Chapter 2.7 Group Word Problems

Chapter 2.7 Group Word Problems
Directions: For each problem I need three things:
1. What each variable of the inequality represents
2. The written out inequality with the two variables
3. The correct graph of the inequality
A restaurant has only 15 eggs to last until the next delivery.
An order of scrambled eggs requires 2 eggs. An omelet
requires 3 eggs. Write an inequality to model all possible
combinations, or orders of scrambled eggs and omelets, the
restaurant can fill until more eggs arrive. Graph the
Andrea is going to buy x lbs of pasta salad and y lbs of
chicken salad. Pasta salad costs $4 per pound and chicken
salad costs $6 per pound. Andrea has at most $28 dollars to
spend. Write and graph an inequality that represents the
combinations of the amounts of chicken salad and pasta
salad she could buy.
A salesperson sells two models of vacuum cleaners. One
brand sells for $150 each and the other sells for $200 each.
The sales person has a weekly sales goal of at least $1800.
Write and graph an inequality relating the revenue from the
vacuum cleaners to the sales goal.
If the sales person sold exactly six $200 models last
week, who many $150 models did she have to sell to
make her sales goal?