WESTVIEW ELEMENTARY SC HOOL SEPT 201 5 The Bulldog The BulldogBulletin Bulletin Editor: Heidi Editor: Shawnessy Schwartz Editor: Heidi LarsonLarson thebulldogbulletin@yahoo.com thebulldogbulletin@yahoo.com thebulldogbulletin@yahoo.com Important Dates—Sept 2015 Principal’s Corner Mon, Sept. 14 4:00 pm PTO/Site Council Meeting - All are welcome! Tues, Sept. 15 8:30-9:00 am Grade 5 Bulldog Breakfast with Families Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year at Westview! We are just a few days into the school year with students in the building and the positive energy is contagious. I am grateful to have the role of being the principal at Westview and to be working with the staff, students and families in creating the best learning environment we can. As we work together, let’s be intentional in our conversations and our actions towards the good of the whole school. Our focus for this school year is showing RESULTS. We look forward to working as a team with parents to continue the education and emotional growth of our students into leaders of tomorrow. Wed, Sept. 16 6:30-7:30 pm Grade 1 Parent Curriculum Meeting Thank you for helping us start off the school year strong by bringing your child(ren) into school during our assessment days. This allows us that first personal connection and to collect important information from both you and the students. We are working on multiple ways to effectively communicate with you including this condensed newsletter. We also strongly encourage you to sign up for our Backpack OnLine so you receive updates, frequent news from specialists and timely notices and reminders about school events and happenings. Many teachers may also use emails or weekly/ monthly calendars to keep you informed. In addition, this year students in 4th and 5th grade will also use a student planner to facilitate organization, communication, responsibility and character development. Many of us as adults live by our calendar to plan our lives and so we are encouraging this tool for our students and our parents as a natural way for you to have a connection to the student day. Please look at page 33 in our Westview Calendar Handbook for many other ways information is communicated. Finally, we also encourage you to attend PTO meetings which are held monthly on the 2nd Monday of each month beginning at 4:00 in the library. PTO is a wonderful way to be connected with our school. Thurs, Oct. 1 Dear Parents/Guardians: Safety is always a concern for schools and students. We will only have one door open during the school day once students are in and need all visitors to check in at the office. Our staff will be easy to identify by our district identification badges and visitor badges will be on lanyards in the office for similar ease. Now that your child knows the routine, it’s time to let them enter the school themselves. It will not be necessary for you to walk your children to class or breakfast after next week as we need them to be able to understand the routine. There is supervision in the hallways and cafeteria and we want to foster independence skills. Thurs, Sept. 17 Chip Shoppe Sales Kick-Off Fri, Sept. 18 8:15-9:00 am Grade 2 Parent Curriculum Meeting Tues, Sept. 22 8:15-9:15 am Family Network Committee Meeting Tues, Sept. 22 8:30-9:00 am Grade 4 Bulldog Breakfast with Families Tues, Sept. 22 5:00-8:00 pm Apple Valley Dairy Queen Night Thurs, Sept. 24 8:30 am Guys Read Book Club Fri, Sept. 25 Tues, Sept. 29 Westview Student Council Spirit Day 8:30-9:00 am Grade 3 Bulldog Breakfast with Families Looking Ahead to October … 8:15 am Mon, Oct. 5 Tues, Oct. 6 Student Council Meeting Chip Shoppe Sales Orders Due 8:30-9:00 am Grade 2 Bulldog Breakfast with Families Wed, Oct. 7 International Walk & Bike to School Day Thurs, Oct. 8 Lifetouch Fall Picture Day Fri, Oct. 9 NO SCHOOL-Data Analysis Day Mon, Oct. 12 4:00 pm PTO/Site Council Meeting - All are welcome! Tues, Oct. 13 8:30-9:00 am Grade 1 Bulldog Breakfast with Families Tues, Oct. 13 5:00-8:00 pm Family Network Chianti Grill Spaghetti Dinner Wed, Oct. 14 8:00 am FIRST Band Rehearsal Thurs, Oct 15 & Fri, Oct 16 NO SCHOOL—Teacher’s Convention Tues, Oct. 20 Grade K Bulldog Breakfast with Families 8:30-9:00 am We are excited to welcome many new staff members to our Westview community: Christine Lema Christina McDonald Jodie Classen Betsy Wallin Heidi Mullin Ian Gorton Laurel Engquist Erin Logan Shawnessy Schwartz Kim O’Brien Carla Knutson AM third grade teacher sharing a classroom with Patty Peetsch 5th grade teacher 3-5 CIP teacher (returning after a 4 year leave) 1-2 CIP teacher .5 Resource teacher (shared with Parkview) Art specialist Reading Recovery and Title 1 EL teacher 10 month secretary Food Service Manager Evening custodian (4 hour) I look forward to connecting with your over the next few weeks during our Bulldog Breakfast mornings, grade level curriculum meetings and PTO/Site Council meetings. This is going to be an awesome year. Respectfully, Tami Staloch-Schultz, Principal S E PT E MBE R 2015 P AGE 2 Fall Conferences Fall conferences will take place on Wednesday, November 4 from 4:008:00 pm and Thursday, November 5 from 12:00-8:00 pm for all kindergarten through grade 5 students. All students will have school on Wednesday, November 5. There will be no school on Friday, November 6. Sign-ups for conferences will be similar to sign-ups for Summer Assessments. Please watch for more information which will be going out to parents in October. Calling In Absences Please call the school at 952-431-8380 if your child is going to be absent or tardy for any reason. It is especially important that you alert the school if your child is home with a communicable disease. This would include lice, strep, pertussis, influenza, pink eye, chicken pox, scabies or fifth’s disease. This will help other parents to keep a watchful eye on their own children in that same class. The Bulldog Bulletin Each family will receive a condensed paper copy of the monthly newsletter; it is sent home with the youngest child. Each issue will include upcoming dates and events, an article from our Principal and other timely information that we feel is important to most Westview families. Please consider signing up for our Backpack On-Line Emails. You will receive additional information from grade levels and other happenings at our school. Please go to the Westview Web Site: http://www.district196.org/wv and look under the Parent Resources tab. Use the drop down tab to sign up for these weekly emails. Backdoor Drop-off/Pickup Congestion News! Student Drop-Off & Pick-Up Area We listened to you as parents and we listened to the neighbors about the traffic concerns on Garden View Drive at dismissal time. It started with a few of the neighbors contacting the City of Apple Valley to find out what could be done to keep the traffic flowing smoothly on Garden View Drive between 3:00PM and 4:00PM during the school year. So the process began. At the end of last October, the city came and observed and studied the situation. The city also met with each of the homeowners along a portion of Garden View Drive and Westview’s principal, Tami StalochSchultz. Finally, Dave Bennett, P.E. Assistant City Engineer, recommended a three-part plan that was presented to the City of Apple Valley Traffic Safety Advisory Committee and was approved by the City Council in January. Please follow the guidelines below when dropping off or picking up students in the back of Westview. We realize the lines of vehicles can be long at times, especially on inclement weather days, however, your PATIENCE is the key to making the flow of traffic run smoothly. Keeping students safe is our #1 priority in this congested area. Pease follow these guidelines to help us with this process: The plan is as follows: 1. No parking from 3-4 p.m. on the west side of Garden View Drive (This will be implemented from Walnut Lane to 144th Street). 2. A loading zone on the east side of Garden View Drive adjacent to the school (Garden View Drive lane marking was redone to paint a right turn lane along the school property) and signs that say, Do Not Block Entrance were installed. 3. The north entrance where the drop off / pickup occurs, will provide lane marking and arrows that delineate one entrance lane and two exit lanes (a right and left turn lane) In addition, we have noticed parent traffic entering the parking lot in our exit only lane. This is a traffic violation and safety concern. This is near the stop sign and crosswalk and very dangerous for our students and busses. Please use the north entrance for all parent pick-up and drop off in the morning and afternoon. The other parking lot is only for busses during the time of 9:00-9:25 and 3:303:50 daily. Thank you for your partnership in keeping our children safe during these busy times of day. Pull your vehicle ahead as far around the sidewalk as possible. Have your child exit/enter your vehicle from the curb side only. Do not let children get out of our get into your vehicle until you are parked next to the yellow curb. DO NOT leave your vehicle unattended. Please do not pick-up or drop off your child on Garden View Drive. This is not a designated or safe area. Finally, drive slowly and have patience! We as adults serve as role models for our children and future drivers. Respect others who are entering or exiting the area. What’s a Bulldog Breakfast? Bulldog Breakfast with Families is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet and connect with other families in your child’s grade level. Each grade level is host to one Tuesday morning in September or October from 8:30-9:00 a.m. A light breakfast is provided to everyone in your family while you mingle with other parents and children. The menu is usually a variety of cereal, breads and pastries, milk, coffee and juice. Donations are accepted but not required. This is the fifth year of hosting this community building event which has been successful. Who else will be there? Teachers ~ classroom, art, music, phy. ed., library, resource, Title I, EL, Speech, GT/YS and other specialized staff; Wesley our mascot; custodians, food service and even office staff. Look for invites and reminders from your child’s teacher as your morning approaches. All dates are noted on the front page of this newsletter and in our Westview Calendar Handbook. We hope to see you there. T HE B U LLD O G B U LLE T IN P AGE 3 Valley Natural Foods Health & Wellness Night UPDATE The Valley Natural Foods Health & Wellness Family Night on Tuesday, September 29 has been cancelled. Due to some new staffing at Valley Natural Foods, the event has been postponed and will be rescheduled at a later date. Look for a new date in an upcoming Bulldog Bulletin! Bond Referendum Addresses Safety, Space and Technology Needs Our school district is conducting an important bond referendum election this fall to address facilities and equipment needs at Westview Elementary and all 32 other schools and learning centers in District 196. It has been more than 10 years since the last bond referendum election in District 196, in 2004. A lot has changed since then in terms of expectations for school security, our needs for learning space and the importance of technology as a learning tool. The annual funding for technology that our district received from the 2004 bond referendum expired last year, leaving the district with no dedicated source of funding for ongoing technology needs. Safety and Security The proposed improvements to safety and security align with recommendations of the District Emergency Team, which conducted a comprehensive review of safety procedures and building security following the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012. As a result of that review, the team developed and implemented new safety procedures for building intruder scenarios, conducted police-led training at every school and recommended the following security improvements that are included in the referendum: -Modified entrances at all schools to improve control of visitor access; -Upgraded security equipment in all schools (cameras, exterior door controls and emergency response buttons), and -Improved pedestrian safety and traffic management at 16 sites with identified needs. Space for Learning A review of enrollment projections and building capacity for every school in the district revealed growing pressure for additional space at the elementary level due to the addition of full-day kindergarten last year; the expansion of targeted, school-based preschool for students with the greatest need, and housing growth in the southern part of the district. The proposed improvements include: A new elementary school to relieve overcrowding and free up space at existing elementary schools; Additions to the elementary magnet schools to relieve overcrowding and increase school-choice options; Expanded and renovated space for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education at all six middle schools, Cedar Park Elementary STEM School and Apple Valley High School, and Renovation of substandard space and replacement of worn-out student furniture to meet district standards. Technology for Learning Proposed technology improvements are intended to provide all students with a dynamic learning experience that is enhanced by technology. They include: Increasing access to technology by providing a district-owned device to all students in grades 4-12 (phased in over three years) and a 3to-1 student-to-computer ratio for pre-K through grade 3, and Upgrading technology infrastructure district wide (telephone system, WIFI capacity and interactive classroom technology). If approved, the referendum would cost the owner of the average-value home in District 196 approximately $12 per month. The school district portion of local property taxes on the average-value home is less this year than it was seven years ago in 2008. The bond referendum and School Board election will be held Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2015. Voters can cast their ballot that day or can vote early by absentee ballot. For voting information and short videos about the bond referendum, go to www.District196.org/Bond2015 or call the bond referendum information line at 651-423-7776. S E PT E MBE R 20 15 P AGE 4 Westview is Bulldog STRONG! Our Westview school community is reflecting some powerful positive behaviors based on a set of expectations called Bulldog STRONG. Our staff has committed to using common language around positive behaviors in all areas of our school and encouraging and reinforcing these across the building. Students are learning and being reminded about these in their classrooms and through specialists. We have a school chant and school song that we are promoting to further build Westview Bulldog STRONG. Other recognitions for students include earning blue tickets for witnessed actions, wall of fame and classroom celebrations. We will be expanding on the acronym STRONG in clarifying the character traits of each letter during the school year in purposeful ways so ask your child(ren) about this throughout the year. Strong mind, strong body, strong character all year long! Teachers, Clerical and Paraprofessional Substitutes Needed Westview is always looking for qualified substitute teachers, paraprofessionals and clerical support. If you have a teaching degree, you may qualify to be a substitute teacher. Paraprofessionals and clerical staff work with students in a classroom setting or assist staff and students in various ways. Please visit the District website at district196.org and look under Employment. There are several orientation meetings taking place this fall to get you prepared. They are listed under each employment category on the website. School Picture Day—October 8th Picture Day will be held on Thursday, October 8th. Lifetouch Portrait Studios will be here to photograph students. Watch for information coming home towards the end of September! Picture retake day is scheduled for Wednesday, November 511h. This November date is for students who were either absent on the original October 8th picture day or for students who would like to have their portraits retaken. Group photos of the 5th grade band, student council officers and patrols will also be taken on this November date.