The helium atom Consists of a nucleus and two electrons Hamiltonian has four kinds of terms Nuclear kinetic energy Electronic kinetic energy Nuclear-electron Coulombic potential energy Electron-electron Coulombic potential energy Physical Chemistry Lecture 18 The Helium Atom’s Spatial States H Tn Center of mass separation Focus on the relative problem Center of mass is assumed to be at the nucleus H Good approximation as nuclei get heavier Determine only relative energies of a single atom Center-of-mass problem again gives a particle-ina-box solution; translational energies Te1 pe2 2me Te 2 Vne1 pe22 2me Vne2 1 e2 4 0 | r1 r2 | Hydrogen-like energies and wave functions Difference between the approximate helium atom and the hydrogen atom Z = 1 for hydrogen Z = 2 for helium Nuclear-charge difference produces scaling of wave functions and energies Each electron of helium is defined by three quantum numbers, but the energy depends on only the principal quantum number pe21 2me Vne1 pe22 2me nlm (r ) Rnl ( Zr / a0 )Ylm ( , ) Z 2 Eh 1 2 n2 Vne2 Vee 2e 2 1 1 4 0 | r1 | | r2 | 1 e2 4 0 | r1 r2 | Consider the problem with neglect of the electron-electron repulsion H Te1 pe21 2me Vne1 Vne2 Te 2 2e 2 1 4 0 | r1 | pe22 2me 2e 2 1 4 0 | r2 | Decompose into two hydrogen-like problems H 2 2 (r2 ) E2 2 (r2 ) (r1 , r2 ) 1 (r1 )2 (r2 ) E E1 E2 Approximate wave functions and energies for helium In the simplest approximation, wave functions are products of one-electron wave functions Energies are sums of one-electron energies n1 ,l1 ,m1 ,n2 ,l2 ,m2 (r1 , r2 ) spin En Simplification of the heliumatom problem H11 (r1 ) E11 (r1 ) Vee 2e 2 1 1 4 0 | r1 | | r2 | Te1 Te 2 pn2 2mn En1 ,l1 ,m1 ,n2 ,l2 ,m2 Z 2 Eh 2 n1 ,l1 ,m1 (r1 )n2 ,l2 ,m2 (r2 ) spin 1 1 n 2 n 2 2 1 1 Independent-electron energies of the helium atom Consider the state with lowest energy Each electron has a principal quantum number of 1 n1 = 1 n2 = 1 108.8 eV E1, 2 Next highest 2 2 Eh 1 1 2 12 12 4 Eh E1,1 n1 = 1 and n2 = 2 n1 = 2 and n1 = 1 2 2 Eh 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 5 Eh 2 68.0 eV Checking energies – the ionization potential We measure energy differences Consider the ionization process The energy change of this process can be measured with a mass-spectrometric experiment Experimental first ionization potential of helium is 24.6 eV First ionization potential theoretically predicted to be much larger by this E independent-electron approximation Major source of error Model does not represent the situation accurately Must incorporate electron-electron repulsion to give a “better” picture of the energy state Can be done by several procedures Exact calculation – very hard Perturbation theory Variational calculation J1s ,1s Average over a known wave function of the Coulombic interaction Can be calculated through tedious calculus Depends on the kinds of states involved all space 1 e2 * 1s (r2 ) (r2 )d 3r 1*s (r1 )1s (r1 ) 4 0 | r1 r2 | 5 Eh 4 11 Eh 4 54.4 eV * H = Ha + Hb + Vee Vee neglected in the independent-electron calculation 3 all space Use independent-electron product wave functions The Hamiltonian must include all terms (r) H (r)d r E Eab (r ) (r ) H (r ) (r )d r * a * b 1 3 a 2 a 1 b 2 all space (r ) (r ) H (r ) (r )d r * a 1 * b 3 b 2 a 1 b 2 all space (r ) (r )V * a 1 * b 2 ee a (r1 ) b (r2 )d 3r all space Ea( 0 ) Eb( 0 ) E (1) Ionization potential with the Coulomb repulsion included The ionization potential is the e measurement of the He He energy difference With the inclusion of E EHe,1s EHe,(1s ) the electron 54.4 eV (74.8 eV ) repulsion, the 20.4 eV ionization potential is much closer to the measured value Eexp 24.6 eV 2 5 Eh 4 Total energy is a sum of the unperturbed energy with the first-order correction E 4 Eh First-order perturbation theory Coulomb repulsion integral, J E(1s ) 2 , He 54.4 eV 108.8 eV With an approximate wave function, one can calculate an approximate energy Ground-state energy of helium through first order e Perturbation theory Neglect of electron-electron repulsion gives an incomplete picture of the energy situation E1s , He Must reconsider the approximation Problems with independentelectron approximation He He 74.8 eV 2 Variational principle One can guess any approximate wave function Eapp Use to calculate an approximate energy Approximate will be always be incorrect unless the true wave function is chosen * 3 app Hd r all space Eapp Etrue Variational principle All approximate energies will be higher than the exact energy Can use this to “improve” the wave function and the energy Eapp c The approximations to the helium-atom energies The improvements of the wave function give improvements of the energies With modern computerassisted techniques, one gets approximate states that are extremely close to the exact solution of the problem 0 Summary One cannot solve for the helium atom’s spatial states exactly Use first-order perturbation theory Independent-electron model is solvable “Correct” the energy by integral over unperturbed states Evaluate Coulomb integrals Still not adequate to model the experimental data Variational calculation allows a closer approach Major problem is “correlation energy” Electron avoidance More sophisticated numerical solutions allow close approach to ground-state wave functions Self-consistent field Configuration interaction 3