The Bulldog Bulletin

The Bulldog
Principal’s Corner
Dear Westview families,
During this season of school and
calendar year, there is much to
be thankful for. Our Westview focus of
being Bulldog STRONG includes recognizing
positive behaviors of Teamwork, Respect,
Ownership, Noble actions and Gratitude.
This month I would like to highlight some of
these in students, staff, parents and
We have just completed our first trimester
signaling a third of the year invested in
learning. Many of our accomplishments
across the school include:
relationships, forming classroom routines and
connections, identifying students’ strengths
and weaknesses, finalizing schedules for
student support services, reassessing students
in literacy and math, completing art projects,
learning team and individual sporting skills,
practicing and discovering musical concepts,
attending before and after-school classes
and of course, lots of reading. We are
practicing our Bulldog STRONG attributes of
teamwork, respect and ownership.
Important Dates—December 2015
Wed, Dec. 2
8:00 am
Band Rehearsal
Wed, Dec. 2
3:45-4:45 pm
Community Education After-School Classes
Thurs, Dec. 3
8:15 am
Grade 5 REACH Two-Steps Girls Group
Thurs, Dec. 3
Fri, Dec. 4
No School Today – Staff Development
Mon, Dec. 7
3:45-4:45 pm
Community Education After-School Classes
Wed, Dec. 9
8:00 am
Band Rehearsal
Wed, Dec. 9
3:45-4:45 pm
Community Education After-School Classes
Thurs, Dec. 10
8:15 am
Student Council Meeting
Thurs, Dec. 10
8:15 am
Grade 5 REACH Two-Steps Girls Group
Fri, Dec. 11
Report Cards go home with Students Today
Fri, Dec. 11
8:30-9:10 am
Before-School Achievers Classes
Mon, Dec. 14
3:45-4:45 pm
Community Education After-School Classes
Tues, Dec. 15
Family Network Committee Meeting
Tues, Dec. 15
5:00-8:00 pm
Dairy Queen Night; Apple Valley
Wed, Dec. 16
8:00 am
Band Rehearsal
Wed, Dec. 16
3:45-4:45 pm
Community Education After-School Classes
Thurs, Dec. 17
8:15 am
Grade 5 REACH Two-Steps Girls Group
Thurs, Dec. 17
8:30 am
Guys Read Book Club
Thurs, Dec. 17
6:30 pm
Grade 5 Band & Choir Concert
Our teachers are also continuously involved
with their learning to accommodate the
variety of student needs in our classrooms.
We have days of professional development
to learn from each other through
conversations and reflective questioning.
We are also fortunate to have a literacy
leadership team and math coaches guiding
our work. Grade level teams meet weekly
to discuss and plan for literacy and math
and special learning opportunities for
students. (teamwork, ownership, respect)
Fri, Dec. 18
Mon, Jan. 18
No School Today-Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Another huge factor in the educational
investment of our students is the number of
volunteers who give their time and talents to
enhance the Westview school experience.
So far this year, support has been offered in
the library, classrooms, book fairs,
fundraising, Spaghetti Dinner, Turkey Bingo
and more. We have some volunteers who
read with students, practice common words
they need to read and write, work with
number patterns , math vocabulary and
games, cut Box Tops, organize Geography
Bees, make the student directory, take
pictures for the yearbook, design and order
our Westview wear, teach Art Adventure
and weed our gardens. (teamwork, respect,
ownership, noble actions)
Thurs, Jan 21
Gr. 2 and Gr. 4 Music Concerts
Fri, Jan 22
No School Today-Data Analysis Day
Wed, Dec. 23
Bulldog Spirit Day-Wear your bulldog strong gear!
8:00 am
Band Rehearsal
Wed, Dec. 23
Student Council Spirit Day: Comfy Cozy Day
Mon, Dec. 24-Jan. 1
No School Today – Winter Break
Mon, Jan. 4
School Resumes Today!
Happy New Year and Welcome Back
Looking Ahead…..
When you hear the saying, “It
takes a village,” know it is true and
happening within our school walls.
As the principal of Westview, I am
sincerely appreciative and full of
In unison,
Tami Staloch-Shulz, Principal
The Westview Staff wish to thank the
PTO Hospitality Committee and the
many parents who brought entrees,
soups, salads, breads, desserts and
beverages for staff on November 4th
during parent and teacher conferences.
appreciate your generosity and it made our
conference day warm and delicious.
D E CE MBE R 201 5
School Closing
Front Lot is for
Busses Only
When District 196 schools or activities
are closed or starting late because of
severe weather or other emergencies,
the information is shared with the
public in the following ways:
Please remember that the front lot is
for bus drop off only from 9:00am 9:25am each morning. If you need
to drop off your child, please use the
back door drop-off circle north of the
 A call using the District
196 School Connects
 On the District web site
 On the District information line at
 On WCCO-AM radio (830), KDHLAM (920) radio and the following
TV stations: WCCO, KSTP, KMSP
and KARE
Decisions about delaying or canceling
school for the day are made by 5:30
Emergency Contact
Info Needed!!
For the safety and care of your
children, please update your child’s
contact information and emergency
contact each year.
This includes all phone numbers,
emergency contact phone numbers or
addresses, and any updated doctor
or health-related information. This is
vital information that we will need if
your child becomes hurt or ill at school
or if there is a building emergency.
Updates can made online through
your SchoolView account or by
stopping in the front office.
Thank you for helping keep our
students and our school safe!
Back Door Drop Off &
Pick Up Area
With snowier weather
here, the already busy
back door drop-off
area has become even
more congested.
ensure the safety of students and to
keep traffic moving, please …
Have your child enter/exit your
vehicle once you are next to the
yellow curb.
Do not cut into an open spot, wait
your turn in line.
Drive slowly and have patience!
Respect others who are entering or
exiting the back door driveway. You
are a role model for our future
At 3:50, all students who are still
waiting for a ride will be brought into
the office. If snowy traffic is making
you late, phone the school office at
952-431-8380. Your child will be
waiting in the office.
Your cooperation is greatly
A Note is Required For Changes Going Home
If you are making a change as to how your child is getting home from school,
a note is required! For example, if your child normally rides the bus, but
instead is being picked up at the back door, the classroom teacher must have
a note from you stating this change. If there isn’t a note, the child will be
sent home as per the usual manner. This helps to ensure your child’s safety.
Calling In Absences
Please call the school if
your child is going to be
absent or tardy for any
reason. It is especially
important that you alert
the school if your child is home with a
communicable disease. This would
include lice, strep, influenza, pink eye,
whooping cough, chicken pox, scabies
or fifth’s disease. A letter is sent
home from the nurse if a child is
diagnosed with one of these diseases.
This will help other parents to keep a
watchful eye on their own children in
that same class.
Comfy Cozy Day
Wednesday, December 23 is Comfy
Cozy Day! Students may wear comfy
clothing such as flannel pants,
sweatshirts, slippers, etc.
Students may also bring a small
stuffed animal BUT NO BLANKETS OR
PILLOWS. Be sure to wear outdoor
clothing, coat, hat, mittens and boots
for recess.
New Band Director
Welcome Mr. Eliason!
Westview has a new band
director. Mr. Taylor
November 23. Mr. Eliason
is a graduate from District
196 and St. Cloud State University
and he has worked in Grand Rapids,
Hopkins, St. Paul and assisted the
Rosemount High School Marching Band
during the summer.
We are excited to welcome him to our
Westview community! Mr. Eliason will
be Echo Park and Southview as well.
Our former and director, Marcia Holt,
retired at the beginning of November.
Mr. Eliason will be working on lessons
with band students
on Monday
afternoons and Wednesdays in
addition to full band practice from
8 am - 9 am.
Under the Federal No Child Left Behind law, parents have the right to ask for certain information about their child’s
classroom teachers and requires the District to give parents this information in a timely manner if they ask for it.
Specifically, parents have the right to ask for the following information about each of their child’s classroom teachers:
Whether the Department of Education has licensed or qualified the teacher for the grades and
subjects he or she teachers.
Whether the Department of Education has decided that the teacher can teach in a classroom without
being licensed or qualified under state regulations because of special circumstances.
The teacher’s college major; whether the teacher has any advance degrees and, if so, the subject of
the degrees.
If you would like to receive any of this information, please call Tom Pederstuen, Director of Human Resources at 651423-7859.
Winter in MN: Dress
for the Weather!
Trimester One
Ends Dec. 3
Turkey Bingo was a
Gobbling Success!
Kids need to have physical
activity to increase
One way of
ensuring that our kids are
prepared to learn is to provide fresh
air and activity during a recess
period. We go outside for recess
every day unless:
Trimester One ends on December 3
and report cards will be coming
home in your child’s backpack on
Friday, December 11.
Thank you to our PTO
for providing prizes for
each child who played
Turkey Bingo last
month. Thank you also
to the many volunteers who helped
organize and staff this fun event.
Mrs. Staloch-Schultz and Mr. Mark
Lovmo were wonderful Bingo Callers
and joke tellers.
 It is raining
 The wind chill is below zero
 There are winds exceeding 30 mph
With this in mind, please send your
child prepared to go outside every
day. Mittens, boots, snow pants and
warm coats are stylish at Westview.
These articles will ensure that your
child is warm and comfortable while
they are active during recess.
If you have any questions about your
child’s report card, please do not
hesitate to contact your child’s
Parents can access the full Bulldog Bulletin on our website at If you do not have access to a computer
and would like a printed copy of the newsletter, please let your child’s
teacher know and we will send one home.
Thurs, Dec. 24—Fri, Jan. 1