Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Difference Equations Volume 2009, Article ID 567329, 14 pages doi:10.1155/2009/567329 Research Article Antiperiodic Boundary Value Problem for Second-Order Impulsive Differential Equations on Time Scales Yepeng Xing, Qiong Wang, and De Chen Department of Applied Mathematics, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China Correspondence should be addressed to Yepeng Xing, ypxing-jason@hotmail.com Received 3 April 2009; Accepted 20 July 2009 Recommended by Alberto Cabada We prove the existence results for second-order impulsive differential equations on time scales with antiperiodic boundary value conditions in the presence of classical fixed point theorems. Copyright q 2009 Yepeng Xing et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction and Preliminaries Many evolution processes are characterized by the fact that at certain moments of time they experience a change of state abruptly. Consequently, it is natural to assume that these perturbations act instantaneously, that is, in the form of impulses. It is known that many biological phenomena involving threshold, bursting rhythm models in medicine and biology, optimal control models in economics, pharmacokinetics, and frequency modulated systems do exhibit impulse effects. The branch of modern applied analysis known as “impulsive” differential equations provides a natural framework to mathematically describe the aforementioned jumping processes. The reader is referred to monographs 1–4 and references therein for some nice examples and applications to the above areas. The study of dynamic equations on time scales goes back to Stefan Hilger 5. Now it is still a new area of fairly theoretical exploration in mathematics. In the recent years, there has been much progress on the qualitative properties of dynamic systems on time scales, see 6, 7. However, there is not so much work on antiperiodic boundary value problems for differential equations on time scales except that in 8 by Cabada In 9–12, the authors studied antiperiodic boundary value problem for ordinary differential equations without impulses, while in 13–18 the authors considered antiperiodic boundary value problem for impulsive differential equations. In this paper, we study two types of second-order impulsive 2 Advances in Difference Equations differential equations with antiperiodic boundary value conditions on time scales. Firstly, we use Schauder’s fixed point theorem to study the existence results of the following boundary value problem: −xΔΔ t f t, xt, xΔ t , x t k xtk Ik xtk , t ∈ 0, T \ Ω : {t1 , t2 , . . . , tm }, xΔ t k xΔ tk Jk xtk , xΔ tk , x0 −xσT , k 1, 2, . . . , m, 1.1 xΔ 0 −xΔ σT . Secondly, we employ Schaefer’s fixed point to investigate the following antiperiodic boundary value problem on time scales: xΔΔ t f t, xσ t, xΔ t , x t k xtk Ik xtk , t ∈ 0, T \ {t1 , t2 , . . . , tm }, xΔ t k xΔ tk Jk xtk , xΔ tk , x0 −xσT , k 1, 2, . . . , m, 1.2 xΔ 0 −xΔ σT . We assume throughout this paper that f : 0, T × Rn × Rn → Rn is continuous and Ik : Rn → Rn , Jk : Rn × Rn → Rn are also continuous k 1, 2, . . . , m. We should mention that 1.1, 1.2 are more general than equations considered in 13, 18 since f, J both contain x and its derivative. So our result is still new even when 1.1, 1.2 reduce to equations studied in 13, 18. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present the expression of Green’s functions of related linear operator in the space of piecewise continuous functions. Section 3 contains the main results of the paper and is devoted to the existence of solutions to 1.1 and 1.2. To understand the concept of time scales and the above notation, some definitions are useful. A time scale is an arbitrary nonempty closed subset of the real numbers. Throughout this paper, we will denote a time scale by the symbol T. And the forward and backward jump operators σ, ρ : T → T are defined by σt inf{s ∈ T : s > t}, ρt sup{s ∈ T : s < t}, 1.3 respectively. The point t ∈ T is called left dense, left scattered, right dense, or right-scattered if ρt t, ρt < t, σt t or σt > t, respectively. Points that are right dense and left dense at the same time are called dense. We denote σσt by σ 2 t. If T has a left scattered maximum m, define Tk : T − {m}; otherwise, set Tk T. The symbols a, b, a, b, and so on, denote time scales intervals, for example, a, b {t ∈ T : a ≤ t ≤ b}, where a, b ∈ T with a < ρb. 1.4 Advances in Difference Equations 3 Definition 1.1. A vector function f : T → Rn is rd-continuous provided that it is continuous at each right dense point in T and has a left-sided limit at each left dense point in T. The set of rd-continuous functions f : T → Rn will be denoted in this paper by Crd T Crd T, Rn . Definition 1.2. Assume f : T → R is a function and let t ∈ Tk . Then we define f Δ t to be the number provided it exists with the property that given any ε > 0 there exists a neighborhood U of t i.e., U t − δ, t δ ∩ T for some δ > 0 such that fσt − fs − f Δ tσt − s ≤ ε|σt − s|, ∀s ∈ U. 1.5 We call f Δ t the delta or Higher derivative of f at t. Definition 1.3. A function F : T → R is called an antiderivative of f : T → R provided F Δ t ft holds ∀t ∈ T. 1.6 Theorem 1.4 existence of antiderivatives. Every rd-continuous function has an antiderivative. In particular if t0 ∈ T, then F defined by Ft : t t0 ftΔt for t ∈ T 1.7 is an antiderivative of f. We assume that for ft k , x, y : limt → t k ft, x, y and ft−k , x, y : limt → t−k ft, x, y both exist with ft−k , x, y ftk , x, y, k 1, 2, . . . , m. In order to define a solution of 1.1 and 1.2, we introduce and denote the Banach space P C0, T , Rn by P C0, T ; Rn : {u : 0, T −→ Rn , u ∈ C0, T \ Ω, Rn , u is left continuous at t tk , the right-hand limit u t k exists 1.8 with the norm uP C : supt∈0,T ut where · is the usual Euclidean norm and ·, · will be the Euclidean inner product. In a similar fashion to the above, define and denote the Banach space P C1 0, T , Rn by P C1 0, T ; Rn : u ∈ P C0, T ; Rn : uΔ t ∈ C0, T \ Ω, Rn , the limits uΔ t−k , uΔ t k exist with uΔ t−k uΔ tk 1.9 with the norm uP C1 : supt∈0,T {utP C , uΔ tP C }. The following fixed point theorem is our main tool to prove the existence of at least one solution to 1.2. 4 Advances in Difference Equations Theorem 1.5 Schaefer’s fixed point theorem 19. Let X be a Banach space and let A : X → X be a completely continuous operator. Then either: i the operator equation x λAx has a solution for λ 1. or ii the set S : {x ∈ X, x λAx, λ ∈0, 1} is unbounded. 2. Expression of Green’s Function In this part, we present the expression of Green’s functions for second-order impulsive equations with antiperiodic conditions. Lemma 2.1. For any ht ∈ P C0, T , Rn , xt solves −xΔΔ ht, t ∈ 0, T \ Ω, xΔ t k xΔ tk Jk xtk , xΔ tk , x t k xtk Ik xtk , k 1, 2, . . . , m, 2.1 xΔ 0 −xΔ σT , x0 −xσT , if and only if xt is the solution of integral equation xt σT Gt, σshsΔs 0 − m Ht, tk Ik xtk k1 m Δ Gt, tk Jk xtk , x tk , ∀t ∈ 0, σ T , 2.2 2 k1 where Gt, s ⎧11 ⎪ ⎪ σT − t s 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ σ 2 T , ⎪ ⎨2 2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 1 1 σT t − s 0 ≤ t < s ≤ σT , 2 2 Ht, s ⎧ 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎨2, 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ σ 2 T , ⎪ ⎪ ⎩− 1 , 2 0 ≤ t < s ≤ σT . G H Proof. Assume xt is a solution of 2.1. Then by integrating −xΔΔ ht, t / tk , k 1, 2, . . . , m step by step from 0 to t we have Δ Δ x t x 0 − t 0 hsΔs xΔ t k − xΔ tk , 0<tk <t ∀t ∈ 0, σT . 2.3 Advances in Difference Equations 5 Similarly, we Integrate 2.3 from 0 to t step by step to get xt x0 t xΔ sΔs x t k − xtk , ∀t ∈ 0, σ 2 T . 2.4 0<tk <t 0 Substituting 2.3 into 2.4, we obtain Δ xt x0 x 0t − t t − σshsΔs 0 Δ x t k − xtk x tk − xΔ tk t − tk , 0<tk <t ∀t ∈ 0, σ 2 T . 2.5 0<tk <t By xΔ 0 −xΔ σT and xΔ t k xΔ tk Jk xtk , xΔ tk , we have from 2.3 that xΔ 0 1 2 σT 0 hsΔs − m 1 Jk xtk , xΔ tk . 2 k1 2.6 Note that x0 −xσT , xt k xtk Ik xtk and 2.6 . It then follows from 2.4 that σT x0 − 4 1 2 σT σT 0 m hsΔs − Jk xtk , xΔ tk 0 k1 m m 1 1 Jk xtk , xΔ tk σT − tk − Ik xtk . σT − shsΔs− 2 k1 2 k1 2.7 Then we substitute 2.6, 2.7 into 2.5 to obtain xt t 1 1 1 σT − σs t hsΔs − t − σshsΔs 4 2 2 0 0 m 1 1 1 Δ Jk xtk , x tk − σT tk − t 4 2 2 k1 σT 2.8 m 1 Ik xtk Ik xtk . t − tk Jk xtk , xΔ tk − 2 k1 0<tk <t 0<tk <t If we choose Gt, s, Ht, s as GH, then 2.2 is true. Now assume xt is a solution of 2.2. Then for t / tk , k 1, 2, . . . , m. we have by 6, Theorem 1.117, page 46 that Δ x t T 0 GΔ t, σshsΔs m k1 H Δ t, tk Ik xtk − m k1 GΔ t, tk Ji xtk , xΔ tk , 2.9 6 Advances in Difference Equations where GΔ , f Δ denotes the derivatives of G, H with respect to the first variable. That is 1 x t − 2 Δ t 1 hsΔs 2 0 σT t hsΔs m Jk xtk , xΔ tk . 2.10 k1 Compute straightforwardly to get xΔΔ t −ht. 2.11 Since m m 1 Ik xtk Ik xtk , 2 k1 0<tk <t Ht, tk Ik xtk − k1 2.12 we have m m H t k , tk Ik xtk − Htk , tk Ik xtk k1 k1 k m k−1 m 1 1 Ii xti − Ii xti − Ii xti − Ii xti Ik xtk . 2 i0 2 i0 ik 1 ik 2.13 Similarly, m m G t k , tk Jk xtk , xΔ tk − Gtk , tk Jk xtk , xΔ tk 0, k1 m k1 k1 m GΔ t k , tk Jk xtk , xΔ tk − GΔ tk , tk Jk xtk , xΔ tk −Jk xtk , xΔ tk . 2.14 k1 Thus, the proof is completed. By Lemma 2.1, we have for every t ∈ 0, σT max |Gt, σs| ≤ t,s∈0,σT ×0,T 3 σT . 4 2.15 If t σ 2 T > σT , then 1 G σ 2 T , σs ≤ σT 2σ 2 T . 4 2.16 Advances in Difference Equations 7 Therefore we have the upper bounds max |Gt, σs| ≤ t,s∈0,σ 2 T ×0,σ T 1 σT 2σ 2 T : G0 , 4 |Ht, s| max t,s∈0,σ 2 T ×0,σ T 1 , 2 2.17 1 Δ G t, s . 2 t,s∈0,σ 2 T ×0,σ T max Recall that a mapping between Banach spaces is compact if it is continuous and carries bounded sets into relatively compact sets. Lemma 2.2. Suppose that f : 0, T × Rn × Rn → Rn , Ik : Rn → Rn , and Jk : Rn × Rn → Rn are continuous. Define an operator A : P C1 0, σ 2 T , Rn → P C1 0, σ 2 T , Rn as Axt : σT m Gt, σsf s, xs, xΔ s Δs Ht, tk Ik xtk 0 − m k1 Δ 2.18 Gt, tk Jk xtk , x tk , k1 where Gt, s and Ht, s are as given in Lemma 2.1. Then A is a compact map. Proof. From 2.10 we know 1 Ax t − 2 Δ t m 1 σT Δ f s, xs, x s Δs f s, xs, xΔ s Δs Jk xtk , xΔ tk . 2 t 0 k1 2.19 Then the continuality of f, Ik , Jk implies A is a continuous map from P CJ, Rn to P CJ, Rn . On the other hand, for any bounded subset S ⊂ P CJ, Rn . 2.19 implies {AxΔ t | xt ∈ S} is also a bounded subset of P CJ, Rn . Deducing in a similar way as proving 20, Lemma 2.4, we have A is a compact map. Lemma 2.3. x ∈ P C1 J, Rn ∩ P C2 J, Rn is a solution of 1.1 if and only if xt ∈ P C1 J, Rn is a fixed point of A. Proof. It can be easily obtain from Lemma 2.1, and we omit the proof here. 3. Main Results In this section, we prove the existence results for 1.1, 1.2 in presence of Schauder’s fixed point theorem and Schaefer’s fixed point theorem, respectively. 8 Advances in Difference Equations We first set f t, x, y , max t∈0,T x y α lim x y → ∞ Ik x βk lim k 1, 2, . . . , m, x → ∞ x Jk x, y γk lim k 1, 2, . . . , m. x y x y → ∞ 3.1 Theorem 3.1. Suppose that f : 0, T × Rn × Rn → Rn , Ik : Rn → Rn and Jk : Rn × Rn → Rn are continuous k 1, 2, . . . , m. If η max η1 , η2 < 1, 3.2 where m m 1 1 ασT γk σT 2σ 2 T βk , η1 2 2 k1 k1 m η2 ασT γk . 3.3 k1 then 1.1 has at least one solution in P C1 J, Rn ∩ P C2 J, Rn . Proof. By Lemma 2.2 it is sufficient to show that A has at least one solution in P C1 J, Rn . First, we can choose by 3.2 α > α, βk > βk , γk > γk , k 1, 2, . . . , m such that η1 m m 1 1 α σT γk σT 2σ 2 T βk < 1, 2 2 k1 k1 η2 m α σT γk < 1. 3.4 k1 By 3.1 we can choose a positive number N such that f t, x, y < α x y , ∀t ∈ 0, σT , x y ≥ N. 3.5 Then f t, x, y ≤ α x y M, ∀t ∈ 0, σT , x, y ∈ RN , 3.6 Advances in Difference Equations 9 where M max t∈0,σT ,x y≤N f t, x, y < ∞. 3.7 Similarly, there exist positive constants Mk , Mk , k 1, 2, . . . , m such that Ik xβk x Mk , ∀x ∈ Rn , Jk x, y ≤ γ x y Mk , k 3.8 ∀x, y ∈ Rn . 3.9 It then follows by 2.17,2.18,3.6–3.9 that 1 σT σT 2σ 2 T α xt xΔ t M 4 m m 1 β x Mk 2 k1 k k1 m m 1 Δ 2 γk xt x t Mk σT σT 2σ T 4 k1 k1 ≤ η1 xP C1 M1 , ∀t ∈ 0, σ 2 T , 3.10 m m 1 1 2 σT σT 2σ T M Mk Mk 4 2 k1 k1 3.11 Axt ≤ where M 1 is a constant. Similarly, we can prove that AxΔ t ≤ η2 xP C1 M2 , ∀t ∈ 0, σ 2 T , 3.12 where M2 1/2M m k1 Mk is a constant. Consequently, by 3.10 and 3.12 we have AxP C1 ≤ η xP C1 M , ∀x ∈ P C1 0, σ 2 T , Rn , 3.13 M max M1 , M2 . 3.14 where η max η1 , η2 < 1, 10 Advances in Difference Equations Thus we can choose r > 0 such that ABr ⊂ Br , 3.15 where Br {x ∈ P C1 0, σ 2 T , Rn | xP C1 ≤ r}. On the other hand, from Lemma 2.3 A is a complete continuous operator. Hence by Schauder’s fixed point theorem A has fixed point in Br . This completes the proof. Remark 3.2. Assumption 3.2 is true if there hold f t, x, y ⇒ 0, x y Jk x, y −→ 0, x y Ik x −→ 0, x as p q −→ ∞, 3.16 as x −→ ∞ k 1, 2, . . . , m. We now go on to study the existence results for 1.2. We should mention that the idea used in the following theorem is initiated by Tisdell 21, 22. Theorem 3.3. Suppose that f : 0, T × Rn × Rn → Rn , Ik : Rn → Rn and Jk : Rn × Rn → Rn are continuous k 1, 2, . . . , m. If there exist nonnegative constants γ, δk , ζk , Lk , Nk and M such that f t, x, y ≤ γ x, f t, x, y y2 M, ∀ t, x, y ∈ 0, σT \ Ω × Rn × Rn , Ik x ≤ δk x Lk , Jk x, y ≤ ζk x y Nk , " ! m m m 1 max δi 2G0 ζi , ζi < 1, 2 k1 i1 i1 3.17 ∀x, y ∈ Rn , 3.18 where · is the Euclidean inner product. Then 1.2 has at least one solution. Proof. Consider the mapping A : P C1 Axt σT 0, σ 2 T , Rn −→ P C1 0, σ 2 T , Rn 3.19 m Gt, σsf s, xσ s, xΔ s Δs Ht, tk Ik xtk 0 m Gt, tk Jk xtk , xΔ tk , k1 3.20 k1 where ⎧ 1 1 ⎪ ⎪ − σT − t s ⎪ ⎨ 2 2 Gt, s ⎪ 1 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎩− σT t − s 2 2 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ σ 2 T , G∗ 0 ≤ t < s ≤ σT , Advances in Difference Equations 11 Δ Ht, s G t, s ⎧ 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎨2, 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ σ 2 T , ⎪ ⎪ ⎩− 1 , 2 0 ≤ t < s ≤ σT . H ∗ In a similar way as we prove Lemmas 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 we obtain i x ∈ P C1 J, Rn ∩ P C2 J, Rn is a solution of 1.2 if and only if xt ∈ P C1 J, Rn is a fixed point of A; ii A is a compact operator. Consider the equation x Ax. 3.21 To show A has at least one fixed point, we apply Schaefer’s theorem by showing that all potential solutions to x λAx, λ ∈ 0, 1 3.22 are bounded a priori, with the bound being independent of λ. With this in mind, let xt be a solution of 3.22. Note that xt is also a solution to xΔΔ t λf t, xσ t, xΔ t , t/ tk , k 1, 2, . . . , m, x t k xtk λIk xtk , xΔ t k xΔ tk λJk xtk , xΔ tk , x0 −xσT , k 1, 2, . . . , m, 3.23 xΔ 0 −xΔ σT . On one hand, we see that for λ ∈ 0, 1 # $ & 2 % σ Δ λf t, x t, x t ≤ λ γ xσ t, f t, xσ t, xΔ t xΔ t M γ γ ≤γ $ $ σ σ Δ x t, λf t, x t, x t % Δ 2 λx t λM % xσ t, xΔΔ t λxΔ t, xΔ t λM $ 3.24 % xσ t, xΔΔ t xΔ t, xΔ t M $ %Δ γ xt, xΔ t M. On the other hand, by the antiperiodic boundary condition we have σT $ 0 % $ % $ %Δ xt, x t Δt xσT , xΔ σT − x0, xΔ 0 0. Δ 3.25 12 Advances in Difference Equations It therefore follows that σT λf t, xσ t, xΔ t Δt ≤ MσT . 3.26 0 Consequently, xt λAxt σT Gt, σsλf s, xσ s, xΔ s Δs 0 m m Δ Ht, tk λIk xtk Gt, tk λJk xtk , x tk k1 k1 ≤ G0 MσT m m m m 1 1 Lk G0 Nk δi xti G0 ζi xti xΔ ti 2 k1 2 i1 k1 k1 m m m m 1 1 ≤ G0 MσT Lk G0 Nk δi 2G0 ζi xP C1 . 2 k1 2 k1 i1 k1 3.27 Differentiating both sides of 3.11, we can easily have m m 1 Δ 1 Nk ζi xP C1 . x t ≤ MσT 2 2 k1 i1 3.28 Choose " m m 1 1 max G0 MσT Lk G0 Nk , MσT , 2 k1 2 k1 ! N 1 " m m m 1 max δi 2G0 ζi , ζi . 2 k1 i1 i1 ! N 2 3.29 Thus we have by 3.18 that xP C1 ≤ Then the proof is completed. N 1 . 1 − N 2 3.30 Advances in Difference Equations 13 Example 3.4. Consider antiperiodic value problem on T uΔΔ t uσt uΔ t2 cos t, 1 u1 u1 u1 4, 8 u0 −u3, '∞ k0 3k ' 1, 3k 2 {3k 2} t ∈ 0, 1, t / 1, 1 uΔ 1 uΔ 1 − u1 10, 8 3.31 uΔ 0 −uΔ 3. We claim 4.2 has at least one solution. Proof. Let T 3 and ft, x, y x xy2 cos t in Theorem 3.3. Choosing M 4, we have for ' t, x, y ∈ 0, 1 {2, 3} × R2 that f t, x, y |x| |x|y2 1, x, f t, x, y y2 x2 x2 y2 y2 x cos t ≥ x2 x2 y2 y2 − |x|. 3.32 Since minv≥0 {v2 − 2v} ≥ −1, we have x2 y2 y2 − |x|y2 y2 x2 − |x| 1 > 0. Thus, for γ 1 and M 2 γ x, f t, x, y y2 4 ≥ f t, x, y , ∀ t, x, y ∈ 0, 1 × R2 . 3.33 Moreover, G0 9/4, 1/2δ1 2G0 ξ1 1/2 × 1/8 2 × 9/4 × 1/8 5/8 < 1, Then the conclusion follows from Theorem 3.3. Acknowlegments The research was Supported by Leading Academic Discipline Project of Shanghai Normal University DZL805, the National Natural Science Foundation of China 10671127, the National Ministry of Education of China 20060270001, and the National Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai 08ZR1416000. References 1 D. Baı̆nov and P. Simeonov, Impulsive Differential Equations: Periodic Solutions and Applications, vol. 66 of Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow, UK, 1993. 2 M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, and S. 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