Research Article On Kadison-Schwarz Type Quantum Quadratic Operators on M (C)

Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2013, Article ID 278606, 9 pages
Research Article
On Kadison-Schwarz Type Quantum Quadratic Operators on
Farrukh Mukhamedov and Abduaziz Abduganiev
Department of Computational & Theoretical Sciences, Faculty of Science, International Islamic University Malaysia,
P.O. Box 141, 25710 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Correspondence should be addressed to Farrukh Mukhamedov;
Received 3 January 2013; Revised 13 March 2013; Accepted 27 March 2013
Academic Editor: Natig M. Atakishiyev
Copyright © 2013 F. Mukhamedov and A. Abduganiev. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
We study the description of Kadison-Schwarz type quantum quadratic operators (q.q.o.) acting from M2 (C) into M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C).
Note that such kind of operators is a generalization of quantum convolution. By means of such a description we provide an example
of q.q.o. which is not a Kadison-Schwartz operator. Moreover, we study dynamics of an associated nonlinear (i.e., quadratic)
operators acting on the state space of M2 (C).
1. Introduction
It is known that one of the main problems of quantum
information is the characterization of positive and completely
positive maps on 𝐢∗ -algebras. There are many papers devoted
to this problem (see, e.g., [1–4]). In the literature the completely positive maps have proved to be of great importance
in the structure theory of 𝐢∗ -algebras. However, general
positive (order-preserving) linear maps are very intractable
[2, 5]. It is therefore of interest to study conditions stronger
than positivity, but weaker than complete positivity. Such a
condition is called Kadison-Schwarz property, that is, a map πœ™
satisfies the Kadison-Schwarz property if πœ™(π‘Ž)∗ πœ™(π‘Ž) ≤ πœ™(π‘Ž∗ π‘Ž)
holds for every π‘Ž. Note that every unital completely positive
map satisfies this inequality, and a famous result of Kadison
states that any positive unital map satisfies the inequality for
self-adjoint elements π‘Ž. In [6] relations between 𝑛-positivity
of a map πœ™ and the Kadison-Schwarz property of certain map
is established. Certain relations between complete positivity, positive, and the Kadison-Schwarz property have been
considered in [7–9]. Some spectral and ergodic properties of
Kadison-Schwarz maps were investigated in [10–12].
In [13] we have studied quantum quadratic operators
(q.q.o.), that is, maps from M2 (C) into M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C), with
the Kadison-Schwarz property. Some necessary conditions
for the trace-preserving quadratic operators are found to
be the Kadison-Schwarz ones. Since trace-preserving maps
arise naturally in quantum information theory (see, e.g.,
[14]) and other situations in which one wishes to restrict
attention to a quantum system that should properly be
considered a subsystem of a larger system with which it
interacts. Note that in [15, 16] quantum quadratic operators
acting on a von Neumann algebra were defined and studied.
Certain ergodic properties of such operators were studied
in [17, 18] (see for review [19]). In the present paper we
continue our investigation; that is, we are going to study
further properties of q.q.o. with Kadison-Schwarz property.
We will provide an example of q.q.o. which is not a KadisonSchwarz operator and study its dynamics. We should stress
that q.q.o. is a generalization of quantum convolution (see
[20]). Some dynamical properties of quantum convolutions
were investigated in [21].
Note that a description of bistochastic Kadison-Schwarz
mappings from M2 (C) into M2 (C) has been provided in [22].
2. Preliminaries
In what follows, by M2 (C) we denote an algebra of 2 × 2
matrices over complex filed C. By M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C) we mean
tensor product of M2 (C) into itself. We note that such a
product can be considered as an algebra of 4 × 4 matrices
M4 (C) over C. In the sequel 1 means an identity matrix, that
Abstract and Applied Analysis
is, 1 = ( 10 01 ). By 𝑆(M2 (C)) we denote the set of all states (i.e.,
linear positive functionals which take value 1 at 1) defined on
M2 (C).
Definition 1. A linear operator Δ : M2 (C) → M2 (C)⊗M2 (C)
is said to be
(a) a quantum quadratic operator (q.q.o.) if it satisfies the
following conditions:
(i) unital, that is, Δ1 = 1 ⊗ 1;
(ii) Δ is positive, that is, Δπ‘₯ ≥ 0 whenever π‘₯ ≥ 0;
∀π‘₯ ∈ M2 (C) .
One can see that if Δ is unital and KS operator, then it is a
q.q.o. A state β„Ž ∈ 𝑆(M2 (C)) is called a Haar state for a q.q.o.
Δ if for every π‘₯ ∈ M2 (C) one has
Lin ((1 ⊗ M2 (C)) Δ (M2 (C)))
= Lin ((M2 (C) ⊗ 1) Δ (M2 (C))) = M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C) ,
then a pair (M2 (C), Δ) is called a compact quantum group
[20]. It is known [20] that for any given compact quantum
group there exists a unique Haar state w.r.t. Δ.
Remark 3. Let π‘ˆ : M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C) → M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C) be a
linear operator such that π‘ˆ(π‘₯⊗𝑦) = 𝑦⊗π‘₯ for all π‘₯, 𝑦 ∈ M2 (C).
If a q.q.o. Δ satisfies π‘ˆΔ = Δ, then Δ is called a quantum
quadratic stochastic operator. Such a kind of operators was
studied and investigated in [17].
Each q.q.o. Δ defines a conjugate operator Δ∗ : (M2 (C) ⊗
M2 (C))∗ → M2 (C)∗ by
Δ (𝑓) (π‘₯) = 𝑓 (Δπ‘₯) ,
𝑓 ∈ (M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C)) ,
π‘₯ ∈ M2 (C) .
0 −𝑖
𝑖 0
𝜎3 = (
1 0
) . (6)
0 −1
In this basis every matrix π‘₯ ∈ M2 (C) can be written as
π‘₯ = 𝑀0 1 + w𝜎 with 𝑀0 ∈ C, w = (𝑀1 , 𝑀2 , 𝑀3 ) ∈ C3 , here
w𝜎 = 𝑀1 𝜎1 + 𝑀2 𝜎2 + 𝑀3 𝜎3 .
(b) Tr(π‘₯) = 1 if and only if 𝑀0 = 0.5; here Tr is the trace of
a matrix π‘₯;
(c) π‘₯ > 0 if and only if β€–wβ€– ≤ 𝑀0 , where β€–wβ€– =
√|𝑀1 |2 + |𝑀2 |2 + |𝑀3 |2 .
Note that any state πœ‘ ∈ 𝑆(M2 (C)) can be represented by
πœ‘ (𝑀0 1 + w𝜎) = 𝑀0 + ⟨w, f⟩,
Remark 2. Note that if a quantum convolution Δ on M2 (C)
becomes a ∗-homomorphic map with a condition
𝜎2 = (
(a) π‘₯ is self-adjoint if and only if 𝑀0 , w are reals;
(β„Ž ⊗ id) ∘ Δ (π‘₯) = (id ⊗ β„Ž) ∘ Δ (π‘₯) = β„Ž (π‘₯) 1.
0 1
𝜎1 = (
1 0
Lemma 4 (see [3]). The following assertions hold true:
(b) a Kadison-Schwarz operator (KS) if it satisfies
Δ (π‘₯∗ π‘₯) ≥ Δ (π‘₯∗ ) Δ (π‘₯) ,
Recall [23] that the identity and Pauli matrices {1, 𝜎1 ,
𝜎2 , 𝜎3 } form a basis for M2 (C), where
where f = (𝑓1 , 𝑓2 , 𝑓3 ) ∈ R3 with β€– f β€–≤ 1. Here as before ⟨⋅, ⋅⟩
stands for the scalar product in C3 . Therefore, in the sequel
we will identify a state πœ‘ with a vector f ∈ R3 .
In what follows by 𝜏 we denote a normalized trace, that is,
𝜏(π‘₯) = (1/2) Tr(π‘₯), π‘₯ ∈ M2 (C).
Let Δ : M2 (C) → M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C) be a q.q.o. with a Haar
state 𝜏. Then one has
𝜏 ⊗ 𝜏 (Δπ‘₯) = 𝜏 (𝜏 ⊗ 𝑖𝑑) (Δ (π‘₯))
= 𝜏 (π‘₯) 𝜏 (1) = 𝜏 (π‘₯) ,
π‘₯ ∈ M2 (C) ,
πœ‘ ∈ 𝑆 (M2 (C)) ,
which means that 𝜏 is an invariant state for Δ.
Let us write the operator Δ in terms of a basis in M2 (C) ⊗
M2 (C) formed by the Pauli matrices, namely,
Δ1 = 1 ⊗ 1,
Δ (πœŽπ‘– ) = 𝑏𝑖 (1 ⊗ 1) + ∑ 𝑏𝑗𝑖(1) (1 ⊗ πœŽπ‘— )
+ ∑ 𝑏𝑗𝑖(2) (πœŽπ‘— ⊗ 1) + ∑ π‘π‘šπ‘™,𝑖 (πœŽπ‘š ⊗ πœŽπ‘™ ) ,
𝑖 = 1, 2, 3,
One can define an operator π‘‰Δ by
π‘‰Δ (πœ‘) = Δ∗ (πœ‘ ⊗ πœ‘) ,
which is called a quadratic operator (q.c.). Thanks to conditions (a) (i), (ii) of Definition 1 the operator π‘‰Δ maps
𝑆(M2 (C)) to 𝑆(M2 (C)).
3. Quantum Quadratic Operators with
Kadison-Schwarz Property on M2 (C)
In this section we are going to describe quantum quadratic
operators on M2 (C) and find necessary conditions for such
operators to satisfy the Kadison-Schwarz property.
where 𝑏𝑖 , 𝑏𝑖𝑗(1) , 𝑏𝑖𝑗(2) , π‘π‘–π‘—π‘˜ ∈ C (𝑖, 𝑗, π‘˜ ∈ {1, 2, 3}).
One can prove the following.
Theorem 5 (see [13, Proposition 3.2]). Let Δ : M2 (C) →
M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C) be a q.q.o. with a Haar state 𝜏, then it has
the following form:
Δ (π‘₯) = 𝑀0 1 ⊗ 1 + ∑ ⟨bπ‘šπ‘™ , wβŸ©πœŽπ‘š ⊗ πœŽπ‘™ ,
where π‘₯ = 𝑀0 + w𝜎, bπ‘šπ‘™ = (π‘π‘šπ‘™,1 , π‘π‘šπ‘™,2 , π‘π‘šπ‘™,3 ) ∈ R3 , π‘š, 𝑛, π‘˜ ∈
{1, 2, 3}.
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Let us turn to the positivity of Δ. Given vector f = (𝑓1 ,
𝑓2 , 𝑓3 ) ∈ R3 put
𝛽(f)𝑖𝑗 = ∑ π‘π‘˜π‘–,𝑗 π‘“π‘˜ .
to find some conditions to the coefficients {π‘π‘šπ‘™,π‘˜ } when Δ is
a Kadison-Schwarz operator. Given π‘₯ = 𝑀0 + w𝜎 and state
πœ‘ ∈ 𝑆(M2 (C)), let us denote
xπ‘š = (⟨bπ‘š1 , w⟩, ⟨bπ‘š2 , w⟩, ⟨bπ‘š3 , w⟩) ,
π‘“π‘š = πœ‘ (πœŽπ‘š ) ,
Define a matrix B(f) = (𝛽(f)𝑖𝑗 )3𝑖𝑗=1 .
By β€–B(f)β€– we denote a norm of the matrix B(f) associated
with Euclidean norm in C3 . Put
𝑆 = {p = (𝑝1 , 𝑝2 , 𝑝3 ) ∈ R3 : 𝑝12 + 𝑝22 + 𝑝32 ≤ 1}
and denote
|β€–Bβ€–| = sup β€–B (f)β€– .
π›Όπ‘šπ‘™ = ⟨xπ‘š , x𝑙 ⟩ − ⟨x𝑙 , xπ‘š ⟩,
π›Ύπ‘šπ‘™ = [xπ‘š , x𝑙 ] + [xπ‘š , x𝑙 ] ,
where π‘š, 𝑙 = 1, 2, 3. Here and in what follows [⋅, ⋅] stands for
the usual cross-product in C3 . Note that here the numbers π›Όπ‘šπ‘™
are skew symmetric, that is, π›Όπ‘šπ‘™ = −π›Όπ‘šπ‘™ . By πœ‹ we will denote
mapping {1, 2, 3, 4} to {1, 2, 3} defined by πœ‹(1) = 2, πœ‹(2) =
3, πœ‹(3) = 1, πœ‹(4) = πœ‹(1).
q (f, w) = (βŸ¨π›½(f)1 , [w, w]⟩, βŸ¨π›½(f)2 , [w, w]⟩, βŸ¨π›½(f)3 , [w, w]⟩) ,
Proposition 6 (see [13, Proposition 3.3]). Let Δ be a q.q.o.
with a Haar state 𝜏, then |β€–Bβ€–| ≤ 1.
where 𝛽(f)π‘š = (𝛽(f)π‘š1 , 𝛽(f)π‘š2 , 𝛽(f)π‘š3 ) (see (11)).
Let Δ : M2 (C) → M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C) be a liner operator
with a Haar state 𝜏. Then due to Theorem 5 Δ has the form
(10). Take arbitrary states πœ‘, πœ“ ∈ 𝑆(M2 (C)) and let f, p ∈ 𝑆 be
the corresponding vectors (see (7)). Then one finds that
Theorem 9 (see [13, Theorem 3.6]). Let Δ : M2 (C) →
M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C) be a Kadison-Schwarz operator with a Haar
state 𝜏; then it has the form (10) and the coefficients {π‘π‘šπ‘™,π‘˜ }
satisfy the following conditions:
Δ (πœ‘ ⊗ πœ“) (πœŽπ‘˜ ) = ∑ 𝑏𝑖𝑗,π‘˜ 𝑓𝑖 𝑝𝑗 ,
π‘˜ = 1, 2, 3.
Thanks to Lemma 4 the functional Δ∗ (πœ‘ ⊗ πœ“) is a state if
and only if the vector
fΔ∗ (πœ‘,πœ“) = ( ∑ 𝑏𝑖𝑗,1 𝑓𝑖 𝑝𝑗 , ∑ 𝑏𝑖𝑗,2 𝑓𝑖 𝑝𝑗 , ∑ 𝑏𝑖𝑗,3 𝑓𝑖 𝑝𝑗 ) (15)
σ΅„© σ΅„©2
β€–wβ€–2 ≥ 𝑖 ∑ π‘“π‘š π›Όπœ‹(π‘š),πœ‹(π‘š+1) + ∑ σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©xπ‘š σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„© ,
σ΅„©σ΅„©q (f, w) − 𝑖 ∑ π‘“π‘š π›Ύπœ‹(π‘š),πœ‹(π‘š+1) − [xπ‘š , xπ‘š ]σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©
σ΅„© σ΅„©2
≤ β€–wβ€– − 𝑖 ∑ π‘“π‘˜ π›Όπœ‹(π‘˜),πœ‹(π‘˜+1) − ∑ σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©xπ‘š σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©
satisfies β€– fΔ∗ (πœ‘,πœ“) β€–≤ 1.
So, we have the following.
for all f ∈ 𝑆, w ∈ C . Here as before xπ‘š = (⟨bπ‘š1 , w⟩,
⟨bπ‘š2 , w⟩, ⟨bπ‘š3 , w⟩); bπ‘šπ‘™ = (π‘π‘šπ‘™,1 , π‘π‘šπ‘™,2 , π‘π‘šπ‘™,3 ), and q(f, w), π›Όπ‘šπ‘™ ,
and π›Ύπ‘šπ‘™ are defined in (19), (17), and (18), respectively.
Proposition 7 (see [13, Proposition 4.1]). Let Δ : M2 (C) →
M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C) be a liner operator with a Haar state 𝜏. Then
Δ∗ (πœ‘ ⊗ πœ“) ∈ 𝑆(M2 (C)) for any πœ‘, πœ“ ∈ 𝑆(M2 (C)) if and only if
the following holds:
Remark 10. The provided characterization with [2, 3] allows
us to construct examples of positive or Kadison-Schwarz
operators which are not completely positive (see next section).
󡄨󡄨 3
󡄨󡄨 ∑ 𝑏 𝑓 𝑝 󡄨󡄨󡄨 ≤ 1,
𝑖𝑗,π‘˜ 𝑖 𝑗 󡄨󡄨
π‘˜=1 󡄨󡄨𝑖,𝑗=1
∀f, p ∈ 𝑆.
From the proof of Proposition 6 and the last proposition
we conclude that |β€–Bβ€–| ≤ 1 holds if and only if (16) is satisfied.
Remark 8. Note that characterizations of positive maps
defined on M2 (C) were considered in [24] (see also [25]).
Characterization of completely positive mappings from
M2 (C) into itself with invariant state 𝜏 was established in [3]
(see also [26]).
Next we would like to recall (see [13]) some conditions for
q.q.o. to be the Kadison-Schwarz ones.
Let Δ : M2 (C) → M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C) be a linear operator
with a Haar state 𝜏; then it has the form (10). Now we are going
Now we are going to give a general characterization of
KS operators. Let us first give some notations. For a given
mapping Δ : M2 (C) → M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C), by Δ(𝜎) we denote
the vector (Δ(𝜎1 ), Δ(𝜎2 ), Δ(𝜎3 )), and by wΔ(𝜎) we mean the
wΔ (𝜎) = 𝑀1 Δ (𝜎1 ) + 𝑀2 Δ (𝜎2 ) + 𝑀3 Δ (𝜎3 ) ,
where w ∈ C3 . Note that the last equality (22), due to the
linearity of Δ, can also be written as wΔ(𝜎) = Δ(w𝜎).
Theorem 11. Let Δ : M2 (C) → M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C) be a unital
∗-preserving linear mapping. Then Δ is a KS operator if and
only if one has
𝑖 [w, w] Δ (𝜎) + (wΔ (𝜎)) (wΔ (𝜎)) ≤ 1 ⊗ 1,
for all w ∈ C3 with β€–wβ€– = 1.
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Proof. Let π‘₯ ∈ 𝑀2 (C) be an arbitrary element, that is, π‘₯ =
𝑀0 1 + w𝜎. Then π‘₯∗ = 𝑀0 1 + w𝜎. Therefore
󡄨 󡄨2
π‘₯∗ π‘₯ = (󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑀0 󡄨󡄨󡄨 + β€–wβ€–2 ) 1 + (𝑀0 w + 𝑀0 w − 𝑖 [w, w]) 𝜎. (24)
Consequently, we have
Δ (π‘₯) = 𝑀0 1 ⊗ 1 + wΔ (𝜎) ,
Δ (π‘₯∗ ) = 𝑀0 1 ⊗ 1 + wΔ (𝜎) ,
󡄨 󡄨2
Δ (π‘₯∗ π‘₯) = (󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑀0 󡄨󡄨󡄨 + β€–wβ€–2 ) 1 ⊗ 1
+ (𝑀0 w + 𝑀0 w − 𝑖 [w, w]) Δ (𝜎) ,
󡄨 󡄨2
Δ(π‘₯) Δ (π‘₯) = 󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑀0 󡄨󡄨󡄨 1 ⊗ 1 + (𝑀0 w + 𝑀0 w) Δ (𝜎)
+ (wΔ (𝜎)) (wΔ (𝜎)) .
From (26) and (27) one gets
Δ (π‘₯∗ π‘₯) − Δ(π‘₯)∗ Δ (π‘₯)
= β€–wβ€–2 1 ⊗ 1 − 𝑖 [w, w] Δ (𝜎) − (wΔ (𝜎)) (wΔ (𝜎)) .
So, the positivity of the last equality implies that
β€–wβ€–2 1 ⊗ 1 − 𝑖 [w, w] Δ (𝜎) − (wΔ (𝜎)) (wΔ (𝜎)) ≥ 0.
In this section we are going to study dynamics of (57) for a
special class of quadratic operators. Such class operators are
associated with the following matrix {𝑏𝑖𝑗,π‘˜ } given by
𝑏11,3 = 0,
𝑏12,1 = 0,
𝑏12,2 = 0,
𝑏12,3 = πœ€,
𝑏13,1 = 0,
𝑏13,2 = πœ€,
𝑏13,3 = 0,
𝑏22,1 = 0,
𝑏22,2 = πœ€,
𝑏22,3 = 0,
𝑏23,1 = πœ€,
𝑏23,2 = 0,
𝑏23,3 = 0,
𝑏33,1 = 0,
𝑏33,2 = 0,
𝑏33,3 = πœ€,
+ πœ€πœ”3 𝜎3 ⊗ 𝜎3 ,
where, as before, π‘₯ = 𝑀0 1 + w𝜎.
πœ† 1 (w) = πœ”1 + πœ”2 + πœ”3
πœ† 2 (w) = πœ”1 + πœ”2 + πœ”3
− 2√πœ”12 + πœ”22 + πœ”32 − πœ”1 πœ”2 − πœ”1 πœ”3 − πœ”2 πœ”3 ,
Now examine maximum and minimum values of the functions πœ† 1 (w), πœ† 2 (w), πœ† 3 (w), πœ† 4 (w) on the ball β€–wβ€– ≤ 1.
One can see that
󡄨 󡄨
󡄨 󡄨
󡄨 󡄨2
σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ† 3 (w)󡄨󡄨󡄨 = σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ† 4 (w)󡄨󡄨󡄨 ≤ ∑ σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ”π‘˜ 󡄨󡄨󡄨 ≤ √3 ∑ σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ”π‘˜ 󡄨󡄨󡄨
Note that the functions πœ† 3 , πœ† 4 can reach values ±√3 at
±(1/√3, 1/√3, 1/√3).
Now let us rewrite πœ† 1 (w) and πœ† 2 (w) as follows:
πœ† 1 (w) = πœ”1 + πœ”2 + πœ”3
Δ πœ€ (π‘₯) = 𝑀0 1 ⊗ 1 + πœ€πœ”1 𝜎1 ⊗ 𝜎1 + πœ€πœ”3 𝜎1 ⊗ 𝜎2
+ πœ€πœ”1 𝜎2 ⊗ 𝜎3 + πœ€πœ”2 𝜎3 ⊗ 𝜎1 + πœ€πœ”1 𝜎3 ⊗ 𝜎2
where positivity of π‘₯ yields that 𝑀0 , πœ”1 , πœ”2 , πœ”3 are real numbers. In what follows, without loss of generality, we may
assume that 𝑀0 = 1, and therefore β€–wβ€– ≤ 1. It is known
that positivity of Δ πœ€ (π‘₯) is equivalent to positivity of the
eigenvalues of Δ πœ€ (π‘₯).
Let us first examine eigenvalues of B. Simple algebra
shows us that all eigenvalues of B can be written as follows:
≤ √3.
and 𝑏𝑖𝑗,π‘˜ = 𝑏𝑗𝑖,π‘˜ .
Via (10) we define a liner operator Δ πœ€ , for which 𝜏 is a Haar
state. In the sequel we would like to find some conditions to
πœ€ which ensures positivity of Δ πœ€ .
It is easy that for given {π‘π‘–π‘—π‘˜ } one can find a form of Δ πœ€ as
+ πœ€πœ”2 𝜎1 ⊗ 𝜎3 + πœ€πœ”3 𝜎2 ⊗ 𝜎1 + πœ€πœ”2 𝜎2 ⊗ 𝜎2
πœ”2 − π‘–πœ”1 πœ”2 − π‘–πœ”1 πœ”1 − 2π‘–πœ”3 − πœ”2
πœ” + π‘–πœ”
πœ”1 + πœ”2
−πœ”2 + π‘–πœ”1
B = ( πœ”2 + π‘–πœ”1
πœ”1 + πœ”2
−πœ”2 + π‘–πœ”1 ) ,
πœ”1 + 2π‘–πœ”3 − πœ”2 −πœ”2 − π‘–πœ”1 −πœ”2 − π‘–πœ”1
πœ† 3 (w) = πœ† 4 (w) = −πœ”1 − πœ”2 − πœ”3 .
4. An Example of Q.Q.O. Which Is Not
Kadison-Schwarz One
𝑏11,2 = 0,
Proof. Let π‘₯ = 𝑀0 1 + w𝜎 be a positive element from M2 (C).
Let us show positivity of the matrix Δ πœ€ (π‘₯). To do it, we rewrite
(31) as follows: Δ πœ€ (π‘₯) = 𝑀0 1 + πœ€B; here
+ 2√πœ”12 + πœ”22 + πœ”32 − πœ”1 πœ”2 − πœ”1 πœ”3 − πœ”2 πœ”3 ,
Now dividing both sides by β€–wβ€–2 we get the required inequality. Hence, this completes the proof.
𝑏11,1 = πœ€,
Theorem 12. A linear operator Δ πœ€ given by (31) is a q.q.o. if
and only if |πœ€| ≤ 1/3.
2 √
3 (πœ”12 + πœ”22 + πœ”32 ) − (πœ”1 + πœ”2 + πœ”3 ) ,
πœ† 2 (w) = πœ”1 + πœ”2 + πœ”3
2 √
3 (πœ”12 + πœ”22 + πœ”32 ) − (πœ”1 + πœ”2 + πœ”3 ) .
One can see that
πœ† π‘˜ (β„Žπœ”1 , β„Žπœ”2 , β„Žπœ”3 ) = β„Žπœ† π‘˜ (πœ”1 , πœ”2 , 𝑀3 ) ,
if β„Ž ≥ 0,
πœ† 1 (β„Žπœ”1 , β„Žπœ”2 , β„Žπœ”3 ) = β„Žπœ† 2 (πœ”1 , πœ”2 , 𝑀3 ) ,
if β„Ž ≤ 0.
where π‘˜ = 1, 2. Therefore, the functions πœ† π‘˜ (w), π‘˜ = 1, 2 reach
their maximum and minimum on the sphere πœ”12 +πœ”22 +πœ”32 = 1
Abstract and Applied Analysis
(i.e., β€–wβ€– = 1). Hence, denoting 𝑑 = πœ”1 + πœ”2 + πœ”3 from (37)
and (36) we introduce the following functions:
𝑔1 (𝑑) = 𝑑 +
2 √
3 − 𝑑2 ,
𝑔2 (𝑑) = 𝑑 −
2 √
3 − 𝑑2 , (39)
where |𝑑| ≤ √3.
One can find that the critical values of 𝑔1 are 𝑑 = ±1,
and the critical value of 𝑔2 is 𝑑 = −1. Consequently, extremal
values of 𝑔1 and 𝑔2 on |𝑑| ≤ √3 are the following:
min 𝑔1 (𝑑) = −√3,
min 𝑔2 (𝑑) = −3,
max 𝑔2 (𝑑) = √3.
+πœ”1 πœ”2 − πœ”1 πœ”3 + πœ”3 πœ”1 )󡄨󡄨󡄨 ,
󡄨 󡄨2
𝐡 = σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ€ (πœ”1 πœ”2 − πœ”2 πœ”1 ) − π‘–πœ€2 (2πœ”1 πœ”2 − 2σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ”3 󡄨󡄨󡄨 − πœ”1 πœ”3
+πœ”3 πœ”1 − πœ”3 πœ”2 + πœ”2 πœ”3 )󡄨󡄨󡄨 ,
󡄨 󡄨2
𝐢 = σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ€ (πœ”3 πœ”1 − πœ”1 πœ”3 ) − π‘–πœ€2 (2πœ”3 πœ”1 − 2σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ”2 󡄨󡄨󡄨 − πœ”3 πœ”2
󡄨 󡄨2 󡄨 󡄨2 󡄨 󡄨2
𝐷 = (1 − 3|πœ€|2 ) (σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ”1 󡄨󡄨󡄨 + σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ”2 󡄨󡄨󡄨 + σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ”3 󡄨󡄨󡄨 )
− π‘–πœ€2 (πœ”3 𝑀2 − πœ”2 πœ”3 + πœ”2 πœ”1 − πœ”1 πœ”2 + πœ”1 πœ”3 − πœ”3 πœ”1 ) .
Therefore, from (37) and (38) we conclude that
−3 ≤ πœ† π‘˜ (w) ≤ 3,
󡄨 󡄨2
𝐴 = σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ€ (πœ”2 πœ”3 − πœ”3 πœ”2 ) − π‘–πœ€2 (2πœ”2 πœ”3 − 2σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ”1 󡄨󡄨󡄨 − πœ”2 πœ”1
+πœ”2 πœ”3 − πœ”2 πœ”1 + πœ”1 πœ”2 )󡄨󡄨󡄨 ,
max 𝑔1 (𝑑) = 3,
for any β€–wβ€– ≤ 1, π‘˜ = 1, 2.
Now choose w as follows:
It is known that for the spectrum of 1 + πœ€B one has
𝑆𝑝 (1 + πœ€B) = 1 + πœ€π‘†π‘ (B) .
πœ”1 = − ,
So, if
maxβ€–wβ€–≤1 σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ† π‘˜ (w)󡄨󡄨󡄨
π‘˜ = 1, 4,
then one can see 1 + πœ€πœ† π‘˜ (w) ≥ 0 for all β€–wβ€– ≤ 1, π‘˜ = 1, 4.
This implies that the matrix 1 + πœ€B is positive for all w with
β€–wβ€– ≤ 1.
Now assume that Δ πœ€ is positive. Then Δ πœ€ (π‘₯) is positive
whenever π‘₯ is positive. This means that 1 + πœ€πœ† π‘˜ (w) ≥ 0 for
all β€–wβ€– ≤ 1(π‘˜ = 1, 4). From (34) and (41) we conclude that
|πœ€| ≤ 1/3. This completes the proof.
Theorem 13. Let πœ€ = 1/3 then the corresponding q.q.o. Δ πœ€ is
not KS operator.
Proof. It is enough to show the dissatisfaction of (21) at some
values of w (β€–wβ€– ≤ 1) and f = (𝑓1 , 𝑓1 , 𝑓2 ).
Assume that f = (1, 0, 0); then a little algebra shows that
(21) reduces to the following one:
√𝐴 + 𝐡 + 𝐢 ≤ 𝐷,
πœ”3 =
Hence, we find
|πœ€| ≤
Then calculations show that
𝑆𝑝 (1 + πœ€B) = {1 + πœ€πœ† π‘˜ (w) : π‘˜ = 1, 4} .
πœ”2 =
19131876 86093442 3779136 17496
which means that (45) is not satisfied. Hence, Δ πœ€ is not a KS
operator at πœ€ = 1/3.
Recall that a linear operator 𝑇 : Mπ‘˜ (C) → Mπ‘š (C)
is completely positive if for any positive matrix (π‘Žπ‘–π‘— )𝑛𝑖,𝑗=1 ∈
Mπ‘˜ (M𝑛 (C)) the matrix (𝑇(π‘Žπ‘–π‘— ))𝑛𝑖,𝑗=1 is positive for all 𝑛 ∈ N.
Now we are interested when the operator Δ πœ€ is completely
positive. It is known [1] that the complete positivity of Δ πœ€ is
equivalent to the positivity of the following matrix:
Μ‚ πœ€ = (Δ πœ€ (𝑒11 ) Δ πœ€ (𝑒12 )) ,
Δ πœ€ (𝑒21 ) Δ πœ€ (𝑒22 )
here 𝑒𝑖𝑗 (𝑖, 𝑗 = 1, 2) are the standard matrix units in M2 (C).
From (31) one can calculate that
Δ πœ€ (𝑒11 ) = 1 ⊗ 1 + πœ€π΅11 ,
Δ πœ€ (𝑒12 ) = πœ€π΅12 ,
Δ πœ€ (𝑒22 ) = 1 ⊗ 1 − πœ€π΅11 ,
Δ πœ€ (𝑒21 ) = πœ€π΅12
Abstract and Applied Analysis
0 0
(0 −2 0
= (0 0 −1
𝑖 0 0
𝑉(f)π‘˜ = ∑ 𝑏𝑖𝑗,π‘˜ 𝑓𝑖 𝑓𝑗 ,
So, (56) suggests that we consider the following nonlinear
operator 𝑉 : 𝑆 → 𝑆 defined by
0 )
( 𝑖
( 𝑖
0 )
π‘‰πœ€ (𝑓)1 = πœ€ (𝑓12 + 2𝑓2 𝑓3 ) ,
π‘‰πœ€ (𝑓)2 = πœ€ (𝑓22 + 2𝑓1 𝑓3 ) ,
π‘‰πœ€ (𝑓)3 = πœ€ (𝑓32 + 2𝑓1 𝑓2 ) .
where 18 is the unit matrix in M8 (C) and
0 −2𝑖 0
0 1−𝑖
0 1+𝑖 0
2𝑖 1 + 𝑖 0
1 1 − 𝑖 −2𝑖 −2𝑖 0 )
( 2𝑖
2𝑖 )
( 0 −2𝑖 −2𝑖 1 + 𝑖 −1
0 1 − 𝑖 2𝑖
0 1−𝑖 0
0 −2𝑖 0
−1 )
(1 + 𝑖 0
Μ‚ πœ€ is positive if and only if
So, the matrix Δ
πœ† max (B)
Let us first find some condition on πœ€ which ensures (16).
Μ‚ πœ€ = 18 + πœ€B,
where f = (𝑓1 , 𝑓2 , 𝑓3 ) ∈ 𝑆.
It is worth to mention that uniqueness of the fixed point
(i.e., (0, 0, 0)) of the operator given by (57) was investigated in
[13, Theorem 4.4].
In this section, we are going to study dynamics of the
quadratic operator π‘‰πœ€ corresponding to Δ πœ€ (see (31)), which
has the following form
Hence, we find that
|πœ€| ≤
π‘˜ = 1, 2, 3,
where πœ† max (B) = maxπœ†∈𝑆𝑝(B) |πœ†|.
One can easily calculate that πœ† max (B) = 3√3. Therefore,
we have the following.
Theorem 14. Let Δ πœ€ : M2 (C) → M2 (C) ⊗ M2 (C) be given by
(31). Then Δ πœ€ is completely positive if and only if |πœ€| ≤ 1/3√3.
Lemma 15. Let π‘‰πœ€ be given by (58). Then π‘‰πœ€ maps 𝑆 into itself
if and only if |πœ€| ≤ 1/√3 is satisfied.
Proof. “If ” Part. Assume that π‘‰πœ€ maps 𝑆 into itself. Then (16)
is satisfied. Take f = (1/√3, 1/√3, 1/√3), p = f. Then from
(16) one finds that
󡄨󡄨 3
∑ 󡄨󡄨󡄨 ∑ 𝑏𝑖𝑗,π‘˜ 𝑓𝑖 𝑝𝑗 󡄨󡄨󡄨󡄨 = 3πœ€2 ≤ 1
which yields |πœ€| ≤ 1/√3.
“Only If ” Part. Assume that |πœ€| ≤ 1/√3. Take any f =
(𝑓1 , 𝑓2 , 𝑓3 ), p = (𝑝1 , 𝑝2 , 𝑝3 ) ∈ 𝑆. Then one finds that
󡄨󡄨 3
∑ 󡄨󡄨 ∑ 𝑏𝑖𝑗,π‘˜ 𝑓𝑖 𝑝𝑗 󡄨󡄨󡄨󡄨
= πœ€2 (󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑓1 𝑝1 + 𝑓3 𝑝2 + 𝑓2 𝑝3 󡄨󡄨󡄨
󡄨2 󡄨
+󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑓3 𝑝1 + 𝑓2 𝑝2 + 𝑓1 𝑝3 󡄨󡄨󡄨 + 󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑓2 𝑝1 + 𝑓1 𝑝2 + 𝑓3 𝑝3 󡄨󡄨󡄨 )
≤ πœ€2 ((𝑓12 + 𝑓22 + 𝑓32 ) (𝑝12 + 𝑝22 + 𝑝32 )
+ (𝑓32 + 𝑓22 + 𝑓12 ) (𝑝12 + 𝑝22 + 𝑝32 )
5. Dynamics of Δ πœ€
Let Δ be a q.q.o. on M2 (C). Let us consider the corresponding
quadratic operator defined by π‘‰Δ (πœ‘) = Δ∗ (πœ‘ ⊗ πœ‘), πœ‘ ∈
𝑆(M2 (C)). From Theorem 5 one can see that the defined
operator π‘‰Δ maps 𝑆(M2 (C)) into itself if and only if |β€–Bβ€–| ≤ 1
or equivalently (16) holds. From (14) we find that
π‘‰Δ (πœ‘) (πœŽπ‘˜ ) = ∑ 𝑏𝑖𝑗,π‘˜ 𝑓𝑖 𝑓𝑗 ,
f ∈ 𝑆.
Here, as before, 𝑆 = {f = (𝑓1 , 𝑓2 𝑓𝑝3 ) ∈ R3 : 𝑓12 + 𝑓22 + 𝑓32 ≤ 1}.
+ (𝑝12 + 𝑝22 + 𝑝32 ) (𝑓22 + 𝑓12 + 𝑓32 ))
≤ πœ€2 (1 + 1 + 1) = 3πœ€2 ≤ 1.
This completes the proof.
Remark 16. We stress that condition (16) is necessary for
Δ to be a positive operator. Namely, from Theorem 12 and
Lemma 15 we conclude that if πœ€ ∈ (1/3, 1/√3] then the
operator Δ πœ€ is not positive, while (16) is satisfied.
Abstract and Applied Analysis
In what follows, to study dynamics of π‘‰πœ€ we assume |πœ€| ≤
1/√3. Recall that a vector f ∈ 𝑆 is a fixed point of π‘‰πœ€ if π‘‰πœ€ (f) =
f. Clearly (0, 0, 0) is a fixed point of π‘‰πœ€ . Let us find others. To
do it, we need to solve the following equation:
πœ€ (𝑓12 + 2𝑓2 𝑓3 ) = 𝑓1 ,
Dividing the second equality of (65) to the first one of (65)
we find that
𝑦 (1 + 2π‘₯/𝑧)
= 1,
π‘₯ (1 + 2𝑦𝑧)
which with π‘₯𝑧 = 𝑦 yields
πœ€ (𝑓22 + 2𝑓1 𝑓3 ) = 𝑓2 ,
πœ€ (𝑓32 + 2𝑓1 𝑓2 ) = 𝑓3 .
𝑦 + 2π‘₯2 = π‘₯ + 2𝑦2 .
Proposition 17. If |πœ€| < 1/√3 then π‘‰πœ€ has a unique fixed point
(0, 0, 0) in 𝑆. If |πœ€| = 1/√3 then π‘‰πœ€ has the following fixed
points: (0, 0, 0) and (±1/√3, ±1/√3, ±1/√3) in 𝑆.
Proof. It is clear that (0, 0, 0) is a fixed point of π‘‰πœ€ . If π‘“π‘˜ = 0,
for some π‘˜ ∈ {1, 2, 3} then due to |πœ€| ≤ 1/√3, one can see that
the only solution of (61) belonging to 𝑆 is 𝑓1 = 𝑓2 = 𝑓3 = 0.
Therefore, we assume that π‘“π‘˜ =ΜΈ 0 (π‘˜ = 1, 2, 3). So, from (61)
one finds
(𝑦 − π‘₯) (1 − 2 (𝑦 + π‘₯)) = 0.
𝑓12 + 2𝑓2 𝑓3 𝑓1
= ,
𝑓32 + 2𝑓1 𝑓2 𝑓3
𝑓22 + 2𝑓1 𝑓3 𝑓2
= .
𝑓32 + 2𝑓1 𝑓2 𝑓3
From (62) it follows that
π‘₯ (1 + 2/π‘₯𝑦)
− 1) = 0,
1 + 2π‘₯/𝑧
𝑦 (1 + 2/π‘₯𝑦)
− 1) = 0,
1 + 2𝑦𝑧
𝑧 (1 + 2π‘₯/𝑧)
− 1) = 0.
1 + 2𝑦𝑧
According to our assumption π‘₯, 𝑦, 𝑧 are nonzero, so from
(64) one gets
π‘₯ (1 + 2/π‘₯𝑦)
= 1,
1 + 2π‘₯/𝑧
𝑦 (1 + 2/π‘₯𝑦)
= 1,
1 + 2𝑦𝑧
𝑧 (1 + 2π‘₯/𝑧)
= 1,
1 + 2𝑦𝑧
where 2π‘₯ =ΜΈ − 𝑧 and 2𝑦𝑧 =ΜΈ − 1.
1 − 2𝑦
1 − 2𝑦
So, 2𝑦2 − 𝑦 − 1 = 0 which yields the solutions 𝑦3 = −1/2, 𝑦4 =
1. Therefore, we obtain π‘₯3 = 1, 𝑧3 = −1/2 and π‘₯4 = −1/2,
𝑧4 = −2.
Consequently, solutions of (65) are the following ones:
(1,1,1) ,
This means that either 𝑦 = π‘₯ or π‘₯ + 𝑦 = 1/2.
Assume that π‘₯ = 𝑦. Then from π‘₯𝑧 = 𝑦, one finds 𝑧 = 1.
Moreover, from the second equality of (65) we have 𝑦+2/𝑦 =
1 + 2𝑦. So, 𝑦2 + 𝑦 − 2 = 0; therefore, the solutions of the last
one are 𝑦1 = 1, 𝑦2 = −2. Hence, π‘₯1 = 1, π‘₯2 = −2.
Now suppose that π‘₯ + 𝑦 = 1/2; then π‘₯ = 1/2 − 𝑦. We note
that 𝑦 =ΜΈ 1/2, since π‘₯ =ΜΈ 0. So, from the second equality of (65)
we find
𝑓12 + 2𝑓2 𝑓3 𝑓1
= ,
𝑓22 + 2𝑓1 𝑓3 𝑓2
Simplifying the last equality one gets
We have the following.
1 1
(1,− ,− ) ,
2 2
(− ,1,−2) ,
(−2,−2,1) .
Now owing to (63) we need to solve the following equations:
= π‘₯π‘˜ ,
π‘˜ = 1, 4,
= π‘§π‘˜ .
According to our assumption π‘“π‘˜ =ΜΈ 0, we consider cases when
π‘₯π‘˜ π‘§π‘˜ =ΜΈ 0.
Now let us start to consider several cases.
Case 1 . Let π‘₯2 = 1, 𝑧2 = 1. Then from (71) one gets 𝑓1 = 𝑓2 =
𝑓3 . So, from (61) we find 3πœ€π‘“12 = 𝑓1 , that is, 𝑓1 = 1/3πœ€. Now
taking into account 𝑓12 +𝑓22 +𝑓32 ≤ 1 one gets 1/3πœ€2 ≤ 1. From
the last inequality we have |πœ€| ≥ 1/√3. Due to Lemma 15
the operator π‘‰πœ€ is well defined if and only if |πœ€| ≤ 1/√3;
therefore, one gets |πœ€| = 1/√3. Hence, in this case a solution
is (±1/√3; ±1/√3; ±1/√3).
Case 2 . Let π‘₯2 = 1, 𝑧2 = −1/2. Then from (71) one finds
𝑓1 = 𝑓2 , 2𝑓2 = −𝑓3 . Substituting the last ones to (61) we get
𝑓1 + 3𝑓12 πœ€ = 0. Then, we have 𝑓1 = −1/3πœ€, 𝑓2 = −1/3πœ€, 𝑓3 =
2/3πœ€. Taking into account 𝑓12 + 𝑓22 + 𝑓32 ≤ 1 we find 1/9πœ€2 +
4/9πœ€2 + 1/9πœ€2 ≤ 1. This means |πœ€| ≥ √2/3; due to Lemma 15
Abstract and Applied Analysis
in this case the operator π‘‰πœ€ is not well defined; therefore, we
conclude that there is no fixed point of π‘‰πœ€ belonging to 𝑆.
Using the same argument for the rest of the cases we
conclude the absence of solutions. This shows that if |πœ€| <
1/√3 the operator π‘‰πœ€ has unique fixed point in 𝑆. If |πœ€| =
1/√3, then π‘‰πœ€ has three fixed points belonging to 𝑆. This
completes the proof.
Case A. Let 𝑓12 + 𝑓22 + 𝑓32 < 1 and denote 𝑑 = 𝑓12 + 𝑓22 + 𝑓32 .
Then one gets
󡄨 󡄨󡄨 󡄨 2
𝜌 (π‘‰πœ€ (f)) ≤ πœ€2 ((𝑓12 + 2 󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑓2 󡄨󡄨󡄨 󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑓3 󡄨󡄨󡄨) + (𝑓22 + 2|𝑓1 ||𝑓3 |)
󡄨 󡄨󡄨 󡄨 2
+(𝑓32 + 2 󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑓1 󡄨󡄨󡄨 󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑓2 󡄨󡄨󡄨) )
Now we are going to study dynamics of operator π‘‰πœ€ .
+ (𝑓32 + 𝑓12 + 𝑓22 ) )
Theorem 18. Let π‘‰πœ€ be given by (58). Then the following assertions hold true:
π‘‰πœ€π‘› (f)
(i) if |πœ€| < 1/√3, then for any f ∈ 𝑆 one has
(0, 0, 0) as 𝑛 → ∞.
Proof. Let us consider the following function 𝜌(f) = 𝑓12 +𝑓22 +
𝑓32 . Then we have
+ 2𝑓1 𝑓2 ) )
Case B. Now take 𝑓12 + 𝑓22 + 𝑓32 = 1 and assume that f is not
a fixed point. Therefore, we may assume that 𝑓𝑖 =ΜΈ 𝑓𝑗 for some
𝑖 =ΜΈ 𝑗, otherwise from Proposition 17 one concludes that f is a
fixed point. Hence, from (58) one finds
󡄨 󡄨󡄨 󡄨
+𝑓32 + 2 󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑓1 󡄨󡄨󡄨 󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑓2 󡄨󡄨󡄨)
Hence, we have 𝜌(π‘‰πœ€ (f)) ≤ π‘‘πœŒ(f). This means 𝜌(π‘‰πœ€π‘› (f)) ≤
𝑑𝑛 𝜌(f) → 0. Hence, π‘‰πœ€π‘› (f) → 0 as 𝑛 → ∞.
= πœ€ (1 − (𝑓2 − 𝑓3 ) ) .
󡄨 󡄨󡄨 󡄨
󡄨 󡄨󡄨 󡄨
≤ πœ€2 (𝑓12 + 2 󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑓2 󡄨󡄨󡄨 󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑓3 󡄨󡄨󡄨 + 𝑓22 + 2 󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑓1 󡄨󡄨󡄨 󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑓3 󡄨󡄨󡄨
π‘‰πœ€ (f)1 = πœ€ (𝑓12 + 2𝑓2 𝑓3 ) = πœ€ (1 − 𝑓22 − 𝑓32 + 2𝑓2 𝑓3 )
𝜌 (π‘‰πœ€ (f)) = πœ€2 ((𝑓12 + 2𝑓2 𝑓3 ) + (𝑓22 + 2𝑓1 𝑓3 )
= 3πœ€2 𝑑2 = 𝑑𝑑 = π‘‘πœŒ (f) .
(ii) if |πœ€| = 1/√3, then for any f ∈ 𝑆 with f ∉ {(±1/√3,
±1/√3, ±1/√3)} one has π‘‰πœ€π‘› (f) → (0, 0, 0) as 𝑛 →
≤ πœ€2 ((𝑓12 + 𝑓22 + 𝑓32 ) + (𝑓22 + 𝑓12 + 𝑓32 )
Similarly, one gets
π‘‰πœ€ (f)2 = πœ€ (1 − (𝑓1 − 𝑓3 ) ) ,
π‘‰πœ€ (f)3 = πœ€ (1 − (𝑓1 − 𝑓2 ) ) .
= 3πœ€2 (𝑓12 + 𝑓22 + 𝑓32 ) = 3πœ€2 𝜌 (f) .
This means
The authors acknowledge the MOHE Grant FRGS11-0220170. The first named author acknowledges the junior associate scheme of the Abdus Salam International Centre for
Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. The authors would like to
thank an anonymous referee whose useful suggestions and
comments improved the content of the paper.
Due to πœ€2 ≤ 1/3 from (73) one finds that
𝜌 (π‘‰πœ€π‘›+1 (f)) ≤ 𝜌 (π‘‰πœ€π‘› (f)) ,
which yields that the sequence {𝜌(π‘‰πœ€π‘› (f))} is convergent. Next
we would like to find the limit of {𝜌(π‘‰πœ€π‘› (f))}.
(i) First we assume that |πœ€| < 1/√3; then from (73) we
𝜌 (π‘‰πœ€π‘› (f)) ≤ 3πœ€2 𝜌 (π‘‰πœ€π‘›−1 (f)) ≤ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ≤ (3πœ€2 ) 𝜌 (f) .
It is clear that |π‘‰πœ€ (f)π‘˜ | ≤ |πœ€| (π‘˜ = 1, 2, 3). According to our
assumption 𝑓𝑖 =ΜΈ 𝑓𝑗 (𝑖 =ΜΈ 𝑗) we conclude that one of |π‘‰πœ€ (f)π‘˜ | is
strictly less than 1/√3; this means π‘‰πœ€ (f)21 +π‘‰πœ€ (f)22 +π‘‰πœ€ (f)23 < 1.
Therefore, from Case A, one gets that π‘‰πœ€π‘› (f) → 0 as 𝑛 →
+𝑓32 + 𝑓12 + 𝑓22 )
𝜌 (π‘‰πœ€ (f)) ≤ 3πœ€2 𝜌 (f) .
This yields that 𝜌(π‘‰πœ€π‘› (f)) → 0 as 𝑛 → ∞, for all
f ∈ 𝑆.
(ii) Now let |πœ€| = 1/√3. Then consider two distinct subcases.
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