Forwarding Gmail to District 196 Email

Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools
Educating our students to reach their full potential
Forwarding Gmail to District 196 Email
Part of the District 196 Collaboration Station (Collab) deployment for
staff is Google’s email (Gmail). To avoid having to monitor two
separate email accounts, it is highly recommended that all staff
forward messages sent to their Gmail account to their district email account.
Logging into Collab
1. Go to
2. Log in using the username and
password you use to log into your
a. NOTE: If this is the first time
you are logging in, it may take
up to 24 hours for your
account to be fully provisioned
in Google’s system.
3. If you get the screen shown to the
right, click on the Get started with
5 GB free button. Otherwise, skip to next section.
Forwarding Gmail to District Email
1. Click on the Mail link in the upper-left corner
2. Click on the settings icon
in the upper-right
corner and choose Settings from the pull-down list. A new window will appear.
3. Click on the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab at the top to get the screen shown
on the next page.
Click on the Add a forwarding address button.
Enter the email address to which you want all messages forwarded and click Next.
Confirm the correct email address was entered and click Proceed.
Click OK to confirm that a verification email was sent to the email address.
Log into that email account (the one receiving the forwarded messages) and click
on the link provided in that message to verify you want messages forwarded.
District 196
Technology Support
Filename: Forwarding Gmail to District Email.docx
Created: 6/5/2012
Updated: 05/29/2012
Page: 1 of 2
9. A new browser window will open indicating the confirmation was successful. Close
that window and go back to the Settings window.
10. Refresh your browser by pressing the F5 key (Windows) or Command + R (Mac)
or clicking the refresh icon. You should now see your email address listed.
11. Be sure the Forward a copy of incoming mail option is selected.
12. Under the email address that appears, choose the option you prefer from the pulldown list. It is recommended to choose the delete Independent School District
196 Mail’s copy option to keep the Inbox of Gmail clean.
13. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the window.
Forwarding Mail to Multiple Accounts
Once you have the primary address added following the steps in the previous section, you
can add additional accounts to which Gmail will forward messages.
1. Repeat steps 4-10 above until all address appear in the pull-down list. (Each
account added must click on the confirmation link to appear in the list.)
2. Click on the Filters tab at the top.
3. Click on the Create a new filter link.
4. In the To line, enter the email address of the Gmail account originally receiving the
messages. It will be the Gmail account currently logged into ending in
5. Click on Create filter with this search link.
6. Click on the Forward it to: checkbox and select an address from the list to which
you want messages forwarded.
7. Click the Create filter button.
8. Repeat steps 3-7 for any additional addresses you would like added.
Log Out of Collab
1. Click on your email address which appears at the upper-right corner of the screen.
2. Click on the Sign Out button.
3. IMPORTANT: Close the browser to fully log out of the system. Otherwise, the
browser session remembers your login credentials and will let anyone using your
computer to access your Collab account.
District 196
Technology Support
Filename: Forwarding Gmail to District Email.docx
Created: 6/5/2012
Updated: 05/29/2012
Page: 2 of 2