The Structure of Optimal and Nearly-Optimal Quantum Strategies for Non-Local XOR Games by ARCHNES j E-rS INSTITUTE OF fLCHNOLOLGY ASSACH Dimiter Ostrev B.S. Mathematics, Yale University (2008) B.S. Economics, Yale University (2008) M.A.S. Mathematics, Cambridge University (2009) JUN 3 0 2015 LIBRARIES L_ Submitted to the Department of Mathematics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2015 @ 2015 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. Signature redacted Author ......................... Department of Mathematics April 30, 2015 C ertified by .............................. Signature redacted I/ Peter Shor Morss Professor of Applied Mathematics Thesis Supervisor - Z-) Accepted by ...................... Signature redacted Peter Shor Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses 2 The Structure of Optimal and Nearly-Optimal Quantum Strategies for Non-Local XOR Games by Dimiter Ostrev Submitted to the Department of Mathematics on April 30, 2015, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Abstract We study optimal and nearly-optimal quantum strategies for non-local XOR games. First, we prove the following general result: for every non-local XOR game, there exists a set of relations with the properties: (1) a quantum strategy is optimal for the game if and only if it satisfies the relations, and (2) a quantum strategy is nearly optimal for the game if and only if it approximately satisfies the relations. Next, we focus attention on a specific infinite family of XOR games: the CHSH(n) games. This family generalizes the well-known CHSH game. We describe the general form of CHSH(n) optimal strategies. Then, we adapt the concept of intertwining operator from representation theory and use that to characterize nearly-optimal CHSH(n) strategies. Thesis Supervisor: Peter Shor Title: Morss Professor of Applied Mathematics 3 4 Acknowledgments I would like to thank my advisor Prof. through the years. Prof. Peter Shor for his unconditional support Shor gave me the freedom I needed to explore, and to find my own way. He was also generous with his time, and patiently listened to my mathematical arguments and ideas. I would like to thank Thomas Vidick for bringing to my attention the problem of self-testing and entanglement rigidity. Thomas has always been friendly, enthusiastic, and open to discussion. The conversations with him have been a source of many great ideas. I would like to thank all the professors who have taught me classes in the initial years of my time at MIT. The classes inspired me and helped shape my way of thinking. I would like to thank all the people I have met during my time at MIT for the friendly and stimulating atmosphere they created. Finally, I would like to thank my parents for everything they have done for me, both before and during my graduate studies. They have always offered kind words of encouragement and advice. 5 6 Contents 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 15 2.1 Quantum computation and information theory ................ 15 2.1.1 Dirac's bra-ket notation 16 2.1.2 A linear bijection between . 17 2.1.3 State spaces and state vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.1.4 Bipartite systems and entanglement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.1.5 The Schmidt decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.1.6 Measurement, observables, expected values . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.1.7 Non-local XOR games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.1.8 The CHSH(n) XOR games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.2 Semi-definite programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2.3 Some facts from representation theory 28 3 9 + 1 anti-commuting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CdA 0 CdB and MatdA,d(C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 observables on 2.3.1 2k 2.3.2 The general form of n anti-commuting . 29 2.3.3 Anti-commuting +1 observables and inner products . . . . . . 30 2.3.4 Invariant subspaces and Schur's lemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.3.5 Intertwining operators 32 C2k. . . . . . . . . .28 1 observables on Cd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview of Results 35 7 4 5 Relations for optimal and nearly-optimal quantum strategies 45 4.1 Non-local XOR games and semi-definite programs . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4.2 Proof idea for Theorem 3.1 ....... 52 4.3 Decompositions of the dual optimal solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 4.4 A useful identity and the proof of Theorem 3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 4.5 Freedom in the choice of decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 The structure of CHSH(n) optimal and nearly optimal strategies 61 5.1 Relations for CHSH(n) optimal and nearly optimal strategies . . . . . 62 5.2 Classification of CHSH(n) optimal strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 5.2.1 An optimal CHSH(n) strategy must have a certain form . . . 66 5.2.2 Any strategy of a certain form is optimal for CHSH(n) . . . . 70 5.3 6 ....................... Approximate intertwining operator construction for CHSH(n) nearoptim al strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 5.3.1 Orthonormal vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 5.3.2 The Frobenius norm of T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 5.3.3 The expression for (Ai 0 I)T - T(Ai 5.3.4 The expression for (I 0 Bkl)T - T(I 0 Bk1) 9 I) . . . . . . . . . . . 79 . . . . . . . . . . 81 5.3.5 The first error bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 5.3.6 The second error bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 5.3.7 Putting everything together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Conclusion and open problems 97 8 Chapter 1 Introduction Non-local XOR games are a framework used to study the correlations that result from measuring two parts of an entangled quantum state using two spatially separated devices, each capable of performing one of several possible measurements. When we think of a non-local XOR game, we imagine two people, usually called Alice and Bob, in two spatially separated laboratories, and unable to communicate with each other. Alice and Bob choose a strategy for the game by choosing a particular setup for their respective measurement devices, and a particular entangled quantum state shared between them. Alice and Bob's aim in choosing their strategy is to maximize a given linear functional acting on the space of correlations. The linear functional represents the rules of the particular XOR game Alice and Bob are playing; the higher the value of the linear functional on the correlations produced by Alice and Bob's strategy, the better Alice and Bob are doing. It has long been known that for certain non-local XOR games, Alice and Bob can achieve a higher value using measurements of a shared entangled state than anything Alice and Bob could do using only a classical shared random string (see, for example, the surveys [22, 2]). This has attracted interest both from the point of view of foundations of physics, and from the point of view of applications. From the point 9 of view of foundations of physics, the advantage of quantum strategies over classical ones has been central in the discussion about local realism (see, for example, the survey [51). From the point of view of applications, there have been many proposals for using quantum entanglement as a resource in information processing tasks, such as performing distributed computation with a lower communication cost (see, for example, the survey [3]), teleportation of quantum states [1] and the extension to a full scale computation by teleportation scheme [101, and quantum cryptography (see, for example, the survey [9). In the study of non-local XOR games, the optimal and nearly-optimal quantum strategies are interesting objects for several reasons. First, their behavior is maximally far away from the behavior of classical strategies. Second, applications often involve setups related to the optimal strategies. Third, the optimal quantum strategies represent the boundary of the non-local correlations that are achievable in quantum mechanics, and are therefore interesting from the perspective of foundations of quantum mechanics. And finally, the optimal and nearly optimal quantum strate- gies for XOR games have interesting mathematical structure, with connections to semi-definite programming and representation theory. In this thesis, we study the optimal and nearly optimal quantum strategies for non-local XOR games. First, we present the following general result: for every nonlocal XOR game, there exists a set of relations such that 1. A strategy is optimal for the game if and only if it satisfies the relations. 2. A strategy is nearly-optimal for the game if and only if it approximately satisfies the relations. The coefficients of the relations can be computed efficiently by solving a semi-definite program and finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a positive semi-definite matrix. The precise statement is in Theorem 3.1 and the proof in Chapter 4. 10 The result in Theorem 3.1 continues the line of work in references [19, 6, 181. In [19], a correspondence was established between the quantum non-local correlations and inner products of vectors in real euclidean space. Later, in [6], it was noticed that a semi-definite program can be associated to each non-local XOR game. In reference [18], the dual semi-definite program was used to obtain the so-called marginal biases for a non-local XOR game. In this thesis, we use the dual semi-definite program to derive the set of relations for optimal and near-optimal quantum strategies of a given XOR game. In the second part of this thesis, we focus on a specific infinite family of nonlocal XOR games: the CHSH(n) games, n E N, n > 2 introduced in [18]. For this family, we solve the system of relations mentioned above, and precisely characterize the optimal and nearly-optimal CHSH(n) strategies. The interest in precisely characterizing optimal and nearly-optimal quantum strategies for XOR games comes from recent results about information processing with untrusted black-box quantum devices. In these results, one or more parties attempt to perform an information processing task, such as quantum key distribution, randomness generation, or distributed computation, by interacting via classical inputs and outputs with quantum devices that cannot be trusted to perform according to specification. The devices may not be trusted for example for fear of malicious intent, as in quantum cryptography, or, to take another example, the manufacturing process used to make the devices may be unreliable and prone to errors. The task of doing information processing with untrusted black-box devices and being confident in the result may at first appear daunting. However, there have recently been proposals of protocols for quantum key distribution with untrusted devices, for randomness generation with untrusted devices, and for a protocol in which a classical verifier commands two untrusted quantum provers to perform a full-scale quantum computation. References to results of this type may be found for 11 example as follows: for quantum key distribution, the original proposals are 112, 13], a more recent result is [21], and the survey [2] lists a number of other results on p.34-35; for randomness generation, the survey [2] lists a number of results on p.33; the protocol in which a classical verifier commands two untrusted quantum provers to perform a full-scale quantum computation is developed in reference [17]. All of these protocols rely on mathematical results that have been given the name of self-testing or entanglement rigidity (see [14, 15, 17] for three examples of such results, with different proof techniques in each). These results are a characterization of optimal and nearly-optimal strategies for the CHSH game (or close cousins of the CHSH game). The CHSH game is the first member of the family CHSH(n) , n > 2, mentioned above. In this thesis we obtain a precise characterization of optimal and nearly-optimal strategies for all the CHSH(nr) XOR games. The techniques used in the proof differ from the self-testing results mentioned above; here we use ideas form representation theory. It has been noticed previously [19, 18] that representation theory is well-suited to describing exactly optimal quantum strategies for non-local XOR games. In the case of exactly optimal CHSH(n) strategies, the contribution of this thesis is to give an explicit and direct statement and proof of a classification theorem for the CHSH(n) exactly optimal strategies. The precise statement is in Theorem 3.3, and the proof in Section 5.2. The situation with nearly-optimal strategies is more subtle; the representation theory techniques that work so well in the exact case are difficult to generalize to nearly-optimal strategies (we will say more about the difficulty later). An attempt to use representation theory in this context has been made in [181, but the error bounds obtained there depend on the dimension of the Hilbert space used for the strategy; in the context of untrusted black box devices, this dimension may be arbitrarily large. 12 In this thesis, we take a different approach to characterizing nearly-optimal quantum strategies. The key insights are to adapt the concept of intertwining operator from representation theory, to notice the importance of a certain subspace of the space of a given strategy and to adapt the group averaging technique from representation theory. The precise statement of the result for CHSH(n) near-optimal strategies is in Theorem 3.4, and the proof in Section 5.3. The remainder of this thesis is structured as follows: in Chapter 2, we present notation, concepts and known facts from quantum computation and information theory, semi-definite programming, and representation theory; this material is necessary background for the rest of the thesis. In Chapter 3, we give the precise statements of the results proved in this thesis. In Chapter 4 we prove the result concerning relations for optimal and nearly-optimal quantum strategies for general XOR games. In Chapter 5 we prove the results characterizing the optimal and nearly-optimal strategies for the CHSH(n) games. In Chapter 6 we discuss open problems and possible future work. 13 14 Chapter 2 Preliminaries The goal of this chapter is to cover notation, concepts and known facts that are used throughout the rest of the thesis. We cover material from quantum computation and information theory, semi-definite programming, and representation theory. 2.1 Quantum computation and information theory In this section, we begin with Dirac's bra-ket notation for vectors which is commonly used in quantum computation and information theory. Next, we introduce a linear bijection between the space CIA 0 CdB and the space MatdA,dB (C) of dA x dB matrices. This linear bijection will be used in some of the arguments later on. Next, we cover concepts related to quantum systems: the state space and state vector; states of a bipartite system and entanglement; the Schmidt decomposition for states of a bipartite system; measurement, observables, and expected values. Finally, we cover concepts related to non-local XOR games, and their quantum strategies. 15 2.1.1 Dirac's bra-ket notation In the bra-ket vector notation, we put 1), called a ket, around the identifier of a column vector. We illustrate with several examples. In the space C2 we have the standard basis 1 0 0 1 In quantum computation, these are commonly denoted by 10) and Ii) respectively. So we have 1 10) = 01 We now take two other column vectors u= [,v=H a C b d In the bra-ket notation, these would be written as 'u) = ju) = ajO) + b1i), c10) + dl1) Next, we turn attention to the notation ( I called a bra. We put ( I around the identifier of a row vector. If 1w) is a column vector, then (wl is the conjugate transpose row vector. For the examples above, (01 = 11 0] , (11 = [0 1], (ul = [a* b*] , vl =c* d*1 We will sometimes want to take just the transpose of a vector, not the conjugate transpose. We adopt the convention of doing so by taking the entry-wise complex 16 conjugate of the conjugate transpose vector, so that (w*I is the transpose of Iw). For the examples above (0*I1 = 1 (1*1= [0 0, (U*I = [a b], 1], (v* = [c d] We conclude this section by showing the notation for the inner product, outer product, and tensor product of two vectors. The notations for these are (ulv), lu)(vl, and Ju) 09 v) respectively. The notation for tensor product also has two shorthand versions: 1u)lv) and luv). For the examples above, we have: [a* (uv) H b*] a*c + b*d a ju)(V1 b[ 1u) 0 Jv) =u)Iv) = Juv) 2.1.2 = d*] ac* ad* bc* bd* acIO)10) + bcl1)10) + ad0)11) + bd1)I1) A linear bijection between CIA 0 and CdB MatdA,d,,(C) We consider the space CdA with its standard basis denoted by 1i), i the space CdB with its standard basis denoted by IJ), j = 1,... dB. With this notation, we can write the standard basis of ii) j), i= 1,... dA, j = 1,... 1,... dA, j=1,... dB 17 CdA 0 CdB dB and we can write the standard basis of MatdA,dB(C) as li)(ji= = as 1,... dA and We define a linear bijection 'C Cd^ ® dCdB MatdA,dB(C) by defining the action of L on the standard basis as a (di) e dj)) =i ) (Ji and extending to the whole space by linearity; that is, S(wij1i) 1j)) = Wij1)W We collect some useful properties of L in the following lemma. Lemma 2.1. Let JU) E CdA, Iv) E CdB, |w) E CdA 0 CdB, A E MatdA(C), B E MatdB(C). Then, " L(Iu) 0 Iv)) = Iu)(v*I and consequently, by linearity, L " (_, Iut) 0 lvi)) A L(jw)) = L(A 0D Iw)) " L(Iw))BT =2(I 0 Bjw)) " 1I (Iw))IIF IIIW)II All of these properties can be proved by expanding the relevant vectors and matrices with respect to the standard basis and checking that the appropriate identity in the coefficients holds. The notation 11 I|F used above denotes the Frobenius norm of a matrix: for an m x n matrix A, Sa ij 12 = TrAtA IIAIIF E i=1 j=1 18 2.1.3 State spaces and state vectors It is a postulate of quantum mechanics (see [16, p. 801) that to each isolated quantum system, there is an associated state space: a vector space over C with inner product. In this thesis we will work with finite dimensional state spaces, so the state spaces will always be of the form C'. The state of a system is described by a unit vector in the state space, called a state vector, and sometimes just a state. If the states [0) 4') is a state then we can consider e' 0 IV)), 0 E R; and eiOI4,), 0 E R give the same predictions for all measurements and are considered equivalent. 2.1.4 Bipartite systems and entanglement Now we consider two quantum systems: system A with state space CdA and system B with state space CdB. It is a postulate of quantum mechanics (see [16, p. 941) that the state space of the composite system AB is 0 CdB. If the state of system A is CdA |'A) E Cd^ and the state of system B is |OB) E CdB, then the state of the bipartite system AB is IPA) 0 | 4'B) E CdA 0 CdB. We have seen that system AB can have state vector of the form However, the space CdA 0 CdB [0A) 09 0B). also contains unit vectors that cannot be written in the form 10A) & JOB), for example I0 11 POP+ ) + 11) (D 1) 'iit1 EC2 &C2 States that cannot be written in the form |0A) 0 k|B) are called entangled states. One can count the number of free parameters in a product state (it is dA + dB and the number of free parameters in a generic state in CdA 0 CdB (it is dAdB and see that entangled states form the vast majority of states in CdA 0 - 1) 1), CdB. One research direction in Quantum Computation and Information Theory is to 19 study the curious properties of entanglement. This thesis also studies one facet of entanglement. 2.1.5 The Schmidt decomposition Here, we present a very useful decomposition theorem for states of a bipartite system. Theorem 2.1 (Schmidt Decomposition). Let [7P) E CA 0 CdB be the state of a bipartitesystem AB. Then, there exists an orthonormal basis |u 1),... orthonormal basis |v1),.. .vdB) udA) of CIA, an of CdB and positive reals A 1 ,... Ar, r < min(dA, dB), _1 Ai = 1 such that r 4') VAlui) = 0 'vi) i= 1 One way to prove this theorem is to use the linear bijection between CIA 0 CdB and MatdA,dB(C) and the singular value decomposition for a matrix in MatdA,d,,(C). For a detailed proof, see [16, p. 1091. In the decomposition r Z 1') i= AIui) 0 vi) 1 the number r is called the Schmidt number of lb), the coefficients for 10), and |I),.. . U), /XA are called the Schmidt lvi),... lvdB) are called the Schmidt bases for systems A and B. The span of those Schmidt vectors that have non-zero Schmidt coefficients we will call the A, respectively B, support of the bipartite state 40); that is, suppA1,O) = span(li), ... lu,)) C CIA suppB14) = span(v1),... Ivr)) C CdB 2.1.6 Measurement, observables, expected values We present an abbreviated discussion of quantum measurements that is sufficient for the purposes of this thesis; for a more detailed exposition see, for example, [16, 20 p. 84-961. Consider a quantum system with state space C'. By an observable on C' we mean a self-adjoint linear operator acting on C'. Each observable describes a possible measurement of the system. By the spectral decomposition, an observable M can be written as A .. Pm M =E where the Pm are a complete set of orthogonal projections. Now suppose the system is in state IV)) E C' and a measurement with observable M is performed. The eigenvalues Am of M are the possible outcomes of the measurement. The outcome Am occurs with probability (4'IPmI@). The expected value of the outcome of the measurement is (4'ML') = Am(0IPmkb) Next, consider a setup that is used throughout this thesis. Consider a bipartite system AB with state space CdA 0 CA and N = Consider observables M CdB. Z, viQ, on CdB. Suppose the system is in state i/) = Em AmPm on E CdA 0 CdB and consider measurement of NI on system A and N on system B. Look at the identity (/I@M 0 N4) Aml/n(*IIPm = ?,T,n 0 Qnk10) Here, (V) IPmDQnIV) is the probability that outcome Am occurs when measuring M on system A, and outcome v,, occurs when measuring N on system B. The expression, (,?pIM 0 NI1,0) represents the expected value of the product of the outcomes of the two measurements. 21 We close this section by introducing a special class of observables called servables. A and -1. A 1 ob- 1 observable is a self-adjoint operator that only has the eigenvalues 1 1 observable M has the properties that M = MtI M-1, M2 i.e. M is both self-adjoint and unitary. The observables we consider in this thesis will always be 2.1.7 1 observables. Non-local XOR games In a non-local XOR game two players, traditionally called Alice and Bob, are separated in space and play cooperatively without communicating with each other. A third party, called a Referee or sometimes a Verifier, runs the game and decides whether Alice and Bob win or lose. Formally, a non-local game consists of two finite sets S and T, a probability distribution ir on S x T, and a function V : S x T -+ {-1, 1}. The game proceeds as follows: 1. The referee selects a pair (s, t) E S x T according to the probability distribution 1lr. 2. The referee sends s as a question to Alice and t as a question to Bob. 3. Alice replies to the referee with a E {-1, 1} and Bob replies to the referee with b E {-1, 1} 4. The referee looks at V(s, t)ab. If V(s, t)ab = 1, then Alice and Bob win, and if V(s, t)ab = -1 then Alice and Bob lose. Notice that V(s, t) = 1 means that Alice and Bob must give matching answers to win and V(s, t) = -1 means Alice 22 and Bob must give opposite answers to win. 1 We can also think about V(s, t)ab as the payoff that Alice and Bob receive: they either win 1 unit or lose 1 unit. A quantum strategy for an XOR game consists of a state space 14) E CA & CdB, and CdA 0 CdB, a state 1 observables {A, : s c S} on CdA and {Bt : t E T} on CdB. The interpretation of this strategy is the following: Alice and Bob share a bipartite quantum system with state space CdA 0 CdB. Prior to the beginning of the game, the system has been prepared in the state IV) E CdA 0 CdB. s, Alice measures observable A, and uses the outcome, 1 or -1, On receiving question as her answer to the referee. Similarly, on receiving question t, Bob measures observable Bt and uses the outcome, 1 or -1, as his answer to the referee. We adopt the point of view that V(s, t)ab is the payoff that Alice and Bob receive from the game and ask: for a given strategy, what is the expected payoff? We see that the expected payoff is Sr(s, t)V(s, t)(7P1A , 0 BtI10) sES tET This is because 7r(s, t) is the probability that questions (s, t) occur, and V(s, t)(4'IA,9 BtI1,) is the expected payoff conditional on questions (s, t) occurring. We can also ask about the optimal expected payoff for a quantum strategy for a given non-local XOR game; this is '=~ sup E ir(s, t)V(s, t)('A, I Bt) As,Bt,p4) sES tET where the supremum is taken over all possible strategies. We call the value of the 2 supremum the quantum success bias for the game. 'The name "XOR game" is related to the following: if we write a = (-1)a', b = (- 1 )b' for E {0, 1}, then V(s, t)ab = V(s, t)(-1),'eb' so that whether Alice and Bob win or lose depends on the XOR of the bits a' and b' a', b' 2 The phrase quantum value may sound more appropriate here, but it has been used previously 23 Next, define a matrix -y by 'y(s, t) = r(s,t)V(s,t). The matrix '- contains all the information about the game: the set S is the set of row indices of -y, the set T is the set of column indices of -y, the probability distribution 7r can be recovered by -x(s,t) = (s, t)1, the function V can be recovered by V(s, t) = sign(7-Y(s, t)). Thus, we can identify non-local XOR games with matrices -y normalized so that Est -y = 1. So far we have F= sup Yxir(s,t)V(s,t)(*A,®Bt4,) As,Bt,jp) sES tET sup ZZ'y(s,t)(VIA®Btb) As,Bt,\ }PsGS tCT We define an optimal strategy for the XOR game with matrix -y to be a strategy AS, Bt, 1,) such that t)(IAs S Bt|j) = F ZZy(s, SES tET and we define an E-optimal strategy to be A8, Bt, 4') such that -y(s, t)(4OA, 0 Btj4) (1 - E)F < F SES tET 2.1.8 The CHSH(n) XOR games Here, we look at the infinite family of XOR games CHSH(n) , n c N, n > 2 introduced in [18]. For the CHSH(n) game, the question set S of possible questions for Alice is {1, ... , n} and the question set T of possible questions for Bob is the set of ordered pairs {ij : i,j C 1, ... , n}, i # j}. The probability distribution 7r(s, t) according to which the referee selects the questions can be described as follows: in the literature to mean optimal success probability, not optimal expected payoff as we consider here. The success probability p and expected payoff e for a given XOR game and given strategy are related by e = 2p - 1. 24 1. The referee selects a pair i, j uniformly at random among all < (') pairs such that < j < n. 2. The referee selects either i or j as question for Alice, and either ij or ji as question for Bob; the four possibilities are equally likely. The rule for winning or losing V(s, t) is determined like this: to win, Alice and Bob must give matching answers on questions (i, ij), (i, ji) and (j, i3), and give opposite answers on questions (j, ji). As in the previous subsection, it is convenient to summarize all information about the CHSH(n) game in a matrix 7. The matrix 7 for the CHSH(n) game has n rows and n(n- 1) columns. It is most convenient to write the matrix -Y using Dirac's bra-ket notation. Let 1).,... In) be an orthonormal basis of R', and let lij), i $ j E {1,.. . n} be an orthonormal basis of R'(-'). Then, we can write: 7= 4 E 2 )(iil (Ii)(ijii i)(ii -wi)(iil) Isi<jsn It was shown in reference [18] that the quantum success bias for all the CHSH(n) games is sup A2 ,Bj,?) ; that is, 1 2 (Ai 0 Bij + Ai 0 Bji + Aj 0 Bij - Aj 0 Bji)li)= 1 1<i<j<n Finally, we remark that the first element of the family, CHSH(2), is the usual CHSH game, based on reference [4]. Thus, the family CHSH(n) is a generalization of the CHSH game. 25 2.2 Semi-definite programs In this section we cover some terminology and facts about semi-definite programs that will be used later on. We use an abbreviated discussion on semi-definite programs that is sufficient for the purposes of this thesis; for a more detailed exposition see, for example, [201, or the lecture notes [11]. Look at the space of real symmetric matrices of a given size. For two such matrices A, B, we define their inner product A - B = Tr AB= Ai Bi Within the space of real symmetric matrices, we look at the positive semi-definite matrices. We use the notation A >- 0 to mean that A is positive semi-definite, and the notation A >- 0 to mean that A is strictly positive definite. This notation also extends in the following way: A > B means that (A - B) is positive semi-definite and A >- B means that (A - B) is strictly positive definite. A semi-definite program is a constraint optimization problem of the form G-Z sup Z>-O, Fi-Z=ci, i=1,....m Here G, F, i= 1,.. . m are symmetric matrices, and ci, i = 1, ... m are real numbers. We call this semi-definite program the primal. We denote the value of the supremum by vprimat. The dual semi-definite program is inf E . c wiFG We denote the value of the infimum by vdal. Next, we introduce some terminology: 26 * A primal/dual feasible solution is one that satisfies the constraints. * A primal/dual strictly feasible solution is one that satisfies the constraints, and satisfies the positive semi-definite constraint strictly. * A primal/dual optimal solution is a feasible solution Z, respectively ', that G - Z = vp,imal, respectively such -W * A primal/dual c-optimal solution is a feasible solution Z, respectively W', such that G . Z > (1 - ) Vprimai, respectively C- 'i15 (1 + E)Vdual. * For a primal feasible Z and a dual feasible ', the quantity E i=1 -Z wiFi - G )- is called the duality gap. We summarize some known facts about semi-definite programs in the following theorem: Theorem 2.2. Assume throughout that both the primal and the dual have feasible solutions. The following statements hold * For a primal feasible Z and a dual feasible W-, the duality gap is non-negative: SwjF - G * (Z> wjF - G).Z = 0 if and only if vpimal -Z > 0 = Vual, Z is optimal for the primal and iW optimalfor the dual. This statement is sometimes called "complementary slackness condition ". * Vprimal < Vdual. This statement is sometimes called "weak duality". 27 " If the primal has a strictly feasible solution, then the dual infimum is attained; if the dual has a strictly feasible solution, then the primal supremum is attained. * If at least one of the primal and dual has a strictly feasible solution, then Vprimal = Vdual. 2.3 This statement is sometimes called "strong duality". Some facts from representation theory In this section we cover a few facts and concepts from representation theory that will be used later on. These facts include properties of anti-commuting +1 observables, invariant subspaces and Schur's lemma, and the notion of an intertwining operator. For a more detailed exposition of representation theory, see for example [8] or the lecture notes [7]. 2.3.1 2k +1 anti-commuting 1 observables on C2k 1 observables on C2k We give an explicit construction of 2k + 1 anti-commuting using the isomorphism C2k ~ C2 002 0 - . 02 and the Pauli matrices. k terms The Pauli matrices are the 2 x 2 matrices 0 1 0 -i 1 0 1 0 i 0 0 -1 They are self-adjoint, unitary, and satisfy 0-.Uy = oayo-x = lorz, Uo-.oz = ior., -io-z, oUzY = -iox, o-c7 a-a- =r oY =-i-y From this it also follows that the Pauli matrices anti-commute. 28 Now consider the following 2k + 1 operators on C2k ,C2 g C2 ® . 0 C2: k terms Uk,1 = 0 0-09 0 Uk,2- 010 0 Uk,2k y Uk,2k+1 y 0-y . O®x0 Ork,5 U=0 Uy I0I --0 0 -010 (2.1) I00 -Y0Jy0 0ay 0-y OYy - -O 0y These operators are self-adjoint, unitary, and anti-commute. It is known from the representation theory of the Clifford algebra that any collection of 2k anti-commuting 1 observables on C 2 k is equivalent (by conjugation by uni- tary) to the collection 0-k,1,. .. k,2k, and any collection of 2k+1 anti-commuting servables on C 2 k is equivalent to either crk, 1 ,. 0- 1 ob- k,2k+1 or 0-k,1, .. . Jk,2k, -Uk,2k+1 (the two options are not equivalent because the product of the observables in the first collection is (-i)kI and the product in the second collection is - (-i)kI). 2.3.2 The general form of n anti-commuting t1 observables on Cd It follows from the representation theory of the Clifford algebra that the following holds for n anti-commuting t1 observables on Cd: Theorem 2.3. Let A 1 ,... A,, be k1 observables on Cd such that AkA + AAk for k # = 0 1. Then d = s2[n/2J for some s E N, and there is an orthonormal basis of Cd 29 with respect to which A 1 ,... A. have block-diagonal form with 2[n/2] x 2[,n/2] blocks and such that * For n = 2k, i =1,...2k Ai[ ~ki " For n=2k+1, OUk,i i=1,...2k Ai= and gk,2k+1 Uk,2k+1 A2k+1 = -Uk,2k+1 L-Ok,2k+1J i. e. some number s', 0 < s' < s of the diagonal blocks of A2k+l are ak,2k+1 and the other s - s' diagonal blocks are -(k,2k+1 2.3.3 Anti-commuting 1 observables and inner products Here we present a property relating n anti-commuting products of vectors in R'. 1 observables and inner We introduce a piece of notation and then state the property. -T Let A 1 ,. .. A, be some matrices on Cd, and let u = u ... Un be a vector in R'. By u-A we mean a linear combination of A 1 ,.... A. with the coefficients u1 ,. . . U7.,; 30 that is, uA- =u1 A1 +- -+uA With this notation, we can state the following lemma: Lemma 2.2. Let A 1 ,... A, be anti-commuting 1 observables on Cd, and let u, v E Rn be two vectors. Then =2 (u-)(v -A) + (v -A)(-) Eujv I=2(u'v)I Proof. We expand the left-hand-side: 2.3.4 ) + (v - )(u - ) n i=1 j=1 uiv 1 (A As + A A ) = 2 = u \i=1 i / (uA A)(v - n Invariant subspaces and Schur's lemma Here we present some facts about invariant subspaces. These facts are commonly called Schur's lemma in expositions of representation theory. We introduce the notion of invariant subspace and then state Schur's lemma. Let A be a matrix on Cd and let V be a subspace of Cd. We say that V is invariant under A if |v) c V => (Alv)) c V This also generalizes to a collection of matrices: let I be some index set and let {Aj : i E I} be a collection of matrices. collection {Aj We say that V is invariant under the : i E I} if it is invariant under each individual A. In the context of representation theory, the index set I has the extra structure of being a group or an algebra, and the mapping i '-* Ai has the extra structure of being a group or algebra 31 homomorphism. However, this extra structure is not used in the proof of Schur's lemma, and the lemma holds for general index sets I. Now we are ready to state Schur's lemma: Lemma 2.3. 1. Let A be a linear operatoron a vector space V, B a linearoperator on a vector space W and T a linear operatorV -+ W. Suppose TA = BT. Then ImT is invariant under B and KerT is invariant under A. More generally, if {A : i E 1} is a collection of linear operators on V, {Bi i E I} is a collection of linear operators on W, and TAj = BiT for all i E I, then ImT is invariantunder the collection {Bi :E 1} and KerT is invariant under the collection { Ai : i E I}. 2. Let A, T be linear operators on a vector space V, such that AT = TA. Then, all eigenspaces of T are invariant under A. More generally, if {Ai : i E 1} is a collection of linear operators on V and AiT = TA, for all i E I, then all eigenspaces of T are invariant under the collection { Ai : i E I}. All these statements can be proved directly from the definitions. 2.3.5 Intertwining operators Here we look at the concept of intertwining operator that is implicitly present in the statement of Schur's lemma. Let {Aj : i E 1} be a collection of linear operators on V, {Bi : i E 2} be a collection of linear operators on W, and T a linear operator V -+ W. We say that T an intertwining operator for the collections {Aj : i E 2}, {Bi : i E I} if TAj = BiT for all i E I. In the context of representation theory, the index set I has the extra structure of being a group or an algebra, and the mappings i 32 '-+ Aj, i '-* Bi have the extra structure of being group or algebra homomorphisms. Here, we will want the slightly more general definition that allows an arbitrary index set I. 33 34 Chapter 3 Overview of Results First, we look at the question: given a non-local XOR game, what can we say about optimal or nearly optimal strategies for the game? We show that there exists a set of relations such that any optimal strategy satisfies the relations, and any nearly optimal strategy nearly satisfies the relations. More specifically, we prove the following: Theorem 3.1. Consider a non-local XOR game specified by an n x m matrix y and such that the quantum success bias for the game is F. Then, there exist vectors a 1, ... a, E Rn and * 1, .... Or E R' such that 1 observablesA 1 , ... A,, B 1 ,... B, and bipartitestate IV)) are an optimal strategy for the game, i.e, n m ZEm (IAi 9 B) =F i=1 j=1 Vk = 1,...r * ak - A II|)=I0/3k.B- ) if and only if 1 observables A 1 ,... A,,, B1 ,... Bm and bipartite state 1\0) are an c-optimal 35 strategy for the game, i. e, nm Sy( i (Ai 0 Bij4) < F (1 - E E e) i=1 j=1 if and only if ES k 0 I ) -- I k.B-b) 2 k=1 The proof of Theorem 3.1 is in Chapter 4. The proof relies on the semi-definite program that can be associated to an XOR game, and on an argument that is related to the complementary slackness condition. vectors a,, . . . a, E R" and 31 , ... From the proof, one can see that the Or E Rn from the statement of Theorem 3.1 can be computed efficiently by solving a semi-definite program and finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a positive semi-definite matrix. Next, we focus attention on the CHSH(n) XOR games. By specializing the methods form the proof of Theorem 3.1 to the case of CHSH(n), we obtain relations that must be satisfied by any optimal or nearly-optimal CHSH(n) strategy; these relations are contained in the following theorem: Theorem 3.2. The following three statements for k1 observables Aj, Bk and bipartite state 10) are equivalent: " Aj, Bik, |') is an optimal CHSH(n) strategy, i.e. I1 (V (n) I<,<j <n I|(Ai 0 Bij + Ai 0 Bji + Aj &Bij - Aj & Bj)|$ " The observables and state satisfy, for all i, j 1 Ai + Aj01 A i 1 I|$,) =1 36 i < j j ,) Bjj|$)) n * The observables and state satisfy, for all i, j 1 < i < j < n Ai D I4V) = I Bii + Bii1 . Aj (D I|0) = I10 Bij Bj ) B1kb) Moreover, the following approximate versions of the three statements are also equivalent * Aj, Bjk,\) is an E-optimal CHSH(n) strategy, i.e. 1 ~(1 -e) 11 & ( 1Ti<j (|{Ai 0 Bij + Ai (D Bjj + Aj 0 Bij - Aj 0 Bjj)|) 2 n * The observables and state satisfy 1 2 2 1<i<jiAn + A -2A II) -I Bilo) 12 2n(n - 1)e o The observables and state satisfy Ai 0 I|0) - 1 S 1<i<jsn B0 \2 +Aj (9IIV,) - I (D v- " )1) < 2n(n - 1)c The proof of Theorem 3.2 is in Section 5.1. Next, we analyze the structure of optimal and nearly optimal CHSH(n) strategies. For the case of optimal strategies, we obtain the following classification theorem: 37 Theorem 3.3. A, Bik, 14) is an optimal CHSH(n) strategy on the space CdA DCdB if and only if there exist an orthonormal basis ju1),... udA) of CdA and an orthonormal basis IvI),. . .|va ) of CdB such that all of the following statements hold o The Schmidt decomposition of |4') is s2Ln/2j V iu ) (@ vi) i=1 with the Schmidt coefficients equal in blocks of length 2Ln/2], A1 =-, A 2 ln/2] = A2Ln/2j+ 1 A(s- 1 ) 2Ln/2j+l * With respect to the basis Iu1),... udA) i. e. 2-2Ln/2 =s2L-/2 of CdA, the observables Aj, i = 1,...n have the block diagonalform: Az Ai = A s) Ci where each A( is 2/2 x 2 [n/2J and acts on span(Iu(j- 1) 2 n/2i+1), and, for each i = 1,... n, for each j = 1,...s, A al[/ 2 J, 1 . . . I"j2t/2i)), except for the case n = 2k + 1, and i = n, in which case A) is either Ok,2k+1 or -Uk,2k+1- The block Ci is an arbitrary 1 observable on the orthogonal complement of span(|ui), . . . us2Ln/2j)). 'Here, the observables ck,i are the ones defined in the relations (2.1). 38 * With respect to the basis lvI), .. ~d) of CdB, the observables Bjk, J $ k E {1,... n} have the block diagonalform: B(1 Jk Bjk = jk Dik where each B(1) is 2Ln/2 x 2Ln/2J and acts on span(v(-1) 2 tf/i+l), and, for 1 < j < k < n, T / jk A( A(' A 1 + A(' ) v/2kj The block Dik is an arbitrary k1 observable on the orthogonal complement of )) - span(|Vi), ... .|V12tLn/2 The proof of Theorem 3.3 is in Section 5.2. The proof uses the relations from Theorem 3.2 and the linear bijection L between CIA 0 CdB and MatdA,dB(C) from subsection 2.1.2. The bipartite state 1'0) from an optimal CHSH(n) strategy is shown to be such that T = L(|0)) is an intertwining operator between certain linear combinations of Alice's observables and certain linear combinations of the transpose of Bob's observables. Given the special structure of the relations for the CHSH(n) game, this is enough to imply the conclusions of Theorem 3.3. One way to interpret Theorem 3.3 is that any optimal CHSH(n) strategy must be a direct sum of elementary optimal strategies on C2 [n/2J ® C2[n/ 2 j, possibly with some additional dimensions on each side that are orthogonal to the support of the state. Another interpretation is that the space suppA1|P) 0 suppB Id) C CdA 0 CdB is a "good subspace" on which the observables from the strategy are "well-behaved", with Aj, i = 1, ... n leaving the space s'uppAJO) invariant and satisfying the canonical 39 anti-commutation relations on that space, and with Bik, the space SUPPB 1V,) I # k E {1,.. . n} leaving invariant and being determined there by Bjk (A' A')/v2-. We now turn attention to E-optimal CHSH(n) strategies. One may at first hope that an approximate version of Theorem 3.3 holds, in the sense that Aj, i = 1,... n nearly satisfy the canonical anti-commutation relations on suppA ((At A ) 2 on SUPPB 4). I), and with Bi~ Unfortunately, that turns out not to be the case; the obstacle is that one can take one of the optimal strategies described in Theorem 4)) 3.3 where some blocks of the Schmidt coefficients for are arbitrarily small, and then one can change the corresponding blocks of the observables Aj, Bjk to something arbitrary. The result is that one gets an E-optimal CHSH(n) strategy such that the observables Aj, i =1,. Byk, j # . . n are not well-behaved on all of SUPPA 14,) and the observables k E {1, . .. n} are not well-behaved on all of SUPPB 4)- The next best thing one could hope for is that the observables Aj, i = 1, . . . n Bjk, j# k E {1, ... n} , are well-behaved on some subspace of SUPPA 140) 0 SUPPB 1). One approach to finding such a subspace is to take a subset of the Schmidt vectors on the A side, and a subset of the Schmidt vectors on the B side. This approach has been pursued in reference [181. The difficulty with this approach is that it gives error bounds that depend on the dimensions dA, dB of the strategy. We have seen in Theorem 3.3 that dA, dB can be arbitrarily large even for optimal strategies. In this thesis, we take a different approach. We start with a strategy Aj, on CdACdB on C2Fn/ 2 1 that is c-optimal for CHSH(n) . We introduce a new strategy Bjk, 10) Aj, Bjk, 4) 0 C 2 rn/21 that we call the canonical optimal strategy for CHSH(n) . Then we construct a non-zero linear operator T : C2'/" D C _--+ 0C^ 0 CdB that approximately satisfies the intertwining operator property from representation theory. Formally, we prove the following: Theorem 3.4. Let Aj, A B y, Bik, 4') be an c-optimal CHSH(n) strategy on CdA }k,be the canonical optimal strategy on 40 C2Fn/ 1 0 C2[/2'. D CdB. Let Then, there exists a non-zero linear operator T :C2n/2 1 (, _++CdA ( CdB C2[n21 with the properties Vi Vj 7 k |(Ai 0 I)T - T(A 0 I)IIF 12n2V'IITIIF < ||(10Bjk)T - T(I 0 Bjk)IF < 17n 2 v11ITII F We now define the canonical optimal strategies that are used in the statement of Theorem 3.4. The canonical strategy is defined differently for the cases n = 2k and n = 2k + 1: 1. For the case n = 2k we define the canonical strategy on the space C 2 k 0 C2k to be as follows Zi Bj= v/2- =A +AI, i =1, ... 2k = a~i (AT - A), 1j- 1 < j <1 < 2k ( 2. For the case n = 2k + 1 we define the canonical strategy on the space C2k+1 C2k+1 to be as follows 01 i 0 A2k+1 + A, 2 = 0k,2k+1 0 -k,i Bj13= 1 1 ... 2k, 1 _T vr2 j Bij--(A k+1 v 2 k+1 41 _T -A,), 0 -Uk,2k+1 1<j<1<2k+l The motivation for defining the canonical strategies in this way is that the observables A 1 ,. . . A, generate an algebra that is isomorphic to the Clifford algebra with n generators. Next, we say a few words about the motivation for proving a result of the form of Theorem 3.4. We look at it from two different points of view: the point of view of the concept of homomorphism in algebra, and the point of view of identifying a "good subspace" on which the observables from a strategy are "well-behaved". Consider the concept of homomorphism in algebra. When we talk of a homomorphism, we have two sets with certain operations on each, and the homomorphism is a map from one set to the other that preserves all the operations. In the context of Theorem 3.4, the two sets are 2 C2rn/ 1 0 C2[n/ 2 1 A4 o I, I 0 53 k. 0CC2 2" and CdA 0 CdB. The operations on are addition, scalar multiplication, and the action of the operators The operations on CdA 0 CdB are addition, scalar multiplication, 3 and the action of the operators Ai 0 I, I 0 B' . The operator T that we construct in Theorem 3.4 is linear, so it preserves addition and scalar multiplication, and it satisfies the approximate intertwining property, so it approximately maps the action of the operators i o 1, I 0 5bk to the action of the operators Ai 0 I, I 0 BJk. Next we look at Theorem 3.4 from the point of view of identifying a "good subspace" on which the observables from a strategy are "well-behaved". We mentioned above that we can think about the classification theorem for optimal CHSH(n) strategies as saying that suppAI1) 0 SUppBI'?) C CA D CdB is a "good subspace" on which the observables from the strategy are "well-behaved". We also saw that trying to generalize this to near optimal strategies encounters difficulties if we look for a good subspace of the form V 0 W with V C suppA110) and W C SUPPB 1). At this point, we take a step back to the optimal CHSH(n) strategies. We notice that for an optimal strategy, inside the space suppAI4) 0 SUPPB 1) there is another 42 space: span {AI1 ... A#,* 0 ) : (j1 . . j) and that this space is invariant under Ai 0 I, I 0 E{0,1}"} Bjk. It is also the case that for many optimal CHSH(n) strategies, the space span {A(1 ... An @I1) : (j1 ... n) E{o, 1}} cannot be written in the form V 0 W; this is why this subspace cannot be found by methods looking for the "good subspace" as V 0 W with V C SUPPA 1) and W C SUppB |)). When we go to the nearly optimal CHSH(n) strategies, it is the space span {Aj...A00 I11) : (j. that we can identify as approximately a "good subspace". It will be clear from the proof of Theorem 3.4 that for the approximate intertwining operator T we construct, ImT = span {Aj1 ... A 0 11b) : (ji ... in) E {0, 1}} The proof of Theorem 3.4 is in Section 5.3. The proof gives an explicit construction of the approximately intertwining operator T. The construction is motivated by the above insight about the importance of the space span {A31 . . . A3 0&I) : (ji ) E{0, 1}" and by the group averaging technique-a common technique of constructing intertwining operators in representation theory. 43 44 Chapter 4 Relations for optimal and nearly-optimal quantum strategies The goal of this chapter is to prove Theorem 3.1. In section 4.1 we explain the relationship between non-local XOR games and semi-definite programs. This rela- tionship has been noted previously in [19, 6], but we include here a detailed proof for completeness. In section 4.2 we give the main idea of the proof of Theorem 3.1. In section 4.3 we show how to obtain the vectors a 1 ,... ar, 1,... , r for the statement of Theorem 3.1 from the solution to the dual semi-definite program, and we show some properties of these vectors. In section 4.4 we prove a useful identity, and obtain Theorem 3.1 as a corollary. In section 4.5 we comment on the freedom of choosing the vectors a 1 ,. . .ar, 4.1 . -1, 3 , for the statement of Theorem 3.1 Non-local XOR games and semi-definite programs Consider the maximization problem: n F sup Ai,B1 ,k) M (ij(VIAi Z j=1 j=1 45 9 Bj1) (4.1) This maximization problem expresses the search for the optimal strategy for the nonlocal XOR game given by the n x m matrix -y. The supremum is taken over all valid strategies, consisting of a state space CIA 0 I observables B 1 ,... Bm on CdB CdB, and a state 14') 1 observables A 1 , .... A on CIA, G CdA 0 CdB. The value of the supremum, F, is the quantum success bias for the game. We now introduce a semi-definite program: F = sup G-Z (4.2) Z>-O, Z-Ejj=1, i=1,...(n+m) Here, Eii is the (n + m) x (n + m) matrix with 1 in the i-th diagonal entry and 0 everywhere else, and G is the (n + m) x (n + m) matrix with block form 0 - G = 2 7r T The two maximization problems (4.1) and (4.2) are related as follows: for each feasible solution of one of them, there is a feasible solution of the other that achieves the same value. Formally: Theorem 4.1. 1. For each quantum strategy Aj, B, ,|$), there is an (n + m) x (n + m) matrix Z that is feasible for the semi-definite program (4.2) and such that n 'm G -Z = E E (OAi Bgj4') i=1 j=1 2. For each (n+m) x (n+m) matrix Z that is feasible for the semi-definite program (4.2) there is a quantum strategy A , Bj,|4) such that E {Kp~Aj & Bj|O) = G -Z i=1 j=1 46 Proof. First, we prove the Part 1. Given a quantum strategy Aj, Bj, I''), we seek to find a matrix Z that is feasible for the primal semi-definite program and that achieves the same value. Form the (n + m) x (n + m) matrix Q of the inner products of the vectors A 1 S IN),... An& IIiB),10B ,I... I Bm 10); that is, (,Pl(Ai 0 I)(Ai 0 I)14') (0 (An 0 I)(Al 0 I)|V,) (I 0 Bi)(Ai 0 I)14) (I 0 Bm)(Al 0 1)1 ) ( (VI(Al 0 I)(A. 0 (4'(A. 0 1)(An 0 I)|P) (4'I(Ai 0 1)14) (4|(A 0 I)(1 0 Bi)4) (4'(An 0 (*|(I 0 B 1)(I 0 Bi) j4) (*1(I 0 Bj)(I 0 B.)10) (41(I 0 Bm)(1 0 Bi)I') (*|(I 0 Bm)(I 0 Bm)4) (Op(I U BI)(A,. 01) P) (1I B.)(A 0 1)|) I)(I 0 B 1 )IP) (*I(Ai 0 1)(I 0 Bm)I4') I)(1 0 B.)I4) Next, we observe that the matrix Q has the following properties: " It is a matrix in Matn+,(C), it is self-adjoint, and it is positive semi-definite. * It has all its diagonal entries equal to 1. " It has real entries of the form ('|Ai0 Bj|4) in the n x m upper right block and the m x n lower left block. Next we take Z to be the real part of the matrix Q. From the properties of the matrix Q we get the following properties of the matrix Z: " It is a matrix in Man+m(R), it is symmetric, and it is positive semi-definite. " It has all its diagonal entries equal to 1. " It has real entries of the form ('?Ai 0 Bj|4) in the n x m upper right block and the m x n lower left block. From the first two properties, we get that Z is feasible for the primal semi-definite 47 program (4.2). From the third property, we get that Z'ij(|Ai 9 Bfr|p) n 0 G .Z Z= M E 0 i=1 j=1 The proof of Part 1 of Theorem 4.1 is complete. Now, we prove Part 2. Let Z be feasible for the primal semi-definite program (4.2); we seek to find a quantum strategy that achieves the same value. Z is positive semi-definite, so there exists some (n + m) x (n + m) matrix Y Denote the first n columns of Y by ui,... un, and denote the such that Z = yTy. remaining m columns of Y by v, ... T U1 U 1 vrn. Then, we have T U1 V1 T U, Vm T Un1 U 1 T Un V 1 T Urn .. Un T V1 U1 T V1 V1 .. V T 1 Vm TV VIM1 .. .. U1T Un T T 'VmU1 We get that G -Z = 2 T VIm-Un ]zzn 0.~ -Z = 0 and in addition, from the primal constraint Z the vectors u,... un, v, ... T VmVin -=ijtti V . Z = =1 j=1 .Ei = 1, i=1.(n +m) we get that vm all have unit norm. To complete the proof of Theorem 4.1, we claim that given unit vectors u 1 , v1,.. . vM in Rd, we can find ... un, 1 observables A 1 , . .. An, B 1 ,... Bn and bipartite state 1) such that (|Aj 0 B~4) = u T 48 This fact was first observed in reference [191. Here we also give a proof; see Lemma 4.1 below. Assuming for now that we can find partite state 1 observables A 1 ,... A,,, B1 ,... Bn and bi- 4') such that (VIAi 9Bg4) = u'vj it is clear that for this quantum strategy we have ZZij i=1 Ai 9 Bgj|') G-Z = i=1 j=1 j=1 The proof of Theorem 4.1 is complete. W Now we present the lemma that was used in the proof of Theorem 4.1: Lemma 4.1. Let u,... . u,, V 1 ,... V. be unit vectors in Rd. observables A 1 ,. .. A,,, B 1 , .. . Bm and bipartite state |') on Then, there exist k1 C Ld/2] 0 CLd/2j such that (V) Ai 0 BjU)= Proof. In the space CLd/2j 0 CLd/2 we take the state 2 v/2Ld/2j Next we consider the form the 1 observables J4) to be d/2j i=1 u[d/2j,1,... ua~/2j,d defined in (2.1). We will 1 observables A 1 , ... A,, B 1 ,.... Bm as linear combinations of O[d/2J,1, . .- Ld/2j,d- Following the notation defined in subsection 2.3.3, we take, for a vector w E Rd, d a WiOUd/2j,i W = i=1 Using this notation, we form the observables A 1 , 49 ... A,, from the vectors u, ... u,, by taking Ai = ui - 6 We form the observables B 1 ,... Bm from the vectors v 1 ,... vm by taking Bi = (vi -6)' Using the fact that ui,.... u,, v 1 ,...vm, are unit vectors and using lemma 2.2, we get that A' = I and B2 = I for all i,j. In addition, Aj, B are self-adjoint by construction; it follows that the A 1 ,... A, B 1,... Bm constructed above are 1 observables. It remains to show that Ai & Bj| = uv First, we observe that the state 2d/2j \/ 2 Ld/2 has the property ) AMIIj'11) = I &MTI 4 for all matrices M on C2 [d/2 . This follows by using the linear bijection L from subsection 2.1.2 and the properties of L in Lemma 2.1 L(M (D I1,0)) = ML(1,0)) = Mf 1 v\,/2[d/2] I-C2Ld/2 / 2 Ld/2J 50 Id/2j AI = L(I))M = L(I 0 MTIO)) 2 C From the property M010) = I®MTIV) it follows that (4'Ai 0 Bj 10) (BjjO)) (Ai B)10(O\Ai + ) 0 0I) | 2 B I i I|4) + ((OIAi 0 I) (Br 0|b)) AiBj + BfAi 2 1 Finally, we apply Lemma 2.2 and get AiBf + BjTA. 2 2 (ui . -)(v-j) + (v 2 )(i.- (ut) )I 0") (U- 0 (U j) and from here we obtain (4OLA 0 BjI4) = uTv as needed. The proof of Lemma 4.1 is complete. Having established the relation between the optimization problem (4.1) and the semi-definite program (4.2), we now turn attention to the dual semidefinite program. The dual to (4.2) is: m+n V'"= inf E3wi (4.3) Both the primal and the dual semi-definite programs have strictly feasible solutions; therefore, by Theorem 2.2 the primal supremum is attained, the dual infimum is attained, and both are equal. Combining this with Theorem 4.1, we get that 51 F =' = " and that F is also attained. To summarize, we have the three optimization problems n F = sup Ai,Bj ,1b) M -(bI|Ai 0 Bj 1,0) EZ)7Z i=1 j=1 G-z sup Z>-O, Z-Eii=1, i=1,...(n+m) m+n F"= inf zwi E'4'wiEii G and we know that F = F' = F" and we know that all three are attained. 4.2 Proof idea for Theorem 3.1 We are now in a position to show how to use the dual semi-definite program (4.3) to obtain relations that any optimal or nearly optimal quantum strategy must satisfy. The basic idea of the argument is to look at the duality gap: for Z a feasible primal solution and wi, . . . wm+n a feasible dual solution, we have m+n m+n S=1 Moreover, if wi, ... wi Eis - G -Z > 0 wm+n is dual optimal and if F(1 - E) < G - Z < F, then m+n rc > w& Er - G -Z > 0 so we can use the dual optimal solution to obtain relations on primal optimal and near-optimal solutions. We proceed with the details in the sections below. 52 4.3 Decompositions of the dual optimal solution In the statement of Theorem 3.1 we use vectors ai, . . a E R', 01,... . 3 r C Rm. We now show how to obtain these vectors from the dual optimal solution; the argument is contained in the following lemma and its proof. Lemma 4.2. Let w 1 ,... wm+n be an optimal solution for the dual semi-definite program (4.3). Then, there exist vectors a1.... a E R, 01 ... Or E R"n with the prop- erties a a = wjEjj r E 13,10T = Z Diag(w1, ... wn) n+iEi = Diag(wn+1 , . - Wn+m) (4.4) i=1 i1 Zo T = Proof. We look at the (n = i=1 m =1 P e + m) x (n + m) matrix wEj jI" - G. semi-definite by the dual constraint. Therefore, there exist vectors vi, It is positive ... r E RT+n such that r m+n ivEii - G = i=1 Vivi i=1 2 - One possible such decomposition comes from the orthonormal eigenvectors of E'+" wiEi G, each eigenvector multiplied by the square root of the corresponding eigenvalue. There is also freedom in choosing this decomposition; we say more about this in section 4.5. Now we look at the block decomposition of the matrix EZi"=1 the vectors vi, . .. vr. The (n + m) x (n + m) matrix E'+' 53 - G and of wi Eii - G can be written in block form as m~n Diag(wi,... Wn) -T /2 For the vectors vi, . . . 1R Diag(wn+,...Wn+m) let ozi,. .ar E R", ]If+, Cei Vi /1, .. , E Rm be such that . Ej - =w1 i = 1,...r in block form. By using the block decompositions, we get r Diag(wj,...-Wn) ai [aT I= -T /2 D'iag(Wn+1, -- wn+t)] / J L[-13 and from here we get the relations r S< n =T5 wjEj = Diag(w1,....w,.) 3n+iEii[= Diag(wn+1,.- - Wn+m) 5 cx,3, = 2-y i=1 The lemma is proved. 4.4 [ A useful identity and the proof of Theorem 3.1 So far, we have obtained the vectors a1 , ... a7r E R, 301, ... .r C R"' as in Lemma 4.2. To complete the proof of Theorem 3.1, we use the following identity: 54 Lemma 4.3. Let A 1 Rn, ,3, ... An, B1 , ... Bin, 1,0) be a quantum strategy. Let a1 ,.... a, E R' be vectors with the properties: r S aT =T in i=1 i=1 r in+iEi i=1 2=1 Then, the following identity holds: 2 n m+n -kb-~I®/3k.B Ek i i mn - E E yij Ai 9 Bj|') (4.5) i=1 j=1 k=1 Proof. We open the squares on the left-hand side: r EZ1 2 -4 c~k A k BIy5) 1 k=1 i=1 I1k) + r( (ai I0 (i- B) )o i=1 2 (a - - ) & (8i - B) 1 Now, from the property n 'wEij aia T i=1 i=1 we obtain n r i=1 2 E wjA GAZAJ +5 i=1 i7si Similarly, from the property r = =1 i=1 55 n+iEi = (w \n= I Io) we obtain mn 2 1(3i - B) Wn+iBi = +ZEOBB, j=1 WI -('M i#j Finally, from the property 1 EZa3T we obtain 2 2 n m -yhA%®0Bj 0i- -)=ZZ (i i=1 j=1 i=1 The identity m+ri r A® 011~) - 2 I &/ k - ak= 3 i=1 k=1 n rn wi - E|A i=1 j=1 0 Bj|V) El follows. Using Lemma 4.3, we can complete the proof of Theorem 3.1. Proof of Theorem 3.1. We have chosen w,. . Wn+m to be a dual optimal solution, so -_+-M'Uw= F. Then, by Lemma 4.3, r kak= A 2 I|'1) - I 03k- - B14>) =r - {p|j(01Ai 0 Bj|) E j=1 i=1 It follows that - jj('IAi a Bjf I4V) - P i=1 j=1 if and only if Vk = 1,...r ak 'A 1 M I1,0) =I-1 A and that E i=1 i~E V i (S B.7 IV) < IF j=1 56 -/3| r Z 2 l lk k=1 'AOII11P) -- 0 ]7<cF Ak.BIO) Theorem 3.1 is proved. 4.5 Freedom in the choice of decomposition In this section, we return to the choice of decomposition we made in Section 4.3 when we wrote m+n r (wjEjj - G=- T [- r vivi =(ae = -p --#iJ It is known that for a square positive semi-definite matrix M, the decomposition of the form M = Ej vivi is not unique. In fact, the following theorem holds: Theorem 4.2. Let M be a real symmetric positive semi-definite matrix. The following statements hold: * Let M = = vivi and let 0 be an r x r orthogonal matrix. E_.O1k0k. Then, M = E Ui Let ul = T E u 1 ,. . . u, with r - s copies of the zero vector. Then, there exists an r x r orthogonal matrix 0 such that u1 = EZ= 1 OlkVk. For a proof of this theorem, see [16][p. 103-1041. The proof there treats self-adjoint matrices over C, but it easily adapts to the real symmetric case. From this, we can see that there is freedom in the decomposition r m+n wjLiEj - G= 1~ a - Z' Let = Ml and =v _8= ensemble the Complete s. r>ugu' assume if and only if 0Z T =1-j 57 -#O a and that any two such decompositions are related by kak k=1 81' -O for some orthogonal matrix 0. We can see that the different decompositions give rise to equivalent sets of relations; the argument is contained in Lemma 4.4 and Corollary 4.1 below. Despite the fact that different sets of relations are equivalent, it will be convenient in future arguments to be able to use more than one set of relations. We conclude this section by explaining the equivalence of relations arising from the different decompositions. The argument is contained in the following lemma and corollary. Lemma 4.4. Let u1 , ... ur, V1, Z= 1 OIkVk ... VT be vectors in some inner product space such that for some orthogonal matrix 0. Then, Proof. We open the squared norms I112 r_ 1 |uk||2 r 112vkI and use the fact that 0 has orthonormal rows and we get: E IUk 112 1=1 k=1 nt=l \k=1 JIok||2 {VIIVm) = Oki Ok-m = /k=1 I Corollary 4.1. Let Kil M+ r wjEj -G 1 - z =( 1 =1 p 1 -- 58 = -O= [ -p0- T ~ T] I- be two decompositions. Then r EZak A®I 10)I3k -BIO) '/ 1 22k k k=1 1 (a 2 2j k=1 and so the two decompositions give equivalent relationsfor Theorem 3.1. Proof. Assume without loss of generality that r > r'. From Theorem 4.2, we know that 1 [a =~Olk [k k=1 -,3k for some orthogonal matrix 0. Then, a' -A OI|O) - I 0i' - @) = k=1 Olk (a so we can apply Lemma 4.4 to the vectors ak and a' - A OIIV) -I O #[ -BIV)), k = 1,..r' 59 -A®Ikb) -- I/3k 0 I0 ) - I ®k - Bk1), k = 1, F] 60 Chapter 5 The structure of CHSH(n) optimal and nearly optimal strategies In this chapter we prove the results that characterize optimal and nearly optimal strategies for the CHSH(n) XOR games: Theorems 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. Theorem 3.2 gives relations that any optimal CHSH(n) strategy must satisfy, and any nearly optimal CHSH(n) strategy must approximately satisfy. The proof of Theorem 3.2 is in section 5.1. Theorem 3.3 classifies the optimal CHSH(n) strategies. The proof of Theorem 3.3 is in section 5.2. Theorem 3.4 constructs an approximately intertwining operator between the canonical optimal CHSH(n) strategy and a given E-optimal CHSH(n) strategy. The proof of Theorem 3.4 is in section 5.3. 61 5.1 Relations for CHSH(n) optimal and nearly optimal strategies In this section, we aim to prove Theorem 3.2. We will prove the second part of the theorem; that is, we aim to show the equivalence of the three statements Bik, 1'0) 1 (1 - is an E-optimal CHSH(n) strategy, i.e. ) o Aj, <(| 4(n) . 11 n Ai & Bij + Ai 0 Bjj + Aj 0 Bij - Aj 0 Bjj)|10) < 1 The observables and state satisfy S ( +A 2 0 BIV,) -li)-i I 1 i<j~n + I/20 9 I) - I0 Bji ) < 2n(n - 1)E The observables and state satisfy S I|@) - I®O Bij + Bjj1') 2 ( 1 i<j~n v/-22 < 2n(n - 1)E ) A o I0) -. I® If we prove the above three statments are equivalent, then we also get the first part of Theorem 3.2 by taking c = 0. We use the same techniques that we used in proving Theorem 3.1 in chapter 4. We look at the primal and dual semi-definite program corresponding to the CHSH(n) game, and we find two explicit decompositions that, using Theorem 3.1, give us the 62 equivalence of the three statements above. We take the n x n(n - 1) matrix -y that summarizes the information for the CHSH(n) game. From subsection 2.1.8 we know that 7 = (ti)(II + j)(iji + i)(il - Ij)(Aii) Next, we form the n 2 x n2 matrix G which has the block form: 0 1 - G = In this context, it is convenient to think of R" 2 as having an orthonormal basis formed by concatenating the basis 11),. Rn(n-1). So, In) of R" and the basis Iij), i # j {1, .. .n} of we can write + (Wij)il + lij)(l + Iji( - jIA))) Next, we form the primal and dual semi-definite programs corresponding to the CHSH(n) game; they are sup G-Z Z>-O,Z-Eiti=1 n 2 E wi inf i=1 wiEiitG i=1 We know that the optimal value for both is !; this follows from the result in ref- erence [18] about the quantum success bias of the CHSH(n) game, and the discussion in Section 4.1. 63 Next, we claim that w - = 1 2Vf2- I Wn1 =1 dual optimal solution. We can see that , = W,2 = Wn2= 2 2n (n -1) isa i the dual optimum, so all that is left to prove is that w 1 , . . . w,2 is dual feasible. To prove that wi,... Wn2 is dual feasible, we show that i12 We define the following vectors for 1 < i < j < N a = Ii) ji ) (5.1) ji) +ii) - __ij) ii) and observe that the following decomposition holds: n2 Zwi Eli - G i=1 S21n(n1i<j~ n ((oik -Oij) It follows that the matrix the given wi,... W,2 (aij - OT)\ +(aji - #i) (aji -#3) (5.2) wE - G is positive semi-definite, and therefore, are a dual optimal solution as claimed. Now, we observe that from the decomposition (5.2), it follows that the vectors (5.1) satisfy the conditions of Lemma 4.3; therefore, we apply Lemma 4.3, and, as in the Section 4.4, we conclude that the following two statements are equivalent: 64 o Aj, Bk, l) is an E-optimal CHSH(n) strategy, i.e. 1 7(1 -E) 1(2 E (| (1Ai 0 Bij + A 0 Bj + A 0 Btj - A 0 By ) |0) <I * The observables and state satisfy 110) 2 Bj- B-- 17 A 0Iji)-I + (A 2 - S 1<i<j~rL B-10Bj + BV2 N "|2) 2 ) 2n(n-1) Next, we define the following vectors for 1 < i < j < N ai) +j) (5.3) = |i ) i and observe that the following decomposition holds: n2 5wEj - G i=1 2v 2n(n - 1) -C ij (01, _- ij + Cf - ti~;) (afi - I3~T (5.4) 1 i<j n Again we apply Lemma 4.3 and this time we conclude that the following two statements are equivalent: 65 * Aj, BJk, 4) is an E-optimal CHSH(n) strategy, i.e. (1 - E) 1 ( <K i (|j (Ai 0 Bij + Ai D Bji + Aj & Bij - Aj 0 Bji)I)< e The observables and state satisfy S 2 A +A Bij IV,) + v1-2I I Bjilo) 2 2n(n -1)c This completes the proof of Theorem 3.2. 5.2 Classification of CHSH(n) optimal strategies The goal of this section is to prove Theorem 3.3. Theorem 3.3 claims the equivalence of two statements: " A strategy is optimal for the CHSH(n) game " There are bases for Alice's space and for Bob's space with respect to which the strategy has a certain form. We prove that the first statement implies the second in subsection 5.2.1, and we prove that the second statement implies the first in subsection 5.2.2. 5.2.1 An optimal CHSH(n) strategy must have a certain form Let Aj, Bjk, IV) be an arbitrary optimal CHSH(n) strategy on CIA 0 CdB. is to show that this strategy has the structure described in Theorem 3.3. 66 Our goal From Theorem 3.2 we know that the following relations are satisfied for all i, j1 < i<jin B -- <Bi3+ A4i 0 I10) = I (D Bi +B Aj 9 I1,0) = I0 Bi 1) - Bj 1) Let T = L(|,)) be the dA x dB matrix that corresponds to 4') E CdA 0 CdB (subsection 2.1.2). To the relations above correspond the following relations in terms of AP: + Bjj A VA19== XP (Bij (B - Bi)T (5.5) AV=4 It follows that the space Imx C (Bij - Bj) CA is invariant under the observables Aj, i = 1, ... n , by using Schur's lemma 2.3. Let the non-zero terms in the Schmidt decomposition of IV) be 4') = >3 AfIu) 0 Ivi) i=1 IUr) as an orthonormal basis of ImJ, and complete it to an orthonor- Choose U 1 ), ... mal basis of CdA. With respect to this basis, the observables A, i = 1,... n have the block form Ai= [A' 0 0 Ci where A' acts on Im4, and Ci acts on the orthgonal complement. From A' = Ai, A2 = I, it follows that A't = A', A' 2 = I and C = Ci, C2 = I. It is clear at this point that the blocks C, i = 1, ... n may be arbitrary, and that they don't in any way influence the quantum value achieved by the strategy. From now on, we focus on the observables A' that act on the space ImT. 67 We now claim that for all i,j, 1 < i < {Ai~i}~=~( B BT + BT BT {A', A'} = 0. This is because BT -- =B 9((BT)2 - (B,5)2) =0 ,+ B {Aj, Ajj}W = j < n, It follows that A',... A' are anti-commuting I observables on the space ImXI. We apply Theorem 2.3 and get that the number of non-zero Schmidt coefficients of 10) is an integer multiple of 2Ln/2J. Let r = s2Ln/2J. We now consider the operator T, which takes the space ImT to itself. Form the relations (5.5), it follows that AiWt=9(Bij + Bj P B= +FB it = TV At _ V t Aj We now apply Schur's lemma, and conclude that all eigenspaces of XQt must be invariant spaces for the observables Al, .. .A'. It then follows that all eigenspaces of xT must have dimension an integer multiple of 2[n/2j. From this conclusion about the eigenspaces of 'T, and from the expression s2L-/2j i=1 we get that the non-zero Schmidt coefficients of |b) must come in blocks of length 2L,,/2] that are equal, i.e. 1 ~ A2 Ln/2j+ 1 A(s-1)2Ln/2j+1 j 2 Ln/ 2 .2-/2j = As2 L-/21 Returning to the observables A',... A', we apply Theorem 2.3 and get that with 68 respect to the basis lui),... IUs2tn/2j), the observables A', . . . A' have the block diag- onal form: Ai [A~oA~s)] = where each AYj for each i = is 2 [n/2j x 2 Ln/21 and acts on span(Iu(- 1 ) 2 Lf/21), -- - 1, . . . n, for each j = 1, . . s, and i = n, in which case A( is either = U-n/2Ji Uk,2k+1 lgt.2)), except for the case n and, 2k+1, or -Ok,2k+1- The proof of the forward direction of Theorem 3.3 is now almost complete; it remains to prove the statement about Bjk, j k E {1, ... n} . We take the following relations from Theorem 3.2: 0 [0=1oB Iv@) =I®@B~I'| ) Ai + Aj 0 and we rewrite them in terms of IQT to get Ai + Aj Bj q/T=q Bv Ai+Ai) T= BjjIT = jT (AiA ) 3 It follows from Schur's lemma that ImTT = span(vi), ... under Bjk, j / kE {1, ... n} , and so Bjk, i (5.6) IVS2t/2J)) is invariant kc {l,.. . n} have the block diagonal form Bjk = Bjk 0 0 Djk where the t1 observables Bjk act on ImT orthogonal complement. 69 and the 1 observables Djk act on the The final thing that is left to show is the block-diagonal decomposition B(1 B'k- [B. and the relations on the individual blocks, for 1 < j < k < n jk (1 B=A(') + AC = B A(')- A( T ki These follow from the relations (5.6) and from the fact that with respect to the basis u*),...ju*2 ta/2j) of the source space and the basis vi),. .. Iv 8 2 n/2J) of the target space, IQT has the block diagonal form VT2L 12J XpT V'Xs 21I2jI The forward direction of Theorem 3.3 is proved. 5.2.2 Any strategy of a certain form is optimal for CHSH(n) We assume that a strategy Aj, Bjk, jI/)) on CA ® CIB has the form described in The- orem 3.3; that is, we assume e The Schmidt decomposition of 1,) is s2Lt/2j i= vTi IUi) (D IVi) 70 with the Schmidt coefficients equal in blocks of length 2 Ln/2J, i.e. A, A2Ln/2j 2Ln/2+ 1 2 (s-1)2Ln/ j+1 * With respect to the basis lui), ... A2-2Ln/2 -s2Ln/2 udA) of CdA, the observables Aj, i = 1,... n have the block diagonal form: 1 [A(') Ai = A(s) Ci where each A is 2 Ln/2j x 2 Ln/2J and acts on span(lu(- 1 )2 Lf/2j+1), and, for each i = 1,. . . n, j for each = 1, . .. s, case n = 2k + 1, and i = n, in which case The block C is an arbitrary span(Iui), . .. A = 0 is either 4n/2Ji ... except for the 0k,2k+1 or -Uk,2k+1- 1 observable on the orthogonal complement of U. 2 [n/2j)). * With respect to the basis lvi), .. .VdB) of CdB, the observables Bik, {1, ... n} have the block diagonal form: 1 Bg Bjk Djk 71 j $ k E where each B(1) is 2 Ln/2J x 2L/J and acts on spam(v(J_12 tf2j,), . . . Ij 2 t2/2)),, and, for 1 < j < k < n, T +AO A- A ik kj --- v2 The block Djk is an arbitrary +1 observable on the orthogonal complement of span(ivi), ..... V.22tn/2j ) ). ) is an optimal CHSH(n) strategy. We have to show that A , Bik, First, we use the description of the Schmidt decomposition of 4') (the first bullet), to write = 2Ln/2J VA 2 Lf/2 1 41) 1=1 where 12 Ln/2] 1 1N") 2Ln/2j IU-r) 0 IV) E 2 r=(1-1)2t/ Next, we claim that for each i, j +1 j, 1 < i < j < n, the following two statements hold, the first for indvidual blocks, and the second for the whole observables: * For each block number 1, 1 < I < s, =1 A B()I 4") 1 1'2 B I ) (,IA(') 72 . For the whole observables, 1 (O4Ai 0 BigjI) = (4Ai 0 Bji b) 1 = (5.7) 1 ($|Aj 0 Bigj|) 1 ($IAj 0 Bji|V) =0 -v/2 i = 1, The first statement is true because the blocks A( Bjk()= A n anti-commute on suPPA|I 0), and because u1 2 Ln/j))= 1 1), ... f2 A - B k() + the space span(u(1- 1 ) 2Lfl/2i ... We have already seen in the proof of lemma 4.1 that these facts imply that (7PIA( 0 B(1)1,01) equals the inner product of the vectors Ii) E Rn and see that ( ')$'f 0B 14i) = , c R". Thus we E)+Ij) and the other three equalities follow similarly. Now we focus on the statements for the whole observables. They follow from the statements for the individual blocks. We show this for (4jAi (D BijIV)): =/2]n/2 AB 0|A2 | ( 1) ((n/ IA|A 1=1 B 1) = Z2Ln/ 2 A12 L,,/2] 1 v12 1=1 The other three terms are analogous. Now, from the relations (5.7), we see that the CHSH(n) value of the strategy Ai, Bjk, 4/) is ( (01 Ai 0 Bij + Ai 0 Bi + A3 D Bi0 - Aj 3 B) F21<i<jsn 73 1|p) = so Aj, Bk, 1) is an optimal CHSH(n) strategy. The reverse direction of Theorem 3.3 is proved. 5.3 Approximate intertwining operator construction for CHSH(n) near-optimal strategies The goal of this section is to prove Theorem 3.4. That is, given an arbitrary C-optimal CHSH(n) strategy Aj, Bjk, LV) on strategy Ai, B5k, W) on C 2 rn/21 CdA 0 CdB , and the canonical optimal CHSH(n) C3a , we want to show the existence of a non-zero linear operator T :C 2 fn'21 & rn2 2 -+ Cd^ D CdB with the properties |(Ai 0 I)T - T(A 0O I)IIF < 12n2 VIITIIF Vi Vj # k || 1() BJk)T - T (I 0 Bjk)IIF < 17n2 IITIIF We construct T explicitly: T = 1 (n 1... SM)10,1}" Aj* .. (j Akn 0 I|)1 Ai- .. I The motivation for this construction comes from the insight about the importance of span {A31 ... An' 1) :(. ) the space and from the group averaging technique of constructing intertwining operators. Even though here we are dealing with strategies for the CHSH(n) game, and do not explicitly have representations of finite groups, the relations on optimal and nearly-optimal 74 CHSH(n) strategies from Theorem 3.2 are strong enough that we can prove that the T defined above behaves approximately like an intertwining operator with respect to the observables of the two strategies. The argument proceeds in the following steps: 1. We prove that the vectors in) E {0, 1}" : (01... A- o 11|N) J{Ze ... coming from the canonical strategy are orthonormal. 2. From this, we derive that lIThF = 1, and so also T $ 0. 3. Next, we show that we can write (Ai 0 I)T -T(Aj - & I) = sign(iji,... ')Ai Here the sign(i, 1 ... ( (AjA3 Aftl ... Afn ji, ... Jn) notation . A I ... Z 10))('I (A ®I (5.8) has to do with the sign resulting from chang- ing the order in a product of anti-commuting observables and will be defined in detail later. 4. Similarly, we show we can write 1 (I & Bk)T - T(I 0 BkO) = ((A1 ... A n Bki'P) (,/2n ---... )M E 0,1}" - + ti, i(+sign('i,,.. .j, 1)A ... Ai In the place where there is t, k)A'j . .. A) we take 75 ... A-k,' . .. nA® jb) a (Ai1< .w.. ae i (5.9) + if k < I and we take - if k > 1. A Ai ... Akj 0 I14) - . . n}, for all (i sign(iji,... A .. . .. C {0, in) .A .*.. 1} , 5. Next, we show that for all i E {1,. kI) < (6 + 4v/) n2\/ < 12n 2v/6 (5.10) 6. Similarly we show that for all k $ 1 E {1,. . . n}, for all (j 1 ... A'~ 0BkII~) An . A - 3i( B1 + sign(ji, ... ) n sign(j,....Jn 110)1 k) Ail1~* *, 1)A"... Aj* ... A3 A~k in) E {0, 1}", .An & Ib) I 17 + 6,/2- n2 /- 7n 2,/-, (5.11) 7. Finally, we combine all the previous steps to show that Vi Vj # k II(Ai 0 I)T - T(Ai 0 I) |F < 12n2 fIITIIF ||(I O Bjk)T -T(I BJk)IIF < 17n2 v ITIIF as required for the proof of Theorem 3.4. The seven subsections below are devoted to the detailed arguments for the seven steps outlined above. 5.3.1 Orthonormal vectors Here we aim to show that the vectors {Zi ... AJ &Ib) : (J1. .jn) E {0, 1}n} coming from the canonical strategy are orthonormal. 76 First, we reduce this to proving that j) nonzero (j1 one can take (ji, .. .j) = ( A ... . . A I) for each n to show that given (ki ... k.n), (1i,. . .') E {0, 1}, (ki E li,... kn D 1n) and have I .. j ... A-,-o I|4)) ( ) 1n@I is orthogonal to A' Now, we prove that |) (ji ... in) (1, 1) and the second case is all other situations. ... to A' E {0, 1}'. This works because we can use the anti-commutation relations for the Ai, i = 1,. Di 'l j4) is orthogonal ... Zn 0 I1) for each nonzero e {, 1}. There are two cases: one case is if n is odd and (ji, . . in) We consider the first case. For n odd, we have n 0 i1 0 - I lA~= (-i)n Therefore, we have 2Ln/2j 1 2. [n/2] n i=1 and so Ii) 2 . Ln/21 is orthogonal to A,' ... An 2.2 11) E wj Ln/2j E j=1 j=2Ln/2+1 2L-/2j 2-2Ln/2j Y, j) j=1 w|j Ii) oi)) Ii)oli) - = + 14') j=2Ln/2] +1 0 I14) in the first case. Next, we consider the second case. First, we look at the product Aj1 . . . Aj. We claim that there exists an index i such that (5.12) 77 This is because when there are an even number of terms in the product Ail ... AJ, we can choose Ai to be one of the observables that appears in the product, and if there are an odd number of terms, we can choose Ai to be one of the observables that does not appear in the product. Next, we use the relation (5.12) to write (4'IA In . . A1® Oy) =(4'I (oT) (A,' A ®I~) (Ai A) 4T) (|(AiA'... An A) 0 (A. )2 . 1) =-(4'IAj. An) = '4) and from here we obtain that ) is orthogonal to Ai1 ... A-7 0 11 ) in the second case as well. This completes the proof that the vectors {Al 3n) E (j, ... ...Ai & I|N 0, 1}n coming from the canonical strategy are orthonormal. 5.3.2 The Frobenius norm of T Here we aim to prove that IITH|F = 1. This follows from the expression |ITIIF= TTT for the Frobenius norm, combined with the expression Zgn Al . . Ai- 01I7P)( j (Zil ... T = (1-2-i-MG)10,1} for T, combined with the fact that the vectors {Aj1... A 0 I|n ) (ji... j'7 ) E {0, 1}} 78 t are orthnormal, and combined with the fact that the vectors I0) : (l ... in) E {o, j1} {A31.. A-' 1 all have unit norm. To combine all these facts, we use the following lemma: Lemma 5.1. Let S S where the vectors |vi), i = 1, ui )(viI are orthnormal. Then, ... ,r r Proof. (viIIvj)(ujI Sst = = i=1 j=1 1 r r S ui)(ui and so IISIIF _ Tr ui)(uI I r El Applying this lemma to the operator T, we conclude that 5.3.3 The expression for (Ai 0 I)T - T(Ai 1TH|F -1 D I) Here we aim to show the identity - ( sign(i,ji,.. .jn)Ajl ... A 79 .. .A~n II))(ipl b) (1. .A! I - (AiA-'...A in(gI - (Ai 0 I)T - T(Ao; I)= 1 Consider T(A 0 ): 1 T(A 0 I)= A',... - f(j,...-j.)E{0,j}" 1 | An"Ip) All~ J (l. ) n (Ai 0 I) Aj- t l) ..AI)((A &i) I(Al' ... (ji---j.)C{0,j}" We now use the anti-commutation relations for A... into the product n. Ai, i = 1,. .n to insert the Ai This possibly incurs a minus sign, depending on the particular i and the particular (j1... Jn) E {0, 1}". We define sign(i, ji,... 3n) to be such that (Ai)(A 1 . . Aj-) = sign(i, ji, ... j,)A3 1 . . Aji'el... A3n Using this, we get T(A & I) 1 E Al . . A 3 no IV) sign(zi, j,7 . j.. )A 1'. A jno 0 A j'*.***lkn 1) 110 )p/ Now we change the index of summation, and use ) s i 1n11, ... Ji ... in) = sign(i, j, .. . ' (@ 1.. .j to get T(A0I) = 1 sign~i 1, . . n)A(1.. . j*l . . . An I@ (j, ... j.)E{0,1}n (NI (Ai .. . A ,- & I) 80 From here, the identity (Ai & I)T - T(A 0D I) 1 SAi Ajl... Ai- 0 I|1 M - sign(i, ji,.. A ...Ag0I? ... ))(ei (A{1 n t A!n follows. 5.3.4 The expression for (I 0 Bi)T - T(I 0 &0l) Here we aim to prove the identity - (10 Bk)T T(I & kl)= 1 (j1.---3n)E{,1}" ksign(i, .-.. + sign (j1,... n, (Al ... An 0 BklI|) k) A31 . ..A(* ...Ain@ Il@ AI (A3 I) {| 1 ... 1a~) Aj ...A3,*') ...Ai- The argument is similar to the previous section. We consider T(I 0 B k). T(10 &ki) I)(I 0 Bk1)|) .. (ii1... in)E{0,1} 1 A3,... A'n- 0 1 )( 1 . .l2)(oI) 0 Ak + t P1 (v1..2){S1} where +Ak is taken if k < 1 and -Ak is taken if k > 1. Next, we use the anti-commutation relations to insert Ak and A, into the product 81 A.A-'-. T(I B A-," ... Ain YS 0|) (ii---.)E{0,j}" .. jk)Z(1. ni,)- sign(* A-k1, A@...®Ai) + (sign(ji,. . . jr, l)Ajl ... AE . . . 0I )) We separate into two sums and change the index of summation in each and we get 1 1( E Bk1) sign(ji,... j, + sign0l, 11)AIil ...Aj"')' ...Ain l k)Ajl ... A(**E ... Ag 0 ID ) T(I 0 .A I14') (4I (A3. & I)t From here, the identity 1 1 SE (Ajl i72sign(ji, . .. J, k)Ajl ... + sign(ji,... In, l)All ... Ajl .. . n A1 10ri Aik(D ... Ag .Ain o I 1 )) 114D ( Ail.. A ) (I0 Bk1)T - T(I & Bk1) ) follows. 5.3.5 The first error bound Here, we aim to show that for all i E {1, ... n}, for all (ji ... J71) E {0, 1}, AAl . .. A.- 011,0) - sign(iji, . .. j)Ajl ... Aji . . An 01I4') ; (6 + 4x)n 2 V/< 82 12n 2 V / Sk,) We get (5.13) The situation is the following: we would like to insert Ai into the product A31 ... Ain as if the Aj, i = 1,. . . n were anti-commuting. However, we don't know that Aj, i 1,.. .n are anti-commuting; all we know about the Aj, i = 1,...n is that they are part of an c-optimal CHSH(n) strategy. The first step is to recognize that even though Aj, i 1, . . . n may not be anti- = commuting as operators, they nearly anti-commute in their action on the strategy state I$). We prove the following: Lemma 5.2. Let Aj, Bik, 4V) be an c-optimal CHSH(n) strategy. Then, 0 AA + AjAj 2< (1 + V) 2 n(n _ 1)c 1 i<j<n Proof. We recognize that the operators AiA- 01+ I OBij and Ai - A each have operator norm at most (1+ +0B 3 vi), by the triangle inequality. Next, we see that = V2_ A4+ vf2- I + 1 @ Bij < (1 + V2) 83 I - I o Bij V2_ I - I10 B |, ) Ai + A $ 2 and similarly, AAj + AAj 2 + ! (I v'-2)BvI- Ijj |p 1OB Now we use the relation A A(e I'b) - I® miB ( 1<i<j<n 2n(n - IBil/) + )E from Theorem 3.2. We get 2 Aj 2Z + AjA 2 2 1<i<j<n + SIl@ I DBij| A2 ) (I(+V2)2 (Ai<An + A 2 2 2n(n - 1)c AI(9 )I Bjilo) 2) 5(1+V) - The lemma is proved. Now we know that Aj, i = 1,...n almost anti-commute in their action on the strategy state 10). This is a step forward, but still not enough for proving the bound (5.13). To see why, consider a product like AiA 1 A 2 0 IJ4). We want to switch the order of Ai and A 1 . We know that Ai and A 1 nearly anti-commute in their action on I4), but we don't yet know that they nearly anti-commute in their action on A 2 &I014). Fortunately, this difficulty can be circumvented: we know from Theorem 3.2 that, 84 for example, A 2 0 I)(I 0 (B 12 - B2 1))10) I/2 1) (B12- B 2 1)I$). This helps, because (AiA 1 0 I)(A 2 0 1)1') ~ (AiA 1 1 ( = (10 1 (B12 - B 21 ))(AiAl 0 I)|$) and now we can switch the order of Ai and A 1 in their action on 10). The preceding discussion shows that we can use the anti-commutation on 10) (Lemma 5.2) to switch the order of a product of the Ai's acting on I4'), as long as we can "get some of the Ai's out of the way", by replacing their action with the action of an operator on the B side. For reason of keeping the errors of approximation under control, we would want the operators on the B side that we use to have operator norm 1. The operators (Bi Bjj) do not necessarily have operator norm 1, but fortunately this difficulty can also be circumvented. The discussion in the previous paragraphs motivates us to prove the following lemma: Lemma 5.3. Fix k. Then, there exists an I such that Ak0 I - Bki + Bk kI +B' | I kB where +BkI is taken if 1 > k and -Bkl is taken if I < k. The notation - Bkl + Bik I Bkl+ BkI means that we take all eigenvalues of the operator Bk1 positive ones to 1, the negative ones to -1, normalized to 1. 85 + Bik and normalize the and, by convention, the eigenvalue 0 gets Proof. The proof proceeds in two steps: first, we approximate Ak 0 I14) by I 0 Bkl Btk VB theBweI 1) and then we approximate I byJ bB y 14' *B Bkl Blk4) We prove the first step. We take the relation + B- A i11)-IDBio 2 I@)Ai - I ov/"2- -j n 01kb) -Io B--j - B~jI, 2 ; 2n(n - 1)E )2 from Theorem 3.2. We focus only on those terms of the sum that contain Ak and we get B Ak 09 I|)- 2 I®D Bk+Bjk 1 j=k+1 k-1 +E A 0 17P) -Jo j +kjIp V-22 ) 4 2 < 2n(ri -1f j=1 Pick the smallest of these (n - 1) terms. It satisfies Bkl Blk Ak 0 11') - I This is how we approximate Ak 0 14') by I 2 4') (5.14) <2ne BkJBlk Next we focus on the second step. By Lemma 5.4 which we will prove below, B+ @k) < I I& Bkj +Bj k B/+B-9 - so it suffices to give a bound on For the bound on 11I 0 BkI + Blk 0 I ||I 0 BkIBlk + BlkBkI 2 1) BkiBlk BlkBkI BkBlk+BkBkl I4')Hj Ak 01 + Io 86 we observe that the operator BkI+ B k (5.15) has operator norm at most (1 + -f), and so BkIBlk + BlkBkl 2 (Ak 9 - I0 ) Ak& II) (1 + B k I|@) -I® I+10 I Bkl Blk A Bk1 + B1 V2_ I I (I +V)vr2)V- ' = Combining this with inequalities (5.14) and (5.15), we get that Ak 0 I'0) - I -) < (2V + 2)B B El as needed. The lemma is proved. Next, we prove the missing link in the proof of Lemma 5.3, which has to do with operators of the form R S observables. and S when R, S are 1osrals r k1 nR v2 R R+Sl Lemma 5.4. Let R, S be two 1 observables on C'. Then, 1. The following operator identity holds: R+S R+S jR+S| 2 -1 (RS+SR) RS+SR (21 + 2 S+SR) +2 2. The operator 2 R+S R+ S R+ S|) < RS+ SR ) RS+ SR ) 2 2 is positive semi-definite. Iv), R+S v) -R S IR+SI IV')I 87 - 2 ) 3. For any vector (2, RS+SR) Proof. We first prove the operator identity. + We break up Cd into eigenspaces for the self-adjoint operator R + S. Since RS SR = (R + S)2 - 21, these are also eigenspaces for the operator RS + SR, and so also eigenspaces for the operator RS+SR RS+SR) (21+ 2, 2 +2 +2I+ ~S+ 2 RS+SR) SR) 2 We will prove that the operator identity holds on each of the aforementioned eigenspaces. Consider an eigenspace where R + S has eigenvalue A. On this eigenspace, the operator R+S 2 R+S|) R+S has eigenvalue ((signA) - 1)2 ; this holds in all the three cases A > 0, A < 0, A = 0. . The eigenvalue of (RS+SR) on this eigenspace is The eigenvalue of ( RS+SR 2, -1 1 RS+ SR +2 fS+ SR) 2 I+ 2 +2 I+ RS +fSR) 2 2 is therfore A22 2)2 1 2+ A+2 2 1+A 2 2 2 Next, we observe that 2+ A 2 -2 -+ 22 1 21+2N 2 -2 2 = A 2 +2 +2 L ((s= nA)A and that 2 2 (signA)A ) A2 -2 88 1)2 (signA)A + 1)2 + 1)2 and therefore, A2 2)2 1 2+ (signA)A +~f2 1+9 1)2 vf2 2 Next we use the above to conclude that the operators R+S v'2 R+S ~\R+S| 2 and RS+SR> RS+SR 2) 2 (21+ -1 RS+SR) I +2 RS+ SR have the same eigenvalue on this eigenspace. This argument holds for any eigenspace, and so the operator identity R+S v'-2 R S R+S) 2 (RS +SR) RS+SR (21+ 2 2 r+RS +SR RS+SR) 2) holds. Next we prove the second part. We can see from the argument above that the operator RS+ SR +I+ (21 + 2 has eigenvalues of the form 1 (signA)A 89 + 1)2 _+ and they are all in (0, 1]. Therefore, (R+S R+S)2 R+S\) -1 (RS +SR) 2 +RS+ 2ISR 2 RS + SR) 1+ RS+SR) 2 2) RS+ SR ) 2 Finally, we observe that the third part follows directly from the second. 2 The lemma is proved. Recall that the goal of this section is to prove A A. . . Ai -1I4) - sign(i,ji,. .. j)A ... A ... Ai- 114) < (6 + 4v2)n2v and the overall strategy is to insert Ai into the product Ai' ... A -< 12n 2 VF as if the Aj, i = 1, . . .n were anti-commuting. The results of the lemmas above have prepared the tools necessary for this goal. Lemma 5.2 tells us that AkAj 0 Ij|b) ~ -AAk 0 1') with the error of approximation being at most (2v'2 + 2)nvF. We call this apporoxi- mation step an anticommutation switch. Lemma 5.3 tells us that Ak®0 I') where BkL+Bk ItBki+Bik 19 BkI + Bik B1I + B1k| is a suitable t1 observable acting on the B side, and the error of 2 approximation is at most (2v/2- + 2)v/n-f. We call this approximation step an AB90 switch. The idea is to concatenate a number of these approximation steps to get the relation (5.13). We present a procedure that goes from Aj A3 ...Atn & I|$ to sign(i, i,... MaA31 ... Afi'') . ..An I@ using at most n anti-commutator switches and 2n AB-switches. The procedure is the following: 1. Start with AjA'1 ... A 0 IKn). 2. Switch all elements of the product Ai' ... A to the B side using the AB- switches. 3. Repeat (a) Switch the last observable on the B side back to the A side (b) Anti-commute Ai and the newly switched observable until Ai comes to its proper position. 4. Switch the observables still remaining on the B side back to the A side. The total approximation error of this procedure is at most n(2V2+ 2)nf + (2n)(2V2 + 2) /nV 91 < (6 + 4 V2)n 2 V < 12n2 The relation Ai Aj ... A- 9 I)) ... A 1 ... An®I|} - sign(i, j 1 ,... j,)Aj < (6 + 4-v/2)n 2 V/E < 12n 2 e is proved. 5.3.6 The second error bound The goal of this subsection is to prove that A 311 ... Ain n & Bk1 I k sign(j1 ,.. .in, k )Ajl .. . A3) ** .. . An- 0 + sign( a 1.. )A Ajl*D ... Al" ... 11} & IV7) 17 +6,/2 n E<17n2 fi The argument is similar to the previous subsection. By the triangle inequality, we have + sign 1 < A-,...Ak n . .. jn, + 1 I|A'' ... A V22,z0, 1) A',.. Al*l . .. An BkI|l})- Al All' . .. Ai-Ak 0 11') + A3Y*) . . Ann k sign J 1,.. - sign(ji, A 0 11') ... A3i . .. (j1, -sig 92 Ip kAk-+ AI j, k)A' .. . 1IV4) 0 I| ) Ai . .. Aj-On Bri|7) -~v/22 n ... A kE ... Ai-o I0) , )A3 ... Ajl*e . . A30 I|,) For the first term we have the following: AJ, 0 Bkl|O) Ail ... Aljl +Ak+ k AI jn k Ab ... n vf2- IAt 0 110') Ak + A, =I @ BkllV)/) - @ ~/) < V2n(n - 1), where we have used the inequalities in Theorem 3.2. For the second term, we claim that IAl1 .. . Ag Ak 0114') - sign(ji,.. . j", k)A .. .Aik ... A3oII4') I (6 + 4V))niE The argument is similar to the argument in the previous section: we present a procedure that goes from All . .. A-In Ak 0 1p to sign(ji,... jn, k)Aj1 ... A l ... A 0 11') using at most n anti-commutator switches and 2n AB-switches. The procedure is the following: 1. Start with A'. A 0i 1). 2. Repeat (a) Anti-commute Ak and the next to last observable on the A side (b) Move the newly switched observable to the B side until Ak comes to its proper position. 3. Switch the observables still remaining on the B side back to the A side. 93 The third term is analyzed in the same manner and we get A Ai-Al 0 I14) - sign(ji,... j, l)Aj' ... .. AjD... A I < (6 Combining all the preceding bounds, we get Aj1 ... A 0 BWI10) n~~~y - 1 (f- - sign(j,... jn, k)A'1' .. A-4.**D .. . Ain (D I10) 1,-n +sign(jil... In, ' 1)AI31 ...Aj'ED'... AJn I 1 1 (6 + 4 V)n 2 fi (6+4V)n2 / + + 2n(n- 1)E < lo)) < +6V2 7 2 2 as needed. 5.3.7 Putting everything together The aim of this subsection is to put all the previous steps together and show that Vi Vj $ k | Ai 0 I)T - T(Ai 0 I)IF < 12n2 V ITIF ||(I0 Bjk)T - T(I 0 B[j)|IF < 17n 2 I TF ~i thereby completing the proof of Theorem 3.4. We start with the first inequality. We know from subsection 5.3.3 that (Ai 0 I)T - T( Ai I) = 1 S v'2n(j1...-j.)({0,1}" - sigr(i,ji,...jn)Ai' . . SAj Aj'... Alin Afil ... Ao I1))( 94 I()1,0 (1 ... An n t We know from subsection 5.3.1 that the vectors Ai . . AIl) : ()1... in) E{0, 1}" are orthonormal. We also know from subsection 5.3.5 that for all i, for all (ji ... AjAj1 ... Ag 0 I/) - sign(i, j, ... .. . Ag '... j) E {0, 1}" 0 Ij/) ; (6 + 4v 2)n2 4 < 12n 2 4 We combine these facts using Lemma 5.1 and we get that for all i, 1| (Ai 0 I)T - T(Aj 0 I)|IF < 12n 2 V = 22 4IITIF F/ri where in the last step we have used the fact that T was chosen so that IITIIF = 1 (subsection 5.3.2). In a similar manner, we take the results of subsections 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.4, and 5.3.6 and apply Lemma 5.1 and get that for all j # k I1, .... n} 11(10 Bjk)T - T(I 0 Bjk)IF < 17n2V/IITIIF The proof of Theorem 3.4 is complete. 95 96 Chapter 6 Conclusion and open problems In this thesis, we first derived a general result about non-local XOR games: for every non-local XOR game, there exists a set of relations such that optimal quantum strategies satisfy the relations and nearly-optimal quantum strategies approximately satisfy the relations. Then, we focused on the CHSH(n) XOR games, and derived the structure of their optimal and nearly-optimal quantum strategies. One possible direction for future work is whether structure results like the one for CHSH(n) near-optimal quantum strategies can be proved for other XOR games. The opinion of this author is that it may be possible to generalize the arguments above to a few XOR games other than CHSH(n) . The CHSH(n) games have a very regular structure, and the arguments above make heavy use of this structure; however, it may be possible to construct an argument of this form, or another form altogether, for other XOR games with less regular structure. Another possible direction for future work is whether the CHSH(n) games can be used in the context of quantum information processing with untrusted black-box devices. The CHSH game, the first member of the CHSH(n) family, has already been used in protocols for doing information processing with untrusted devices. Whether all the CHSH(n) games can be used, and which of the CHSH(n) games gives protocols 97 with the best parameters, are two questions that are still open. 98 Bibliography [1] Charles H Bennett, Gilles Brassard, Claude Cr6peau, Richard Jozsa, Asher Peres, and William K Wootters. Teleporting an unknown quantum state via dual classical and einstein-podolsky-rosen channels. Physical review letters, 70(13):1895, 1993. [2] Nicolas Brunner, Daniel Cavalcanti, Stefano Pironio, Valerio Scarani, and Stephanie Weiner. Bell nonlocality. Reviews of Modern Physics, 86(2):419, 2014. [3] Harry Buhrman, Richard Cleve, Serge Massar, and Ronald de Wolf. Nonlocality and communication complexity. Reviews of modern physics, 82(1):665, 2010. [4] John F Clauser, Michael A Horne, Abner Shimony, and Richard A Holt. Proposed experiment to test local hidden-variable theories. Physical review letters, 23:880-884, 1969. [5] John F Clauser and Abner Shimony. Bell's theorem. experimental tests and implications. 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