Document 10831782

FY14 QC Marketing
Western Illinois University
February 2013
Current Year
Fiscal Year 2014
Accomplishments and Productivity for FY14
A. Give a brief review of the division’s goals and objectives for FY2014
The overall objective of QC Marketing is to increase awareness and visibility of Western Illinois
University – Quad Cities as an institution of academic excellence, and dedication to higher values
in higher education and service to the community through a comprehensive, integrated marketing
and promotions strategy and continued involvement in community and news that relates to our
students and external populations. In addition we added the following goals:
Graduate student target marketing-A new image targeted to students aged 28-45 was created and a
flash ad used on QC Times mobile site. New image and new media.
Sports in the QC campaign –we co sponsored a 5K race with the River Bandits QC baseball team
and a little league tournament in hope of raising funds and awareness for scholarships.We will
continue specialty sponsorships in the next FY to promote scholarship programs.
Weekly Target meetings which include QC Marketing, Admissions and Student Services-meet
every 2 weeks, and marketing and admissions meet on off weeks.
A WIU-QC Marketing PR advisory group guides us on marketing issues and strategie-guided us
through new logo creation and billboard, radio ad messaging. Meets via email or in person as
An intern or graduate assistant position is a goal for Marketing and PR as we plan for Phase II
and-still a goal, but have been able to utilize student workers in administrative (Chris Brown’s
assistants) office from time to time.
A more visible presence at the QC Airport is also in negotiations. Discussion of WIU purple
seating section as well as WIU-QC banners included in the airport are possibilities-still a goal
working on a plan for fall. We continue to utilize baggage claim messaging, and WIU Macomb
has a presence in the form of a lighted sign.
B. List the most important divisional accomplishments for FY13 and document how these
accomplishments support the goals and objectives of the University, including specific Strategic
Plan accomplishments.
1. Mobile apps on WQAD and KWQC
2. Floor clings, column wraps and banners at the mall during holiday shopping season
3. Yard flags for special events
4. Digital sign marketing
5. Spotlight on the web
6. Increased FB presence
7. TV ads during Olympics and reality “American Idol” and “The Voice” type shows
8. Live radio interviews to promote events, reuse of audio links
9. Mobile viewbook app
10. First installation of “Welcome to WIU-QC” for use by admissions professionals to promote
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the institution
11. Shared messaging with Metro-bus wrap and brochures, shared web presence
12. Excellent cooperative between WIU and Jim Mertens, of The Cities for guests/resources
13. Marketing project with local colleges and universities; first of its kind. Alliance, SAU, EICC,
BHC, Trinity and Palmer-website and message for Amtrak
14. Excellent relationships with local media yield positive benefits-plenty of news coverage!
15. Support for programs, event promotion, promotional item acquisition, news releases and
targeted messaging for events, programs and campaigns
16. Huge success stories-big numbers for mobile campaign and word of mouth ROIstudent/parent making a visit and enrolling same day they saw NP mall campaign that
triggered an action
17. Enrollment increase
18. WIU-QC is the “go to” for local media needing expert opinions, student man-on the street,
and available administrators to speak to trending issues
19. Full page discounted print ad with a “register now” message Thanksgiving
20. City of Moline/Renew Moline want to be with us on banners-in progress
21. Bush Construction partnership-t-shirt campaign
22. Alumni Event January, 2013
23. Increase awareness to a new target market-high school seniors and their parents
24. Interactive Holiday Greeting from the VP to our donors and leadership team
25. Added River Cities Reader to our marketing plan to expand our target to a different audience
26. Snow cancellation banner sponsor on KWQC-Feb, 2013
27. Bronze award for QC Viewbook-Collegiate Advertising Awards
C. Indicate measures of productivity by which the unit’s successes can be illustrated.
1. Marketing messages are tough to measure.
a. Word of mouth
b. “How did you hear about us” comment cards from admissions
c. Google analytics
d. FB insights
e. WIU web analytics
f. How many are listening/watching stats from broadcast
D. Describe how the division used any of the following categories of funds to enhance
accomplishments and productivity:
1. Other fund sources
a. Provost’s office-Summer School campaign
b. President’s additional marketing funds-TV ads during the Olympics, additional radio
campaign and the purchase of promotional items for QC Admissions to use during
Budget Enhancement Outcomes for FY13
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For each budget enhancement received in FY13—temporary or permanent—( i.e., 1% give back, end
of year money) complete an accountability report form. Be specific about approved productivity
Budget Year
Fiscal Year 2014
Major Objectives and Productivity Measures for FY14
A. List the most important goals and objectives the division will pursue in FY14, and how these
actions will be measured/assessed.
a. Explore new media possibilities like mobile apps
b. Expand social media as our audience evolves ex. Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc
c. Create more videos showcasing university programs
d. Explore more program ideas and promotions with WQPT
B. Of the objectives identified above, please indicate which are directly related to Strategic Plan
action items.
a. All four goals support the University’s Strategic Plan’s number one goal-University
Growth and Recruitment. Each item plays a part of the institution’s plan to grow
enrollment and increase awareness of Western Illinois University and our traditions of
C. Annual Cost Savings
a. A total of $10,232 was saved as a result of expert negotiations, sales, and taking
advantage of non-profit rates and last minute avails.
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Technology Goals and Objectives
A. List the most important technological goals and objectives the division will pursue in FY14, and
how these will be measured/assessed.
a. Continue to research how our students use technology and meet the needs of our
recruiting specialists needs as they meet with future students and parents. Because of this
goal we created an interactive viewbook and a QC specific recruitment video.
Administrative support of web and marketing having iPad technology greatly increased
our understanding and execution of this goal.
B. Describe how these objectives build upon goals in divisional and/or institutional strategic plans.
a. Utilizing the technology our students use help us to better reach future students and
interact more effectively.
Budget Request 2014
This request for $92,600 is respectfully submitted for your consideration following review of
FY13 expenditures and driven by WIU-QC marketing goals and initiatives with input from the
QC Marketing Advisory Board. This group contributed to the identification of the following
priorities outlined below, and helped establish corresponding goals in an effort to produce
measurable outcomes for marketing initiatives in the Quad Cities. Media avenues were selected
based on those goals to reach appropriate audiences based on demographics, location or other
characteristics. Pricing was completed to provide accurate estimations of anticipated
Priority 1 Growing enrollment
Goal –Additional video
installments of Admissions
videos promoting programs at
Priority 2-New Enrollment
Goal-Maintain and increase
current enrollment and expand
awareness (focus on branding,
image promotion and public
image) in the following
geographical areas: Dixon, IL,
Iowa City area, Dubuque, IA,
Clinton, IA and Kirkwood areaCedar Rapids, IA
Priority 2a-Live Community
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$ 3000 Billboard
$ 2,300 Radio
$ 3,000 Print ads
30 minute video production
Raise awareness among a mobile audience
in locations near community colleges with
a circulation of 43,364 (roughly 60,000
pairs of eyes look at these daily)
18-24 men/women Z102 Top 40 in Iowa
City 14 commercials reaching U of Iowa,
Coe and Cornell college students
including a texting campaign * and
KATF-FM 9.1 rating Top 40 Dubuque,
population 141,3000
Dubuque Telegraph Herald -33,785
Sunday circulation and covers 11 counties
in Iowa and Illinois including 4 Wisconsin
counties. Iowa Press Citizen Saturday
circulation is
16,000 covers greater Iowa City area
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Goal-Establish and strengthen
partnerships with local businesses
to encourage educational growth
with the Quad City workforce.
$ 1500 Business Journal Ads
$ 2000 Promotional logoed items
for business distribution
$ 1500 Email blast campaign
$3,000 Billboards
5 ads reaches 10,000 subscribers
including business owners, CEO’s, and
marketing executives
500 book bags and 800 pens for new and
potential students and businesses to keep
WIU top of mind
5 email blasts reach 15,000 Quad City
business professionals
Busses running in the Iowa Quad Cities
reach thousands of drivers daily in nearly
every demographic
Priority 2c-Targeted
Demographic initiatives
Goal-Maintain and increase
current students and diversity
student demographics from
traditionally underrepresented
racial and ethnic groups.
$ 3,300 Radio
$ 2,900 Cable TV ads
$3000 Billboards
50 ads on WLLR #1 radio station in the
QC area reaches a population of 84,667
and has the most listeners. 70 ads on
WXLP or 97X, a heavily male dominated
audience will supplement the campaign
and specifically target males 18-34.
611 commercials with a 75.4% reach and
4.3 frequency, reaching 136,088 homes in
a 15 county area including Peoria, Clinton
and Jackson counties stations targeted to
include a new male market and Univision
to target Spanish speaking audience.
Targeted mailing by major, sex and
geographical area from FOIA Community
College mailing lists
Priority 3-Awareness CampaignBrand the Quad Cities through
recruitment materials such as the
view book and logo items, justin-time advertising (special sales
or new advertising incentives) or
“register now” and other public
image opportunities including
sponsorship of community
Goal-Increase awareness, support
admissions and recruitment
efforts, and provides
opportunities for community
partnerships and outreach.
$1,000 Direct Mail
$ 6,000 View book
$ 5,000 Bus wraps
$ 5,000 Riverfront archive video
$ 5,000 Billboards in strategic
locations to promote Riverfront
Projects, etc *
$ 4500 folders for admissions,
development, etc
$ 1000 for promotional logoed
items for admissions, career fairs,
$ 5,900 Television/cable ads
Priority 4-Program Specific or
Niche Marketing
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Distribute to 4,500 potential students
High tech commercial will appeal to an
18-24 target audience on specialized
stations. Riverfront documentation can be
used for information al video, commercial
content and archives.
Outdoor advertising reaches 89% of adults
18-34 on a weekly basis. 84,264 is the QC
Folders and promotional logoed items can
reach up to 4,500 potential students and
donors at community events, career fairs
and community colleges keeping WIU top
of mind.
148 spots on WLLR #1 QC Radio station
has reaches a population of 84,000 has a
39.8 reach and a 7.4 frequency to all
potential audiences, but especially the 1834 target
496 ads reaching an 18-24 demographic
with a 3.1 frequency and a 69.9% reach in
up to 15 counties in Iowa and Illinois
including Clinton
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Goal-Program specific marketing
will promote select academic
programs to increase individual
program enrollment.
$1000 Business Journal ads
$1,000 Blast email Chamber
$800 Promotional logoed items
$4,000 Cooperative Community
College marketing
5 ads reaches 10,000 subscribers
including business owners, CEO’s, and
marketing executives
7-10 blasts reach 18,000 QC business
professionals in the QC area
Giving away WIU logoed items to keep
on desks keeps WIU top of mind.
Notepads, water bottles, refrigerator
clip/magnets and post-it pads
58 commercials on country station WLLR
radio number one radio station with a 36.8
% reach and 6.8 frequency in the 18-24
demographic, direct mail to 3,000 current
and prospective students, 3 chamber eblasts reaching 9,000 to co-promote
shared community college programs
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