November 23, 2009

November 23, 2009
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Monday, November 23
 Nature's Variety: information about the company,
presented by Jennifer Martin, northwest sales
manager. Lunch provided. M102, 12:00-1:00
Tuesday, November 24
 Physiology rounds, M202, 8:00-9:00
 CVM Guest Speaker Seminar Series: Dr. David Sahn
from OHSU Echocardiography/Pediatric Cardiology,
Doernbecher Children's Hospital presents, “Improved
Understanding of Cardiac Function using Advanced
Cardiac MRI and Ultrasound.” Pizza snack. M102,
 SCAVMA pet food sale, SCAVMA store, 12:00-12:45.
PLEASE NOTE: No pet food sale on Thursday,
November 26.
Wednesday, November 25
 House Officer seminar rounds, M197, 8:00-8:30
 Necropsy rounds, M125 (necropsy gallery), 8:30-9:30
 Dr. Diggs Brown Bag lunch, M102, 12:00-1:00
 AAEP meeting, LA hospital, 12:15-12:50
Thursday, November 26
 Thanksgiving Holiday. College closed
Friday, November 27
 Thanksgiving Holiday. College closed
Monday, November 30
 “Beef Cattle Nutrition,” presented by David Bonhert,
Associate Professor & Assistant Superintendent,
Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center - Burns
Station, Oregon State University. Lunch provided.
M102, 12:00-1:00
Tuesday, December 1
 Physiology rounds, M202, 8:00-9:00
 CVM Research Seminar series: Dr. Daniel Rockey
presents, “Recombination in Chlamydia.” Dr. Erica
McKenzie presents, “Dantrolene sodium and
anesthetic myositis in horses.” M102, 12:00-1:00
 SCAVMA pet food sale, SCAVMA store, 12:00-12:45
 Wildlife Diseases Association (WDA) officer elections
and winter term plans, M102, 4:30-5:00
Wednesday, December 2
 House Officer rounds, M202, 8:00-8:30
 Necropsy rounds, M125 (necropsy gallery), 8:30-9:30
 VBMA lunchtime presentation: Jim Mahan from Live
Oak Bank. Lunch provided. M102, 12:00-1:00
 ZWE lunch talk on avian medicine presented by Dr.
Vickstrom. M298, 12:00-1:00
 AAEP meeting, LA hospital, 12:15-12:50
 IVSA Nicaragua Informational meeting. Food provided.
M269, 7:00-8:00
One of the foremost pediatric cardiologists in the country
will present a noon seminar on Tuesday, Nov. 24
Most noted for his contributions in cardiac imaging,
particularly echocardiography, Dr. David J. Sahn
is Professor of Pediatrics (Cardiology), Diagnostic
Radiology, and Obstetrics and Gynecology at
Oregon Health & Sciences University in Portland,
Oregon. He also holds institutional titles of:
Director, Clinical Care Center for Congenital Heart
Disease; and Director, OHSU Interdisciplinary
Program for Cardiac Imaging in recognition of his
role in advancing both ultrasound and cardiac MRI.
The seminar will be presented tomorrow in 102 Magruder Hall from
12:00 to 1:00.
Advanced diagnostic seminar held on Saturday
An Advanced Diagnostic
Imaging Techniques seminar,
designed for Veterinary
Teaching Hospital referring
veterinarians, was held at the
VTH on Saturday, Nov. 21. It
offered benefits of imaging
techniques for small and large
animal patients, interesting large
animal cases, and a tour of the
diagnostic imaging suite. Dean Clarke introduced the program that
included presentations by Dr. Susanne Stieger-Vanegas and Dr. Mike
Huber. A live computed tomography demonstration of a dog was done by
CT technician Jason Wiest. The imaging study of the thorax was
performed with a breath hold technique with anesthesia managed by Dr.
Thomas Riebold. Two CE credits were available for the program.