Reset Print INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 (Revision 12/16/08) HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTIONAL EMPLOYMENT RATIONALE 1. District Procedure 401.2P is recommended to be employed as (Name) (Grade or Subject Area) filling Job ID # at (School or Location) 2. (Job Posting ID#) Type of contract will be: ID Badge Requirement (Check one) □ Access Badge □ Identification Badge Regular contract (white) or Long-term substitute contract (blue) only applicable for replacement of employee on leave of absence or job share pair Name of employee(s) replaced 3. Duty Year: For School Nurse, enter number of hours/day number of days/year (If other than every day employee, attach schedule of days to be worked) For all others: If same number of hours worked each regular teacher day, enter FTE of full-time annual schedule If other than every day employee, enter number of hours/day , number of days/week days/year (and attach schedule of days to be worked) If different FTE for each trimester, enter FTE for T-1 4. Recommended Salary Step 5. Salary Code , T-2 , and number of , T-3 and Salary Lane % 000 000 000 Fund ORG PRG FIN at at at OBJ 6. Effective dates of contract (start date and end date): 7. Number of years of experience: This is required for the STAR report that we file with the Minnesota Department of Education. Please indicate the years of experience on the line that corresponds with the teachers’ status: 00 Returning employee from previous year 01 First-year teacher (graduated from a Minnesota College or University) 02 Teacher returning after a leave, or hired after October 1 of last year. 03 Transfer from another public school system in Minnesota 04 Transfer from school in another state, country or a nonpublic school 05 First-year teacher (graduated from an institution outside of Minnesota) 06 Long-term substitute in District 196 Principal/Supervisor Signature Date Special Education Signature Date (if required) Reset Print (To be completed by Human Resources Department) Employee Number ______________________ Start Date _____________________________ Salary Step ____________________________ Salary Lane ____________________________ Probation Status ________________________ Projected Seniority Date __________________ shared/hr/forms/instructional rationale new