English Language Learners and Academic Success North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Ivanna M T Anderson Lindsey Fults Charlotte “Nadja” Trez NC DPI CCSA 2015 NC Demographics • 115 LEAs – All with at least 1 LEP • 149 Charters – 99 with at least 1 LEP • Approximately 300 languages – Top 5: Spanish, Arabic, Vietnamese, Hmong, Chinese NC DPI CCSA 2015 LEP Students in NC 120000 100000 80000 60000 LEP 40000 2014-2015 2012-13 2010-11 2008-09 2006-07 2004-05 0 2002-03 20000 NC DPI CCSA 2015 NC English Learners January 2013 60000 50000 40000 Born in US 30000 1st Generation 20000 10000 0 Gr K-5 Gr 6-8 Gr 9-12 78.6% of elementary LEPs and 54.7% of secondary LEPs are born in the U.S. NC DPI CCSA 2015 Types of Language – Let’s try it! NC DPI CCSA 2015 WIDA Standards • Joined Consortium in 2008 • Initial training mostly to ESL teachers via connections to existing initiatives (SIOP, ExC-ELL), RttT Summer Institutes, RESA, ELL Support Team, Internally at LEAs/Charters NC DPI CCSA 2015 WIDA Standards • Expand to Content Teachers • Need to build greater capacity – Tie into existing initiatives – Use what is available – ASK! Sometimes they say YES! NC DPI CCSA 2015 Why is building capacity so important? • English language learners have to learn more material in less time than any other group of students. • Addressing the needs of English language learners is complex. • The North Carolina Standard Course of Study in conjunction with the WIDA Standards provide an unprecedented opportunity to meet the needs of all students who struggle with language development, and to help all students master academic language through rigorous and appropriate instruction. NC DPI CCSA 2015 Collaboration NC DPI CCSA 2015 21st Century Teaching and Learning is NOT just for the students! NC DPI CCSA 2015 RttT Modules NC DPI CCSA 2015 It’s not just about the Modules! • How can YOU take ideas from the modules and adapt them to your environment? • How do YOU build capacity in understanding and use of the WIDA Standards? NC DPI CCSA 2015 https://ncees.homebase.ncpublicschools.gov/moodle/course/view.php?id=158 NC DPI CCSA 2015 https://ncees.homebase.ncpublicschools.gov/moodle/course/view.php?id=158 NC DPI CCSA 2015 Resources from WIDA NC DPI CCSA 2015 Student Profiles https://ncees.homebase.ncpublicschools.gov/moodle/mod/page/view.php?id=3361 NC DPI CCSA 2015 ELD Standards NC DPI CCSA 2015 NC DPI CCSA 2015 Training Videos https://ncees.homebase.ncpublicschools.gov/moodle/mod/page/view.php?id=3362 NC DPI CCSA 2015 Activities NC DPI CCSA 2015 NC DPI CCSA 2015 Discussion Groups NC DPI CCSA 2015 Connections to Rigor NC DPI CCSA 2015 Testing and Score Reports NC DPI CCSA 2015 • Curriculum and Instruction • Legislation & Policy • WIDA Modules • Accountability • LEP Coordinators • NC Charter Schools ESL Wikisite http://eldnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/ NC DPI CCSA 2015 Let’s Model the Can Do Philosophy What could realistically be brought to life in your environment? NC DPI CCSA 2015 Contact Information Regions 1, 2, 3 Regions 4, 5 and Charters Lindsey Fults Ivanna M T Anderson ESL/Title III Consultant ESL/Title III Consultant NC DPI NC DPI 919-807-3844 919-807-3860 lindsey.fults@dpi.nc.gov ivanna.anderson@dpi.nc.gov Regions 6, 7, 8 Charlotte “Nadja” Trez ESL/Title III Consultant NC DPI 919-807-3866 nadja.trez@dpi.nc.gov