Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyı́regyháziensis 24 (2008), 33–49 ISSN 1786-0091 A SPECIAL NONLINEAR CONNECTION IN SECOND ORDER GEOMETRY NICOLETA BRINZEI Abstract. We show that, for mechanical system with external forces, the equations of deviations of solution curves of the corresponding Lagrange equations, determine a nonlinear connection on the second order tangent bundle. In particular, Jacobi equations in Finsler and Riemann spaces determine such a nonlinear connection. 1. Introduction As shown in [27], nonlinear connections on bundles can be a powerful tool in integrating systems of differential equations. A way of obtaining them is that of deriving them from the respective systems of DE’s, in particular, from variational principles, [2], [16], [15]. For instance, an ODE system of order 2 on a manifold M induces a nonlinear connection on its tangent bundle T M . A remarkable example is here the Cartan nonlinear connection of a Finsler space, which has the property that its autoparallel curves correspond to geodesics of the base manifold: δy i dy i := + N ij y j = 0. dt dt Further, an ODE system of order three determines a nonlinear connection on the second order tangent (jet) bundle T 2 M = J02 (R, M ). For instance, CraigSynge equations (R. Miron, [16]) d3 xi + 3!Gi (x, ẋ, ẍ) = 0, dt3 lead to: 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53B40, 70H50. Key words and phrases. nonlinear connection, 2-tangent bundle, Finsler space, Jacobi equations. 33 34 NICOLETA BRINZEI a) Miron’s connection: M ij (1) (1) ∂Gi 1 = , Mi = 2 ∂y (2)j (2)j à SM ij (1) ! + M im M m j (1) (1) , ∂ ∂ ∂ + 2y (2)i i − 3Gi (2)i is a semispray on T 2 M . ∂xi ∂y ∂y b) Bucătaru’s connection where S = y i M ij = (1) ∂Gi ∂Gi . , M ij = (2)j ∂y j (2) ∂y With respect to the last one, if Gi are the coefficients of a spray on T 2 M (i.e., 3-homogeneous functions), then the Craig-Synge equations can be interpreted as: δy (2)i = 0, dt (2) dy j dxj δy (2)i dy (2)i := + M ij + M ij . dt dt dt dt (1) (2) In Miron’s and Bucătaru’s approaches, nonlinear connections on T 2 M are obtained from a Lagrangian of order 2, L(x, ẋ, ẍ), by computing the first variation of its integral of action. Here, we propose a different approach, which, we consider, could be at least as interesting as the above one from the point of view of Mechanics - namely, we start with a first order Lagrangian L(x, ẋ) and compute its second variation. This way, for a mechanical system (M, L(x, ẋ), F (x, ẋ)) with external force field F , we obtain a nonlinear connection on T 2 M, with respect to which the equations of deviations of evolution curves have a simple invariant form. As a remark, our nonlinear connection is also suitable for modelling the solutions of a (globally defined) ODE system, not necessarily attached to a certain Lagrangian, together with the deviations of these solutions. More precisely, in the following our aims are: where (1) to obtain the Jacobi equations for the trajectories δy i 1 = F i (x, y) dt 2 (for extremal curves of a 2-homogeneous Lagrangian L(x, ẋ) in presence of external forces). (2) to build a nonlinear connection such that: w ∈ X (M ) Jacobi field along c ⇔ δw(2)i = 0, dt A SPECIAL NONLINEAR CONNECTION IN SECOND ORDER GEOMETRY where 35 d denotes directional derivative with respect to ċ and dt δw(2)i 1 d2 wi dwj = + M ij + M ij wj . 2 dt 2 dt dt (1) (2) For F = 0, this nonlinear connection has as additional properties: I. In Finsler spaces M , c is a geodesic of M if and only if its extension T 2 M is horizontal. II. A vector field w along a geodesic c on M is parallel along c if and only if δwi = 0. dt Throughout the paper, by ‘differentiable’ or ‘smooth’ we mean C ∞ -differentiable. 2. Tangent bundle of first and second order Let M be a real differentiable manifold of dimension n and class C ∞ ; the coordinates of a point x ∈ M in a local chart (U, φ) will be denoted by ¡ ¢ φ (x) = xi , i = 1, . . . , n. Let (T M, π, M ) be its tangent bundle and (xi , y i ) the coordinates of a point in a local chart. The 2-tangent bundle (T 2 M, π 2 , M ) is the space of jets of order two at 0 of all smooth functions f : (−ε, ε) → M, t 7→ (f i (t)), on (−ε, ε), ε > 0, ([19]-[24], [16], [10]). In a local chart, a point p of T 2 M will have the coordinates (xi , y i , y (2)i ). This is, xi = f i (0), y i = f˙i (0), y (2)i = 1 ·· i f (0), i = 1, . . . , n, 2 ¡ ¢ for some f as above. Then, T 2 M, π 2 , M is a differentiable manifold of class C ∞ and dimension 3n, and T M can be identified with a submanifold of T 2 M . The local coordinate changes induced by local coordinate changes on M are, [16], [19]-[24], µ i¶ ¡ ¢ ∂e x x ei = x ei x1 , . . . , xn , det 6= 0 ∂xj ∂e xi j (3) yei = y ∂xj ∂e yi j ∂e y i (2)j 2e y (2)i = y + 2 y . ∂xj ∂y j For a curve c : [0, 1] → M, t 7→ (xi (t)) on the base manifold M , let us denote: • by b c its extension to the tangent bundle T M : b c : [0, 1] → M, t 7→ (xi (t), ẋi (t)); 36 NICOLETA BRINZEI along b c, there holds: y i = ẋi (t), i = 1, . . . , n; • by e c its extension to T 2 M : 1 ·· t 7→ (xi (t), ẋi (t), xi (t)); 2 along such an extension curve, there holds 1 ·· y i (t) = ẋi (t), y (2)i (t) = xi (t), i = 1, . . . , n. 2 A tensor field on T M (or T 2 M ) is called a distinguished tensor field, or simply, a d-tensor field if, under a change of local coordinates induced by a change of coordinates on the base manifold M, its components transform by the same rule as the components of a corresponding tensor field on M, [16]. e c : [0, 1] → T 2 M, 3. Nonlinear connections on T M Let (T M, π, M ) be the tangent bundle of a differentiable manifold M as above and (xi , y i ) the coordinates of a point p ∈ T M in a local chart. For simplicity, we shall also denote (x, y) = (xi , y i )i=1,n . Let dπ : T (T M ) → T M denote the tangent linear mapping of the projection π : T M → M and V (T M ) = ker dπ, the vertical subbundle of T (T M ). Its fibres generate the vertical distribution V on T M of local dimension n, V : p ∈ T M ∂ 7→ V (p) ⊂ Tp (T M ), locally spanned by { i }. ∂y A nonlinear (Ehresmann) connection on T M, [16], [18], is a distribution N : p ∈ T M 7→ N (p) ⊂ Tp (T M ), which is supplementary to the vertical distribution: (4) Tp (T M ) = N (p) ⊕ V (p) , ∀p ∈ T M. Let ½ B= δ ∂ , δxi ∂y i ¾ , where: (5) ∂ δ ∂ = − N ji j , δxi ∂xi ∂y i = 1, . . . , n, denote a local adapted basis to the direct decomposition (4). The quantities N ij = N ij (x, y), [16], [18], are called the coefficients of the nonlinear connection N. With respect to local coordinate changes on T M induced by changes of local δ coordinates (xi ) 7→ (x̃i ) on the base manifold M, transform by the rule: δxi j δ ∂e x δ = . δxi ∂xi δe xj A SPECIAL NONLINEAR CONNECTION IN SECOND ORDER GEOMETRY 37 © ª The dual basis of B is B ∗ = dxi , δy i , given by δy i = dy i + N ij dxj . (6) With respect to changes of local coordinates on T M induced by local coordinate ∂ x̃i j changes on M, there holds: δ ỹ i = δy . ∂xj Any vector field X ∈ X (T M ) is represented in the local adapted basis as δ ∂ + X (1)i i , δxi ∂y δ ∂ where the components X (0)i i and X (1)i i are d-vector fields. δx ∂y Similarly, a 1-form ω ∈ X ∗ (T M ) will be decomposed as the sum of two d-1-forms: (7) (8) X = X (0)i (0) (1) ω = ωi dxi + ωi δy i . In particular, if b c : t → (xi (t), y i (t)) is an extension curve to T M , then its tangent vector field is expressed in the adapted basis as δy i ∂ dxi δ + . dt δxi dt ∂y i In our further considerations, an important role will be played by the notions of semispray and spray, [25], [10]. A semispray S ∈ X (T M ) is a vector field ∂ ∂ locally described in the natural basis by S = y i i − 2Gi (x, y) i , where the ∂x ∂y functions Gi (called the coefficients of the semispray) obey, with respect to coordinate changes induced by a change of local coordinates (xi ) 7→ (x̃i ) on ∂ x̃i ∂ ỹ i j M, the rule: 2G̃i = 2 j Gj − y , i = 1, . . . , n. If Gi are 2-homogeneous ∂x ∂xj functions in y, then the semispray is called a spray. As shown by Grifone, [12], a semispray (in particular, a spray) on M determines a nonlinear connection on T M . Also, evolution curves of mechanical systems with external forces, can be described in terms of semisprays on T M , (R. Miron, [15]): (9) · b c = Proposition 1. Let L = L(x, ẋ) be a nondegenerate Lagrangian: µ 2 ¶ ∂ L det 6= 0, ∂y i ∂y j 1 ∂2L , the induced (Lagrange) metric tensor. Then, the equations 2 ∂y i ∂y j of evolution of a mechanical system with the Lagrangian L and the external force field F = Fi (x, ẋ)dxi are and gij = (10) 1 d2 xi + 2Gi (x, ẋ) = F i (x, ẋ), dt2 2 38 NICOLETA BRINZEI where µ 2 ¶ 1 is ∂ L j ∂L 2G = g y − , 2 ∂y s ∂xj ∂xs yield a semispray (called the canonical semispray of the Lagrange space (M, L)) and F i = g ij Fj , i = 1, . . . , n. i In the following, we shall use the above results in the case when G is a spray; this is, we shall have ∂Gi j 2Gi = y . ∂y j Then, [12], [2], [5], [18], the quantities N ij = ∂Gi ∂y j are the coefficients of a nonlinear connection on T M . Moreover, N ij = N ij (x, y) are 1-homogeneous in y. With respect to the above nonlinear connection, equations (10) take the form: δy i = dt In particular, if there are no extremal curves t 7→ xi (t) of the vice-versa: horizontal extension Euler-Lagrange equations of L. (11) 1 i F , i = 1, . . . , n. 2 external forces, this is, if F i = 0, then the Lagrangian L have horizontal extensions and curves b c project onto solution curves of the 4. Nonlinear connections on T 2 M ¢ Let dπ 2 : T T 2 M → T M denote ¡ 2 ¢the tangent2 linear mapping of the pro2 2 jection π : T M → M and V T M = ker dπ , the vertical subbundle of ¡ ¢ T T 2 M . Its fibres generate the vertical distribution V on T 2 M ½of local dimen¾ ¡ ¢ ∂ ∂ sion 2n, V : p ∈ T 2 M 7→ V (p) ⊂ Tp T 2 M , locally spanned by , . ∂y i ∂y (2)i In the same way, if the projection π12 : T 2 M → T M is given by ³ ´ ¡ ¢ xi , y i , y (2)i 7→ xi , y i , ¡ 2 ¢ 2 then V2 := ker dπ12 generates a distribution ½ V2 : p¾∈ T M 7→ V2 (p) ⊂ Tp T M ∂ of local dimension n, locally spanned by . ∂y (2)i Then, at any p ∈ T 2 M, there exists a chain of vector spaces ¡ ¢ V2 (p) ⊂ V (p) ⊂ Tp T 2 M . ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ Let us consider the F T 2 M -linear mapping J : X T 2 M → X T 2 M , ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ = , J = , J = 0, (12) J ∂xi ∂y i ∂y i ∂y (2)i ∂y (2)i ¡ A SPECIAL NONLINEAR CONNECTION IN SECOND ORDER GEOMETRY 39 called the 2-tangent structure on T 2 M. J is globally defined on T 2 M and Im J = V, KerJ = V2 , J (V ) = V2 . A nonlinear connection on T 2 M, [16], is a distribution on T 2 M, N : p ∈ 2 T M → N (p) ⊂ Tp (T 2 M ), such that Tp (T 2 M ) = N0 (p) ⊕ V (p) , ∀p ∈ T 2 M. (13) By setting N1 (p) := J(N0 (p)), ∀p ∈ T 2 M, we get: • the horizontal distribution N0 : p 7→ N (p); • the v1 -distribution N1 : p 7→ N1 (p); • the v2 -distribution V2 : p 7→ V2 (p), and there holds Tp (T 2 M ) = N0 (p) ⊕ N1 (p) ⊕ V2 (p) , ∀p ∈ T 2 M. We denote by h = v0 , v1 and v2 the projectors corresponding to the above distributions. Let B denote a local adapted basis to the decomposition (13): ½ ¾ δ δ δ B = δ(0)i := i , δ(1)i := i , δ(2)i := (2)i , δx δy δy this is, N0 = Span(δ(0)i ), N1 = Span(δ(1)i ), V2 = Span(δ(2)i ). The elements of the adapted basis are locally expressed as δ ∂ ∂ ∂ = − Nj − Nj δxi ∂xi (1)i ∂y j (2)i ∂y (2)j δ ∂ ∂ = i = − Nj δy ∂y i (1)i ∂y (2)j δ ∂ = (2)i = . δy ∂y (2)i δ(0)i = δ(1)i (14) δ(2)i With respect to changes of local coordinates on T 2 M, induced by changes (xi ) 7→ (x̃i ) of local coordinates on the base manifold M, for δ(α)i , α = 0, 1, 2, there ∂e xj e holds: δ(α)i = δ(α)j . ∂xi © ª The dual basis of B is B∗ = dxi , δy i , δy (2)i , given by δy (0)i = dxi , δy i = dy i + M ij dxj , (15) (1) δy (2)i = dy (2)i + M ij dy j + M ij dxj . (1) (2) The above δy (α)i , α = 0, 1, 2, i = 1, . . . , n, are d-1-forms on T 2 M . The quantities N ji , N ji are called the coefficients of the nonlinear connection (1) (2) N, while M ij and M ij are called its dual coefficients. The link between the two (1) (2) 40 NICOLETA BRINZEI sets of coefficients is, [16]: M ij = N ij , M ij = N ij + N if N fj . (16) (1) (1) (2) (2) (1) (1) In the following, the next result will be very useful to us: Theorem 2 ([16],[19]-[24]). 1. A transformation of coordinates (3) on the differentiable manifold T 2 M implies the following transformation of the dual coefficients of a nonlinear connection ∂e xi k ∂e yi xk fi ∂e M = M + ∂xk (1) j (1) k ∂xj ∂xj (17) xk yk ∂e y (2)i ∂e xi k fik ∂e fik ∂e Mj =M +M + . k j j ∂x (2) ∂xj (2) ∂x (1) ∂x 2 µ 2. If on¶each domain of local chart on T M it is given a set of functions M ij , M ij , such that, with respect to (3), there hold the equalities (17), then (1) (2) there exists on T 2 M a unique nonlinear connection N which has as dual coefficients the given set of functions. ¡ ¢ In presence of a nonlinear connection, a vector field X ∈ X T 2 M is represented in the local adapted basis as (18) X = X (0)i δ(0)i + X (1)i δ(1)i + X (2)i δ(2)i , with the three right terms (which are d-vector fields) belonging to the distributions N, N1 and V2 respectively. ¡ ¢ A 1-form ω ∈ X ∗ T 2 M will be decomposed as (0) (1) (2) ω = ωi dxi + ωi δy i + ωi δy (2)i . ¡ ¢ Similarly, a tensor field T ∈ Tsr T 2 M can be split with respect to (13) into components, which are d-tensor fields. In particular, if e c : t → (xi (t), y i (t), y (2)i (t)) is an extension curve, then its tangent vector field is expressed in the adapted basis as (19) (20) · e c = dxi δy i δy (2)i δ(0)i + δ(1)i + δ(2)i . dt dt dt · Our goal is to give a precise meaning to the equality v2 (e c) = 0. 5. Berwald linear connection on T 2 M Let Gi = Gi (x, y) be the coefficients of a spray on T M, and N ij (x, y) = ∂Gi , ∂y j the coefficients of the induced nonlinear connection (on T M ). A SPECIAL NONLINEAR CONNECTION IN SECOND ORDER GEOMETRY 41 Let also Li jk (x, y) = ∂N ij ∂ 2 Gi = , k ∂y ∂y j ∂y k the local coefficients of the induced Berwald linear connection on T M, [16]. Now, let on T 2 M, a linear connection defined by N ij = N ij (x, y (1) ) as (1) above, and arbitrary N ij (2) = N ij (x, y, y (2) ). (2) The Berwald connection on T 2 M , [8], is the linear connection defined by (21) Dδ(0)k δ(α)j = Li jk δ(α)i , Dδ(β)k δ(α)j = 0, β = 1, 2, α = 0, 1, 2. This is, with the notations in [16], the coefficients of the Berwald linear connection are BΓ(N ) = (Li jk , 0, 0). For extensions e c to T 2 M of curves c : [0.1] → M, we can express the v1 · δy i (the geometric acceleration, component of the tangent vector field e c, given by dt [13]) by means of the Berwald covariant derivative: (22) Dy i δy i := D · y i = , e c dt dt i = 1, . . . , n. Let T denote its torsion tensor, and: Ri jk = v1 T(δ(0)k , δ(0)j ) = δ(0)k N ij − δ(0)j N ik , its v1 (h, h) components. Also, let R be the curvature tensor; then Rji kl = δ(0)l Li jk − δ(0)k Li jl + Lmjk Li ml − Lmjl Li mk , Pj ikl = δ(1)l Li jk = ∂ 3 Gi ∂y j ∂y k ∂y l , where Rji kl δ(0)i = hR(δ(0)l , δ(0)k ), Pj ikl δ(0)i = hR(δ(1)l , δ(0)k ), define its only nonvanishing local components, [16]. Taking into account that Li jk do not depend on y (2) and that Gi = Gi (x, y) are 2-homogeneous in y, it follows: y j Rji kl = Ri kl . (23) From the 2-homogeneity of Gi , we also have (24) Pj ikl y l = ∂ 3 Gi ∂y j ∂y k ∂y l y l = 0; Pj ikl y j = Pj ikl y k = 0. 42 NICOLETA BRINZEI 6. Jacobi equations for systems with external forces Let us suppose that we know a priori a nonlinear connection on the first ∂Gi order tangent bundle T M, with (1-homogeneous) coefficients N ij (x, y) = , ∂y j coming from a spray on T M . Let c : [0, 1] → M, t 7→ xi (t) be a curve on M , such that xi are solutions for the system of ODE’s (10): 1 δ ẋi = F i (x, ẋ), dt 2 where F i are the components of a d-vector field on M . Let α : [0, 1] × (−ε, ε) → M, (t, u) 7→ (αi (t, u)) denote a variation of c (not necessarily with fixed endpoints): αi (t, 0) = xi (t), ∀t ∈ [0, 1], ∂αi dxi |u=0 = ∂t dt the components of the tangent vector field of c and yi = ∂αi |u=0 ∂u the components of the deviation vector field attached to the variation α. Let α e denote the following extension of α to the second order tangent bundle T 2 M : wi (t) = (25) α e : [0, 1] × (−ε, ε) → T 2 M, (t, u) 7→ (αi (t, u), ∂αi 1 ∂ 2 αi (t, u), (t, u)) ∂t 2 ∂t2 and ∂αi ∂αi , αui = . ∂t ∂u We have: µ ¶ µ ¶ ∂α e ∂α e • h = αti δ(0)i , h = αui δ(0)i ; ∂t ∂u • αti (t, 0) = y i (t), αui (t, 0) = wi , ∀t ∈ [0, 1]. D D Let us denote = D ∂ αe and = D ∂ αe the covariant derivations with ∂t ∂u ∂t ∂u respect to the Berwald connection on T 2 M . Then: αti = ∂αti Dαti = + N ij (α, αt )αtj , ∂t ∂t (26) Dαti ∂αti = + N ij (α, αt )αuj , ∂u ∂u Dαui ∂αui = + N ij (α, αt )αuj ; ∂t ∂t (the covariant derivatives are taken ‘with reference vector ∂α e ’, [5]). ∂t A SPECIAL NONLINEAR CONNECTION IN SECOND ORDER GEOMETRY By commuting partial derivatives of αi , we have last two covariant derivatives (26) coincide: 43 ∂αti ∂αui = , hence that the ∂u ∂t Dαti Dαui = , ∂u ∂t which is, µ ¶ µ ¶ D ∂α e D ∂α e h = h . ∂u ∂t ∂t ∂u By applying D ∂ αe again to the above equality, we get: ∂t µ ¶ µ ¶ ∂α e DD ∂α e D D h = h . (27) ∂t ∂u ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂u In the left hand side, we can commute covariant derivatives by means of the curvature tensor of D : µ ¶ µ ¶µ ¶ µ ¶ D D e ∂α e ∂α e ∂α ∂α e D D ∂α e h =R , h + h ∂t ∂u ∂t ∂t ∂u ∂t ∂u ∂t ∂t µ ¶ ∂α e + D» ∂ αe ∂ αe – h . , ∂t ∂t ∂u £ ¤ But, ∂∂tαe , ∂∂uαe is 0, hence the last term in the above relation vanishes and (27) becomes µ ¶ µ ¶µ ¶ µ ¶ DD ∂α e ∂α e ∂α e ∂α e D D ∂α e (28) h =R , h + h . ∂t ∂t ∂u ∂t ∂u ∂t ∂u ∂t ∂t Moreover, at u = 0, we have h of (11), we get D ∂t ∂α e |u=0 = αti (t, 0)δ(0)i = y i δ(0)i , and by means ∂t µ ¶ ∂α e Dy i 1 1 h |u=0 = δ(0)i = F i δ(0)i =: F ∂t ∂t 2 2 (where F is a d-vector field on T 2 M ). Then, (28) becomes µ ¶µ ¶ ¶ µ D2 ∂α e e ∂α e 1 ∂α e ∂α (29) h | , h |u=0 + Du F. = R u=0 2 ∂t ∂u ∂t ∂u ∂t 2 At u = 0, we also have h ∂α e = wi δ(0)i . In local writing, by evaluating ∂u µ ¶µ ¶ ∂α e ∂α e ∂α e R , h ∂t ∂u ∂t and taking into account (24), we obtain µ ¶µ ¶ ∂α e ∂α e ∂α e R , h |u=0 = y h y k Rhi jk wj δ(0)i . ∂t ∂u ∂t We have thus proved 44 NICOLETA BRINZEI ∂αi Proposition 3. The components of the deviation vector field wi = |u=0 of ∂u the trajectories δy i 1 = F i (x, y), dt 2 satisfy, with respect to the Berwald linear connection on T 2 M , the Jacobi-type equation (30) D2 wi 1 DF i |u=0 + y h y k Rhi jk wj . = 2 dt 2 ∂u The above generalizes the usual Jacobi equation, in the case of mechanical systems with external forces. (31) 7. Nonlinear connection In natural coordinates, (31) becomes: µ ¶ d2 w i 1 ∂F i dwj i + 2N j − dt2 2 ∂y j dt (32) µ ¶ d 1 ∂F i i i k h k i i 1 k + (N j ) + N k N j − y y Rh jk + L kj F − wj = 0. dt 2 2 ∂xj Taking into account (23), we have Ri hjk y h = Ri jk . Also, Li kj = the above equality can be seen as: µ ¶ d2 w i 1 ∂F i dwj i + 2N − j dt2 2 ∂y j dt µ + C(N ij ) + N ik N kj − y k R where C = yk i jk + 1 ∂N ik k 1 ∂F i F − 2 ∂y j 2 ∂xj ∂N ik , hence ∂y j ¶ wj = 0, ∂ ∂ + 2y (2)k k . ∂xk ∂y There holds: Theorem 4. (33) (1) The quantities µ ¶ 1 ∂F i 1 i i M j (x, y) = 2N j − , 2 2 ∂y j (1) µ 1 M ij (x, y, y (2) ) = C(N ij ) + N ik N kj − y k R 2 (2) ¶ 1 ∂N ik k 1 ∂F i F − + 2 ∂y j 2 ∂xj i jk are the dual coefficients of a nonlinear connection on T 2 M . A SPECIAL NONLINEAR CONNECTION IN SECOND ORDER GEOMETRY 45 (2) With respect to this nonlinear connection, the extensions of deviation vector fields attached to (10) have vanishing v2 -components: j 1 d2 wi i dw + M + M ij wj = 0. j 2 dt2 dt (1) (2) Proof. 1): In the equation (31), both the left hand side and the right hand side are components of d-vector fields; by a direct computation, it follows that, with respect to local coordinate changes (3) on T 2 M , the quantities M ij and (1) M ij obey the rules of transformation (17) of the dual coefficients of a nonlinear (2) connection on T 2 M . 2): The deviation vector field attached to the variation α̃ in (25) is ½ i µ ¶ µ ¶ ¾ ∂ α̃ ∂α ∂ ∂ ∂αi ∂ 1 ∂ ∂ 2 αi ∂ W = |u=0 ≡ + + |u=0 ∂u ∂u ∂xi ∂u ∂t ∂y i 2 ∂u ∂t2 ∂y (2)i ∂ dwi ∂ 1 d2 wi ∂ = wi i + + . ∂x dt ∂y i 2 dt2 ∂y (2)i In the adapted basis (δ(0)i , δ(1)i , δ(2)i ), this yields: W = wi δ(0)i + where δwi δw(2)i δ(1)i + δ(2)i , dt dt dwi δwi = + M ij (x, y)wj and dt dt (1) δw(2)i 1 d2 wi dwj i = + M (x, y) + M ij (x, y, y (2) )wj . j dt 2 dt2 dt (1) (2) Taking into account (33), the Jacobi equation (32) is re-expressed as: ¤ δw(2)i = 0. dt In presence of the above nonlinear connection, the extension W to T 2 M of any Jacobi field on M, corresponding to trajectories (10) in presence of external forces, belongs to the N0 ⊕ N1 distribution. 8. Deviations of geodesics Let us examine the particular case when F = 0. Let T M be endowed with ∂Gi a spray with coefficients Gi = Gi (x, y) and N ij = , the coefficients of the ∂y j associated nonlinear connection on T M . If F = 0, then we deal with deviations of autoparallel curves (called geodesics) δy i = 0. dt 46 NICOLETA BRINZEI We get M ij = N ij , (1) M ij = (2) 1 (C(N ij ) + N ik N kj − y j Ri jk ); 2 taking into account that, in our approach, M ij do not depend on y (2) , we notice (1) that, in the case F = 0, our nonlinear connection only differs by the term −y j Ri jk from Miron’s one (1), [16]. Remark 5. Along an extension curve e c : [0, 1] → T 2 M, t 7→ (xi (t), y i (t) = 1 ẋi (t), y (2)i (t) = ẍi (t)) there hold the equalities 2 δy i Dy i = , dt dt δy (2)i D2 y i = , dt dt2 D denotes the covariant derivative associated to the Berwald connection dt 2 on T M . For these curves, taking into account the equalities y j y k Ri jk = 0 (which can be obtained by direct calculation), it follows that, with the assumpδy i δy (2)i tions made at the beginning of this section, and have the same values dt dt as those obtained for the connection (1). Still, along general curves γ on T 2 M, the value of v2 (γ̇) does no longer coincide with that one obtained with respect to (1). where Remark 6. Also, for a vector field w along the projection c of e c onto M, we have Dwi δwi = . dt dt Conclusions: (1) c is a geodesic if and only if its extension to T 2 M is horizontal. (2) For a vector field w along a geodesic c on M, we have: δwi (a) = 0, if and only if w is parallel along ċ = y. dt (2)i δw (b) = 0 if and only if w is a Jacobi field along c. dt In the case F = 0, we should mention some related results and approaches: In the geometry of T M : In the case when the base manifold M is endowed with a linear connection ∇, a linear connection on the tangent bundle T M, with similar properties to those of (33) is given by the complete lift ∇C of ∇ (cf. [28] and [10]). Namely, in the two cited monographs, it is shown that, if a curve σ̄ : [0, 1] → T M, t 7→ (xi (t), wi (t)) is a geodesic with respect to ∇C , A SPECIAL NONLINEAR CONNECTION IN SECOND ORDER GEOMETRY 47 then its projection σ : t 7→ (xi (t)) onto M is a geodesic with respect to ∇ and ∂ X(t) = wi (t) i is a Jacobi field along σ. ∂x In the geometry of T 2 M : In presence of a linear connection ∇ on M , C. ¯ : X (M ) × Dodson and M. Radivoiovici, [11] built a covariant derivation law ∇ Γ(T 2 M ) → Γ(T 2 M ) for sections of the second order tangent bundle (regarded as a vector bundle over M ) and used it in order to define a nonlinear connection in the frame bundle of order 2 L(2) M . In the case when the µ ∇ is torsion-free, ¶ ∂α ∂α D ∂α ¯ v X, where v = covariant derivative ∇ |u=0 , and X ≡ , (with our ∂u ∂t dt ∂t ¶ µ i δw δw(2)i , . Still, in the cited paper, notations in Section 6) would yield our dt dt it is not established any link between the defined connection and the Jacobi equation on M . The novelty of our approach consists in relating the v2 -distribution on T 2 M to deviations of geodesics of the base manifold. 9. External forces in Finsler-locally Minkowskian spaces Another interesting particular case is that of Finsler-locally Minkowskian spaces (whose geodesics are straight lines). Let (M, L(y)) be a Finsler-locally Minkowskian space, [2], [5]. Then, N ij = 0, Li jk = 0 (for the Berwald connection), [2], [5]. In presence of an external force field, the evolution equations of a mechanical system will take the form d2 xi 1 = F i (x, ẋ). 2 dt 2 (34) In this case, with the above notations, our nonlinear connection is given by M ij = − 1 ∂F i , 4 ∂y j M ij = − 1 ∂F i . 4 ∂xj (1) (2) This is, deviations of the evolution curves (34) can be written simply: 2 d2 wi 1 ∂F i dwj 1 ∂F i j δw(2)i ≡ − − w = 0. dt dt2 2 ∂y j dt 2 ∂xj The result holds valid for any globally defined system of ordinary differential equations of order 2 on M, of the form (34). 48 NICOLETA BRINZEI References [1] M. Anastasiei and I. Bucătaru. Jacobi fields in generalized Lagrange spaces. Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 42(9-10):689–695, 1997. Collection of papers in honour of Academician Radu Miron on his 70th birthday. [2] P. L. Antonelli, R. S. Ingarden, and M. Matsumoto. 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