Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Mathematical Physics Volume 2010, Article ID 504324, 35 pages doi:10.1155/2010/504324 Research Article The Initial Value Problem for the Quadratic Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equation Nakao Hayashi1 and Pavel I. Naumkin2 1 Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Osaka, Toyonaka 560-0043, Japan 2 Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM Campus Morelia, AP 61-3 (Xangari), Morelia CP 58089, Mexico Correspondence should be addressed to Nakao Hayashi, nhayashi@math.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp Received 18 September 2009; Accepted 23 February 2010 Academic Editor: Dongho Chae Copyright q 2010 N. Hayashi and P. I. Naumkin. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We study the initial value problem for the quadratic nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation Lu i∂x −1 u2 , t, x ∈ R × R, u0, x u0 x, x ∈ R, where L ∂t ii∂x and i∂x 1 − ∂2x . Using the Shatah normal forms method, we obtain a sharp asymptotic behavior of small solutions without the condition of a compact support on the initial data which was assumed in the previous works. 1. Introduction Let us consider the Cauchy problem for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with a quadratic nonlinearity in one dimensional case Lu λi∂x −1 u2 , t, x ∈ R × R, u0, x u0 x, x ∈ R, 1.1 where λ ∈ C, L ∂t ii∂x , and i∂x 1 − ∂2x . Our purpose is to obtain the large time asymptotic profile of small solutions to the Cauchy problem 1.1 without the restriction of a compact support on the initial data which was assumed in the previous work 1. One of the important tools of paper 1 was based on the transformation of the equation by virtue of the hyperbolic polar coordinates following to paper 2. The application of the hyperbolic polar coordinates implies the restriction to the interior of the light cone, and therefore, requires the compactness of the initial data. Problem 2 Advances in Mathematical Physics 1.1 is related to the Cauchy problem vtt v − vxx μv2 , v0, x v0 x, t, x ∈ R × R, vt 0, x v1 x, x ∈ R, 1.2 where v0 and v1 are the real-valued functions, and μ ∈ R. Indeed we can put u 1/2v ii∂x −1 vt , then u satisfies Lu i μi∂x −1 u u2 , 2 u0, x u0 x, t, x ∈ R × R, 1.3 x ∈ R, where u0 1/2v0 ii∂x −1 v1 . There are a lot of works devoted to the study of the cubic nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation vtt v − vxx μv3 , v0, x v0 x, t, x ∈ R × R, vt 0, x v1 x, x∈R 1.4 with μ ∈ R. When μ < 0, the global existence of solutions to 1.4 can be easily obtained in the energy space, which is, however, insufficient for determining the large-time asymptotic behavior of solutions. The sharp L∞ - time decay estimates of solutions and nonexistence of the usual scattering states for 1.4 were shown in 3 by using hyperbolic polar coordinates under the conditions that the initial data are sufficiently regular and have a compact support. The initial value problem for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with various cubic nonlinearities depending on v, vt , vx , vxx , vtx and having a suitable nonresonance structure was studied in 4–6, where small solutions were found in the neighborhood of the free solutions when the initial data are small and regular and decay rapidly at infinity. Hence the cubic nonlinearities are not necessarily critical; however the resonant nonlinear term v3 was excluded in these works. In paper 4, the nonresonant nonlinearities were classified into two types, one of them can be treated by the nonlinear transformation which is different from the method of normal forms 7 and the other reveals an additional time decay rate via the operator x∂t t∂x which was used in 2. This nonlinear transformation was refined in 8 and applied to a system of nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations in one or two space dimensions with nonresonant nonlinearities. It seems that the method of normal forms is very useful in the case of a single equation; however it does not work well in the case of a system of nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations. Some sufficient conditions on quadratic or cubic nonlinearities were given in 1, which allow us to prove global existence and to find sharp asymptotics of small solutions to the Cauchy problem including 1.2 with small and regular initial data having a compact support. Moreover it was proved that the asymptotic profile differs from that of the linear Klein-Gordon equation. See also 9, 10 in which asymptotic behavior of solutions to 1.4 was studied as in 1 by using hyperbolic polar coordinates. Compactness condition on the data was removed in 11 in the case of the cubic nonlinearity v3 and a real-valued solution. Final value problem with the cubic nonlinearity was studied in 12 for a real-valued solution. As far as we know the problem of finding the large-time asymptotics is still open Advances in Mathematical Physics 3 for the case of the cubic nonlinearity v3 and the complex valued initial data. When the initial data are complex-valued, global existence and L∞ -time decay estimates of small solutions to the Klein-Gordon equation with cubic nonlinearity |v|2 v were obtained in paper 13 under the conditions that the initial data are smooth and have a compact support. The scattering problem and the time decay rates of small solutions to 1.4 with supercritical nonlinearities |v|p−1 v and |v|p with p > 3 were studied in papers of 14, 15. Finally, we note that the Klein-Gordon equation 1.4 with quadratic nonlinearities in two space dimensions was studied in 16, where combining the method of the normal forms of 7 and the time decay estimate through the operator x∂t t∂x of 17, it was shown that every quadratic nonlinearity is nonresonant. We denote the Lebesgue space by Lp {φ ∈ S ; φLp < ∞}, with the norm φLp 1/p R |φx|p dx if 1 ≤ p < ∞ and φL∞ supx∈R |φx| if p ∞. The weighted Sobolev space is φ ∈ Lp ; xs i∂x m φLp < ∞ , Hm,s p 1.5 √ for m, s ∈ R, 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, where x 1 x2 . For simplicity we write Hm,s Hm,s 2 . The index 0 we usually omit if it does not cause a confusion. We denote by Fφ Fx → ξ φ ≡ √ φ 1/ 2π R e−ixξ φxdx the Fourier transform of the function φ. Then the inverse Fourier √ transformation is F−1 φ Fξ−1→ x φ 1/ 2π R eixξ φξdξ. Our main result of this paper is the following. Theorem 1.1. Let u0 ∈ H3,1 and the norm u0 H3,1 ε. Then there exists ε0 > 0 such that for all 0 < ε < ε0 the Cauchy problem 1.1 has a unique global solution ut ∈ C 0, ∞; H3,1 1.6 ≤ Cε1 t−1/2 . utH1,0 ∞ 1.7 satisfying the time decay estimate 0,1 ∈ H0,1 Furthermore there exists a unique final state W such that ∞ ∩H 2 |2 log t ut − e−ii∂x t F−1 W e−2i|λ| Ω|W ii∂ t 2 |2 log t Fe x ut − W e−2i|λ| Ω|W H1,0 H0,1 ∞ ≤ Cε3/2 tγ−1/4 , ≤ Cε 1.8 3/2 γ−1/4 t , where γ ∈ 0, 1/4, Ωξ ≡ ξ2 /2ξ2ξ 2ξ. An important tool for obtaining the time decay estimates of solutions to the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation is implementation of the operator J i∂x e−ii∂x t xeii∂x t F−1 ξe−iξt i∂ξ eiξt F i∂x x it∂x , 1.9 4 Advances in Mathematical Physics which is analogous to the operator x it∂x e−it/2∂x xeit/2∂x in the case of the nonlinear Schrödinger equations used in 18. The operator J was used previously in paper of 15 for constructing the scattering operator for nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations with a supercritical nonlinearity. We have x, i∂x α αi∂x α−2 ∂x ; therefore the commutator L, J LJ − JL 0, where L ∂t ii∂x is a linear part of 1.1. Since J is not a purely differential operator, it is apparently difficult to calculate the action of J on the nonlinearity in 1.1. So, instead we use the first-order differential operator 2 2 P t∂x x∂t 1.10 which is closely related to J by the identity P Lx − iJ and acts easily on the nonlinearity. Moreover, it almost commutes with L, since L, P −ii∂x −1 ∂x L. Also we use the method of normal forms of 7 by which we transform the quadratic nonlinearity into a cubic one with a nonlocal operator. We multiply both sides of equation 1.1 by the free Klein-Gordon evolution group FU−t Feiti∂x eitξ F and put vt, ξ to get eitξ u λ vt t, ξ λeitξ F i∂x −1 u2 √ eitA v t, η − ξ v t, −η dη, 2πξ R 1.11 where Aξ, η ξ ξ − η η. Integrating 1.11 with respect to time, we find vt, ξ v0, ξ √ t λ 2πξ dτ 0 R eiτA v τ, η − ξ v τ, −η dη. 1.12 Then we integrate by parts with respect to τ, taking into account 1.11, dη eitA v t, η − ξ v t, −η √ 2πξA ξ, η R dη v0, ξ iλ v 0, η − ξ v 0, −η √ 2πξA ξ, η R t dη 2 −1 − 2i|λ| dτ √ eiτA−η v τ, η − ξ Fx → η i∂x u2 . 0 R 2πξA ξ, η vt, ξ iλ 1.13 Returning to the function ut, x UtFξ−1→ x v Fξ−1→ x e−itξ vt, ξ, we obtain the following equation: Lu iλGu, u −2i|λ|2 G u, i∂x −1 u2 , 1.14 with the symmetric bilinear operator G φ, ψ Fξ−1→ x R g ξ − η, η φ ξ − η ψ η dη, 1.15 Advances in Mathematical Physics 5 where g ζ, η √ 1 , 2π ζ η ζ η ζ η 1.16 and ζ ξ − η. Our main point in this paper is to show that the right-hand side of 1.14 can be decomposed into two terms; one of them is a cubic nonlinearity 1 −2i|λ|2 UtF−1 Ωξ|FU−tut, ξ|2 FU−tut, ξ, t 1.17 and the other one is a remainder term with an estimate like Ot−5/4 FU−tut3H1,3 . Remark 1.2. We believe that all quadratic nonlinear terms u2 , u2 , |u|2 of problem 1.3 also could be considered by this approach. In the same way as in the derivation of 1.14 we get from 1.3 i L u μGu, u G1 u, u 2G2 u, u 2 iμ2 G u, i∂x −1 u u2 −1 2 iμ G1 u, i∂x u u 2 1.18 iμ2 G2 u u, i∂x −1 u u2 , where Gj φ, ψ Fξ−1→ x R g j ξ − η, η φ ξ − η ψ η dη, 1.19 1 g j ζ, η √ 2πAj ζ η, η ζ η with A1 ξ, η ξ−ξ−η−η, A2 ξ, η ξ−ξ−ηη. Some more regularity conditions are necessary to treat the bilinear operators Gj . Also we have to show that G u, i∂x −1 u2 2|u|2 , −1 G2 u, i∂x 2 u u 2 , G1 u, i∂x −1 u2 u2 , −1 G2 u, i∂x 2 2 u 2|u| 1.20 are the nonresonant terms i.e., remainders and to remove the resonant terms G u, i∂x −1 u2 , G1 u, i∂x −1 |u|2 , G2 u, i∂x −1 |u|2 , G2 u, i∂x −1 u2 by an appropriate phase function. We will dedicate a separate paper to this problem. 1.21 6 Advances in Mathematical Physics We prove our main result in Section 3. In the next section we prove several lemmas used in the proof of the main result. 2. Preliminaries First we give some estimates for the symmetric bilinear operator G φ, ψ Fξ−1→ x R g ξ − η, η φ ξ − η ψ η dη, 2.1 where g ζ, η √ 1 . 2π ζ η ζ η ζ η 2.2 Denote the kernel as follows: 1 g y, z 4π 2 eiyζizη dηdζ. ζ η ζ η ζ η R2 2.3 Lemma 2.1. The representation is true G φ, ψ R2 g y, z φ x − y ψx − zdydz, 2.4 where the kernel gy, z obeys the following estimate: g y, z ≤ C y −3 z−3 ln2 1 1 z − y 2.5 for all y, z ∈ R, y / z. Moreover the following estimates are valid: G φ, ψ p ≤ Cφ q ψ r , L L L PG φ, ψ p ≤ CPφ q ψ r CPψ q φ r L L L L L C ∂t φ Lq ψ Lr C ∂t ψ Lq φLr 2.6 for 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, 1 < q ≤ p/α, 1 < r ≤ p/1 − α, α ∈ 0, 1, provided that the right-hand sides are bounded. Advances in Mathematical Physics 7 Proof. To prove representation 2.4, we substitute the direct Fourier transforms 1 φζ √ 2π R 1 ψ η √ 2π e−ix−yζ φ x − y dy, 2.7 R e −ix−zη ψx − zdz into the definition of the operator G. Then changing ζ ξ − η, we find G φ, ψ 2π−3/2 R2 φ x − y ψx − z R2 iyζizη g ζ, η e dηdζ dydz R2 g y, z φ x − y ψx − zdydz, 2.8 where the kernel gy, z is g y, z 2π−3/2 1 4π 2 R2 g ζ, η eiyζizη dηdζ eiyζizη dηdζ. ζ η ζ η ζ η R2 2.9 Changing the variables of integration ζ ξ/2 − η and η ξ/2 η the prime we will omit, we get 1 g y, z 4π 2 eiyζizη dηdζ ζ η ζ η ζ η R2 dξ iyz/2ξ 1 e B ξ, η eiz−yη dη, 4π 2 R ξ R 2.10 where Bξ, η 1/ξ ξ/2 − η ξ/2 η. We change s y z/2 and ρ z − y and denote 1 g s, ρ 4π 2 dξ isξ e ξ R R B ξ, η eiρη dη. 2.11 For the case of |ρ| ≤ 1, |s| ≤ 1 we integrate by parts using the identity eiρη Aη∂η ηeiρη , where Aη 1/1 iρη. Then we get 1 g s, ρ − 2 4π dξ isξ e ξ R R eiρη η∂η A η B ξ, η dη. 2.12 8 Advances in Mathematical Physics Note that η η∂η B ξ, η 2 ξ ξ/2 − η ξ/2 η η − ξ/2 η ξ/2 η − ξ/2 ξ/2 η . 2.13 Then −1 ξ η∂η A η B ξ, η ≤ C . ξ 1 ρ η ξ η 2.14 Hence we can estimate the kernel g s, ρ as follows: g s, ρ ≤ C dη η ρ 1 ξ η R ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ dη dη 1 ξ dξ dξ ≤C ln C η ξ 1 1 1 ρ η 1 ξ ηξ 1 1 ρ η η 1/|ρ| ∞ ln η dη dη C ∞ dη ≤ C ≤C ln η ln η 2 η η ρ 1/|ρ| 1 1 ρ η η 1 1 ≤ C ln2 1 ρ dξ ξ R 2.15 for the case of |ρ| ≤ 1, |s| ≤ 1. For the case of |ρ| ≤ 1, |s| ≥ 1 we integrate three times by parts with respect to ξ g s, ρ C|s| −3 R dξe isξ R dη. eiρη ∂3ξ ξ−1 η∂η A η B ξ, η 2.16 Note that 3 ∂ξ ξ−1 η∂η A η B ξ, η ≤ C . ξ 1 ρ η ξ η 2.17 Hence we can estimate the kernel gy, z as follows: g s, ρ ≤ C|s|−3 dξ R ξ dη −3 2 ≤ C|s| ln 1 ξ η R 1 ρ η 1 ρ 2.18 for all |ρ| ≤ 1, |s| ≥ 1. For the case |ρ| ≥ 1, |s| ≤ 1 we integrate by parts three times with respect to η −3 g s, ρ Cρ dξ isξ e ξ R R eiρη ∂3η B ξ, η dη. 2.19 Advances in Mathematical Physics 9 Note that |∂3η Bξ, η| ≤ Cξ η−3 . Hence g s, ρ ≤ Cρ−3 dξ R ξ 2 −3 dη 2 ≤ Cρ . R η 2.20 Finally for the case of |ρ| ≥ 1, |s| ≥ 1 we integrate by parts three times with respect to ξ and η −3 g s, ρ Csρ R dξeisξ R eiρη ∂3ξ ∂3η ξ−1 B ξ, η dη. 2.21 Since 3 3 ∂ξ ∂η ξ−1 B ξ, η ≤ 2 C 2.22 2 , ξ ξ η then we can estimate the kernel g s, ρ as follows: g s, ρ ≤ Csρ−3 dξ R ξ 2 −3 dη 2 ≤ Csρ R η 2.23 for all |ρ| ≥ 1, |s| ≥ 1. Hence estimate 2.5 is true. By virtue of estimate 2.5 applying the Hölder inequality with 1/p 1/p1 1/p2 and the Young inequality with 1/p1 1 1/q 1/q1 and 1/p2 1 1/r 1/r1 , we find dy G φ, ψ p ≤ C φ x − y L 3 R y dz 1 2 ψx−z ln 1 3 z − y z p1 R ≤ CφLq ψ Lr , p Lx2 L∞ y Lx 2.24 where 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, 1 < q ≤ p/α, 1 < r ≤ p/1 − α, α ∈ 0, 1. We now estimate the operator P t∂x x∂t as follows: PG φ, ψ G Pφ, ψ G φ, Pψ R2 yg y, z ψx − z∂t φ x − y dydz R2 zg y, z φ x − y ∂t ψx − zdydz. 2.25 10 Advances in Mathematical Physics Then by virtue of estimate 2.4 applying the Hölder and Young inequalities, we get PG φ, ψ p ≤ G Pφ, ψ p G φ, Pψ p L L L yg y, z ψx − z∂t φ x − y dydz R2 Lp R Lp zg y, z φ x − y ∂ ψx − zdydz t 2 2.26 ≤ CPφLq ψ Lr CPψ Lq φLr C∂t φLq ψ Lr C∂t ψ Lq φLr . Lemma 2.1 is proved. We now decompose the free Klein-Gordon evolution group Ut e−ii∂x t F−1 EtF, where Et e−itξ similarly to the factorization of the free Schrödinger evolution group. We denote the dilation operator by 1 x , Dω φ √ φ iω ω Dω −1 iD1/ω . 2.27 Define the multiplication factor Mt e−itixθx , where θx 1 for |x| < 1 and θx 0 for |x| ≥ 1. We introduce the operator x . φ Bφ ix ix3/2 θx 2.28 The inverse operator B−1 acts on the functions φx defined on −1, 1 as follows: B−1 φ 1 ξ φ 3/2 ξ ξ 2.29 for all ξ ∈ R, since ξ x/ix ∈ R and x ξ/ξ ∈ −1, 1. We now introduce the operators Vt B−1 MtDt−1 F−1 e−itξ , Wt Mt1 − θDt−1 F−1 e−itξ , 2.30 so that we have the representation for the free Klein-Gordon evolution group UtF−1 e−iti∂x F−1 F−1 e−itξ Dt MtBVt Wt Dt MtB Dt MtBVt − 1 Dt MtWt. 2.31 Advances in Mathematical Physics 11 The first term Dt MtBφ of the right-hand side of 2.31 describes inside the light cone the well-known leading term of the large-time asymptotics of solutions of the linear KleinGordon equation Lu 0 with initial data φ. The second term of the right-hand side of 2.31 is a remainder inside of the light cone, whereas the last term represents the large time asymptotics outside of the light cone which decays more rapidly in time. We also have FU−t Feiti∂x eitξ F V −1 tB−1 MtDt−1 W−1 tDt−1 B−1 MtDt−1 V −1 t − 1 B−1 MtDt−1 W−1 tDt−1 , 2.32 where the right-inverse operators are V −1 t EtFDt MtB, 2.33 W−1 t EtFDt 1 − θ, where Et e−itξ . In the next lemma we state the estimates of the operators Vt B−1 MtDt−1 F−1 e−itξ . Lemma 2.2. The estimates hold as follows: Vtφ 2 ≤ Cφ 2 , L L ρ α−1 ξ ∂ξ Vtφ 2 ≤ Cξα ∂ξ φ 2 C φ ξ 2, L L 2.34 L where ρ < α, α ∈ 1, 2, and ρ ξ ∂ξ V −1 tφ L2 ≤ Cξ1/4α ∂ξ φ 2 Cξα−3/4 φ 2 , L L 2.35 where ρ < α, α ∈ 0, 1, provided the right-hand sides are finite. Proof. Changing the variable of integration x ξξ−1 , we see that −1 2 φ B 2 L 1 2 φ ξ dξ φx2 dx φ2 2 . L −1,1 ξ ξ3 −1 R 2.36 Hence VtφL2 φL2 . Consider the estimate for the derivative ∂ξ Vtφ. Define Sξ, η η − ξη 1/ξ. Note that ∂S/∂η η/η − ξ/ξ 1 ηξ − ηξ/ξηη ξη − ξ and ∂S/∂ξ ξ − η/ξ3 . Hence integrating by parts one time yields ∂ξ R e −itS φ η dη −itξ−3 ξ −3 R R e e−itS φ η ξ − η dη −itS φ η g ξ, η φ η gη ξ, η dη, 2.37 12 Advances in Mathematical Physics where gξ, η ξ − η/ξ/ξ − η/η ξηη ξ/1 ηξ − ηξ. Also we have −1 ξ η ≤ C 1 η ξ − ηξ 2 . η ξ 2.38 2 ξ2 η ξ η η ξ ≤ C . g ξ, η 1 η ξ − ηξ η ξ 2.39 Hence the estimate is true Since ∂ξ ξa aξξa−2 , we get ρ ξ ∂ξ Vtφ ξ it ∂ξ ξ−3/2 2π ρ R e−itS φ η dη 3 it ρ−2 ρ−9/2 − ξξ Vtφ ξ e−itS φ η g ξ, η dη 2 2π R it e−itS φ η gη ξ, η dη. ξρ−9/2 2π R 2.40 Consider the L2 -estimate of the integral √ tξρ−9/2 R eitξη/ξ ψ η g ξ, η dη. 2.41 We have 2 √ t eitξη/ξ ψ η g ξ, η ξρ−9/2 dη 2 R t L R R dηψ η dηψ η R R dζψζ eitξ/ξη−ζ g ξ, η gξ, ζξ2ρ−9 dξ 2.42 R dζψζG η, ζ , where the kernel G η, ζ t R eitξ/ξη−ζ g ξ, η gξ, ζξ2ρ−9 dξ η ξ ζ ξ ξ2ρ−7 dξ. 1 η ξ − ηξ 1 ζξ − ζξ t η ζ eitξ/ξη−ζ R 2.43 Advances in Mathematical Physics 13 After a change ξ x/ix, we find η 1/ix ζ 1/ix ix4−2ρ dx. − ζx/ix 1 ζ/ix 1 η /ix − ηx/ix 2.44 1 G η, ζ t η ζ eitxη−ζ −1 We now change the contour z x iy ∈ Γ of integration in G as y signη − ζix2 ; then η 1/iz ζ 1/iz iz4−2ρ dz. 1 η /iz − ηz/iz 1 ζ/iz − ζz/iz 2.45 G η, ζ t η ζ eitzη−ζ Γ 2 1/4 Since |iz| ix2 y2 4x2 y2 ∼ ix, using 2.38 and the inequality η ξ ≥ ηα−1 ξ2−α for α ∈ 1, 2, we get |η 1/iz/1 η/iz − ηz/iz| ≤ Cηα−1 ixα−2 ; also we have 2 Cix−2δ itzη−ζ e−ix t|η−ζ| ≤ e δ 1 tη − ζ 2.46 for δ > 1. Therefore we obtain the estimate α α Ct η ζα 1 Ct η ζα 2α−ρ−δ G η, ζ ≤ dx ≤ ix δ δ , −1 1 tη − ζ 1 tη − ζ 2.47 if we choose ρ < α, α ∈ 1, 2 and 1 < δ < 1 α − ρ. Thus we get 2 √ t eitξη/ξ ψ η g ξ, η ξρ−9/2 dη dηψ η dζψζG η, ζ 2 R L R α t α ≤ C η ψ η L2 dζψζζ δ R 1t η−ζ 2 ≤ Ct·α ψ L2 since δ > 1. R L2 R α 2 dη δ ≤ C· ψ L2 1 tη 2.48 14 Advances in Mathematical Physics In the same manner we consider the estimate of the integral 2 √ t eitξη/ξ ψ η gη ξ, η ξρ−9/2 dη 2 R t L R R dηψ η dηψ η R R dζψζ eitξ/ξη−ζ gη ξ, η gζ ξ, ζξ2ρ−9 dξ 2.49 R η, ζ , dζψζG where the kernel η, ζ t eitξ/ξη−ζ gη ξ, η gζ ξ, ζξ2ρ−9 dξ G t R R e itξ/ξη−ζ η ξ η/ η ξ ζ ξ ζ/ζξ ξ2ρ−7 dξ, 1 ζξ − ζξ 1 η ξ − ηξ 2.50 since by a direct calculation η η ξ η ξ η/ η ξ ∂η . 1 η ξ − ηξ 1 η ξ − ηξ 2.51 In the same way as in 2.47 we have Ctηα−1 ζα−1 G η, ζ ≤ δ 1 tη − ζ 2.52 if we choose ρ < α, α ∈ 1, 2, and 1 < δ < 1 α − ρ. Therefore we get 2 √ α−1 2 t eitξη/ξ ψ η gη ξ, η ξρ−9/2 dη ≤ C ψ η 2 η 2 L R L R tdη α−1 2 δ ≤ C· ψ L2 . 1 tη 2.53 Hence ξρ ∂ξ VtφL2 ≤ Cξα ∂ξ φL2 Cξα−1 φL2 . Thus we have the second estimate of the lemma. Consider the estimate for the derivative ∂ξ V −1 tφ. Note that ∂Sη, ξ/∂ξ ξ/ξ − η/η 1 ηξ − ηξ/ξηη ξξ − η and ∂Sη, ξ/∂η η − ξ/η3 . Hence integrating by parts one time yields √ ρ −1 ξ ∂ξ V tφ − √ t ρ−1 1 η ξ − ηξ 1/2 itSη,ξ φ η de η η ξ R ξ 2iπ √ t ρ−1 √ eitSη,ξ φ η g1 ξ, η φ η g1η ξ, η dη, ξ 2iπ R 2.54 Advances in Mathematical Physics 15 where Sη, ξ ξ − ξη 1/η and g1 ξ, η 1 ηξ − ηξ/η ξη1/2 . The estimate is true 3/2 1 η ξ − ηξ 1/2 η ξ g1 ξ, η ≤ C η . η ξ η ξ 2.55 Consider the L2 -estimate of the integral √ ξρ−1 t R e−itξη/η ψ η g1 ξ, η dη. 2.56 We have, changing η/η y and ζ/ζ z, ρ−1 √ 2 −itξη/η ξ t e ψ η g ξ, η dη 1 2 R t R dηψ η 1 t −1 L R 3 dy iy ψ dζψζ e−itξη/η−ζ/ζ g1 ξ, η g1 ξ, ζξ2ρ−2 dξ R y iy 1 −1 dziz3 ψ z iz 2.57 y z × e g1 ξ, g1 ξ, ξ2ρ−2 dξ iz iy R 1 1 3 y z G1 y, z , dy iy ψ dziz3 ψ iz iy −1 −1 −itξy−z where the kernel G1 y, z z g1 ξ, g1 t e ξ2ρ−2 dξ iz R 1 ξ/ iy − yξ/ iy 1 ξ/iz − zξ/iz −1/2 −1/2 −itξy−z t iy e ξ2ρ−2 dξ. iz 1/iz ξ 1/ iy ξ R 2.58 −itξy−z y ξ, iy We now change the contour ξ x iy ∈ Γ of integration in G as y signy − zx 2 ; then G1 y, z −1/2 t iy iz−1/2 Γ e −itξy−z 1 ξ/ iy − yξ/ iy 1 ξ/iz − zξ/iz ξ2ρ−2 dξ. 1/iz ξ 1/ iy ξ 2.59 16 Advances in Mathematical Physics 1/2 2 and by 2.55 |1 ξ/iy − yξ/iy/1/iy Since |ξ| x 2 − y2 4x2 y2 ∼ x 1−α ξ| ≤ Cξ iy−α for α ∈ 0, 1, and also −itξy−z e ≤ C C 2 ≤ δ δ 1 tx y−z tx y − z y − z 2.60 for δ < 1, we obtain the estimate −1/2−α C iy iz−1/2−α G1 y, z ≤ −2α2ρ−δ dx x y − zδ y − z R 2.61 −1/2−α C iy iz−1/2−α ≤ , y − zδ y − z if we choose ρ < α, and 1 > δ > 1 − 2α 2ρ. Therefore we get 2 √ t eitξη/ξ ψ η g ξ, η ξρ−9/2 dη 2 R 1 −1 5/2−α dy iy ψ y iy L 1 −1 5/2−α dziz z C ψ iz y − zδ y − z 2 5/2−2α y ≤C dy iy ψ iy −1 1 ≤C 1 −1 2.62 2 2 dξξ1/22α ψξ ≤ C·1/4α ψ 2 . L In the same manner we consider the estimate of the integral with φηg1η ξ, η. Hence ρ ξ ∂ξ V −1 tφ L2 ≤ Cξ1/4α ∂ξ φ 2 Cξα−3/4 φ 2 , L L 2.63 where α > ρ. Thus we have the second estimate of the lemma. Lemma 2.2 is proved. ∞ 2 In the next lemma we prove an auxiliary asymptotics for the integral 0 e−itz Φξ, zdz. Lemma 2.3. The estimate holds as follows: ∞ π α −itz2 e Φξ, zdz − Φξ, 0 ξ ≤ Ct−3/4 ξα Φz ξ, zL∞ L2z ξ 4it 0 provided the right-hand side is finite, where α ∈ R. 2.64 Advances in Mathematical Physics 17 Proof. We represent the integral ∞ e −itz2 Φξ, zdz Φξ, 0 ∞ e 0 −itz2 dz R Φξ, 0 0 π R, 4it 2.65 where the remainder term is R ∞ e−itz Φξ, z − Φξ, 0dz. 2 2.66 0 In the remainder term we integrate by parts via identity e−itz 1/1 − 2itz2 ∂z ze−itz 2 ∞ α ξ R ∞ ≤ Cξα L ξ 0 2 1 z − Φξ, 0dz Φξ, ∞ 2 1 tz L ξ α ∞ z C Φ zdz ξ, ξ z 2 1 tz L∞ ξ 0 −1 √ 2 ≤ Cξα Φz ξ, zL∞ L2z z 1 tz ξ 2.67 L1z −1 2 z 1 tz L∞ L2z Cξα Φz ξ, z ξ L2z ≤ Ct−3/4 ξα Φz ξ, zL∞ L2z , ξ since |Φξ, z − Φξ, 0| ≤ z 0 |Φz ξ, z|dz ≤ C |z|Φz ξ, zL∞ L2z . 2.68 ξ Thus we have the estimate for the remainder in the asymptotic formula. Lemma 2.3 is proved. In the next lemma we obtain the asymptotics for the operator Vt B−1 MtDt−1 F−1 e−itξ and the right-inverse operator V −1 t EtFDt MtB. Lemma 2.4. The estimates hold as follows: β ξ Vt − 1φ L∞ ≤ Ct−1/4 ξβ3/4 ∂ξ φ 2 ξβ−1/4 φ 2 , β−3/4 −1 V t − 1 φ ξ L L∞ ≤ Ct −1/4 L 3/2β ∂ξ φ 2 ξ1/2β φ 2 , ξ L for all t ≥ 1, where 0 ≤ β ≤ 3/2, provided the right-hand sides are finite. L 2.69 18 Advances in Mathematical Physics Proof. We have the identities 1 η ξ − ηξ 2 ξ S ξ, η η − ξ − η − ξ η−ξ , 2 ξ η ξ ξ 1 η ξ − ηξ η ξ Sη ξ, η − η−ξ , ξ ξ η η ξ η 2.70 and Sηη ξ, η η−3 . We now change z Sξ, η. We denote The inverse functions by ηj z, so that η1 z : 0, ∞ → ξ, ∞ and η2 z : 0, ∞ → −∞, ξ. Thus the stationary point z 0 transforms into η ξ. Hence we can write the representation Vtφ ξ it 2π −3/2 2ξ−3/2 R e−itSξ,η φ η dη 2 ∞ S ξ, ηj z it −itz2 e φ ηj z dz. Sη ξ, ηj z 2π j1 0 2.71 By a direct calculation we find 1 η ξ − ηξ dz Sη ξ, η . 1/2 dη η ξ S ξ, η 2.72 Therefore we obtain Vtφ ∞ e−itz Φξ, zdz, 2 2.73 0 where Φξ, z 2ξ−1 2 it 2π j1 η φ η 1 ξ η − ξη . 2.74 ηηj z Application of Lemma 2.3 yields Vtφ φξ O t−3/4 Φz ξ, zL∞ L2z . ξ 2.75 Advances in Mathematical Physics 19 By a direct calculation we have dz dη Φz ξ, z 3/2 2 2 η φ η it 3/4 3/4 2π j1 ξ 1 η ξ − ηξ 2.76 2 η ηξ ξ η / η ξ it φ η . 1/2 3/4 2π j1 ξ3/4 η 1 η ξ − ηξ By 2.38 we get the estimate β ξ Φz ξ, z L∞ L2 ξ z dz β ξ Φz ξ, z dη L∞ L2 ξ η β 9/4 √ ξ η ≤ C t φ η η ξ3/2 L∞ L2 ξ η β 5/4 √ ξ η C t φ η η ξ3/2 √ √ 3/4β β−1/4 ≤ C t η φ 2 C t η φ L L2 L∞ L2 ξ η 2.77 for 0 ≤ β ≤ 3/2 since η ξ ≥ Cξ2/3β η1−2/3β . This yields the first estimate of the lemma. We now prove the second estimate. We have √ 1 −3/2 y t itξ−ξy−iy e φ dy, V tφ √ iy iy 2iπ −1 −1 2.78 then changing y ηη−1 , we find √ −1 V tφx √ t 2iπ −3/2 eitSη,ξ φ η η dη, 2.79 R where 1 η ξ − ηξ 2 ξη 1 S η, ξ ξ − 2 η − ξ . η η ξ η 2.80 20 Advances in Mathematical Physics As above we change z Sη, ξ and represent √ −1 V tφx √ t 2iπ R −3/2 eitSη,ξ φ η η dη √ 2 ∞ S ηj z, ξ 2t 2 −3/2 itz e φ ηj z ηj z √ dz. Sη ηj z, ξ iπ j1 0 2.81 By a direct calculation we find Sη η, ξ η − ξ/η3 and Sη η, ξ η ξ dz . 5/2 dη 2 S η, ξ 2 η 1 η ξ − ηξ 2.82 Therefore we obtain −1 V tφx ∞ 2 eitz Φξ, zdz, 2.83 0 where √ 2 2 2t η 1 η ξ − ηξ Φξ, z √ φ η η ξ iπ j1 2.84 . ηηj z Application of Lemma 2.3 yields V −1 tφx φξ O t−3/4 Φz ξ, zL∞ L2z . 2.85 ξ By a direct calculation we have Φz ξ, z 3/4 √ 2 1 η ξ − ηξ 9/4 dz 2 2t √ φ η η 3/2 dη iπ j1 η ξ ⎞ ⎛ 1/4 √ 2 5/4 1 η − ηξ η ξ η 1 η ξ − ηξ 2 2t ⎟ ⎜ √ ⎠ φ η , ⎝ η ξ iπ j1 η ξ η 2.86 Advances in Mathematical Physics 21 Since ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ η 1 η ξ − ηξ ⎟ η 5/4 1 η ξ − ηξ 1/4 ⎝ ⎠ η ξ η ξ η 5/4 ξηη1/4 1 ηξ − ηξ3/4 ηξ − ξ η η 5/2 3/2 1/4 η ξ 1 η ξ − ηξ 2 η ξ 2.87 2 ξ3/4 η ≤ C 3/2 , ξ η therefore we get the estimate β−3/4 Φz ξ, z ξ L∞ L2 ξ z dz β−3/4 ξ Φz ξ, z dη L∞ L2 ξ η ⎞ ⎛ β 3 ξβ η2 √ ⎜ η ξ ⎟ ≤ C t⎝ φ η φ η ⎠ ∞ 2 ∞ 2 ξ η3/2 η ξ3/2 L Lη L Lη ξ ξ √ 1/2β 3/2β ≤C t η φ 2 η φ 2 L L 2.88 for 0 ≤ β ≤ 2/3, since η ξ ≥ Cξ2/3β η1−2/3β . This yields the second estimate of the lemma. Lemma 2.4 is proved. In the next lemma we find the estimates for the operator Wt 1−θMtDt−1 F−1 e−itξ . Lemma 2.5. The estimates hold as follows: Wtφ r ≤ Ct−1/21−δ1−1/r ξ12δ1−1/r ∂ξ φ 1 ξ12δ1−1/r−1 φ 1 L L for all t ≥ 1, where 1 < r ≤ ∞, δ ∈ 0, 1, provided the right-hand side is finite. L 2.89 22 Advances in Mathematical Physics Proof. Note that Wtφ 0 for |x| ≤ 1. To prove the estimate, we integrate by parts via the identity eitxξ−ξ 1/itx − ξ/ξ ∂ξ eitxξ−ξ √ Wtφ √ it 2π R 1 −√ 2πit −√ eitxξ−ξ φξdξ 1 2πit R eitxξ−ξ 1 φ ξdξ x − ξ/ξ R eitxξ−ξ ξ−3 x − ξ/ξ2 2.90 φξdξ for all |x| ≥ 2. Since 1/|x − ξ/ξ| ≤ Cx−1 for all |x| ≥ 2, then we get Wtφ ≤ Ct−1/2 x−1 φ ξ ξ−3 φξ dξ R ≤ Ct−1/2 x−1 ∂ξ φL1 Cξ−3 φ 1 . 2.91 L For the case of 1 < |x| ≤ 2 we integrate by parts via the identity eitxξ−ξ 1/ξ/ξ itξx − ξ/ξ∂ξ ξeitxξ−ξ √ it ξ φ ξdξ Wtφ − √ eitxξ−ξ ξ/ξ itξx − ξ/ξ 2π R √ it 1/ξ2 itξξx/ξ − 1 eitxξ−ξ φξdξ. √ 2π R ξ/ξ itξx − ξ/ξ2 2.92 Since |x−ξ/ξ| ≥ ||x|−1||1−|ξ|/ξ| and |ξx/ξ−1| ≤ |ξ|/ξ||x|−1||1−|ξ|/ξ| ≤ |x−ξ/ξ| for 1 < |x|, therefore √ Wtφ ≤ C t √ ξφ ξ φξ dξ R |ξ|/ξ tξ||x| − 1| |1 − |ξ|/ξ| ξφ ξ φξ ≤C t R1 tξ−2 tξ||x| − 1| dξ 2.93 Advances in Mathematical Physics 23 for 1 < |x| ≤ 2. Hence we get Wtφ r ≤ Ct−1/2 x−1 L Lr |x|≥2 ∂ξ φ 1 C ξ−3 φ 1 L L √ ξφ ξ φξ 1 C t dξ 1 tξ/1 tξ − 2 ||x| − 1| r −2 1 tξ R L 1<|x|≤2 ≤ Ct−1/2 ∂ξ φL1 Cξ−3 φ 1 Ct1/2−1/r L R 1/r−1 dξ ξ1−1/r φ ξ ξ−1/r φξ 1 tξ−2 ≤ Ct−1/21−δ1−1/r ξ12δ1−1/r ∂ξ φ L1 ξ12δ1−1/r−1 φ 1 L 2.94 for δ ∈ 0, 1. This yields the estimate of the lemma. Lemma 2.5 is proved. We next prove the time decay estimate in terms of the operator J. Lemma 2.6. The estimate is valid 1/2 1/2 uL∞ ≤ Ct−1/2 u1/2 Ju u 3/2 3/2 1/2 H H H 2.95 for all t ≥ 0, provided that the right-hand side is finite. Proof. Since uL1 ≤ Cxu1/2 u1/2 , by applying the L∞ -L1 time decay estimate of the free L2 L2 evolution group e−ii∂x t see paper of 19, Lemma 1, we get uL∞ e−ii∂x t eii∂x t u L∞ ≤ Ct−1/2 i∂x 3/2 eii∂x t u L1 1/2 1/2 ≤ Ct−1/2 xi∂x 3/2 eii∂x t u 2 i∂x 3/2 eii∂x t u 2 L L 2.96 ≤ Ct−1/2 Ju1/2 u1/2 H1/2 H3/2 for all t > 0. Then by the Sobolev inequality we have uL∞ ≤ CuH1 . Thus the desired estimate follows. Lemma 2.6 is proved. Next we obtain the asymptotics for the integral R eitAξ,y φ ξ, y dy, where Aξ, y ξ ζ − 2η, and ζ ξ 2y, η ξ y. 2.97 24 Advances in Mathematical Physics Lemma 2.7. The following asymptotics is true: R eitAξ,y φ ξ, y dy ⎛ 3/2 3/2 η iπ ⎜ −3/4 ζ 3/2 φ ξ, y ξ φξ, 0 O⎝t ζ η3/4 y t L∞ L2 ξ y 1/2 1/4 φ ξ, y O t−3/4 ζ1/2 η ζ η ⎞ ⎟ ⎠ 2.98 L∞ L2 ξ y for t ≥ 1 uniformly with respect to ξ ∈ R, provided the right-hand side is finite. Proof. Denote ζ ξ 2y, η ξ y, so that y ζ − η η − ξ. We have the identities 1 η ζ − ηζ ξζ − ξζ ξ η − ξη 2 A ξ, y 2 y , ξ ζ ξ η ζ η 1 η ζ − ηζ η ζ − 2 Ay ξ, y 2 y, ζ η ζ η ζ η 2.99 and Ayy ξ, y 22/ζ3 − 1/η3 . We now change z Aξ, y. We denote the inverse functions by yj z, so that y1 z : 0, ∞ → 0, ∞ and y2 z : 0, ∞ → −∞, 0. Thus the stationary point z 0 transforms into y 0. Hence we can write the representation 2 ∞ A ξ, yj z 2 eitAξ,y φ ξ, y dy 2 e−itz φ ξ, yj z dz. Ay ξ, yj z R j1 0 2.100 By a direct calculation we find Ay ξ, y 1 dz , dy 2 A ξ, y Q ξ, ζ, η 2.101 where √ 2ζ η η 1 η ζ − ηζ ξζ − ξζ ξ η − ξη ζ Q ξ, ζ, η ≡ . 1 η ζ − ηζ ξ ζ ξ η 2.102 Therefore we obtain R e itAξ,y φ ξ, y dy ∞ 0 e−itz Φξ, zdz, 2 2.103 Advances in Mathematical Physics 25 where Φξ, z 2 √ 2 φ ξ, y Q ξ, ζ, η yyj z . 2.104 j1 Since Qξ, ξ, ξ ξ3/2 , then the application of Lemma 2.3 yields R e itAξ,y φ ξ, y dy iπ ξ3/2 φξ, 0 O t−3/4 Φz ξ, zL∞ L2z . ξ t 2.105 By a direct calculation we have Φz ξ, z 2 3/2 dz φy ξ, y Q ξ, ζ, η yyj z dy j1 2.106 2 φ ξ, y Q ξ, ζ, η 2Qζ ξ, ζ, η Qη ξ, ζ, η yyj z j1 . By 2.38 ζ η Q ξ, ζ, η ≤ C 1/2 , ζ η η − ξ C η |ζ − ξ| Qζ ξ, ζ, η ≤ Cζ−1 Q ξ, ζ, η 1 ≤ 1/2 , η ξ ζ ξ ζ η 2.107 Qη ξ, ζ, η ≤ Cζ 1/2 . ζ η Therefore we get the estimate Φz ξ, zL∞ L2z ξ dz Φz ξ, z dy L∞ L2 ξ y ζ3/2 η3/2 ≤ C φ ξ, y ζ η3/4 y 1/2 1/4 Cζ1/2 η φ ξ, y ζ η L∞ L2 ξ y L∞ L2 ξ y 2.108 . This yields the estimate of the lemma. Lemma 2.7 is proved. In the next lemma we obtain the asymptotics for the nonlinear term FU−tGu, i∂x −1 u2 in 1.14. 26 Advances in Mathematical Physics Lemma 2.8. Let v ∈ H1,3 . Then the asymptotic formula holds as follows: ξ FU−tG u, i∂x −1 u2 − 1 Ωξ|vt, ξ|2 vt, ξ ≤ Ct−5/4 v3 1,3 H t 2.109 t, ξ, Ωξ ≡ ξ2 /2ξ2ξ2ξ. for t ≥ 1 uniformly with respect to ξ ∈ R, where vt, ξ eitξ u Proof. We first find the representation for FU−ti∂x −1 u2 t. We introduce the operator Qt BVt Wt MDt−1 F−1 e−itξ , so that the representation for the free evolution group is true UtF−1 e−iti∂x F−1 F−1 e−itξ Dt MQt. We also have Feiti∂x Q−1 tMDt−1 , where the right-inverse Q−1 t V −1 tB−1 W−1 t eitξ FDt M. √ operator −1 Since Dωt iDω Dt , Dω iD1/ω , and FD1/ω Dω F, we find √ Q−1 tMω−1 eitξ FDt Mω ieitξ Dω FDωt Mω √ ieitξ Dω e−iωtξ Q−1 ωt 2.110 with ω > 0. Applying this formula with ω 2 and putting ut UtF−1 v Dt MQtv, we get FU−t i∂x −1 u2 t ξ−1 Q−1 tMDt−1 Dt MQtv2 1 eitξ e−2itξ −1 Q 2tQtv2 . √ Q−1 tMQtv2 √ D2 2ξ t ξ it 2.111 Since FU−t Feii∂x t eitξ F, we can write 1 e−2itη Fx → η i∂x −1 u2 t √ D2 Q−1 2tQtv2 2η t η 1 , √ e−2itη/2 Φ t, 2 2it 2.112 where Φt, η 2η−1 Q−1 2tQtv2 . Hence we obtain FU−tG u, i∂x −1 u2 eitξ FG u, i∂x −1 u2 −1 2 u dη t, η − ξ F u t i∂ x → η x e √ . ξ ξ − η η 2πξ R itξ 2.113 Advances in Mathematical Physics 27 t, η − ξ eitη−ξ vt, η − ξ, we get Since u −1 2 FU−tG u, i∂x u eitA v t, η − ξ Φ t, η/2 √ dη 2 πitξ R ξ ξ − η η 1 2.114 ξ η − ξ − 2η/2. with A Since Qt BVt for |x| ≤ 1 and Qt Wt for |x| ≥ 1, we then have Qtv2 BVtv2 Wtv2 2.115 for all x ∈ R. In the same manner applying the identity B−1 Bv2 ξ3/2 v2 ξ, we obtain −1 −1 Φ t, η 2η V −1 2tB−1 BVtv2 2η W−1 2tWtv2 −1 −1 2η V −1 2tξ3/2 Vtv2 2η W−1 2tWtv2 Φ1 t, η Φ2 t, η . 2.116 After a change η 2ξ 2y, we find −1 2 FU−tG u, i∂x u R e itAξ,y φ1 ξ, y dy R eitAξ,y φ2 ξ, y dy, 2.117 where v t, ξ 2y Φ1 t, ξ y φ1 ξ, y ≡ √ , πitξ ξ ξ 2y 2 ξ y v t, ξ 2y Φ2 t, ξ y φ2 ξ, y ≡ √ , πitξ ξ ξ 2y 2 ξ y 2.118 and Aξ, y ξ ξ 2y − 2ξ y. Note that −1 W 2tφ L2 E2tFD2t 1 − θφ L2 D2t 1 − θφL2 1 − θφL2 ≤ φL2 . 2.119 Hence by Lemma 2.5 with δ 5/6, r 4 Wtφ2 4 ≤ Ct−3/4 ξ2 ∂ξ φ 1 ξφL1 L L 2.120 for all t ≥ 1, and −1 W 2tWtv2 L2 2 ≤ Wtv2L4 ≤ Ct−3/4 ξ2 ∂ξ v 1 ξvL1 . L 2.121 28 Advances in Mathematical Physics Thus ξ eitAξ,y φ2 ξ, y dy R L∞ ≤ Ct−1/2 vtL2 ξ−2 W−1 2tWtv2 L2 ≤ Ct−5/4 v3H1,3 . 2.122 We apply Lemma 2.7 to find ξFU−tG u, i∂x −1 u2 − t−1 ξ−1/2 Ωξvt, ξV −1 2tξ3/2 Vtv2 v t, ξ 2y Φ t, ξ y 1 1/2 1/2 1/4 ξ 2y ≤ Ct−5/4 ξ y ξ 2y ξ y ξ 2y 2 ξ y L∞ L2 ξ y 3/2 3/2 ξ 2y v t, ξ 2y Φ ξ y t, ξ y 1 −5/4 Ct 3/4 ∂y ξ ξ 2y 2 ξ y ξ 2y ξ y Ct−5/4 v3H1,3 L∞ L2 ξ y ≤ Ct−5/4 vL∞ Φ1 H0,1/4 Φ1 L∞ vH0,1/4 vH0,1 v3H1,3 Φ1 H1,1/4 vH1,1 Φ1 H0,1/4 ∞ ∞ ≤ Ct−5/4 vH1,1 Φ1 H1,1/4 v3H1,3 2.123 since v t, ξ 2y Φ1 t, ξ y ξφ1 ξ, y ≡ √ . πit ξ ξ 2y 2 ξ y 2.124 By Lemma 2.2 we have Φ1 tH1,1/4 ≤ Cξ−3/4 ∂ξ V −1 2tξ3/2 Vtv2 L2 ≤ Cξ3/21/4γ ∂ξ Vtv2 2 Cξ3/2−3/4γ Vtv2 L L2 ≤ Cv2H1,2 . 2.125 We now write the representation for Ψt, ξ as Ψt, ξ ξ3/2 vt, ξV −1 2tξ3/2 Vtv2 2ξ2ξ 2ξ 2 ξΩξ|v| v R, 2.126 Advances in Mathematical Physics 29 where the remainder is R ξ−1/2 2ξΩξvt, ξ2ξ−1 × V −1 2t − 1 ξ3/2 Vtv2 ξ3/2 Vtv2 − v2 . 2.127 By the second estimate of Lemma 2.4 with β 5/4 and the first estimate of Lemma 2.4 with β 3/4, we obtain 2ξ−1 V −1 2t − 1 ξ3/2 Vtv2 L∞ ≤ Ct−1/4 ξ3/4 Vtv ∞ ξ2 ∂ξ Vtv 2 ξVtv2L4 L 2.128 L ≤ Ct−1/4 ξ3/4 Vt − 1φ ∞ vH1,2 Ct−1/4 v2H1,2 ≤ Ct−1/4 v2H1,2 L for all t ≥ 1. Also 1/2 Vtv2 − v2 ξ L∞ ≤ C ξ1/4 Vt − 1v L∞ ξ1/4 v ∞ ξ1/4 Vt − 1v L∞ L ≤ Ct−1/4 v2H1,2 . 2.129 Thus we find the estimate for the remainder Rt as RtL∞ ≤ Cξ−1/2 2ξΩξv ∞ 2ξ−1 V −1 2t − 1 ξ3/2 Vtv2 L∞ L Cξ−1/2 2ξΩξv ∞ ξ1/2 Vtv2 − v2 L L∞ ≤ Ct −1/4 2.130 v3H1,2 . Hence Ψt, ξ ξΩξ|v|2 v O t−1/4 v3H1,2 . Therefore the asymptotics of the lemma is true. Lemma 2.8 is proved. 2.131 30 Advances in Mathematical Physics 3. Proof of Theorem 1.1 We introduce the function space ! XT φ ∈ C 0, T ; L2 ; φXT < ∞ , 3.1 where φ sup t−γ φt 3 t−γ Jφt 1 t−3γ Jφt 2 t1/2 φt 1 , XT H H H H∞ t∈0,T 3.2 and γ > 0 is small. The local existence in the function space XT can be proved by a standard contraction mapping principle. We state it without a proof. Theorem 3.1. Let u0 ∈ H3,1 and the norm u0 H3,1 ε. Then there exist ε0 > 0 and T > 1 such that for all 0 < ε < ε0 the initial value problem 1.1 has a unique local solution u ∈ C0, T ; H3,1 with √ the estimate uXT < ε. Let us prove that the existence time T can be extended to infinity which then yields the result of Theorem 1.1. By contradiction, we assume that there exists a minimal time T > 0 √ √ such that the a priori estimate uXT < ε does not hold; namely, we have uXT ≤ ε. We apply the energy method to 1.14 Lu iλGu, u −2i|λ|2 Gu, i∂x −1 u2 , i.e., multiplying both sides of the above equation by i∂x 6 u iλGu, u, taking the real part, and integrating over the space to obtain d u iλGu, uH3 ≤ CG u, i∂x −1 u2 3 H dt ≤ Cu2H1∞ uH3 ≤ Cε 3/2 3.3 γ−1 t since by Lemma 2.1 G u, i∂x −1 u2 H3 ≤ CG ∂3x u, u2 2 CG u, ∂2x u2 2 CG ∂2x u, u2 L CG ∂x u, u2 L L2 ≤ Cu2H1∞ uH3 L2 3.4 √ √ √ and uH1∞ ≤ εt−1/2 , uH3 ≤ εtγ by the estimate uXT < ε. Hence by Theorem 3.1 γ we have u iλGu, uH3 ≤ Cεt and uH3 ≤ u iGu, uH3 Gu, uH3 ≤ Cεtγ CuH1∞ uH3 ≤ Cεtγ . 3.5 Advances in Mathematical Physics 31 Next we use the commutator relations x, i∂x α αi∂x α−2 ∂x , Pi∂x α αi∂x ∂x ∂t , ∂t u −ii∂x u ii∂x −1 u2 , and LP P − ii∂x −1 ∂x L, to get Lu iGu, u −2i|λ|2 Gu, i∂x −1 u2 . Hence α−2 LPu iλGu, u −2i|λ|2 PG u, i∂x −1 u2 2|λ|2 i∂x −1 ∂x G u, i∂x −1 u2 . 3.6 Then by the energy method i.e., multiplying both sides of the above equation by i∂x 4 Pu − Gu, u, taking the real part, and integrating over the space, by Lemma 2.1, using ∂t u −ii∂x u ii∂x −1 u2 , we obtain PG u, i∂x −1 u2 H2 ≤ CPuH2 ∂t uH2 u2H1∞ ≤ CPuH2 3.7 uH3 u2H1∞ . Hence d Pu iλGu, uH2 ≤ CPG u, i∂x −1 u2 2 CG u, i∂x −1 u2 2 H H dt ≤ CPuH2 uH3 u2H1∞ −1 3.8 γ−1 ≤ Cεt PuH2 Cε t 2 . Therefore by Theorem 3.1 it follows that PuH2 ≤ Cεtγ . 3.9 The energy estimate and the identity Lx xL − ii∂x −1 ∂x imply that d xu iλGu, uH2 ≤ CxG u, i∂x −1 u2 2 u iGu, uH2 H dt ≤ Cu2H1∞ xuH2 Cu2H1∞ uH2 Cεtγ 3.10 ≤ Cεt−1 xuH2 Cεtγ , which yields xuH2 ≤ Cεtγ1 . 3.11 32 Advances in Mathematical Physics Then by the identity J iP − ixL − i∂x −1 ∂x we obtain Ju iλGu, uH2 ≤ Pu iλGu, uH2 xLu iλGu, uH2 u iλGu, uH2 ≤ Cεtγ CxG u, i∂x −1 u2 2 H γ ≤ Cεt Cu2H1∞ xuH2 Cu2H1∞ uH2 ≤ Cεtγ . 3.12 We use Lemma 2.8 to obtain for the new variable vt eitξ u t, ξ 1 ξFU−tG u, i∂x −1 u2 ξΩξ|vt, ξ|2 vt, ξ O t−5/4 v3H1,3 t 3.13 for t ≥ 1 uniformly with respect to ξ ∈ R, where Ωξ ≡ ξ2 /2ξ2ξ 2ξ. Hence for the new function φ eitξ Fu iλGu, u we get 2 1 ∂t ξφ −2i|λ|2 ξΩξφt, ξ φt, ξ O t−5/4 ε3 t3γ t 3.14 in Lr , 2 ≤ r ≤ ∞. Then integrating, we obtain supt≥1 ξφtL∞ ≤ Cε. Hence supvtH0,1 ≤ Cε. ∞ 3.15 t≥1 By the decomposition of the free evolutions group we have the identity i∂x ut Dt MtBVt Dt WtξFeii∂x t ut Dt MtBξFeii∂x t ut Dt MtBξ−3/2 ξ3/2 Vt − 1 Dt Wt ξFeii∂x t ut. 3.16 By Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5 we find that the last term of the right-hand side of 3.16 is a remainder. Indeed we have the estimate utH1∞ ≤ CDt MtBξFeii∂x t ut L∞ Cεt−5/4 ξFeii∂x t ut ≤ Ct−1/2 supvtH0,1 Ct−5/4 JutH2 , ∞ H1,2 3.17 t≥1 which yields supt1/2 utH1∞ ≤ Cε. t≥1 3.18 Advances in Mathematical Physics 33 From 3.15 and 3.18 it follows that uXT ≤ Cε < √ 3.19 ε, which implies the desired contradiction. Thus there exists a unique global solution u ∈ C0, ∞; H3,1 to 1.1 with the time decay estimate. We now prove the asymptotics of solutions. By 3.14 as in the proof of Lemma 2.7 we have ψt − ψs 0,1 ψt − ψs 0,1 ≤ Cε3/2 H∞ H t τ γ−5/4 dτ ≤ Cε3/2 sγ−1/4 3.20 s with γ ∈ 0, 1/4, where 2 ψt ve−2i|λ| Ω|v| 2 log t 2 Feii∂x t ute−2i|λ| Ω|Fe ii∂x t 2 ut| log t . 3.21 0,1 such that Thus we see that there exists a unique final state ψ ∈ H0,1 ∞ ∩H ψt − ψ 0,1 ψt − ψ 0,1 ≤ Cε3/2 tγ−1/4 . H∞ H 3.22 We consider the asymptotics of the phase function Φt iΩ t |vτ|2 − |vt|2 1 dτ τ iΩ t 1 ψτ2 − ψt2 dτ . τ 3.23 By a direct calculation we have Φt − Φs iΩ t s 2 dτ 2 2 2 ψτ − ψt ψt − ψs log s , τ 3.24 where 1 < s < τ < t. Hence t ψτ − ψt 0,1 ψτ ∞ ψt ∞ dτ H∞ L L τ s ψs ∞ ψt ∞ log s Cψs − ψtH0,1 L L ∞ ≤C Φt − ΦsH0,1 ∞ ≤ Cε5/2 t 3.25 τ γ−5/4 dτ Cε5/2 sγ−1/4 log s, s from which it follows that there exists a unique real valued function Φ such that ≤ Cε3/2 tγ−1/4 . Φt − iΦ H0,1 ∞ 3.26 34 Advances in Mathematical Physics Similarly, we find Φt − iΦ H0,1 ≤ Cε3/2 tγ−1/4 . Therefore we have the asymptotics of the phase function t 2 dτ iΩ iΩ ψτ τ 1 t 2 dτ ii∂x t uτ Fe τ 1 2 2 2 iΦ iΩψ log t Φt − iΦ iΩ Feii∂x t ut − ψ log t. 3.27 We also find 2 Feii∂x t ut − ψ e2|λ| iΦ iΩ|ψ | 2 2 log t t 2 Feii∂x t ut − ψ e2|λ| iΩ 1 |ψτ| dτ/τ t 2 2 2 2 2 ψ e2|λ| iΩ 1 |ψτ| dτ/τ − e2|λ| iΦ 2|λ| iΩ|ψ | log t 2 t 2 t 2 3.28 2 ψte2|λ| iΩ 1 |ψt| dτ/τ − ψ e2|λ| iΩ 1 |ψτ| dτ/τ t 2 2 2 2 2 ψ e2|λ| iΩ 1 |ψτ| dτ/τ − e2|λ| iΦ 2|λ| iΩ|ψ | log t . Collecting these estimates, we obtain 2 2 2 ii∂x t ut − ψ e2|λ| iΦ 2|λ| iΩ|ψ | log t Fe H0,1 ≤ Cψt − ψ H0,1 Cψ H0,1 Φt − iΦ L2 ψ H0,1 ψt − ψ L∞ ψ L2 ψtL2 log t 3.29 ≤ Cε3/2 tγ−1/4 , and similarly 2 2 2 ii∂x t ut − ψ e2|λ| iΦ 2|λ| iΩ|ψ | log t Fe H0,1 ∞ ≤ Cε3/2 tγ−1/4 . 3.30 Therefore we have ii∂ t |2 log t Fe x ut − W eiΩ|W ≤ Cε3/2 tγ−1/4 , ii∂ t |2 log t Fe x ut − W eiΩ|W ≤ Cε3/2 tγ−1/4 , H0,1 H0,1 ∞ 3.31 Advances in Mathematical Physics 35 ψ exp2|λ|2 iΦ . 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