Quantum angular-momentum operators Vector definitions Physical Chemistry Lecture 15 Angular momentum and the rigid rotor L Lx i L y j Lz k L2 L L L2x L2y L2z Expression by correspondence Lx L2 i y z y z L2x L2y L2z i z x z x Ly Lz i x y x y Form of operators with a fixed r L ir L2 2 r r Angular momentum Vector property that describes circular motion of a particle or a system of particles Rigid rotor model: A particle of mass m fixed to a massless rod Examples Swinging a bucket of water Movement of the Earth around the Sun Quantum angular momentum Commutators of operators L , L L , L x y iLz i 0 2 and cyclic permutations Can have common set of eigenstates of L2 and any one component L rp Classical constant-angularmomentum problem Solve for trajectories for constant angular momentum Frequency, , must be constant r must be constant Constant L is provided by the fact that r and are constant L constant mr 2ω k r (t ) r i cos t j sin t p(t ) mr i sin t j cos t L2 km k 2 km Lz km mkm Operators in spherical coordinates Natural system for describing angular motion is spherical coordinates Lz depends only on Suggests that the wave functions may be written as a product Lx Ly i sin cot cos i cos cot sin Lz i L2 2 1 2 2 2 cot sin 2 2 km ( , ) km ( ) m ( ) 1 Grotrian diagram for the rigid rotor Differential equations for angularmomentum eigenstates The z component yields a simple differential m equation for m i m m The square of the angular momentum yields an equation for 2 km km m2 cot 2 km 2 km ( P(cos) sin Legendre’s associated differential equation Depend on a quantum number, Rigid rotor’s energies determined by the quantum number, k km Each energy level is degenerate Ym ( , ) Am P|m| (cos ) m ( ) where Solutions are a complete set called the k 1 and 0, 1, 2, spherical harmonic functions States with different values of m have the same energy 2 1 g Angular-momentum wave functions Functions of are exponentials m ( ) 1 exp(im ) 2 Legendre polynomials 0 1 1 2 2 2 |m| 0 0 1 0 1 2 P|m| 1 cos sin 3cos2 - 1 sin cos sin2 Should look familiar, as these are the angular parts of hydrogenic wave functions Spin Goudschmidt and Uehlenbeck proposed electronic “intrinsic angular momentum” to explain spectroscopic anomalies Fundamental property of particle called spin H 1 L2 2mr02 The Hamiltonian commutes with L2 and Lz The three operators have a complete set of eigenstates in common HYm ( , ) EmYm ( , ) 1 L2Ym ( , ) 2mr02 Em 2 1 2mr02 1 1 2Ym ( , ) 2mr02 Proton ½ Neutron ½ Deuteron 1 Often labeled I or S Acts like other quantum angular momenta Integer or half-integer values Consequence of relativistic motion of electron 12C 0 13C ½ 23Na ½ 27Al 5/2 and 65Cu 3/2 Dirac theory of an electron Quantum rigid rotor Hamiltonian PRINCIPAL SPIN QUANTUM NUMBERS OF PARTICLES Electron ½ 63Cu Summary Angular momentum is quantized Rotation equation Legendre’s differential equation Restricted values of and m must be a positive integer |m| must be less than or equal to m must be an integer Rigid rotor Hamiltonian is directly proportional to L2 Same set of eigenstates Degenerate levels g = 2 + 1 2