PARQ ANNUAL REPORT Executive Summary PARQ Accomplishments 2014-15 Institutional Planning

Executive Summary PARQ Accomplishments 2014-15
Institutional Planning
 Stakeholder Visioning Session was held, followed by the Engagement Sessions, with approximately half of all faculty/staff attending. A total
of 9 university-wide action items were implemented and highlighted at the You Said…We Did presentation based on the feedback.
 The FOCUS 2020 strategic plan has been finalized, including goals, performance indicators and initial university priorities. The performance
indicators were converted to an interactive dashboard format, and cascading scorecards are in progress.
 10 action plans were approved, with a total of 46 action items across all plans.
 All colleges/major units completed strategic plans and presented them to the Chancellor’s Advisory Council.
 13 FOCUS 2015 performance indicator targets were met by 2015.
Assessment and Institutional Research
 UW-Stout was selected to participate in a national pilot sponsored by the Association for Institutional Research to test aspirational statements
for institutional research.
 The following projects were completed:
o 13 university-wide surveys
o 10 external surveys
o 80 institutional research projects
o 91 planning tasks
o 60 graduate student projects
o 217 tasks completed by PARQ students
o 19 data lead requests
 Survey Clearinghouse, Qualtrics Question Library and research help page are being utilized and continuously updated.
 From July, 2014 to May, 2015 the information portal had over 9,616 page views by 336 campus users.
 Program facts completed for all graduate programs and undergraduate programs, and are now included in the assessment in the major process.
Applied Research Center
 The following projects were completed in 2014-15:
o 35 internal projects
o 13 external projects
 Increased the amount of projects by 585% from inception in 2007-08 to 2014-15.
o Annual revenue increased by $860,073 from 2007-08 to 2014-15.
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o 813 student project tasks were completed in 2014-15.
 Collaborated with the psychology department to launch certificate programs in Evaluation and Institutional Research. For the certificate
programs, we published 3 e-books and are finalizing an agreement with the Annie E. Casey Foundation to enroll 60 students per year for a
period of 5 years.
 Completed year 2 of 4 of a $23 million federal TAACCCT grant.
 There are 2,252 registered Qualtrics users at UW-Stout.
 The Qualtrics Training and Support office responded to more than 189 individual requests for assistance and training.
 A Baldrige Committee is active with 17 current members. The focus of the committee is to become familiar with the Baldrige principles and
criteria, present at various quality-related venues, be responsible for identifying opportunities for UW-Stout to implement best practices, and
to identify new practices to continue to follow the Baldrige philosophy.
 The representatives from the committee presented at one quality-related conference this year.
 4 ESURC reviews were completed.
 Created 1 new policy, eliminated 2 policies, and revised 2 policies
 Planning for a site visit from the Higher Learning Commission in 2016. Assurance argument and Federal Compliance report in progress.
 Complaint tracking process finalized.
 Student handbook updated.
 Credit hour definition updated. Working on reviewing compressed courses.
 Developing faculty qualifications policy.
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PARQ 2014-15 action plan:
2014-15 NEW Unit Goals for Planning, Assessment, Research and Quality
Goals :
Implementation Strategies:
Done ?
Outcome indicators :
Monthly lunch where we invite
person/team to come and chat
about their jobs and let them
know what we do. Could be a
potluck or a brown bag, but we
provide meal for the guest
 12 lunches held during
 PARQ staff self-report
greater understanding of
functions of other offices
 Guests self-report greater
understanding of PARQ
August, September, October, November,
December lunches held. Other monthly
lunches have been established.
Other lunches held or planned; positive
feedback from all.
Prepare for successful HLC site
visit in 2015-16 – with a goal of
100% ratings of “met” on our
assurance argument and positive
reviews on our quality initiative,
and no concerns with federal
AP developed for
student complaint
process – 5/2015
Student handbook
updated – 3/2015
Complete drafts of
criterion documents
created- 4/1/2015
External review of
criterion documents in
progress by the end of
the fiscal year
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Student complaint review group
submitted first draft of
recommendations. Complaint
tracking process finalized and
HLC assurance argument team
developed first draft of AP for
complaint process. AP finalized.
Student handbook update completed
Initial drafts of criterion completed.
Compressed courses group meeting.
Faculty qualifications policy in
Credit hour definition updated.
Goals :
Implementation Strategies:
Done ?
Outcome indicators :
Planning and
Performance Measurement
System- work toward
implementing a cascading
scorecard system in order to more
fully drill down the planning
initiatives to the college, program
and department level, with targets
at each of these levels in order to
ensure accountability and
celebrate successes. Integrate the
Program Facts into this system.
th and
Introduce the
Measurement System to
various group on campus
Fall 2014.
Develop template for
each performance
indicator in Tableau.
Finalize performance
indicators- May1, 2015
Prepare for
implementation in Fall
Update process for Strategic
Planning Group to increase
participation and decision-making
Change structure of
Pass motions
recommending next
steps on all major issues
that go to the SPG
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The PM system has been introduced
to various groups
Paper template has been made for
the indicators
Tableau has been purchased for
implementing the cascading score
card idea
PI committee (sub-committee of the
SPG) has been working on
developing the PI.
Performance indicators finalized.
Initial draft of university level
scorecard created in Tableau.
Working on cascading scorecards
Now using motions for all decision
Introduced expectations for
Additional suggestions from SPG
process improvement group
identified and implemented,
including posting agendas in the
daily email, encouraging two year
terms for governance reps, etc.
Goals :
Implementation Strategies:
Done ?
Outcome indicators :
Expand student jobs program to
300 for 2015-16.
Continue celebratory focus –
hallway display case, continue
thank you’s, showcase individual
accomplishments in daily
Increase the number of
funded positions for
2015-16 to 300.
Retention rate of student
job recipients continues
to exceed that of the
Other components
included in program,
such as work study,
partnering with the
Foundation Office, etc…
Individual thank you
notes sent for
engagement session
facilitators and
notetakers, student jobs
You Said…We Did
session in 2015
At least one
recognition daily email
submitted each month
At least one
ion wordle given to an
individual each month
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Foundation funded 4 positions
Changes to work study program
approved for 2016-17
Additional funding for spring 2015
Funding request submitted for 201516. Foundation office has
tentatively agreed to continue
funding the program.
Thank you’s sent to facilitators and
Accomplishment/recognition emails
posted in daily email at least once
per month
Creating wordles for each chair of
the committees recognized during
the You Said… We Did
Goals :
Implementation Strategies:
Done ?
100% participation in the
planning process – people not
afraid to speak up and people feel
their voice is heard
Outcome indicators :
le, Jen
Increase revenue from external
100% of all faculty/staff
have some level of
involvement with
suggesting engagement
session initiatives or in
implementing action
items within the next 3
Faculty/staff self-report
their voice is heard and
they are not afraid to
speak up
Within the next 3 years,
ensure that at least 33%
of revenue consistently
comes from projects that
are $25,000 or more
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75% of all faculty and staff had a
role to play in at least one of these
initiatives. Set new record for
number of people participating in
the process
People regularly attend the
engagement sessions, you said... we
did, listening session meetings,
provide information on feedback
links, fill out surveys, speak with
their SPG member
Currently 75.8% of revenue is from
external clients.
Goals :
Implementation Strategies:
Done ?
Outcome indicators :
4 students enrolled plus 3 more in
summer 2015
3 e-books published
Approval process completed
Attended AIRUM with a vendor booth
Increase enrollment in Eval and
IR certificate programs
Obtain enrollment of 50
Publish three e-books
Complete approval
process for certificate
Currently working with Annie E Casey
foundation to potentially enroll 30
students per semester for next 5 years.
Currently working with the Marketing
department to develop plan for
launching certificates.
Currently working with Stout Online to
develop websites to a higher level and to
contain more information for interested
Attended and presented at AIR.
Research and
$1 million project
Expand focus on ensuring use of
assessment feedback
None planned currently
One project that brings
in at least $1,000,000 is
approved by the end of
the fiscal year
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Nothing on the horizon as of May 2015
Brainstorm list of ideas developed.
Working on communication plan to
share with the Provost’s Council
Goals :
Implementation Strategies:
Done ?
Performance Indicators- Update
the performance indicators for
FOCUS 2020 with a focus on
more fully integrating the data we
collect university-wide with the
performance indicators, and
eliminating data collection not
aligned with these indicators.
Develop a long-term vision for
the job engagement, campus
climate, morale, etc… suite of
Long-term solution identified and
approved for Qualtrics position
Outcome indicators :
y as
Share new proposed
performance indicators
with various groups on
campus fall 2014.
Make updates based on
feedback from the
various groups.
Finalize performance
indicators May, 2015.
Include them in the
Measurement System for
fall 2015.
Survey structure
identified and timeline
for surveys identified
Proposal developed and
approved for
implementation in 201516
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Performance indicator review group
established. Group will submit
recommendations in January.
13 feedback sessions held to discuss
proposed goals and performance
Recommendations submitted and
Determined that job engagement
and campus climate would be
combined into one survey and
administered every 3 years.
Proposal developed, submitted and
approved for 2015-16
Goals :
Implementation Strategies:
Done ?
Outcome indicators :
Interactive Fact Book
Begin development of
interactive Fact Book
using Tableau software.
Format is developed
before end of fiscal year.
Implement for 2015-16
fact book
We connect people to the
resources they need for research
as lead
Action plan created
Integrate and upgrade
our research related
websites and move to the
Identify key campus
EDGE session (spring
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Have purchased Tableau and
beginning to learn software.
 Have identified other university fact
books that use Tableau.
 Have met with other areas on
campus that have interest in using
 A demonstration of Tableau
capabilities is being scheduled.
 An outline/format has been
developed for book. Contacted key
users and received feedback on
usefulness of different sections of
 Part of faculty/staff section has been
 Joined MN & WI Tableau user
groups and have viewed any useful
Tableau webinars that are offered.
Draft action plan created; identified key
campus partners; set up meeting with
Jen to review website; decided against
EDGE session in spring 2015
Stout website team reviewing website
and offering recommendations – should
be completed by end of June 2015
Goals :
Implementation Strategies:
Done ?
Outcome indicators :
Complete updates/revisions to
sexual harassment policy, AODA
policy, tobacco-free policy
th and
Policies get through
university policy
development process by
the end of the fiscal year
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Advertising policy and identity
standards policy going through
revision process. Advanced deposit
for international students policy
being reviewed for potential
elimination. All three of these
policies have been finalized.
Volunteer policy in progress.
Training and Development Plan
Encourage and support (where fiscally possible) participation in workshops and training sessions, with a goal to pay for each staff member to
attend one off-campus event (or on campus event, if preferred) per year.
Susan – attend workshops at Christine Center – attended 2 workshops
Sally- Hyperion advanced training, also attended AIRUM – attended both
Meridith – Baldrige examiner training, Higher Learning Commission Annual conference. Registered for HLC conference, attended HLC and
Baldrige training, and AIR pilot group meeting in Atlanta, serving as team leader for Baldrige application
Tammy- Hyperion training – attended Advanced Hyperion Training in July
Michelle – on campus training sessions related to finance and budget attended E-reimbursement training
Cori- Excel training (intermediate and advanced) – completed Excel Part 3 training in April 2015.
Justin- LMT training determined that LMT training not needed; completed Excel part 2 and 3 training (jan/april)
Jason-may try to explore a conference/training for k-12 education related evaluation topics; also want statistics training
Jen- attended Advanced Hyperion Training in July; MapWORKS training session
Jane – Supervisory training, in progress
Libby- AEA Conference attended AEA in October
Breanna- Lean administration
Brenda-AIRUM – attended and presented at AIRUM conference
Aric – attend AEA Conference attended AEA in October
Continue to use some PARQ office meetings, IE team meetings and ARC team meetings for professional development activities. Hold
professional development meetings for IE team and ARC professional staff. OneDrive workshop; AEA coffee break Fundamentals of Good
Evaluation Reporting;
Continue to develop written procedures for critical procedures/responsibilities in order to help in cross-training others and also continue training
for backups. This is done through the DMS system. Goal for 2014-15 is to add/update DMS documents listed on the schedule for 2014-15 and
to share the document with the person
Susan – PARQ-2040 IP
Sally- Alumni follow-up instructions have been updated
Meridith – accreditation processes accreditation process log created and being used
Tammy- Noel Levitz survey – not started, spring administration survey process has yet to be determined. Due to budget cut, this survey will
not be administered this spring.
Michelle –Revise and update the DMS budget procedures document; updated document
Cori- ES6 form, background check – both completed
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Justin- student clearinghouse-updated document resulting from the Stout McNair project
JasonJen- Develop a comprehensive DMS document on the Student Jobs program- document has been created and Devon is piloting it this
Jane –Survey Sample Requests document revised and redundant documents removed from DMS
LibbyBreanna- ES6 form, background check both completed
BrendaAric Continue membership and participation in appropriate professional organizations. Where fiscally possible, support participation in webinars,
teleconference and other activities sponsored by professional organizations.
Provide job-specific skill development opportunities through representation on committees, as appropriate. Each person to identify one goal:
Susan – serve on Graduate Education committee; chair Information Portal Steering Team
Sally – continue to serve on IRB committee
Tammy – continue to serve on the CDR Redesign Committee
Michelle – serve on ESURC committee serving in committee support role
Cori – PAECR serving another 2 year term
Justin- became AEA member applied to a couple committees on campus
Jason – serving on the Arts Integration Menomonie board, AEA member, attended various webinars from the evaluATE organization
Jen – ESURC; Senate of Academic Staff; SAS Executive committee; chair of the SAS election committee
Jane – CORE committee, Research Club Advisor
Libby – PAECR, MSAP activities (multiple committees), PD Charge Committee
Breanna – ESURC (two academic years remain)
Brenda – serve on January Professional Development Committee – served on January Professional Development Committee and elected to
serve on the SAS election committee.
Meridith – Serve as chair of the policy committee and SPG, co-chair of the Diversity Leadership Team, member of CAC, Cabinet, Enrollment
management, retention committee
Aric – serve on the Ethics Advisory Committee – served on Ethics Advisory Committee and elected in April to the Health & Wellness
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Personal goals. Each person to identify one goal. Goals identified through participatory process which includes feedback from other members of
the team.
Susan – read one of the books from the ISSL workshop and select tool(s) to practice part way through several of the books; selected tools to
practice and implementing at least once per week
Sally- Learn Tableau software
Meridith – get more people engaged with Baldrige and performance excellence, including finding more people to serve as Baldrige
examiners, EDGE, daily email one additional person applying to become a Baldrige examiner, not successful – not able to identify anyone
else willing to serve as a Baldrige examiner
Tammy- become more familiar with the student and curricular RDS tables and what data fields are available for querying in Hyperion
Michelle –work on the College Portrait annual project with Susan providing instruction and guidance updated College Portrait information
Cori- Redesign staff performance evaluations to better align with PM roles & responsibilities. Done. Used in 2014 reviews. Will be reviewing
with staff prior to 2015 review time to make necessary adjustments. Participate in Women’s networking events including book clubs,
mentoring events, etc. Participated in 2 book clubs, mentoring night at Barrel Room. Research / develop training program for new staff.
Working with MSAP student for part of her thesis. Have had initial meeting with her and another meeting with her and Libby.
Justin- Get orientated with my assigned projects, become more familiar with the software available to complete project tasks. Up to speed
with projects and started looking for new project opportunities.
Jason-To be better organized, learn how to slow down and not miss the small details, and to use the tools provided more effectively Have
been making far fewer mistakes, feel that I understand the tools of the ARC better and that I know the organization of the university better.
Jen- Get the performance indicators in to tableau. Done now on to the next phase- cascading scorecard.
Jane- Participated in Women’s organizations on campus, ate a reasonably good breakfast on most days.
Libby- Engage in reflective practice in a systematic way
Breanna- Continue learning budget management processes
Brenda-focus on learning how to use the tools provided effectively (, EDGE Training, MSAP classes) – Completed first year of
MSAP classes, attended an Excel Part 2 EDGE session, and participated in SPSS and Excel 2013 trainings.
Aric – Finish thesis – completed thesis and received diploma
 Susan/Cori
 Jen/Justin
 Michelle/Jason
 Libby/Tammy
 Aric/Jane
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Levi & Phillip
Team Unity Plan
Volunteer as a group at a service related activity in Menomonie/Eau Claire (last year we did laptop deployment) – Jen suggested
scholarship interviews. Complete
Spring celebration in April or May- Levi & Phillip Completed
Fall semester potluck with staff and students (was a taco bar in 2013-14) – Libby, Andrea Completed
Summer breakfast with staff and students at Brenda’s house in August (typically the week before classes start) – Brenda, Tammy
2015 Get it Dunn Run – Cori Done with a new record of runners!
2015 Spaghetti dinner before the run – Meridith Completed
Holiday Spectacular – Aric, Jason, Justin – Completed successfully!
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