Co-op Approval Form (undergraduates only) Name: Student ID: Major: Co-op Faculty Advisor must complete this section. Please check all that apply: Student has full-time status at UNC Charlotte. Current number of credit hours enrolled: Student meets minimum GPA requirement of 2.5/4.0 overall for undergraduates. GPA: Student has completed all necessary and recommended courses prior to co-op. Co-op Advisor Approval: Date: To be completed by student and Co-op Faculty Advisor: Plan your work and remaining academic schedule below. Note: some academic majors may be required to attend a Co-op Seminar (1 credit hour) following each work session. Fall _____ Spring _____ Summer _____ Fall _____ Spring _____ Summer _____ Fall _____ Spring _____ Summer _____ Co-op Fee: A Co-op is listed on your official transcript and maintains your full-time student status while you are working. A Co-op fee payment of $60 is required for each semester that you are in a work session and each semester you are enrolled in a followup Co-op Seminar course. This does not include other university services and fees, i.e. Housing, SAC, Health Center, etc. Co-op Accreditation: Upon successfully completing 3 Co-op work sessions and seminars, engineering students will earn 1 year towards your Professional Engineering Licensure (PE). Co-op Faculty Advisors Department African American Studies All Belk College of Business Majors Anthropology Architecture Art & Art History Athletic Training Biology Chemistry Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Technology Communication Studies Computer Science Construction Management & Engineering Technology Criminal Justice Dance Electrical & Computer Engineering English Exercise Science Fire Safety Engineering Technology Foreign Languages Geography/Earth Sciences Gerontology Health Administration History International Studies Latin American Studies Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Technology Music Nursing (Graduate) Nursing (Undergraduate) Philosophy Philosophy - Ethics Physics Physics Political Science Psychology Psychology I/O Public Administration Public Health (Graduate) Public Health (Undergraduate) Religious Studies Respiratory Therapy Social Work Social Work Software & Information Systems Systems Engineering & Engineering Management Theatre Faculty Advisor Dr. Debra Smith Academic Advisor Dr. Janet Levy Mr. Chris Jarrett Mr. Eldred Hudson Mr. Brent Wood Ms. Meredith Norris Dr. Kathy Asala Dr. Janos Gergely Dr. Bruce Gehrig Ms. Staci Kuntzman Dr. Rick Lejk Dr. Tony Brizedine Dr. Jennifer Hartman Ms. Pam Sofras Dept. Undergraduate Coordinator Dr. Deborah Bosley Ms. Tracy Bonoffski Mr. Dave Murphy Dr. Robert Reimer Ms. Jamie Strickland Dr. Dena Shenk Dr. Sarah Laditka Dr. Oscar Lansen Dr. Harry Chernotsky Dr. Jerry Davila Dr. Kim Harris Dr. Kevin Lawton Ms. Nan Byars Dr. Royce Lumpkin Dr. Gwen Foss Dr. Lienne Edwards Dr. Daniel Boisvert Dr. Dick Toenjes Dr. Yildirim Aktas Dr. Yildirim Aktas Mr. Robert Kravchuk Dr. Lori Van Wallendael Dr. Anita Blanchard Dr. James W. Douglas Dr. Michael Thompson Ms. Camina Davis Dr. James Tabor Dr. Joe Coyle Ms. Susan Marchetti Ms. Susan Marchetti Mr. Bruce Long Dr. Mike Ogle Ms. Kelly Ryan Office 202C Macy 368 Friday 225 Barnard 101 Storrs 150 Rowe 027 Belk Gym 282C Woodward 220 Burson 3262 EPIC 245B Smith 5015 Colvard 443F Woodward 274B Smith 5073 Colvard 366 Robinson Phone 704-687-2366 704-687-7585 704-687-4282 704-687-4024 704-687-0203 704-687-2751 704-687-8513 704-687-6712 704-687-1221 704-687-6165 704-687-2080 704-687-8567 704-687-2305 704-687-0748 704-687-3625 ECE Dept. EPIC 704-687-8593 220 Fretwell 217B Belk Gym 310 Smith 416 COED 468 McEniry 222 Barnard 427E CHHS 237 Garinger 103 Macy 132 Garinger 376D Fretwell 160 Duke 245C Smith 344 Robinson 420 CHHS 442 CHHS 112A Winningham 114B Winningham 306 Grigg 306 Grigg 440A Fretwell 4020 Colvard 4030 Colvard 440B Fretwell 427D CHHS 423E CHHS 210 Macy 245 Belk Gym 489B CHHS 489B CCHS 341E Woodward 220 Cameron 380 Robinson 704-687-3502 704-687-2658 704-687-4187 704-687-8767 704-687-5971 704-687-4349 704-687-8926 704-687-4644 704-687-3802 704-687-4396 704-687-4565 704-687-8338 704-687-4143 704-687-2472 704-687-7972 704-687-7974 704-687-3204 704-687-2164 704-687-4515 704-687-4515 704-687-2574 704-687-4757 704-687-4847 704-687-4532 704-687-8980 704-687-7562 704-687-2783 704-687-2881 704-687-7932 704-687-7932 704-687-8441 704-687-5918 704-687-6156