Digital Dietary Recorder System Objectives: - Capturing volume of a small object (food item for this application) - Increasing the accuracy of measuring dietary intake compared to the traditional hand measuring method. Current Status: - Pilot study with Fred Hutch Cancer Center - Optimizing the algorithm and calculated volume - Building an automatic calibrator Skillsets we need: image processing, hardware design, business development, Android programming Accomplishments: - Built and tested prototype V2.0 - Designed a pilot study with Fred Hutch Cancer Center Digital Ostomy Analysis Tool Objectives: - A digital add-on tool to an existing ostomy solution - Increasing the accuracy of measuring dietary intake compared to the traditional hand measuring method. - Launch on MedStartr platform Current Status: - 3D reconstructing of a stoma - Outputting the exact dimensions - Creating a user-friendly interface - Writing a provisional patent Skillsets we need: image processing, business development, hardware design Accomplishments: - Completed an early prototype for prove of concept - Started collaboration with leading surgeons - Initial interest for NIH Personal Exposure Monitor Objectives: - Design a pre-concentrator for a wide variety of chemical analysis systems, such as Microfluidics, RAMAN, TIRF, LIBS, dielectrometry - Create a universal low-cost sampling platform Current Status: - Conceptual design finished - Research team being formed Skillsets we need: COMSOL, SolidWorks, fluid mechanics analysis, embedded electronics design Accomplishments: - Conducted a successful preliminary demonstration with the Department of Homeland Security Sensor Design Objectives: - Design wearable sensors for detection of material properties Current Status: - Assembling a new team this fall Accomplishments: - Designed large scale versions, need to move towards miniature versions Bluetooth Enabled Digital Scale for Toothpaste Usage Monitoring Objectives: - - - To accurately read gram measurements of toothpaste containers on the digital scale with an attached microcontroller and wirelessly transmit the data to smartphones using a Bluetooth antenna To develop smartphone applications on iOS and Android operating systems to communicate with the digital scale and manage the stored measurements To minimize total cost of the system while also making it compact and portable Current Status: Accomplishments: - - Developing mobile applications for iOS and Android operating systems - Reducing the overall size of the added components attached to the digital scale - Increasing the output range of the Bluetooth module to detect lower scale measurements for the case of nearly empty toothpaste containers Skillsets we need: PCB design, programming of RFDuino, Androi, iOS, mechanical design - Connected a microcontroller and Bluetooth antenna to a digital scale that estimates measurements Connected the Bluetooth digital scale to iOS and Android smartphones Reduced the size of external components to a small box attached to the digital scale Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs) Objectives: - Removing fine particles from the air stream - Lowering the chance of the particle reentrainment by trapping particles in secured spaces (foam-covered or guidanceplate-covered) where have fewer disturbances than bare collecting electrode FC-ESP GPC-ESP Current Status: - Reassembling the second prototype with delicate electrodes - Estimating the collection efficiency by using Deutsch-Anderson equation - Building a new prototype for the field testing at R217 in POB Skillsets we need: mechanical design, experiments, data analysis Accomplishments: - Measured the collection efficiencies under various corona voltages, repelling voltages, and airflow velocities - Estimated the energy efficiency - Simulated the flow field, electric field, and particle trajectory - Third-party test High Reliability Micro-Pump Pump 1L/min Liquid Bearing Force Current Status: Surface shapes for COMSOL simulation defined Next steps: • Design of Experiments using COMSOL to confirm options for 1L/min and fluid bearing performance is practical • Built/test a 3D printed plastic prototype Skillsets we need: COMSOL modeling, fluid Objectives: • >6 years life, ~ $10.00 cost to build • 100 times the MTBF of current industry alternatives • Match computer industry requirements for liquid cooling • Provide high value in the adjacent $57B pump markets where extreme reliability, all plastic fluid path and low cost are important Accomplishments: - Market requirements and size estimate completed - Research phases defined - Business Plan transition defined - Patent draft completed - Design options for exploration defined - Plastic experts and HPC experts providing advice STREAM Tools: Technical Writing for Teams Definition Stage Preparation Stage Writing Stage Completion Stage Select your team members Evaluate historical documents Enter content Copyedit Hold a kick off meeting Populate your file depository Request that team members submit their drafts Send out for a final review of content and clarity Formulate purpose Create a comprehensive outline of the document Verify that each section is going in the right direction Proofread Analyze audience Populate all sections with “yellow text” Construct the whole document Submit the document Select the optimum combination of STREAM Tools Distribute content creation tasks among team members Revise for content, distribute additional writing tasks Conduct the final process improvement review session Objectives: - - - - To produce high-quality documentation with multiple internal and external collaborators, within short periods of time To develop high quality technical documents that are visually consistent, and meet stringent formatting requirements To streamline the writing process, to minimize costs and burdens associated with training new collaborators into the STREAM Tools system To adapt and optimize new software and technologies into the SREAM Tools system Current Status: Accomplishments: - - Developing short courses for industry and academia - Developing innovative templates for technical societies and publishers - Integrating with project management software - Designing software add-ons Skillsets we need: technical writing, programming in XML, Visual Basic. - - EE393: Advanced Technical Writing (2013-present) taught by Profs Alexander Mamishev, Denise Wilson, and Payman Arabshahi Creating Research and Scientific Documents Using Microsoft Word (2013) by Alexander Mamishev and Murray Sargent Technical Writing for Teams: The STREAM Tools Handbook (2010) by Alexander Mamishev and Sean Williams