C HAPTER 4 S ECTION 3 M ATRIX M ULTIPLICATION CH 12 N OTEBOOK Q UIZ 1. What is the definition of a Permutation? (Sec 6.7; Feb 10) 2. What was the answer to Warm-Up question #2 on February 11th? (Sec 6.8) 3. What is the formula used to find the probability of two events that are not mutually exclusive? (Sec 9.7; Feb 12) 4. What does the third quartile represent in a box-and-whisker plot? (Sec 12.3; Feb 13) N OTEBOOK Q UIZ A NSWERS 1. An arrangement of items in a particular order 2. 3. 4. The median of the upper half of the data set S CALAR M ULTIPLICATION Scalar Multiplication: Multiplies a matrix A by a scalar c Evaluate the following equation: scalar Matrix A S CALAR M ULTIPLICATION Find the difference 5A – 3B for the following matrices: S OLVING M ATRIX E QUATIONS Solve the following equation for the matrix X: M ATRIX M ULTIPLICATION Matrix Multiplication: Multiply the rows of the first matrix by the columns of the second matrix Reading from left to right, the “inside” dimensions must be the same in order to multiply 3X 2 2 X3 Same!! M ATRIX M ULTIPLICATION Determine if the product of the following two matrices is defined or undefined. If it is defined, find the product. M ATRIX M ULTIPLICATION Determine whether the products RS and SR are defined or undefined Find each defined product H OMEWORK #30 Page 186 #1, 6, 9, 11, 14, 17, 19, 22-26, 46a