May 2016 UPCOMING EVENTS May 9 & 10 Grade 4 Band Registration—4-7 p.m. at Highland Elementary May 9 Grade 5 Track and Field Day at RHS, 9:302:00 May 12 Grade 3 Music Program—6 p.m. May 12 Grade 4 Music Program—7:30 p.m. May 13 Kindergarten Music Programs 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. May 16 Alternate date for Gr. 5 Track Meet at RHS May 18 Site Council meeting—8:00 a.m. May 19 Shannon Park Picnic—5-7:30 p.m. May 20 Tropical Vacation Day May 24 Alternate Date for SP Picnic May 26 Spring Fun Day—Gr. 4-a.m., Gr. 1-p.m. May 27 Spring Fun Day—Gr. 3-a.m., Gr. 2-p.m. May 30 Memorial Day—NO SCHOOL Remember… Shannon Park’s Annual Family Picnic Thursday, May 19, 5:00-7:30 p.m. Rain Date—May 24 New Daycare Forms MUST be completed each year Parents of students who will be attending a daycare facility, or who will be transported to or from an address other than the child’s home address during the 20162017 school year are reminded that new daycare forms must be completed on an annual basis. These forms may be obtained by calling 651-423-7670, by picking them up at the Shannon Park office, or online on the district website ( Please have these completed and turned in to the SP office before Aug. 1 so that the bus cards that you will be receiving in the mail will have the correct information. If you have a daycare form on file this year, and will not be using daycare next year, please call the office to let us know so we can have transportation set up bussing from your home address. SACC is considered a daycare, so if your child will be attending SACC you must fill out a daycare form. Gr. 3-4 Music Programs GRADE 3 PRESENTS: A WORLD OF MUSIC Wednesday, May 11, 2:15 p.m. Thursday, May 12, 9:45 a.m. Thursday May 12, 6:00 p.m. GRADE 4 PRESENTS: GO WEST Wednesday, May 11, 9:45 a.m. Thursday, May 12, 2:15 p.m. Thursday May 12, 7:30 p.m. Grade Level News Grade Level News Grade Level News Kindergarten Grade Three The kindergarten children are very excited to present their music program — I Know Where I Live on May 13th at 10:00 and 2:00. The 10:00 performance will be Mrs. Silk, Ms. Massey, and Mrs. Snyder’s classes. The 2:00 performance will be Mrs. Mueller, Ms. Franzen, and Mrs. Bauer/Ms. Burnham’s classes. They have had over 20 practices together to get ready for the big event! Math class is filled with building number sense with addition, subtraction, measurement, estimating, and growing and shrinking patterns. We have been enjoying our author/illustrator study on Eric Carle. All of the classes are working on a project based on Eric Carle’s style of illustrating. Our wonderful scientists are continuing to learn about life cycles. We LOVE science! We will all visit a 1st grade classroom in May. We know the Shannon Park picnic will be a highlight of the month, and we hope to see all of you there! We are looking forward to our field trip in June. Thank you for helping to make this such a wonderful and memorable year! We are a team! The end of the year is quickly approaching. We still have many exciting activities and learning ahead of us. Here are some of the highlights for May. In Math, we will cover units on multiplication, 3D geometry and data analysis. The crayfish are still here in science along with observing our seeds growing in the hydroponic gardens. Thanks for your continued support at home in the areas of reading and math. The third graders worked hard on the MCA tests in the computer lab. Our third grade music program is on Thursday, May 12 at 6:00 p.m. Spring Fun Day will be in the morning on May 27. We also look forward to our Shannon Park Picnic on May 19. Donations for the Silent Auction are due to the school by Friday, May 6. Thank you. Happy Spring! Grade One This has been a year of awesome accomplishments and new friendships. We are very pleased with the great progress our students have made. They have launched well into reading and look like they will sail away for a lifetime of learning through the printed word. Thank you, parents, for the commitment you made toward your child’s progress by listening to him/her read nearly every evening. Together, we have given our young students an excellent start on their academic careers! One of the best ways for parents to continue helping to improve their child’s math understanding is to play games while verbalizing their strategy and thinking out loud. Also, talk about natural math problems that occur throughout a normal day to improve problem solving. Hope to see you all at the Shannon Park Picnic! Grade Four Spring is a busy and exciting time for our 4th graders! We look forward to our 4th grade music program on Thursday, May 14 and Spring Fun Day on Friday, May 29. In Social Studies, we will finish studying the regions of the United States and begin our study of Mexico in preparation for our annual Mexican Marketplace celebration. Our math program continues to focus on measurement and probability. Third trimester book goals are due on Tuesday, May 26. We appreciate any Kemps ice cream pails and/or butter/sour cream containers as donations for our annual puppet making adventure later this month. We want to THANK all of our incredibly wonderful and faithful classroom volunteers. We truly appreciate your time and talents! Grade Five Grade Two Second graders are anxious and excited for spring weather to come! We are thinking of our wonderful mothers, grandmothers and special women in our lives as May arrives. Poets are "seeing things in a fresh new way" as we focus on poetry in Writing Workshop. As readers, second graders are practicing all of the reading skills learned this year in a variety of ways. Students will be getting acquainted with stories and fables from many times and places in our theme "Tell Me a Tale". In Math, we are continuing our focus on multi digit addition and subtraction and strengthening our fact fluency. Students are also working with fractions, multiplication and division, graphing and problem solving. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteer help we had this year! Springtime in 5th grade is always a busy time! School patrols will enjoy a fun-filled day of rides at Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America on Thursday, May 5th. Fifth graders are looking forward to Track and Field Day at Rosemount High School on Monday, May 9th. On Friday, May 13th, the Rosemount Middle School counselors will visit students to begin the transition from elementary school to middle school. On the morning of Wednesday, May 18th, Shannon Park’s fifth graders will attend an orientation at RMS. These are exciting times for our students as they complete their last year at Shannon Park and begin the next phase of their education. April Site Council Meeting April 25, 2016 Parent Members Present: Stephanie Charpentier, Jessica Theisen, Stefanie Kelly, Cyndie Sikorski Parent Members Absent: Alba Nowlin Staff Present: Michael Guthrie, Ann Kvittem, Chris Hollenbeck, Naomi Plowman Staff Members Absent: Roxann Rutt, Kathleen Radspinner Call to Order: Stephanie Charpentier called the meeting to order at 8:00 AM Visitors: Anne Feucht and daughter Hailey presented the possibility of adding a Buddy Bench to the new playground Secretary Report: Ann Kvittem motioned for the minutes to be approved as they stood and Jessica Theisen seconded the motion, motion approved Treasurer Report: Jessica Theisen Checking: $27,466.63 Savings: $24,310.53 Total Balance: $51,777.16 Upcoming expenses (Picnic, Scholarships, and Permabond) Volunteer Coordinator Report: Chris Hollenbeck The picnic planning is in good shape The volunteer sheets will go out this week for parents to sign up in 30 minute increments at the picnic Shannon Park needs at least 250 volunteers to make the picnic run as efficiently as possible Need a volunteer to take over Shannon Park t-shirt coordination for next year Raffle Update: Jessica Theisen Sports Authority donated a $350 gift card which will be used to purchase a Go Pro and a Fit Bit if there is enough money left There is a bicycle to be raffled along with many other great prizes Playground Update: Michael Guthrie Will utilize current pieces of the playground in the new build Jessica Theisen, Stefanie Kelly, and Stephanie Charpentier will meet to discuss raising money specific to new playground Apex Fun Run: Considering dates for the fun run in the fall of 2016 as a piece of our fundraising initiative Meeting Adjourned The next meeting will be: Thursday, May 12th at 8:00 AM Take me out to the Ballgame! Sunday, June 5, 2016 Shannon Park Elementary Family Day with the Minnesota Twins will be Sunday, June 5, 2016 Twins vs. Tampa Bay Rays Target Field Shannon Park has negotiated a block of tickets for students, staff and families. The Da Capo Choir will be singing the National Anthem before the game. Rehearsal dates for DaCapo Choir: Tuesday, May 24th at 8:20 a.m. Tuesday, May 31st at 8:20 a.m. Ticket orders were due 5/2/16 Shannon Park Math Masters News! Our 10 Shannon Park Math Masters had a fabulous competition on Saturday morning, April 23rd in Apple Valley. Everyone worked hard, and had a great time! The students’ manners and work ethic were noticed by those around them as well. The teams were: The JJAWKS Jalen Freeman Justin Cave Adam Spaeth Will Harder Kyle Rosauer The Pandas Caden Hegarty Tyson Lemaniak Jason Steigerwald Sophie VanKeulen Ty Velin There were 34 teams and 161 students taking part in the competition. In the Fact Drill round, Will Harder took 19th place, Ty Velin took 16th place, Tyson Lemaniak took 7th place and Jalen Freeman tied for 1st place overall. In the individual rounds, Tyson Lemaniak and Adam Spaeth tied for 19th place. In the team rounds, The JJAWKS took 111h place and The Pandas took 7th place overall. A very impressive showing! Congratulations! Destination Imagination State Tournament Results! The Super 7 and The Great Danes had a superb showing at the State DI Tournament in St. Paul on Saturday, April 9th. The Great Danes took 8th place in the Service Learning Project category. During this school year, the team worked hard to raise money for the Amazing Animal Advocates in Rosemount, which helps animals in need. They were also able to spend time with the animals, playing with them and giving them treats. The Super 7 took 1st place in their Fine Arts Challenge and received the Renaissance Award. “The Renaissance Award recognizes those among us who demonstrate extraordinary amounts of effort and preparation in their solutions or outstanding skill in engineering, design or performance.” Because of their first place finish, the team will be heading to the Global competition in Knoxville, TN in May! Congratulations to both teams on an outstanding year. The Great Danes Matthew Pulju Reegan Cannaday Josh Bauman Kyle Sorensen Jemma Ferraro Paige Darsow Maddie Young The Super 7 Zoe Smith Katja Smith Robert Magan Jack Shoemaker Abrial Westbrock Sam Ockwig Hanna Meyer A note from the Volunteer Coordinator….. Upcoming Events: Shannon Park Picnic – Mark your calendars – Thursday, May 19th (rain date May 24th). Many fun activities planned! Ticket order forms were sent home in Friday folders. Donations needed for the junk food walk. Please send in to office by May 12th. Silent Auction Please sign up online to volunteer. We have MANY spots available to volunteer. PARENTS - please consider volunteering 30 minutes of your time to help make our 25th Annual Picnic a success! VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITES - We are looking for NEW Volunteer Coordinators for the following areas: SP Apparel - Help with design (end of school year/summer) and selling of Shannon Park apparel during assessments in August 2016 -T-shirts, sweatshirts etc. Garden – Springtime Gardening: planting, weeding and trimming in the circular flower beds near the SP main entrance and near the sign by the driveway. A great community service project! Welcome Desk – Coordinate and schedule volunteers for 2 hour shift in the SP lobby. Volunteers will greet and assist in small projects. Twins Tickets - Securing dates for Twins game, Order Forms, ticket orders to Twins Organization, Ticket Distribution Please contact Chris Hollenbeck if interested. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Hollenbeck @ 651-423-7670 or send an email to Shannon Park’s 26th Annual Family Picnic & Silent Auction May 19, 2016 from 5-7:30 p.m. Shannon Park Silent Auction Basket Donations (Donations are due to your child’s teacher by May 6th) Spring is here! Just in time for the 26th Annual Shannon Park Family Picnic & Silent Auction. At the Silent Auction we offer a variety of themed baskets, business donations / gift certificates, grade level backpacks with school supplies, front row tickets & parking to grade level music shows, etc. The Silent Auction is one of our largest fundraisers of the year and relies on the support from our families to be successful. Each classroom has been assigned a theme and a basket for each classroom will be created based upon your donations. Here is how you may donate through your child’s classroom: Donate New Purchased Items (see basket theme list & ideas, on back of page) – donate to your child’s classroom basket based upon the theme assigned, or feel free to donate to any theme listed, all donations are welcome. Send in a Cash Donation – This is always helpful as it allows us to fill in with missing items and purchase bigger ticket items that may fit with the theme. Please place in an envelope labeled with your teacher’s name and amount on the outside. Donate School Supplies – See for ideas. Please contact Melia directly at 612-251-3028 or if you can donate in one of the following ways: Donate Products You May Sell (i.e. Avon, Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple, Lia Sophia, etc.) Employer Contribution or Donation Don’t wait until the last minute; collection boxes are out in each classroom and waiting to be filled. Please return any purchases/donations to your child’s teacher no later than Friday, May 6th. Thank you in advance for your generous help in making the Silent Auction a success and for supporting Shannon Park Elementary School. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Melia Nagel 612-251-3028 (text ok) or 2016 Classroom Basket Themes & Ideas Kindergarten Theme IDEAS ONLY! GET CREATIVE! Bauer/Burnham Day at the Beach/Pool Franzen Arts & Crafts Massey Crayola Fun Mueller Cooking w/Kids crayons, coloring books, markers, clay, paints, storage bins, Baking mixes, cookbooks, mixing bowls, spatulas, cupcake liners, pans, toppings, apron, measuring spoons/cups Silk Barbie Barbie dolls, clothes, accessories Snyder, M Super Heroes (Avengers/Marvel) costumes, toys, Legos, movies, books, night lights, Denysenko Pizza Party / Italian pizza stone, pizza cutter, crust mix, pizza gift certificates, apron, toppings, Grothe Movie Night bucket, popcorn, movies, popcorn toppings/flavors, movie candy, air popper, Kopperud Take Me Out to the Ballgame jersey, ball, bat, t-shirt, hat, tickets, Nordquist Family Road Trip travel games, books, lap desk, maps, snacks, car organizer, tissues, handi-wipes, mad-libs Schneibel Build It! Lego sets, Lego books, cases, K-Nex, Tinker Toys, model cars/airplanes, hammer, nails Schwab Gardening pots, hand tools, seeds, gloves, plant markers, kneeling pad, soil, hand sprayers Derosier Birds, Bees & Butterflies Bird bath, bird house, feeders, seeds, butterfly net, suet holder, decorative flag Diaz Americana-Red, White & Blue Rutt Outdoor Family Fun Picnic basket, American flag/pole, firecrackers, anything red, white & blue balls, frisbee, bocce ball, cones, nets, water balloons, bubbles, chalk, slip n' slide, sprinklers, lemonade mix, sun tea jar, outdoor jenga, bean bag game Shaw Ice Cream Social ice cream bowls, toppings, cones, ice cream maker, ice cream scooper, Sonsalla Game Night board games, cards, card holders, puzzles, dart board, rubik’s cube, mind games Zanter Love to Read Books, book lights, book marks, lap desk, gift cards, book ends, eBooks Evenocheck Sports Spectator/Tailgating Frederickson Blinded Me with Science Ice Breakfast in Bed cooler, stadium throw, bleacher seat/pad, lawn chair, utensil baskets science kits, books, safety goggles, magnifying glass, glow-in-the-dark stars, magnets, bug box, baking soda, vinegar, etc pancake mix, syrup, serving tray, coffee/tea/cocoa, mugs, skillet, spatula, whisk, non-stick spray, tea pot, Kerndt It’s a Wrap! Snyder, T Backyard BBQ Variety of gift wrap, tags, scotch tape, bows, ribbons, tissue paper, gift bags sauces, BBQ tools, grill, hot mitts, apron, skewers, charcoal, wood chips, citronella candle, corn cob holders, lighter Anderson, L Irish Spirit t-shirts, sweatshirts, jewelry, stickers, navy/green/gold, signs, Feldhaus Minecraft Hayward Love My Car toys, t-shirts, hats, stickers, books bucket, armorall wipes/spray, rags/chamois, tire brush, windshield fluid, car wash coupons, gas cards, hose, car organizer, jumper cables, first aid kit, ice scrapper Kowlessar Fitness yoga mat, weights, water bottle, pedometer, stopwatch, exercise ball, sweat bands Mott Are you ready for some football? jersey, football, pendants, hat, face paint, car decals, car flags, license plate holder Plowman Star Wars movies, toys, masks, books, posters, Legos, action figures, decor Anderson, C Middle School Here We Come Conroy Home Improvement Kersten Around the Campfire Larson Mexican Fiesta pad locks, locker shelves/ mirrors, notebooks, post-its, highlighters, books, backpack tool box, duct tape, measuring tape, flashlight, batteries, super glue, lighter, picture hangers, hammer, paint brushes, level, WD-40, extension cord, power strip, marshmallow sticks, s’mores fixings, blanket, bug spray, pie iron, jiffy pop, leatherman tool, fire starters, camp chairs, chips, salsa, pinata, quesadilla maker, margarita glasses/ mix, tortilla warmer, chip/dip platter Olson/Cady Gift Card Bouquet Gift Cards to anywhere, in any amount diving toys, floaties, sand toys, towels, beach bag, insulated bag, sunscreen, aloe, sunglasses, life jacket, pool noodles stickers, colored paper, colored pencils, decorative scissors, tape, glue, pom-poms, craft sticks, duct tape; hot glue gun Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 It’s Time for Lyme May through mid July is the peak time of year for tick born Lyme disease in Minnesota and Wisconsin. At this time, the nymphs are most active, and harder to detect than the adult black legged tick. Also known as the deer tick, black legged ticks are smaller and darker than common wood ticks. They are dark reddish brown, tear shaped and lack the wood tick’s white markings. The back of the adult female deer tick is reddish in appearance. To prevent Lyme disease, avoid wooded and brushy areas and the grassy fringe bordering these areas. When hiking, stay to the center of the path. When in tick prone areas: 1. Wear light colored clothing with long sleeves and long pants tucked into boots or socks. 2. Use a good tick repellent such as permethrin or DEET. Apply to clothing only. Children and adults may use DEET with a 30% or less concentration. Infants less than 2 months of age should not use DEET. 3. Check daily for ticks. Ticks need to bite and remain attached for 24 hours or more to cause disease. 4. Remove ticks slowly and gently with tweezers. Avoid folk remedies such as Vaseline or burning matches as they are neither safe nor effective. If symptoms develop see a physician. Symptoms include: Bulls eye rash: a reddened area with clearing in the center at the site of the bite. However, not everyone develops a rash. Fever, headache, chills, muscle or joint aches following time spent in a tick prone area within the previous month. More information can be found at SUMMER FOOD PROGRAM Free Meal for Kids Monday through Friday July 11—August 11 Free for ALL Kids NO income eligibility requirement