a Instructo ors: Faculty and To see the students on n the waitlistt for a class: 1. Navigate N to Seelf-Service > Faculty F Centeer 2. Select the correct term. 3. Click C on the Class Roster iccon for the claass. 4. Change C the En nrollment Stattus to Waiting g and click thhe yellow channge button. 5. You Y can click the yellow Notify Listed Students S buttoon to e-mail aall students onn the waitlist. (N Note: Student ID D’s have been digitally removved from this sscreen shot.) Once students place themself t on a class wait liist, the system m will attemppt to add theem to the classs if a space beccomes availab ble (this proccess runs oncce per day, iff space becom mes availablee other studen nts will only be able to ad dd themselves to the waitllist until afteer the processs runs). Students will be notified via v their UMK KC email as to whether they t were addded to the claass. If studen nts wish to remove th hemself from m a wait list, they t should follow f the saame procedurre for dropping a class. If the system encountters one or more m registrattion errors w when attemptiing to add a student to th he class, an e-mail e notificcation will bee sent provid ding the registration errorr the system eencountered.. The system will w attempt to o add the nexxt person to the t wait list, but the studeent will not llose their possition on the waait list. Pleasee note that we w are not currrently able tto report morre than one rregistration eerror in the e-m mail notificatiion even if you have multiple registraation issues. P Possible regisstration errorrs: Time Conflict: If the student is enrolled for another class at the same time as the wait listed class, the automatic enrollment process will skip them. Max hours exceeded: If enrolling in the waitlisted class would put the student over their term credit hour limit (17 hours for most undergraduate students), the automatic enrollment process will skip them. Registration hold: If the student has a registration hold on their account, the automatic enrollment process will skip them. If the student no longer wishes to be enrolled in the course, they must drop the wait listed course via Pathway. Note that students are responsible for checking their schedule and dropping any courses they are not actually attending by the dates listed on the Academic Calendar. If the student has not been automatically added to the class by the first day of the term, the only option for adding the class is getting special permission from the instructor. The instructor will need to sign-off on an add/drop form and the student will need to bring it in-person to the Registration & Records office to add the course.