Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012, Article ID 930385, 86 pages doi:10.1155/2012/930385 Research Article On the Parametric Stokes Phenomenon for Solutions of Singularly Perturbed Linear Partial Differential Equations Stéphane Malek UFR de Mathématiques, Université de Lille 1, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex, France Correspondence should be addressed to Stéphane Malek, stephane.malek@math.univ-lille1.fr Received 27 March 2012; Accepted 8 July 2012 Academic Editor: Roman Dwilewicz Copyright q 2012 Stéphane Malek. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We study a family of singularly perturbed linear partial differential equations with irregular type s k0 k1 t2 ∂t ∂Sz Xi t, z, t 1∂Sz Xi t, z, s,k0 ,k1 ∈S bs,k0 ,k1 z, t ∂t ∂z Xi t, z, in the complex domain. In a previous work, Malek 2012, we have given sufficient conditions under which the Borel transform of a formal solution to the above mentioned equation with respect to the perturbation parameter converges near the origin in C and can be extended on a finite number of unbounded sectors with small opening and bisecting directions, say κi ∈ 0, 2π, 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1 for some integer ν ≥ 2. The proof rests on the construction of neighboring sectorial holomorphic solutions to the first mentioned equation whose differences have exponentially small bounds in the perturbation parameter Stokes phenomenon for which the classical Ramis-Sibuya theorem can be applied. In this paper, we introduce new conditions for the Borel transform to be analytically continued in the larger sectors { ∈ C∗ /arg ∈ κi , κi1 }, where it develops isolated singularities of logarithmic type lying on some half lattice. In the proof, we use a criterion of analytic continuation of the Borel transform described by Fruchard and Schäfke 2011 and is based on a more accurate description of the Stokes phenomenon for the sectorial solutions mentioned above. 1. Introduction We consider a family of singularly perturbed linear partial differential equations of the form t2 ∂t ∂Sz Xi t, z, t 1∂Sz Xi t, z, s,k0 ,k1 ∈S bs,k0 ,k1 z, ts ∂kt 0 ∂kz1 Xi t, z, 1.1 for given initial conditions j ∂z Xi t, 0, ϕi,j t, , 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, 1.2 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis where is a complex perturbation parameter, S is some positive integer, ν is some positive integer larger than 2, and S is a finite subset of N3 with the property that there exists an integer b > 1 with S ≥ bs − k0 2 k1 , s ≥ 2k0 1.3 for all s, k0 , k1 ∈ S, and the coefficients bs,k0 ,k1 z, belong to O{z, } where O{z, } denotes the space of holomorphic functions in z, near the origin in C2 . In this work, we make the assumption that the coefficients of 1.1 factorize in the form bs,k0 ,k1 z, k0 bs,k0 ,k1 z, where bs,k0 ,k1 z, belong to O{z, }. The initial data ϕi,j t, are assumed to be holomorphic functions on a product of two sectors T × Ei , where T is a fixed bounded sector centered at 0 and Ei , 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, are sectors with opening larger than π centered at the origin whose union form a covering of V \ {0}, where V is some neighborhood of 0. For all / 0, this family belongs to a class of partial differential equations which have a so-called irregular singularity at t 0 in the sense of 1. In the previous work 2, we have given sufficient conditions on the initial data ϕi,j t, , for the existence of a formal series z, Xt, Hk t, zk k≥0 k! ∈ OT{z} 1.4 solution of 1.1, with holomorphic coefficients Hk t, z on T × D0, δ for some disc D0, δ, with δ > 0, such that, for all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, the solution Xi t, z, of the problem 1.1, on Ei . In 1.2 defines a holomorphic function on T × D0, δ × Ei which is the 1-sum of X with respect to other words, for all fixed t, z ∈ T × D0, δ, the Borel transform of X 2 k defined as BXs k≥0 Hk t, zs /k! is holomorphic on some disc D0, s0 and can be analytically continued with exponential growth to sectors Gκi , centered at 0, with infinite radius and with the bisecting direction κi ∈ 0, 2π of the sector Ei . But in general, due to the fact that the functions Xi do not coincide on the intersections Ei ∩ Ei1 known as the Stokes phenomenon, the Borel transform cannot be analytically extended to the whole sectors Sκi ,κi1 {s ∈ C∗ / args ∈ κi , κi1 } for all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, where by convention κν κ0 , Eν E0 , and Xν X0 . In this work, we address the question of the possibility of analytic continuation, location of singularities, and behaviour near these singularities of the Borel transform within the sector Sκi ,κi1 . More precisely, our goal is to give stronger conditions on the initial data can be analytically continued to the fullϕi,j t, under which the Borel transform BXs punctured sector Sκi ,κi1 except a half lattice of points λk/t, k ∈ N \ {0}, depending on t and some well-chosen complex number λ ∈ C∗ and moreover develop logarithmic singularities at λk/t Theorem 5.8. In a recent paper of Fruchard and Schäfke, see 3, an analogous study has been performed for formal WKB solutions yx, expx2 /2 − x3 /3/x−1/2 x − 1−1/2 v x, to the singularly perturbed Schrödinger equation 2 y x, x2 x − 12 yx, , 1.5 Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 where v x, n≥0 yn xn is a formal series with holomorphic coefficients yn on some domain avoiding 0 and 1. The authors show that the Borel transform of v with respect to converges near the origin and can be analytically continued along any path avoiding some lattices of points depending on x2 /2 − x3 /3. We also mention that formal parametric Stokes phenomenon for 1-dimensional stationary linear Schrödinger equation 2 y z Qzyz, where Qz is a polynomial, has been investigated by several other authors using WKB analysis, see 4–6. In a more general framework, analytic continuation properties related with the Stokes phenomenon have been studied by several authors in different contexts. For nonlinear systems of ODEs with irregular singularity at ∞ of the form yz fz, yz and for nonlinear systems of difference equations yz 1 gz, yz, under nonresonance conditions, we refer to 7, 8. For linearizations procedures for holomorphic germs of C, 0 in the resonant case, we make mention to 9, 10. For analytic conjugation of vector fields in C2 to normal forms, we indicate 11, 12. For Hamiltonian nonlinear first-order partial differential equations, we notice 13. In the proof of our main result, we will use a criterion for the analytic continuation of the Borel transform described by Fruchard and Schäfke in 3 Theorem FS in Theorem 5.8. Following this criterion, in order to prove the analytic continuation of the Borel transform BXs, say, on the sector Sκ0 ,κ1 , for any fixed t, z ∈ T × D0, δ, we need to have a complete description of the Stokes relation between the solutions X0 and X1 of the form X1 t, z, − X0 t, z, m iα e−ah / Xh,0 t, z, O e−Ce / 1.6 h1 for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 , for some integer m ≥ 1, where {ah }1≤h≤m is a set of aligned complex numbers such that argah α ∈ κ0 , κ1 with |ak | < C for some C > 0 and Xh,0 t, z, , h ∈ OT × D0, δ on E0 . If the relation h ≥ 1, are the 1-sums of some formal series G 1.6 holds, then BXs can be analytically continued along any path in the punctured sector Sκ0 ,κ1 ∩ D0, C \ {ah }1≤h≤m and has logarithmic growth as s tends to ah in a sector. Actually, under suitable conditions on the initial data ϕi,j t, , we have shown that such a relation holds for ak λk/t, for some well-chosen λ ∈ C∗ and for all k ≥ 1, see 5.145 in Theorem 5.8. In order to establish such a Stokes relation 1.6, we proceed in several steps. In the first step, following the same strategy as in 2, using the linear map T → T/ t, we transform the problem 1.1 into an auxiliary regularly perturbed singular linear partial differential equation which has an irregular singularity at T 0 and whose coefficients have poles with respect to at the origin, see 4.9. Then, for λ ∈ C∗ , we construct a formal transseries expansion of the form Y T, z, exp−λh/T h≥0 h! Yh T, z, 1.7 m solution of the problem 4.9, 4.10, where each Yh T, z, m≥0 Yh,m z, T /m! is a formal series in T with coefficients Yh,m z, , which are holomorphic on a punctured polydisc D0, δ × D0, 0 \ {0}. We show that the Borel transform of each Yh T, z, with respect to T , defined by Vh τ, z, m≥0 Yh,m z, τ m /m!2 , satisfies an integrodifferential Cauchy problem with rational coefficients in τ, holomorphic with respect to τ, z near the origin and meromorphic in with a pole at zero, see 4.20, 4.21. For well-chosen λ and suitable 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis initial data, we show that each Vh τ, z, defines a holomorphic function near the origin with respect to τ, z and on a punctured disc with respect to and can be analytically continued to functions Vh,i τ, z, defined on the products Si ×D0, δ×Ei , where Si , 0 ≤ i ≤ ν−1 are suitable open sectors with small opening and infinite radius. Moreover, the functions Vh,i τ, z, have exponential growth rate with respect to τ, , namely, there exist A, B, K > 0 such that sup |Vh,i τ, z, | ≤ Ah!Bh eK|τ|/|| z∈D0,δ 1.8 for all τ, z, in their domain of definition and all h ≥ 0 Proposition 4.12. In order to get these estimates, we use the Banach spaces depending on two parameters β ∈ N and with norms || · ||β, of functions vτ bounded by expKβ |τ|/|| for some bounded sequence Kβ already introduced in 2. If one expands the functions Vh,i τ, z, β≥0 vh,i,β τ, zβ /β! with respect to z, we show that the generating function h≥0,β≥0 ||vh,i,β τ, ||β, uh xβ /h!β! can be majorized by a series Wi u, x which satisfies a Cauchy problem of Kowalevski type 4.47, 4.48 and is therefore convergent near the origin in C2 . − 1 as Laplace We construct a sequence of actual functions Yh,i T, z, , h ≥ 0, 0 ≤ i ≤ ν √ transform of the functions Vh,i τ, z, with respect to τ along a halfline Li R e −1γ ⊂ Si ∪{0}. We show that the functions Xh,i t, z, Yh,i t, z, are holomorphic functions on the domain T × D0, δ × Ei and that the functions Gh,i : Xh,i1 t, z, − Xh,i t, z, are exponentially flat as tends to 0 on Ei1 ∩ Ei as OT × D0, δ-valued functions. In the proof, we use, as in 2, a deformation of the integration’s path in Xh,i and the estimates 1.8. Using the Ramis-Sibuya theorem Theorem RS in Proposition 4.15, we deduce that h ∈ OT × D0, δ on Ei , for each Xh,i t, z, is the 1-sum of a formal series G 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1 Proposition 4.15. We notice that the functions X0,i t, z, actually coincide with the functions Xi t, z, mentioned above solving the problem 1.1, 1.2. We deduce that, for a suitable choice of λ, the function Z0 t, z, exp−λh/t h≥0 h! Xh,0 t, z, 1.9 solves 1.1 on the domain T × D0, δ × E0 ∩ E1 . In the second part of the proof, we establish the connection formula X0,1 t, z, Z0 t, z, which is exactly the Stokes relation 1.6 on T × D0, δ × E0 ∩ E1 Proposition 5.2. The strategy we follow consists in expressing both functions X0,1 and Z0 as Laplace transforms of objects that are no longer functions in general but distributions supported on R which are called staircase distributions in the terminology of 8. We stress the fact that such representations of transseries expansions as generalized Laplace transforms were introduced for the first time by Costin in the paper 8. Notice that similar arguments have been used in the work 14 to study the Stokes phenomenon for sectorial holomorphic solutions to linear integro-differential equations with irregular singularity. In Lemma 5.5, we show that Z0 can be written as a generalized Laplace transform in the direction argλ of a staircase distribution Vr, z, β≥0 Vβ r, zβ /β! ∈ D σ, , δ, which is a convergent series in z on D0, δ with coefficients Vβ r, in some Banach spaces of on R depending on the parameters β and see Definition 2.3. staircase distributions Dβ,σ, We observe that the distribution Vr, z, solves moreover an integro-differential Cauchy problem with rational coefficients in r, holomorphic with respect to z near the origin and Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 meromorphic with respect to at zero, see 5.80, 5.81. The idea of proof consists in showing that each function Xh,0 t, z, can be expressed as a Laplace transform in a sequence of directions ζn tending to argλ of a sequence of staircase distributions Vh,n r, z, which are actually convergent series in z with coefficients that are C∞ functions in r on R with exponential growth. Moreover, each distribution Vh,n r, z, solves an integro-differential Cauchy problem 5.37, 5.38, whose coefficients tend to the coefficients of an integrodifferential equation 5.39, 5.40, as n tends to ∞, having a unique staircase distribution solution Vh,∞ r, z, . Under the hypothesis that the initial data 5.38 converge to 5.40 as n → ∞, we show that the sequence Vh,n r, z, converges to Vh,∞ r, z, in the Banach space D σ, , δ with precise norm estimates with respect to h and n Lemma 5.3. In order to show this convergence, we use a majorazing series method together with a version of the classical Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem Proposition 2.22 in some spaces of analytic functions near the origin in C2 with dependence on initial conditions and coefficients applied to the auxiliary problem 5.66, 5.68. Using a continuity property of the Laplace transform 3.5, we show that each function Xh,0 t, z, can be actually expressed as the Laplace transform of Vh,∞ r, z, in the direction argλ and finally that Z0 itself is the Laplace transform of some staircase distribution Vr, z, solving 5.80, 5.81. On the other hand, in Lemma 5.7, under suitable conditions on ϕ1,j t, , 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, we can also write X0,1 t, z, as a generalized Laplace transform in the direction argλ of the staircase distribution mentioned above Vr, z, solving 5.80, 5.81. Therefore, the equality X0,1 t, z, Z0 t, z, holds on T × D0, δ × E0 ∩ E1 . The method of proof consists again in showing that X0,1 t, z, can be written as Laplace transform in a sequence of directions ξn tending to argλ of a sequence of staircase distributions Vn r, z, which are actually convergent series in z with coefficients that are C∞ functions in r on R with exponential growth. Moreover, each distribution Vn r, z, solves an integro-differential Cauchy problem 5.98, 5.99, whose coefficients tend to the coefficients of the integrodifferential equation 5.80. Under the assumption that the initial data 5.99 converge to the initial data 5.81, we show that the sequence Vn r, z, converges to the solution of 5.80, 5.81 i.e., Vr, z, in the Banach space D σ, , δ, as n → ∞, see Lemma 5.6. This convergence result is obtained again by using a majorazing series technique which reduces the problem to the study of some linear differential equation 5.106, 5.109, whose coefficients and initial data tend to zero as n → ∞. Finally, by continuity of the Laplace transform, X0,1 t, z, can be written as the Laplace transform of Vr, z, in direction argλ. After Theorem 5.8, we give an application to the construction of solutions to some specific singular linear partial differential equations in C3 having logarithmic singularities at the points λk/t, t, z, for k ∈ N \ {0}. We show that under the hypothesis that the coefficients turns out to solve the linear partial bs,k0 ,k1 are polynomials in , the Borel transform BXs differential equation 5.149. We would like to mention that there exists a huge literature on the study of complex singularities and analytic continuation of solutions to linear partial differential equations starting from the fundamental contributions of Leray in 15. Several authors have considered Cauchy problems ax, Dux 0, where ax, D is a differential operator of some order m ≥ 1, for initial data ∂hx0 u|x0 0 wh , 0 ≤ h < m. Under specific hypotheses on the symbol ax, ξ, precise descriptions of the solutions of these problems are given near the singular locus of the initial data wh . For meromorphic initial data, we may refer to 16–18 and for more general ramified multivalued initial data, we may cite 19–23. The layout of this work is as follows. In Section 2, we introduce Banach spaces of formal series whose coefficients belong to spaces of staircase distributions and we study continuity properties for the actions of 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis multiplication by C∞ functions and integro-differential operators on these spaces. In this section, we also exhibit a Cauchy Kowalevski theorem for linear partial differential problems in some space of analytic functions near the origin in C2 with dependence of their solutions on the coefficients and initial data which will be useful to show the connection formula 5.28 stated in Section 5. In Section 3, we recall the definition of a Laplace transform of a staircase distribution as introduced in 8 and we give useful commutation formulas with respect to multiplication by polynomials, exponential functions, and derivation. In Section 4, we construct formal and analytic transseries solutions to the singularly perturbed partial differential equation with irregular singularity 1.1. In Section 5, we establish the crucial connection formula relying on the analytic transseries solution Z0 t, z, and the solution X0,1 t, z, of 1.1. Finally, we state the main result of the paper which asserts that the Borel transform BXs in the perturbation parameter of the formal solution Xt, z, of 1.1 can be analytically continued along any path in the punctured sector Sκ0 ,κ1 \ ∪h≥1 {λh/t} and has logarithmic growth as s tends to λh/t in a sector for all h ≥ 1. 2. Banach Spaces of Formal Series with Coefficients in Spaces of Staircase Distributions: A Cauchy Problem in Spaces of Analytic Functions 2.1. Weighted Banach Spaces of Distributions We define DR to be the space of complex valued C∞ -functions with compact support in R , where R is the set of the positive real numbers x > 0. We also denote by D R the space of distributions on R . For f ∈ D R , we write f k the k-derivative of f in the sense of distribution, for k ≥ 0, with the convention f 0 f. Definition 2.1. A distribution f ∈ D R is called staircase if f can be written in the form f ∞ k , Δk f 2.1 k0 for unique integrable functions Δk f ∈ L1 R such that the support suppΔk f of Δk f is in k, k 1 for all k ≥ 0. Remark 2.2. Given a compact set K ∈ R , a general distribution Λ ∈ D R can always be written as a k-derivative of a continuous function on R restricted to the test functions with support in K, where k depends on K, see 24. β Definition 2.3. Let σ > 0 be a real number, b > 1 an integer and let rb β n0 1/n 1b for all integers β ≥ 0. Let E be an open sector centered at 0 and let ∈ E. We denote by Lβ,σ, the vector space of all locally integrable functions f ∈ L1loc R such that fr : β,σ, ∞ 0 fτ exp − σ rb β τ dτ || 2.2 Abstract and Applied Analysis 7 the vector space of staircase distributions f is finite. We denote by Dβ,σ, such that ∞ f β,σ,,d k0 ∞ k k0 Δk f σ k Δk f rb β β,σ, || 2.3 is finite. , then f ∈ Dβ ,σ, for all β ≥ β and Remark 2.4. Let , σ, β such that || < σrb β. If f ∈ Dβ,σ, we have that h → ||f||h,σ,,d is a decreasing sequence on β, ∞. Likewise, if f ∈ Dβ, , then σ , f ∈ Dβ,σ, for all σ ≥ σ and we have that σ → ||f||β,σ,,d is a decreasing sequence on σ , ∞. Let H be the Heaviside one-step function defined by Hr 1, if r ≥ 0 and Hr 0, if r < 0. Let P the operator defined on distributions T ∈ D R by PT H ∗ T . For a subset A ⊂ R, we denote by 1A the function which is equal to 1 on A and 0 elsewhere. The proofs of the following Lemmas 2.5 and 2.6, Propositions 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, and Corollary 2.10 are given in the appendix of 25, see also 8. Lemma 2.5. Let k ≥ 0 and f F k ∈ D R , where F ∈ L1 R and suppF ⊂ k, ∞. Then f is a staircase distribution and the decomposition of f has the following terms Δ0 Δ1 · · · Δk−1 0, Δk F1k,k1 and for n ≥ 1, Δkn Gn 1kn,kn1 where Gn PGn−1 1kn,∞ and G0 F. Lemma 2.6. Let f be as in Lemma 2.5 and , σ, β such that || < σrb β. Then, one has Δkn β,σ, ≤ −n σ rb β || Fβ,σ, , 2.4 nn−1 Fβ,σ, . n − 1! 2.5 if n 0, 1, 2 and for n ≥ 3, Δkn β,σ, ≤ e2−nσ/||rb β Proposition 2.7. Let f ∈ Lβ,σ/2, and , σ, β such that || < σrb β/2. Then f belongs to Dβ,σ, and the decomposition 2.1 of f has the following terms Δn Gn 1n,n1 with Gn PGn−1 1n,∞ and G0 f, for n ≥ 0. Moreover, there exists a universal constant C1 > 0 such that ||f||β,σ,,d ≤ C1 ||f||β,σ/2, . Proposition 2.8. The set DR of C∞ -functions with compact support in R is dense in Dβ,σ, for all β ≥ 0, σ > 0 and ∈ E. , we have f ∗ f ∈ Dβ,σ, . Proposition 2.9. Let , σ, β such that || < σrb β. For all f, f ∈ Dβ,σ, Moreover, there exists a universal constant C2 > 0 such that f ∗ f β,σ,,d for all f, f ∈ Dβ,σ, . ≤ C2 f β,σ,,d f β,σ,,d 2.6 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis ∗k In this paper, for all integers k ≥ 1, we will denote ∂−k r fr the convolution H ∗ f for ∗k all f ∈ Dβ,σ, where H stands for the convolution product of H with itself k − 1 times for k ≥ 2 and with the convention that H∗1 H. From Propositions 2.7 and 2.9, we deduce the following. , Corollary 2.10. Let , σ, β be such that || < σrb β and let k ≥ 1 be an integer. For all f ∈ Dβ,σ, one has ∂−k r fr ∈ Dβ,σ, . Moreover, there exists a universal constant C3 > 0 such that −k ∂r fr ≤ C3 β,σ,,d || σrb β k fr β,σ,,d 2.7 for all f ∈ Dβ,σ, . In the next proposition, we study norm estimates for the multiplication by bounded analytic functions. Proposition 2.11. Let σ and β ≥ 0 such that 3 σ 1−σ/||rb β rb β e < 1, 2 || || < σrb β , 2.8 and let h be a C∞ -function on R such that there exist constants Ch > 0, μ > 0 and ρ > ||/σrb β such that q! q h r ≤ Ch q1 ρ rμ 2.9 , we have hrfr ∈ Dβ,σ, . Moreover, there exists a constant for all r ∈ R . Then, for all f ∈ Dβ,σ, C4 > 0 (depending on μ, ρ) such that hrfr β,σ,,d ≤ C4 Ch fr β,σ,,d 2.10 . for all f ∈ Dβ,σ, Proof. The proof can be found in 14 and is inspired from 25, Lemma 2.9.1, but for the sake of completeness, we sketch it below. Without loss of generality, we can assume that f has the k following form ft Δk t, where Δk ∈ L1 R with suppΔk ∈ k, k 1, for k ≥ 1. Put k−j tΔk t. Then, suppgk,j t ⊂ k, k 1. gk,j t h From the Leibniz formula, we get the identity k htΔk t j k k! j gk,j t. j0 j! k − j ! 2.11 On the other hand, one can rewrite gk,j t Pk−j gk,j k , where suppPk−j gk,j ∈ k, ∞ and Pq denotes the qth iteration of P. Abstract and Applied Analysis 9 j j Due to Lemma 2.5, gk,j can be written gk,j ∞ l lk Δl,j , with Δl,j Gl,j 1l,l1 , Gl,j PGl−1,j 1l,∞ and Gk,j Pk−j gk,j . Therefore, we get the following identity k htΔk t htΔk tk k−1 k−1 ∞ k! k! l . k Δ Δ k,j l,j j! k − j ! j! k − j ! j0 j0 lk1 2.12 First of all, we have htΔk tk β,σ,,d ≤ k ∞ σrb β |htΔk t|e−σrb βt/|| dt || 0 Ch ρμ 2.13 k σrb β Δk tβ,σ, , || where Ch > 0 is given in 2.9. From Lemma 2.6, we have the estimates Δkn,j β,σ, Δl,j β,σ, ≤ || σrb β n k−j gk,j P β,σ, , 2.14 l − kl−k−1 k−j ≤ e2−l−kσ/||rb β gk,j , P β,σ, l − k − 1! for n 0, 1, 2 and all l ≥ k 3. Now, we give estimates for ||Pk−j gk,j ||β,σ, . Using the Taylor formula with integral remainder and the hypothesis 2.9, we get t k−j ! t − sk−j−1 k−j gk,j t ≤ Ch |Δk s|ds. P k − j − 1 ! k ρ s μ 1k−j 2.15 Hence, from the Fubini theorem and the identity ∞ e −σrb β/||t t − s k−j−1 dt e −σrb β/||s s k−j ! || σrb β k−j , 2.16 we deduce ∞ e−σrb β/||t P k−j gk,j tdt k ≤ Ch k − j k−j ! || σrb β k−j ∞ k |Δk s| e−σrb β/||s 1k−j ds ρ sμ 2.17 10 Abstract and Applied Analysis and hence k−j gk,j t P β,σ, k−j Ch k − j k − j ! || ≤ Δk sβ,σ, . 1k−j σrb β ρ kμ 2.18 From 2.14 and 2.18, we obtain k! kn ≤ Ch Ak Δ t kn,j β,σ,,d j0 j! k − j ! k−1 k σrb β Δk sβ,σ, , || 2.19 for n 0, 1, 2, all k ≥ 1, where k−j k! k − j || . Ak 1k−j σrb β j0 j! ρ k μ k−1 2.20 Now, we need to estimate Ak . Due to the Stirling formula, k! ∼ kk e−k 2πk1/2 as k tends to infinity, there exists a universal constant C4,1 > 0 such that j k−1 k − j k μ σrb β /|| ρ 1 1/2 −k Ak ≤ C4,1 2πk e k k kμ ρ kμ j! σrb β /|| ρ j0 kk 2.21 for all k ≥ 1. Using the hypothesis σrb βρ/|| ≥ 1, we have j j k−1 j k−1 k−2 k μ j σrb β /|| ρ kμ kμ kμ k . −μ k−j k−j k ≤ j! j! j! k − 1! σrb β /|| ρ j0 j0 2.22 k−1 j0 Using again the Stirling formula, we get a constant C4,μ > 0 depending on μ such that k−1 kμ k ≤ C4,μ k1/2 ek k − 1! 2.23 k−2 k μ j ∞ k μ j μ ≤μ μekμ . j! j! j0 j0 2.24 for all k ≥ 1. Moreover, Hence, j j σrb β /|| ρ kμ 1/2 μ ek ≤ C k μe k−j 4,μ k j! σrb β /|| ρ k−1 j0 2.25 Abstract and Applied Analysis 11 for all k ≥ 1. Finally, we obtain a constant C4,μ,ρ > 0 depending only on ρ, μ such that Ak ≤ C4,μ,ρ 2.26 for all k ≥ 1. From 2.14 and 2.18, we have ∞ k! l k ≤ Ch Ak A Δl,j β,σ,,d j0 j! k − j ! lk3 k−1 k σrb β Δk sβ,σ, , || 2.27 where k A ∞ lk3 l−k h l−k−1 ∞ σrb β σrb β hh−1 2−l−kσrb β/|| l − k . e e2−hσrb β/|| l − k − 1! h − 1! || || h3 2.28 k , k ≥ 1, is a bounded sequence. Again, by the Stirling formula, Now, we show that A we get a universal constant C4,2 > 0 such that h−1 ∞ 1 σ σ σ h h exp h 1 − rb β rb β Ak ≤ C4,2 exp 2 rb β h−1 || || || 2πh − 11/2 h3 ∞ h 3σ/||rb β σ σ exp 1 − rb β ≤ C4,2 exp 2 rb β . 2 || || h3 2.29 From the assumption 2.8 and the estimates that for all m1 , m2 > 0 two real numbers, we have supx m1 x≥0 exp−m2 x m1 m2 m1 e−m1 , 2.30 we get a constant 0 < δ < 1 such that 3 k ≤ C4,2 e A 1−δ 3 3σ/||rb β 36 C4,2 σ exp − rb β ≤ 3 2 || 2 1 − δ 2.31 for all k ≥ 1. Finally, from the equality 2.12 and estimates 2.13, 2.19, 2.26, 2.27 and 2.31, k we get a constant C4,μ,ρ,1 > 0 depending only on μ, ρ such that ||htΔk t||β,σ,,d ≤ k Ch C4,μ,ρ,1 ||Δk t||β,σ,,d for all k ≥ 1. It remains to consider the case k 0. 12 Abstract and Applied Analysis When k 0, let ft Δ0 t ∈ L1 R , with suppΔ0 ∈ 0, 1. By definition, we can write htΔ0 tβ,σ,,d htΔ0 tβ,σ, σrb β Ch Ch t dt ≤ |ht||Δ0 t| exp − Δ0 tβ,σ, Δ0 tβ,σ,,d . ρμ ρμ || 0 2.32 1 In the next proposition, we study norm estimates for the multiplication by polynomials. Proposition 2.12. Let σ and β ≥ 0 such that 3 σ 1−σ/||rb β rb β e < 1, 2 || || < σ 2.33 , one has r s1 fr ∈ Dβ,σ, . Moreover, there and let s1 , k2 ≥ 1 be integers. Then, for all f ∈ Dβ−k 2 ,σ, exists a constant C5 > 0 (depending on s1 ,σ) such that s bs r 1 fr ≤ C5 ||s1 β 1 1 fr β−k2 ,σ,,d β,σ,,d 2.34 for all f ∈ Dβ−k . 2 ,σ, Proof. The proof is an adaptation of Proposition 2.11. Without loss of generality, we can k assume that f has the following form ft Δk t where Δk ∈ L1 R with suppΔk ∈ s1 k, k 1, for k ≥ 1. We also put ht t . Let gk,j t hk−j tΔk t. Then, suppgk,j t ⊂ k, k 1. From the Leibniz formula, we get the identity k htΔk t k k! j gk,j t. j! k − j ! j0 2.35 j On the other hand, one can rewrite gk,j t Pk−j gk,j k , where suppPk−j gk,j ∈ k, ∞ and Pq denotes the qth iteration of P. j j l Due to Lemma 2.5, gk,j can be written gk,j ∞ lk Δl,j , with Δl,j Gl,j 1l,l1 , Gl,j PGl−1,j 1l,∞ and Gk,j Pk−j gk,j . Therefore, we get the following identity as: k htΔk t htΔk tk k−1 k−1 ∞ k! k! l . k Δ Δ k,j l,j j! k − j ! j! k − j ! j0 j0 lk1 2.36 Abstract and Applied Analysis 13 1 We first give estimates for ||htΔk tk ||β,σ,,d . We write htΔk tk β,σ,,d k ∞ σrb β σ τ s1 |Δk τ| exp − rb β τ dτ || || 0 k k rb β σrb β − k2 || rb β − k2 k1 σ τ s1 exp − rb β − rb β − k2 τ || k σ × |Δk τ| exp − rb β − k2 τ dτ || k k1 σrb β − k2 σ ≤ A , β |Δk τ| exp − rb β − k2 τ dτ, || || k 2.37 × where ⎛ ⎞ k rb β σ A , β sup⎝ rb β − rb β − k2 k ⎠. k 1s1 exp − || rb β − k2 k≥1 2.38 Now, we gives estimates for A, β. We write k rb β σ rb β − rb β − k2 k k 1s1 exp − || rb β − k2 σ s1 k 1 exp −k ψ rb β − ψ rb β − k2 || σ s1 s1 ψ rb β − ψ rb β − k2 , ≤ 2 k exp −k || 2.39 where ψx x − ||/σ logx for all k ≥ 1. From the Taylor formula applied to ψ on rb β − k2 , rb β, we get that ψ rb β − ψ rb β − k2 ≥ 1− k2 || || rb β − rb β − k2 ≥ 1 − σ σ β 1b 2.40 for all β ≥ k2 . Now, we recall that for all m1 , m2 > 0 two real numbers, we have sup xm1 exp−m2 x x≥0 m1 m2 m1 e−m1 . 2.41 14 Abstract and Applied Analysis From 2.39, 2.40 and 2.41, we deduce that A , β ≤ 2 s1 s1 e−1 1 − ||/σk2 σ s 1 bs ||s1 β 1 1 2.42 for all β ≥ k2 . From 2.37 and 2.42, we deduce that htΔk tk ≤2 s1 β,σ,,d s1 e−1 1 − ||/σk2 σ s 1 bs ||s1 β 1 1 ft β−k2 ,σ,,d . 2.43 l,j ||β,σ, for all 0 ≤ j ≤ k − 1 and all l ≥ k. From Lemma 2.6, 2 We give estimates for ||Δ we have the estimates Δkn,j β,σ, Δl,j β,σ, ≤ || σrb β n k−j gk,j P β,σ, , l − kl−k−1 k−j ≤ e2−l−kσ/||rb β gk,j , P β,σ, l − k − 1! 2.44 for n 0, 1, 2 and all l ≥ k 3. Now, we give estimates for ||Pk−j gk,j ||β,σ, . Using the Taylor formula with integral remainder, we have that t k−j gk,j t ≤ P 1 k−j −1 ! t − sk−j−1 hk−j sΔk sds, 2.45 k and from the classical identity ∞ s k−j ! σ σ k−j−1 exp − rb β t t − s dt exp − rb β s k−j || || σ/||rb β 2.46 we get from the Fubini theorem that k−j gk,j t P β,σ, ∞ σ k−j gk,j t exp − rb β t dt P || k ∞ ∞ σ t − sk−j−1 ≤ exp − rb β t dt hk−j sΔk sds || k−j −1 ! k s 1 σ/||rb β k−j k−j ∞ k σ k−j exp − rb β s h sΔk sds. || 2.47 Abstract and Applied Analysis 15 Again, we write ∞ k σ k−j exp − rb β s h sΔk sds || ∞ σ σ k−j rb β − rb β − k2 s |Δk s| exp − rb β − k2 s ds. s exp − h || || k 2.48 From the expression of h, we have that s s1 !ss1 k−j s1 !s 1 s ≤ k−j ≤ k−j h s k 2.49 for all s ≥ k, if 1 ≤ k − j ≤ s1 , and hk−j s 0, if k − j > s1 . Using 2.49 in the right-hand side of the equality 2.48, we deduce from 2.47 that k−j gk,j t P β,σ, k−j k1 σ || rb β − rb β − k2 s ≤ s1 ! k−j × ss1 exp − || σrb β k k σ × |Δk s| exp − rb β − k2 s ds || 2.50 k−j if 1 ≤ k − j ≤ s1 , and ||Pk−j gk,j t||β,σ, 0 if k − j > s1 . kn 3 We give estimates for k−1 j0 k!||Δkn,j ||β,σ,,d /j!k − j!, for n 0, 1, 2. From the estimates 2.44 and 2.50, we get that k! kn ≤ Δ kn,j β,σ,,d j0 j! k − j ! k−1 k−j k−j k! || s1 ! k−j σrb β k j≥0,j≥k−s1 j! k − j ! k−1 k k1 σrb β σ rb β − rb β − k2 s × ss1 exp − || || k σ × |Δk s| exp − rb β − k2 s ds. || 2.51 From 2.37 and 2.42, we deduce from 2.51 that k! kn ≤ Ak 2s1 Δ kn,j β,σ,,d j! k − j ! j0 k−1 s1 e−1 1 − ||/σk2 σ s 1 bs ||s1 β 1 1 ft β−k2 ,σ,,d , 2.52 16 Abstract and Applied Analysis where k−1 k!s1 ! Ak j! k − j − 1 !kk−j jk−s1 ,j≥0 || σrb β k−j 2.53 for all k ≥ 1, and n 0, 1, 2. Now, we show that Ak , k ≥ 1, is a bounded sequence. We have k! Ak ≤ s1 ! k k s −1 1 kk−s1 m k − s1 m!s1 − m − 1! m0 2.54 for all k ≥ s1 . From the Stirling formula which asserts that k! ∼ kk e−k 2πk1/2 as k → ∞, we get a universal constant C1 > 0 and a constant C2 > 0 depending on s1 , m such that k! ≤ C1 e−k 2πk1/2 , kk k!ek ek kk−s1 m ≤ C1 ≤ C 2 k − s1 m! k − s1 m!2πk1/2 ks1 −m 2πk1/2 2.55 for all k ≥ 1. From 2.54, 2.55, we get a constant C3 > 0 depending on s1 such that Ak ≤ C3 2.56 for all k ≥ 1. ∞ l 4 We give estimates for k−1 j0 k!/j!k − j! lk3 ||Δl,j ||β,σ,,d . From the estimates 2.44 and 2.50, we get that ∞ k! l ≤ Δl,j β,σ,,d j0 j! k − j ! lk3 k−1 k−1 k! s1 ! k−j j! k − j − 1 ! k j≥0,j≥k−s1 || σrb β k−j k k1 σrb β σ rb β − rb β − k2 s × ss1 exp − || || k σ × |Δk s| exp − rb β − k2 s ds || ∞ σ l − kl−k−1 σ l−k exp 2 − l − k rb β . rb β × l − k − 1! || || lk3 2.57 Again from 2.37 and 2.42, we deduce from 2.57 that ∞ k! l ≤ Bk 2s1 Δl,j β,σ,,d j! k − j ! j0 lk3 k−1 s1 e−1 1 − ||/σk2 σ s 1 bs ||s1 β 1 1 ft β−k2 ,σ,,d , 2.58 Abstract and Applied Analysis 17 k and where Bk Ak A k A ∞ σ lk3 || ∞ σ h3 || rb β σ l − kl−k−1 exp 2 − l − k rb β l − k − 1! || l−k h rb β h−1 σ h exp 2 − h rb β h − 1! || 2.59 k is a bounded sequence. for all k ≥ 1. Now, we remind from 2.31 that A Finally, from 2.31, 2.36, 2.43, 2.52, 2.56, and 2.58, we deduce a constant C5 > 0 depending on s1 , σ such that k htΔk t β,σ,,d bs k ≤ C5 ||s1 β 1 1 Δk β−k2 ,σ,,d , 2.60 which gives the result. It remains to consider the case k 0. When k 0, let ft Δ0 t ∈ L1 R , with suppΔ0 ∈ 0, 1. By definition, we can write htΔ0 tβ,σ,,d htΔ0 tβ,σ, 1 0 σ σ τ s1 exp − rb β − rb β − k2 τ |Δ0 τ| exp − rb β − k2 τ dτ. || || 2.61 Using 2.41, we deduce from 2.61 that htΔ0 tβ,σ,,d ≤ s1 e−1 σk2 s1 e−1 σk2 s1 bs ||s1 β 1 1 s1 || 1 σ |Δ0 τ| exp − rb β − k2 τ dτ || 0 bs β 1 1 ft β−k2 ,σ,,d . s1 2.62 Hence there exists a constant C5,1 > 0 depending on s1 , σ such that bs htft ≤ C5,1 ||s1 β 1 1 ft β−k2 ,σ,,d , β,σ,,d 2.63 which yields the result. Proposition 2.13. Let σ > σ > 0 be real numbers such that 3 σ 1−σ/||rb β rb β e < 1, 2 || || < σ . 2.64 18 Abstract and Applied Analysis , one has r s1 fr ∈ Dβ,σ, . Moreover, there Let s1 ≥ 0 be a nonnegative integer. Then, for all f ∈ Dβ, σ , exists a constant C6 > 0 (depending on s1 , σ, σ ) such that s r 1 fr ≤ C6 ||s1 fr β,σ ,,d β,σ,,d 2.65 for all f ∈ Dβ,σ, . Proof. The line of reasoning will follow the proof of Proposition 2.12. We start from the identity 2.36. 1 We first give estimates for ||htΔk tk ||β,σ,,d . We write htΔk tk β,σ,,d k ∞ σrb β σ s1 τ |Δk τ| exp − rb β τ dτ || || 0 k k k1 σ rb β σ σ − σ s1 rb β τ τ exp − σ || || k σ × |Δk τ| exp − rb β τ dτ || k k1 σ rb β σ ≤ A , β |Δk τ| exp − rb β τ dτ, || || k 2.66 where k σ σ − σ s1 . rb β k k 1 exp − σ || k≥1 , β sup A 2.67 β. We write Now, we give estimates for A, k rb β σ σ − σ s1 s1 rb β k k 1 exp −k ϕσ − ϕ σ k 1 exp − σ || || rb β s1 s1 ≤ 2 k exp −k ϕσ − ϕ σ , || 2.68 where ϕx x − ||/rb β logx, for all k ≥ 1. From the Taylor formula applied to ϕ on σ , σ, we get that ϕσ − ϕ σ ≥ || 1− σ − σ . σ 2.69 Abstract and Applied Analysis 19 From 2.68, 2.69, and 2.41, we deduce that , β ≤ 2 A s1 s1 e−1 σ σ − σ 1 − ||/ s 1 ||s1 . 2.70 From 2.66 and 2.70, we get that htΔk tk β,σ,,d ≤2 s1 s1 e−1 σ σ − σ 1 − ||/ s 1 ||s1 ft β,σ ,,d . 2.71 l,j ||β,σ, , for all 0 ≤ j ≤ k − 1, all l ≥ k. We start from the 2 We give estimates for ||Δ formula 2.44 and 2.47. We write ∞ k σ k−j exp − rb β s h sΔk sds || ∞ σ σ − σ k−j rb β s |Δk s| exp − rb β s ds. s exp − h || || k 2.72 We get that k−j gk,j t P β,σ, ≤ s1 ! k−j kk−j || σrb β k−j k1 k σ σ − σ rb β s |Δk s| exp − rb β s ds ss1 exp − || || 2.73 if 1 ≤ k − j ≤ s1 , and ||Pk−j gk,j t||β,σ, 0 if k − j > s1 . kn 3 We give estimates for k−1 j0 k!||Δkn,j ||β,σ,,d /j!k − j!, for n 0, 1, 2. From the estimates 2.44 and 2.73, we get that k! kn ≤ Δ kn,j β,σ,,d j0 j! k − j ! k−1 k−j k−j k! || s1 ! k−j σrb β k j≥0,j≥k−s1 j! k − j ! k−1 k k1 σrb β σ − σ rb β s × ss1 exp − || || k σ × |Δk s| exp − rb β s ds. || 2.74 20 Abstract and Applied Analysis From 2.66 and 2.70, we deduce from 2.74 that k! kn ≤ Ak 2s1 Δ kn,j β,σ,,d j! k − j ! j0 k−1 s1 e−1 σ σ − σ 1 − ||/ s 1 ||s1 ft β,σ ,,d , 2.75 where Ak is the bounded sequence given in the proof of Proposition 2.12. ∞ l We give estimates for k−1 j0 k!/j!k − j! lk3 ||Δl,j ||β,σ,,d . From the estimates 2.44 and 2.73, we get that ∞ k! l ≤ Δl,j β,σ,,d j0 j! k − j ! lk3 k−1 k−1 s1 ! k! k−j j≥0,j≥k−s1 j! k − j − 1 ! k || σrb β k−j k k1 σrb β σ − σ × ss1 exp − rb β s || || k σ × |Δk s| exp − rb β s ds || ∞ σ l − kl−k−1 σ l−k . exp 2 − l − k rb β rb β × l − k − 1! || || lk3 2.76 From 2.66 and 2.70, we deduce from 2.76, that ∞ k! l ≤ Bk 2s1 Δl,j β,σ,,d j0 j! k − j ! lk3 k−1 s1 e−1 σ σ − σ 1 − ||/ s 1 ||s1 ft β,σ ,,d , 2.77 where Bk is the bounded sequence given in the proof of Proposition 2.12. Finally, from 2.31, 2.36, 2.56, 2.71, 2.75, and 2.77, we deduce a constant C6 > 0 depending on s1 , σ, σ such that k htΔk t β,σ,d k ≤ C6 ||s1 Δk β, σ ,,d , 2.78 which gives the result. It remains to consider the case k 0. When k 0, let ft Δ0 t ∈ L1 R , with suppΔ0 ∈ 0, 1. By definition, we can write htΔ0 tβ,σ,,d htΔ0 tβ,σ, 1 0 σ σ − σ rb β τ |Δ0 τ| exp − rb β τ dτ. τ s1 exp − || || 2.79 Abstract and Applied Analysis 21 Using 2.41, we deduce from 2.79 that htΔ0 tβ,σ,,d ≤ s1 e−1 σ − σ s1 e−1 σ − σ s 1 s1 || s 1 1 σ |Δ0 τ| exp − rb β τ dτ || 0 || ft β,σ ,,d . 2.80 s1 Hence, there exists a constant C6,1 > 0 depending on s1 , σ, σ such that htft ≤ C6,1 ||s1 ft β,σ ,,d , β,σ,,d 2.81 which yields the result. 2.2. Banach Spaces of Formal Power Series with Coefficients in Spaces of Distributions Definition 2.14. Let δ > 0 be a real number. We denote by D σ, , δ the vector space of formal for all β ≥ 0 and series vr, z β≥0 vβ rzβ /β! such that vβ r ∈ Dβ,σ, vr, zσ,,d,δ : δβ vβ r β,σ,,d β! β≥0 2.82 is finite. One can check that the normed space D σ, , δ, || · ||σ,,d,δ is a Banach space. In the next proposition, we study some parameter depending linear operators acting on the space D σ, , δ. Proposition 2.15. Let s1 , s2 , k1 , k2 ≥ 0 be positive integers. Assume that the condition k2 ≥ bs1 2.83 holds. Then, if || < σ, 3σ/||ζb 1−σ/|| e < 1, 2 2.84 1 −k2 the operator τ s1 ∂−k τ ∂z is a bounded linear operator from the space D σ, , δ, ||·||σ,,d,δ into itself. Moreover, there exists a constant C7 > 0 (depending on b, s1 , k2 , σ) such that s1 −k1 −k2 r ∂r ∂z vr, z for all v ∈ D σ, , δ. σ,,d,δ ≤ ||s1 k1 C7 δk2 vr, zσ,,d,δ 2.85 22 Abstract and Applied Analysis Proof. Let vr, z ∈ D σ, , δ. By definition, we have s1 −k1 −k2 r ∂r ∂z vr, z σ,,d,δ s1 −k1 r ∂r vβ−k2 r δβ . β,σ,,d β! β≥k2 2.86 From Corollary 2.10 and Proposition 2.12, we get a constant C3,5 > 0 depending on s1 ,σ such that s1 −k1 −k2 r ∂r ∂z vr, z σ,,d,δ ≤ C3,5 bs1 β − k2 ! β1 β! s1 k1 || β≥k2 δβ−k2 × vβ−k2 r β−k2 ,σ,,d δk2 . β − k2 ! 2.87 From the assumptions 2.83, we get a constant Cb,s1 ,k2 > 0 depending on b, s1 , k2 such that bs1 β − k2 ! β1 ≤ Cb,s1 ,k2 β! 2.88 for all β ≥ k2 . Finally, from the estimates 2.87 and 2.88, we get the inequality 2.85. In the next proposition, we study linear operators of multiplication by bounded holomorphic and C∞ functions. Proposition 2.16. For all β ≥ 0, let hβ τ be a C∞ function with respect to r on R such that there exist A, B, ρ, μ > 0 with β!q! q hβ r ≤ AB−β q1 ρ rμ 2.89 for all r ∈ R . One consider the series hr, z β≥0 hβ r zβ , β! 2.90 which is convergent for all |z| < B, all r ∈ R . Let 0 < δ < B. Then, if || < σ, || < ρσ, 3σ/||ζb 1−σ/|| e < 1, 2 2.91 Abstract and Applied Analysis 23 the linear operator of multiplication by hr, z is continuous from D σ, , δ, || · ||σ,,δ into itself. Moreover, there exists a constant C8 (depending on μ, ρ, B) such that hr, zvr, zσ,,d,δ ≤ C8 Avr, zσ,,d,δ 2.92 for all vr, z ∈ D σ, , δ satisfying 2.91. Proof. Let vr, z β≥0 vβ rzβ /β! ∈ D σ, , δ. By definition, we have that hτ, zvr, zσ,,d,δ ⎛ ⎞ β β! hβ rvβ r ⎝ ⎠δ . ≤ 1 2 β,σ,,d β !β ! β! 1 2 β≥0 β β β 1 2.93 2 From Proposition 2.11 and Remark 2.4, we deduce that there exists C4 > 0 depending on μ, ρ such that hβ rvβ r ≤ C4 AB−β1 β1 ! vβ2 r β,σ,,d ≤ C4 AB−β1 β1 ! vβ2 r β2 ,σ,,d 1 2 β,σ,,d 2.94 for all β1 , β2 ≥ 0 such that β1 β2 β. From 2.93 and 2.94, we deduce that ⎛ hr, zvr, zσ,,d,δ ≤ C4 A⎝ δ β β≥0 B ⎞ ⎠vr, z σ,,d,δ 2.95 which yields 2.92. 2.3. Cauchy Problems in Analytic Functions Spaces with Dependence on Initial Data In this section, we recall the well-know-Cauchy Kowalevski theorem in some spaces of analytic functions for which the dependence on the coefficients and initial data can be obtained. The following Banach spaces were used in 26. Definition 2.17. Let T, X be real numbers such that T, X > 0. We define a vector space GT, X of holomorphic functions on a neighborhood of the origin in C2 . A formal series Ut, x ∈ Ct, x, Ut, x ul,β l,β≥0 tl x β l! β! 2.96 belongs to GT, X if the series ul,β T l Xβ l β ! l,β≥0 2.97 24 Abstract and Applied Analysis converges. We also define a norm on GT, X as Ut, xT,X ul,β T l Xβ . l β ! l,β≥0 2.98 One can easily show that GT, X, || · ||T,X is a Banach space. Remark 2.18. Let Ut, x be in GT0 , X0 for given T0 , X0 > 0. Then, Ut, x also belongs to the spaces GT, X for all T ≤ T0 and X ≤ X0 . Moreover, the maps T → ||Ut, x||T,X and X → ||Ut, x||T,X are increasing functions from 0, T0 resp., 0, X0 into R . We depart from some preliminary lemma from 26. In the following, for ut, x ∈ x Ct, x, we denote by ∂−1 x ut, x the formal series 0 ut, τdτ. 1 Lemma 2.19. Let h0 , h1 ∈ N such that h0 ≤ h1 . The operator ∂ht 0 ∂−h is a bounded linear operator x from GT, X, || · ||T,X into itself. Moreover, there exists a universal constant C10 > 0 such that the estimates h0 −h1 ∂t ∂x Ut, x T,X ≤ C10 T −h0 X h1 Ut, xT,X 2.99 hold for all Ut, x ∈ GT, X. l β Lemma 2.20. Let At, x l,β≥0 al,β t x /l!β! be an analytic function on an open polydisc containing D0, T × D0, X and let Ut, x be in GT, X. Then, the product At, xUt, x belongs to GT, X. Moreover, At, xUt, xT,X ≤ |A|T, XUt, xT,X where |A|T, X l,β≥0 2.100 |al,β |T l X β /l!β!. Proof. Let Ut, x tl x β . l! β! ul,β l,β≥0 2.101 We have At, xUt, x vl,β l,β≥0 tl x β , l! β! 2.102 where vl,β al1 ,β1 ul2 ,β2 β!l! l1 !β1 ! l2 !β2 ! l l l β β β 1 2 1 2 2.103 Abstract and Applied Analysis 25 for all l, β ≥ 0. By definition, we have |A|T, XU2 t, xT,X At, xUt, xT,X ⎛ ⎞ al ,β ul ,β 1 1 2 2 ⎝ ⎠T l X β , l !β ! l β 2 2 ! l,β≥0 l1 l2 l β1 β2 β 1 1 al1 ,β1 ul2 ,β2 l!β! T l X β l β! . l !β !l !β ! 1 1 2 2 l,β≥0 l1 l2 l β1 β2 β 2.104 On the other side, the next inequalities are well known: lβ ! lβ ! l!β! ≤ ≤ l1 !β1 !l2 !β2 ! l1 β1 ! l2 β2 ! l1 !β1 ! l2 β2 ! 2.105 for all l1 , l2 ≥ 0 such that l1 l2 l and β1 , β2 ≥ 0 such that β1 β2 β. Finally, from 2.105, we deduce that ||At, xUt, x||T,X converges and that the estimates 2.100 hold. Lemma 2.21. Let h1 , h2 ∈ N and let Ut, x be in GT0 , X0 for given T0 , X0 > 0. Then, there exist T, X > 0 small enough (depending on T0 , X0 ) such that the formal series ∂ht 1 ∂hx2 Ut, x belongs to GT, X. Moreover, there exists a constant C11 > 0 (depending on h1 , h2 ) such that h1 h2 ∂t ∂x Ut, x T,X ≤ C11 T −h1 X −h2 Ut, xT0 ,X0 2.106 for all Ut, x ∈ GT0 , X0 . Let C1 be a finite subset of N2 . For all l0 , l1 ∈ C1 , let cl0 ,l1 t, x l,β≥0 cl0 ,l1 ,l,β t l β x /l!β! be analytic functions on some polydisc containing the closed polydisc D0, T0 × D0, X0 for some T0 , X0 > 0. As in Lemma 2.20, we define |cl0 ,l1 |t, x cl0 ,l1 ,l,β tl xβ l,β≥0 l!β! , 2.107 which converges on D0, T0 ×D0, X0 . We also consider dt, x ∈ GTd , Xd , for some Td , Xd > 0. The following proposition holds. Proposition 2.22. Let S ≥ 1 be an integer. One make the following assumptions. For all l0 , l1 ∈ C1 , one has S > l1 , S ≥ l0 l1 . 2.108 One consider the following Cauchy problem: ∂Sx Ut, x l0 ,l1 ∈C1 cl0 ,l1 t, x∂lt0 ∂lx1 Ut, x dt, x 2.109 26 Abstract and Applied Analysis for the given initial conditions j ∂x U t, 0 Uj t, 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, 2.110 which are analytic functions on some disc containing the closed discD0, T0 . If Uj t l l l≥0 Uj,l t /l!, we define |Uj |t l≥0 |Uj,l |t /l!, which converges for all t ∈ D0, T0 . Then, there exist T1 > 0 with 0 < T1 < minT0 , Td (depending on T0 ,Td ,C1 ) and X1 > 0 with 0 < X1 < minX0 , Xd (depending on S, T0 , C1 , maxl0 ,l1 ∈C1 |cl0 ,l1 |T0 , X0 ) such that the problem 2.109, 2.110 has a unique formal solution Ut, x ∈ GT1 , X1 . Moreover, there exist constants C12,1 , C12,2 , C12,3 > 0 (depending on S,T0 ,X0 ,C1 ) such that Ut, xT1 ,X1 ≤ max Uj T0 C12,1 max |cl0 ,l1 |T0 , X0 C12,2 C12,3 dt, xTd ,Xd . l0 ,l1 ∈C1 0≤j≤S−1 2.111 Proof. We denote by P the linear operator from Ct, x into itself defined by PHt, x : ∂Sx Ht, x − l0 ,l1 ∈C1 cl0 ,l1 t, x∂lt0 ∂lx1 Ht, x, 2.112 and A denotes the linear map from Ct, x into itself: AHt, x : l0 ,l1 ∈C1 cl0 ,l1 t, x∂lt0 ∂lx1 −S Ht, x 2.113 for all Ht, x ∈ Ct, x. By construction, we have that P ◦ ∂−S x id − A, where id represents the identity map H → H from Ct, x into itself. Now, we show that for any given T1 > 0 such that 0 < T1 ≤ T0 , there exists XA,T1 > 0 with 0 < XA,T1 ≤ X0 depending on S, T1 , C1 , maxl0 ,l1 ∈C1 |cl0 ,l1 |T0 , X0 such that id − A is an invertible map from GT1 , X into itself for all 0 < X ≤ XA,T1 . Moreover, the following inequality id − A−1 Ct, x T1 ,X ≤ 2Ct, xT1 ,X 2.114 holds for all Ct, x ∈ GT1 , X, for any 0 < X ≤ XA,T1 . Indeed, from the assumption 2.108 and Lemmas 2.19 and 2.20, we get a universal constant C10,1 > 0 such that ⎛ ACt, xT1 ,X ≤ C10,1 ⎝ l0 ,l1 ∈C1 ⎞ |cl0 ,l1 |T1 , XT1−l0 X S−l1 ⎠Ct, xT1 ,X ⎛ ≤ C10,1 max |cl0 ,l1 |T0 , X0 ⎝ l0 ,l1 ∈C1 : NT1 ,XA,T1 Ct, xT1 ,X l0 ,l1 ∈C1 ⎞ S−l1 ⎠ T1−l0 XA,T Ct, xT1 ,X 1 2.115 Abstract and Applied Analysis 27 for all Ct, x ∈ GT1 , X. Since S > l1 , for all l0 , l1 ∈ C1 , for the given T1 > 0 one can choose XA,T1 small enough such that NT1 ,XA,T1 ≤ 1/2. Therefore, the inequality 2.114 holds. j Let wt, x S−1 j0 Uj tx /j!. From the hypothesis 2.110, we deduce that Pwt, x and wt, x belong to GT1 , X0 , for some 0 < T1 < T0 depending on C1 , T0 . Indeed, from Lemmas 2.20 and 2.21 we get constants C11,1 > 0, 0 < T1 < T0 depending on C1 , T0 such that Pwt, xT1 ,X0 ≤ ⎛ |cl0 ,l1 |T1 , X0 ⎝ l0 ,l1 ∈C1 ≤ C11,1 l0 ∂t Ujl1 t j0 l0 ,l1 ∈C1 ≤ C11,1 ⎞ j X0 ⎠ T1 ,X0 j! S−1−l 1 l0 ,l1 ∈C1 ⎛ |cl0 ,l1 |T1 , X0 T1−l0 ⎝ S−1−l 1 Ujl 1 j0 ⎛ |cl0 ,l1 |T1 , X0 T1−l0 ⎝ ⎞ j X0 ⎠ T0 ,X0 j! t ⎞ j X0 Ujl T0 ⎠ 1 j! S−1−l 1 j0 2.116 ≤ C11,1 max |cl0 ,l1 |T0 , X0 max Uj T0 l0 ,l1 ∈C1 × l0 ,l1 ∈C1 wt, xT1 ,X0 0≤j≤S−1 ⎛ T1−l0 ⎝ ⎞ S−1−l 1 X0j ⎠ j0 j! , j j S−1 S−1 X0 X0 Uj t T1 ,X0 Uj T1 ≤ ≤ j! j! j0 j0 S−1 X j 0 . ≤ max Uj T0 0≤j≤S−1 j! j0 2.117 Now, for this constructed T1 > 0 satisfying 2.116 that we choose in such a way that T1 < Td also holds, we select X1 > 0 such that 0 < X1 < minXA,T1 , Xd . From the estimates 2.116 and Remark 2.4, we deduce that Pwt, x, wt, x, and dt, x belong to GT1 , X1 . From 2.114, we deduce the existence of a unique Ht, x ∈ GT1 , X1 such that P ◦ ∂−S Ht, x −Pwt, x dt, x. x 2.118 Now, we put Ut, x ∂−S x Ht, x wt, x. By Lemma 2.19, we deduce that Ut, x ∈ GT1 , X1 and solves the problem 2.109, 2.110. Moreover, from 2.114 and 2.116, we get constants C12,1 , C12,2 , C12,3 > 0 depending on S, T0 , X0 , C1 such that 2.111 holds, which yields the result. 3. Laplace Transform on the Spaces D σ, , δ We first introduce the definition of Laplace transform of a staircase distribution. 28 Abstract and Applied Analysis Proposition 3.1. 1 Let β ≥ 0 be an integer, σ > 0 a real number, and ∈ E. Let fr ∞ Δk rk ∈ Dβ,σ, 3.1 k0 and choose θ ∈ −π, π. Then, there exist ρθ > 0, ρ > 0 such that the function k1 ∞ ∞ eiθ reiθ Lθ f t dr Δk f r exp − t t 0 k0 3.2 is holomorphic on the sector Sθ,ρθ ,||ρ {t ∈ C∗ /|θ − argt| < ρθ , |t| < ||ρ} for all ∈ E. Moreover, for all compacts K ⊂ Sθ,ρθ ,||ρ , there exists CK > 0 (depending on K and σ) such that Lθ f t ≤ CK f β,σ,,d 3.3 for all t ∈ K. 2 Let δ > 0 and let fr, z β≥0 fβ rzβ /β! ∈ D σ, , δ. We define the Laplace transform of fr, z in direction θ ∈ −π, π to be the function Lθ fβ tzβ , Lθ fr, z t β! β≥0 3.4 which defines a holomorphic function on Sθ,ρθ ,||ρ × D0, δ, for some ρθ > 0, ρ > 0, for all ∈ E. Moreover, for all compacts K ⊂ Sθ,ρθ ,||ρ , there exists CK > 0 (depending on K and σ) such that Lθ fr, z t ≤ CK fr, z σ,,d,δ 3.5 for all t, z ∈ K × D0, δ. Proof. We prove part 1. The second part 2 is a direct application of 1. We have ∞ ∞ σrb β 1 Lθ f t ≤ Δk f r exp − r k1 || 0 k0 |t| cos θ − argt σ dr. − rb β × exp −r |t| || 3.6 We choose δ1 > 0 and ρθ > 0 such that cosθ − argt > δ1 for all t ∈ Sθ,ρθ ,||ρ . Moreover, we choose 0 < δ2 < δ1 and ρ > 0 such that |t| < || δ 1 − δ2 , σrb β ||e−δ2 /|t| <1 |t|σrb β 3.7 Abstract and Applied Analysis 29 for all t ∈ Sθ,ρθ ,||ρ . Let k ≥ 0 an integer, for r ∈ k, k 1, we get that exp −r cos θ − argt kδ2 σ ≤ exp − − rb β . |t| || |t| 3.8 We deduce that for k 0, 1 |t| ∞ 0 σr β cos θ − argt σ Δ0 f r exp − b r × exp −r − rb β dr || |t| || 1 ≤ Δ0 fr β,σ, |t| 3.9 and for k ≥ 1, 1 |t|k1 ∞ 0 1 ≤ |t| σrb β cos θ − argt σ Δk f r exp − dr r × exp −r − rb β || |t| || ||e−δ2 /|t| |t|σrb β k σ rb β || k Δk fr 3.10 β,σ, ||e−δ2 /|t| σ k Δk f r ≤ 2 . rb β β,σ, || |t| σrb β From the estimates 3.9 and 3.10 we get the inequality 3.3. In the next proposition, we show that if f is a function, then the Laplace transform of f introduced in Proposition 3.1 coincides with the classical one. . The Proposition 3.2. Let fr ∈ Lβ,σ/2, . Then, from Proposition 2.7, one knows that f ∈ Dβ,σ, Laplace transform Lθ ft coincides with the classical Laplace transform of f in the direction θ defined by eiθ Tθ f t t ∞ 0 reiθ fr exp − t dr 3.11 for all t ∈ Sθ,ρθ ,||ρ . k Proof. From Proposition 2.7, the staircase decomposition of f has the k≥0 Δk f following form Δk r Gk r1k,k1 , with Gk PGk−1 1k,∞ and G0 r fr for all k ≥ 0. We have to compute the integrals Ak eiθ k1 k1 tk1 k reiθ Δk r exp − t dr 3.12 30 Abstract and Applied Analysis for all k ≥ 0. For k 0, we have that eiθ A0 t 1 0 reiθ fr exp − t 3.13 dr. For k 1, by one integration by parts, we get that 2 eiθ eiθ 2 reiθ reiθ G1 r exp − dr, fr exp − A1 − t t t 1 t 3.14 1 and using successive integrations by parts, we get that Ak k − m1 eiθ t m reiθ Gm r exp− t k1 k eiθ t k1 k reiθ fr exp − t dr 3.15 for all k ≥ 1. On the other hand, from the hypothesis that fr ∈ Lβ,σ/2, and from the fact that Gm r 0 for all r ≤ m, we have that the next telescopic sum ∞ k1 − eiθ t m reiθ Gm r exp− t k1 3.16 k is convergent and equal to zero for all m ≥ 1. Finally, we deduce that k≥0 Ak Tθ ft. In the next proposition, we describe the action of multiplication by a polynomial and derivation on the Laplace transform. . Then, the following relations Proposition 3.3. Let fr ∈ Dβ,σ, Lθ eiθ ∂−1 f t tLθ f t, r Lθ eiθ rfr t t2 ∂t t Lθ f t 3.17 hold for all t ∈ Sθ,ρθ ,||ρ . Let s, k0 ≥ 0 be two integers such that s ≥ 2k0 . Then, there exist a finite subset 0 Os,k0 ⊂ N2 such that for all q, p ∈ Os,k0 , q p s − k0 and integers αs,k q,p ∈ Z, for q, p ∈ Os,k0 (depending on s, k0 ) such that ⎛ ts ∂kt 0 Lθ f t Lθ ⎝eis−k0 θ ⎞ −p 0 q ⎠t αs,k q,p r ∂r fr 3.18 q,p∈Os,k0 for all t ∈ Sθ,ρθ ,||ρ . Proof. First of all, we have to check that the relations 3.17 and 3.18 hold when f ∈ DR . , || · ||β,σ,,d , from the inequality 3.3 and with the help of Since DR is dense in Dβ,σ, . Corollary 2.10 and Proposition 2.12, we will get that 3.17 and 3.18 hold for all f ∈ Dβ,σ, Abstract and Applied Analysis 31 Now, let f ∈ DR . The first relation of 3.17 is obtained by integrating once by parts and the second formula of 3.17 is a consequence of the equality ∂t eiθ t ∞ 0 eiθ − 2 t reiθ fr exp − t ∞ dr reiθ fr exp − t 0 e2iθ dr 3 t ∞ 0 reiθ rfr exp − t 3.19 dr for all t ∈ Sθ,ρθ ,||ρ . To get the formula 3.18, we first show the following relation: ∂t Lθ fr t Lθ e−iθ r∂2r ∂r fr t 3.20 for all t ∈ Sθ,ρθ ,||ρ . Indeed, using one integration by parts, we get that Lθ e −iθ r∂2r eiθ ∞ reiθ dr. ∂r fr t 2 ∂r frr exp − t t 0 3.21 By a second integration by parts on the right-hand side of 3.21 and by comparison with 3.19, we get 3.20. Now, let s, k0 ∈ N be such that s ≥ 2k0 . Applying the first relation of 3.17 and 3.20, we get that k0 2 r∂ ∂ fr ts ∂kt 0 Lθ f t Lθ eis−k0 θ ∂−s t. r r r 3.22 Now, we recall a variant of Lemmas 5 and 6 in 2. Lemma 3.4. For all k0 ≥ 1, there exist constants ak,k0 ∈ N, k0 ≤ k ≤ 2k0 such that r∂2r ∂r k 0 ur 2k0 ak,k0 r k−k0 ∂kr ur 3.23 kk0 for all C∞ functions u : R → C. Lemma 3.5. Let a, b, c ≥ 0 be positive integers such that a ≥ b and a ≥ c. We put δ a b − c. b c Then, for all C∞ function u : R → C, the function ∂−a r r ∂r ur can be written in the form r b ∂cr ur ∂−a r b ,c ∈Oδ αb ,c r b ∂cr ur, 3.24 where Oδ is a finite subset of Z2 such that for all b , c ∈ Oδ , b −c δ, b ≥ 0, c ≤ 0, and αb ,c ∈ Z. Finally, we observe that the relation 3.18 follows from 3.22 and Lemmas 3.4 and 3.5. 32 Abstract and Applied Analysis The next proposition can be found in 25, Appendix A, see also 8. with || < σrb β. Then, for every l ≥ 0, the Proposition 3.6. Let α ≥ 1 and fr ∈ Dβ,σ, . Moreover, there exist a universal constant A > 0 expression ft − αl1αl,∞ l belongs to Dβ,σ, and Bσ, b, > 0 (depending on σ, b, ) such that l ft − αl1αl,∞ β,σ,,d ≤ ABσ, b, l fr β,σ,,d , 3.25 with Bσ, b, → 0 when → 0. In the forthcoming proposition, we explain the action of multiplication by an exponential function on the Laplace transform. Proposition 3.7. Let α ≥ 1 and fr ∈ Dβ,σ, with || < σrb β. From the latter proposition, one . The following formula knows that Fl r fr − αl1αl,∞ l belongs to Dβ,σ, Lθ Fl t eiθ t l αleiθ exp − t Lθ f t 3.26 holds for all t ∈ Sθ,ρθ ,||ρ . Proof. Since DR is dense in Dβ,σ, , it is sufficient to prove that Lθ Fl t eiθ t l αleiθ exp − t Tθ f t 3.27 for all f ∈ DR , all t ∈ Sθ,ρθ ,||ρ . Then, we get the inequality 3.26 by using 3.3 and Proposition 3.6. Now, let f ∈ DR . We write fτ − αl1αl,∞ l lr ∂−r , τ fτ − αl1αl,∞ 3.28 where r ≥ 0 is an integer chosen such that αl ∈ l r, l r 1. From our assumption, we have that τ → fτ − αl1αl,∞ belongs to L1 R and that suppfτ − αl1αl,∞ ⊂ l r, ∞. h τ By Lemma 2.5, we deduce that fτ − αl1αl,∞ lr is a staircase distribution h≥0 Δ h,l h,l τ are constructed as follows: where the functions Δ j,l τ 0, Δ for 0 ≤ j ≤ l r − 1, lr,l τ fτ − αl1αl,∞ 1lr,lr1 , Δ 3.29 lrn,l τ Gn τ1lrn,lrn1 where and for all n ≥ 1, we have Δ Gn τ ∂−1 τ Gn−1 τ1lrn,∞ , G0 fτ − αl1αl,∞ . 3.30 Abstract and Applied Analysis 33 By definition, we have Lθ fτ − αl1αl,∞ lr h1 ∞ ∞ eiθ t t h0 iθ h,l τ exp − τe Δ t 0 dτ. 3.31 ∞ h,l τ exp−τeiθ /tdτ for all h ≥ 0. Now, we will compute the integrals Ah,l eiθ /th1 0 Δ By construction, we have that Ah,l 0 for all 0 ≤ h ≤ l r − 1. For h l r, we get Alr,l eiθ t eiθ t lr1 lr1 τeiθ fτ − αl exp − t αl lr1 αleiθ exp − t 1−αlr1 0 dτ seiθ fs exp − t 3.32 ds. For h l r 1, by one integration by parts, we get that Alr1,l ⎡ ⎤lr2 lr1 iθ iθ τe e G1 τ⎦ ⎣− exp − t t lr1 eiθ t lr1 lr2 lr1 τeiθ fτ − αl exp − t dτ 3.33 ⎡ ⎤lr2 lr1 iθ iθ τe e ⎣− G1 τ⎦ exp − t t lr1 eiθ t lr1 αleiθ exp − t 1−αlr2 1−αlr1 seiθ fs exp − t ds. For h l r n, with n ≥ 1, by successive integrations by parts, we get that Alrn,l ⎡ ⎤lrn1 lrq n iθ iθ τe e ⎣− Gq τ⎦ exp − t t q1 3.34 lrn eiθ t lr1 exp − αleiθ t 1−αlrn1 1−αlrn fs exp − seiθ t ds. Since Gq l r q 0, for all q ≥ 1, we deduce that the telescopic sum ⎤lrn1 ⎡ lrq ∞ iθ iθ e τe ⎣ Gq τ⎦ exp − t t nq lrn 3.35 34 Abstract and Applied Analysis is equal to 0. From the formula 3.32, 3.33, 3.34, and 3.35, we get that Lθ fτ − αl1αl,∞ lr t ∞ Ah,l h0 eiθ t lr αleiθ exp − t eiθ t ∞ 0 seiθ fs exp − t ds. 3.36 From Proposition 3.3, we have that −r lr Lθ Fl t tr eiθ Lθ fτ − αl1αl,∞ t. 3.37 Finally, from 3.36 and 3.37, we get the equality 3.27. 4. Formal and Analytic Transseries Solutions for a Singularly Perturbed Cauchy Problem 4.1. Laplace Transform and Asymptotic Expansions We recall the definition of Borel summability of formal series with coefficients in a Banach space, see 27. Definition 4.1. A formal series Xt ∞ a j j0 j! tj ∈ Et 4.1 with coefficients in a Banach space E, · E is said to be 1-summable with respect to t in the direction d ∈ 0, 2π if i there exists ρ ∈ R such that the following formal series, called formal Borel of order 1, transform of X ∞ a τj j τ B X 2 ∈ Eτ j0 j! 4.2 is absolutely convergent for |τ| < ρ; ii there exists δ > 0 such that the series BXτ can be analytically continued with ∗ respect to τ in a sector Sd,δ {τ ∈ C : |d − argτ| < δ}. Moreover, there exist C > 0 and K > 0 such that 4.3 BXτ ≤ CeK|τ| E for all τ ∈ Sd,δ . We say that BXτ has exponential growth of order 1 on Sd,δ . Abstract and Applied Analysis 35 If this is so, the vector valued Laplace transform of order 1 of BXτ in the direction d is defined by t t−1 τe−τ/t dτ B X Ld B X Lγ 4.4 along a half-line Lγ R eiγ ⊂ Sd,δ ∪ {0}, where γ depends on t and is chosen in such a way that cosγ − argt ≥ δ1 > 0, for some fixed δ1 , for all t in a sector Sd,θ,R θ ∗ , t ∈ C : |t| < R, d − argt < 2 4.5 where π < θ < π 2δ and 0 < R < δ1 /K. The function Ld BXt is called the 1-sum is a holomorphic and of the formal series Xt in the direction d. The function Ld BXt has the formal a bounded function on the sector Sd,θ,R . Moreover, the function Ld BXt series Xt as Gevrey asymptotic expansion of order 1 with respect to t on Sd,θ,R . This means that for all 0 < θ1 < θ, there exist C, M > 0 such that n−1 a d p p L B X ≤ CMn n!|t|n t − t p! p0 4.6 E for all n ≥ 1, all t ∈ Sd,θ1 ,R . In the next proposition, we recall some well-known identities for the Borel transform that will be useful in the sequel. n≥0 bn tn /n! be formal series in Et. One Proposition 4.2. Let Xt n≥0 an tn /n! and Gt has the following equalities as formal series in Eτ: τ∂2τ ∂τ τ B ∂t Xt B X τ, τ B tXt B X ∂−1 τ, τ τ B t2 ∂t t Xt τB X τ. 4.7 4.2. Formal Transseries Solutions for an Auxiliary Singular Cauchy Problem Let S ≥ 1 be an integer. Let S be a finite subset of N3 and let bs,k0 ,k1 z, bs,k0 ,k1 ,β zβ β≥0 β! 4.8 36 Abstract and Applied Analysis be holomorphic and bounded functions on a polydisc D0, ρ × D0, 0 , for some ρ, 0 > 0, with 0 < 1, for all s, k0 , k1 ∈ S. We consider the following singular Cauchy problems: T 2 ∂T ∂Sz Y T, z, T 1∂Sz Y T, z, s,k0 ,k1 ∈S bs,k0 ,k1 z, k0 −s T s ∂kT0 ∂kz1 Y T, z, , 4.9 for given formal transseries initial conditions exp−hλ/T j ϕh,j T, , ∂z Y T, 0, h! h≥0 where ϕh,j T, m≥0 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, 4.10 ϕh,j,m T m /m! ∈ CT for all ∈ E and λ ∈ C∗ . Proposition 4.3. The problem 4.9, 4.10 has a formal transseries solutions Y T, z, exp−hλ/T h≥0 h! Yh T, z, , 4.11 where the formal series Yh T, z, ∈ CT, z, for all ∈ E, all h ≥ 0, satisfy the following singular Cauchy problems: T 2 ∂T ∂Sz Yh T, z, T 1 λh∂Sz Yh T, z, ⎛ bs,k0 ,k1 z, ⎝k0 −s T s ∂k0 ∂kz1 Yh T, z, T s,k0 ,k1 ∈S ⎞ k01 2 k0 ! k01 q k0 −s s−k01 q k0 k1 cq hλ T ∂T ∂z Yh T, z, ⎠ k1 !k2 ! k1 k2 k0 ,k1 ≥1 0 0 q1 0 0 0 4.12 with initial conditions j ∂z Yh T, 0, ϕh,j T, , 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, 4.13 k1 for some real numbers cq 0 , for 1 ≤ q ≤ k01 and 1 ≤ k01 ≤ k0 . Proof. We have that hλ hλ hλ ∂T exp − Yh T, z, exp − Yh T, z, ∂T Yh T, z, , T T T2 4.14 Abstract and Applied Analysis 37 and from the Leibniz rule we also have ∂kT0 hλ exp − Yh T, z, T 2 k0 ! k01 hλ k exp − ∂ ∂T0 Yh T, z, . 1 2 T T k !k ! k1 k2 k0 0 0 0 4.15 0 On the other hand, by the Faa Di Bruno formula we have, for all k01 ≥ 1, that k01 ∂T k01 λh hλ exp − exp − T T λ q1 1 ,...,λk 1 ∈Aq,k 1 0 0 k01 ! λi k01 −1i1 hλ/T i1 λi ! i1 4.16 ⎛ ⎞ k01 1 q hλ ⎝ k0 hλ ⎠, cq exp − 1 T T k0 q q1 1 where Aq,k01 {λ1 , . . . , λk01 ∈ Nk0 / k01 λi q, k01 k1 iλi k01 } and cq 0 ∈ R, for all q 1, . . . , k01 . Using the expressions 4.14, 4.15, 4.16, by plugging the formal expansion Y T, z, into the problem 4.9, 4.10 and by identification of the coefficients of exp−hλ/T we get that Yh satisfies the problem 4.12, 4.13. i1 i1 4.3. Formal Solutions to a Sequence of Regular Cauchy Problems Proposition 4.4. One makes the assumption that s ≥ 2k0 S > k1 , 4.17 for all s, k0 , k1 ∈ S. Then, the problem 4.12, 4.13 has a unique formal solution Yh T, z, ∈ CT, z for all ∈ E. Let Yh T, z, Yh,m z, T m m≥0 m! , 4.18 where Yh,m z, ∈ Cz, be the formal solution of 4.12, 4.13 for all ∈ E. One denotes by Vh τ, z, Yh,m z, m≥0 τm m!2 4.19 38 Abstract and Applied Analysis the formal Borel transform of Yh with respect to T . Then, for all h ≥ 0, Vh τ, z, satisfies the problem τ 1 λh∂Sz Vh τ, z, ⎛ ⎜ bs,k0 ,k1 z, ⎝k0 −s s,k0 ,k1 ∈S −p 1 r,p∈Os−k 0 α1r,p τ r ∂τ ∂kz1 Vh τ, z, 1 k0 k0 ! k1 cq 0 hλq k0 −s 1 2 k !k ! k1 k2 k0 ,k1 ≥1 0 0 q1 0 0 0 × 2 r,p∈Os−k ⎞ 2,q −p ⎟ αr,p τ r ∂τ ∂kz1 Vh τ, z, ⎠ 0 −q 4.20 with initial data τm j ϕh,j,m ∈ Cτ, ∂z Vh τ, 0, vh,j τ, m!2 m≥0 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, 4.21 1 1 2 is a finite subset of N2 such that r, p ∈ Os−k implies r p s − k0 and Os−k is a where Os−k 0 0 0 −q 2,q 2 implies r p s − k0 − q, and α1r,p , αr,p are integers. finite subset of N2 such that r, p ∈ Os−k 0 −q Proof. The proof follows by direct computation on the problems 4.12 and 4.13, using Proposition 4.2 and the following two lemmas from 2. Lemma 4.5. For all k0 ≥ 1, there exist constants ak,k0 ∈ N, k0 ≤ k ≤ 2k0 , such that τ∂2τ ∂τ k 0 uτ 2k0 ak,k0 τ k−k0 ∂kτ uτ 4.22 kk0 for all holomorphic functions u : Ω → C on an open set Ω ⊂ C. Lemma 4.6. Let a, b, c ≥ 0 be positive integers such that a ≥ b and a ≥ c. We put δ a b − c. Then, b c for all holomorphic functions u : Ω → C, the function ∂−a τ τ ∂τ uτ can be written in the form ∂−a τ b ∂cτ uτ τ b ,c ∈Oδ αb ,c τ b ∂cτ uτ, 4.23 where Oδ is a finite subset of Z2 such that for all b , c ∈ Oδ , b − c δ, b ≥ 0, c ≤ 0, and αb ,c ∈ Z. 4.4. An Auxiliary Cauchy Problem We denote by Ω1 an open star-shaped domain in C meaning that Ω1 is an open subset of C such that for all x ∈ Ω1 , the segment 0, x belongs to Ω1 . Let Ω2 be an open set in C∗ Abstract and Applied Analysis 39 contained in the disc D0, 0 . We denote by Ω Ω1 × Ω2 . For any open set D ⊂ C, we denote by OD the vector space of holomorphic functions on D. β Definition 4.7. Let b > 1 a real number and let rb β n0 1/n 1b for all integers β ≥ 0. Let ∈ Ω2 and σ > 0 be a real number. We denote by Eβ,,σ,Ω the vector space of all functions v ∈ OΩ1 such that vτβ,,σ,Ω : sup|vτ| 1 τ∈Ω1 |τ|2 ||2 σ exp − rb β |τ| 2|| 4.24 is finite. Proposition 4.8. One makes the assumption that S > k1 , s ≥ 2k0 4.25 for all s, k0 , k1 ∈ S. Moreover, one makes the assumption that there exists c , δ > 0 such that |τ 1 hλ| ≥ c |τ 1| > δ , ∀τ ∈ Ω1 , ∀h ∈ N. 4.26 For all h ≥ 0, all ∈ Ω2 , the problem 4.20 with initial conditions j ∂z Vh τ, 0, vh,j τ, ∈ OΩ1 , 0≤j ≤S−1 4.27 has a unique formal series Vh τ, z, zβ vh,β τ, ∈ OΩ1 z, β! β≥0 4.28 where vh,β τ, satisfies the following recursion: τ 1 hλvh,βS τ, ⎛ bs,k0 ,k1 ,β1 k0 −s ⎜ β! ⎝ β1 ! β s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 β2 1 ⎞ v τ, −p h,β2 k1 ⎟ α1r,p τ r ∂τ ⎠ β2 ! 1 r,p∈Os−k 0 k0 bs,k0 ,k1 ,β1 k01 k0 ! cq hλq β! 1 2 β ! k !k ! 1 1 2 1 k0 k0 k0 ,k0 ≥1 0 0 q1 β1 β2 β ⎞ ⎛ v τ, 2,q −p h,β2 k1 ⎟ ⎜ × k0 −s ⎝ αr,p τ r ∂τ ⎠ β ! 2 2 r,p∈Os−k for all τ ∈ Ω1 , all ∈ Ω2 . 0 −q 4.29 40 Abstract and Applied Analysis Proposition 4.9. One makes the assumption that s ≥ 2k0 S > k1 , 4.30 for all s, k0 , k1 ∈ S. Let also the assumption 4.26 holds. Let us assume that vh,j τ, ∈ Ej,,σ,Ω , ∀h ≥ 0, ∀0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, ∀ ∈ Ω2 . 4.31 Then, one has that vh,β τ, ∈ Eβ,,σ,Ω for all β ≥ 0, all h ≥ 0, all ∈ Ω2 . We put vh,β ||vh,β τ, ||β,,σ,Ω , for all h ≥ 0, all β ≥ 0, and all ∈ Ω2 . Then, the following inequalities hold: there 1 2 , C18 > 0 (depending on S,σ,S) such that exist two constants C18 vh,βS ≤ bs,k ,k ,β 0 1 1 β! β1 ! β s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 β2 1 × C18 bs−k0 2 vh,β2 k1 bs−k0 βS1 βS1 β2 ! k01 bs,k ,k ,β k1 k0 ! 0 1 1 cq 0 hq |λ|q β! 1 2 β ! k !k ! 1 1 2 1 q1 β β β k k k0 ,k ≥1 0 0 1 2 0 0 4.32 0 2 × ||−q C18 bs−k0 −q2 vh,β2 k1 bs−k0 −q βS1 βS1 β2 ! for all h ≥ 0, all β ≥ 0. Proof. The proof follows by direct computation using the recursion 4.29 and the next lemma. We keep the notations of Proposition 4.8. Lemma 4.10. There exists a constant C18 > 0 (depending on s, σ, S, k0 , k1 ) such that r −p τ ∂τ vh,β2 k1 τ, ≤ || rp C18 βS,,σ,Ω brp2 brp vh,β k τ, βS1 βS1 2 1 β2 k1 ,,σ,Ω 4.33 for all h ≥ 0, and all β ≥ 0, 0 ≤ β2 ≤ β, all r, p ∈ N2 with r p ≤ s − k0 . Proof. We follow the proof of Lemma 1 from 2. By definition, we have that ∂−1 τ vh,β2 k1 τ, τ v τ , dτ for all τ ∈ Ω . Using the parametrization τ h τ with 0 ≤ h1 ≤ 1, we get h,β k 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 that ∂−1 τ vh,β2 k1 τ, τ 1 0 vh,β2 k1 h1 τ, M1 h1 dh1 , 4.34 Abstract and Applied Analysis 41 where M1 h1 1. More generally, for all p ≥ 2, we have by definition: −p ∂τ vh,β2 k1 τ, τ τ1 0 ··· τp−1 0 vh,β2 k1 τp , dτp dτp−1 · · · dτ1 4.35 0 for all τ ∈ Ω1 . Using the parametrization τj hj τj−1 , τ1 h1 τ, with 0 ≤ hj ≤ 1, for 2 ≤ j ≤ p, we can write −p ∂τ vh,β2 k1 τ, τ p 1 0 ··· 1 vh,β2 k1 hp · · · h1 τ, Mp h1 , . . . , hp dhp dhp−1 · · · dh1 , 4.36 0 where Mp h1 , . . . , hp is a monomial in h1 , . . . , hp whose coefficient is equal to 1. Using these latter expressions, we now write r −p τ ∂τ vh,β2 k1 τ, 1 1 hp · · · h1 τ 2 σ rp hp · · · h1 τ τ exp − r · · · vh,β2 k1 hp · · · h1 τ, 1 k β b 2 1 2|| ||2 0 0 exp σ/2||rb β2 k1 hp · · · h1 τ × Mp h1 , . . . , hp dhp . . . dh1 . 2 2 1 hp · · · h1 τ /|| 4.37 Therefore, σ |τ|2 r −p rb β S |τ| τ ∂τ vh,β2 k1 τ, 1 2 exp − 2|| || σ |τ|2 rp 1 2 exp − rb β S − rb β2 k1 |τ| . ≤ vh,β2 k1 τ, β2 k1 ,,σ,Ω |τ| 2|| || 4.38 By construction of rb β, we have rb β S − rb β2 k1 βS β − β2 S − k1 S − k1 ≥ b ≥ b βS1 βS1 nβ2 k1 1 n 1 1 b 4.39 for all β ≥ 0. From 4.38 and 4.39, we get that σ |τ|2 r −p rb β S |τ| τ ∂τ vh,β2 k1 τ, 1 2 exp − 2|| || σ S − k1 |τ|2 rp 1 2 exp − ≤ vh,β2 k1 τ, β2 k1 ,,σ,Ω |τ| |τ| 2|| β S 1b || 4.40 42 Abstract and Applied Analysis for all β ≥ 0. From 2.41, we deduce that |τ| rp 1 |τ|2 σ S − k1 exp − |τ| 2|| β S 1b ||2 ⎛ −1 rp brp rp ⎝ 2 r p e ≤ || βS1 σS − k1 4.41 ⎞ rp2 2 r p 2 e−1 brp2 ⎠ βS1 σS − k1 for all τ ∈ Ω1 . From the estimates 4.40 and 4.41, we deduce the inequality 4.33. Proposition 4.11. Assume that the conditions 4.26 and 4.31 hold. Assume moreover, that S ≥ bs − k0 2 k1 , s ≥ 2k0 4.42 for all s, k0 , k1 ∈ S and that the following sums converge near the origin in C, Wj u : uh ∈ C{u}, sup vh,j τ, j,,σ,Ω h! h≥0 ∈Ω2 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. 4.43 One make also the hypothesis that for all s, k0 , k1 ∈ S, one can write bs,k0 ,k1 z, k0 bs,k0 ,k1 z, , 4.44 where bs,k0 ,k1 z, β≥0 bs,k0 ,k1 ,β zβ /β! is holomorphic for all ∈ D0, 0 on D0, ρ. Then, the problem 4.20 with initial data j ∂z Vh τ, 0, vh,j τ, , 0≤j ≤S−1 4.45 has a unique solution Vh τ, z, which is holomorphic with respect to τ, z ∈ Ω1 × D0, x1 /2 for all ∈ Ω2 . The constant x1 is such that 0 < x1 < ρ and depends on S, u0 (which denotes a common radius of absolute convergence of the series 4.43), S, b, σ, |λ|, maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 x0 , s,k ,k x0 , where x0 < ρ and |b|s,k ,k , |b| s,k ,k are defined below. maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b| 0 1 0 1 0 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 43 Moreover, the following estimates hold: there exists a constant u1 such that 0 < u1 < u0 (depending on u0 , S, and b, σ) and a constant C19 > 0 (depending on max0≤j≤S−1 Wj u0 (where Wj s,k ,k x0 , S, u0 , x0 , S, b) such that are defined above), |λ|, maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 x0 , maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b| 0 1 −1 h 2 σ C19 |τ|2 1 2 ζb|τ| h! exp |Vh τ, z, | ≤ 1 − 2|z|/x1 u1 2|| || 4.46 for all τ, z ∈ Ω1 × D0, x1 /2, all ∈ Ω2 , and all h ≥ 0. Proof. We consider the following Cauchy problem ∂Sx Wu, x s,k0 ,k1 ∈S 1 C18 x∂x S 1bs−k0 x∂x S 1bs−k0 2 |b|s,k0 ,k1 x∂kx1 Wu, x k01 1 k0 ! 2 k0 C18 cq |λ|q 1 2 k !k ! k1 k2 k0 ,k1 ≥1 0 0 q1 0 0 4.47 0 × x∂x S 1bs−k0 −q x∂x S 1bs−k0 −q2 × b s,k0 ,k1 xu∂u q ∂kx1 Wu, x for given initial data uh j ∂x W u, 0 Wj u ∈ C{u}, supvh,j h! h≥0 ∈Ω2 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, 4.48 where |b|s,k0 ,k1 x xβ sup bs,k0 ,k1 ,β , β! β≥0 ∈D0,0 b s,k0 ,k1 x xβ sup bs,k0 ,k1 ,β β! ∈D0, 0 β≥0 4.49 are convergent series near the origin in C with respect to x. From the assumption 4.42 and the fact that b > 1, we also deduce that S ≥ b s − k0 − q 2 q k 1 4.50 for all s, k0 , k1 ∈ S and all 0 ≤ q ≤ k0 . Since the initial data 4.48 and the coefficients 4.47 are analytic near the origin, we get that all the hypotheses of the classical Cauchy Kowalevski theorem from Proposition 2.22 are fulfilled. We deduce the existence of U1 with 0 < U1 < U0 , where U0 denotes a common radius of absolute convergence for the series 4.48, which depends on U0 , S and b, and X1 with 0 < X1 < ρ depending on S, U0 , S, b, 44 Abstract and Applied Analysis s,k ,k X0 , where X0 < ρ such that there exist a σ, |λ|, maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 X0 , maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b| 0 1 unique formal series Wu, x ∈ GU1 , X1 which solves the problem 4.47, 4.48. Now, let Wu, x h,β≥0 wh,β uh /h!xβ /β! be its Taylor expansion at 0, 0. Then, by construction the sequence wh,β satisfies the following equalities: wh,βS β! sup∈D0,0 bs,k0 ,k1 ,β1 β1 ! s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 β2 β × 1 C18 bs−k0 2 wh,β2 k1 bs−k0 βS1 βS1 β2 ! k01 b sup k1 ∈D0,0 s,k0 ,k1 ,β1 k0 ! cq 0 hq |λ|q β! β ! k1 !k2 ! 2 × C18 1 0 q1 β1 β2 β k01 k02 k0 ,k01 ≥1 0 4.51 bs−k0 −q2 wh,β2 k1 bs−k0 −q βS1 βS1 β2 ! for all h ≥ 0 and all β ≥ 0, with wh,j supvh,j , ∀h ≥ 0, ∀0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. 4.52 ∈Ω2 Using the inequality 4.32 and the equality 4.51, with the initial conditions 4.52, one gets that supvh,β ≤ wh,β 4.53 ∈Ω2 for all h ≥ 0, all β ≥ 0. Using the fact that Wu, x ∈ GU1 , X1 and the estimates 2.111, we deduce from 4.53 that there exist a constant C19 > 0 depending on max0≤j≤S−1 Wj U0 ,|λ|, s,k ,k X0 , S, U0 , X0 , S, b, σ such that maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 X0 , maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b| 0 1 vh,β τ, ≤ C19 h β ! ≤ C19 h!β! 2 U1 1 U1 h h 2 X1 1 X1 β 1 β 1 for all τ ∈ Ω1 , all ∈ Ω2 , all h ≥ 0, and all β ≥ 0. |τ|2 ||2 −1 |τ|2 ||2 −1 exp σ rb β |τ| 2|| σ rb β |τ| exp 2|| 4.54 Abstract and Applied Analysis 45 4.5. Analytic Solutions for a Sequence of Singular Cauchy Problems Assume that the conditions 4.42 and 4.44 hold. We consider the following problem: T 2 ∂T ∂Sz Yh,Sd ,E T, z, T 1 λh∂Sz Yh,Sd ,E T, z, ⎛ bs,k0 ,k1 z, ⎝k0 −s T s ∂kT0 ∂kz1 Yh,Sd ,E T, z, s,k0 ,k1 ∈S ⎞ k01 1 2 k0 ! 1 k k cq 0 hλq k0 −s T s−k0 q ∂T0 ∂kz1 Yh,Sd ,E T, z, ⎠ 1 2 k !k ! k1 k2 k0 ,k1 ≥1 0 0 q1 0 0 0 4.55 with initial conditions j ∂z Yh,Sd ,E T, 0, ϕh,j,Sd ,E T, , 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. 4.56 The initial conditions ϕh,j,Sd ,E T, , 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1 are defined as follows. Let Sd be an open sector centered at 0, with infinite radius and bisecting direction d ∈ 0, 2π, D0, τ0 an open disc centered at 0 with radius τ0 > 0, and E an open sector centered at 0 contained in the disc D0, 0 . We make the assumption that the condition 4.26 holds for the set Ω1 Sd ∪ D0, τ0 . We consider a set of functions vh,j τ, ∈ Ej,,σ,D0,τ0 ×D0,0 \{0} for all ∈ D0, 0 \ {0} such that Wj,τ0 ,0 u : uh vh,j τ, ∈ C{u}, j,,σ,D0,τ0 ×D0,0 \{0} h! h≥0 ∈D0,0 \{0} sup 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. 4.57 We also assume that for all h ≥ 0 and all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, vh,j τ, has an analytic continuation denoted by vh,j,Sd ,E τ, ∈ Ej,,σ,Sd ∪D0,τ0 ×E for all ∈ E such that Wj,Sd ,E u : uh ∈ C{u}, sup vh,j,Sd ,E τ, j,,σ,Sd ∪D0,τ0 ×E h! h≥0 ∈E 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. 4.58 Let vh,j τ, ϕh,j,m m≥0 τm m!2 4.59 be the convergent Taylor expansion of vh,j with respect to τ on D0, τ0 for all ∈ D0, 0 \{0}. We consider the formal series ϕh,j T, ϕh,j,m m≥0 Tm m! 4.60 46 Abstract and Applied Analysis for all ∈ D0, 0 \ {0}. We define ϕh,j,Sd ,E T, as the 1-sum in the sense of Definition 4.1 of ϕj,h T, in the direction d. From the hypotheses, we deduce that T → ϕh,j,Sd ,E T, defines a holomorphic function for all T ∈ Ud,θ,ι|| , for all ∈ E, where Ud,θ,ι|| θ T ∈ C∗ : |T | < ι||, d − argT < 2 4.61 for some θ > π and some constant ι > 0 independent of for all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. Proposition 4.12. Assume that the conditions 4.26, 4.31, 4.42, and 4.44 hold. Then, the problem 4.55, 4.56 has a solution T, z → Yh,Sd ,E T, z, which is holomorphic and bounded on the set Ud,θ,ι|| × D0, x1 /4, for some ι > 0 (independent of ), for all ∈ E, where 0 < x1 < ρ depends on S, u0 (which denotes a common radius of absolute convergence of the series s,k ,k x0 , where x0 < ρ. 4.57, 4.58), S, b, σ, |λ|, maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 x0 , maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b| 0 1 The function Yh,Sd ,E T, z, can be written as the Laplace transform of order 1 in the direction d (in the sense of Definition 4.1) of a function Vh,Sd ,E τ, z, , which is holomorphic on the domain Sd ∪ D0, τ0 × D0, x1 /2 × E and satisfies the following estimates. There exists a constant u1 such that 0 < u1 < u0 (depending on u0 , S and b,σ) and a constant CΩd,E > 0 (depending on max0≤j≤S−1 Wj,Sd ,E u0 (where Wj,Sd ,E are defined above), |λ|, s,k ,k x0 , S, u0 , x0 , S, b) such that maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 x0 , maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b| 0 1 −1 h CΩd,E 2 σ |τ|2 1 2 ζb|τ| h! exp |Vh,Sd ,E τ, z, | ≤ 1 − 2|z|/x1 u1 2|| || 4.62 for all τ, z, ∈ Sd ∪ D0, τ0 × D0, x1 /2 × E, all h ≥ 0. Moreover, the function Vh,Sd ,E τ, z, is the analytic continuation of a function Vh τ, z, which is holomorphic on the punctured polydisc D0, τ0 × D0, x1 /2 × D0, 0 \ {0} and verifies the following estimates. There exists a constant CΩτ0 ,0 > 0 (depending on max0≤j≤S−1 Wj,τ0 ,0 u0 (where Wj,τ0 ,0 are s,k ,k x0 , S, u0 , x0 , S, b) such that defined above), |λ|, maxs,k ,k ∈S |b|s,k ,k x0 , maxs,k ,k ∈S |b| 0 1 0 CΩτ0 ,0 1 0 2 h! |Vh τ, z, | ≤ 1 − 2|z|/x1 u1 h 1 1 0 |τ|2 ||2 1 −1 exp σ ζb|τ| 2|| 4.63 for all τ ∈ D0, τ0 , all z ∈ D0, x1 /2, all ∈ D0, 0 \ {0}, and all h ≥ 0. Proof. From the hypotheses of Proposition 4.12, we deduce from Proposition 4.11 applied to the situation Ω D0, τ0 × D0, 0 \ {0} the existence of a holomorphic function Vh τ, z, satisfying the estimates 4.63, which is the solution of the problem 4.20 with j initial conditions ∂z Vh τ, 0, vh,j τ, , 0 ≤ j ≤ S−1, on the domain D0, τ0 ×D0, x1 /2× D0, 0 \{0}. Likewise, from Proposition 4.11 applied to the situation Ω Sd ∪D0, τ0 ×E, we get the existence of a holomorphic function Vh,Sd ,E τ, z, satisfying 4.62, which is the j solution of the problem 4.20 with initial conditions ∂z Vh τ, 0, vh,j,Sd ,E τ, , 0 ≤ j ≤ S−1 on the domain Sd ∪ D0, τ0 × D0, x1 /2 × E. With Proposition 4.3, we deduce that the formal solution Yh T, z, of the problem 4.12, 4.13 is 1-summable with respect to T in the direction d as series in the Banach space Abstract and Applied Analysis 47 OD0, x1 /4, for all ∈ E. We denote by Yh,Sd ,E T, z, its 1-sum which is holomorphic with respect to T on a domain Ud,θ,ι|| due to Definition 4.1 and the estimates 4.62. Moreover, from the algebraic properties of the κ-summability procedure, see 27, Section 6.3, we deduce that Yh,Sd ,E T, z, is a solution of the problem 4.55, 4.56. 4.6. Summability in a Complex Parameter We recall the definition of a good covering. Definition 4.13. Let ν ≥ 2 be an integer. For all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, we consider open sectors Ei centered at 0, with radius 0 , bisecting direction κi ∈ 0, 2π and opening π δi , with δi > 0, such that Ei ∩ Ei1 / ∅ for all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1 with the convention that Eν E0 and such that E U \ {0}, where U is some neighborhood of 0 in C. Such a set of sectors {Ei }0≤i≤ν−1 is ∪ν−1 i0 i called a good covering in C∗ . Definition 4.14. Let {Ei }0≤i≤ν−1 be a good covering in C∗ . Let T be an open sector centered at 0 with radius rT and consider a family of open sectors Udi ,θ,0 rT : θ , t ∈ C : |t| < 0 rT , di − argt < 2 4.64 where di ∈ 0, 2π, for 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, where θ > π, which satisfy the following properties: arg−1 − λh. 1 For all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, all h ∈ N, argdi / 2 For all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, for all t ∈ T, and all ∈ Ei , we have that t ∈ Udi ,θ,0 rT . 3 3.1 We assume that d0 < argλ < d1 . We consider the two closed sectors Md0 τ∈ ! " C∗ ∈ d0 , argλ , argτ Md1 τ∈ ! " C∗ ∈ argλ, d1 . argτ 4.65 We make the assumption that there exist two constants c , δ > 0 with |τ 1 λh| ≥ c |τ 1| > δ 4.66 for all τ ∈ Md0 ∪ Md1 ∪ D0, τ0 and all h ≥ 0. 3.2 There exists 0 < δT < π/2 such that argλ/t ∈ −π/2 δT , π/2 − δT for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 and all t ∈ T. We say that the family {{Udi ,θ,0 rT }0≤i≤ν−1 , T, λ} is associated to the good covering {Ei }0≤i≤ν−1 . Now, we consider a set of functions ϕh,i,j T, for 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, h ≥ 0, constructed as follows. For all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, let Sdi be an open sector of infinite radius centered at 0, with bisecting direction di and with opening ni > θ − π. The numbers θ > π and ni > 0 are chosen in such a way that −1 − λh ∈ / Sdi for all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1 and all h ≥ 0. Now, we put ϕh,i,j T, : ϕh,j,Sdi ,Ei T, 4.67 48 Abstract and Applied Analysis for all T ∈ Udi ,θ,ι|| and all ∈ Ei , where ϕh,j,Sdi ,Ei T, is given by the formula 4.56. Recalling how these functions are constructed, we consider a set of functions 4.68 vh,j τ, ∈ Ej,,σ,D0,τ0 ×D0,0 \{0} for all ∈ D0, 0 \ {0} such that Wj,τ0 ,0 u : uh vh,j τ, ∈ C{u}, j,,σ,D0,τ0 ×D0,0 \{0} h! h≥0 ∈D0,0 \{0} sup 4.69 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. We also assume that for all h ≥ 0, all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, vh,j τ, has an analytic continuation denoted by vh,j,Sdi ,Ei τ, ∈ Ej,,σ,Sdi ∪D0,τ0 ×Ei for all ∈ Ei such that Wj,Sdi ,Ei u : sup vh,j,Sdi ,Ei τ, h≥0 ∈Ei uh ∈ C{u}, j,,σ,Sdi ∪D0,τ0 ×Ei h! 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. 4.70 Let vh,j τ, ϕh,j,m m≥0 τm m!2 4.71 be the convergent Taylor expansion of vh,j with respect to τ on D0, τ0 for all ∈ D0, 0 \{0}. We consider the formal series ϕh,j T, ϕh,j,m m≥0 Tm m! 4.72 for all ∈ D0, 0 \{0}. We define ϕh,j,Sdi ,Ei T, as the 1-sum in the sense of Definition 4.1 of ϕj,h T, in the direction di . We deduce that T → ϕh,j,Sdi ,Ei T, defines a holomorphic function for all T ∈ Udi ,θ,ι|| and for all ∈ Ei , where Udi ,θ,ι|| θ T ∈ C∗ : |T | < ι||, di − argT < 2 4.73 for some θ > π and some constant ι > 0 independent of for all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. From Proposition 4.12, for all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, we consider the solution Yh,Sdi ,Ei T, z, of the problem 4.55 with the initial conditions j ∂z Yh,Sdi ,Ei T, 0, ϕh,i,j T, , 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, h ≥ 0, which defines a bounded and holomorphic function on Udi ,θ,ι|| × D0, x1 /4 × Ei . 4.74 Abstract and Applied Analysis 49 Proposition 4.15. The function defined by Xh,i t, z, Yh,Sdi ,Ei t, z, 4.75 is holomorphic and bounded on T ∩ D0, ι × D0, x1 /4 × Ei , for all h ≥ 0, all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, and for some 0 < ι < ι . Moreover, the functions Gh,i : → Xh,i t, z, from Ei into the Banach space OT ∩ h ∈ OT ∩ D0, ι × D0, ι × D0, x1 /4 are the 1-sums on Ei of a formal series G D0, x1 /4. In other words, for all h ≥ 0, there exists a function gh s, t, z which is holomorphic on D0, sh × T ∩ D0, ι × D0, x1 /4 which admits for all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, an analytic continuation gh,i s, t, z which is holomorphic on Gκi ∪ D0, sh × T ∩ D0, ι × D0, x1 /4, where Gκi is an open sector centered at 0 with infinite radius and bisecting direction κi such that Xh,i t, z, −1 gh,i s, t, ze−s/ ds Lκi 4.76 along a half-line Lκi R eiκi ⊂ Gκi ∪ {0}. Proof. The proof is based on a cohomological criterion for summability of formal series with coefficients in a Banach space, see 27, page 121, which is known as the Ramis-Sibuya theorem in the literature. Theorem RS. Let E, || · ||E be a Banach space over C and {Ei }0≤i≤ν−1 a good covering in C∗ . For all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, let Gi be a holomorphic function from Ei into the Banach space E, || · ||E and let the cocycle Δi Gi1 − Gi be a holomorphic function from the sector Zi Ei1 ∩ Ei into E (with the convention that Eν E0 and Gν G0 ). We make the following assumptions. 1 The functions Gi are bounded as ∈ Ei tends to the origin in C for all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1. 2 The functions Δi are exponentially flat of order 1 on Zi for all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1. This means that there exist constants Ci , Ai > 0 such that Δi E ≤ Ci e−Ai /|| 4.77 for all ∈ Zi all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1. Then, for all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, the functions Gi are the 1 -sums on Ei of a 1 -summable formal series G in with coefficients in the Banach space E. By Definition 4.14 and the construction of Yh,Sdi ,Ei T, z, in Proposition 4.12, we get that the function Xh,i t, z, Yh,Sdi ,Ei t, z, defines a bounded and holomorphic function on the domain T ∩ D0, ι × D0, x1 /4 × Ei for all h ≥ 0 all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, where 0 < x1 < ρ depends on S, u0 > 0 which denotes a common radius of absolute convergence of the series s,k ,k x0 , where x0 < ρ. 4.69, 4.70, S, b, σ, |λ|, maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 x0 , maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b| 0 1 More precisely, we have the following. Lemma 4.16. Consider the following: 1 There exist a constant 0 < ι < ι , a constant u1 such that 0 < u1 < u0 (depending on u0 , S and b, σ), a constant x1 such that 0 < x1 < ρ (depending on S, u0 , S, b, σ, s,k ,k x0 , where x0 < ρ), and a constant |λ|, maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 x0 , maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b| 0 1 50 Abstract and Applied Analysis i > 0 (depending on max0≤j≤S−1 Wj,Sd ,Ei u0 (where Wj,Sd ,Ei are defined above), |λ|, C i i s,k ,k x0 , S, u0 , x0 , S, b) such that maxs,k ,k ∈S |b|s,k ,k x0 , maxs,k ,k ∈S |b| 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 i h! |Xh,i t, z, | ≤ 2C sup t∈T∩D0,ι ,z∈D0,x1 /4 2 u1 h 4.78 for all ∈ Ei , for all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, and all h ≥ 0. 2 There exist a constant 0 < ι ≤ ι , a constant u1 such that 0 < u1 < u0 (depending on u0 , S and b, σ), a constant x1 such that 0 < x1 < ρ (depending on S, u0 , S, b, s,k ,k x0 , where x0 < ρ), a constant σ, |λ|, maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 x0 , maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b| 0 1 Mi > 0, a constant Ki > 0 (depending on max0≤j≤S−1 Wj,Sdq ,Eq u0 , for q i, i 1 (where Wj,Sdq ,Eq are defined above), max0≤j≤S−1 Wj,τ0 ,0 u0 , |λ|, maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 x0 , s,k ,k x0 , S, u0 , x0 , S, b) such that maxs,k ,k ∈S |b| 0 1 0 1 sup |Xh,i1 t, z, − Xh,i t, z, | ≤ h! t∈T∩D0,ι ,z∈D0,x1 /4 2 u1 h 2Ki e−Mi /|| 4.79 for all ∈ Ei ∩ Ei1 , for all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, and all h ≥ 0 (where by convention Xh,ν Xh,0 ). Proof. 1 Let i be an integer such that 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1. From Proposition 4.12, we can write −1 Xh,i t, z, t Lγi Vh,Sdi ,Ei τ, z, e−τ/t dτ, 4.80 √ where Lγi R e −1γi ⊂ Sdi ∪ {0} and Vh,Sdi ,Ei is a holomorphic function on Sdi ∪ D0, τ0 × D0, x1 /4 × Ei for which the estimates 4.62 hold. By construction, the direction γi which depends on t is chosen in such a way that cosγi − argt ≥ δ1 , for all ∈ Ei , all t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι , and for some fixed δ1 > 0. From the estimates 4.62, we get −1 h CΩdi ,Ei r2 2 1 2 h! eσζbr/2|| e−r/|||t| cosγi −argt dr |Xh,i t, z, | ≤ |t| 1 − 2|z|/x u 1 1 || 0 ∞ h CΩdi ,Ei 2 ≤ |t|−1 h! eσζb/2−δ1 /|t|r/|| dr 1 − 2|z|/x u 1 1 0 h h CΩdi ,Ei CΩdi ,Ei 1 2 2 ≤ h! h! 1 − 2|z|/x1 u1 δ1 − σζb/2|t| δ2 1 − 2|z|/x1 u1 4.81 −1 ∞ for all t ∈ T∩D0, ι , with |t| < 2δ1 −δ2 /σζb, for some 0 < δ2 < δ1 , and for all ∈ Ei1 ∩Ei . Abstract and Applied Analysis 51 2 Let i an integer such that 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1. From Proposition 4.12, we can write again −1 Xh,i t, z, t Xi1 t, z, t−1 Lγi Lγi1 √ Vh,Sdi ,Ei τ, z, e−τ/t dτ, 4.82 Vh,Sdi1 ,Ei1 τ, z, e−τ/t dτ, √ where Lγi R e −1γi ⊂ Sdi ∪ {0}, Lγi1 R e −1γi1 ⊂ Sdi1 ∪ {0}, and Vh,Sdi ,Ei resp., Vh,Sdi1 ,Ei1 is a holomorphic function on Sdi ∪ D0, τ0 × D0, x1 /4 × Ei resp., on Sdi1 ∪ D0, τ0 × D0, x1 /4 × Ei1 for which the estimates 4.62 hold and which is moreover an analytic continuation of a function Vh τ, z, which satisfies the estimates 4.63. From the fact that τ → Vh τ, z, is holomorphic on D0, τ0 for all z, ∈ D0, x1 /4× starting from 0 D0, 0 \√{0}, the integral of τ → Vh τ, z, along the union of a segment √ √ to τ0 /2e −1γi1 , an arc of circle with√ radius τ0 /2 connecting τ0 /2e −1γi1 and τ0 /2e −1γi and a segment starting from τ0 /2e −1γi to 0 is equal to zero. Therefore, we can rewrite the difference Xh,i1 − Xh,i as a sum of three integrals: Xh,i1 t, z, − Xh,i t, z, t −1 Lτ0 /2,γi1 Vh,Sdi1 ,Ei1 τ, z, e−τ/t dτ − Lτ0 /2,γi Vh,Sdi ,Ei τ, z, e−τ/t dτ √ Cτ0 /2,γi ,γi1 4.83 Vh τ, z, e −τ/t dτ , √ where Lτ0 /2,γi τ0 /2, ∞e −1γi , Lτ0 /2,γi1 τ√0 /2, ∞e −1γi1 , and Cτ0 /2, γi , γi1 is an √ arc of circle with radius τ0 /2 connecting τ0 /2e −1γi with τ0 /2e −1γi1 with a well-chosen orientation. We give estimates for I1 |t−1 Lτ /2,γ Vh,Sdi1 ,Ei1 τ, z, e−τ/t dτ|. By construction, 0 i1 the direction γi1 which depends on t is chosen in such a way that cosγi1 − argt ≥ δ1 , for all ∈ Ei1 ∩ Ei , all t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι, and for some fixed δ1 > 0. From the estimates 4.62, we get I1 ≤ ≤ ≤ −1 h CΩdi1 ,Ei1 r2 2 1 2 h! eσζbr/2|| e−r/|||t| cosγi1 −argt dr |t| 1 − 2|z|/x u 1 1 || τ0 /2 ∞ h CΩdi1 ,Ei1 2 h! eσζb/2−δ1 /|t|r/|| dr |t|−1 1 − 2|z|/x u 1 1 τ0 /2 h −δ1 /|t|−σζb/2τ0 /21/|| CΩdi1 ,Ei1 e 2 h! 1 − 2|z|/x1 u1 δ1 − σζb/2|t| h CΩdi1 ,Ei1 2 h! e−δ2 τ0 /2/||ι δ2 1 − 2|z|/x1 u1 −1 ∞ 4.84 for all t ∈ T∩D0, ι , with |t| < 2δ1 −δ2 /σζb, for some 0 < δ2 < δ1 , and for all ∈ Ei1 ∩Ei . 52 Abstract and Applied Analysis We give estimates for I2 |t−1 Lτ /2,γ Vh,Sdi ,Ei τ, z, e−τ/t dτ|. By construction, the 0 i direction γi which depends on t is chosen in such a way that there exists a fixed δ1 > 0 with cosγi − argt ≥ δ1 , for all ∈ Ei1 ∩ Ei and all t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι . From the estimates 4.62, we deduce as before that h CΩdi ,Ei 2 I2 ≤ h! e−δ2 τ0 /2/||ι δ2 1 − 2|z|/x1 u1 4.85 for all t ∈ T∩D0, ι , with |t| < 2δ1 −δ2 /σζb, for some 0 < δ2 < δ1 , and for all ∈ Ei1 ∩Ei . Finally, we get estimates for I3 |t|−1 | Cτ0 /2,γi ,γi1 Vh τ, z, e−τ/t dτ|. From the estimates 4.63, we have −1 γi1 h 2 C Ω /2 τ 2 τ0 τ0 ,0 σζbτ0 /4|| −τ0 /2|||t| cosθ−argt 0 . 1 dθ I3 ≤ |t|−1 h! e e 2 u1 2 || γi 1 − 2|z|/x1 4.86 By construction, the arc of circle Cτ0 /2, γi , γi1 is chosen in such a way that that cosθ − argt ≥ δ1 for all θ ∈ γi , γi1 if γi < γi1 , θ ∈ γi1 , γi if γi1 < γi for all t ∈ T, all ∈ Ei ∩ Ei1 . From 4.86, we deduce that I3 ≤ γi1 − γi ≤ γi1 − γi CΩτ0 ,0 1 − 2|z|/x1 CΩτ0 ,0 h! 2 u1 2 h! 1 − 2|z|/x1 u1 h h τ0 1 −δ1 /|t|−σζb/2τ0 /21/|| e 2 |t| 4.87 τ0 1 −δ2 τ0 /4/|t| −δ2 τ0 /4/||ι e e 2 |t| for all t ∈ T∩D0, ι , with |t| < 2δ1 −δ2 /σζb, for some 0 < δ2 < δ1 , and for all ∈ Ei1 ∩Ei . Using the inequality 4.87 and the estimates 2.41, we deduce that I3 ≤ γi1 − γi CΩτ0 ,0 1 − 2|z|/x1 h! 2 u1 h 2e−1 −δ2 τ0 /4/||ι e δ2 4.88 for all t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι , with |t| < 2δ1 − δ2 /σζb, and for all ∈ Ei1 ∩ Ei . Finally, collecting the inequalities 4.84, 4.85, and 4.88, we deduce from 4.83, that |Xi1 t, z, − Xi t, z, | 2e−1 −δ2 τ0 /4/||ι h!2/u1 h CΩdi1 ,Ei CΩdi ,Ei −δ2 τ0 /2/||ι ≤ e γi1 − γi CΩτ0 ,0 e 1 − 2|z|/x1 δ2 δ2 4.89 for all t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι , with |t| < 2δ1 − δ2 /σζb, for some 0 < δ2 < δ1 , for all ∈ Ei1 ∩ Ei , and for all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1. Hence, the estimates 4.79 hold. Now, let us fix h ≥ 0. For all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1, we define Gh,i : t, z → Xh,i t, z, , which is, by Lemma 4.16, a holomorphic and bounded function from Ei into the Banach space Abstract and Applied Analysis 53 E OT ∩ D0, ι × D0, x1 /4 of holomorphic and bounded functions on the set T ∩ D0, ι × D0, x1 /4 equipped with the supremum norm. Therefore, the property 1 of Theorem RS is satisfied for the functions Gh,i , 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1. From the estimates 4.79, we get that the cocycle Δi Gh,i1 − Gh,i is exponentially flat of order 1 on Zi Ei1 ∩ Ei for all 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1. We deduce that the property 2 of Theorem RS is fulfilled for the functions Gh,i , 0 ≤ i ≤ ν − 1. From Theorem RS, we get that Gh,i are the 1-sums of a formal series h with coefficients in E. In particular, from Definition 4.1, we deduce the existence of the G functions gh,i s, t, z which satisfy the expression 4.76. 4.7. Analytic Transseries Solutions for a Singularly Perturbed Cauchy Problem We keep the notations of the previous section. Proposition 4.17. The following singularly perturbed Cauchy problem t2 ∂t ∂Sz Z0 t, z, t 1∂Sz Z0 t, z, s,k0 ,k1 ∈S bs,k0 ,k1 z, ts ∂kt 0 ∂kz1 Z0 t, z, 4.90 for given initial data exp−hλ/t j ∂z Z0 t, 0, γ0,j t, ϕh,0,j t, , h! h≥0 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, 4.91 which are holomorphic and bounded functions on T ∩ D0, ι × E0 ∩ E1 , has a solution Z0 t, z, exp−hλ/t h! h≥0 Xh,0 t, z, , 4.92 which defines a holomorphic and bounded function on T ∩ D0, ι × D0, δZ0 × E0 ∩ E1 , for some ι , δZ0 > 0. j Proof. Let h ≥ 0 and 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. By construction, we have that ϕh,0,j t, ∂z Xh,0 t, 0, for all t ∈ T and all ∈ E0 . From Lemma 4.16, 1, we get that there exist a constant ι > 0, a constant u1 such that 0 < u1 < u0 depending on u0 , S and b, σ, and a constant Č0 > 0 depending on max0≤j≤S−1 Wj,Sd0 ,E0 u0 where Wj,Sd0 ,E0 are defined above, s,k ,k x0 , S, u0 , x0 , S, b such that |λ|, maxs,k ,k ∈S |b|s,k ,k x0 , maxs,k ,k ∈S |b| 0 1 0 1 0 sup 1 t∈T∩D0,ι 0 1 ϕh,0,j t, ≤ h! 2 u1 h Č0 4.93 54 Abstract and Applied Analysis for all ∈ E0 , all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, all h ≥ 0. From 4.93 and from the property 3 of Definition 4.14, we deduce the estimates 2 exp−|λ|/0 ι cosπ/2 − δT h γ0,j t, ≤ Č0 , u1 t∈T∩D0,ι h≥0 sup 4.94 for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 . This latter sum converges provided that 0 is small enough. We deduce that γ0,j t, defines a holomorphic and bounded function on T ∩ D0, ι × E0 ∩ E1 . Likewise, from 4.78 and from the property 3 of Definition 4.14, we deduce that there exist a constant ι > 0, a constant u1 such that 0 < u1 < u0 depending on u0 , S and b, σ, a constant x1 such that 0 < x1 < ρ depending on S, u0 , S, b, s,k ,k x0 , where x0 < ρ and a constant σ, |λ|, maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 x0 , maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b| 0 1 0 > 0 depending on max0≤j≤S−1 Wj,Sd ,E0 u0 where Wj,Sd ,E0 are defined above, |λ|, C 0 0 s,k ,k x0 , S, u0 , x0 , S, b such that maxs,k ,k ∈S |b|s,k ,k x0 , maxs,k ,k ∈S |b| 0 1 0 sup 1 t∈T∩D0,ι ,z∈D0,δZ0 0 1 0 1 2 exp−|λ|/0 ι cosπ/2 − δT h 0 C |Z0 t, z, | ≤ 1 − 2δZ0 /x1 h≥0 u1 4.95 for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 . Again, this latter sum converges if 0 is small enough and if 0 < δZ0 ≤ x1 /4. We get that Z0 t, z, defines a holomorphic and bounded function on T ∩ D0, ι × j D0, δZ0 × E0 ∩ E1 . By construction, we have that ∂z Z0 t, 0, γ0,j t, , for 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. Finally, from Proposition 4.3, we deduce that Z0 t, z, solves 4.90. 5. Parametric Stokes Relations and Analytic Continuation of the Borel Transform in the Perturbation Parameter 5.1. Assumptions on the Initial Data We keep the notations of the previous section. Now, we make the following additional assumption that there exists a sequence of unbounded open sectors Sd0 ,ϑn such that Sd0 ⊂ Sd0 ,ϑn ⊂ Md0 ∪ Sd0 5.1 for all n ≥ 0 and a sequence of real numbers ζn , n ≥ 0 such that eiζn ∈ Sd0 ,ϑn , lim ζn argλ n → ∞ 5.2 with the property that argeiζn /t ∈ −π/2 δT , π/2 − δT for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 , all t ∈ T, and for all n ≥ 0 where T and δT were introduced in Definition 4.14. We also make the assumption that for all n ≥ 0, the function vh,j,Sd0 ,E0 τ, can be analytically continued to a holomorphic function τ → vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 τ, on Sd0 ,ϑn for all ∈ E0 such that vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 τ, ∈ Ej,,σ,Sd0 ,ϑn ∪D0,τ0 ×E0 5.3 Abstract and Applied Analysis 55 with the property that Wj,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 u : sup vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 τ, uh ∈ C{u}, j,,σ,Sd0 ,ϑn ∪D0,τ0 ×E0 h! h≥0 ∈E0 0≤j ≤S−1 5.4 and has a common radius of absolute convergence denoted by uE0 > 0 for all n ≥ 0. From the assumption 5.4, we get a constant u0,j > 0 depending on j ∈ {0, . . . , S − 1} and a constant Cn,j > 0 depending on n and j ∈ {0, . . . , S − 1} such that sup vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 τ, j,,σ,Sd0 ,ϑn ∪D0,τ0 ×E0 ∈E0 ≤ Cn,j 1 u0,j h h! 5.5 for all h ≥ 0. We deduce that vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , ≤ Cn,j 1 u0,j h h! exp σ rb j r 2|| 5.6 for all r ≥ 0, all ∈ E0 , all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, and all h ≥ 0. In particular, we have that r → vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , belongs to the space L0,σ /2, for σ > σrb S − 1. Moreover, from and that Proposition 2.7, we deduce that r → vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , belongs to the space D0, σ , there exists a universal constant C1 > 0 such that vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , ≤ C1 vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , 0, σ ,,d 0, σ /2, 2|| ≤ C1 Cn,j σ − σrb S − 1 1 u0,j h 5.7 h! for all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, all h ≥ 0, and all n ≥ 0, all ∈ E0 . We make the crucial assumption that for all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, there exists a sequence of , for h ≥ 0, a constant uj > 0 and a sequence In,j > 0 with distributions vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, ∈ D0, σ , limn → ∞ In,j 0 such that sup vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , − vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, ∈E0 0, σ ,,d ≤ In,j h! 1 uj h 5.8 for all n ≥ 0 and all h ≥ 0. From the estimates 5.7 and 5.8, we deduce that sup vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, h≥0 ∈E0 uh ∈ C{u}, 0, σ ,,d h! 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. 5.9 56 Abstract and Applied Analysis Lemma 5.1. Let σ > σrb S−1. One can write the initial data γ0,j t, in the form of a Laplace transform in direction argλ, γ0,j t, Largλ Vj,argλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, t, 5.10 where Vj,argλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, ∈ D0, and for all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, and all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 , all t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι . σ , Proof. For 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, from the definition of the initial data, we can write exp−hλ/t 1 τ dτ vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 τ, exp − γ0,j t, h! t Lζn t h≥0 exp − h|λ|ei argλ /t eiζn ∞ eiζn iζn dr vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 re , exp −r h! t 0 t h≥0 5.11 for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 , all t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι , and all n ≥ 0. Now, we can write Lζn vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , t Largλ vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , teiargλ−ζn 5.12 for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 , all t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι, all n ≥ 0. From the continuity estimates 3.3 for the Laplace transform, we deduce that for given t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι, ∈ E0 ∩ E1 , there exists a constant C,t depending on , t such that teiargλ−ζn Largλ vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, t − Largλ vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , ≤ C,t vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, − vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , 0, σ ,,d 5.13 Largλ vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, teiargλ−ζn − Largλ vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, t for all n ≥ 0. By letting n tend to ∞ in this latter inequality and using the hypothesis 5.8, we get that Lζn vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , t Largλ vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, t 5.14 for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 , all t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι , and all n ≥ 0. On the other hand, from Corollary 2.10, we have that for all h ≥ 0, the distribution v and that there exists a universal constant C3 > 0 such ∂−h h,j,Md0 ,E0 r, belongs to D0, r σ , that −h ∂r vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, 0, σ ,,d ≤ C3 || σ h vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, 0, σ ,,d 5.15 Abstract and Applied Analysis 57 for all h ≥ 0, all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. From 5.14 and using Propositions 3.3 and 3.7, we can write exp −h|λ|ei argλ /t eiζn ∞ eiζn iζn vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 re , exp −r dr h! t 0 t h exp −h|λ|ei argλ /t ei argλ Largλ ∂−h vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, t r t h! Largλ Vh,j,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, t, 5.16 where Vh,j,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, fh,j,λ,Md0 ,E0 r − |λ|h, 1|λ|h,∞ r h h! ∈ D0, σ , 5.17 with fh,j,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, ∂−h for all h ≥ 0 and all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. From r vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, ∈ D0, σ , Proposition 3.6, we have a universal constant A > 0 and a constant B σ , b, depending on σ , b, and , which tend to zero as → 0 such that Vh,j,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, 0, σ ,,d ≤A σ , b, h B . fh,j,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, 0, σ ,,d h! 5.18 From the estimates 5.9 and using 5.15, 5.18, we deduce that the distribution Vj,argλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, Vh,j,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, ∈ D0, σ ,,d h≥0 5.19 for all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, if 0 > 0 is chosen small enough. Finally, by the continuity estimates 3.3 for the Laplace transform Largλ and the formula 5.11, 5.16, we get the expression 5.10. On the other hand, we assume the existence of a sequence of unbounded open sectors Sd1 ,δn with Sd1 ⊂ Sd1 ,δn ⊂ Md1 ∪ Sd1 5.20 for all n ≥ 0 and a sequence of real numbers ξn , n ≥ 0 such that eiξn ∈ Sd1 ,δn , lim ξn argλ n → ∞ 5.21 with the property that argeiξn /t ∈ −π/2 δT , π/2 − δT for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 , all t ∈ T, and all n ≥ 0 where T and δT are introduced in Definition 4.14. We make the assumption that for 58 Abstract and Applied Analysis all n ≥ 0, the function vh,j,Sd1 ,E1 τ, can be analytically continued to a holomorphic function τ → vh,j,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 τ, on Sd1 ,δn for all ∈ E1 such that vh,j,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 τ, ∈ Ej,,σ,Sd1 ,δn ∪D0,τ0 ×E1 5.22 with the property that Wj,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 u : sup vh,j,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 τ, uh ∈ C{u}, j,,σ,Sd1 ,δn ∪D0,τ0 ×E1 h! h≥0 ∈E1 0≤j ≤S−1 5.23 and has a common radius of absolute convergence defined by uE1 > 0 for all n ≥ 0. From the assumption 5.23, we get a constant u1,j > 0 depending on j ∈ {0, . . . , S − 1} and a constant Cn,1,j > 0 depending on n and j ∈ {0, . . . , S − 1} such that sup vh,j,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 τ, j,,σ,Sd1 ,δn ∪D0,τ0 ×E1 ∈E1 ≤ Cn,1,j 1 u1,j h h! 5.24 for all h ≥ 0. We deduce that vh,j,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 reiξn , ≤ Cn,1,j 1 u1,j h h! exp σ rb j r 2|| 5.25 for all r ≥ 0, all ∈ E1 , all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, and all h ≥ 0. In particular, we have that r → vh,j,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 reiξn , belongs to the space L0,σ /2, for σ > σrb S − 1. Moreover, from and that Proposition 2.7, we deduce that r → vh,j,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 reiξn , belongs to the space D0, σ , there exists a universal constant C1 > 0 such that vh,j,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 reiξn , 0, σ ,,d ≤ C1 vh,j,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 reiξn , 0, σ /2, 2|| C1 Cn,1,j ≤ σ − σrb S − 1 1 u1,j h 5.26 h! for all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, all h ≥ 0, all n ≥ 0, and all ∈ E1 . Now, we make the crucial assumption that for all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, there exists a sequence Jn,j > 0 with limn → ∞ Jn,j 0 such that sup v0,j,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 reiξn , − Vj,argλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, ∈E0 ∩E1 0, σ ,,d ≤ Jn,j for all n ≥ 0, where Vj,argλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, are the distributions defined in Lemma 5.1. 5.27 Abstract and Applied Analysis 59 5.2. The Stokes Relation and the Main Result In the next proposition, we establish a connection formula for the two holomorphic solutions X0,0 t, z, and X0,1 t, z, of 4.90 constructed in Proposition 4.15. Proposition 5.2. Let the assumptions 5.1, 5.4, 5.8, 5.20, 5.23, and 5.27 hold for the initial data. Then, there exists 0 < δD0,1 < δZ0 such that one can write the following connection formula: X0,1 t, z, Z0 t, z, X0,0 t, z, exp−hλ/t h! h≥1 Xh,0 t, z, 5.28 for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 , all t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι , and all z ∈ D0, δD0,1 . The proof of this proposition will need two long steps and will be the consequence of the formula 5.79 and 5.124 from Lemmas 5.5 and 5.7. Step 1. In this step, we show that the function Z0 t, z, can be expressed as a Laplace transform of some staircase distribution in direction argλ satisfying the problem 5.80, 5.81. From the assumption 5.4, we deduce from Proposition 4.12 that the function Vh,Sd0 ,E0 τ, z, constructed in 4.80 has an analytic continuation denoted by Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 τ, z, on the domain Sd0 ,ϑn ∪ D0, τ0 × D0, δE0 × E0 which satisfies estimates of the form 4.62 for all n ≥ 0, where δE0 > 0 depends on S, uE0 which denotes a common radius of convergence s,k ,k x0 , where x0 < ρ. of the series 5.4, S, b, σ, |λ|, maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 x0 , maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b| 0 1 This constant δE0 is, therefore, independent of n and h. Now, one defines the functions Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 r, z, : Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , z, 5.29 for all r ≥ 0, all z ∈ D0, δE0 , all ∈ E0 , and all n ≥ 0. Lemma 5.3. Let σ̌ > σ > σrb S − 1. Then, there exists 0 < δD < δE0 (depending on S, b, σ̌, |λ|, uj , 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1 (introduced in 5.8), S, uE0 , ρ, μ, A, B (introduced in Lemma 5.4)), there exist M1 > 0 (depending on S, S, σ̌, |λ|, uj , for 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, ρ, μ, A, B), M1 > 0 (depending on S, S, σ̌, |λ|, ρ, μ, ρ , μ (introduced in Lemma 5.4), A, B, uj for 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1) and a constant U1 (depending on S, S, σ̌, |λ|, ρ, μ, A, B, uE0 , uj for 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1) such that for all h ≥ 0 all n ≥ 0, there exists a staircase distribution Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, ∈ D σ̌, , δD with sup Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 r, z, − Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, ∈E0 σ̌,,d,δD ≤ M1 max In,j 0≤j≤S−1 M1 Dn h 2 h! , U1 5.30 60 Abstract and Applied Analysis where In,j is a positive sequence (converging to 0 as n tends to ∞) introduced in the assumption 5.8 and Dn is the positive sequence (tending to 0 as n → ∞) introduced in Lemma 5.4. Moreover, one has sup Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, h≥0 ∈E0 uh ∈ C{u}. σ̌,,d,δD h! 5.31 Proof. From the estimates 4.54, we can write Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 τ, z, zβ Vh,β,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 τ, , β! β≥0 5.32 where Vh,β,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 τ, are holomorphic functions such that there exists a constant u1 such that 0 < u1 < uE0 depending on uE0 , S, and b, σ, a constant x1 such that 0 < x1 < ρ depending s,k ,k x0 , where x0 < ρ, and a on S, uE0 , S, b, σ, |λ|, maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 x0 , maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b| 0 1 constant CΩd0 ,E0 ,n > 0 depending on max0≤j≤S−1 Wj,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 uE0 where Wj,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 are defined s,k ,k x0 , S, uE , x0 , S, b with in 5.4, |λ|, maxs,k ,k ∈S |b|s,k ,k x0 , maxs,k ,k ∈S |b| 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 −1 h β 2 σ 2 |τ|2 1 2 rb β |τ| exp Vh,β,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 τ, ≤ CΩd0 ,E0 ,n h!β! u1 x1 2|| || 5.33 for all τ ∈ Sd0 ,ϑn ∪ D0, τ0 , ∈ E0 , all h ≥ 0, all β ≥ 0, and all n ≥ 0. We deduce that h β σ 2 2 iζn r re , ≤ C h!β! exp β r Vh,β,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 Ωd0 ,E0 ,n b u1 x1 2|| 5.34 for all r ≥ 0, all ∈ E0 , all β ≥ 0, all h ≥ 0, and all n ≥ 0. In particular, r → Vh,β,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , belongs to Lβ,σ̌/2, . From Proposition 2.7, we deduce that r → Vh,β,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , belongs to . From Proposition 2.7 and 5.34, we get a universal constant C1 > 0 such that Dβ, σ̌, Vh,β,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , β,σ̌,,d ≤ C1 Vh,β,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , β,σ̌/2, 2|| ≤ C1 CΩd0 ,E0 ,n σ̌ − σ 2 u1 h 2 x1 5.35 β h!β! for all β ≥ 0, all h ≥ 0, and all n ≥ 0. From 5.35, we deduce that the distribution Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 r, z, zβ ∈ D σ̌, , δ̌ Vh,β,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , β! β≥0 for all ∈ E0 , all δ̌ < x1 /2, all h ≥ 0, and all n ≥ 0. 5.36 Abstract and Applied Analysis 61 One gets from 4.20, 4.21 and the assumption 4.44 that the following problem holds: reiζn 1 λh ∂Sz Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 r, z, ⎛ ⎜ k0 bs,k0 ,k1 z, k0 −s eis−k0 ζn ⎝ s,k0 ,k1 ∈S ⎞ 1 m,p∈Os−k 0 −p ⎟ α1m,p r m ∂r ∂kz1 Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 r, z, ⎠ 5.37 1 k0 k0 ! k01 k0 c b z, hλq k0 −s eis−k0 −qζn s,k ,k q 0 1 1 2 k !k ! k1 k2 k0 ,k1 ≥1 0 0 q1 0 0 ⎛ 0 ⎞ ⎜ ×⎝ 2 m,p∈Os−k 0 −q 2,q −p ⎟ αm,p r m ∂r ∂kz1 Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 r, z, ⎠ with initial data j ∂z Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 r, 0, vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , , 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. 5.38 On the other hand, we consider the problem rei argλ 1 λh ∂Sz Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, ⎛ ⎞ −p ⎜ ⎟ k0 bs,k0 ,k1 z, k0 −s eis−k0 argλ ⎝ α1m,p r m ∂r ∂kz1 Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, ⎠ 1 s,k0 ,k1 ∈S m,p∈Os−k 0 1 k0 k0 ! k1 k0 bs,k0 ,k1 z, cq 0 hλq k0 −s eis−k0 −q argλ 1 2 k !k ! k1 k2 k0 ,k1 ≥1 0 0 q1 0 ⎛ ⎜ ×⎝ 0 0 ⎞ 2 m,p∈Os−k 5.39 2,q −p ⎟ αm,p r m ∂r ∂kz1 Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, ⎠ 0 −q with initial data j ∂z Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, 0, vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, , 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. 5.40 In the next lemma, we give estimates for the coefficients of 5.37 and 5.39. Lemma 5.4. Let bs,k0 ,k1 z, zβ bs,k0 ,k1 ,β β! β≥0 5.41 62 Abstract and Applied Analysis the convergent Taylor expansion of bs,k0 ,k1 with respect to z near 0. Let α ∈ R be a real number. Then, there exist positive constants A, B, ρ, ρ , μ, μ and a sequence Dn > 0 such that limn → ∞ Dn 0 with iα argλ β!q! q bs,k0 ,k1 ,β e ∂r ≤ AB−β q1 , i argλ re 1 λh ρ rμ 5.42 iαζn β!q! q bs,k0 ,k1 ,β e ∂r ≤ AB−β q1 , iζ n re 1 λh ρ rμ iα argλ bs,k0 ,k1 ,β eiαζn β!q! q q bs,k0 ,k1 ,β e − ∂r ∂r ≤ Dn B−β q1 iζ i argλ n re 1 λh re 1 λh ρ r μ 5.43 for all q ≥ 0, all β ≥ 0, all n ≥ 0, all h ≥ 0, all r ≥ 0, and all ∈ E0 . Proof. We first show 5.42. From the fact that bs,k0 ,k1 z, is holomorphic near z 0, we get from the Cauchy formula that there exist A, B > 0 such that bs,k ,k ,β ≤ AB−β β! 0 5.44 1 for all β ≥ 0, and all ∈ E0 . On the other hand, from Definition 4.143.1, there exist ρ, μ > 0 such that |reiζn 1 λh| ≥ ρr μ for all r ≥ 0, all h ≥ 0, and all n ≥ 0. Hence, q! q! eiαζn q ≤ ∂r ≤ q1 reiζn 1 λh reiζn 1 λhq1 ρ rμ 5.45 for all r ≥ 0, and all h ≥ 0, all q ≥ 0, all n ≥ 0. We deduce 5.42 from 5.44 and 5.45. Now, we show 5.43. Using the classical identities ab − cd a − cb cb − d and q bq1 − aq1 b − a × s0 as bq−s , we get the estimates eiα argλ eiαζn q q − ∂ ∂r r reiζn 1 λh rei argλ 1 λh eiα argλ eiq argλ eiαζn eiqζn ≤ q! − rei argλ 1 λhq1 reiζn 1 λhq1 ≤ q! eiζn − ei argλ × q1 r 5.46 q2−s reiζn 1 λhs 1 λh iα argλ e − eiαζn ei argλ − eiζn q 1 . rei argλ 1 λhq1 s1 re i argλ On the other hand, again from Definition 4.14 3.1, there exist ρ1 , μ1 > 0 such that i argλ 1 λh ≥ ρ1 r μ1 , re iζn re 1 λh ≥ ρ1 r μ1 5.47 Abstract and Applied Analysis 63 for all r ≥ 0, all h ≥ 0, and all n ≥ 0. Using 5.46, 5.47 and the fact that q 1 ≤ 2q1 for all q ≥ 0, we deduce the estimates 5.43. In the first part of the proof of Lemma 5.3, we show the existence of a staircase distribution solution of the problem 5.39, 5.40, which satisfies the estimates 5.31. As a starting point, it is easy to check that the problem 5.39, 5.40 has a formal solution of the form Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, zβ Vh,β,Md0 ,E0 r, , β! β≥0 5.48 where r → Vh,β,Md0 ,E0 r, are distributions on R , for which the next recursion holds: Vh,βS,Md0 ,E0 r, β! s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 β2 β k0 bs,k0 ,k1 ,β1 k0 −s β1 ! ⎛ × is−k0 argλ e ⎜ ⎝ rei argλ 1 λh 1 m,p∈Os−k 0 ⎞ V r, h,β k ,M ,E 2 1 d0 0 −p ⎟ α1m,p r m ∂r ⎠ β2 ! k0 k0 bs,k0 ,k1 ,β1 k01 k0 ! cq hλq β! 1 2 β ! k !k ! 1 1 2 1 q1 β β β 1 2 k k k0 ,k ≥1 0 0 1 0 0 × k0 −s 0 ⎛ is−k0 −q argλ e ⎜ ⎝ rei argλ 1 λh 2 m,p∈Os−k 0 −q ⎞ V r, 2,q −p h,β2 k1 ,Md0 ,E0 ⎟ αm,p r m ∂r ⎠ β2 ! 5.49 for all β ≥ 0, h ≥ 0, with initial conditions Vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, , 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, h ≥ 0. 5.50 Using Corollary 2.10, Propositions 2.11 and 2.12, the estimates 5.9, and Remark 2.4, we for all h, β ≥ 0 and that the following inequalities hold deduce that Vh,β,Md0 ,E0 r, ∈ Dβ, σ̌, 1 2 , C23.0 for the real numbers Vh,β,Md0 : ||Vh,β,Md0 ,E0 r, ||β,σ̌,,d : there exist constants C23.0 depending on S, σ̌, S, ρ, μ with Vh,βS,Md0 ≤ s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 β2 s−k0 b Vh,β2 k1 ,Md0 1 C23.0 β!AB−β1 β S 1 β2 ! β k01 1 q q k0 ! 2 −β1 k0 C β!AB 23.0 cq |λ| h k1 !k2 ! k1 k2 k0 ,k1 ≥1 0 0 q1 β1 β2 β 0 0 0 s−k0 −qb Vh,β2 k1 ,Md0 × βS1 β2 ! 5.51 64 Abstract and Applied Analysis for all β, h ≥ 0, where A, B > 0 are defined in Lemma 5.4. We define the following Cauchy problem: ∂Sx WMd0 u, x s,k0 ,k1 ∈S 1 C23.0 x∂x S 1bs−k0 A ∂k1 WMd0 u, x 1 − x/B x k01 1 q k0 ! bs−k0 −q 2 k0 C 23.0 cq |λ| x∂x S 1 1 2 k !k ! 1 2 1 q1 0 0 k k k0 ,k ≥1 0 × 0 0 A u∂u q ∂kx1 WMd0 u, x 1 − x/B 5.52 for given initial data j ∂x WMd0 u, 0 WMd0 ,j u sup vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, h≥0 ∈E0 uh ∈ C{u}, j,σ̌,,d h! 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. 5.53 From the assumption 4.42 and the fact that b > 1, we deduce that S > b s − k0 − q q k 1 5.54 for all s, k0 , k1 ∈ S and all 0 ≤ q ≤ k0 . Hence, the assumption 2.108 is satisfied in Proposition 2.22 for the Cauchy problem 5.52, 5.53. Since the initial data WMd0 ,j u is an analytic function on a disc containing some closed disc D0, U0 , for 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1 and since the coefficients of 5.52 are analytic on C × D0, B, we deduce that all the hypotheses of Proposition 2.22 are fulfilled for the problem 5.52, 5.53. We deduce the existence of a formal solution WMd0 u, x ∈ GUMd0 , XMd0 , where 0 < UMd0 < U0 depending on S and 0 < XMd0 ≤ B/2 depending on S, σ̌, |λ|, ρ, μ, U0 , S, A, B. h β Now, let WMd0 u, x h,β≥0 wh,β,Md0 u /h!x /β! be its Taylor expansion at the origin. Then, the sequence wh,β,Md0 satisfies the next equalities: wh,βS,Md0 s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 β2 s−k0 b wh,β2 k1 ,Md0 1 C23.0 β!AB−β1 β S 1 β2 ! β k01 1 q q k0 ! 2 −β1 k0 C β!AB 23.0 cq |λ| h k1 !k2 ! k1 k2 k0 ,k1 ≥1 0 0 q1 β1 β2 β 0 0 5.55 0 s−k0 −qb wh,β2 k1 ,Md0 × βS1 β2 ! for all β, h ≥ 0, with wh,j,Md0 sup vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, ∈E0 j,σ̌,,d , h ≥ 0, 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. 5.56 Abstract and Applied Analysis 65 Gathering the inequalities 5.51, the equalities 5.55 with the initial conditions 5.56, one gets supVh,β,Md0 ≤ wh,β,Md0 5.57 ∈E0 for all h, β ≥ 0. From 5.57 and the fact that WMd0 u, x ∈ GUMd0 , XM0 , we get a constant CMd0 > 0 such that sup Vh,β,Md0 ,E0 r, ∈E0 ≤ CMd0 hβ ! β,σ̌,,d h 1 UMd0 1 β ≤ CMd0 h!β! XMd0 h 2 UMd0 2 β 5.58 XMd0 for all h, β ≥ 0. From this last estimates 5.58, we deduce that for all h ≥ 0, Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, belongs to D σ̌, , δMd0 for 0 < δMd0 ≤ XMd0 /4 and moreover that sup Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, h≥0 ∈E0 uh ∈ C{u} σ̌,,d,δMd h! 0 5.59 holds. This yields the property 5.31. In the second part of the proof, we show 5.30. One defines the distribution VΔ h,Sd ,ϑ ,E 0 n 0 r, z, : Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, − Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 r, z, 5.60 for all r ≥ 0, all z ∈ D0, δMd0 ∩ D0, δ̌, with 0 < δ̌ < x1 /2, all ∈ E0 . If one writes the Taylor expansion VΔ h,Sd ,ϑ 0 r, z, n ,E0 VΔ h,β,Sd ,ϑ β≥0 0 r, n ,E0 zβ β! 5.61 66 Abstract and Applied Analysis r, satisfy the following recurfor z ∈ D0, δMd0 ∩ D0, δ̌, then the coefficients VΔ h,β,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 sion: VΔ h,βS,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 r, k0 bs,k0 ,k1 ,β1 k0 −s β! β1 ! β β s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 ⎛ 2 1 m,p∈Os−k eis−k0 ζn reiζn 1 λh ⎞ Δ V r, −p h,β2 k1 ,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 ⎟ α1m,p r m ∂r ⎠ β2 ! ⎜ ×⎝ 0 k0 k0 bs,k0 ,k1 ,β1 k01 k0 ! cq hλq β! 1 2 β ! k !k ! 1 k1 k2 k0 ,k1 ≥1 0 0 q1 β1 β2 β 1 0 0 0 ⎛ × k0 −s is−k0 −qζn e ⎜ ×⎝ reiζn 1 λh 2 m,p∈Os−k 0 −q ⎞ Δ V r, 2,q −p h,β2 k1 ,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 ⎟ αm,p r m ∂r ⎠ β2 ! Bh,β,n r, , 5.62 where Bh,β,n r, k0 bs,k0 ,k1 ,β1 k0 −s β! β1 ! β β s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 ⎛ 2 1 m,p∈Os−k eis−k0 argλ eis−k0 ζn − rei argλ 1 λh reiζn 1 λh 0 k0 k0 bs,k0 ,k1 ,β1 k01 k0 ! cq hλq β! 1 2 β ! k !k ! 1 1 2 1 k k k0 ,k ≥1 0 0 q1 β1 β2 β 1 0 0 0 × k0 −s ⎛ ⎜ ×⎝ ⎞ V r, h,β k ,M ,E 2 1 d0 0 −p ⎟ α1m,p r m ∂r ⎠ β2 ! ⎜ ×⎝ eis−k0 −q argλ eis−k0 −qζn − rei argλ 1 λh reiζn 1 λh 2 m,p∈Os−k 0 −q ⎞ V r, 2,q −p h,β2 k1 ,Md0 ,E0 ⎟ αm,p r m ∂r ⎠ β2 ! 5.63 Abstract and Applied Analysis 67 ||VΔ r, ||β,σ̌,,d . Using for all h ≥ 0 and all β ≥ 0. Now, we put VΔ h,β,n h,β,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 Corollary 2.10, Propositions 2.11 and 2.12, and Lemma 5.4, we get that there exist constants 1 2 C23.1 , C23.1 depending on S, σ̌, S, ρ, μ such that the following inequalities: VΔ h,βS,n ≤ s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 β2 β 1 C23.1 β!AB−β1 Δ s−k0 b Vh,β2 k1 ,n βS1 β2 ! 1 k0 k0 ! 2 C23.1 β!AB−β1 1 2 k !k ! k1 k2 k0 ,k1 ≥1 0 0 q1 β1 β2 β 0 0 5.64 0 Δ k1 s−k0 −qb Vh,β2 k1 ,n Bh,β,n × cq 0 |λ|q hq β S 1 β2 ! hold for all h, β ≥ 0, where A, B > 0 are defined in Lemma 5.4 and Bh,β,n is a sequence which 3 4 , C23.1 > 0 depending on S,σ̌,S,ρ ,μ satisfies the next estimates: there exist constants C23.1 with Bh,β,n ≤ s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 β2 β 3 C23.1 β!Dn B−β1 s−k0 b × βS1 Vh,β2 k1 ,Md0 ,E0 r, β2 k1 ,σ̌,,d β2 ! 5.65 1 k0 k0 ! 4 C23.1 β!Dn B−β1 1 2 k !k ! 1 2 1 k k k0 ,k ≥1 0 0 q1 β1 β2 β 0 0 0 r, V h,β k ,M ,E 2 1 d0 0 k01 q q s−k0 −qb β2 k1 ,σ̌,,d × cq |λ| h β S 1 β2 ! for all h, β, n ≥ 0, where Dn , n ≥ 0 is the sequence defined in Lemma 5.4. We consider the following sequence of Cauchy problem: ∂Sx WΔ n u, x s,k0 ,k1 ∈S 1 C23.1 x∂x S 1 bs−k0 A ∂k1 WΔ u, x 1 − x/B x n k01 1 q k0 ! bs−k0 −q 2 k0 C 23.1 cq |λ| x∂x S 1 1 2 k !k ! 1 2 1 k k k0 ,k ≥1 0 0 q1 0 × 0 0 A q k1 Δ u∂u ∂x Wn u, x Dn u, x, 1 − x/B 5.66 68 Abstract and Applied Analysis where Dn u, x s,k0 ,k1 ∈S 3 C23.1 x∂x S 1bs−k0 Dn ∂k1 WMd0 u, x 1 − x/B x k01 1 q k0 ! bs−k0 −q 4 k0 C 23.1 cq |λ| x∂x S 1 1 2 k !k ! 1 2 1 k k k0 ,k ≥1 0 0 q1 0 × 0 0 Dn u∂u q ∂kx1 WMd0 u, x 1 − x/B 5.67 and WMd0 u, x is already defined as the solution of the problem 5.52, 5.53, for given initial data j Δ ∂x WΔ n u, 0 Wj,n u sup vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, − vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , uh ∈ C{u}, j,σ̌,,d h! h≥0 ∈E0 5.68 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, which are convergent near the origin with respect to u due to the assumption 5.8 and Remark 2.4. Moreover, the initial data satisfy the estimates Δ Wj,n u ≤ In,j 1 − |u|/uj 5.69 for all |u| < uj , 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, all n ≥ 0. From the assumption 4.42 and the fact that b > 1, we deduce that S > b s − k0 − q q k1 5.70 for all s, k0 , k1 ∈ S and all 0 ≤ q ≤ k0 . Therefore, the assumption 2.108 is satisfied in Proposition 2.22 for the problem 5.66, 5.68. On the other hand, from Lemmas 2.20 and 2.21, there exist a constant DMd0 > 0 depending on S, σ̌, S, ρ , μ , |λ|, B, UMd0 , XMd0 , a constant 0 < U1,Md0 < UMd0 , and a constant 0 < X1,Md0 < XMd0 such that Dn u, xU1,M d0 ,X1,Md 0 ≤ Dn DMd0 WMd0 u, x UMd ,XMd 0 ≤ Dn DMd0 CMd0 5.71 0 for all n ≥ 0, where the constant CMd0 is introduced in 5.58. Since the initial data WΔ j,n u is an analytic function on some disc containing the closed disc D0, uj /2, for 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1 and the coefficients of 5.66 are analytic on C × D0, B, we deduce that all the hypotheses of Proposition 2.22 for the problem 5.66, 5.68 are fulfilled. Abstract and Applied Analysis 69 We deduce the existence of a formal solution WΔ n u, x ∈ GU1 , X1 of 5.66, 5.68, where 0 < U1 < minU1,Md0 , min0≤j≤S−1 uj /2 depending on S and 0 < X1 ≤ minB/2, X1,Md0 depending on S, σ̌, |λ|, uj , for 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, S, A, B, ρ, μ. Moreover, from 2.111 and 5.71, there exist constants M1 > 0 depending on S, σ̌, λ, uj , for 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, S, A, B, ρ, μ and M2 > 0 depending on S, uj for 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, B, S such that Δ Wn u, x U1 ,X1 for all n ≥ 0. Now, let WΔ n u, x ≤ M1 max In,j Dn M2 DMd0 CMd0 h,β≥0 0≤j≤S−1 5.72 Δ wh,β,n uh /h!xβ /β! be its Taylor expansion at the Δ satisfies the following equalities: origin. Then, the sequence wh,β,n Δ wh,βS,n Δ s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 s−k0 b wh,β2 k1 ,n 1 C23.1 β!AB−β1 β S 1 β2 ! β β 2 Δ k01 1 q q s−k0 −qb wh,β2 k1 ,n k0 ! 2 −β1 k0 c C β!AB h β S 1 |λ| q 23.1 β2 ! k1 !k2 ! k1 k2 k0 ,k1 ≥1 0 0 q1 β1 β2 β 0 0 0 Dh,β,n , 5.73 where Dh,β,n s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 β2 s−k0 b wh,β2 k1 ,Md0 3 C23.1 β!Dn B−β1 β S 1 β2 ! β k01 1 s−k0 −qb wh,β2 k1 ,Md0 k0 ! 4 −β1 k0 C23.1 β!Dn B cq |λ|q hq β S 1 1 2 β2 ! k !k ! k1 k2 k0 ,k1 ≥1 0 0 q1 β1 β2 β 0 0 0 5.74 for all h, β, n ≥ 0, with Δ wh,j,n sup vh,j,Md0 ,E0 r, − vh,j,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , j,σ̌,,d ∈E0 , ∀h ≥ 0, ∀0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1 . 5.75 Gathering the inequalities 5.64, 5.65 and the equalities 5.73, with the initial conditions 5.75, one gets that Δ supVΔ ≤ wh,β,n h,β,n ∈E0 for all h, β ≥ 0 and all n ≥ 0. 5.76 70 Abstract and Applied Analysis From 5.76 and the estimates 5.72, we deduce that Δ sup Vh,β,S d ,ϑ 0 ∈E0 r, n ,E0 β,σ̌,,d ≤ M1 max In,j 0≤j≤S−1 ≤ M1 max In,j 0≤j≤S−1 1 h 1 β Dn M2 DMd0 CMd0 h β ! U1 X1 h β 2 2 Dn M2 DMd0 CMd0 h!β! U1 X1 5.77 for all h, β ≥ 0, all n ≥ 0. From 5.77, we get that sup Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 r, z, − Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, σ̌,,d,δD ∈E0 ≤ M1 max In,j 0≤j≤S−1 h 2 Dn M2 DMd0 CMd0 h! U1 5.78 for all h ≥ 0 and all 0 < δD ≤ X1 /4. This yields the estimates 5.30. In the next lemma, we express Z0 t, z, as a Laplace transform of a staircase distribution. Lemma 5.5. Let σ̌ > σ > σrb S − 1. Then, one can write the solution Z0 t, z, of 4.90, 4.91 in the form of a Laplace transform in direction argλ Z0 t, z, Largλ Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, t 5.79 for all t, z, ∈ T ∩ D0, ι × D0, δD,Z0 × E0 ∩ E1 , where Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, ∈ D σ̌, , δD,Z0 (with δD,Z0 minδD , δZ0 ) solves the following Cauchy problem: rei argλ 1 ∂Sz Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, ⎛ ⎜ k0 −s bs,k0 ,k1 z, ⎝eis−k0 argλ s,k0 ,k1 ∈S 1 m,p∈Os−k 0 ⎞ −p ⎟ α1m,p r m ∂r ∂kz1 Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, ⎠, 5.80 1 where the sets Os−k and the integers α1m,p are introduced in 4.20, with initial data 0 j ∂z Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, 0, Vj,argλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, , 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. 5.81 Abstract and Applied Analysis 71 Proof. From Proposition 4.17, we can write the solution Z0 t, z, of 4.90, 4.91 in the form Z0 t, z, exp−hλ/t 1 τ dτ Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 τ, z, exp − h! t Lζn t h≥0 exp −h|λ|ei argλ /t eiζn ∞ eiζn iζn dr Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 re , z, exp −r h! t 0 t h≥0 5.82 for all t, z, ∈ T ∩ D0, ι × D0, δZ0 × E0 ∩ E1 and all n ≥ 0. Now, we write Lζn Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , z, t Largλ Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , z, teiargλ−ζn 5.83 for all t, z, ∈ T ∩ D0, ι × D0, δZ0 × E0 ∩ E1 and all n ≥ 0. Now, we define δD,Z0 minδD , δZ0 . From the continuity estimates 3.5 for the Laplace transform, we deduce that for given ∈ E0 ∩ E1 , t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι , there exists a constant C,t depending on , t such that teiargλ−ζn Largλ Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, t − Largλ Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , z, ≤ C,t Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, − Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , z, σ̌,,d,δD,Z0 5.84 Largλ Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, teiargλ−ζn − Largλ Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, t for all z ∈ D0, δD,Z0 , all n ≥ 0. By letting n tend to ∞ in this latter inequality and using the estimates 5.30, we obtain Lζn Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 reiζn , z, t Largλ Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, t 5.85 for all t, z, ∈ T ∩ D0, ι × D0, δD,Z0 × E0 ∩ E1 and all n ≥ 0. On the other hand, from Corollary 2.10, we have that for all h ≥ 0, the distribution ∂−h r Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, belongs to D σ̌, , δD,Z0 and that there exists a universal constant C3 > 0 such that −h ∂r Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, for all h ≥ 0. σ̌,,d,δD,Z0 ≤ C3 || σ̌ h Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, σ̌,,d,δD,Z0 5.86 72 Abstract and Applied Analysis From 5.85 and using Propositions 3.3 and 3.7, we can write exp −h|λ|ei argλ /t eiζn ∞ eiζn iζn Vh,Sd0 ,ϑn ,E0 re , z, exp −r dr h! t 0 t ei argλ t h exp −h|λ|ei argλ /t V Largλ ∂−h z, r, t h,M ,E r d0 0 h! 5.87 Largλ Vh,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, z, t, where Vh,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, fh,λ,Md0 ,E0 r − |λ|h, z, 1|λ|h,∞ r h! h ∈ D σ̌, , δD,Z0 5.88 with fh,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, z, ∂−h r Vh,Md0 ,E0 r, z, ∈ D σ̌, , δD,Z0 , for all h ≥ 0, all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. From Proposition 3.6, we have a universal constant A > 0 and a constant Bσ̌, b, depending on σ̌, b, and , which tend to zero as → 0 such that Vh,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, z, σ̌,,d,δD,Z0 ≤A Bσ̌, b, h . fh,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, z, σ̌,,d,δD,Z0 h! 5.89 From the convergence of the series 5.31 near the origin and using 5.86, 5.89, we deduce the distribution Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, Vh,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, z, ∈ D σ̌, , δD,Z0 , h≥0 5.90 if 0 > 0 is chosen small enough. Finally, by the continuity estimates 3.5 of the Laplace transform Largλ and the formula 5.82, 5.87, we get the expression 5.79. Moreover, from the formulas in Proposition 3.3, as Z0 t, z, solves the problem 4.90, 4.91, we deduce that the distribution Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, solves the Cauchy problem 5.80, 5.81. Step 2. In this step, we show that the function X0,1 t, z, can be expressed as a Laplace transform of some staircase distribution in direction argλ, satisfying the problem 5.80, 5.81. From the assumption 5.23, we deduce from Proposition 4.12, that the function V0,Sd1 ,E1 τ, z, constructed in 4.80 has an analytic continuation denoted by V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 τ, z, on Sd1 ,δn ∪ D0, τ0 × D0, δE1 × E0 ∩ E1 and satisfies estimates 4.62 for all n ≥ 0, where δE1 > 0 depends on S,uE1 which denotes a common radius of absolute s,k ,k x0 , convergence of the series 5.23, S, b, σ, |λ|, maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 x0 , maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b| 0 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 73 where x0 < ρ. This constant δE1 is, therefore, independent of n. Now, one defines the functions V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 r, z, V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 reiξn , z, 5.91 for all r ≥ 0, all z ∈ D0, δE1 , and all n ≥ 0. Lemma 5.6. Let σ̌ > σ > σrb S − 1 as in Lemma 5.3. Then, there exists 0 < δD0,1 < minδE1 , δD,Z0 #1 B, ρ, #1 , M (depending on S, S, σ̌, |λ|, A, B, ρ, μ and A, μ introduced in Lemma 5.7), there exist M (depending on S, S, σ̌, |λ|, A, B, ρ, μ, A, B, ρ, μ and ρ , μ introduced in Lemma 5.7) such that sup V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 r, z, − Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, ∈E0 ∩E1 σ̌,,d,δD0,1 ≤ #1 max Jn,j M #1 D n M 0≤j≤S−1 5.92 for all n ≥ 0, where Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, is defined in Lemma 5.5 and solves the problem 5.80, 5.81 n is the sequence (which tends to zero as n → ∞) defined in Lemma 5.7. and D Proof. From the estimates 4.54, we can write V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 τ, z, zβ V0,β,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 τ, , β! β≥0 5.93 where V0,β,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 τ, are holomorphic functions such that there exist a constant u1 with 0 < u1 < uE1 depending on uE1 , S, and b, σ, a constant x1 such that 0 < x1 < ρ depending s,k ,k x0 , where x0 < ρ, and a on S, uE1 , S, b, σ, |λ|, maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b|s,k0 ,k1 x0 , maxs,k0 ,k1 ∈S |b| 0 1 constant CΩd1 ,E1 ,n > 0 depending on max0≤j≤S−1 Wj,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 uE1 where Wj,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 are defined s,k ,k x0 , S, uE , x0 , S, b with in 5.23, |λ|, maxs,k ,k ∈S |b|s,k ,k x0 , maxs,k ,k ∈S |b| 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 −1 β 2 σ |τ|2 1 2 rb β |τ| exp V0,β,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 τ, ≤ CΩd1 ,E1 ,n β! x1 2|| || 5.94 for all τ ∈ Sd1 ,δn ∪ D0, τ0 , ∈ E1 , all β ≥ 0, and all n ≥ 0. We deduce that β σ 2 rb β r β! exp V0,β,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 reiξn , ≤ CΩd1 ,E1 ,n x1 2|| 5.95 for all r ≥ 0, all ∈ E1 , all β ≥ 0, and all n ≥ 0. In particular, r → V0,β,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 reiξn , belongs to Lβ,σ̌/2, . From Proposition 2.7, we deduce that r → V0,β,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 reiξn , belongs to Dβ, . From σ̌, Proposition 2.7 and 5.95, we get a universal constant C1 > 0 such that V0,β,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 reiξn , β,σ̌,,d ≤ C1 V0,β,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 reiξn , β,σ̌/2, 2|| ≤ C1 CΩd1 ,E1 ,n σ̌ − σ 2 x1 5.96 β β! 74 Abstract and Applied Analysis for all β ≥ 0 and all n ≥ 0. From 5.96, we deduce that the distribution V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 r, z, zβ ∈ D σ̌, , δ̌ V0,β,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 reiξn , β! β≥0 5.97 for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 , all δ̌ < x1 /2, and all n ≥ 0. From 4.20, 4.21, we have that the distribution V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 r, z, solves the following problem: reiξn 1 ∂Sz V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 r, z, ⎛ ⎜ k0 −s bs,k0 ,k1 z, ⎝eis−k0 ξn s,k0 ,k1 ∈S 1 m,p∈Os−k 0 ⎞ −p ⎟ α1m,p r m ∂r ∂kz1 V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 r, z, ⎠, 5.98 1 is the set and α1m,p are the integers from 5.80, with initial data where Os−k 0 j ∂z V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 r, 0, v0,j,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 reiξn , , 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. 5.99 In the next lemma, we give estimates for the coefficients of 5.98 and 5.80. The proof is exactly the same as the one described for Lemma 5.4. Lemma 5.7. Let bs,k0 ,k1 z, zβ bs,k0 ,k1 ,β β! β≥0 5.100 be the convergent Taylor expansion of bs,k0 ,k1 with respect to z near 0. Then, there exist positive n > 0 such that limn → ∞ D B, ρ, n 0 with , μ and a sequence D constants A, ρ , μ is−k0 argλ β!q! q bs,k0 ,k1 ,β e −β ∂r ≤ AB q1 , i argλ re 1 ρ r μ is−k0 ξn β!q! q bs,k0 ,k1 ,β e −β ∂r ≤ AB q1 , reiξn 1 ρ r μ is−k0 argλ bs,k0 ,k1 ,β eis−k0 ξn q q bs,k0 ,k1 ,β e n B−β β!q! − ∂r ∂r ≤D q1 iξ i argλ re n 1 re 1 ρ r μ for all q ≥ 0, all β ≥ 0, all n ≥ 0, all r ≥ 0 and all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 . 5.101 Abstract and Applied Analysis 75 Now, we consider the distribution VΔ 0,Sd ,δn ,E1 r, z, : Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, − V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 r, z, 5.102 1 for all r ≥ 0, all z ∈ D0, δD,Z0 ∩ D0, δ̌, with 0 < δ̌ < x1 /2 and δD,Z0 defined in Lemma 5.5, for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 . One writes the Taylor expansions as follows: VΔ 0,Sd ,δn ,E1 r, z, 1 VΔ 0,β,Sd ,δ β≥0 1 r, n ,E1 zβ , β! 5.103 zβ Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, Vβ,argλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, , β! β≥0 for z ∈ D0, δD,Z0 ∩ D0, δ̌; then the coefficients VΔ 0,β,Sd ,δ ,E 1 n 1 VΔ 0,βS,Sd ,δ ,E 1 n 1 r, β! s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 β2 β ⎛ 1 m,p∈Os−k 0 s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 ⎛ bs,k0 ,k1 ,β1 k0 −s β! β1 ! β β 1 m,p∈Os−k 2 eis−k0 argλ eis−k0 ξn − rei argλ 1 reiξn 1 5.104 ⎞ V r, −p β2 k1 ,argλ,Sd0 ,E0 ⎟ α1m,p r m ∂r ⎠ β2 ! ⎜ ×⎝ bs,k0 ,k1 ,β1 k0 −s eis−k0 ξn β1 ! reiξn 1 ⎞ Δ V r, −p 0,β2 k1 ,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 ⎟ α1m,p r m ∂r ⎠ β2 ! ⎜ ×⎝ r, satisfy the next recursion: 0 for all h ≥ 0, all β ≥ 0. We put VΔ ||VΔ 0,β,n,E1 0,β,Sd ,δ ,E 1 n 1 r, ||β,σ̌,,d . Using Corollary 2.10, 1 > 0 depending on Propositions 2.11 and 2.12 and Lemma 5.7, we get a constant C23.2 2 such that the next inequalities: S, σ̌, S, ρ, μ and C23.2 > 0 depending on S, σ̌, S, ρ , μ VΔ 0,βS,n,E1 ≤ s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 β2 s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 β2 β × Δ V 1 B−β1 β S 1 bs−k0 0,β2 k1 ,n,E1 C23.2 β!A β2 ! β 2 n B−β1 β S 1 bs−k0 C23.2 β!D Vβ2 k1 ,argλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, 5.105 β2 k1 ,σ̌,,d β2 ! B > 0 and the sequence D n , n ≥ 0 are defined in Lemma 5.7. hold for all β ≥ 0, where A, 76 Abstract and Applied Analysis We consider the following sequence of Cauchy problems: ∂Sx WΔ n,E1 x s,k0 ,k1 ∈S 1 C23.2 x∂x S 1 bs−k0 A 1 − x/B ∂kx1 WΔ n,E1 x n x, D 5.106 where n x D s,k0 ,k1 ∈S 2 C23.2 x∂x S 1 bs−k0 n D 1 − x/B ∂kx1 Wargλ,E0 x 5.107 with Wargλ,E0 x sup Vβ,argλ,Sd0 ,E0 x xβ β,σ̌,,d β! β≥0 ∈E0 ∩E1 5.108 for given initial data j ∂x WΔ n,E1 0 iξn WΔ sup r, − v re , V j,argλ,S ,E 0,j,S ,E d0 0 d1 ,δn 1 j,n,E1 j,σ̌,,d ∈E0 ∩E1 , 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1, 5.109 which are finite positive numbers due to the assumption 5.27 and Remark 2.4. Moreover, the initial data satisfy the estimates Δ Wj,n,E1 ≤ Jn,j 5.110 for all 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1 and all n ≥ 0. On the other hand, we have that Wargλ,E0 x is convergent for all |x| ≤ XMd0 /4 where XMd0 is chosen in 5.58. Indeed, we know, from 5.90, that Vh,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, z, zβ Vh,β,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, β! β≥0 5.111 is convergent for all |z| < δD,Z0 , all r > 0, and all h ≥ 0. From 5.86 and 5.89, we know that Vh,β,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, β,σ̌,,d ≤ C3 A ||Bσ̌, b, /σ̌h Vh,β,Md0 ,E0 r, β,σ̆,,d h! 5.112 Abstract and Applied Analysis 77 for all h ≥ 0 and all β ≥ 0. From 5.58 and 5.112, we deduce that Vβ,argλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, β,σ̌,,d Vh,β,λ,Md0 ,E0 r, h≥0 ≤ C3 ACMd0 β! 2 β,σ̌,,d β XMd0 2||Bσ̌, b, h 5.113 σ̌UMd0 h≥0 and this last sum is convergent provided that 0 is small enough. We deduce that Wargλ,E0 x Md : ||Wargλ,E0 x||U,XM /4 . belongs to GU, XMd0 /4, for any U > 0. Let C 0 d0 Md From Lemmas 2.20 and 2.21, we get constants D > 0 depending on 0 , B, U, XMd , 0 < U1,Md < U, and 0 < X1,Md < XMd /4 such that S, σ̌, S, ρ , μ 0 0 0 Dn x 1,M ,X 1,M U d d 0 0 nD Md C Md ≤D 0 0 5.114 0 for all n ≥ 0. From the assumption 4.42 and the fact that b > 1, we deduce that S > bs − k0 k1 5.115 for all s, k0 , k1 ∈ S. Hence, the assumption 2.108 is satisfied in Proposition 2.22 for the problem 5.106, 5.109. Moreover, the initial data WΔ j,n can be seen as constant functions therefore analytic with respect to a variable u on the closed disc D0, U for any given and constant U > 0 and the coefficients of 5.106 are analytic with respect to x on D0, B/2 therefore analytic with respect to u on D0, U. We deduce that all the hypotheses of Proposition 2.22 for the problem 5.106, 5.109 are fulfilled. A direct computation shows Δ x β≥0 wβ,n,E xβ /β!, that the problem 5.106, 5.109 has a unique formal solution WΔ n,E1 1 1, X 1 where ∈ C. From Proposition 2.22, we deduce that WΔ x ∈ GU with wΔ n,E1 β,n,E1 1,Md depending on S and 0 < X 1 < minB/2, 1,Md depending 1 < U X 0 < U 0 0 B, ρ, #1 > 0 on S, S, σ̌, A, μ . Moreover, from 2.111 and 5.114, there exist constants M # depending on S, S, σ̌, A, B, ρ, μ and M2 > 0 depending on S, B, S such that Δ Wn,E1 x 1 ,X 1 U for all n ≥ 0. #1 max Jn,j D nM #2 D Md C Md ≤M 0 0 0≤j≤S−1 5.116 78 Abstract and Applied Analysis Δ satisfy the following equalities: Now, the coefficients wβ,n,E 1 Δ wβS,n,E 1 s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 β2 β 1 B−β1 C23.2 β!A s,k0 ,k1 ∈S β1 β2 β × Δ bs−k0 wβ2 k1 ,n,E1 βS1 β2 ! 2 n B−β1 β S 1 bs−k0 C23.2 β!D 5.117 sup∈E0 ∩E1 Vβ2 k1 ,argλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, β2 k1 ,σ̆,,d β2 ! for all β ≥ 0 and all n ≥ 0, with Δ WΔ wj,n,E j,n,E1 , 1 0 ≤ j ≤ S − 1. 5.118 Gathering the inequalities 5.105 and the equalities 5.117, with the initial data 5.118, one gets that Δ sup VΔ ≤ wβ,n,E 0,β,n,E1 1 5.119 ∈E0 ∩E1 for all β, n ≥ 0. From 5.119 and the estimates 5.116, we deduce that sup VΔ r, 0,β,Sd ,δn ,E1 ∈E0 ∩E1 β,σ̌,,d 1 β 1 # # ≤ M1 max Jn,j Dn M2 DMd0 CMd0 β! 0≤j≤S−1 1 X 5.120 for all β, n ≥ 0. From 5.120, we get that sup V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 r, z, − Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, ∈E0 ∩E1 σ̌,,d,δD0,1 # # ≤ 2 M1 max Jn,j Dn M2 DMd0 CMd0 5.121 0≤j≤S−1 1 /2. This implies the estimates 5.92. for all n ≥ 0 and for all 0 < δD0,1 < X In the following lemma, we express the function X0,1 t, z, as Laplace transform of a staircase distribution. Lemma 5.7. Let σ̌ > σ > σrb S − 1 as in Lemma 5.3. Then, one can write the function X0,1 t, z, , which by construction of Proposition 4.12, solves the singularly perturbed Cauchy problem t2 ∂t ∂Sz X0,1 t, z, t 1∂Sz X0,1 t, z, s,k0 ,k1 ∈S bs,k0 ,k1 z, ts ∂kt 0 ∂kz1 X0,1 t, z, 5.122 Abstract and Applied Analysis 79 for given initial data j ∂z X0,1 t, 0, ϕ0,1,j t, , 0≤j ≤S−1 5.123 X0,1 t, z, Largλ Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, t 5.124 in the form of a Laplace transform in direction argλ for all t, z, ∈ T ∩ D0, ι × D0, δD0,1 × E0 ∩ E1 , where Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, ∈ D σ̌, , δD0,1 solves the Cauchy problem 5.80, 5.81. Proof. From Proposition 4.12 and the assumption 5.23, we get that the function X0,1 t, z, can be expressed as a Laplace transform in the direction ξn , τ dτ V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 τ, z, exp − t Lξn eiξn ∞ reiξn iξn dr V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 re , z, exp − t 0 t X0,1 t, z, 1 t 5.125 for all t, z, ∈ T ∩ D0, ι × D0, δE1 × E0 ∩ E1 , all n ≥ 0. Now, let t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι , ∈ E0 ∩ E1 . For all n ≥ 0, we can rewite X0,1 t, z, as a Laplace transform in the direction argλ as follows: X0,1 t, z, Largλ V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 r, z, teiargλ−ξn 5.126 for all z ∈ D0, δE1 . Using the expression 5.126, we deduce that from the estimates 3.5, there exists a constant Ct, > 0 such that X0,1 t, z, − Largλ Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, t ≤ Ct, V0,Sd1 ,δn ,E1 r, z, − Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, σ̌,,d,δD0,1 Largλ Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, teiargλ−ξn − Largλ Vargλ,Sd0 ,E0 r, z, t 5.127 for all n ≥ 0 and all z ∈ D0, δD0,1 . By letting n tend to ∞ and using the estimates 5.92, we get the formula 5.124. Now, we are in the position to state the main result of our work. Theorem 5.8. Let the assumptions 4.42, 4.44, 4.67, 4.69, 4.70, 5.1, 5.4, 5.8, 5.20, 5.23, and 5.27 hold. Then, if one denote by op¿Gκ0 (resp. opGκ1 ) the opening of the sector Gκ0 (resp. Gκ1 ), one has that for all t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι , z ∈ D0, δD0,1 , the function s → g0 s, t, z 80 Abstract and Applied Analysis (constructed in Proposition 4.15) can be analytically continued along any path Γ in the punctured sector Ṡκ0 ,κ1 ,t,λ $ ∞ opGκ1 C∗ opGκ0 λk < args < κ1 s∈ − \ , κ0 2 2 t k1 5.128 as a function denoted by g0Γ,t,z s. Moreover, for all k ≥ 1, and any path Γ0,k ⊂ Ṡκ0 ,κ1 ,t,λ from 0 to a neighborhood of λk/t, there exists a constant Ck > 0 such that λk Γ0,k ,t,z log s − ≤ C s g0 k t 5.129 as s tends to λk/t in a sector centered at λk/t. Proof. The proof is based on the following version of a result on analytic continuation of Borel transforms obtained by Fruchard and Schäfke in 3. This result extends a former statement obtained by the same authors in 28. Theorem FS. Let r > 0 and let g : D0, r → C be a holomorphic function that can be analytically continued as a function g (resp., g − ) with exponential growth of order 1 on an unbounded sector Sκ ,δ (resp. Sκ− ,δ− ) centered at 0, with bisecting direction κ (resp. κ− ) and opening δ (resp. δ− ). Let C > r be a real number and let m ≥ 1 be an integer. Let {ak ∈ C∗ , 1 ≤ k ≤ m} ⊂ D0, C be a set of aligned points and let α > 0 with argak α ∈ κ− , κ , for all 1 ≤ k ≤ m. For all integers 1 ≤ k ≤ m, let Sk be an unbounded open sector centered at ak , with bisecting direction which is parallel to κ− , and opening μ > 0 such that the Sk ∩ D0, C do not intersect for all 1 ≤ k ≤ m. Now, for all 1 ≤ k ≤ m, let gk be a holomorphic and bounded function on a small neighborhood of 0 and with exponential growth of order 1 on the sector Sk −ak {s ∈ C/sak ∈ Sk } with bisecting direction κ− . We consider the Laplace transforms f g se −s/ ds, − − f Lκ g se Lκ− −s/ ds, fk− Lκ− gk se−s/ ds 5.130 for all k ≥ 1, where Lκ is the half-line starting from 0 in the direction κ and Lκ− is the half-line starting from 0 in the direction κ− . The function f (resp. f − ) defines a holomorphic and bounded function on an open sector E (resp. E− ) with finite radius, with bisecting direction κ (resp. κ− ) and opening π δ (resp. π δ− ). The sectors E , E− are chosen in such a way that E ∩ E− is contained in a sector with direction α and with opening less than π. Assume that the following Stokes relation f f − m −ak / e k1 k! iα fk− O e−Ce / 5.131 Abstract and Applied Analysis 81 holds for all ∈ E ∩ E− , where Oe−Ce exists a constant H > 0 with iα / is a holomorphic function R on E ∩ E− such that there iα/ |R| ≤ H e−Ce He−C/|| cosα−arg 5.132 for all ∈ E ∩ E− . Then, the function g : D0, r → C can be analytically continued along any path Γ in the punctured sector Ṡκ− ,κ ,C $ m C∗ δ− δ − < args < κ < C, κ − s∈ \ {ak }. 2 2 |s| k1 5.133 Moreover, for all 1 ≤ k ≤ m, and any path Γ0,k ⊂ Ṡκ− ,κ ,C from 0 to a neighborhood of ak , if we denote by g Γ0,k s the analytic continuation of g along Γ0,k , then there exists a constant Ck > 0 such that Γ0,k g s ≤ Ck logs − ak 5.134 as s tends to ak in a sector centered at ak . Proof. For the sake of completeness, we give a sketch of proof of this theorem. In the first step, let us consider the following sums of Cauchy integrals ht m 1 1 2iπ k1 k! Lak ,κ− ,C gk τ − ak dτ, τ −t 5.135 where Lak ,κ− ,C is the segment starting from ak in the direction κ− with length C. The multivalued function ht can be analytically continued along any path Γ in C \ {a1 , . . . , am } by deforming the path of integration Lak ,κ− ,C in the sector Sk and keeping the endpoints of the segment Lak ,κ− ,C fixed for all 1 ≤ k ≤ m. Moreover, let 1 ≤ k ≤ m and t ∈ Lak ,κ− \ {ak }, where Lak ,κ− denotes the half-line starting from ak in the direction κ− . We denote by hΓak ,t,ρ t the analytic continuation of ht along a loop Γak ,t,ρ around ak constructed as follows: the loop follows a segment starting from t in the direction ak then turns around ak along a circle Γak ,ρ of small radius ρ > 0 positively oriented and then goes back to t following the same segment. We have that ht − hΓak ,t,ρ t gk t − ak . k! 5.136 Indeed, by the Cauchy theorem, one can write ht − hΓak ,t,ρ t as a Cauchy integral 1 Ik 2iπk! Cak ,C gk τ − ak dτ, τ −t 5.137 82 Abstract and Applied Analysis where Cak ,C is a positively oriented closed curve enclosing t starting from ak and containing − the point ak Ceiκ . By the residue theorem, one gets that Ik gk t − ak /k!. From the relation 5.136, we also deduce the existence of a holomorphic function bt near ak such that ht − gk t − ak logt − ak bt 2iπk! 5.138 for all t near ak , for a well-chosen determination of the logarithm logx. In the second step, let us define the truncated Laplace transforms and Laplace transforms HC hse−s/ ds, − HC Lκ ,C H hse −s/ − hse−s/ ds, Lκ− ,C H ds, Lκ hse 5.139 −s/ ds, Lκ− where Lκ ,C is the segment starting from 0 to C eiκ and Lκ− ,C is the segment starting from 0 − to C eiκ , for any fixed C > C. By the Cauchy formula, one can write the difference HC − HC− as the sum HC − HC− m − hse−s/ ds k1 Γak ,ρ iα hs − hΓak ,s,ρ s e−s/ ds O e−Ce / , Lak ,ρ,C ,κ− 5.140 − − where Lak ,ρ,C ,κ− is the segment starting from ak ρeiκ to ak C eiκ for any ρ > 0 small enough. Due to the decomposition 5.138, hs is integrable at ak . By letting ρ tending to 0 and C tending to infinity, using the relation 5.136 in 5.140, ones gets that − H − H m 1 k1 k! iα gk s − ak e−s/ ds O e−Ce / Lak ,κ− m −ak / e k1 k! gk se −s/ iα ds O e−Ce / , 5.141 Lκ− where Lak ,κ− is the half-line starting from ak in the direction κ− . Now, one considers the differences D f − H and D− f − − H − . From the Stokes relations 5.131 and 5.141, one deduces that iα D − D− O e−Ce / 5.142 for all ∈ E ∩ E− . Using a similar Borel transform integral representation as in the proof of Theorem 1 in 28, one can show that the difference gs − hs, which is by construction Abstract and Applied Analysis 83 analytic near the origin in C, can be analytically continued to a function Gs, which is holomorphic on the sector Sκ− ,κ ,C {s ∈ C∗ /|s| < C, κ− < args < κ }. Since h can be analytically continued along any path in C \ {a1 , . . . , an }, one gets that the function g can be analytically continued along any path in Ṡκ− ,κ ,C and from the decomposition 5.138 one deduces the estimates 5.134. Now, we return to the proof of Theorem 5.8. From the formula 4.76 and Proposition 5.2, the following equality g0,1 s, t, ze−s/ ds Lκ1 g0,0 s, t, ze−s/ ds Lκ0 5.143 exp−hλ/t h! h≥1 gh,0 s, t, ze −s/ ds Lκ0 holds for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 , and all t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι , all z ∈ D0, δD0,1 . Let t ∈ T ∩ D0, ι and z ∈ D0, δD0,1 fixed. Let m ≥ 1 be an integer. From the estimates 4.78, we get that exp−hλ/t gh,0 s, t, ze−s/ ds h! Lκ0 h≥m1 0 ≤ 2C h exp −h λ 2 t u 0 ≤ 2C 2 u1 5.144 1 h≥m1 m1 1 exp −m 1 λ t 1 − 2exp−λ/t/u 1 for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 . From 5.143 and 5.144, we deduce that the following Stokes relation g0,1 s, t, ze Lκ1 −s/ g0,0 s, t, ze−s/ ds ds Lκ0 m exp−hλ/t h1 h! gh,0 s, t, ze −s/ O e−m1λ/t . 5.145 Lκ0 Holds, where Oe−m1λ/t is a holomorphic function R on E0 ∩ E1 such that there exists a constant H > 0 with |R| ≤ H e−m1λ/t 5.146 84 Abstract and Applied Analysis for all ∈ E0 ∩ E1 . We can apply Theorem FS with ak kλ/t, for 1 ≤ k ≤ m, C |λ|m 1/|t| to get that the function s → g0 s, t, z constructed in Proposition 4.15 can be analytically continued along any path in the punctured sector Ṡκ0 ,κ1 ,t,λ,m $ m opGκ0 opGκ1 C∗ |λ|m 1 λk < args < κ1 s∈ < , κ0 − \ 2 2 t |s| |t| k1 5.147 as a function denoted by g0Γ,t,z s. Moreover, for all 1 ≤ k ≤ m, and any path Γ0,k ⊂ Ṡκ0 ,κ1 ,t,λ,m Γ ,t,z from 0 to a neighborhood of λk/t, there exists a constant Ck > 0 such that |g0 0,k s| ≤ Ck | logs − λk/t| as s tends to λk/t in a sector centered at λk/t. Since this result is true for all m ≥ 1, Theorem 5.8 follows. In the next result, Onee show that under the additional hypothesis that the coefficients of 4.90 are polynomials in the parameter , the function g0 s, t, z solves a singular linear partial differential equation in C3 . Corollary 5.9. Let the assumptions of Theorem 5.8 hold. We assume moreover that, for all tuple s, k0 , k1 chosen in the set S, the coefficients bs,k0 ,k1 z, belong to C{z} with the following expansion in : bs,k0 ,k1 z, ds,k0 ,k1 mk0 m bs,k zm 0 ,k1 5.148 for some ds,k0 ,k1 ≥ k0 . Then, for all K ∈ N with K ≥ 1 and K ≥ max{ds,k0 ,k1 ∈ N/s, k0 , k1 ∈ S}, the function g0 u, t, z (constructed in Proposition 4.15) satisfies the following singular linear partial differential equation S K S t2 ∂t ∂K−1 u ∂z g0 u, t, z ∂u ∂z g0 u, t, z S −t∂K−1 u ∂z g0 u, t, z ds,k0 ,k1 s,k0 ,k1 ∈S mk0 m s K−m k0 k1 ∂ bs,k ∂ ∂ g zt u, t, z 0 z u t ,k 0 1 5.149 for all u, t, z ∈ D0, s0 × T ∩ D0, ι × D0, δD0,1 . From Theorem 5.8, for all t, z ∈ T ∩ D0, ι × D0, δD0,1 , this solution g0 u, t, z can be analytically continued with respect to u along any path in the punctured sector Ṡκ0 ,κ1 ,t,λ with logarithmic estimates 5.129 near the singular points λk/t for all k ≥ 1. Proof. From Proposition 4.15, we have that the function X0,0 t, z, −1 g0,0 s, t, ze−s/ ds Lκ0 5.150 Abstract and Applied Analysis 85 solves 5.122 on T ∩ D0, ι × D0, δD0,1 × E0 . From the formulas in Proposition 4.2, we deduce that the function g0,0 u, t, z solves the singular integrodifferential equation S S t2 ∂t ∂−1 u ∂z g0,0 u, t, z ∂z g0,0 u, t, z S −t∂−1 u ∂z g0,0 u, t, z ds,k0 ,k1 s,k0 ,k1 ∈S mk0 m s −m k0 k1 ∂ bs,k ∂ ∂ g zt u, t, z 0,0 z u t ,k 0 1 5.151 for all u, t, z ∈ Gκ0 ∪ D0, s0 × T ∩ D0, ι × D0, δD0,1 . Since g0 u, t, z is holomorphic on D0, s0 × T ∩ D0, ι × D0, δD0,1 and has g0,0 u, t, z as analytic continuation on Gκ0 ∪ D0, s0 ×T∩D0, ι ×D0, δD0,1 , we get that g0 u, t, z also solves 5.151. 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