INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 Legislative Advisory Council Meeting Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools

Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools
Educating our students to reach their full potential
Legislative Advisory Council Meeting
6–7:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 17, 2014
District Office
VJ Agarwal, Jane Berenz, Art Coulson, Kim Craven, Valerie Dosland, Cindy Ford, Gary
Huusko, Gary Krueger, Chas McCready, Laura Menk, Jason Nord, Retno Saridewi-Wong
and Tony Taschner.
Member Introductions
Members introduced themselves, providing their connection to the district, their interest in
serving on the LAC and what they hope to gain from the experience. Taschner welcomed new
members VJ Agarwal, Cindy Ford, Laura Menk, Jason Nord and David Unmacht. Visitor Jami
Vandenberg, a fifth-grade teacher at Diamond Path Elementary School of International Studies,
said she was attending the meeting as part of an educational policy class she is taking.
Superintendent’s Welcome
Superintendent Berenz thanked members for their service, commented on achievements during
the LAC’s first two years and stressed the importance of maintaining good relationships with
legislators and convincing residents that they can have an impact on decisions when they contact
their legislators.
Taschner referenced two handouts: a list of LAC members with email addresses, and the LAC
Norms for Working Together adopted in 2012.
Visitor Comments
Selection of Chairpersons
Member Krueger said he would continue as a co-chair as long as two or more others were not
interested. Member McCready said he would be a co-chair with Krueger. No others indicated an
interest in serving. Krueger and McCready are co-chairs for the 2014-15 school year.
2015 Legislative Session Planning
Krueger commented on the LAC’s legislative efforts during the 2014 session and the value of
relationship-building between LAC members, district leaders and individual legislators during
the last two years.
November Elections – The governor and all House of Representatives seats are up for election
on November 4. Taschner referenced the Association of Metropolitan School District’s (AMSD)
2014 Election Guide and a handout that lists House races in District 196. Member Menk said
there has been discussion by the district’s Early Childhood Family Education Advisory Council
about possibly hosting a candidates’ forum in October. She suggested the district provide
information about candidate forums and town halls. Member Dosland agreed and said the LAC
should strive to provide legislative information in a friendlier, more accessible way for parents.
The Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring two upcoming forums:
October 1, 7-8:30 p.m. at Rasmussen College in Eagan, featuring candidates in Districts 51A and
51B, and October 22, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Rosemount City Hall, for candidates in Districts 57B and
58B. Taschner will talk with the superintendent about sharing election and voter information.
Timeline for Developing Priorities – Taschner briefly reviewed the 2014 legislative priorities.
The district was successful in getting authorization to use lease levy funds for a transportation
hub facility. In 2015, in addition to it being a funding session, he said legislators are likely to
revisit recommendations of the state’s Facilities Funding Working Group, which were presented
to the legislature in February. Funding for additional early learning space, ongoing technology
needs, and safety and security improvements were all district priorities in 2014. Taschner said all
three can be considered again for the 2015 priorities, which will be developed at the October and
November LAC meetings and presented to the School Board in December.
Capitol Visit – There was discussion about when to schedule a visit to the Capitol to meet with
legislators. The 2015 session begins Tuesday, January 6, 2015. Member Dosland suggested late
January, two or three weeks after the session opens. A copy of the LAC’s 2014 visit to the
Capitol was shared.
Outreach Efforts – Member Dosland suggested that after the November election, each LAC
member send a note to their newly elected representative to congratulate them and introduce
themselves as a constituent and member of the District 196 LAC.
Facilities and Equipment Task Force Presentation
In August, the board authorized Superintendent Berenz to establish a task force to determine
district needs for facilities, technology, and safety and security. The task force is chaired by the
directors of Finance and Operations Jeff Solomon, Elementary Education Julie Olson and
Secondary Education Mark Parr. Ten other members include principals, other directors and
coordinators representing the Facilities, Early Learning and Teaching and Learning departments.
Parents, staff and the community will have multiple opportunities to provide input to the task
force throughout the process. The task force is tentatively scheduled to present recommendations
to the board this winter or in the spring.
The last comprehensive review of district facilities and equipment was in 2002-03. At that time,
the focus was on updating aging infrastructure and systems, establishing standards for different
types of space, adding space for increasing high school enrollment, and improving safety and
security with video surveillance equipment and electronic door-locking systems at all schools.
In June 2004, district voters approved a bond referendum that included a capital projects levy
that has provided approximately $1.2 million annually for ongoing technology needs. This 10year levy expires this year, leaving the district with no dedicated funding source for technology.
To complete their work, the task force members are reviewing the following:
 Enrollment projections for each school and factors that impact enrollment change and school
capacity (e.g. full-day kindergarten, early learning programs and STEM expansion);
 Recommendations from the district’s Learning and Technology Task Force, and
 Recommendations from the district’s Emergency Preparedness Team.
Technology Plan Implementation Update
There are 46 beta classrooms in the district this year where each student has a district-owned
iPad mini to use at school and home. Due to time constraints, Taschner said he would invite a
member of the Teaching and Learning Department to give a progress report on the beta project at
the October or November meeting.
6-7:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 15, 2014
District Office