Literacy in District 196 Elementary Schools

Literacy in District 196 Elementary Schools
Literacy instruction in District 196 is built on a constructivist learning theory (learners construct meaning
together). It is a data driven approach to learning and teaching, for all age levels. In this model, students
learn to be managed independent learners while researching in genre led inquiry web units. These units
provide an opportunity for learners to discover how the structure of text impacts the decisions writers
make. The inquiry web units also integrate science, social studies and health content while leading by
Students analyze and critique the craft of multiple authors, illustrators & researchers over the course of
the year. As students write within each genre of study, they too make decisions as writers, taking on the
craft of some of the authors, illustrators, & researchers they have studied. Students share their learning
daily with their classroom community. Sharing comes in many forms including: sharing their
research/discoveries, reading a piece of writing, reader’s theater, reading a passage/book to the class,
teaching a concept to the class that was learned during guided practice – individually or as a small group,
Spelling is part of a systematic word study program that integrates both HFW and phonetic “spelling”.
Students take on the word study continuum, which begins with initial and final sounds and goes all the
way through syllabication and Greek and Latin roots. Students are learning how words work. This
Literacy model provides individualized instruction based on data driven decision-making. The focus is
building on what the child knows and extending with what the child needs. It’s an exciting opportunity
for students and teachers to go deeper with their learning while sharing their thinking with their classroom