THIRD GRADE Curriculum and Information

and Information
Routines and Procedures
Report All Absences to 651-683-6969 ext. 93600
Change of transportation-must send note to shcool
Birthdays- Do not send in food for treats
Orange Take Home folders come home each night. This
folder is also your child’s Friday Folder.
! Assignment Notebooks sent home each day
! Reading At Home (RAH) 150 minutes a week
! Communication-check your child’s assignment
notebooks, CP website, backpack online email list, voice
and e-mail
Language Arts Components
•Writing Workshop
•Reading Workshop
•Word Study (Spelling)
•Cursive Handwriting
Writing Workshop
•Third Graders will learn to write:
•Personal Narratives
•Fiction and Non-fiction Summaries
•Non-fiction Reports
Reading Workshop
Every student will receive small group
reading instruction.
Teachers identify areas (Comprehension,
Accuracy, Fluency and Vocabulary) that
students need support in developing stronger
skills while using appropriate levels of text.
To support the development of stronger
reading skills, we ask that students to read
30 minutes each day at home (RAH)
Reading Workshop
Students will work on a variety of reading skills in third
grade. For example:
Author’s Purpose
Distinguishing Between Real and Make-Believe
Figurative Language
Compare and Contrast
Main Ideas
Facts and Details
Fact and Opinion
Making Predictions
Cause and Effect
Understanding Sequence
Word Meanings in Context
Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions.
Word Study
• The Word Study lessons are
designed to include and support
spelling, phonics, and language and
vocabulary development.
• The goal is to enable children to
transfer what they learn about
words into daily reading and writing.
Goals for Word Study
Learn Spelling Strategies ~ make connections to other words, and using
knowledge of a known word to spell an unknown word.
Learn How to Memorize Words ~ a list of Must Know Words for 3rd Grade
will be sent home. These words are used in everyday writing.
Words Their Way Program~ consonant blends (street), vowel patterns (rain,
bake), words with silent letters (light), and how the meaning of base words
change when a prefix or a suffix is added.
Social Studies Alive!
Uses a student-centered approach encompassing different learning styles
to experience real life social studies
Helps students explore social studies topics while continuing to develop
their reading skills.
Enables students to understand and participate effectively in their world
Students become active participants and allows them to express
themselves in a variety of ways.
Science Inquiry At It’s Best
Our Units of Study are:
! Structures of Life
! Journey North Climate
Change Study
! Light and Sound
! Project Bird Feeder Watch
Astronomy with NASA
! Field Studies
Cutting Edge Technology
Interactive Whiteboards
Senteo Response system
Digital Cameras
Document Cameras
Mobile lab laptops
Poly Cam capabilities
Ipads for one-on-one instruction
•Bridges in Mathematics is the resource we are implementing this year in
grades 3, 4 and 5
•Aligns to the most current Minnesota Academic Standards in Mathematics
and support the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment
•Bridges in Mathematics is published by the Math Learning Center
•Bridges in Mathematics is based on the principles and standards
developed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
and balances conceptual understanding and computational skills.
•During instruction visual models are used to help students solve problems,
understand and remember mathematical concepts and skills.
•Students are encouraged/ expected to be active learners. They will
discuss and debate problems, make and share conjectures, along with
explaining their mathematical thinking orally and in writing.
•Intermediate Links:
Number Corner Calendar
Work Place Student Centers
Direct Instruction with visual
models and manipulatives
Problems and Investigation
using student notebooks
Mathematics Topics
Problem Solving
Data Analysis and Graphing
Numbers and Operations
Measurement and Decimals
Engineering Topics
Animal Adaptations
Light and Sound
Design Challenges
Components of
! Nature of Engineering,
Engineering Design
Process, Materials, Tools