Table of Contents

Last Updated: 2/10/2011 TableofContents
Logging into the system: ............................................................................................................................... 2 User Profile: .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Survey and Reports: ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Navigating the Survey: .............................................................................................................................. 4 Space Summary by Department: .......................................................................................................... 5 Space Summary by Building: ................................................................................................................. 7 The Room Survey Screen: ..................................................................................................................... 8 Editing Space Information: ...................................................................................................................... 10 Edit a Single Room: ............................................................................................................................. 10 Edit Multiple: ....................................................................................................................................... 20 Using the Copy/Paste Screen: ............................................................................................................. 21 Running Reports:..................................................................................................................................... 22 Using the Drawing window tools: ............................................................................................................... 23 Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 Loggin
Click the link below or copy and passte it into the
e address bar of your brow
wser: https://um You will b
be presented w
with the follo
owing page: Enter your pawprint (ID
D used to log into your com
mputer) and password intto the “User N
Name:” and “Password
d:” fields. Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 UserPrrofile:
If it has be
een more thaan 180 days siince the last login to the syystem you wiill be redirectted to your prrofile for the sitte: On this paage you will b
be able to upd
date the following: 
Review timer: This sets the number of days prior to t he next revieew date that yyou would like to m the system n
notifying you that you havve rooms up ffor review. sttart receiving e‐mails from
Receive emailss from Space System: Unch
hecking this bbox will keep the system frrom sending e‐
mails to the us
ser about their space o At leasst one user pe
er departmen
nt/Unit MUSTT have this seelected. Default Data grouping: Thiss sets how you would like tto navigate th
he site: o Buildin
ng: Space will be grouped by building aand will show all departmeental space on
n a floor that the user h
has access to review and/oor update. uped by depa rtment and w
will only show
w the departm
ment o Department : Space will be grou
ed on a speciffic floor selecte
The user w
will also be ab
ble to review the followingg: 
Divisions and D
Departments they have acccess to review
w/update Se
ecurity group
p membership
p Fiirst and Last n
name E‐‐mails addresss If there arre any errors in the inform
mation for the
e reviewable i nformation the user should contact theeir campus sp
pace planningg office in ord
der to correctt the issue(s). Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 Any changges to the use
ers profile sho
ould be saved
d using the “U
Update Profile” button. After reviewing and/orr editing theirr profile the u
user should u se the “Returrn to Survey” button to access the surveyy. The profile page can be
e accessed att any time by using the left‐hand corner of the
e screen. icon next to
o their usernaame in the up
pper Survey
After updating their prrofile, or logging into the system if theirr profile is up
p to date, the user will be directed tto the main page of the system. This paage will allow the users to:: f these instru
1) Open a copy o
uctions for using the site.
2) Access the Spaace Survey po
ortion of the ssite 3) Access the Rep
porting sectio
on of the site
The first sscreen of the Space Surveyy will present the user withh a summary screen based
d on the default data grouping they havve selected in
n their profile
e. The data groouping can be switched eiither in the usser’s profile, orr by selecting a different grouping in the “Change Daata Groupingg” dropdown in the upper right corner of the screen. U
Using the drop
pdown only cchanges the ggrouping for tthe current seession though
h, and user’s profile,, then the nexxt time they log in the data grouping w
will if the settting is not chaanged in the u
revert to tthe default se
etting in theirr profile. Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 SpaceSu
If the user has selected
d Departmentt then they w
will see a list oof all the depaartments thatt they have access to review//update and currently havve space assiggned. The data iis displayed b
by departmen
nt with room area, total rooom count, co
ount of roomss marked as completed, and count of rooms thaat are in need of approval.
Clicking on one of the underlined co
olumns will so
ort the list baased on the co
olumn clicked
d. Clicking thee column once will sort tthe results in ascending orrder. Clicking that column again will sorrt in descending order. If a department has rooms in need of approval then that row
w in the summ
mary screen w
will be highligh
hted. Clicking th
he icon fo
or the departm
ment will ope
en up the nexxt summary page showing the list of buildings that have spaace assigned tto that deparrtment. Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 Clicking th
he highlighte
ed. icon will open up a d
drawing of th
hat floor with the rooms asssigned to that departmen
nt Clicking th
he icon will display the list of rooms on the selectted floor assigned to the d
Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 SpaceSu
If the user has selected
d “Building” then they will see a list of aall buildings tthat currentlyy have space er’s access list. assigned tto a department in the use
For summ
mary by building that page will be the lisst of floors in that buildingg. Clicking th
he icon will display the rooms for alll departmentts that the useer has access to review/ed
dit on the floor tthat was selected. Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 TheRoom
This scree
en displays a llist of the roo
oms for eitherr the departm
ment or buildiing that the u
user selected to review/ed
dit space. 
elect All – will select checkkboxes for any available rooom records. Rooms that ccannot be cheecked arre: o Roomss in need of aapproval o Roomss marked as ccompleted Clear All – Un‐select any selected room rrecords Hide Complete
ed – Will refre
esh the page and hide anyy records marrked as completed Sh
how All – Will refresh the page and sho
ow all recordss one of the Hid
de/Show buttons will be viisible at a tim
me depending on if there are o Only o
any hid
dden recordss. Complete Sele
ected – Will m
mark any seleccted rooms ass completed
Disclaim Selectted – Will rem
move any sele
ected rooms ffrom the dep
partment werre they are cu
urrently assiggned. o Please
e use caution with this buttton as space cannot be re‐claimed auto
omatically, th
he user w
will need to co
ontact their caampus space planning offiice to have th
he rooms transfe
erred back to
o the correct d
dit Selected –
– Will open th
he “Edit Multiiple” screen tto allow the u
user to apply changes to multiple room
s at once. Copy/Paste – W
Will open the
e Copy/Paste screen o This bu
utton is not aavailable if usiing “Building”” for your datta grouping as it needs a departtment on whiich to base th
he copy/pastee function. Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 Each room
m record will have a row o
on the page similar to the oone below: RoomRe
Clicking the 
en the edit sccreen for the room which w
was clicked. Clicking the icon will ope
Room code sttored in the SSpace System for the room
m. Room Code – R
o This fie
eld will be higghlighted if th
he room has aa change in need of appro
oval. Room Type Co
ode and Desccription curreently assigned
d to the room
m. Room Type – R
o This fie
eld will be higghlighted if th
he Room Typee has been ch
hanged and n
needs approvaal. Area of the ro
oom in Square
e Feet. Room Area – A
Department – Department Code and Naame that is cuurrently assign
ned as “owneer” of the roo
om. eld will be higghlighted if th
he Departmennt Code has b
been changed
d and needs o This fie
approvval. Completed? – If the room iss marked as ccompleted. Any commentts that have b
been entered for the room
m. Comments – A
e room was laast reviewed.
Laast Review – Date that the
Next Review –
– Date that the
e room is currrently set to be reviewed.. o This fie
eld will be higghlighted if th
he next review
w date falls w
within the loggged in users review
w timer set in their profile.
Room Utilizatio
on(s) – List off Utilization codes current ly assigned to
o the room an
nd their respeective percentages. eld will be higghlighted if th
he room curreently is assign
ned a total uttilization of less o This fie
than 1
100%. Em
mployee(s) – List of Emplo
oyees currenttly assigned too the room allong with if th
he location is the employees “de
efault” locatio
on. MoCodes – Lis
st of MoCodess currently asssigned to thee room 
icon will open up a draw
wing of the currrent floor wiith the room highlighted
Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 Editing
The Edit Survey scrreen will lookk something liike the screenn below depeending on thee room that iss being edited. Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 The edit screen can be broken d
down into diffferent sectio ns: The to
op band of th
he screen disp
plays information on Build ing, Floor, an
nd Room that is currently b
being edited
d along with ssome navigattion/editing to
ools. 
Previous –
– This button will re‐load the edit scree n with the “p
previous” room for the departmen
nt assigned to
o the current room. Next – This button will re‐load the e
edit screen wiith the “next”” room for thee departmentt o the currentt room. assigned to
Room Dro
opdown – Loccated between the “Previoous” and “Nexxt” buttons co
ontains a list of all the rooms for the department assign
ned to the cuurrent room. SSelecting a ro
oom from thiss list d the edit screen with thatt room. will re‐load
Approve R
Room Checkb
box – Select th
his checkbox and save thee room to “Ap
pprove” the changes an
nd update the
e production database. Thhis checkbox w
will only be visible if the ro
oom has a chan
nge in Room TType classificaation or Depaartmental Ow
wnership that has not been
n previouslyy approved. Completed
d? Checkbox – Select this checkbox to mark the roo
om as completed. Save Butto
on – Click thiss button to ch
heck the dataa for any errors and commit the changees to the databaase. The user will be prompted regardinng any data eerrors. Close Buttton – Click thiis button to close the winddow. The user will be prom
mpted to savee if there have
e been any ch
hanges. Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 The next b
band contains information
n on the Depaartmental Ow
wnership and Room Type cclassification. There are
e also buttonss that can be u
used to changge their respeective codes.
Clicking th
he “Change D
Department” b
button will brring up a searrch screen. Entering aall or part of aa departmentt code or nam
me and then cclicking the seearch button will return a list of any deparrtment codess or names that match whaat was entereed along with their respecttive division ccode and name
e. Clicking the
e “Select” buttton next to th
he desired deepartment wiill close the seearch page an
nd update th
he information in the depaartment area of the edit sccreen. Clicking th
he “Change R
Room Type” b
button will open a page thaat functions ssimilarly to th
he departmen
nt screen ab
bove, only usin
ng Room Type codes or de
escriptions. Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 The next ssection of the
e edit screen contains the following: 
Renovated? Ch
heckbox – Sellect this optio
on if the room
m has been reenovated in a manner thatt ea of the room
m such as add
ding or removving a wall or door. afffects the are
No Longer Exissts? Checkboxx – Select thiss option of th e room has b
been physically removed frrom he building. th
oved and o An exaample of using these checkkboxes wouldd be if you had a wall remo
combined two room
ms into a singgle room you would set thee room numb
ber that is being d” and the roo
om number tthat is not beiing kept as “N
No Longer Exiists”. kept as “Renovated
mments regard
ding o Selectiing either of tthese checkboxes will requuire the user to enter com
the change into the
e comments ffield at the boottom left portion of the eedit screen. Manual Last Re
eview Date? Checkbox – SSelect this opttion if the datte of last review is to be managed by th
he user and not automaticcally by the syystem. Laast Review Daate – Contains the last datte that the rooom was revieewed. o Defaullt for this settting is to have
e the system automaticallyy update the Last Review Date with th
he current daate wheneverr a room is oppened Manual Next R
Review Date? Checkbox – SSelect this opption if the neext review datte is to be managed by th
he user and not automaticcally by the syystem. Next Review D
Date – Contain
ns the date in
n the future thhat the room is set to be rreviewed. o Defaullt for this settting is to have
e the system automaticallyy update the Next Review Date with th
he “next” Maay 31st whenever a room iss saved. Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 The next ssection of the
e page contains informatio
on about Empployees and M
MoCodes assigned to the rroom. In the employee sectio
on you can maanipulate the
e employee asssignments w
with the “Chan
nge?” Dropdo
own e left of the em
mployee secttion. List at the
Currently assiggned to the ro
oom as a seco
ondary locatioon: o Removve the employee. o Change this room to the employyee’s Primaryy location and
d replace any existing prim
mary locatio
on. o Change this room to the employyee’s Primaryy location and
d move any exxisting primarry locatio
on to a second
dary location. Currently assiggned to the ro
oom as a prim
mary location : o Only o
option is to re
emove the em
mployee. After sele
ecting the change from the
e dropdown liist for the em
mployee(s) thaat are to be editing clickingg the “Update A
Assignments”” button will ccommit those
e changes to tthe database. Clicking th
he “Add” buttton will open a new windo
ow that the u ser will be ab
ble to search ffor, and add n
new employee
es to the room
m. On this sccreen the user will be able to search by any combinaation of: Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 
Laast Name – Enter a full or partial last naame. Fiirst Name – EEnter a full or partial first n
name. Department Co
ode – Enter aa full or partiaal Departmen t Code. Department Name – Enter a full or partial Departmennt Name The more
e complete the information
n to be search
hed, the moree concise thee results list w
will be. After ffilling in the fields that are to
o be used in the search, clicking the “Seearch” button
n will return aa list of any es matching the search fiellds that is nott already assiggned to the rroom. employee
The resultts list will con
ntain the Emp
ployee Name, ID, Departm ent Code, Deepartment Naame and the Building, FFloor, and Ro
oom Code for any primary assignment tthat the emplloyee alreadyy has in the system. Using the “Add to Room?” Dropdow
wn the user can select whiich employeee(s) to add to the room and
d how to ad
dd them: 
Add Secondaryy – Adds the e
employee to the room as aa secondary rroom assignm
ment. Add Primary – Replace Existting – Adds th
he employee to the room as a primary assignment re
eplacing any e
existing primaary location.
Add Primary – Move Existin
ng – Adds the employee too the room ass a primary asssignment and
d moves any exis
sting primaryy location to aa secondary loocation. Once the desired employees have h
had their add method seleected clicking the “Add Selected” button will nt searches. C
Clicking the “C
Close add them to the room and refresh tthe search paage to allow foor subsequen
Window” button will cclose the search page and update the eddit screen witth the new em
mployees add
ded to the Asssigned Employees section. Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 The MoCo
ode section lists and MoCo
odes currently assigned too the room an
nd allows the user to remo
ove codes by sselecting the checkbox next to the desiired MoCode (s) and clickin
ng the “Remo
ove” button.
Clicking th
he “Add” buttton will open a screen sim
milar to the se arch screen ffor employees. Users can search for M
MoCodes usingg any combin
nation of the ffollowing: 
MoCode – Ent
er all or part of a MoCode
e. e are tens of tthousands of MoCodes in the system and a o Be careful with thiss one as there
h value that iss too vague m
may be very sl ow and result in a very larrge list. search
MoCode Descr
ription – Ente
er all or part o
of the descripption for a Mo
oCode. Department Co
ode – Enter aall or part of aa Departmentt Code. Department Name – Enter all or part of a Departmennt Name. After ente
ering any info
ormation thatt is to be used
d in the searc h clicking on the “Search” button will display a llist of matching MoCodes:: Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 The resultts will list the MoCode, Naame, Departm
ment Code, annd Departmen
nt Name for eeach MoCodee that was matched. Selecting the Checkboxx next to each
h MoCode that is to be ad ded to the ro
oom and clickking the “Add Selected” button will aadd the MoCo
odes and re‐lo
oad the searcch page to all for subsequeent searches.
he “Close Win
ndow” button
n will close th
he search pag e and updatee the edit screeen to displayy the Clicking th
new MoCodes. Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 The next ssection of the
e edit page co
ontains the Ro
oom Utilizatioon categoriess and the Com
mments field: Utilization
ns must be en
ntered in 5% iincrements and cannot exxceed 100% U
Utilization. A b
breakdown off the Utilization
n codes and their definitions can be fou
und here. Commentts are optionaal in most casses, but are re
equired for thhe following:
If the room is m
marked as renovated If the room is m
marked as no
o longer existiing If the room is aa new additio
on (Hospital space only) Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 The next ssection of the
e page contains the drawin
ng: The room
m that is currently being editing will be h
highlighted inn blue and anyy other room
ms assigned to
o the current de
epartment will be highligh
hted in red. Any rooms thaat are marked
d as completeed will have both layers on resulting in aa purplish crossshatch. Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 EditMulttiple:
Selecting the checkboxxes next to on
ne or more avvailable room
ms will open up the edit mu
ultiple screen
n. This screen is o
only available
e for rooms th
hat are NOT in need of appproval. The user w
will be alerted
d to use caution on the ed
dit multiple sccreen as any cchanges made on this screeen will be applied to the sselected room
ms en masse.
The edit m
multiple scree
ens is very sim
milar to the single room eddit screen witth a couple off differences.
he top band o
of the screen will have a list of the room
ms being editted Th
he Assigned EEmployees arrea lists all em
mployees for eeach room Th
he Assigned M
MoCodes area lists all MoC
Codes for eacch room Th
he drawing has the selecte
ed rooms highlighted in bl ue Th
he Checkboxe
es are only ap
pplied if they are checked.. If the user does not selecct the checkbo
oxes th
hen the selectted rooms retain whateve
er value they aalready had aassigned to th
hem respectivvely. Utilizations are
e set to zero aand the user must input U
Utilizations eq
qualing 100% Adding an Emp
ployee or MoCode adds th
hem to all roooms being ediited. Comments are
e added to each room bein
ng edit. o If there were existin
ng commentss for a room, then any enttered through
h the edit multiple n will be appe
ending with a tag displayin g that comments were ad
dded through the screen
edit m
multiple screen
n. Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 Usingthe
The Copy//Paste button
n is only available if the user is using “D
Department” as their data grouping meethod. Clicking on the Copy/P
Paste button o
on the surveyy summary sc reen will load
d the Copy/Paaste screen fo
or the current flo
oor. The page will list any M
MoCodes and Employees aassigned to eaach room. Em
mployees high
hlighted in greeen ned to the resspective room
m as a primaryy location andd if they are ccopied will bee as a secondaary are assign
location. Across the
e top of the sscreen there w
will be some ttools to use oon the copy/p
paste screen: 
Back to Surveyy button – Cliccking this willl return the uuser to the survey summarry screen. Change Copy M
Method – Dro
opdown optio
ons are Appennd or Replacee: o Appen
nd will add the
e information
n from the soource room to
o the destinattion room witthout removving any information alread
dy present o Replacce will remove any existingg informationn in the destin
nation room aand replace itt with the infformation fro
om the source
e room. Change ‘TO’ Floor – Allows the user to change which floor in the ccurrent building they woulld like to
o use to list th
he destination
n rooms. Copy Data… ‐ C
Clicking this b
button will pe
erform the co py and refressh the page to
o display the mation. updated inform
To copy in
nformation th
he user must select a single room to co py from (left hand column
n) and one or more rooms to copy to
o (right hand column). Last Up
pdated: 2/10//2011 Runnin
The Select Report screen will have aa list of reporrts available f rom the systeem grouped b
by type of rep
port. by what data tthe report is based upon.
Each section is then brroken down b
elect a Site (if more than one is available) and displayys Building SSummary By Site: Allows tthe user to se
summary information for each build
ding in the se
elected site. RoomSu
Room Sum
mmary By De
epartment: Room Sum
mmary By Tyype and Categgory: Departm
None Imp
plemented Ye
et DetailRe
w the user to enter a simple search to l ocate buildinngs by keyworrds Building LLocator: Allow
Rooms Byy Building: Rooms Byy Department: Rooms Byy Type: pdated: 2/10//2011 Last Up
Room Typ
pe By Department: SpaceInv
Survey Ussers Report: Underutillized Rooms: Room Surrvey Commen
nts: Rooms Byy Date Modified: UsingttheDrawiingwindo
Clicking this icon will aallow the user to hold dow
wn their left m
mouse button
n and zoom in
n and out by movingg their mouse. Clicking this icon will zzoom the draw
wing out to fuull extents. 
his icon will allow the userr zoom to an aarea by holding down the left button o
on Clicking th
heir mouse an
nd lassoing arround part off the drawing . 
Clicking tthis icon will aallow the use
er to hold dow
wn the left bu
utton on theirr mouse and p
pan arround the draawing 
Clicking tthis icon will d
display a list o
of layers conttained in the drawing and allow users tto tu
urn them on aand off by selecting or de‐selecting a laayer. 
Clicking tthis icon will fforce the disp
play to black &
& white, or reestore it to co
olor. 
Clicking tthis icon will print the currrent drawing window. 
Clicking this icon will save the draw
wing file to a location speccified by the u
user. In orderr to open the file laater the user will need an application caapable of opeening AutoDeesk .DWF form
mat files. 
display inform
mation about the drawing file such as w
when it was Clicking this icon will d
crreated and byy whom. 
Clicking this icon will aallow the user to type in a text string an
nd search for it in the draw
wing uch as a room
m number of p
part of a desccription. su
Clicking o
on this icon w
will open up th
he CADViewe r help Clicking tthis icon will allow the use
er to change tthe background color of th
he drawing window. w