-0.98%0 for /5•8Osw is lowerthantheactualvaluefor anice-freeEarthor that the Earth was in fact not ice-freeduringthe Eocene. The value used here, however, is the most conservativeof available those at these other locations. The lowest Eocene benthic /5•3Cvalues,however,havebeenmeasured at PacificSite 577 [Pak and Miller, 1992], wherethe oldestdeepwaterswould be expectedif circulationwent from high to low latitudes. estimates for mean15•8Osw of an ice-freeEarth. All other Isotopic Excursions and Events in the Latest estimates are lower (e.g., -1.2%o [Shackleton and Kennett, Paleocene 1975]), which would only decreasethe computedtemperatures The latest Paleocene decrease in the meridional thermal by anotherIøC. As for ice volume,underestimating ice would also tend to bias temperatureestimatestoward cooler values. gradient precededone of the most rapid intervals of warming Thereis somephysicalevidencefor ice sheetsappearingin the observed in the geologic record, the late Paleocene thermal late Eocene but not in the early Eocene [Wise et al., 1991]. maximum, [Zachos et al., 1993] toward the end of the late Thus, if we assume these extreme conditions in the late middle Paleocene long-term warming episode. Substantialdecreases Eocene, sea surface salinity 2 ppt higher (+0.7%o), and ice in •5180 values of benthic foraminifera at sites at different volume 50% of presentday (+0.5%o),theseeffects combined depths in different oceans indicate widespread long-term wouldincrease thevaluefor/S18Osw by 1.2%o adding a totalof warming of deep waters to close to 16øC [e.g., Kennett and 5øC to the computedtemperatures, resultingin a maximum $tott, 1991; Corfield and Cartlidge, 1992; Hovan and Rea, value of less than 25øC for the late middle Eocene. For the 1992; Pak and Miller, 1992]. Correlative with the short-term BRALOWER ETAL.:PALEOGENE EQUATORIAL PACIFIC PALEOCEANOGRAPHY 860 •5180 excursionis a marked decreasein •j13C values and the this interval, maintaining values close to -1.5%o (19.5øC most dramatic extinction of deep-sea benthic foraminifera since the Cenomanian/Turonianboundary (Late Cretaceous) [e.g., Tjalsma and Lohmann, 1983; Thomas, 1990a, 1992; Kaiho, 1991, 1994]. Thesedata have beeninterpretedin terms of short-termwarming of high latitudesand possiblya change in the sourceof deep waters from high to low latitudes [e.g., these locationsin the Antarctic and tropical Pacific separated by some 50ø of latitude. Severe drilling disturbanceat Site 47.2 raises the chance that the stratigraphic record is not [Stott,1992]).The•5180datasuggest similartemperatures in entirelycomplete, eventhough•513C valuesclearlyrecordthe negative excursion. Thus oxygen isotopic data from planktonic foraminifera from Site 865, which occupied an 1991; Eldholm and Thomas, 1993], although local equatorial latitude at this time, are critical in establishing productivitychangesmay have played a role in the extinctions changesin low-latitudeSST during this event. [Thomasand Shackleton,1995]. Consequentchangesin deep A recent biostratigraphicstudy by Aubry et al. [1995] has water chemistry,particularlyoxygencapacity,may have led to thrown into doubt the stratigraphic completenessof the a mass extinction of benthic foraminifera in all oceans. uppermostPaleocenein all sequences, includingSite 690 where Comparedto the abundantbenthicisotopicdata acrossthis the record appearsto be the most expandedacrossthe benthic event, planktonicdata are relatively sparse. Kennettand Stott extinction but where there appears to be a hiatus across [1991] discussedthe recordsfor Acarinina prepentacamerata paleomagneticchron C24r-1, higher in the section. At Site Thomas, 1990a; Katz and Miller, 1991; Kennett and Stott, andSubbotinaspp.from Site 690, whichshowcloseto 2.0%0 690, the last occurrence (LO) of the late Paleocene fasciculith decrease in •5180valuesin thistimeperiod(Figure13a). A nannofossils singlevalueof-2.2%0 for the formergenusrepresents a surface water temperatureof close to 19øC, and a few values for Morozovella convexaat Sites689 and 690 rangefrom -2.05 to -2.15%o [Thomas and Shackleton, 1995]. Oxygen isotopic valuesmeasuredon A. soldadoensisdecreaseby 1.0%oat Site 738 [Lu and Keller, 1993] to a minimumvalueof-1.6%o (16øC). extinction and•513C shift[Pospichal andWise,1990;Thomas, The record of Morozovella velascoensis from Site 47.2 from theShatsky Riseshowed virtually nochange in •5180 values in lies Planktonic above the level of the benthic •13C (%0) Planktonic foram. -1.5 AGE(Ma)-2.5 m 1990b; Thomaset al., 1990; Kennett and Stott, 1991]. At Site 865, and at many other sections (e.g., Sites 577 and 527 [Backman, 1986]), these events almost correlate. Although there is potential that reworking at Site 690 [e.g., Pospichal and Wise, 1990] could have raised the level of the LO of the fasciculiths or that diachrony occurs in the ranges of taxa betweenhigh and low latitudes,the possibilityexiststhat a •180 (a) 23 0.5 -2 -0.5 -1 0 I foram. 2 3 4 5 • 865C ,•N.Pacific I ; (2øN) , , +•z.'x - - - 6x..... • •• 865C * Acarinina x Morozovella 690B Maud Rise (65øS) 690B o Acarinina (Kennett & Stott, 1991) Figure 13. (a) Planktonic and (b) benthic stable isotopic recordsof the latest Paleoceneinterval in Hole 865C comparedto recordsfrom other sitesincludingSite 527 in the SouthAtlantic [Thomasand Shackleton, 1995; J. C. Zachosand D. K. Rea, unpublisheddata, 1994] and Site 690 on Maud Rise [Kennett and Stott, 1991]. BRALOWER ETAL.:PALEOGENE EQUATORIAL PACIFIC PALEOCEANOGRAPHY b80 (b) b3C Benthic foram. -1 AGEtMa)-2 861 Benthic foram. 0 1 -2 -1 0 55.1 865 • 527 I I 55.3 I I I I I 55.5 16øC 55.7 55.9 690 56.1 Illllllll]lllllllll[lllllllll Figure 13. (continued) minor unconformity lies right above the benthic extinction level in many sections. The interval in which benthic foraminiferal faunas have abnormally low diversity after the extinctionis considerablythicker at Site 690 than at Site 865, supportingthe idea that a minor unconformityor condensed interval occursjust above the extinctionlevel. The planktonic foraminiferal isotopic record from the Paleocene/Eocene boundary interval of Hole 865C is of sufficiently high resolutionto identify a warming event some several tens of thousands of years in duration or greater (Figures 13 and 14). Unfortunately,the benthicforaminiferal isotopicrecordis less detailedbecausespecimensare extremely •513C gradients decreased strongly, suggesting thattheeffects Thomas,1992;Thomasand Shackleton,1995] or by a brief exhibitsan increasein 8180 values,indicatinga similar hiatus. amountof cooling. These changesare insignificantcompared of local productivitychangesare superimposedon the global 8•3C shift[Thomasand Shackleton, 1995]. In addition, it is extremelydifficult to comparethe maximummagnitudeof such a short-lived excursion, because isotope values changed extremely rapidly and even very minor unconformities or differences in sampling resolution can cause comparisonof noncoeval In data. the latest Paleocene interval there was also a 1.5%o decrease in/5•80 valuesin benthicforaminifera (Figures 13b and 14), illustrating that low-latitude intermediate waters warmed by 4 to 6øC, with one sample reaching a value of rareandtheircollection is time-intensive. A negative 813C roughly 16øC. Oxygen isotopic changes in planktonic excursion measured on both benthic (2.2%o) and planktonic foraminifera are far more subtle (Figures 13a and 14), foraminifera (2.4-2.7%o) indicates that the Paleocene/Eocene suggesting that surface water stratification, as indicated by boundary event is recordedat Site 865 over a relatively thin differences in the isotopic values between Acarinina and stratigraphicinterval (-20 cm). The condensedinterval may disappeared fora short (-105years) period of have been causedby a reductionin carbonateaccumulationrates Morozovella, time. The Morozovella record shows a 0.4%o decrease in 8•80 which would occur if there had been a regional decline in productivity or increased dissolution [Zachos et al., 1993; values Oust over IøC warming), whereasthe Acarinina record The 813Cexcursionmeasuredon planktonicforaminiferaat to the 8øC of warming that occurredin high-latitudesurface Site 865 is smallerin magnitude(1.9%o)than in other sites waters [e.g., Kennettand Stott, 1991; Thomasand Shackleton, (Figure 13a).At Sites689and690,the8•3Cexcursion for 1995]. The lowest8•80 valuesof AcarininafromSite690 are Acarinina measuresclose to 4.0%o[Kennett and Stott, 1991; Thomasand Shackleton,1995]; valuesfor Morozovellaat Site 47.2 decrease by morethan3.0%o[Stott,1992]. At Sites689 and 690, however,the excursionwas much smallerin the benthicforaminifera(about2%o)than in the planktonicsand -2.2%o (19øC), compared to -2.3%o (25øC; both of the temperaturevalues have been corrected [Zachos et al., 1994]) for this genus at Site 865 (Figure 13a). In the absenceof exceptional changes in the physical properties of the water accompanying this dramatic event, these relative values 862 BRALOWER ETAL.:PALEOGENE EQUATORIAL PACIFIC PAJ_,E••••• (%o) -3 -2 -1 0 I ,I I -2 0 2 I , I Io114 / 104 Figure14. Planktonic andbenthic foraminifer •513C and•5180records (%0versus PDB)of theuppermost Paleocene of Hole865C. Scaleis metersbelowseafloor. Planktonic taxaareseparated intospecies, and benthictaxa are differentiated.Seekey in Figure5 for symbols.Arrow indicatespositionof benthic foraminiferal extinction. indicate that equator-to-pole temperature gradient was substantiallydiminished. The finding that temperatures at Site 865 were either similar to or cooler than presentduring all of the late Paleoceneand Eocene, including during the brief warming in the latest water flow, the notion that densesurfacewatersmight have been sinkingin the equatorialPacificis compatiblewith (1) theobservation that/5180values ofAcarinina, andespecially $ubbotina,actuallyincreaseduringthe excursion(the latter approachingvalues from benthicforaminifera(Figure 14)) Paleocene,is significant.Thesedatasuggestthat in the past indicating cooling of about 2øC for waters close to the the ocean/atmosphere systemoperatedin sucha manneras to thermocline (or slightly increasedsalinity), and (2) the maintain cool tropics while allowing high-latitude convergence of /513C values of shallow anddeepplanktonic temperatures to vary substantially. However, no climate foraminiferalgenera(Figure 14). Althoughit is difficult to estimatethe buoyancyof surfacewaters,the convergence of /5180valuesof $ubbotinaandbenthicforaminiferaovera 50cm interval(Figure14) indicatesthatsurfacewatersmayhave been dense (saline) enough to sink at least to intermediate the equatorial Pacific? Althoughthe magnitude of the •513C water depths. If surfacewatersindeed were sinking,the physicalpropertiesof the deeperpart of this layer where excursion measured on benthic foraminifera is similar at modelshavebeenableto producethe low gradientssuggested by theseisotopicdata:increasedheattransportby oceansand atmosphereis difficult to accomplishat low temperature gradients[Barron, 1987;Rea, 1994;$1oanand Rea, 1995]. How gooda sourcefor deepwaterswas the surfacewaterin $ubbotinalivedwouldbe expected to changemoredrastically numerous sites,valuesat thepeakof the/513Cexcursion are thanthe shallowerpart. The isotopicrecordof $ubbotina is slightly different (Figure 13b). The significanceof such intriguingin its potentialbearingon surfacewater stability; differences, however, is hard to evaluate for such a short-term however, convergence of/5180values of $ubbotina andbenthic event:partsof the recordrepresented in datafrom differentsites foraminifera canalsobe explained by a short-term hiatusin the may representeventsoccurringat different times, especially upper part of the excursion interval, possibly leading to becausehiatusesmay occur at many locations[Aubry et al., of postexcursion $ubbotinawhichhavehigher 1995]. The problemis exacerbatedbecauseat SouthernOcean bioturbation /5180valuesinto the excursion interval. and Pacific sites(including690 and 865) N. truempyiis absent for a shortintervaljust at the extinction.The lowest/513C values measuredon N. truempyi are as follows: Site 525: -1.47%o,Site 527: -1.53%o[Thomas and Shackleton,1995]; Site 577 (where a short unconformityalmost certainly is present): 0.15%o [Pak and Miller, 1992]; Site 690: -1.25%o [Kennettand $tott, 1991]; Site 865:0.39%0 (Sample865B11H-CC). For Lenticulina spp.the lowestvalueat Site 690 is - 1.89%o,for Site 689 - 1.23%o[Thomasand Shackleton,1995], comparedto -1.7%o at Site 865 (Sample 865C-12H-4, 1012cm). Conclusions 1. Long-term latePaleocene-Eocene/518 0 and/513 C records at Site 865 are similar to those at other sites. However, the planktonicrecord at Site 865 includessignificantlyless shortterm, single-samplevariability than those at higher-latitude sites, suggestinga comparativelystablewater column structure with a deep mixed layer and less seasonalvariability. Smallscale (0.1-0.8%o)multisampleoscillationsare observedin the of all planktonic genera. Although the benthic carbon isotopic values thus cannot •j13Crecords help in determiningthe agingpatternsof deepandintermediate 2. The/5180and•j13Cvaluesfor genera(Acarininaand BRALOWER ET AL.: PALEOGENE EQUATORIAL PACIFIC PALEOCEANOGRAPHY 863 Morozovella) living within the mixed layer are consistently Barron, E. J., Eocene equator-to-polesurfaceoceantemperatures:A significantclimateproblem, Paleoceanography, 2, 729-740, 1987. offsetfrom thosemeasuredon Subbotina,whichlived deeperin Barron, E. J., and W. H. Peterson,The Cenozoic ocean circulation based the water column. The õ180 and õ13Cvaluesof Acarinina and Morozovella are slightly offset from one anotherfor large stratigraphicintervals as a result of depth-of-habitator vital processes. 3. Peak sea surfacetemperaturesof 24-25øC are recordedin the lowermost Eocene; this interval of dramatically reduced latitudinal thermal gradients was not accompanied by substantiallyhigher equatorialSSTs as inferred from oxygen isotopes. This warm interval was terminated by a sharp cooling event of 4øC in the latest middle Eocene. Vertical thermal gradientsdecreaseddramaticallyin the late Paleocene andreacheda minimumin the latestpart of this period. 4. A short-term, strong, negative excursion in õ•3C values occurredin planktonicand benthictaxa at the time of the latest Paleocenebenthic foraminiferalextinction,but õ•80 data indicate that only intermediate waters warmed (4 to 6øC). Increase in õ•80 valuesof certainplanktonic foraminiferal genera suggestscooling or an increase in salinity in this interval;convergence of fi•80 valuesfor planktonics and benthicssuggeststhat the thermoclinein this tropical location weakened strongly. This collapse of thermal gradientsmay have beencoincidentwith sinkingof theselow-latitudesurface wator• tn at lon•t intorrnoctinto etonthe 5. The finding that temperaturesat Site 865 were either similar to or cooler than presentduring all of the late Paleocene and Eocene, including during the brief warming in the latest Paleocene,is significant. Thesedata suggestthat in the past the ocean/atmosphere systemoperatedin such a manneras to maintain cool tropics while allowing the high-latitude temperaturesto vary substantially. Acknowledgments. We gratefullyacknowledgediscussions with S. D'Hondt and U. Rohl and criticalreviewsby R. Corfield, K. Miller, D. Pak, L. Stott, J. Winterer, and an anonymousreviewer. 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