21 Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae Vol. LXXV, 1(2006), pp. 21–30 THE FROBENIUS THEOREM ON N -DIMENSIONAL QUANTUM HYPERPLANE C. CIUPALĂ Abstract. In this paper we introduce the universal ρ-differential calculus on a ρ-algebra and we prove the universality of the construction. We also present submanifolds, distributions, linear connections and two different ρ-differential calculi q q on SN : the algebra of forms and the algebra of universal differential forms of SN . Finally we prove the Frobenius theorem on the N -dimensional quantum hyperplane q q SN in a general case, for any ρ-differential calculus on SN . 1. Introduction The basic idea of noncommutative geometry is to replace an algebra of smooth functions defined on a smooth manifold by an abstract associative algebra A which is not necessarily commutative. In the context of noncommutative geometry the basic role is the generalization of the notion of differential forms (on a manifold). A (noncommutative) differential calculus over the associative algebra A is a Z-graded algebra Ω(A) = ⊕n≥0 Ωn (A) (where Ωn (A) are A-bimodules and Ω0 (A) = A) together with a linear operator d : Ωn (A) → Ωn+1 (A) satisfying d2 = 0 and d(ωω 0 ) = (dω)ω 0 + (−1)n ωdω 0 where ω ∈ Ωn (A). There are studied some differential calculi associated to A, here we recall two of them: the algebra of forms of A in [8] and the algebra of universal differential forms of A in [2]. These two differential calculi are studied even in the case when A is a superalgebra in [10] and in [11], but when A is a ρ-algebra there is studied only the algebra of forms of A in [1]. In this paper we introduce the notion of universal derivation of the order (α, β) , we construct the algebra of universal differential forms of a ρ-algebra A and we prove the universality of the construction. We apply this to the particular case of q the N -dimensional quantum hyperplane SN and thus we obtain a new differential q q q calculus Ωα (SN ) on SN , denoted the algebra of universal differential forms of SN . q On the other hand we present submanifolds algebra on SN in the context of q noncommutative geometry, we also define linear connections, distributions on SN Received March 3, 2004. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 81R60, 16W99, 53C04. Key words and phrases. noncommutative geometry, linear connections, submanifolds, distributions, quantum hyperplane. 22 C. CIUPALĂ q q and we prove the Frobenius theorem on SN , for any ρ-differential calculus ΩSN q on SN . 2. Differential calculus on ρ-algebras In this section we define the differential calculus on a ρ-algebra A and we give two examples of such differential calculus on A: the algebra of forms Ω (A) of a ρ-commutative algebra A from [1] and the algebra of universal differential forms Ωα (A) of a ρ-algebra A. We briefly review the basic notions of ρ-algebras and ρ-modules on ρ-algebras. (see [1], [3], [5] and [6] for details). First we review the basic notions about ρ-algebras, ρ-bimodules over a ρ-algebra and the derivations on ρ-bimodules. Let G be an abelian group, additively written, and let A be a G-graded algebra. A is a ρ-algebra if there is a map ρ : G × G → k which satisfies the relations (1) ρ(a, b) = ρ(b, a)−1 and ρ(a + b, c) = ρ(a, c)ρ(b, c), for any a, b, c ∈ G. The G-degree of a (nonzero) homogeneous element f of A is denoted by |f | . The ρ-algebra A is ρ-commutative if f g = ρ (|f | , |g|) gf for any f ∈ A|f | and g ∈ A|g| . The morphism f : M → N between the ρ-bimodules M and N over the ρ-algebra A is of degree β ∈ G if f : Mα → Nα+β for any α ∈ Ġ, f (am) = ρ(α, |a|)af (m) and f (ma) = f (m)a for any a ∈ A|a| and m ∈ M. Definition 1. Let α, β ∈ G and M a ρ-bimodule over the ρ-algebra A. A ρ-derivation of order (α, β) on M (ρ-derivation of degree α and of G-degree β) is a linear map X : A → M , which fulfils the properties: 1. X : A∗ → M∗+β , 2. X(f g) = (Xf )g + ρ(α, |f |)f (Xg),for any f ∈ A|f | and g ∈ A. The left product f X : A → M between the element f ∈ A and a ρ-derivation X of the order (α, β) is defined in a natural way: by (f X)(g) = f X(g), for any g ∈ A. Proposition 1. If is X a ρ-derivation of order (α, β) on M and f ∈ A|f | , then f X is a derivation of the order (|f | + α, |f | + β) on M if and only if the algebra A is ρ-commutative. Proof. We have to show that (f X)(gh) = ((f X)g)h + ρ(|f | + α, |g|)g(f X)h and f X : A∗ → M∗+|f |+|X| , for any h ∈ A|h| and f ∈ A|f | . (f X) (gh) = f (X(gh)) = f (X(g)h + ρ(α, |g|)gX(h)) = (f X)(g)h + ρ(α, |g|)f gX(h) = (f X)(g)h + ρ(α, |g|)ρ(|f | , |g| gf X(h) = (f X)(g)h + ρ(α, |f | + |g|)g(f X)(h). The second relation is obvious. The linear map X : A → A is a ρ-derivation on A if it is a ρ-derivation of the order (|X| , |X|) . Next we denote by ρ-Der(A) the ρ-bimodule over A of the all ρ-derivations on A. 23 THE FROBENIUS THEOREM ON QUANTUM HYPERPLANE Definition 2. Let A be a ρ-algebra. We say that Ω (A) = ⊕ (n,β)∈Z×G Ωnβ (A) is a ρ-differential calculus on A if Ω (A) is a Z × G-graded algebra, Ω (A) is a ρ-bimodule over A, Ω0 (A) = ⊕ Ω0β (A) = A and there is an element α ∈ G and β∈G ρ-derivation d : Ω (A) → Ω (A) of the order ((1, α) , (1, 0)) such that d2 = 0. The first example of a ρ-differential calculus over the ρ-commutative algebra A is the algebra of forms (Ω(A), d) of A from [1]. The second example of a ρ-differential calculus over a ρ-algebra is the universal differential calculus of A from the next subsection. 2.1. The algebra of universal differential forms of a ρ-algebra In this subsection we define the algebra of universal differential forms of the ρalgebra A and we prove the universality of the construction. First we introduce the universal derivation of the order (α, β) , α, β ∈ G. Definition 3. Let M be a ρ-bimodule over A. The ρ-derivation D : A → M of the order (α, β) is universal if for ρ-derivation D0 : A → N of the order (α, 0) , there is an unique morphism Φ : M → N of ρ-bimodules of degree β such that D0 = Φ ◦ D. Next we will construct an universal derivation over the ρ-algebra A. Let α ∈ G, µ : A ⊗ A → A be the map µ (x ⊗ y) = ρ (α, |y|) xy and Ω1α A = ker (µ). We define the map d : A → Ω1α A (2) by dx = 1 ⊗ x − ρ (α, |x|) x ⊗ 1, (3) for any x ∈ A. Proposition 2. Ω1α A is a ρ-bimodule over A and the map d : A → Ω1α A is an universal derivation of the order (α, 0) . Proof. We have to show that a(b ⊗ c) ∈ Ω1α A, (b ⊗ c)a ∈ Ω1α A and (a(b ⊗ c))d = a((b ⊗ c)d), for any a, d ∈ A and b ⊗ c ∈ Ω1α A. Indeed µ(a(b ⊗ c)) = µ(ab ⊗ c) = ρ(α, |ab|)abc = ρ(α, |a|)a(ρ(α, |b|)bc) = 0. The other relations are obvious. It is easy to see that Ω1α A is the space {xdy : x, y ∈ A and d from (3)} . Now we show that d : A → Ω1α A is a ρ-derivation of the order (α, 0): (da)b + ρ(α, |a|)adb = (1 ⊗ a − ρ(α, |a|)a ⊗ 1)b + ρ(α, |a|)a(1 ⊗ b − ρ(α, |b|)b ⊗ 1) = 1 ⊗ ab − ρ(α, |a|)a ⊗ b+ρ(α, |a|)a ⊗ b − ρ(α, |a|+|b|)ab ⊗ 1 = 1 ⊗ (ab) − ρ(α, |ab|)(ab) ⊗ 1 = d(ab). 24 C. CIUPALĂ Let M be a ρ-bimodule over A and D:A → M a ρ-derivation of the order (α, β) . We define the map Φ : Ω1α A → M in the following way: Φ(a ⊗ b) = ρ(α, |a|)aD(b), Ω1α A. for any a ⊗ b ∈ Now we show that Φ is a morphism of ρ-bimodules over A: Φ(a(b ⊗ c)) = φ((ab) ⊗ c) = ρ(α, |ab|)abD(c) = ρ(α, |a|)a[ρ(α, |b|)bD(c)] = ρ(α, |a|)aΦ(b ⊗ c). On the other hand Φ((a ⊗ b)c) = Φ(a ⊗ (bc)) = ρ(α, |a|)aD(bc) = ρ(α, |a|)a[D(b)c + ρ(α, |b|)bD(c)] = ρ(α, |a|)aD(b)c + ρ(α, |b|)[ρ(α, |a|)ab]D(c) = ρ(α, |a|)aD(b)c + ρ(α, |b|)µ(a ⊗ b)D(c) a⊗b∈ker(µ) = ρ(α, |a|)aD(b)c = Φ(a ⊗ b)c. Finally we get (Φ ◦ d)(a) = Φ(1 ⊗ a − ρ(α, |a|)a ⊗ 1) = ρ(α, |1|)D(a) − ρ(α, |a|)ρ(α, |a|)aD(1) = D(a) so we have proved that Φ ◦ d = D. Let Ωnα A = Ω1α A ⊗ . . . ⊗ Ω1α A, A A | {z } Ω0α A = A and Ωα A = ⊕ Ωnα A. n≥0 n times Naturally Ωα A is a ρ-bimodule over A and a algebra with the multiplication (ω, θ) 7→ ω ⊗ θ, for any ω, θ ∈ Ωα A. A Remark 1. The algebra Ωα A may be identified with the algebra generated by the algebra A and the derivations da, a ∈ A which satisfies the following relations: 1. da is linear in a 2. the ρ-Leibniz rule: d(ab) = d(a)b + ρ(α, |a|)adb 3. d(1) = 0. n Ωα A is the space of n-forms a0 da1 ...dan , ai ∈ A for any 0≤ i ≤ n. Ωnα A is a ρ-bimodule over A with the left multiplication (4) a(a0 da1 . . . dan ) = aa0 da1 . . . dan , and with the right multiplication given by: n n X X (a0 da1 . . . dan )an+1 = (−1)n−i ρ(α, |aj |)(a0 da1 . . . d(ai ai+1 ) . . . dan+1 ) i=1 + (−1)n ρ(α, j=i+1 n X i=1 |aj |)a0 a1 da2 . . . dan+1 . THE FROBENIUS THEOREM ON QUANTUM HYPERPLANE 25 The multiplication in the algebra Ωα A is: (a0 da1 . . . dan )(an+1 dan+2 . . . dam+n ) = ((a0 da1 . . . dan )an+1 )dan+2 . . . dam+n ), for any ai ∈ A, 0≤ i ≤ n + m, n, m ∈ N. We define the G-degree of the n-form a0 da1 . . . dan in the following way |a0 da1 . . . dan | = n X |ai | . i=0 It is obvious that |ωn · ωm | = |ωn | + |ωm | for any homogeneous forms ωn ∈ Ωnα A and ωm ∈ Ωm α A. Ωα A is a G0 = Z × G-graded algebra with the G0 degree of the n-form a0 da1 . . . dan defined by ! n X 0 |a0 da1 . . . dan | = n, |ai | . i=0 0 0 0 We may define the cocycle ρ : G × G → k on the algebra Ωα A thus: ! n m X X 0 0 0 nm (5) ρ (|a0 da1 . . . dan | , |b0 db1 . . . dbm | ) = (−1) ρ |ai | , |bi | i=0 i=0 0 and thus we have that Ωα A is a ρ -algebra. It may be proved that the map d : Ωα A → Ωα A is a derivation of the order ((1, α) , (1, 0)). Concluding we have the following result: Theorem 1. (Ωα A, d) is a ρ-differential calculus over A. Example 1. In the case when the group G is trivial then A is the usual associative algebra and Ωα A is the algebra of universal differential forms of A. Example 2. If the group G is Z2 and the cocycle ρ is defined by ρ (a, b) = ab (−1) then A is a superalgebra. In the case when α = 1 Ωα A is the superalgebra of universal differential forms of A from [11]. 3. The Frobenius theorem on quantum hyperplane In this section we give the Frobenius theorem on the N -dimensional quantum hyq perplane SN and we give the equations of any globally integrable distributions and parallel with respect to a connection ∇. These results are valid for any ρ-differential q calculus on SN . In the first subsection we present two different ρ-differential calculi q q q on SN : the first one is the algebra of forms Ω (SN ) on SN form [1] and the second q q one is the algebra of universal differential forms Ωα (SN ) on SN . Both of these q q ρ-differential calculi on SN are different by differential calculus on SN of Wess q and Zumino [15]. In the second subsection we present submanifolds on SN , in the q third subsection we review the basic notions about linear connections on SN and finally we will give the main results of this paper. 26 C. CIUPALĂ q 3.1. Differential calculi on SN First we review the basic notions about the N -dimensional quantum hyperplane q SN . For more details see [1] and [3]. q The N -dimensional quantum hyperplane SN is the k-algebra generated by the unit element and N linearly independent elements x1 , . . . , xN satisfying the relations: xi xj = qxj xi , i < j for some fixed q ∈ k, q 6= 0. q SN is a ZN -graded algebra ∞ M q SN = q (SN )n1 ...,nN , n1 ,...,nN q (SN )n1 ,...,nN N with the one-dimensional subspace spanned by products xn1 ·. . .·xnN . The Z -degree of xn1 ·. . .·xnN is n = (n1 , . . . , nN ). The cocycle ρ : ZN ×ZN → k is N P 0 ρ(n, n ) = q nj n0k αjk j,k=1 , with αjk = 1 for j < k, 0 for j = k and −1 for j > k. q It may be proved that the N -dimensional quantum hyperplane SN is a ρcommutative algebra. q q Remark that the space of ρ-derivations ρ-Der(SN ) is a free SN -module of rank N with ∂/∂x1 , . . . , ∂/∂xN as the basis, where ∂/∂xi (xj ) = δij . q q q q → ΩSN , with d : ΩSN , d) a ρ-differential calculus on SN Remark 2. Let (ΩSN N a ρ-derivation of the order ((1, α) , (1, 0)) , where α, .0 ∈ Z It is easy to see that q ΩSN is generated by {x1 , . . . , xN } and there differentials {y1 = dx1 , . . . , yN = dxN } with some relations between them. q Next we give some examples of ρ-differential calculi on SN . q q q 3.1.1. The algebra of forms Ω (SN ) of SN . Ω (SN ) ([1], [3]) is the algebra determined by the elements x1 , . . . , xN and y1 = dx1 , . . . , yN = dxN with the relations (6) xj xk = q αjk xk xj , yj yk = −q αjk yk yj , xj yk = q αjk yk xj . q . Next we 3.1.2. The algebra of universal differential forms Ωα (A) of SN will apply the construction of the algebra of the universal differential forms of a q ρ-algebra from the remark 1 to the ρ-algebra SN and, thus, we will give a new q q differential calculus on SN denoted by Ωα (SN ) . q Let α = (n1 , . . . , nN ) be an arbitrary element from ZN . Ωα (SN ) is the algebra q generated by a ∈ SN and the symbols da ,which satisfies the following relations: 1. da is linear in a. 2. the ρ-Leibniz rule: d(ab) = (da)b + ρ(n, |a|)adb. 3. d(1) = 0. q Next we present the structure of the algebra Ωα (SN ). We use the following notations yi = dxi , for any i ∈ {1, . . . , N }. By an easy computation we get the following lemmas: THE FROBENIUS THEOREM ON QUANTUM HYPERPLANE 27 Lemma 1. yi xj = ρ(α + |xi | , |xj |)xj yi , for any i, j ∈ {1, . . . , N }. Lemma 2. yj yi = ρ(α, |xi |)ρ(n + |xi | , |xj |)yi yj , for any i, j ∈ {1, . . . , N }. m−1 Lemma 3. d(xm (α, |xi |)xm−1 yi , for any m ∈ N and i ∈ {1, . . . , N }. i ) = mρ i Putting together the previous lemmas we obtain the following theorem which q gives the structures of the algebra Ωα (SN ): q Theorem 2. Ωα (SN ) is the algebra spanned by the elements xi and yi with i ∈ {1, . . . , N } which satisfies the following relations: 1. xi xj = ρ(|xi | , |xj |)xj xi , 2. yi xj = ρ(α + |xi | , |xj |)xj yi , 3. yj yi = ρ(, |xi |)ρ(α + |xi | , |xj |)yi yj , for any i, j ∈ {1, . . . , N }. q 3.2. Submanifolds in SN In this section we use the definition of submanifolds algebra in noncommutative geometry from [11] to introduce submanifolds in the quantum hyperplane. q q Let C be an ideal in SN . We denote by Q = SN /C the quotient algebra and by q p : SN → Q the quotient map. We consider the following two Lie ρ-subalgebras of q ρ-DerSN : q GC = {X ∈ ρ-DerSN /XC ⊂ C} and q q ) ⊂ C} /X(SN GA = {X ∈ ρ-DerSN q q We define the map π : GC → ρ-DerSN by π(X)p(a) = p(Xa) for any a ∈ SN and X ∈ GC . q q /C is a submanifold algebra of SN Definition 4. The quotient algebra Q = SN if the map π is sujective. In this situation we obtain the following the short exact sequence of ρ-Lie algebras. 0 → GA → GC → ρ-DerQ → 0 (7) q Let C be the ideal from SN generated by the elements x1 , x2 , . . . , xp with p ∈ {1, . . . , N }. Then the algebra Q generated by the elements xp+1 , . . . , xN and we have that A = C ⊕ Q. Theorem 3. GC = (ρ- Der Q) ⊕ GA . q Proof. Let X be a colour derivation from ρ-DerSN , then X= N X i=1 with XiC ∈ C and XiQ Xi ∂ ∂xi and Xi = XiC + XiQ ∈ Q for any i ∈ {1, . . . , N }. 28 C. CIUPALĂ If X ∈ GC then X(c) ∈ C for any c ∈ C so X(c) = N X N XiC i=1 = N X X Q ∂c ∂c + X ∂xi i=1 i ∂xi p N X X ∂c ∂c ∂c + XiQ + XiQ ∈C ∂xi i=1 ∂xi i=p+1 ∂xi {z } | {z } XiC i=1 | ∈C ∈C XiQ = 0 for any i ∈ {1, . . . , p}. N P So any element X = Xi ∂/∂xi from GC may be written is the following way Results that i=1 X = X GA + X Q where X GA = N X XiC i=1 with XiQ ∂ ∈ GA ∂xi and XQ = N X XiQ i=1 ∂ ∈ ρ-DerQ ∂xi = 0 for i ∈ {1, . . . , p}. Corollary 1. Q is submanifolds algebra of q SN . q 3.3. Linear connections on SN In this subsection we use the definition of linear connections on ρ-algebras from q q the paper [3]. Let (ΩSN , d) be a ρ-differential calculus on SN and n ∈ ZN . A N P q q ∂ on the ρ-bimodule Ωn SN over SN linear connection along the field X= Xi ∂x i i=1 is a linear map q q ∇ : ρ-Der (SN ) → End (Ωn SN ) of degree |X| such that ∇(X)(aω) = ∇X (aω) = ρ(|X| , |ω|)X(a)ω + a∇X ω q q q for any X ∈ ρ-DerSN , a ∈ SN and ω ∈ Ωn SN . q Using the structure of the free bimodule Ωn SN we deduce that any such conq n nection ∇ is well defined by the connections coefficients Γji,i1 ,...,j ∈ SN defined 1 ,...,in by (8) ∇ ∂ ∂xi n (yi1 . . . yin ) = Γji,i1 ,...,j y . . . yjn . 1 ,...,in j1 n Remark 3. The connection coefficients Γji,i1 ,...,j satisfy the some properties 1 ,...,in q which depend on the choice of the ρ-differential calculus (ΩSN , d) . q q q Example 3. If (ΩSN , d) is the algebra of forms Ω (SN ) of SN we obtain that (9) n n Γji,i1 ,...,j = −q αik ,ik+1 Γji,i1 ,...,j 1 ,...,ik ,ik+1 ,...,in 1 ,...,ik+1 ,ik ,...,in for any i, i1 , . . . , in , j1 , . . . , jn ∈ {1, . . . , n}. THE FROBENIUS THEOREM ON QUANTUM HYPERPLANE 29 q q Example 4. If (ΩSN , d) is the algebra of universal differential forms Ωα (SN ) q of SN using an easy computation we obtain that j1 ,...,jm m (10) Γji,i1 ,...,j = ρ(α, |yik |)ρ(α + |yik | , yik+1 )Γi,i . 1 ,...,ik ,ik+1 ,...,im 1 ,...,ik+1 ,ik ,...,im q 3.4. Distributions in SN q q Next we introduce distributions on SN . Let (ΩSN , d) be a ρ-differential calculus q on SN . q q q Definition 5. A distribution D on SN is a SN -subbimodule of Ω1 SN . The q distribution D is globally integrable if there is a subset B of SN such that D is the q q subspace generated by SN d(B) and by d(B)SN . Definition 6. We say that the distribution D is parallel with respect to the q q connection ∇ : ρ-DerSN → End(Ω1 SN ) if q ∇X (m) = 0, for any X ∈ ρ-DerSN and for any m ∈ D. q Using the structure of ΩSN we obtain the following structure theorem of globally integrable distributions. q Theorem 4. Any globally integrable distributions D determined by SN d(B) q and d(B)SN where B is the subset {x1 , . . . , xp }. In this situation we say that the distribution D has the dimension p. 3.4.1. The Frobenius theorem for quantum hyperplane. In this section we will give a Frobenius theorem for N -dimensional quantum hyperplane which is obvious from the previous results. Theorem 5. The Frobenius theorem for quantum hyperplane. Any globally q q integrable distribution from SN is given by a maximal submanifold algebra of SN q and conversely any submanifold algebra of SN give a globally integrable distribution with the same dimension. q Proof. Let D be a global integrable distribution from SN . Then from the theoq rem 10, D is given by SN dQ, where Q is a subset with p elements from {x1 , . . . xN } . q If we denote by C the ideal of SN generated by {x1 , . . . xN } \Q and using the Corolq q lary 9 we obtain that Q=SN /C is a submanifold algebra of SN of the dimension p. q Conversely, if Q is a submanifold algebra of the dimension p of SN results that q q there is an ideal C of the dimension N − p of SN such that Q = SN /C. If we denote by {x1 , . . . , xN −p } is the subset of {x1 , . . . , xN } which generates the ideal C then the set Q = {xN −p+1 , . . . , xN } generates a distribution of the dimension p q of SN . We may find the equations of an globally integrable distributions and parallel with respect to a connection ∇. 30 C. CIUPALĂ Theorem 6. 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