Shannon Park Elementary Family Night with the Minnesota Twins!

Shannon Park Elementary
Family Night with the
Minnesota Twins!
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the game?
The game is Sunday, June 5th at 1:10 PM versus the Tampa Bay Rays.
How much are tickets?
Tickets to the game are $11 for a seat in the Shannon Park section -- the ‘Home Plate View’ section of the stadium.
Where will my seats be?
The Twins organization is holding 350 seats for the Shannon Park order in the ‘Home Plate View’ section. This section
includes seats in the upper deck that stretch from third base, behind home plate, to first base. Exact seats will be determined by
the Twins organization.
To whom should I make my check payable?
Checks should be payable to ‘Minnesota Twins’. Please put ‘Shannon Park Elementary’ on the memo portion of your check.
Checks payable to Shannon Park will be returned to you and your order will be delayed.
May I pay in cash?
Please do not send cash for your Twins ticket order. Cash will be returned to you and your order will be delayed.
What happens if it rains or if the game is cancelled?
If the game is cancelled for any reason, tickets holders would need to work directly with the Twins organization to understand
when the game will be rescheduled and any options for exchanging tickets.
What happens if I buy tickets, but have a conflict and cannot attend?
Once orders are submitted to the Twins organization, orders cannot be cancelled.
When will I get my tickets?
We are planning to distribute tickets at the Shannon Park Picnic on Thursday, May 19th. As in previous years, a ‘Twins Event
table’ will be set up in the cafeteria/gym. If there are delays receiving our tickets from the Twins, tickets will be sent home in
Friday folders well in advance of the game. If tickets are passed out at the picnic, orders not picked up at the picnic will be sent
home in Friday Folders on Friday, May 20th.
What if I need wheelchair seating for someone in my order?
If wheelchair seating is needed, place your order early and be sure to note how many wheelchair accessible seats/tickets you
will need.
What if I want to sit by a particular family?
You may request to be seated by a particular student / family. Please note any special requests on your order form and best
efforts will be made to honor these requests.
By what date do I have to return my order form to school?
Order forms are due back to Shannon Park by Monday, May 2nd. There are 350 tickets being held for Shannon Park. Orders
will be filled in the order they are received. Once the allotted tickets have been sold, orders will no longer be accepted and
unfilled orders will be returned. This may happen before May 2nd if student response is high.
How will seats be assigned?
Seats will be assigned to allow grade levels to sit together whenever possible.
I would like to attend but cannot afford the event. Are free or reduced price tickets available?
The Site Council will make a limited number of tickets available to families with a financial need. Note the need for assistance
on your order form or contact the office for more information. Apply early to give yourself the best chance of getting these
limited tickets.
What if there is a problem with my order?
Check your order before leaving the picnic or check your child’s Friday Folder immediately. Write a note detailing the issue
with your order and send it to school as soon as possible, include your contact information. You may also email Mo Bartz, with questions or concerns.
What do I need to know if my child is in the De Capo Choir?
Choir members are expected to wear solid white shirts and solid black pants/shorts/skirts for the performance of “The StarSpangled Banner”. Game-day/performance information will be sent to choir members in advance of the event. Any choir
specific questions may be directed to Mrs. Radspinner.
What if I have questions not covered in this ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ sheet?
Email any additional questions you have to Mo Bartz at