Research Article Dissipative Sturm-Liouville Operators with Transmission Conditions Hüseyin Tuna

Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2013, Article ID 248740, 7 pages
Research Article
Dissipative Sturm-Liouville Operators
with Transmission Conditions
Hüseyin Tuna1 and Aytekin EryJlmaz2
Department of Mathematics, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, 15100 Burdur, Turkey
Department of Mathematics, Nevsehir University, 50300 Nevsehir, Turkey
Correspondence should be addressed to Aytekin EryΔ±lmaz;
Received 7 December 2012; Accepted 11 February 2013
Academic Editor: Lucas Jódar
Copyright © 2013 H. Tuna and A. EryΔ±lmaz. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
In this paper we study dissipative Sturm-Liouville operators with transmission conditions. By using Pavlov’s method (Pavlov 1947,
Pavlov 1981, Pavlov 1975, and Pavlov 1977), we proved a theorem on completeness of the system of eigenvectors and associated
vectors of the dissipative Sturm-Liouville operators with transmission conditions.
1. Introduction
Spectral theory is one of the main branches of modern functional analysis and it has many applications in mathematics
and applied sciences. There has recently been great interest in
spectral analysis of Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems
with eigenparameter-dependent boundary conditions (see
[1–14]). Furthermore, many researchers have studied some
boundary value problems that may have discontinuities in the
solution or its derivative at an interior point 𝑐 [15–19]. Such
conditions which include left and right limits of solutions
and their derivatives at 𝑐 are often called “transmission
conditions” or “interface conditions.” These problems often
arise in varied assortment of physical transfer problems
The spectral analysis of non-self-adjoint (dissipative)
operators is based on ideas of the functional model and
dilation theory rather than the method of contour integration
of resolvent which is studied by Naimark [21], but this
method is not effective in studying the spectral analysis of
boundary value problem. The functional model technique
acts a part on the fundamental theorem of Nagy-Foiaş. In
1960s independently from Nagy-Foiaş [22], Lax and Phillips
[23] developed abstract scattering programme that is very
important in scattering theory. Pavlov’s functional model
[24–28] has been extended to dissipative operators which
are finite dimensional extensions of a symmetric operator,
and the corresponding dissipative and Lax-Phillips scattering
matrix was investigated in some detail [5–14, 22–27, 29, 30].
This theory is based on the notion of incoming and outgoing
subspaces to obtain information about analytical properties
of scattering matrix by utilizing properties of original unitary
group. By combining the results of Nagy-Foiaş and LaxPhillips, characteristic function is expressed with scattering
matrix and the dilation of dissipative operator is set up. By
means of different spectral representation of dilation, given
operator can be written very simply and functional models
are obtained. The eigenvalues, eigenvectors and spectral
projection of model operator are expressed obviously by
characteristic function. The problem of completeness of the
system of eigenvectors is solved by writing characteristic
function as factorization.
The purpose of this paper is to study non-self-adjoint
Sturm-Liouville operators with transmission conditions. To
do this, we constructed a functional model of dissipative
operator by means of the incoming and outgoing spectral representations and defined its characteristic function,
because this makes it possible to determine the scattering matrix of dilation according to the Lax and Phillips
scheme [23]. Finally, we proved a theorem on completeness of the system of eigenvectors and associated vectors
of dissipative operators which is based on the method of
Pavlov. While proving our results, we use the machinery of
[5, 7–10].
Abstract and Applied Analysis
2. Self-Adjoint Dilation of Dissipative
Sturm-Liouville Operator
and transmission conditions
Consider the differential expression
𝑙 (𝑦) = −𝑦󸀠󸀠 + π‘ž (π‘₯) 𝑦,
π‘₯ ∈ [π‘Ž, 𝑐) ∪ (𝑐, 𝑏) ,
where 𝐼1 := [π‘Ž, 𝑐), 𝐼2 := (𝑐, 𝑏) and 𝐼 = 𝐼1 ∪ 𝐼2 , π‘ž(π‘₯) is realvalued function on 𝐼, and π‘ž ∈ 𝐿1loc (𝐼). The points π‘Ž and 𝑐 are
regular and 𝑏 is singular for the differential expression 𝑙(𝑦).
Moreover π‘ž(𝑐±) := limπ‘₯ → 𝑐± π‘ž(π‘₯) one-sided limits exist and
are finite.
To pass from the differential expression 𝑙(𝑦) to operators,
we introduce the Hilbert space 𝐻 = 𝐿2 (𝐼1 ) ⊕ 𝐿2 (𝐼2 ) with the
inner product
βŸ¨π‘“, π‘”βŸ©π» := 𝛾1 𝛾2 ∫ 𝑓1 𝑔1 𝑑π‘₯ + 𝛿1 𝛿2 ∫ 𝑓2 𝑔2 𝑑π‘₯,
𝑓1 (π‘₯) ,
𝑓2 (π‘₯) ,
π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼1
∈ 𝐻,
π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼2
𝑔 (π‘₯) ,
𝑔 (π‘₯) = { 1
𝑔2 (π‘₯) ,
π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼1
∈ 𝐻,
π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼2
πœƒ (𝑐−, πœ†) ,
𝛿1 1
πœƒ2σΈ€  (𝑐+, πœ†) =
𝛾2 σΈ€ 
πœƒ (𝑐−, πœ†) ,
𝛿2 1
πœ‘2 (𝑐+, πœ†) =
πœ‘ (𝑐−, πœ†) ,
𝛿1 1
πœ‘2σΈ€  (𝑐+, πœ†) =
𝛾2 σΈ€ 
πœ‘ (𝑐−, πœ†) ,
𝛿2 1
where 𝛼, 𝛾1 , 𝛾2 , 𝛿1 , and 𝛿2 ∈ R with 𝛾1 𝛾2 > 0 and 𝛿1 𝛿2 >
0. The solutions πœƒ(π‘₯, πœ†) and πœ‘(π‘₯, πœ†) belong to 𝐻. Let
𝑒 (π‘₯) = πœƒ1 (π‘₯, 0) , π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼1
𝑒 (π‘₯) = { 1
𝑒2 (π‘₯) = πœƒ2 (π‘₯, 0) , π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼2 ,
V (π‘₯) = πœ‘1 (π‘₯, 0) , π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼1 ,
V (π‘₯) = { 1
V2 (π‘₯) = πœ‘2 (π‘₯, 0) , π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼2 ,
𝑒1 (π‘Ž) = cos 𝛼,
𝑒1σΈ€  (π‘Ž) = sin 𝛼,
V1 (π‘Ž) = − sin 𝛼,
V1σΈ€  (π‘Ž) = cos 𝛼
𝑒2 (𝑐+) =
𝑒 (𝑐−) ,
𝛿1 1
𝑒2σΈ€  (𝑐+) =
𝛾2 σΈ€ 
𝑒 (𝑐−) ,
𝛿2 1
V2 (𝑐+) =
V (𝑐−) ,
𝛿1 1
V2σΈ€  (𝑐+) =
𝛾2 σΈ€ 
V (𝑐−) .
𝛿2 1
𝑅1 (𝑦) : 𝛾1 𝑦 (𝑐−) − 𝛿1 𝑦 (𝑐+) = 0,
𝑅2 (𝑦) : 𝛾2 𝑦󸀠 (𝑐−) − 𝛿2 𝑦󸀠 (𝑐+) = 0,
𝑅3 (𝑦) : 𝑦 (π‘Ž) cos 𝛼 + 𝑦󸀠 (π‘Ž) sin 𝛼 = 0,
+ 𝛿1 𝛿2 [𝑦, 𝑧]𝑏 − 𝛿1 𝛿2 [𝑦, 𝑧]𝑐+ ,
𝑅4 (𝑦) : [𝑦, V]𝑏 − 𝐺[𝑦, 𝑒]𝑏 = 0,
where [𝑦, 𝑧]π‘₯ = 𝑦(π‘₯)𝑧󸀠 (π‘₯) − 𝑦󸀠 (π‘₯)𝑧(π‘₯) (π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼), [𝑦, 𝑧]𝑏 =
limπ‘₯ → 𝑏 [𝑦, 𝑧]π‘₯ exists and is finite.
Suppose that Weyl’s limit circle case holds for the differential expression 𝑙(𝑦) on 𝐼. There are several sufficient
conditions in which Weyl’s limit circle case holds for a
differential expression [21]. Denote by
πœ‘ (π‘₯) , π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼1
πœ‘ (π‘₯) = { 1
πœ‘2 (π‘₯) , π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼2 ,
the solutions of the equation 𝑙(𝑦) = πœ†π‘¦, π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼, satisfying the
initial conditions
πœƒ1 (π‘Ž, πœ†) = cos 𝛼,
πœ‘1 (π‘Ž, πœ†) = − sin 𝛼,
πœƒ1σΈ€  (π‘Ž, πœ†) = sin 𝛼,
(π‘Ž, πœ†) = cos 𝛼
All the maximal dissipative extensions L𝐺 of the operator
𝐿 0 are described by the following conditions (see [4, 15, 18]):
∫ 𝑙 (𝑦) 𝑧 𝑑π‘₯ − ∫ 𝑦𝑙 (𝑧) 𝑑π‘₯ = 𝛾1 𝛾2 [𝑦, 𝑧]𝑐− − 𝛾1 𝛾2 [𝑦, 𝑧]π‘Ž
π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼1
π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼2 ,
and transmission conditions
and 𝛾1 , 𝛾2 , 𝛿1 , and 𝛿2 are some real numbers with 𝛾1 𝛾2 > 0 and
𝛿1 𝛿2 > 0.
Let 𝐿 0 denote the closure of the minimal operator generated by (1) and by 𝐷0 its domain. Besides, we denote
the set of all functions 𝑓(π‘₯) from 𝐻 such that 𝑓, 𝑓󸀠 ∈
𝐴𝐢loc (𝐼), 𝑓(𝑐±), 𝑓󸀠 (𝑐±) one-sided limits exist and are finite
and 𝑙(𝑦) ∈ 𝐻; 𝐷 is the domain of the maximal operator 𝐿.
Furthermore, 𝐿 = 𝐿∗0 [21].
For two arbitrary functions 𝑦(π‘₯), 𝑧(π‘₯) ∈ 𝐷, we have
Green’s formula
πœƒ (π‘₯) ,
πœƒ (π‘₯) = { 1
πœƒ2 (π‘₯) ,
𝑒(π‘₯), and V(π‘₯) be solutions of the equation 𝑙(𝑦) = 0, π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼,
satisfying the initial conditions
𝑓 (π‘₯) = {
πœƒ2 (𝑐+, πœ†) =
Im 𝐺 > 0.
Let us add the “incoming” and “outgoing” subspaces 𝐷− =
𝐿 (−∞, 0) and 𝐷+ = 𝐿2 (0, ∞) to 𝐻. The orthogonal sum 𝐻 =
𝐷− ⊕ 𝐻 ⊕ 𝐷+ is called main Hilbert space of the dilation.
In the space H, we consider the operator L𝐺 on the set
Μ‚ πœ‘+ ⟩,
𝐷(L𝐺), its elements consisting of vectors 𝑀 = βŸ¨πœ‘− , 𝑦,
generated by the expression
Μ‚ πœ‘+ ⟩ = βŸ¨π‘–
L𝐺 βŸ¨πœ‘− , 𝑦,
Μ‚ ,𝑖 +⟩
, 𝑙 (𝑦)
satisfying the conditions πœ‘− ∈ π‘Š21 (−∞, 0), πœ‘+ ∈ π‘Š21 (0, ∞),
Μ‚ = 0, 𝑅2 (𝑦)
Μ‚ = 0, 𝑅3 (𝑦)
Μ‚ = 0, [𝑦,
Μ‚ V]𝑏 − 𝐺[𝑦,
Μ‚ 𝑒]𝑏 =
𝑦̂ ∈ 𝐻, 𝑅1 (𝑦)
Μ‚ V]𝑏 −𝐺[𝑦,
Μ‚ 𝑒]𝑏 = (𝐢/√𝛿1 𝛿2 )πœ‘+ (0), where
(𝐢/√𝛿1 𝛿2 )πœ‘− (0), [𝑦,
π‘Š21 are Sobolev spaces and 𝐢2 := 2 Im 𝐺, 𝐢 > 0.
Theorem 1. The operator L𝐺 is self-adjoint in H and it is a
Μƒ 𝐺(= 𝐿 𝐾 ).
self-adjoint dilation of the operator 𝐿
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Proof. We first prove that L𝐺 is symmetric in H. Namely,
(L𝐺𝑓, 𝑔)H − (𝑓, L𝐺𝑔)H = 0. Let 𝑓, 𝑔 ∈ 𝐷(L𝐺), 𝑓 =
Μ‚ πœ‘+ ⟩ and 𝑔 = βŸ¨πœ“− , 𝑧̂, πœ“+ ⟩. Then we have
βŸ¨πœ‘− , 𝑦,
(L𝐺𝑓, 𝑔)H − (𝑓, L𝐺𝑔)H
Μ‚ πœ‘+ ⟩ , βŸ¨πœ“− , 𝑧̂, πœ“+ ⟩)
= (L𝐺 βŸ¨πœ‘− , 𝑦,
Μ‚ πœ‘+ ⟩ , L𝐺 βŸ¨πœ“− , 𝑧̂, πœ“+ ⟩)
− (βŸ¨πœ‘− , 𝑦,
Μ‚ , 𝑧̂)𝐻 + ∫ π‘–πœ‘+σΈ€  πœ“+ π‘‘πœ‰
π‘–πœ‘−σΈ€  πœ“− π‘‘πœ‰ + (𝑙 (𝑦)
Μ‚ 𝑙 (̂𝑧))𝐻 − ∫ π‘–πœ“+σΈ€  πœ‘+ π‘‘πœ‰
π‘–πœ“−σΈ€  πœ‘− π‘‘πœ‰ − (𝑦,
Μ‚ 𝑧̂]𝑏 + ∫ π‘–πœ‘+σΈ€  πœ“+ π‘‘πœ‰
π‘–πœ‘−σΈ€  πœ“− π‘‘πœ‰ + 𝛿1 𝛿2 [𝑦,
for 𝑦̂ and Im πœ† < 0. By applying onto the mapping 𝑃, we
obtain (17), and
We obtain by direct computation
Thus, L𝐺 is a symmetric operator. To prove that L𝐺 is
self-adjoint, we need to show that L𝐺 ⊆ L∗𝐺. Take 𝑔 =
βŸ¨πœ“− , 𝑧̂, πœ“+ ⟩ ∈ 𝐷(L∗𝐺). Let L∗𝐺𝑔 = 𝑔∗ = βŸ¨πœ“−∗ , 𝑧̂∗ , πœ“+∗ ⟩ ∈ H,
so that
By choosing elements with suitable components as the
𝑓 ∈ 𝐷(L𝐺) in (15), it is not difficult to show that πœ“− ∈
π‘Š21 (−∞, 0), πœ“+ ∈ π‘Š21 (0, ∞), 𝑔 ∈ 𝐷(L), and 𝑔∗ =
L𝐺𝑔; the operator L𝐺 is defined by (12). Therefore (15)
is obtained from (L𝐺𝑓, 𝑔)H = (𝑓, L𝐺𝑔)H for all 𝑓 ∈
𝐷(L∗𝐺). Furthermore, 𝑔 ∈ 𝐷(L∗𝐺) satisfies the conditions
Μ‚ V]𝑏 + 𝐺[𝑦,
Μ‚ 𝑒]𝑏 =
πœ‘+ (0) .
√𝛿1 𝛿2
√𝛿1 𝛿2
Μ‚ 𝑒]𝑏 ) 𝑒−π‘–πœ†πœ‰ ⟩
Μ‚ V]𝑏 + 𝐺[𝑦,
Μ‚ 𝑧̂]𝑏 .
= π‘–πœ“− (0) πœ‘− (0) − π‘–πœ‘+ (0) πœ“+ (0) + 𝛿1 𝛿2 [𝑦,
πœ‘− (0) ,
√𝛿1 𝛿2
For this purpose, we set (L𝐺 − πœ†πΌ)−1 𝑃1 𝑦̂ = 𝑔 = βŸ¨πœ“− , 𝑧̂, πœ“+ ⟩
Μ‚ and hence ̃𝑙(̂𝑧) − πœ†Μ‚π‘§ =
which implies that (L𝐺 − πœ†πΌ)𝑔 = 𝑃1 𝑦,
Μ‚ πœ“− (πœ‰) = πœ“− (0)𝑒
and πœ“+ (πœ‰) = πœ“+ (0)𝑒−π‘–πœ†πœ‰ . Since 𝑔 ∈
𝐷(L𝐺), then πœ“− ∈ π‘Š2 (−∞, 0); it follows that πœ“− (0) = 0,
Μ‚ V]𝑏 −
and consequently 𝑧 satisfies the boundary condition [𝑦,
Μƒ 𝐺), and since point πœ† with
Μ‚ 𝑒]𝑏 = 0. Therefore 𝑧̂ ∈ 𝐷(𝐿
Im πœ† < 0 cannot be an eigenvalue of dissipative operator,
Μƒ 𝐺 − πœ†πΌ)−1 𝑦.
Μ‚ Thus we have
then 𝑧̂ = (𝐿
Μƒ 𝐺 − πœ†πΌ) 𝑦,
= ⟨0, (𝐿
Μ‚ 𝑒]𝑏 =
Μ‚ V]𝑏 + 𝐺[𝑦,
𝑦̂ ∈ 𝐻, Im β„Ž < 0.
π‘–πœ“−σΈ€  πœ‘− π‘‘πœ‰ − ∫ π‘–πœ“+σΈ€  πœ‘+ π‘‘πœ‰
(L𝐺𝑓, 𝑔)H = (𝑓, L∗𝐺𝑔)H = (𝑓, 𝑔∗ )H .
Μƒ 𝐺 − πœ†πΌ) 𝑦,
𝑃(L𝐺 − πœ†πΌ) 𝑃1 𝑦̂ = (𝐿
(L𝐺 − πœ†πΌ) 𝑃1 𝑦̂
Μ‚ 𝑧̂]𝑏 = 0.
π‘–πœ“− (0) πœ‘− (0) − π‘–πœ‘+ (0) πœ“+ (0) + 𝛿1 𝛿2 [𝑦,
is self-adjoint dilation of 𝐡𝐺. To show this, it is sufficient to
verify the equality
Hence, 𝐷(L∗𝐺) ⊆ 𝐷(L𝐺); that is, L𝐺 = L∗𝐺.
The self-adjoint operator L𝐺 generates on H a unitary
group π‘ˆπ‘‘ = exp (𝑖L𝐺𝑑) (𝑑 ∈ R+ = (0, ∞)). Let us denote
by 𝑃 : H → 𝐻 and 𝑃1 : 𝐻 → H the mapping acting
Μ‚ πœ‘+ ⟩ → 𝑦̂ and 𝑃1 :
according to the formulae 𝑃 : βŸ¨πœ‘− , 𝑦,
Μ‚ 0⟩. Let 𝑍𝑑 := π‘ƒπ‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝑃1 , 𝑑 ≥ 0, by using π‘ˆπ‘‘ . The
𝑦̂ → ⟨0, 𝑦,
family {𝑍𝑑 } (𝑑 ≥ 0) of operators is a strongly continuous
semigroup of completely nonunitary contraction on 𝐻. Let
us denote by 𝐡𝐺 the generator of this semigroup: 𝐡𝐺𝑦̂ =
Μ‚ The domain of 𝐡𝐺 consists of all
lim𝑑 → +0 (𝑖𝑑)−1 (𝑍𝑑 𝑦̂ − 𝑦).
the vectors for which the limit exists. The operator 𝐡𝐺 is
dissipative. The operator L𝐺 is called the self-adjoint dilation
Μƒ 𝐺; hence L𝐺
of 𝐡𝐺 (see [10, 21, 30]). We show that 𝐡𝐺 = 𝐿
Μƒ 𝐺 − πœ†πΌ)
= 𝑃(L𝐺 − πœ†πΌ) 𝑃1 = −𝑖𝑃 ∫ π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝑒−π‘–πœ†π‘‘ 𝑑𝑑𝑃1
= − 𝑖 ∫ 𝑍𝑑 𝑒−π‘–πœ†π‘‘ 𝑑𝑑 = (𝐡𝐺 − πœ†πΌ) ,
Im πœ† < 0,
Μƒ 𝐺 = 𝐡𝐺.
so this clearly shows that 𝐿
3. Functional Model of Dissipative
Sturm-Liouville Operator
The unitary group {π‘ˆπ‘‘ } has an important property which
makes it possible to apply it to the Lax-Phillips [23]. It
has orthogonal incoming and outgoing subspaces 𝐷− =
⟨𝐿2 (−∞, 0), 0, 0⟩ and 𝐷+ = ⟨0, 0, 𝐿2 (0, ∞)⟩ having the
following properties:
(1) π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝐷− ⊂ 𝐷− , 𝑑 ≤ 0 and π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝐷+ ⊂ 𝐷+ , 𝑑 ≥ 0,
(2) ∩𝑑≤0 π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝐷− = ∩𝑑≥0 π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝐷+ = {0},
(3) ∪𝑑≥0 π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝐷− = ∪𝑑≤0 π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝐷+ = H,
(4) 𝐷− ⊥ 𝐷+ .
Property (4) is clear. To be able to prove property (1) for
𝐷+ (the proof for 𝐷− is similar), we set Rπœ† = (L𝐺 − πœ†πΌ)−1 .
For all πœ†, with Im πœ† < 0 and for any 𝑓 = ⟨0, 0, πœ‘+ ⟩ ∈ 𝐷+ , we
Rπœ† 𝑓 = ⟨0, 0, −𝑖𝑒−π‘–πœ†πœ‰ ∫ π‘’π‘–πœ†π‘  πœ‘+ (𝑠) π‘‘π‘ βŸ© ,
as Rπœ† 𝑓 ∈ 𝐷+ . Therefore, if 𝑔 ⊥ 𝐷+ , then
0 = (Rπœ† 𝑓, 𝑔)H = −𝑖 ∫ 𝑒−π‘–πœ†π‘‘ (π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝑓, 𝑔)H 𝑑𝑑,
Im πœ† < 0,
Abstract and Applied Analysis
which implies that (π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝑓, 𝑔)H = 0 for all 𝑑 ≥ 0. Hence, for
𝑑 ≥ 0, π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝐷+ ⊂ 𝐷+ , and property (1) has been proved.
In order to prove property (2), we define the mappings
𝑃 : H → 𝐿2 (0, ∞) and 𝑃1+ : 𝐿2 (0, ∞) → 𝐷+ as
Μ‚ πœ‘+ ⟩ → πœ‘+ and 𝑃1+ : πœ‘ → ⟨0, 0, πœ‘βŸ©,
follows: 𝑃+ : βŸ¨πœ‘− , 𝑦,
respectively. We take into consider that the semigroup of
isometries π‘ˆπ‘‘+ := 𝑃+ π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝑃1+ (𝑑 ≥ 0) is a one-sided shift in
𝐿2 (0, ∞). Indeed, the generator of the semigroup of the onesided shift 𝑉𝑑 in 𝐿2 (0, ∞) is the differential operator 𝑖(𝑑/π‘‘πœ‰)
with the boundary condition πœ‘(0) = 0. On the other hand,
the generator 𝑆 of the semigroup of isometries π‘ˆπ‘‘+ (𝑑 ≥
0) is the operator π‘†πœ‘ = 𝑃+ L𝐺𝑃1+ πœ‘ = 𝑃+ L𝐺⟨0, 0, πœ‘βŸ© =
𝑃+ ⟨0, 0, 𝑖(𝑑/π‘‘πœ‰)πœ‘βŸ© = 𝑖(𝑑/π‘‘πœ‰)πœ‘, where πœ‘ ∈ π‘Š21 (0, ∞) and
πœ‘(0) = 0. Since a semigroup is uniquely determined by its
generator, it follows that π‘ˆπ‘‘+ = 𝑉𝑑 , and, hence,
β‹‚ π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝐷+ = ⟨0, 0, β‹‚ 𝑉𝑑 𝐿 (0, ∞)⟩ = {0} ,
Definition 2. The linear operator 𝐴 with domain 𝐷(𝐴) acting
in the Hilbert space 𝐻 is called completely non-self-adjoint (or
simple) if there is no invariant subspace 𝑀 ⊆ 𝐷(𝐴)(𝑀 =ΜΈ {0})
of the operator 𝐴 on which the restriction 𝐴 to 𝑀 is selfadjoint.
To prove property (3) of the incoming and outgoing
subspaces, let us prove following lemma.
Μƒ 𝐺 is completely non-self-adjoint
Lemma 3. The operator 𝐿
Proof. Let 𝐻󸀠 ⊂ 𝐻 be a nontrivial subspace in which 𝐿
Μƒ with domain 𝐷(𝐿
Μƒ ) =
induces a self-adjoint operator 𝐿
𝐻 ∩ 𝐷(𝐿 𝐺). If 𝑓 ∈ 𝐷(𝐿 𝐺), then 𝑓 ∈ 𝐷(𝐿 𝐺) and
𝑑 σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„© 𝑖𝐿̃󸀠𝐺𝑑 Μ‚σ΅„©σ΅„©σ΅„©2
𝑑 𝑖𝐿̃󸀠 𝑑 Μ‚ 𝑖𝐿̃󸀠𝐺𝑑 Μ‚
𝑒 𝑓)
󡄩𝑒 𝑓󡄩󡄩 = (𝑒 𝐺 𝑓,
󡄩𝐻 𝑑𝑑
𝑑𝑑 σ΅„©σ΅„©
Μƒ 󸀠𝐺 𝑑
= − 𝐢 ([𝑒
Assume that
πœ‘ (π‘₯, πœ†) := {
πœ‘1 (π‘₯, πœ†) , π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼1
πœ‘2 (π‘₯, πœ†) , π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼2 ,
πœ“ (π‘₯, πœ†) , π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼1
πœ“ (π‘₯, πœ†) := { 1
πœ“2 (π‘₯, πœ†) , π‘₯ ∈ 𝐼2
are solutions of 𝑙(𝑦) = πœ†π‘¦ satisfying the conditions
πœ‘1 (π‘Ž, πœ†) = cos 𝛼,
πœ‘1σΈ€  (π‘Ž, πœ†) = sin 𝛼,
πœ“1σΈ€  (π‘Ž, πœ†) = cos 𝛼,
πœ“1 (π‘Ž, πœ†) = − sin 𝛼,
so the proof is completed.
relative to the group {π‘ˆπ‘‘ } and has the form HσΈ€  = ⟨0, 𝐻󸀠 , 0⟩,
where 𝐻󸀠 is a subspace in 𝐻. Therefore, if the subspace
HσΈ€  (and hence also 𝐻󸀠 ) was nontrivial, then the unitary group
{π‘ˆπ‘‘σΈ€  } restricted to this subspace would be a unitary part of the
Μƒ σΈ€  of 𝐿
Μƒ 𝐺 to 𝐻󸀠 would be
group {π‘ˆπ‘‘ }, and hence, the restriction 𝐿
Μƒ 𝐺 is simple,
a self-adjoint operator in 𝐻󸀠 . Since the operator 𝐿
it follows that 𝐻 = {0}. The lemma is proved.
πœ‘2 (𝑐+, πœ†) =
πœ‘ (𝑐−, πœ†) ,
𝛿1 1
πœ‘2σΈ€  (𝑐+, πœ†) =
𝛾2 σΈ€ 
πœ‘ (𝑐−, πœ†) .
𝛿2 1
Let us adopt the following notations:
𝐾 (πœ†) =
[πœ‘, V]𝑏
[πœ“, 𝑒]𝑏
𝑀 (πœ†) = −
[πœ“, 𝑒]𝑏
[πœ‘, 𝑒]𝑏
𝑆𝐺 (πœ†) = (𝑀 (πœ†) 𝐾 (πœ†) + 𝐺) (𝑀 (πœ†) 𝐾 (πœ†) + 𝐺) ,
where 𝑀(πœ†) is a meromorphic function on the complex plane
C with a countable number of poles on the real axis. Further,
it is possible to show that the function 𝑀(πœ†) possesses the
following properties: Im 𝑀(πœ†) ≤ 0 for all Im πœ† =ΜΈ 0, and
𝑀(πœ†) = 𝑀(πœ†) for all πœ† ∈ C, except the real poles 𝑀(πœ†).
We set
π‘ˆπœ†− (π‘₯, πœ‰, 𝜁)
Μ‚ 𝑒] ) .
𝑏 𝐻
Μ‚ 𝑒]𝑏 = 0. Using this result with
Consequently, we have [𝑦,
Μ‚ 𝑒]𝑏 = 0, we have [𝑦,
Μ‚ 𝑒]𝑏 =
Μ‚ V]𝑏 + 𝐺[𝑦,
boundary condition [𝑦,
0; that is, 𝑦(πœ†)
= 0. Since all solutions of 𝑙(𝑦) = πœ†π‘¦ belong
to 𝐿2 (0, ∞), from this it can be concluded that the resolvent
Μƒ 𝐺) is a compact operator, and the spectrum of 𝐿
Μƒ 𝐺 is
π‘…πœ† (𝐿
purely discrete. Consequently, by the theorem on expansion
Μƒ σΈ€  we obtain
in the eigenvectors of the self-adjoint operator 𝐿
𝐻 = {0}. Hence the operator 𝐿 𝐺 is simple. The proof is
Let us define 𝐻− = ∪𝑑≥0 π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝐷− , 𝐻+ = ∪𝑑≤0 π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝐷+ .
Lemma 4. The equality 𝐻− + 𝐻+ = H holds.
Proof. Considering property (1) of the subspace 𝐷+ , it is easy
to show that the subspace HσΈ€  = H ⊝ (𝐻− + 𝐻+ ) is invariant
= βŸ¨π‘’−π‘–πœ†πœ‰ ,
𝑀 (πœ†) [(𝑀 (πœ†) 𝐾 (πœ†) + 𝐺) [πœ“, 𝑒]𝑏 ] πœ‘ (π‘₯, πœ†) ,
√𝛿1 𝛿2
𝑆𝐺 (πœ†) 𝑒−π‘–πœ†πœ ⟩ .
We note that the vectors π‘ˆπœ†− (π‘₯, πœ‰, 𝜁) for real πœ† do not belong
to the space H. However, π‘ˆπœ†− (π‘₯, πœ‰, 𝜁) satisfies the equation
Lπ‘ˆ = πœ†π‘ˆ and the corresponding boundary conditions for
the operator Lβ„Ž .
By means of vector π‘ˆπœ†− (π‘₯, πœ‰, 𝜁), we define the transformaΜƒ (πœ†) by
tion 𝐹− : 𝑓 → 𝑓
Μƒ (πœ†) :=
(𝐹− 𝑓) (πœ†) := 𝑓
(𝑓, π‘ˆπœ†)H
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Μ‚ πœ‘+ ⟩ in which πœ‘− (πœ‰), πœ‘+ (𝜁), 𝑦(π‘₯)
on the vectors 𝑓 = βŸ¨πœ‘− , 𝑦,
are smooth, compactly supported functions.
Lemma 5. The transformation 𝐹− isometrically maps 𝐻− onto
𝐿2 (R). For all vectors 𝑓, 𝑔 ∈ 𝐻− the Parseval equality and the
inversion formulae hold:
Μƒ , 𝑔̃ ) = ∫
(𝑓, 𝑔)H = (𝑓
− − 𝐿2
Proof. For 𝑓, 𝑔 ∈ 𝐷− , 𝑓 = βŸ¨πœ‘− , 0, 0⟩, 𝑔 = βŸ¨πœ“− , 0, 0⟩, with
Paley-Wiener theorem, we have
(𝑓, π‘ˆπœ† )H =
∫ πœ‘− (πœ‰) 𝑒−π‘–πœ†πœ‰ π‘‘πœ‰ ∈ 𝐻−2 ,
√2πœ‹ −∞
and by using usual Parseval equality for Fourier integrals,
(𝑓, 𝑔)H = ∫
= ∫
πœ‘− (πœ‰) πœ“− (πœ‰)π‘‘πœ‰
Μƒ (πœ†) 𝑔̃ (πœ†)π‘‘πœ† = (𝐹 𝑓, 𝐹 𝑔) 2 .
− 𝐿
Here, 𝐻±2 denote the Hardy classes in 𝐿2 (R) consisting of the
functions analytically extendible to the upper and lower halfplanes, respectively.
We now extend the Parseval equality to the whole of 𝐻− .
We consider in 𝐻− the dense set of 𝐻−σΈ€  of the vectors obtained
as follows from the smooth, compactly supported functions
in 𝐷− : 𝑓 ∈ 𝐻−σΈ€  if 𝑓 = π‘ˆπ‘‡ 𝑓0 , 𝑓0 = βŸ¨πœ‘− , 0, 0⟩, πœ‘− ∈ 𝐢0∞ (−∞, 0),
where 𝑇 = 𝑇𝑓 is a nonnegative number depending on 𝑓. If
𝑓, 𝑔 ∈ 𝐻−σΈ€  , then for 𝑇 > 𝑇𝑓 and 𝑇 > 𝑇𝑔 we have π‘ˆ−𝑇 𝑓, π‘ˆ−𝑇 𝑔 ∈
𝐷− ; moreover, the first components of these vectors belong
to 𝐢0∞ (−∞, 0). Therefore, since the operators π‘ˆπ‘‘ (𝑑 ∈ R) are
unitary, by the equality
𝐹− π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝑓 =
(π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝑓, π‘ˆπœ†− )H
(𝑓, π‘ˆπœ†− )H
= βŸ¨π‘†πΊ (πœ†) 𝑒−π‘–πœ†πœ‰ ,
𝑒−π‘–πœ†πœ ⟩ .
Μƒ (πœ†) = (𝐹 𝑓)(πœ†) and 𝑔̃ (πœ†) = (𝐹 𝑔)(πœ†).
where 𝑓
Μƒ (πœ†) =
(π‘₯, πœ‰, 𝜁)
𝑀 (πœ†) [(𝑀 (πœ†) 𝐾 (πœ†) + 𝐺) [πœ“, 𝑒]𝑏 ] πœ‘ (π‘₯, πœ†) ,
√𝛿1 𝛿2
Μƒ (πœ†) 𝑔̃ (πœ†) π‘‘πœ†,
Μƒ (πœ†) π‘ˆ π‘‘πœ†,
∫ 𝑓
√2πœ‹ −∞ −
We set
= 𝑒 𝐹− 𝑓,
we have
(𝑓, 𝑔)H = (π‘ˆ−𝑇 𝑓, π‘ˆ−𝑇 𝑔)H = (𝐹− π‘ˆ−𝑇 𝑓, 𝐹− π‘ˆ−𝑇 𝑔)𝐿2 ,
Μƒ 𝑔)
Μƒ 𝐿2 .
(π‘’π‘–πœ†π‘‡ 𝐹− 𝑓, π‘’π‘–πœ†π‘‡ 𝐹− 𝑔)𝐿2 = (𝑓,
By taking the closure (35), we obtain the Parseval equality
for the space 𝐻− . The inversion formula is obtained from
the Parseval equality if all integrals in it are considered as
limits in the integrals over finite intervals. Finally 𝐹− 𝐻− =
∪𝑑≥0 𝐹− π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝐷− = ∪𝑑≥0 π‘’π‘–πœ†π‘‘ 𝐻−2 = 𝐿2 (R); that is, 𝐹− maps 𝐻− onto
the whole of 𝐿2 (R). The lemma is proved.
vectors π‘ˆπœ†+ (π‘₯, πœ‰, 𝜁) for real πœ† do not belong
However, π‘ˆπœ†+ (π‘₯, πœ‰, 𝜁) satisfies the equation
We note that the
to the space H.
Lπ‘ˆ = πœ†π‘ˆ and the corresponding boundary conditions for
the operator Lβ„Ž . With the help of vector π‘ˆπœ†+ (π‘₯, πœ‰, 𝜁), we define
Μƒ (πœ†) by (𝐹 𝑓)(πœ†) := 𝑓
Μƒ (πœ†) :=
the transformation 𝐹+ : 𝑓 → 𝑓
(1/ 2πœ‹)(𝑓, π‘ˆπœ† )H on the vectors 𝑓 = βŸ¨πœ‘− , 𝑦, πœ‘+ ⟩ in which
πœ‘− (πœ‰), πœ‘+ (𝜁), and 𝑦(π‘₯) are smooth, compactly supported
Lemma 6. The transformation 𝐹+ isometrically maps 𝐻+ onto
𝐿2 (R). For all vectors 𝑓, 𝑔 ∈ 𝐻+ the Parseval equality and the
inversion formula hold:
Μƒ , 𝑔̃ ) = ∫
(𝑓, 𝑔)H = (𝑓
+ + 𝐿2
Μƒ (πœ†) 𝑔̃ (πœ†)π‘‘πœ†,
Μƒ (πœ†) π‘ˆ+ π‘‘πœ†,
∫ 𝑓
√2πœ‹ −∞ +
Μƒ (πœ†) = (𝐹 𝑓)(πœ†) and 𝑔̃ (πœ†) = (𝐹 𝑔)(πœ†).
Proof. The proof is analogous to Lemma 6.
It is obvious that the matrix-valued function 𝑆𝐺(πœ†) is
meromorphic in C and all poles are in the lower half-plane.
From (27), |𝑆𝐺(πœ†)| ≤ 1 for Im πœ† > 0, and 𝑆𝐺(πœ†) is the unitary
matrix for all πœ† ∈ R. Therefore, it explicitly follows from the
formulae for the vectors π‘ˆπœ†− and π‘ˆπœ†+ that
π‘ˆπœ†+ = 𝑆𝐺 (πœ†) π‘ˆπœ†− .
It follows from Lemmas 6 and 5 that 𝐻− = 𝐻+ . Together with
Lemma 5, this shows that 𝐻− = 𝐻+ = H; therefore property
(3) has been proved for the incoming and outgoing subspaces.
Thus, the transformation 𝐹− isometrically maps 𝐻− onto
𝐿2 (R) with the subspace 𝐷− mapped onto 𝐻−2 and the
operators π‘ˆπ‘‘ are transformed into the operators of multiplication by π‘’π‘–πœ†π‘‘ . This means that 𝐹− is the incoming spectral
representation for the group {π‘ˆπ‘‘ }. Similarly, 𝐹+ is the outgoing
spectral representation for the group {π‘ˆπ‘‘ }. It follows from (38)
that the passage from the 𝐹− representation of an element
Μƒ (πœ†) =
𝑓 ∈ H to its 𝐹+ representation is accomplished as 𝑓
Μƒ (πœ†). Consequently, according to [22], we have proved
𝑆𝐺 (πœ†)𝑓
the following.
Theorem 7. The function 𝑆𝐺(πœ†) is the scattering matrix of the
group {π‘ˆπ‘‘ } (of the self-adjoint operator L𝐺).
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Let 𝑆(πœ†) be an arbitrary nonconstant inner function (see
[19]) on the upper half-plane (the analytic function 𝑆(πœ†) and
the upper half-plane C+ is called inner function on C+ if
|π‘†β„Ž (πœ†)| ≤ 1 for all πœ† ∈ C+ and |π‘†β„Ž (πœ†)| = 1 for almost
all πœ† ∈ R). Define 𝐾 = 𝐻+2 ⊝ 𝑆𝐻+2 . Then 𝐾 =ΜΈ {0} is a
subspace of the Hilbert space 𝐻+2 . We consider the semigroup
of operators 𝑍𝑑 (𝑑 ≥ 0) acting in 𝐾 according to the formula
𝑍𝑑 πœ‘ = 𝑃[π‘’π‘–πœ†π‘‘ πœ‘], πœ‘ = πœ‘(πœ†) ∈ 𝐾, where 𝑃 is the orthogonal
projection from 𝐻+2 onto 𝐾. The generator of the semigroup
{𝑍𝑑 } is denoted by
π‘‡πœ‘ = lim (𝑖𝑑) (𝑍𝑑 πœ‘ − πœ‘) ,
𝑑 → +0
where 𝑇 is a maximal dissipative operator acting in 𝐾 and
with the domain 𝐷(𝑇) consisting of all functions πœ‘ ∈
𝐾, such that the limit exists. The operator 𝑇 is called a
model dissipative operator. Recall that this model dissipative
operator, which is associated with the names of Lax-Phillips
[23], is a special case of a more general model dissipative
operator constructed by Nagy and Foiaş [22]. The basic
assertion is that 𝑆(πœ†) is the characteristic function of the
operator 𝑇.
Let 𝐾 = ⟨0, 𝐻, 0⟩, so that H = 𝐷− ⊕ 𝐾 ⊕ 𝐷+ . It follows
from the explicit form of the unitary transformation 𝐹− under
the mapping 𝐹− that
H 󳨀→ 𝐿 (R) ,
𝐷− 󳨀→ 𝐻−2 ,
Μƒ (πœ†) = (𝐹 𝑓) (πœ†) ,
𝑓 󳨀→ 𝑓
𝐷+ 󳨀→ 𝑆𝐺𝐻+2 ,
𝐾 󳨀→ 𝐻+2 ⊝ 𝑆𝐺𝐻+2 ,
corresponding singular measure πœ‡ must be contained in the
set of poles 𝑆𝐺(πœ†). But in this case the singular measure πœ‡ is
a simple step function. If we require 𝑆𝐺(πœ†) to have no zeros
of infinite multiplicity, then πœ‡ = 0. So the singular factor
vanishes. The characteristic function 𝑆𝐺(πœ†) of the maximal
Μƒ 𝐺 has the form
dissipative operator 𝐿
𝑆𝐺 (πœ†) :=
𝑀 (πœ†) 𝐾 (πœ†) + 𝐺
𝑀 (πœ†) 𝐾 (πœ†) + 𝐺
where Im 𝐺 > 0.
Theorem 9. For all the values of 𝐺 with Im 𝐺 > 0, except
possibly for a single value 𝐺 = 𝐺0 , the characteristic function
Μƒ 𝐺 is a Blaschke
𝑆𝐺(πœ†) of the maximal dissipative operator 𝐿
product. The spectrum of 𝐿 𝐺 is purely discrete and belongs
Μƒ 𝐺(𝐺 =ΜΈ 𝐺0 ) has a
to the open upper half-plane. The operator 𝐿
countable number of isolated eigenvalues with finite multiplicity and limit points at infinity. The system of all eigenvectors and
Μƒ 𝐺 is complete in the space 𝐻.
associated vectors of the operator 𝐿
Proof. From (35), it is clear that 𝑆𝐺(πœ†) is an inner function
in the upper half-plane, and it is meromorphic in the whole
complex πœ†-plane. Therefore, it can be factored in the form
𝑆𝐺 (πœ†) = π‘’π‘–πœ†π‘ 𝐡𝐺 (πœ†) ,
𝑐 = 𝑐 (𝐺) ≥ 0,
where 𝐡𝐺(πœ†) is a Blaschke product. It follows from (42) that
Μƒ ) (πœ†) = π‘’π‘–πœ†π‘‘ 𝑓
Μƒ (πœ†) .
π‘ˆπ‘‘ 󳨀→ (𝐹− π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝐹−−1 𝑓
Μƒ 𝐺 is unitarily equivaThe formulas (40) show that operator 𝐿
lent to the model dissipative operator with the characteristic
function 𝑆𝐺(πœ†). We have thus proved the following theorem.
Theorem 8. The characteristic function of the maximal dissiΜƒ 𝐺 coincides with the function 𝑆𝐺(πœ†) defined
pative operator 𝐿
by (27).
4. The Spectral Properties of Dissipative
Sturm-Liouville Operators
By using characteristic function, the spectral properties of the
Μƒ 𝐺(𝐿 𝐾 ) can be investigated. The
maximal dissipative operator 𝐿
characteristic function of the maximal dissipative operator
Μƒ 𝐺 is known to lead to information of completeness about the
spectral properties of this operator. For instance, the absence
of a singular factor 𝑠(πœ†) of the characteristic function 𝑆𝐺(πœ†)
in the factorization det 𝑆𝐺(πœ†) = 𝑠(πœ†)𝐡(πœ†) (𝐡(πœ†) is a Blaschke
product) ensures completeness of the system of eigenvectors
Μƒ 𝐺(𝐿 𝐾 ) in the space
and associated vectors of the operator 𝐿
𝐿 2 (0, ∞) (see [10, 21, 30]). If the characteristic function 𝑆𝐺(πœ†)
has nontrivial singular factor, the system of eigenvectors
Μƒ 𝐺(𝐿 𝐾 ) can fail to
and associated vectors of the operator 𝐿
be complete. Because 𝑆𝐺(πœ†) is smooth, the support of the
󡄨 󡄨 π‘–πœ†π‘ 󡄨 󡄨
−𝑏(𝐺) Im πœ†
󡄨󡄨𝑆𝐺 (πœ†)󡄨󡄨󡄨 = 󡄨󡄨󡄨󡄨𝑒 󡄨󡄨󡄨󡄨 󡄨󡄨󡄨𝐡𝐺 (πœ†)󡄨󡄨󡄨 ≤ 𝑒
Im πœ† ≥ 0.
Further, expressing 𝑛𝐺(πœ†) := 𝑀(πœ†)𝐾(πœ†) in terms of 𝑆𝐺(πœ†), we
find from (35) that
𝑛𝐺 (πœ†) =
𝐺𝑆𝐺 (πœ†) − 𝐺
1 − 𝑆𝐺 (πœ†)
For a given value 𝐺 (Im 𝐺 > 0), if 𝑐(𝐺) > 0, then (43)
implies that lim𝑑 → +∞ 𝑆𝐺(𝑖𝑑) = 0, and then (44) gives us that
lim𝑑 → +∞ 𝑛𝐺(𝑖𝑑) = 𝐺0 . Since 𝑛𝐺(πœ†) does not depend on 𝐺, this
implies that 𝑐(𝐺) can be nonzero at not more than a single
point 𝐺 = 𝐺0 (and further 𝐺0 = −lim𝑑 → +∞ 𝑛𝐺(𝑖𝑑)). This
completes the proof.
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