Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Difference Equations Volume 2011, Article ID 424809, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2011/424809 Review Article On the Generalized q-Genocchi Numbers and Polynomials of Higher-Order C. S. Ryoo,1 T. Kim,2 J. Choi,2 and B. Lee3 1 Department of Mathematics, Hannam University, Daejeon 306-791, Republic of Korea Division of General Education-Mathematics, Kwangwoon University, Seoul 139-701, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Wireless Communications Engineering, Kwangwoon University, Seoul 139-701, Republic of Korea 2 Correspondence should be addressed to T. Kim, tkkim@kw.ac.kr Received 10 August 2010; Accepted 18 February 2011 Academic Editor: Roderick Melnik Copyright q 2011 C. S. Ryoo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We first consider the q-extension of the generating function for the higher-order generalized Genocchi numbers and polynomials attached to χ. The purpose of this paper is to present a systemic study of some families of higher-order generalized q-Genocchi numbers and polynomials attached to χ by using the generating function of those numbers and polynomials. 1. Introduction As a well known definition, the Genocchi polynomials are defined by ∞ tn 2t xt Gxt , |t| < π, e e G x n n! et 1 n0 1.1 where we use the technical method’s notation by replacing Gn x by Gn x, symbolically, see 1, 2. In the special case x 0, Gn Gn 0 are called the nth Genocchi numbers. From the definition of Genocchi numbers, we note that G1 1, G3 G5 G7 · · · 0, and even coefficients are given by G2n 21 − 22n B2n 2nE2n−1 0 see 3, where Bn is a Bernoulli number and En x is an Euler polynomial. The first few Genocchi numbers for 2, 4, 6, . . . are −1, 1, −3, 17, −155, 2073, . . .. The first few prime Genocchi numbers are given by G6 −3 and G8 17. It is known that there are no other prime Genocchi numbers with n < 105 . For a real or complex parameter α, the higher-order Genocchi polynomials are defined by α ∞ tn 2t α xt e G x 1.2 n n! et 1 n0 2 Advances in Difference Equations α α see 1, 4. In the special case x 0, Gn Gn 0 are called the nth Genocchi numbers 1 of order α. From 1.1 and 1.2, we note that Gn Gn . For d ∈ N with d ≡ 1mod 2, let χ be the Dirichlet character with conductor d. It is known that the generalized Genocchi polynomials attached to χ are defined by 2t d−1 χa−1a eat edt 1 a0 ext ∞ tn Gn,χ x n! n0 1.3 see 1. In the special case x 0, Gn,χ Gn,χ 0 are called the nth generalized Genocchi numbers attached to χ see 1, 4–6. For a real or complex parameter α, the generalized higher-order Genocchi polynomials attached to χ are also defined by 2t d−1 χa−1a eat edt 1 α a0 α ext ∞ α Gn,χ x n0 tn n! 1.4 α see 7. In the special case x 0, Gn,χ Gn,χ 0 are called the nth generalized Genocchi 1 numbers attached to χ of order α see 1, 4–9. From 1.3 and 1.4, we derive Gn,χ Gn,χ . Let us assume that q ∈ C with |q| < 1 as an indeterminate. Then we, use the notation 1 − qx . 1−q xq 1.5 The q-factorial is defined by nq ! nq n − 1q · · · 2q 1q , 1.6 and the Gaussian binomial coefficient is also defined by n k q nq ! n − kq !kq ! nq n − 1q · · · n − k 1q 1.7 kq ! see 5, 10. Note that lim n q→1 k n k q nn − 1 · · · n − k 1 . k! 1.8 It is known that n1 k q n k−1 q q k n k q q n1−k n k−1 q n k q , 1.9 Advances in Difference Equations 3 see 5, 10. The q-binomial formula are known that x−y n q x−y x − qy · · · x − q n−1 y n n i0 i i q 2 −1i xn−i yi , q ∞ nl−1 1 n x − y x − qy · · · x − qn−1 y x−y q l l0 1 1.10 x n−l l y, q see10, 11. There is an unexpected connection with q-analysis and quantum groups, and thus with noncommutative geometry q-analysis is a sort of q-deformation of the ordinary analysis. Spherical functions on quantum groups are q-special functions. Recently, many authors have studied the q-extension in various areas see 1–15. Govil and Gupta 10 have introduced a new type of q-integrated Meyer-König-Zeller-Durrmeyer operators, and their results are closely related to the study of q-Bernstein polynomials and q-Genocchi polynomials, which are treated in this paper. In this paper, we first consider the q-extension of the generating function for the higher-order generalized Genocchi numbers and polynomials attached to χ. The purpose of this paper is to present a systemic study of some families of higher-order generalized q-Genocchi numbers and polynomials attached to χ by using the generating function of those numbers and polynomials. 2. Generalized q-Genocchi Numbers and Polynomials For r ∈ N, let us consider the q-extension of the generalized Genocchi polynomials of order r attached to χ as follows: r Fq,χ t, x ⎛ ⎞ r ∞ r tn r ⎝ χ mj ⎠−1 j1 mj exm1 ···mr q t Gn,χ,q x . 2 t n! m1 ,...,mr 0 n0 j1 r r ∞ 2.1 Note that r lim Fq,χ t, x q→1 2t d−1 r χa−1a eat edt 1 a0 r ext . 2.2 r By 2.1 and 1.4, we can see that limq → 1 Gn,χ,q x Gn,χ x. From 2.1, we note that r r r G0,χ,q x G1,χ,q x · · · Gr−1,χ,q x 0, ⎞ ⎛ r r ∞ r Gnr,χ,q x ⎝ χ mj ⎠−1 j1 mj x m1 · · · mr n . 2r nr q r! m1 ,...,mr 0 j1 r 2.3 4 Advances in Difference Equations r r In the special case x 0, Gn,χ,q Gn,χ,q 0 are called the nth generalized q-Genocchi numbers of order r attached to χ. Therefore, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.1. For r ∈ N, one has r Gnr,χ,q nr r 2 r! r ∞ r m1 ,...,mr 0 χmi −1 r j1 mj m1 · · · mr nq . 2.4 i1 Note that r 2 r ∞ m1 ,...,mr 0 χmi −1 i1 2r 1−q n j1 mj m1 · · · mr nq ⎛ ⎞ r a r −ql i1 i ⎝ χ aj ⎠ −1 r . 1 qld a1 ,...,ar 0 j1 n n l l0 r d−1 l 2.5 Thus we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 2.2. For r ∈ N, we have r Gnr,χ,q nr r r! 2r 1−q n l0 l ⎛ ⎞ r a r −ql i1 i l ⎝ ⎠ χ aj −1 r 1 qld a1 ,...,ar 0 j1 n n d−1 n r d−1 r ∞ r mr−1 m a r i 2 χai ai md . −1 i1 −1 m m0 a1 ,...,ar 0 i1 i1 q 2.6 For h ∈ Z and r ∈ N, one also considers the extended higher-order generalized h, q-Genocchi polynomials as follows: h,r Fq,χ t, x 2 t r r ∞ q r j1 h−jmj m1 ,...,mr 0 ∞ tn h,r Gn,χ,q x . n! n0 r r x rj1 mj t q χmi −1 j1 mj e i1 2.7 Advances in Difference Equations 5 From 2.7, one notes that h,r h,r h,r G0,χ,q x G1,χ,q x · · · Gr−1,χ,q x 0, h,r r ∞ r r Gnr,χ,q x h−jm r j 2 q j1 χmi −1 j1 mj x m1 · · · mr nq nr r r! m1 ,...,mr 0 i1 ⎛ ⎞ r d−1 n r r n 2 ⎝ χ aj ⎠q j1 h−jaj −1a1 ···ar qla1 ···ar qlx −1l n 1 − q l0 l a1 ,...,ar 0 j1 ∞ × r −1m1 ···mr qdm1 ···mr d m1 ,...,mr 0 r 2 1−q n l n n l qlx −1 d−1 j1 h−jmj a1 ,...,ar 0 r j1 χ aj −qdh−rl ; q l0 q r j1 h−jaj −ql rj1 ai , r 2.8 where −x; qr 1 x1 xq · · · 1 xqr−1 . Therefore, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.3. For h ∈ Z, r ∈ N, one has h,r Gnr,χ,q x nr r r! ∞ 2 r q r j1 h−jmj m1 ,...,mr 0 2r 1−q h,r G0,χ,q x n r l n n l −qx χmi −1 i1 d−1 a1 ,...,ar 0 j1 mj r j1 χ aj ··· h,r Gr−1,χ,q x x m1 · · · mr nq −qdh−rl ; q l0 h,r G1,χ,q x r q r j1 h−jaj −ql rj1 ai , 2.9 r 0. Note that 1 −qdh−rl ; q 1 1 qdh−rl r ∞ mr−1 m0 m −1m qdh−rlm . 2.10 q By 2.10, one sees that r n nl −1l qlx i1 ai dh−rl n ;q r −q 1 − q l0 ∞ n r n mr−1 1 m dh−rm −1 q −1l qlx i1 ai dm n m 1 − q l0 l m0 q 1 ∞ mr−1 m0 m m dh−rm −1 q q r x ai dm i1 n . q 2.11 6 Advances in Difference Equations By 2.10 and 2.11, we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 2.4. For h ∈ Z, r ∈ N, we have h,r Gnr,χ,q x nr r r! 2 r ∞ mr−1 m m0 d−1 m dh−rm −1 q ⎛ ⎞ n r r r h−ja j ⎝ χ aj ⎠q j1 x ai dm a1 ,...,ar 0 q i1 j1 q 2.12 By 2.7, we can derive the following corollary. Corollary 2.5. For h ∈ Z, r, d ∈ N with d ≡ 1 mod 2, we have h−1,r−1 q dh−1 h,r h,r d−1 Gnr−1,χ,q Gnr,χ,q x d Gnr,χ,q x nr 2 χl−1l nr−1 , nr r! r! r − 1! l0 r r r−1 h,r Gnr1,χ,q x h1,r Gnr,χ,q x q−1 qx nr r! r h,r 2.13 Gnr,χ,q x nr . nr1 r! r! r r For h r in Theorem 2.3, we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 2.6. For r ∈ N, one has 2r r,r Gnr,χ,q x 1−q n n n l0 −q l ⎛ ⎞ r r q j1 r−jaj laj −1a1 ···ar ⎝ χ aj ⎠ dl −q ; q r a1 ,...,ar 0 j1 d−1 x l ⎛ ⎞ n r d−1 r ∞ r m r − 1 m r j1 r−jaj ⎝ ⎠ q x ai dm . 2 χ aj −1 m m0 a1 ,...,ar 0 i1 j1 q q 2.14 In particular, r,r Gnr,χ,q−1 r − x nr r r! r,r G x n n 2r nr,χ,q . −1 q nr r! r 2.15 Let x r in Corollary 2.6. Then one has r,r Gnr,χ,q−1 nr r r! r,r G r n n 2r nr,χ,q . −1 q nr r! r 2.16 Advances in Difference Equations 7 Let w1 , w2 , . . . , wr ∈ Q . Then, one has defines Barnes’ type generalized q-Genocchi polynomials attached to χ as follows: r Fq,χ t, x ∞ | w 1 , w 2 , . . . , wr 2 t r r r m1 ,...,mr 0 χmi −1m1 ···mr ex r j1 w j m j q t i1 2.17 ∞ tn r Gn,χ,q x | w1 , w2 , . . . , wr . n! n0 By 2.17, one sees that r Gnr,χ,q x | w1 , . . . , wr nr r r! r ∞ 2r m1 ,...,mr 0 χmi −1 r ⎡ j1 mj ⎣ x r j1 i1 ⎤n w j mj ⎦ . 2.18 q It is easy to see that ∞ 2r r m1 ,...,mr 0 ⎡ ⎤n r x w j mj ⎦ χmi −1 m1 ···mr ⎣ j1 i1 q r r l d−1 r n j1 aj l j1 wi ai n l −qx χ a q −1 r j ,...,a 0 a j1 1 r 2 . n 1 qdlw1 · · · 1 qdlwr 1 − q l0 2.19 Therefore, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 2.7. For r ∈ N, w1 , w2 , . . . , wr ∈ Q , one has r Gnr,χ,q x | xw1 , w2 , . . . , wr nr r r! ∞ 2 r r m1 ,...,mr 0 χmi −1 r j1 mj x w1 m1 · · · wr mr nq i1 r r l d−1 r n j1 aj l n l −qx χ a q i1 wi ai −1 j ,...,a 0 a j1 1 r 2 . n 1 qdlw1 · · · 1 qdlwr 1 − q l0 2.20 r References 1 L.-C. Jang, K.-W. Hwang, and Y.-H. 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