Connecting schools, families, and communities for youth success partnerships by design Cultivating Effective and Meaningful School-Family-Community Partnerships Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory This resource and training manual is part of a series from NWREL to assist in school improvement. Publications are available in five areas: Re-Engineering—Assists schools, districts, and communities in reshaping rules, roles, structures, and relationships to build capacity for long-term improvement Quality Teaching and Learning—Provides resources and strategies for teachers to improve curriculum, instruction, and assessment by promoting professional learning through reflective, collegial inquiry School, Family, and Community Partnerships—Promotes child and youth success by working with schools to build culturally responsive partnerships with families and communities Language and Literacy—Assists educators in understanding the complex nature of literacy development and identifying multiple ways to engage students in literacy learning that result in highly proficient readers, writers, and speakers Assessment—Helps schools identify, interpret, and use data to guide planning and accountability This project has been funded at least in part with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education under contract number ED-01-CO-0013. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Education nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government. These materials are in the public domain and may be reproduced without permission. The following acknowledgment is requested on materials that are reproduced: Developed by the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Connecting schools, families, and communities for youth success partnerships by design Cultivating Effective and Meaningful School-Family-Community Partnerships October 2002 By Debbie Ellis and Kendra Hughes Child and Family Program Dr. Steffen Saifer, Director School-Family-Community Partnerships Team Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory 101 SW Main, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97204 Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory Acknowledgments Partnerships by Design was a collaborative effort made possible by the assistance of many individuals within the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. The authors would like to thank the following individuals for their invaluable contributions: Lucy Barnett, Diane Dorfman, Randi Douglas, Keisha Edwards, Amy Fisher, Rafael Gomez, Richard Greenough, Lena Ko, Steffen Saifer, and Sharon St. Claire. Special thanks to Suzie Boss, Linda Fitch, Eugenia Cooper Potter, Cathy Swoverland, and Patti Tucci for editing and technical assistance, and Denise Crabtree for design and layout. The authors owe thanks to the following schools and contact individuals for setting up the student focus groups that provided rich information for the “What will it look like when we get there?” section: P Humboldt Elementary School, Judy Bryant P Tubman-Whitaker Middle School, S.U.N. School Summer Program, Cynthia Irving P Multnomah Youth Advisory Committee, Leela Yellesetty Finally, we would like to acknowledge the School-Family-Community Partnership Team’s advisory committee members for their continued advice regarding the needs of students, parents, schools, and community members in the area of education: P Peggy Ames Nerud, North Side Elementary School, Wolf Point, Montana P Terry Bostick, Wallace School District, Wallace, Idaho P Liz Flynn, Pasco School District, Pasco, Washington P Mary Lou Kinney, Boise, Idaho P Betty Klattenhoff, White Pass School District, Randle, Washington P Lily Martinez, North Franklin School District, Othello, Washington P Anita McClanahan, Oregon Department of Education, Salem, Oregon P Steve Olczak, Reynolds High School, Troutdale, Oregon P Barbara Riley, Family BASICS, Missoula, Montana P Paul Sugar, Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Juneau, Alaska S ii Contents Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Meaningful Involvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Where Are You Now? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 What Will It Look Like When We Get There? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Partnerships by Design Action Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 S iii Introduction Why Was This Booklet Written? Partnerships by Design: Cultivating Effective and Meaningful School-Family-Community Partnerships was written as a complement to the resource and training manual, Planning for Youth Success (Dorfman, et al, 2001), which outlines how family and community members can work with school staff and students to set standards for youth success that are unique to the community and create a project around a shared goal. Working through the manual together, representatives of the school community: P Identify characteristics that are most important for youth to be successful in their community P Consider ways to determine that students are developing these characteristics P Identify resources and assets in the community that will help youth develop the desired characteristics P Plan and implement a project to promote the characteristics, then evaluate the effectiveness of the project, and communicate findings to the public Partnerships by Design lays a foundation for partnership building that can help facilitate this process. Partnerships by Design is based on the assumption that many educators have been actively seeking to involve families, but are not getting the results they desire. It is designed to help educators move beyond relying on typical family involvement activities toward building more effective and meaningful school-family-community partnerships within their classrooms, programs, or schools. How Is This Booklet Unique? Partnerships by Design is a practical, realistic tool, focused on working with families and the community, that provides easy-to-read information and an efficient planning process. It contains simple forms, worksheets, and activities that will help you write your own school-family-community partnership plan, including: P Assessing the current state of your collaboration with families and community members P Forming a vision of what you want your partnerships to look like in the future P Setting up a plan of action that includes defining simple goals and objectives, outlining options for new partnership activities, and creating a process for regularly evaluating and revising the partnership plan Partnerships by Design also includes “Ideas for Action”—hints, tips, and practical suggestions for putting your plans into action. Although this booklet is quite comprehensive, the activities can be completed quickly. In just one evening, you can come away with a plan of action that, if followed, can build a foundation for creating, building, and sustaining meaningful school-family-community partnerships. S 1 How To Use This Booklet Partnerships by Design is written to assist a partnership development team in creating its school (or program) partnership plan. The team should include three to four members from each of the following groups: students, family members, community members, and school staff. If possible, there should be equal numbers of people representing each of these four groups. All four are essential to the process, and each has unique contributions to make and distinctive benefits to receive. When choosing team participants, the goal is to create a diverse team that will represent all members of your school community. Include, among others, principals, teachers, district personnel, school board members, front office staff, teacher’s aides, bus drivers, lunchroom staff, and playground monitors as possible members to represent school staff. Consider parents, stepparents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, foster parents and guardians, siblings, and even close family friends when including family members. When recruiting team members, actively seek those who don’t typically volunteer, attend school functions, or hold leadership roles in the school community. Choose team members who have regular and consistent contact with those they represent so they can accurately present the views of their peers, speak knowledgeably on their behalf, and take issues and action items back to them. Because the partnership development team represents the entire school community, the team can build a sense of community, address the strengths of their practices, identify needed changes and expectations, and link activities to their school improvement goals. Another unique aspect of Partnerships by Design is that it has been written so that anyone can lead the partnership development team through the process—the responsibility to provide leadership does not lie only with the school. The process can be owned by all concerned community members, and the role of leader can be facilitated by anyone who has the time, energy, and desire to handle the task. For instance, many schools work with National Service (AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, and Learn and Serve) volunteers. These volunteers, trained in leadership and capacity building, would be well-suited to lead the process and spearhead many of the school’s partnership activities. Partnerships by Design can also be used as a self-directed study guide. Educators can modify the forms and activities to fit their individual needs, and use the information gained to improve their own practices and increase partnerships. What You Will Need To Get Started Have the following items available to help answer questions and provide information when working on your partnership plan: P Your school improvement plan P Demographic information about your school and district P Artifacts (such as school newsletters) P Specific learning goals for students P Curriculum plans S 2 Background Family involvement in education has long been considered an essential component of children’s academic success. Parents, teachers, school administrators, and policymakers all agree that family involvement makes a significant difference, and research has shown that increased family involvement boosts student attendance and attitudes toward school, decreases student discipline problems, and increases student achievement and aspirations (Caplan, Choy, & Whitmore, 1992; Henderson & Berla, 1994). In a 2002 educational needs assessment survey, “fostering a high level of parent involvement in their children’s learning” was a very high priority for Northwest teachers, principals, superintendents, and board chairs. It was the number-one issue for teachers and principals in high-poverty schools: more than 90 percent of teachers and 85 percent of principals in such schools rated it as needing more or much more effort (Barnett & Greenough, 2002). These regional findings mirror the national findings that most teachers (83 percent) would like to see the level of parental involvement in their schools increase, with nearly all inner-city educators (95 percent) wanting parents more involved (Binns, Steinberg, & Amorosi, 1997). While so many see the value in partnerships and want to know more about how to foster high levels of family involvement in their children’s learning and in their schools, many educators struggle to get family members involved. They face questions, such as: P How can we produce meaningful family involvement in our school? P How can we create effective school-family-community partnerships that include a wide variety of participants? P How can we involve more family and community members, in addition to the same small core group who regularly come to events and volunteer for activities? P How can we show that our partnership activities have a positive impact on student achievement? Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 2001 In the 2001 reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, No Child Left Behind, there was a notable shift in the expected role of parental involvement in schools and an increase in the responsibilities of teachers and administrators. The act includes new provisions increasing parental notification requirements, parental selection of educational options, and parental involvement in school governance. The new law envisions parents as informed and empowered decisionmakers in their children’s education (Gomez & Greenough, 2002). Much of the information communicated by the media related to the new law focuses on informing parents of the failures of some schools and providing parents with information regarding their option to transfer their child from a “failing” school to another public school. Instead of focusing only on the negatives, educators can also view the new legislation as creating opportunities and prompting them to ask: P How can we work more closely with parents as partners in the success of our school? P How can we use the provisions for increased parental notification as a way to advertise our successes? P How can we widen the design of the provision of parental choice to include families in the school processes that lead to greater academic achievement and youth success? S 3 Introduction to the Partnerships by Design Process All the above questions and the new legislation beg for an effective partnership plan. Today, two out of three new business ventures fail—mostly due to a lack of a clearly spelled-out business plan. For those who create a solid, well-thought-out plan, success nearly doubles. The same can be said for school-family-community partnerships. If schools fail to plan for effective partnerships, their involvement efforts may not bring about the desired results. Why have a written partnership plan? Formulating a plan will force you to think about where you want your partnership to go and how you are going to get there. It will become a road map to follow as your partnerships grow and develop—providing a definite direction and a much clearer, focused idea of what can be expected from your partnerships, thus increasing your odds for success. A written plan will help form the guidelines for developing meaningful, well-planned, and long-lasting partnerships. A partnership plan is a document you create when you take an idea and work through all the factors that will have an impact on the successful start-up, operation, and management of your school-family-community partnerships. The Partnerships by Design plan should: P Define the goals and outcomes for this effort, including both immediate and future directions, and describe the means you will use to attain those goals Planning is all about taking your vision and turning it into a reality. P Outline the details of the roles each partner will play in helping reach the overall educational goals P Anticipate potential barriers along the way and formulate responses to them P Identify strategies to evaluate the success of the partnerships in meeting the planned goals, and formulate a process to advertise findings and regularly revise the plan The planning process should answer many questions you may not have thought about as well as prompt questions that may turn into opportunities in the future. Because there is no one formula for success in creating school-family-community partnerships, your plan should be based on your local needs and circumstances. Although creating a plan may take a great deal of time and energy, it will be well worth the effort. S 4 Meaningful Involvement Being meaningfully involved in education is important not only to family members, but to all stakeholders. Faced with the growing demands to satisfy federal mandates, state requirements, and school policies while ensuring that students make adequate yearly progress, educators want family and community members to be involved in ways that add to student achievement, but do not detract from their teaching nor add additional duties to their overwhelming workload. Stressed out and overloaded from juggling jobs, household responsibilities, and their children’s activities, family members want to help their children succeed in education and in life without adding irrelevant activities to their already busy schedules. Thus, all partners need to know there will be a bottom-line benefit before committing themselves to being involved in school-family-community partnerships. To them, meaningful involvement is participating in a broad, academically significant array of activities that allow partners to help children learn, have a direct impact on student achievement, and help solve real school problems. Characteristics of meaningful involvement include: P Parents and staff taking an active interest in the well-being of each child, and school staff members taking an interest in the well-being of each child’s family as an extension of the child P Respecting and valuing families’ diverse contributions, and integrating them into the life of the school P Encouraging parents to assume multiple roles as supporters, ambassadors, teachers, monitors, advocates, and decisionmakers P Not confining “meaningful family involvement” to activities that take place in the school building (The Tellin’ Stories Project Action Research Group, 2000) Family Involvement Activities When educators hear the term “family involvement,” they often think of the activities that can be done to get parents involved in the school. This usually includes such things as serving as volunteers; acting as chaperones; working on fund-raising drives; attending athletic, music, and drama events at the school; and participating in PTO/PTA meetings, open houses, and parent/teacher conferences. Educators often acknowledge that these activities do not reach all families. They may not see how the activities can increase student achievement or how the activities are connected to the overall school improvement goals. The family involvement activities are often seen as add-ons to their regular classroom duties and are only done so they can “check off a box on their family involvement to-do list.” Because of this, the activities can be (and are often) done in a way that does not build relationships between the families and the school staff. For family members, the typical family involvement activities can seem trivial, lack meaning, and provide little connection between the activities they do and the academic success of their children. The activities are often viewed as one-sided, with resources flowing into the school to help support the school’s budget or extracurricular programs and activities. The family and community members provide the time, resources (money), and expertise to help children by being involved in the school and in school-sanctioned activities. S 5 Family and Community Members as Consumers To help family members feel more invested in their child’s education, many who are critical of current family involvement strategies advocate for schools to follow the business community’s example by adopting a customer service philosophy. For educators, this customer service philosophy is not about specific activities, but about the way they are educating the children, working with the families, and fulfilling their obligations to the community. This approach is designed to ensure that family and community members feel welcome at school, front office staff are courteous and helpful, and educators and administrators treat parents and students with respect. The customer service approach asks family and community members for input on issues and for feedback regarding how the school is doing. Public engagement expert Richard Harwood, president of the Harwood Institute, a Maryland-based organization that helps communities learn to work and live together more effectively, disagrees with this approach. In an online article for the Alabama School Board Association, he states that asking family and community members “How are we doing?” has turned them into customers— sending them a signal about where they fit within the school system. He believes the customer service approach in education allows people to think if they pay their tax bill they should get good service and have no obligation beyond that. Further, he believes that community members feel they only need to present their demands to the school, and if they’re not met, they can go elsewhere. Why should they “jump over the counter and help in a pinch?” “In short, approaching the design of and vision for public schools as if serving consumers lets the public avoid its responsibility to those schools as citizens,” Harwood argues. “This consumer mentality takes us all off the hook” (Salter, 2001). Family and Community Members in Partnership With Schools Partnerships, by definition, are different from the preceding approaches. Partnerships are about building “relationships between individuals or groups that are characterized by mutual cooperation and responsibility, as for the achievement of a specified goal” (American Heritage® Dictionary, 2000). Thus, a school-familycommunity partnership is a collaborative relationship among the family, school, and community designed primarily to produce positive educational and social outcomes for children and youth, while being mutually beneficial to all parties involved. Partnerships assume mutual responsibility and mutual respect. All partners share in the responsibilities and receive rewards based on the work they do together to enhance the academic and social growth of children. The resources of the various stakeholders are aligned so everyone is making a contribution to the common goal of learning. Partnerships recognize the importance and potential influence of all members who work with and invest in the education of the children—whose future, in turn, will affect the quality of life in the entire community. While “family involvement” often has individuals thinking of a specific set of activities performed by a certain set of participants, “partnerships” open up the possibilities. Partnerships allow for a wider set of activities to be performed by a larger set of partners. Within partnerships, planners and organizers create rich, rewarding experiences instead of resorting to a typical set of activities. All partners leave behind the attitude that says “we have to do it, so let’s just get it done” and take on the attitude of working together for the success of the students. S 6 For partnership activities to be effective, they have to be meaningful to all parties and should be connected to broader school improvement goals. For example, if increasing the reading levels of all students is the number-one goal of your school, most activities need to be planned with reading achievement in mind. School-family-community partnership activities need to be an integral part of this effort, and should include sending communications home and conducting training sessions on how to help children learn to read. Family volunteering should focus on individualized reading tutoring. Evaluations need to include the amount of time family and community members read to (and talk with) children (at home, in the school, at the library, etc.) in English or in their home language. When To Include Family and Community Members No one would start a business or financial partnership without knowing all the partners, coming to an agreement on how the partnership would develop, and defining the responsibilities of all parties. Most people would never give their money to someone they did not know, or let that person make decisions about how their money would be used or for what purpose, without forming an agreement first. Most of us would not give our money or financial security to others, then expect to hear from them only when there is a major problem. But parents are asked to do this every day. Parents send those who are most precious to them to school and leave their child’s success in the hands of educators and administrators they may never meet. Often, parents’ advice is not actively sought when planning how the children will be educated, with what programs the children will be involved, or how problems will be handled. Parents and school staff seldom know each other before the first concern arises when they often meet under less than ideal circumstances. Ideas for Action In order to ensure success of your school-family-community partnerships, family and community members should be involved with school staff and students from the beginning. Several ways that schools in the Northwest have included all parents and community members from the beginning, and included them in positive ways are provided below. Welcome Conference: One school, committed to several parent/teacher/student conferences per year, created a policy in which the first conference is held before school starts. This conference is used to welcome the student and parents to the school/classroom, and is all about the child and planning his or her education. The teacher asks the parents to talk about their child (including the things they like best about the child), the strengths of their child (even if they don’t seem to relate to education), the ways their child learns best, and what their child needs from the teacher in order to have a successful year. The teacher also asks the parents to talk about themselves in order to find out how the parents would like the teacher to work with them and the best ways the teacher and parents can communicate with each other. Finally, the teacher tells the parents and student about the classroom and teaching philosophies, and lets the parents know simple ways they can assist the teacher and work with their child to boost their educational success. Communicate Early and Often: Another school included parents by establishing a routine of making phone calls to parents or sending personal notes home within the first month of school—before any issues arise. The teachers let the parents know what is happening in the class, and tell parents something positive about their child. By the second or third phone call or note, most parents welcome hearing from the teacher, and are convinced the teacher is sincerely interested in their child. By this time, most of the parents have willingly become the teacher’s partner. S 7 Home Visiting: One school uses home visits as a powerful strategy to understanding its students and connecting with students’ families. Many children act differently at home than at school, and it helps to see children in their own homes to really get to know them well—to know their personalities, learning styles, interests, and strengths. Teachers have used children’s interests that were discovered on home visits as the basis of curriculum topics through which to integrate content areas, and/or for selecting books to read. For successful home visits, family members need to know that the visit is purely optional and must know the exact purpose of the visit. This school found solutions for the challenge of finding enough time for teachers to do home visits by conducting parent conferences during visits, and using staff development or faculty meeting time for visits. Most of the teachers doing these home visits are enthusiastic about the hugely positive impact on all aspects of teaching and learning in the classroom, and at home. Help With Transitions: A fourth school formed partnerships by working with preschool educators and meeting the parents of incoming students. The school realized that entering a new environment was stressful for both the children and their parents. These transition times offered a good chance to inform parents about the changes taking place in their child’s education and show parents how to help their child succeed during these potentially difficult times. (The same partnerships could be formed during other transition times: for instance, when a child changes schools, between elementary school and middle school, or between middle school and high school.) School as Community Center: This last suggestion focuses on ways schools in the Northwest are more inclusive of community members and have become wonderful resources during out-of-school hours. Diverse areas within the schools (library, computer lab, gym, classrooms, etc.) are used to host public meetings and adult enrichment courses such as computers, arts and crafts, or fitness. For instance, one school partnered with health educators to host wellness classes for interested community members—right in their neighborhood. S 8 Where Are You Now? The first step in writing a partnership plan is to do a thorough study of the many issues that will affect the eventual success or failure of the partnership. Many hours should be invested in assessing these issues before any time, money, or effort is invested in actual activities. The partnership development team should start by: P Reflecting on the attitudes and assumptions that school staff, students, family members, and community members hold about each other P Realistically assessing who all the members of the school community are and what assets they bring to the table P Physically walking through the school to determine what the environment says about what the school values and what the school climate is like P Assessing current involvement activities and the results obtained from them Attitudes and Assumptions Research has shown that the extent to which schools encourage and facilitate families’ participation in their children’s education is a greater predictor of family involvement than family characteristics (U.S. Department of Education, 1997; Thorkildsen & Stein, 1998). Beyond the vast demands on staff and teacher time to satisfy federal and state educational requirements, reaching out to families is made increasingly complex by the growing number and variety of families’ ethnic, language, religious, economic, and social backgrounds. Thus, it is important to look at the attitudes and assumptions held by staff members when it comes to creating involvement programs or building partnerships. Educators who think only in terms of traditional families are likely to have a particularly hard time dealing with today’s wide variety of family types and structures. Attitudes often play a large part in the quality of and responses to family involvement and school-familycommunity partnership activities. Educators who have low expectations for “at-risk” children, or who believe that their parents don’t care about them and don’t want to be involved in their education, may contribute directly to a lack of parental involvement and to children’s failure (Liontos, 1991). One study found that many educators believe that parents with low incomes do not value education highly and have little to contribute to the education of their children (National School Public Relations Association, 1988). Other research has found that some educators fail to give “at-risk” children work to take home, based on the assumption that their parents will be unable or unwilling to help (Hafner, Ingels, Schneider, Stevenson, & Owings, 1990). When creating family involvement programs or building school-family-community partnerships, one of the major, unresolved issues is how to reach the families considered “hard to reach.” Educators often label the parents of “at-risk” students as hard to reach and cite social or economic conditions as the cause. But what is meant by “hard to reach?” Often, when educators speak of disadvantaged or “hard-to-reach” families, they are referring to the families that are seldom seen by the school staff, but many have in mind such characteristics as: P Minority background P Low socioeconomic status P Public housing occupancy P Little formal education S 9 P Single-parent households P English language learners (ELL) Family members who reflect such characteristics often state that one of the biggest problems they have in interactions with school staff is the assumptions made about their families and children. They would like school staff to ask before assuming, or at least to assume strengths rather than dysfunction. They would like to view the school staff as supportive and helpful rather than critical or antagonistic. The following four activities give all team members a chance to look at their own assumptions, find ways to dispel preconceived notions and change attitudes, and figure out who the families really are. S 10 Personal Reflection on Assumptions Instructions: This is a private activity, meant to be completed individually, and not shared with the group. Team members should take about five minutes to thoughtfully and honestly consider the following questions to learn more about their personal assumptions and to reflect on the assumptions they feel are held by others. No writing of answers is required—just a thoughtful consideration of the assumptions held. At the end of the exercise, each person should move on to the Personal Action Steps/Statements (on the next page) and write out three to four statements of how he or she could change his or her own assumptions and have a positive impact on partnerships. P When families are discussed at the school, what is said? Do people say “those families” don’t care about their children or their education? Or are terms like resourceful and supportive used in conjunction with affirmation of the families’ strengths and dedication to their children? P When school staff members are discussed at home or in the community are they viewed individually (each with strengths and weaknesses) or lumped into a group? Is their work seen in the context of federal, state, and local mandates; or school and district policies and politics? Or are staff members held individually responsible for everything that happens? P When you start planning family involvement/partnership activities what does the staff say? Do you hear more complaints (i.e., they don’t come to conferences, don’t check homework, or don’t answer notes)? Or more compliments (i.e., they can always be counted on, or are a great resource)? P When families discuss involvement in school activities and student learning, are easy excuses given for not being more involved (i.e., “I’m too busy,” or “I’m not available during the day”)? Or do they say things like, “I am involved … at home,” or “I would be able to help if I knew where my skills and talents could best be used?” P When a student has a problem, what is the assumed cause? Is it attributed to family situations like illness, or other issues at home? Is it attributed to school situations—the student is bored or the teaching and learning style do not match? P When working with a student who has a problem, where and how are solutions sought? Is it assumed that the partners will be easy or difficult to work with? Do school staff, family members, and students start with a positive, problem-solving, solution-oriented approach, and enter into a partnership to develop a plan to solve the problem? Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 11 Personal Reflection on Assumptions Instructions: This is a private activity, meant to be completed individually. Share with the group only as you are comfortable. Based on your reflections on the previous page, write out three to four Personal Action Steps/ Statements to help in your process of working more effectively with students, school staff, and family and community members. Start your statement with a phrase such as: “I will ….” Based on my Reflections … Personal Action Steps/Statements: Examples: P I will check myself before I make assumptions in regards to ________________. P I will call my child’s math teacher tomorrow to make an appointment. I will ask questions rather than blame either the teacher or my child. P I will send notes home weekly and in Spanish on Rosa’s progress at school. They will contain more positive statements than negative ones. I will make suggestions for helping her at home. 1. 2. 3. 4. When everyone has had a chance to write their Personal Action Steps/Statements, ask if anyone would like to volunteer to share one. Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 12 Group Activity on Assumptions Instructions: Read each statement in the left column and check whether you feel this is or is not an assumption that hinders partnerships at your school. When done, discuss the assumptions the group considers most troublesome. Together, identify positive statements (as in the example in the first box on the right) that will dispel preconceived notions, change attitudes, and help facilitate partnerships. (If you identified an assumption you would like to address that is not listed, write it on a piece of chart pack paper to discuss when finished with the table below.) Assumptions That Hinder Partnerships School-Based Assumption? Parents who don’t attend school events don’t care about their children’s success in school. ■ ■ Yes No Parents who are illiterate or do not speak English can’t help their children. ■ ■ Yes No Parents from different ethnic and racial groups don’t understand the role they play in their children’s education. ■ ■ Yes No It is up to parents to find out what is going on at school. ■ ■ Yes No Getting families involved takes a lot of time and energy, with the results not often corresponding to the effort. ■ ■ Yes No Children who are troublemakers often come from families that do not value education. ■ ■ Yes No It is all right for school staff to contact families only when a child is in trouble. ■ ■ Yes No The problems of “hard-to-reach” families and “at-risk” students are the fault of the families themselves. ■ ■ Yes No Teachers are expected to play the roles of parents too much in their jobs. ■ ■ Yes No What May Be the Reality? Example: Even when unable to attend school events, most parents care a great deal about their child’s success in school. Many parents find ways to support their child’s education at home. Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 13 Who Are the Members of Your School Community? Now that you have addressed assumptions held by you and others, it is time to get to know the members of your school community. More important than just getting cursory knowledge, during this activity you will get a chance to know who they are as well as what they bring to the table (their assets and strengths). With an accurate picture of family and community members, you will be better able to plan activities as well as identify barriers you may come across. Use your school improvement plan and district/school demographic information to find out the general make-up of your school community, including such aspects as: P Percentage of single-parent homes P Number of ESL/ELL families and what languages are spoken at home P Rate of mobility P Percentage of latchkey children Instructions: Write the following statements on pieces of chart pack paper and post them around the room. Ask the team members to go to the chart pack paper with their role (family, school, youth, community) highlighted. Have the individuals discuss the statement and write the things they want the people in the room to know about their group. When finished with their poster, have them continue to another poster, read the things written by that group, and add any additional comments. P A few things that the school should know about families in this community are: P A few things that families and community members should know about the school are: P A few things that families, the community, and school should know about the youth in this community are: P A few things we should know about the community are: After they have had a chance at each of the above posters, have them continue to the rest of the posters. Encourage discussion. Remind groups to proceed to the next poster when they have finished with the one where they are. When each of the poster statements have been answered, ask the group members to return to their seats and ask one person to read aloud the answers from one sheet … using the answers as discussion starters to increase understanding among team members and the groups they represent. P If I only had access to ___________, I could be a much better teacher (parent, administrator, student, etc.). (Fill in the blank) P If only this community had ___________, my job as a teacher (parent, administrator, student, etc.) would be much easier. (Fill in the blank) P What are some the challenges facing families and school staff on a daily basis? NOTE: For an additional activity to help you discover who the members of your school community are and what assets they could bring to the table, see Topic 4 of Planning for Youth Success, Mapping Community Assets for Youth Success ( S 14 School Climate and Environmental Considerations Family and community members have prior experiences with schools that will have a positive or negative impact on the amount and type of involvement they wish to have. Educators must take this into consideration when planning and implementing partnerships in schools. Research suggests a connection between the school climate and the extent to which family and community members are involved (Comer & Haynes, 1992; Dauber & Epstein, 1993). They may only become involved if the school climate—the social and educational atmosphere of a school—is one that makes them feel welcomed, respected, trusted, heard, and needed. When schools create a positive climate by reaching out to family and community members and providing structure for them to become involved, the result is effective partnerships that connect schools, families, and community members to help children succeed in school and in their future. Just as you can learn about an individual by observing where he works or lives, you can learn much about a school’s climate by looking at the school environment. You can learn many things about what is important and valued in the school by such things as the wording on signs, what is (and is not) displayed on the walls, the way the rooms are decorated, how people are greeted and helped, and whether or not individuals feel they are noticed. Gretchen McKay, a staff writer for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette News, observed that: “There’s a saying among school administrators that, if you want to feel the pulse of a particular building, one of the first things you should do is stick your head into the restroom.” If you find clean floors and walls and adequate supplies, there’s probably a high degree of school pride and a sense of involvement. But if you discover old graffiti scribbled on the walls and general uncleanliness, it shows how disconnected students (and staff) may feel from their school, how they regard their surroundings, and tells students and those who visit much about the climate and attitudes of the school (McKay, 2000). Even though our environment can say a lot about us, it is often difficult for individuals to take a critical look at their own environment. They see the same things day in and day out, and can become immune to the statements their surroundings make. If possible, ask team members to take a critical look at another school—visiting their child’s school or another school within the district during hours of operation to see what it would be like to walk into that school for the first time and try to find their way around. Have them consider the following questions: P What are their impressions of this school? P What does the condition of the school (both inside and out) say about how much people care about the school? P Does the school seem to reflect what school staff feel about students and visitors? P Based on what they have seen, what do they feel is important to the school? This experience can be used to help team members look more objectively at their own school when they do the following activity. S 15 Instructions for Environmental Checklist and Physical Walk-Through Environmental Checklist Instructions: Take one to two minutes to answer the questions on the Environmental Checklist on Page 17. For all questions that you cannot answer, leave the line blank. Think about these questions when you are doing your physical walk-through and, during the walk-through, fill in any answers you may have missed. Physical Walk-Through Instructions: Divide the partnership development team into smaller groups of two to three individuals. Each small team should contain no more than one family member, community member, school staff, or student so each team has a chance to view the school from multiple perspectives. Assign teams to examine two to three specific areas of the school, which may include the parking lot, entrances, main office, halls, classrooms, rooms specifically set up for family/ community members, restrooms, cafeteria, library, playground/recreation area/playing fields, and principal/ administrator’s offices. Use the Record Sheet for Physical Walk-Through on Page 18 to make comments regarding the areas you have been assigned. Questions on the top of the form will assist your critical observation, but make any additional comments you feel are important. Take 15 minutes to complete the walk-through. Then have team members reconvene in the meeting room to share their experiences. Use the guiding questions below to assist with your discussion. Guiding Questions Instructions: After your walk-through, have team members discuss the things that really stood out to them and the things that they may not have noticed before. Were there any surprises? After a general discussion of findings, have the large group answer the following questions. Based on your findings, P How welcoming is the school? P What is different between what children see and what adults see? P What do the displays say about what is important to the school or what the school values? P Is this a place where parents want to send their children and where children want to come? Do they feel at home? P What environmental changes would you make to your school to create a place where family and community members want to form a partnership? NOTE: You may want to use some of what you found during the team’s walk-through to prompt ideas for partnership activities during the action planning stage. S 16 Environmental Checklist Yes No Are there parking spaces reserved for family and community members? Are these spaces located near the front entrance of the school? Is the playground material and equipment safe and in good repair? Are fields maintained? Are tracks useful and in good repair? Does the exterior of the building look good? From wherever a person enters the building, can they easily find the main office? Is the tone of the signs in the school welcoming and inviting? Are signs written in the home languages of the students present in the school? Is student’s work displayed on the walls within the hallways and in the classrooms? Are people greeted warmly when they entered the main office? (for instance, do staff seem pleased to see them? Do staff smile and use a pleasant tone of voice?) Are people greeted individually when they arrived? (for instance, do staff members say “hello” and introduce themselves? Do staff members call visitors by name? Do staff members use the primary language spoken at the home to say “hello”?) Do staff members assist in a timely manner? Can students and family members see themselves represented in the books, pictures, and materials used in the classrooms? Are the school and the classrooms accessible to all students and family members (even those with disabilities)? Are restrooms clean and well lighted? Are soap dispensers filled and paper supplies adequate? Are there doors on the stalls in the restrooms? Are the tables and benches in the cafeteria clean and in good repair? Are floors in the cafeteria kept clean? Is the library well-stocked with reading materials? Is the library an inviting place that makes students want to come in and read? Are family and community members allowed to access resources within the library (check out books, use computers)? Is there a table for meetings in the principal’s office? Are the main office and the principal’s office all “business” or are they student/family friendly? Does the principal’s office reveal a personal side of the principal? Does the school environment reflect how the staff feel about the students? Is there a room set up specifically for family and community members? Are there adult tables and chairs in the family room? Is there a telephone in the family room? Is there a place to store valuables and personal items in the family room? Does the family room reflect how the school feels about parents? Do family and community members feel welcome at the school? Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 17 Record Sheet for Physical Walk-Through Instructions: On the line provided, write in the area(s) of the school you have been assigned. In the space provided, write your observations of the area and use the following questions to help direct your thoughts. P What is the first thing you see when you enter this area? P What is the condition of the things you see? P Are written items in the home languages of the student body? P Does the area reflect positively on how school staff feel about students and their families? P What does this area say about what is important to the school or what the school values? Area of the School: __________________ Area of the School: __________________ Area of the School: __________________ Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 18 Assessment of Current Activities Before moving on to create your new plan, it is good to look at what you have been doing and what results you are receiving from these activities. Instructions: In the first row, list current family involvement or partnership activities that the school is doing. In the boxes below the activity, answer the questions on the left to show how the school has been affected by the identified activity (as in the example). Current family involvement Example: Families volunor partnership activities teering in the classrooms Does this activity connect to student learning goals or the school improvement goals/outcomes? How? 19 Impact Indicators 1. 2. By itself, this activity does not, but it gives the teachers more time to work on school improvement goals. How do you measure We count the number of volunteers and the hours the success of this volunteered. activity? What have been the benefits and outcomes of this activity? How have you measured these? We always have a few parents who do a lot of volunteering. They are very helpful. What have been the challenges/weaknesses of this activity? What’s not working as you would like? What would you change? The same parents volunteer to do the work all the time. I would like to see more and varied parents (dads, minority parents, single parents) in our school. Number of volunteer hours is decreasing. Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 3. 4. What Will It Look Like When We Get There? School-family-community partnerships look different at different schools and at different grade levels because the needs and wants of students change dramatically over time. As the children grow and develop and the school structure and family dynamics change, the methods and expectations of partnerships change and evolve. During the preschool and elementary school years, the structures of the schools and families and the needs of the children generally support the typical family involvement activities with fairly good results. As students enter middle school and high school, patterns of communication between the families and the school change. Reasons are complex, including accommodating multiple teachers and recognizing the increased need among young people to develop a sense of self that is separate from their families. Other issues that make partnerships different as youth make the transition to higher grades include larger school buildings located farther from home and more complicated schedules. Middle and high school years are difficult for young people. This is a stage filled with growing peer pressure, dramatic physical changes, and an awakening need for more independence. The youth begin to weigh choices and consequences, make more decisions on their own, learn from their mistakes, and establish their own set of values to guide their decisions and actions. They begin seeking help from peers rather than their parents. Teens sometimes feel embarrassed when parents are at their school, and may resent their parents’ presence at school when the students are with friends. Parents’ roles also change. They try to find a balance between “letting go” and “being there” for their children. Parents continue to offer support and love, but they begin stepping back a little in their children’s lives in order to allow their children to develop their self-identity and to show respect for their growing independence. Parents begin to let adolescents make their own choices and take responsibility for their actions and decisions. Attitudes and expectations of school staff about acceptable forms of family involvement may also change. Many parent-student activities that were acceptable in elementary school, such as registering for classes, attending school events, or walking to and from school, may be seen as student-only events by the time students reach middle and high school. Teachers and administrators often encourage parents and students to let the youth advocate for themselves and find solutions to their own problems. Voices of Students Student focus groups were conducted during spring 2002 to gather the thoughts and opinions of a few young people in regards to family involvement. Participants represented a diverse group of elementary, middle, and high school students from the Portland metropolitan area. Students at all grade levels expressed interest in having their families involved in their education, often reflecting the developmental information given in the preceding paragraphs. Elementary school students wanted their parents directly involved with them in the classroom, school, or at school-sanctioned activities. High school students said they wanted parents involved and realized that their schools would be greatly lacking if not for parent support and participation, but the youth wanted their parents involved apart from the student’s daily activities. Middle school students were the “fuzzy, in-between group” with some wanting direct involvement while others were searching for independence. S 20 Being embarrassed by parents was a main issue for all age levels, and students were embarrassed by similar things. Boys especially did not want to be called by pet names or kissed in front of their peers. Girls were extremely sensitive if their mothers came to school in unacceptable fashions or with inappropriate hair or makeup. All groups said they did not want their parents sharing the student’s funny baby stories with their teachers or peers. One very important issue for students that has major implications for educators at all grade levels: Students don’t want their parents involved in school only when there is a problem. Students want parents and teachers to tell each other about the good things done at home and at school. Students in all focus groups said they wanted their parents to enlighten teachers about what their child is like outside the classroom and wanted teachers to tell their parents about the strengths and success students demonstrate in the classroom. One middle school student summed up the challenges and expectations of middle and high school students very well. She said, “No, I don’t want my parents to come and see me at my school. When they are here, I can’t do what I want or kick it with who I want to be with. If they are not here, I can be my own person. When they are here, they embarrass me. But at the same time, I am grateful and thankful when my parents do come to the school because some kids don’t have parents that are there and show that they are concerned. When my parents are at the school it shows that it [education] really matters and they get to know my teachers and what I am doing. I guess it is OK if my parents are there … to a point.” The following are summaries of the thoughts and opinions of the majority of the students who participated in the focus groups. Based on the content of the question, not all questions were directed to each focus group. 1. How are your parents involved in your education? P Elementary school students responded that their parents drop them off and pick them up at school. They added that their parents make them do their homework and limit the amount of TV they watch. P Middle school students responded that parents are involved by making sure they get their homework done. P High school students reported that their parents are pretty hands-off and act more as a resource for them. Many added that their parents provide financial assistance and chaperone school events when necessary. 2. When I say “family involvement,” what does that mean to you? How would you explain it? P Elementary school students thought that family involvement means doing things at school, such as participating in school activities, making donations, being a member of the PTA, helping with book sales, and chaperoning field trips. P Middle school students thought that involvement means communicating with their parents about classes and things that are happening at school, chaperoning field trips, talking to teachers when the students are “good” or “bad,” and doing stuff with their family. P High school students responded that parent involvement means many different things, because everyone has a different style of parenting. But the bottom line is that parents should be aware of what’s happening in their child’s life. 3. Do you want your parent/guardian to come to your school? P Elementary school students were mixed in their responses. When they are behaving well they want their parents to visit, and when they are misbehaving, they don’t! S 21 P Middle school students reported that they do not want their parents to come to their school because their parents will embarrass them. They further said that they couldn’t do what they wanted or “kick it” when their parents were around. They said, “If they are not here, I can be my own person.” P High school students reported that their parents do many things around their schools. They didn’t really mind if their parents came to their schools, but didn’t want them to do things directly with them. 4. What would you like your parent/guardian to do at your school? P Elementary school students want their parents to eat lunch with them, bring treats to their class, and help them learn. When asked how they feel when parents visit their school, the majority felt happy and excited. Many wanted their dads to come to their school. P Middle school students reported that they would not like it if their parents were at their school, and definitely not doing anything directly with them. They suggested parents could volunteer in the office, talk to teachers, help with classwork, and attend school performances or games. P High school students reported that they did not want their parents doing anything directly with them at their school. The majority didn’t want them around their friends and checking up on them. 5. What might keep you from wanting your parents at your school? P Elementary school students did not want their parents coming to school, embarrassing them by using their nicknames, yelling at them, disciplining them, or making fun of them. All were very specific that they did not want these things to happen in front of friends. P Middle school students reported that they did not want their parents coming to school looking silly. They wanted their moms to come looking their best. Students also reported that they did not want to embarrass their parents by misbehaving when their parents were at their school. 6. Is there anything that a parent could share with your teacher that would make school better for you? P Elementary school students said their parents could tell them they were good kids and that they liked school. P Middle school students responded that a parent could report that they work better alone. Others agreed, adding that they talked too much when working in groups and were able to concentrate better when they worked alone. P High school students’ comments varied, with the majority stating that their parents could tell their teachers things that could help them learn. 7. What things do your parents do at home that encourage you and help you learn? P Elementary school students commented that they like their parents to help them with their schoolwork. P Middle school students reported that their parents make them turn off the TV and study. The students liked the amount of support they received at home. 8. How do you think teachers/administrators feel about your parents/family being involved in your education? P Middle school students reported they thought educators liked it. P High school students think some educators do not like it when parents volunteer. They said there were a lot of people at their schools who were not very friendly or helpful. S 22 In summary, students who participated in the focus groups were very vocal about what they wanted and needed from their parents. Elementary school children wanted parents to come to school to do more fun things. They identified that it was important for their parents to drop them off and pick them up at school as well as help them with their schoolwork. One thing that really stood out among the elementary students was their desire to have their fathers involved. Many students expressed a desire to have their “Dads” coming to their school more often. Middle school students had a different opinion about family involvement. When asked if they wanted their parents to come to their school, they responded with a resounding NO! Their greatest concern was that they didn’t want to be embarrassed by their parents nor did they want their parents to do “things” with or around their friends. But after answering a few more questions, they agreed that having their parents involved was important and beneficial to them. High school students spoke very matter-of-factly about what they needed and wanted from their parents— speaking as if the relationship were more like a business arrangement. They knew that their parents were there for them, but indicated that it was time for them to stand on their own two feet and navigate their own academic and personal success. Students were not dependent on the approval of their parents like the students in the lower grades, but rather asked for guidance and direction only when necessary. The answers received during the focus groups only represent a small group of students from the Northwest, but from the information obtained you can tell that much can be gained from students. Many educators have expressed concerns about what involvement should look like at their school. Listening to the voices of students can help answer that question. Consider developing and administering a similar survey to determine the needs and desires of your students in relation to family involvement. In addition to listening to student voices, the next activity can help you look at your own needs and circumstances and help you form a vision of what school-family-community partnerships should look like within your school. S 23 Developing Your Own Clear Vision Part of every great plan is to have a vision of what it will look like when the job is done. P Cookbooks include pictures of the prepared dishes P Architects create plans, then make scale models P Clothing designers draw sketches Likewise, there needs to be a clear vision of what it will look like when effective school-family-community partnerships are formed within your classroom, school, or program. A vision statement answers the questions, “What will success look like?” and “What would you like to accomplish in the future?” It is a description in words that conjures up a similar picture for each team member of the results of their work together. A vision statement is a guiding image that is consistent with the partnership’s values. It should be realistic and credible, well articulated and easily understood, appropriate, ambitious, and responsive to change. The vision statement should require the members of the partnership team to stretch their expectations, aspirations, and performance. It should orient the team’s energies and serve as a guide to action. In short, a vision should challenge and inspire the team to achieve its mission. It is the pursuit of this shared image of success that really motivates people to work together. You will never be greater than the vision that guides you. Members of a partnership team may work hard but, without having a vision statement formally in place, they may not be as creative and focused in finding new and better ways to work together. Partnership teams, with their members actively looking for ways to achieve their vision, have a powerful advantage over teams that operate without a vision. It’s the schools with a clear vision and plans to develop that vision that build effective, meaningful partnerships. The following activity was designed to assist your partnership team in defining its own vision. Instructions: Individually … envision the resources, time, and dedicated partners planning with you on developing school-family-community partnerships! P What is happening as a result of positive school-family-community partnerships? P How has your school changed? P What impact is your partnership having on academic achievement? P What does success look like? Be creative—stretch your minds and experiment with different ways of thinking about what success means to you. Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 24 In the space provided, draw or write your vision (a picture of success) of what you would like to accomplish in your school in the future. b After members have had ample time to complete their vision, have all the members share their pictures of success with each other. One person should facilitate the discussion and help the others discuss what they mean and what they hope for. Look for areas of agreement, as well as different ideas that emerge. The goal is to find language and imagery that your team members can relate to as their vision for success. Talk about and write down the values that are shared in pursuing that vision. Different ideas need not create problems. People can spur each other on to more daring and valuable dreams and visions. Try to draft a vision statement based on the group’s discussion and revise it until you have something that members can agree on and that everyone can share with enthusiasm. Example: We, the staff, students, parents, and community members of Central Valley High School join together to form a partnership committed to high standards and dedicated to continuous improvement. We act as one—planning and implementing a comprehensive school-family-community partnership aimed at improving the academic achievement and social success of all our children. When complete, write your partnership’s vision statement in section three of the action plan on Page 31. Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 25 The Partnerships by Design Action Plan In the background section of this booklet, seven questions regarding school-family-community partnerships were outlined. These questions included goals of: P Producing meaningful involvement P Creating effective school-family-community partnerships P Including a wide variety of participants P Showing how activities affect student achievement P Working more closely with partners in the success of the school P Advertising successes P Including partners in the problem-solving and decisionmaking processes of the school In order to help partnership activities fulfill these great expectations, the Partnerships by Design Action Plan draws upon the “backward design” concept presented by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe in their 1998 book Understanding by Design. Their plan has three major steps: 1. Identify desired results 2. Determine acceptable evidence 3. Plan activities For partnership activities to be most effective, consider following these steps in this order. Planning activities, without careful consideration of the goals and outcomes, may or may not involve more family and community members, enhance the school-family-community partnership, and help reach the school improvement goal of increasing student achievement. By designing your evaluation tools to measure attainment of goals and aligning your activities to target specific outcomes, you increase your chances for success. Other components of the Partnerships by Design action plan include: 4. Barrier identification and removal 5. Partners’ roles and responsibilities Where Do You Want To Go? Goals and Outcomes Family involvement programs and/or school-family-community partnerships are sometimes not successful in achieving the outcomes they want because they neglect to define—from the beginning—what goals they want to meet. They don’t set realistic, measurable goals from the outset. They just dive into planning activities in the hopes of increasing their family involvement, without setting up any goals other than increasing the numbers of family members involved. S 26 Step one in the Partnerships By Design action plan is to identify desired results. The partnership development team needs to set goals for what the partnership hopes to do. A goal is an optimistic view of what could be and shows “where you want to go.” Goals are statements of expected results that are specified in general measurable terms. Goals should be broad enough to encompass the need, problem, or concern, but specific enough to focus on the issue. A good goal statement is clearly written and contains a demand for action and planning that is easily measured. Goals should be simple statements that are both short- and long-term. Details on how to reach these goals can be included. Goals need to be realistic and do-able, and the resulting objectives need to be specific and easily measured. They need to answer the following questions: P What will change as a result of your partnerships? P The changes will happen for whom? P By how much? P By when? P By what method will the goal be measured? If you don’t set goals and then try to reach them, it’s guaranteed that your partnership activities will stay right where they are today. Without establishing goals, the partnerships could: P Lack the time and resources needed to turn goals into reality P Lack the ability to respond to the changing needs of the school community P Lack a definite direction and the ability to stay on course. How Are You Going To Know When You Are There? Research strongly supports family involvement in the education of their children and indicates that it is a key factor in children’s success at school. Children whose families are more involved do better in terms of grades (grade point average and test scores), attendance, attitudes toward school and learning, behavior (increased motivation and self-esteem), and graduation rates (Clark, 1993; Griffith, 1996; Thorkildsen & Stein, 1998). Evaluation of Partnership Efforts Just as students are regularly evaluated to determine what they have learned and adjustments made accordingly, so too must school staff evaluate the impact of their partnership efforts. Schools and programs understand that family involvement increases student achievement, but they are often unable to establish the link between their partnership efforts and the impact these efforts have on teaching and learning and on student achievement. Schools are also unable to establish a connection between activities and overall school improvement goals or to show how the success of an event contributed to increased student achievement. Step two is to determine acceptable evidence. You need to be able to answer the questions: How are you going to know you have achieved your goals? How are the goals going to be measured? How will you share and promote your success? S 27 Determining acceptable evidence includes: P Describing the evidence you will need to show that you are reaching your goals P Planning the types of tools you will use along the way to evaluate the effectiveness of the activities and see if you are meeting your goals, and improve your plans and activities P Describing how all partners will participate in these assessments P Formulating a process to continuously improve “Traditionally, educators count the number of parents at PTA meetings and dollars earned at bake sales and come up with an equation for parent involvement.” —Tellin’ Stories Project Action Research Group, 2000, p. 10 practices P Creating plans for advertising your successes to family and community members Usually, partnership efforts are only evaluated by the number of volunteer hours that family and community members provide or the number of family members who attend school events (such as parent-teacher conferences, back-to-school nights, and other school-sanctioned events). Accurate reporting does include these numbers, but it should also show how partnership efforts are linked to overall school improvement goals as well as assess the strengths and weaknesses of your efforts. All partners should be involved in the evaluation process so everyone is clear on what is working, what is not working, and how to improve on the plan. In order to evaluate effectiveness in terms of partnerships you will need to survey a random sample of the stakeholders. Send a few surveys or questions to family members, teachers, students, community members, and other partners. Be prepared to ask the hard questions, such as: “Are you happy?” “Do you feel welcome?” “What else would you like to see happen?” Use the information gathered from the random sample when planning future family involvement activities. Surveys should be done after each activity in order to gather and utilize the feedback from participants to create future activities that will enrich the school and community. For an evaluation exercise, you can create a survey/evaluation tool. On Page 32 is a sample survey and on Page 33 are sample questions that you may want to include in a survey you develop. The results of a survey like this can be used to show how partnership efforts are connected to school improvement goals and to make changes and improve plans for years to come. S 28 How Are You Going To Get There? Plan Activities A partnership plan should identify actions to help the partnership meet its planned goals. Step three is planning activities. What activities are you going to plan to get you there? What are you willing to do to get there? How are you going to go about getting what you want and need? How do you move forward? How does the activity link to goals? How will the activity provide evidence of meeting goals? Activity plans include: P The roles and responsibilities of school staff and family and community members. List the things they need to do in order to reach goals and fulfill the vision. P A list of resources you will need. P A timeline to plan the sequence of events and activities. Consider planning for multiple years, including detailed descriptions of current year activities, with outlines for subsequent years. The six National Standards for School-Family-Community Partnerships outlined in the table below might suggest areas for activities. These National Standards (entitled the National Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Programs), developed by the National PTA in cooperation with the National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education (NCPIE), were built upon the six types of parent involvement identified by the Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships at Johns Hopkins University (National PTA, 1998). National Standards for School-Family-Community Partnerships Standard I: Communicating Communication between home and school is regular, two-way, and meaningful. Standard II: Parenting Parenting skills are promoted and supported. Standard III: Student Learning Parents play an integral role in assisting student learning. Standard IV: Volunteering Parents are welcome in the school, and their support and assistance are sought. Standard V: School Decisionmaking and Advocacy Parents are full partners in the decisions that affect children and families. Standard VI: Collaborating with Community Community resources are used to strengthen schools, families, and student learning. Activities can always be undertaken in a way that is not effective and does not affect any program goals. When planning activities for your partnership, remember to align them with your partnership goals, include many opportunities for family members to see that what they are already doing has direct impact on their children’s success, and contain many options for showing the reciprocal nature of partnerships. S 29 Action Plan Instructions: Step 1. Locate your school’s mission and goals in your School Improvement Plan, and write them in the space provided. Step 2. Answer the question: “Did your school engage family and community members in writing this mission and setting these goals?” Step 3. If you have not already done so, write in the vision statement for your school-family-community partnership from the activity on Pages 24–25. Step 4. Recording on a chart pack piece of paper, brainstorm goals and outcomes until the team decides on two or three specific goals for your school-family-community partnership that are most important to address. Write these in the boxes provided. Refer to Pages 26–27 for things to consider. Make sure the goals are realistic and measurable, and that the statement addresses the questions on Page 27. Step 5. Recording on a chart pack piece of paper, discuss ways to determine whether your partnership activities are meeting the specific goals. Write the acceptable evidence in the boxes provided. Refer to Pages 27–28 for things to consider. On a separate piece of paper (and done at a later date if more convenient), make sure to include information on the types of tools you will use, a description of how all partners will participate in the evaluation, a process of using the results to improve practices, and a plan to advertise your success. Step 6. Recording on a chart pack piece of paper, brainstorm optional activities for meeting these goals. For potential ideas, use information gained during the Physical Walk-through (activity on Pages 15–18) and the Needs Assessment activity (on Pages 34–36) to help determine the activities that you would prefer to plan at this time. Write the activities in the boxes provided. Refer to Page 29 for things to consider. Make sure to include a list of needed resources and a timeline for events. Step 7. Describe the role that partners will play in meeting the specified goal. Define who will participate in developing these partnership activities and how they will implement the action plan. For thoughts and ideas on potential roles, review the information and worksheets provided on Pages 42–46. Step 8. Answer the question: “Are all partners united on the school-family-community partnership vision and goals?” NOTE: If you begin to get stuck on barriers when writing your action plan, refer to the information, ideas for action, and worksheet on Pages 37–41 to plan ways to effectively navigate the barriers you come up against. S 30 Action Plan Instructions: See detailed instructions on Page 30. 1. What are your school’s mission and goals? 2. Did your school engage family and community members in writing this mission and setting these goals? ■ Yes ■ No 3. What is your school-family-community partnerships vision statement? 31 4. What are your school-familycommunity partnership goals? 5. What is acceptable evidence of achieving these goals? 6. What activities will you plan to reach your goals? 8. Are all partners united on the school-family-community partnership vision and goals? ■ Yes ■ No Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 7. What role will partners play in helping meet this goal? Sample Feedback Survey on School-Family-Community Partnership Activities Instructions: Please complete the following questions based on your involvement with the school-familycommunity partnership activity that has taken place at our school. Role Group: (i.e., teachers, administrator, parent, student, community member) ____________________ Activity Attended/Date: ____________________________________________________________________ 1. Are you familiar with our “school improvement goals”? ■ Yes ■ No 2. Was this activity beneficial to you and your family? ■ Yes ■ No 3. Do you think this activity has increased or affected family and community partnerships at our school? ■ Yes ■ No If yes, how? __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What part of this activity did you enjoy the most? Why? ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Were you involved in the planning process? ■ Yes ■ No If so, how? __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Would you be interested in joining the planning committee to help plan future family involvement activities? ■ Yes ■ No If yes, please provide your name and contact information and someone will contact you to help plan the next event. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. What other family involvement events/activities would you like to see take place at your school? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Overall, how do you feel about your school and the way it is working to form school-family-community partnerships? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. In general, do you feel welcome at the school? ■ Yes ■ No Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 32 Additional Questions To Use When Evaluating Partnerships Efforts Are the goals and objectives, in terms of involving families and community members in the school improvement goals, being met? How are parents and community members contributing to decisions about student learning? Are school events, workshops, or training sessions well attended by both school staff and families? Why or why not? (What are we going to do about the “why nots”?) In what ways have language and culture reflective of the community been integrated into the school, events, and curriculum? How are community resources used? How is a parent liaison with strong ties to the community engaged? Is the school warm and inviting? Is there a family center? Are written materials provided in the home languages of the students at the school? Are interpreters readily available? How are people reacting to communications efforts? Are family and community members asked for ways to improve communication? How is some or all of their advice incorporated as the school-family-community partnership plan is refined? Are suggestions made by family and community members shared with school staff? How are successes and challenges shared with the school community? Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 33 Needs Assessment Schools often ask parents to do activities that some parents feel are mundane and a poor use of their time and skills. These activities include such things as serving as volunteers; making copies and cutting paper; sending out mailings; acting as chaperones; and working on fund-raising drives. In addition, these activities are often extraneous to the primary school improvement goal, but nonetheless important. Schools and educators still want and need these things because, with assistance on these items, it is possible for school staff to concentrate fully on the goals of meeting the students’ educational needs. When you think only in terms of these activities being “parent involvement” activities and getting parents to perform them, you are limiting the number of individuals who can do these activities. Here is where the potential of partnerships really opens things up. When you think of a school-familycommunity partnership as a collaborative relationship between the family, school, and community that is mutually beneficial to all parties involved, you have more people from which to draw, and a new way to draw them in! In this activity, we will be encouraging you to look at other resources for getting these tasks done and providing a tool to help you do this. First, you will create a list of needs. Then you will target your requests and make potential benefits known. Don’t limit yourself to thinking of parent volunteers. Instead, think first of the need, then consider the potential partners who may be able to meet this need and see what benefits these partners could obtain by providing this service to the school. For instance, if yard care and lawn maintenance is a need of the school, ask family and community members who own or work for a landscaping company if they would donate some time and expertise as an inkind contribution/donation to the school. Remind the landscapers they could use their donation as a tax write-off! If the school is located in a large city, there may be enough companies within the district to have the companies only donate time one or two times per year. Another possibility is to get retirees who enjoy yard work and gardening (and who may no longer have a yard of their own) to donate time to beautifying the school grounds. One other option would be to partner with local stores that cater to the needs of youth (clothing stores, department stores, music stores) and ask for donations of gift certificates for the school. You can trade these certificates (in lieu of cash) to young people (or families) who do yard work to earn extra money to buy the things they want and need. Because of the reciprocal nature of partnerships, we have included a form to assess the needs and wants of the community and family members and how the school may be able to meet these needs. On the back side of the school’s needs assessment form list the needs of the community and family members, list how the school can help fulfill these needs, and list who else in the community can help provide resources to meet this need and how they can help. S 34 Needs Assessment for the School Instructions: In the column to the left, identify your need. (Include things that you want or hope to achieve as well.) In the center column, identify who can help you meet this need. In the right column, identify the benefit for the partner who can help meet this need. For the School … Need? Who can you ask? What is the benefit to them? Lawn Care/Yard Maintenance Companies that already do this work Tax write-off For Classroom Teachers … Need? Who can you ask? What is the benefit to them? Make copies, cut shapes, etc. Students in high school business classes Volunteer work on résumé For Students … Need? Who can you ask? What is the benefit to them? Reading tutors Retired teachers Lets them work with students again Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 35 Needs Assessment for Community and Family Members Instructions: In the column to the left, identify the need. (Include things that you want or hope to achieve as well.) In the center column, identify how the school can help meet this need. In the right column, identify the potential partners (outside the school) who may also be able to assist in meeting this need and how. For the Community … Need? How can the school help meet this need? Who else can assist in meeting this need? How? A place to hold community activities in the evening The school can stay open in the evenings to host these activities Individuals within the parks and recreation department can help lead activities and provide resources For Family Members … Need? How can the school help meet this need? Who else can assist in meeting this need? ESL classes held in their neighborhood The school can stay open in the evenings to host these classes Professors from the community college can provide instruction for the classes Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 36 Barriers to School-Family-Community Partnerships When talking about school-family-community partnerships, many partners focus on the barriers that have come up in their path and have blocked the way to creating effective and meaningful partnerships. But, instead of looking at barriers as obstacles that keep you from reaching your goals, the partnership team needs to look at them in a new way. Sprinters take off from the blocks and run straight ahead, trying to reach the finish line before the other runners. Any obstacle that gets in their way will keep them from reaching their goal in a timely manner and, at times, may keep them from finishing the race. Hurdlers, on the other hand, know that there will be several obstacles placed between them and their goal. They look at these obstacles as a way to sharpen their techniques and increase their skills. They plan ahead as to how to overcome these obstacles in a way that will enhance their ability to reach their goal. Part of putting together a workable partnership plan is to forewarn of possible “hurdles” along the way and formulate responses to them. By doing this, members of the partnership team will become more like hurdlers and will plan how to successfully navigate the obstacles in their path. With just a little foresight and a plan of action, you will have an organized and effective response that can eliminate many problems and unforeseen events. Hurdles and Ideas for Action Even though some obstacles are family based and some are school based, schools can play a major role in breaking the practical and psychological barriers that have been keeping family and community members away. Research has shown that the extent to which schools encourage and facilitate participation is a greater predictor of involvement than family characteristics such as the parent’s education, socioeconomic, and marital status (Thorkildsen & Stein, 1998; U.S. Department of Education, 1997). Research also has shown that involvement is higher when schools welcome parents and make it easy for them to be involved (Nord, Brimhall, & West, 1997). Schools can take the first steps toward building strong relationships by creating a welcoming school environment, regularly sharing information in the languages spoken by its families, taking suggestions seriously, and continuously working toward positive relationships. The following is a list of some frequently identified barriers to effective partnerships including a few ideas for action in overcoming these hurdles. Lack of Time: (Is felt by all partners.) Educators have limited time both at school, and in their personal life where they may be parents themselves. Families often have scheduling difficulties and conflicting demands on their time. Schools often organize events for staff convenience, with activities scheduled at times that may be inconvenient for working parents. Actions: P Provide flexible hours to participate or schedule multiple performances P Videotape school performances and send tapes home with students for parents to view S 37 Transportation: Many parents have transportation issues (no working car of their own, no access to public transportation, or public transportation is inconvenient) that result in their inability to attend school functions. Actions: P Provide transportation on school bus, or provide access to public transportation P Help parents set up carpools P Meet at convenient locations for parents, such as community centers, apartment buildings, places of worship, or other sites off school grounds Child care: Lack of any child care or appropriate, affordable child care prevents family and community members from participating in programs held at school. Actions: P Set aside a room in the school in which to provide child care during events P Recruit staff and student volunteers for child care P Allow younger children to come to school and provide supervised activities for them Language Barriers: Non–English speaking families who receive only English communications from the school may feel that the school does not respect or value their heritage. Written communications are not always appropriate for all families. When educators and family members do not speak the same language, communications will be hindered, and participation and understanding may be limited. Actions: P Have printed materials translated into home languages P Have interpreters available at all events P Conduct family meetings in the home languages of the students enrolled in your school, with English translations available School practices that do not accommodate or fail to support the cultural diversity of the families served: Families with non-majority cultural and linguistic backgrounds may feel alienated from schools that do not value diversity. Those who do speak English but have little education may have difficulty communicating with schools because their life experiences and perspectives are different from those of teachers. Actions: P Work to increase everyone’s awareness of and sensitivity to other cultures’ values, attitudes, manners, and views of the school community P Know the holidays and observances of all groups in the school P Work with a knowledgeable, appropriate representative of the community to get to know the diverse cultures of the community S 38 Negative experiences with schools: Parents whose own school experiences were unsuccessful or stressful may be uncomfortable in interactions at their child’s school, and may be reluctant to return to school as parents. Some parents have a limited education and aren’t sure they have anything of value to contribute. Other parents feel underutilized, especially in decisions affecting the academic life of the school. Actions: P Extend a personal welcome to parents who appear to be withdrawn or uncomfortable P Learn about their interests and abilities; and actively seek opportunities to use their experiences and talents for the benefit of the school Parents don’t know what to do or how to contribute: Many parents are unsure about how to help their children learn. Parents don’t know what schools need, or don’t understand how the system works. At times, educators fail to ask parents to help, and sometimes unintentionally discourage participation. Actions: P Give parents information or materials they can use at home to support their children’s learning. P Make needs known. Make direct contact. Personally invite participation. P Keep community informed about what is happening and provide a variety of opportunities for all community members to participate. P Communicate activities and needs in varied ways (direct mail, nonprint media). The primacy of basic needs and lack of a supportive environment: Many parents without adequate resources are simply overwhelmed. Some families suffer extreme economic stress; addressing their own food, clothing, and shelter needs takes precedence over involvement in their children’s school. Actions: P Provide information to help parents secure the services they need P Develop a directory of services such as social service agencies, medical clinics, food pantries, substance abuse counseling, legal services, literacy courses, and tutoring in English as a second language (ESL) P Allow organizations to use the school building during out-of-school hours as a hub for providing services and resources to the community Lack of educator training: Many educators lack training in how to work with families. Few teacher preparation programs address techniques for communicating with families, and many educators and other school staff do not know how to involve parents in children’s learning. Actions: P Offer teachers formal training on collaborating with family members, recruiting and working with the community, and understanding today’s busy lifestyles P Create inservice training opportunities on subjects such as the benefits of and barriers to school-familycommunity partnerships; techniques for improving communication between home and school, and between school and the community; and ways schools and teachers can meet families’ social, educational, and social service needs P Urge all school staff to attend inservice training on school-family-community partnerships S 39 Schools are unresponsive or unwelcoming: Parents may feel they are not welcome in the school. Some parents may have gotten the message that “parents need not interfere.” Actions: P Provide tangible evidence that involvement is welcome P Make sure parents know they are welcome to drop in at school during the day P Post welcome signs in all languages spoken at the school P Show an interest and get involved in the community, as well Use this list of barriers and ideas for action to help you fill in the chart on the next page. List the possible barriers that are in your community and formulate specific responses to them. Plan how to successfully navigate the obstacles in your path and come up with an organized and effective response. S 40 Hurdles and Ideas for Action! Instructions: Identify obstacles that may inhibit partnership development in your school community (or may keep it from becoming meaningful and effective) and define a plan of action that will help you navigate the hurdles in your way. What hurdles may be in your way? How will you navigate them? Who will help you? What will they do? What is their role? e.g.: transportation Work with public transportation system to provide passes/vouchers so parents can ride public transportation for free Julie Smith, parent Contact local transportation company to seek bus tickets, free passes, etc. NOTE: Use the information gained in the activity on Page 14 (Who Are the Members of your School Community?) to think accurately about the potential obstacles to school-family-community partnerships. Remember that many solutions to problems are found by those experiencing the problem. Include all stakeholders in finding ways to overcome these hurdles. When people take responsibility for solutions, they often have more buy-in and more ownership of the activity. Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 41 Roles in Partnership Development Effective and meaningful school-family-community partnerships are a collaboration of invested individuals contributing to the academic, social, and personal success of the school community. In order for the collaboration to be successful, each partner’s duties and responsibilities need to be well defined. Moreover, it’s vitally important that roles are understood by and communicated to all partners. Each person must know the things they need to accomplish to contribute to the overall success of the partnership. The amount and time of contributions to be made by each partner should be specified. Also, management and control issues—whether some or all partners will manage and control the partnership— need to be identified. “Successful parent involvement programs have clear task expectations, roles, and responsibilities, all of which are communicated to the partners.” Members of the partnership development team will need to become aware of cultural differences when looking at roles and responsibilities. In some cultures, there are different views of schools and the roles peo—Becher, 1984 ple have in children’s education. Educators are often viewed as authority figures, and parents are less likely to ask questions of them. These parents will rely on educators to explain their opinions/decisions, and they will be valued and respected by the parents. Educators and team members will need to keep this in mind when planning roles and working with family and community members from diverse cultures. The school as a whole has responsibilities. It takes a lot of hard work and a long-term commitment to partnerships to make it work. Successful schools: P Strengthen ties to community leaders P Develop trust and build relationships P Follow through on commitments P Know and understand the needs of families, and enlist parents as liaisons P Provide support and bring varied resources to school P Gain an understanding of cultural and language barriers, and how culture/race, socioeconomic status, and other factors influence participation P Build cultural awareness In the following four pages are worksheets that examine some of the key players (parents, program administrators, principals, teachers/teachers aides, and support staff) and the roles they can play in the success of school-family-community partnerships and in increasing student achievement. The worksheet on the following page regarding Parents’ Roles and Responsibilities can show the various things parents are already doing to contribute to the educational success of their children. Many schools have found that, when they acknowledge the ways parents contribute to their children’s academic achievement on a daily basis, parents often become more actively involved. Once you have completed the worksheet, consider examining all the ways your parents and family members are already involved in their children’s education and finding a way to use any of these numbers in the evaluation of your school-familycommunity partnership. S 42 Parents’ Roles and Responsibilities Parents play many roles in their children’s education. Think about the parents of the students in your school or program and mark the answers that describe the roles that these parents play. M S F N M = Most Parents, S = Some Parents (about ½), F = Few Parents, N = Not Known Parents as Nurturer. Parents provide an appropriate environment where the child will flourish physically, psychologically, and emotionally. They maintain positive learning conditions at home and provide for the child’s overall health, shelter, safety, and behavior. Parents encourage and reward satisfactory achievement, and show interest in the child’s school day. Parents as Learners. Parents obtain new skills and knowledge that will help directly and indirectly with the child’s educational and social development as well as help the parents with their own development, growth, and life satisfaction. Parents as Supporters. Parents enroll their children in school and ensure they are properly dressed, get to school on time, and attend each day. They purchase necessary supplies and equipment and obtain required vaccinations and medical exams. They enforce policies about bedtime, television viewing, and homework. Parents as Communicators. Parents establish and maintain effective two-way communication flow with the child and the school. Parents as Audience. Parents attend many activities designed to draw them into the school and provide them with direct, personal information about the school such as open houses, back-to-school nights, athletic events, concerts, and plays. Parents as Volunteers. Parents can help in their own child’s classroom or in other classrooms, work in the library, tutor children, make attendance calls, chaperone school functions/events, or share their expertise in enrichment programs. Parents as Teachers. As the child’s first teachers, parents build the child’s foundation for moral, intellectual, emotional, and social development. Parents can also provide enrichment activities that reinforce school learning, including reading to children, taking them on trips to the library and museums, and other home and community learning activities. Parents as Advisers/Advocates. Parents wisely counsel and advise their child concerning his or her personal and educational situations. If needed, they effectively and actively mediate and negotiate for the child. By parent’s modeling, children can learn to be successful advocates for themselves. Parents as Collaborators and Problem Solvers. While working with the school and the community, parents can help study issues, solve problems, make decisions, and develop policy. Parents as Advisers and Decisionmakers. Often through parent advisory groups or parent-educator organizations, parents and educators work together on solutions to various problems and issues facing the school. Real power-sharing opportunities include elected school governing boards and councils. Parents as Partners. Parents move from the role of primary educators to a situation in which they share this role with the schools. Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 43 The Principal or Program Administrator’s Roles and Responsibilities Below is a list of responsibilities that are critical in the organization, development, and implementation of strong and effective school-family-community partnership. Review the list and rank how these are being done for your program or school. At the end of the prepared list is a place for you to include other responsibilities that you consider important for your program administrator to perform. O S A O = Do Often, S = Do Some of the Time, A = Do a Little, Almost Never Provide educational leadership for the other key players—other school personnel, students, parents and families, other community members. Set a tone for the school that is positive, friendly, and open, dedicated to serving all children equally. Recognize and affirm the fundamental premises of school-family-community partnerships (that is, all children can learn; parents are a valuable resource; all parents can have a positive impact; etc.). Take time to get to know the community served by the school—the history of interactions with the school, values and customs, local heroes, favorite pastimes, child-rearing practices, worries, aspirations. Assess school and community perceptions of needs and resources. Provide opportunities for staff, parents, and other community members to get to know each other. Lead a team of staff, parents, students (when appropriate), and community members in the design and development of the school-family-community partnerships plan. Require and encourage staff members to make use of family and community members as a resource. Provide staff training in school-family-community partnerships. Appoint qualified staff to coordinate the school’s partnership efforts. Provide parent education on topics of interest to parents and family members. Establish and encourage open, two-way communication between the school and the community, and between the school and the families. Give family and community members a voice in school management decisions. Communicate regularly with all key players, soliciting their input formally and informally. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of your partnerships activities, revising as necessary. Acknowledge and reward outstanding efforts by educators, coordinators, outreach workers, parents, community members, and children. Other: Other: Other: Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 44 Teachers’/Teacher’s Aides’ Roles and Responsibilities Below is a list of responsibilities that are critical in increasing student achievement and developing effective school-family-community partnerships. Review the list and rank how these are being done within your school. At the end of the prepared list is a place for you to include other responsibilities that you consider important for teachers/teachers’ aides to perform. O S A O = Do Often, S = Do Some of the Time, A = Do a Little, Almost Never Maintain high expectations for every child. Examine their own assumptions about academic ability and interest based on behavior, language, physical appearance, or family background. Take time to get to know the community represented by the children—the history of interactions with the school, values and customs, local heroes, favorite pastimes, child-rearing practices, worries, aspirations. Treat all children and their families with respect. Welcome every family into the classroom and make family members feel comfortable. Establish and maintain open, two-way communication with parents and other family members. Provide a variety of opportunities for parents to collaborate in the teaching of their children, including homework activities, class projects, classroom volunteer work, field trips, fund raising, etc. Participate in staff training about school-family-community partnerships. Participate in school activities designed to help staff and families get to know each other. View cultural diversity as a resource and teach children to value it. Identify and use ways to validate children’s experiences outside the school, incorporating them into instructional activities. Collaborate with other professionals and parents to address each child’s learning and emotional needs. Assess school-family-community partnership activities regularly with input from other key players, revising them as necessary. Never give up on any child. Other: Other: Other: Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 45 Support Staff Roles and Responsibilities Much of a school’s support staff is considered the “front-line staff ” when it comes to partnership activities. The front-office staff are the first ones seen by visitors. The bus drivers pick up students near their homes and often meet family members. The cafeteria workers, janitors, playground monitors, school social worker, guidance counselor, nurse, and National Service members (AmeriCorps, VISTA, Senior Corps, and Learn and Serve) are often familiar with students in ways that the teachers never see. Below is a list of responsibilities that are critical in increasing student achievement and nurturing effective school-family-community partnerships. Review the list and rank how these are being done within your school. At the end of the prepared list is a place for you to include other responsibilities that you feel are important for support staff to perform. O S A O = Do Often, S = Do Some of the Time, A = Do a Little, Almost Never “Front-line staff ” are included in training regarding school-family-community partnerships. “Front-line staff ” are trained with teachers and administrators to work with family and community members. A plan has been developed as to how “front-line staff ” will work with family and community members. Front-office staff greet visitors warmly when they enter the main office (for instance, staff seem pleased to see them, smile, and use a pleasant tone of voice). Front-office staff greet visitors individually when they arrive (for instance, saying hello, calling them by name, and introducing themselves). Office staff have set up a system to get phone messages to teachers including when to send phone calls to the teacher’s classroom, when to offer to take a message, when to give the caller information about times to call back and talk to the teacher, etc. Other: Other: Other: Other: Other: Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. 46 References American Heritage® dictionary of the English language (4th ed.). (2000). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. Barnett, L., & Greenough, R. (2002). Regional needs assessment 2002: Northwest educators’ priorities for improving low-performing schools [Draft]. Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. Becher, R.M. (1984). Parent involvement: A review of research and principles of successful practice. Urbana, IL: ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education. Binns, K., Steinberg, A., & Amorosi, S. (Project Directors). (1997). The Metropolitan Life survey of the American teacher, 1998. Building family-school partnerships: Views of teachers and students. New York, NY: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Caplan, N., Choy, M.H., & Whitmore, J.K. (1992). Indochinese refugee families and academic achievement. Scientific American, 266(2), 36–42. Clark, R.M. (1993). Homework-focused parenting practices that positively affect student achievement. In N.F. Chavkin (Ed.), Families and schools in a pluralistic society (pp. 85–105). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Comer, J.P., & Haynes, N.M. (1992). Summary of school development program effects: The family is critical to student achievement. New Haven, CT: Yale Child Study Center. Dauber, S.L., & Epstein, J.L. (1993). Parents’ attitudes and practices of involvement in inner-city elementary and middle schools. In N.F. Chavkin (Ed.), Families and schools in a pluralistic society (pp. 53–71). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Dorfman, D., Douglas, R., Ellis, D., Fisher, A., Geiger, E., Hughes, K., et al. (2001). Planning for youth success: Resource and training manual. Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. Gomez, R., & Greenough, R. (2002). Parent involvement under the new Title I and Title III: From compliance to effective practice. Unpublished manuscript, Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, OR. Griffith, J. (1996). Relationship of parental involvement, empowerment, and school traits to student academic performance. Journal of Educational Research, 90(1), 33–41. Hafner, A., Ingels, S., Schneider, B., Stevenson, D., & Owings, J.A. (1990). A profile of the American eighth grader. NELS 88: Student descriptive summary. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved September 5, 2002, from pubsinfo.asp?pubid=90458 Henderson, A.T., & Berla, N. (Eds.). (1994). A new generation of evidence: The family is critical to student achievement. Columbia, MD: National Committee for Citizens in Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED375968) Liontos, L.B. (1991). Involving the families of at-risk youth in the educational process. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon, ERIC Clearinghouse of Educational Management. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED328946) McKay, G. (2000, February 28). Bathrooms: A reflection of school’s climate. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette News. Retrieved September 5, 2002, from National PTA. (1998). Reaching out to others: Overcoming barriers to parent/family involvement. Chicago, IL: Author. Retrieved September 5, 2002, from National School Public Relations Association. (1988). Helping parents help their kids. Arlington, VA: Author. Nord, C.W., Brimhall, D., & West, J. (1997). Fathers’ involvement in their children’s schools [Statistical analysis report]. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved September 5, 2002, from S 47 Salter, S.R. (2001). Is treating the public like customers hurting you? Montgomery, AL: Alabama Association of School Boards. Retrieved September 5, 2002, from Tellin’ Stories Project Action Research Group. (2000). Between families and schools: Creating meaningful relationships. Washington, DC: Network of Educators on the Americas, Tellin’ Stories Project. Thorkildsen, R., & Stein, M.R.S. (1998). Is parent involvement related to student achievement? Exploring the evidence (Research Bulletin No. 22). Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa International, Center for Evaluation, Development, and Research. Retrieved September 5, 2002, from resbul22.htm U.S. Department of Education. (1997). Achieving the goals. Goal 8: Parent involvement and participation. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved September 5, 2002, from Wiggins, G.P., & McTighe, J. (1998). Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. S 48 Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory 101 SW Main, Suite 500 Portland, OR 97204 Fortress-Partnership School Checklist: Where Does Your School Fall? Partnership School: All families and communities have something great to offer -we do whatever it takes to work closely together to make sure every single student succeeds. Open Door School: Parents can be involved at our school in many ways -- we’re working hard to get an even bigger turnout for our activities. When we ask the community to help, they often respond. □ Building Relationships: Family center is always open, full of interesting learning materials to borrow Home visits made to every new family Activities honor families’ contributions Building is open to community use and social services are available to families □ Building Relationships: Teachers contact families once a year Parent coordinator is available if families have questions or need help Office staff are friendly Staff contact community agencies and organizations when help is needed □ Linking to learning: All family activities connect to what students are learning Parents and teachers look at student work and test results together Community groups offer tutoring and homework programs at the school Students’ work goes home every week, with a scoring guide □ Linking to learning Teachers explain test scores if asked Folders of student work go home occasionally School holds curriculum nights 3-4 times a year Staff let families know about out-of-school classes in the community □ Addressing differences Translators are readily available Teachers use books and materials about families’ cultures PTA includes all families Local groups help staff reach parents □ Addressing differences Office staff will find a translator if parents ask in advance Multi-cultural night are held once a year “Minority” parents have own group □ Supporting advocacy There is a clear, open process for resolving problems Teachers contact families each month to discuss student progress Student-led parent-teacher conferences are held 3 times a year, for 30 minutes □ Supporting advocacy Principal will meet with parents to discuss a problem Regular progress reports go to parents, but test data can be hard to understand Parent-teacher conferences are held twice a year □ Sharing power Parents and teachers research issues like prejudice and tracking Parent group is focused on improving student achievement Families are involved in all major decisions Parents can use the school’s phone, copier, fax, and computers Staff work with local organizers to improve the school and neighborhood □ Sharing power Parents can raise issues at PTA meetings or see the principal Parent group sets its own agenda and raises money for the school Resource center for low-income families in portable classroom next to the school PTA officers can use school office A community representative sits on school council Come-if-we-call School: Parents are welcome when we ask them, but there’s only so much they can offer. The most important thing they can do is help their kids at home. We know where to get help in the community if we need it. Fortress School: Parents belong at home, not at school. If students don’t do well, it’s because their families don’t give them enough support. We’re already doing all we can. Our school is an oasis in a troubled community. We want to keep it that way. □ Building Relationships: Better-educated parents are more involved “Many immigrant parents don’t have time to come or contribute” Staff are very selective about who comes into the school □ Building Relationships: Families do not “bother” school staff “Minority families don’t value education” Parents need security clearances to come It is important to keep community influences out of the school □ Linking to Learning Parents are told what students will be learning at the fall open house “Parents can call the office to get teacherrecorded messages about homework” Workshops are offered on parenting □ Linking to Learning Curriculum and standards are considered too complex for parents to understand “If parents want more information, they can ask for it” “We’re teachers, not social workers” □ Addressing Differences “We can’t deal with 20 different languages” “Parents can bring a translator with them” “This school just isn’t the same as it used to be…” □ Addressing Differences “Those parents need to learn English” We teach about our country – that’s what those parents need to know about” “This neighborhood is going downhill…” □ Supporting Advocacy School calls families when children have problems Families visit school on report card pick-up day and can see a teacher if they call first □ Supporting Advocacy Parents don’t come to conferences Problems are dealt with by the professional staff Teachers don’t feel safe with parents □ Sharing power Principal sets agenda for parent meetings PTA gets the school’s message out “Parents are not experts in education.” Community groups can address the school board if they have concerns □ Sharing power Principal picks a small group of “cooperative parents” to help out Families are afraid to complain. “They might take it out on my kid” “Community groups should mind their own business; they don’t know about education” Where Does Your School Fall? Check the boxes that have the most statements under them marked or circled. Check only one box in a row. If three or more of your checked boxes fall in the Fortress School column and none under Open Door or Partnership, your school is trying to keep parents away rather than work with them. In standards-based terms, it is below basic. If three or more of your checked boxes fall under Come-if-we-call and none under Partnership, your school may want parents to be involved only on its terms. In standardsbased terms, it is at the basic level. If at least four of your checked boxes fall under Open Door or Partnership, and none are under Fortress School, your school welcomes families and supports them to be involved in a number of ways. In standards-based terms, it is proficient. If at least three of your checked boxes are under Partnership, and the rest are under Open Door, your school is willing and able to work with all families. We bet the student achievement level goes up every year. In standards-based terms, it is advanced. What does it mean to educate? 1. What is good teaching? 2. Who determines what high quality teaching and learning look like? 4. How do you determine if students are learning enough? 3. How do you determine if students are learning? New Teacher W E L C O M E PA C K E T L A C I T C PRA TIPS W I S C O N S I N D E PA R T M E N T O F P U B L I C I N S T R U C T I O N PA R E N T S P L U S O F W I S C O N S I N The New Teacher Welcome Packet Ruth Anne Landsverk Coordinator of Families in Education Program Published by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Madison with support from Parents Plus of Wisconsin Menasha Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Madison Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 1 This publication is available from the Families in Education Program Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7841 (608) 266-9757 or (800) 441-4563 Bulletin No. 02014 ©July 2001 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability. Printed on Recycled Paper 2 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 Table of Contents A Welcome Message ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Congratulations, New Teacher! ................................................................................................................................ 7 How to Use This Packet ........................................................................................................................................ 10 GETTING STARTED An Overview: Family-School-Community Partnerships Improve Student Learning ................................................ 13 What Families Want to Know ................................................................................................................................ 15 Teachers and Families Have Different Perceptions ............................................................................................... 16 Family Involvement in Your Classroom: A Teacher Self Assessment Tool .............................................................. 17 Teacher Tips: Communicating with Families to Help Children Succeed ................................................................. 18 Techniques for Effective Two-Way Communication Between Home and School .................................................. 19 MEETING WITH FAMILIES Ready, Set, Go! Setting Goals for the School Year With Students and Parents ..................................................... 22 Ready, Set, Go! Goal Setting Plan by Parent, Teacher, and Student ..................................................................... 23 Welcome to a New School Year ............................................................................................................................ 24 Help Me Know Your Child ...................................................................................................................................... 25 How to Have a Great Open House ........................................................................................................................ 26 Ideas for Holding Successful Parent-Teacher Conferences ................................................................................... 27 Getting Ready for Conferences Letter to Parents/Guardians .............................................................................................................................. 29 Teachers Questions for Parents or Guardians ................................................................................................. 30 Questions for Parents/Guardians to Ask Teachers ........................................................................................... 30 LINKING FAMILIES TO LEARNING Teacher Tips: Using and Keeping School Volunteers ............................................................................................. 33 Survey of Interest for Volunteers ............................................................................................................................ 34 Letter to Parents: A Note from Your Childs Teacher .............................................................................................. 35 Helping Your Child Learn: A Survey for Parents ..................................................................................................... 36 25 Ideas for Communicating the Curriculum to Families ....................................................................................... 37 Teacher Tips: Helping Families Help with Homework ............................................................................................ 39 Teacher Tips: Working with Families of Children with Special Needs .................................................................... 40 Teacher Tips: Involving Less-Engaged Parents ..................................................................................................... 41 Fifty Ideas to Boost Family-School-Community Partnerships ................................................................................ 42 APPENDIX The Six Types of Family-School-Community Partnerships .................................................................................... 47 A Checklist for Schools: Making Your Family-Community Partnership Work ......................................................... 48 How Far Has Our School Moved Toward Partnership with Families? .................................................................... 50 Web Resources for Teachers on Family-School-Community Partnerships ............................................................ 52 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 3 4 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 A Welcome Message from State Superintendent Elizabeth Burmaster Dear New Teacher: Ive worked in education for 25 wonderful years. And as a third generation teacher myself, I can say without a doubt, this is the most exciting time of the year. Paint is fresh, floors are waxed, and bulletin boards are brand new in preparation for the arrival of thousands of bright-eyed, ready-to-learn children all over Wisconsin. As you get ready for the coming school year, please remember to include parents and families in your preparation. Parents are the first and most important teachers of our children. I believe that every parent has a right and responsibility to be involved in their childrens education and I look forward to working with you as your State Superintendent to increase parental involvement in our schools It can no longer be debatedchildren from loving, involved homes do better in school, stay in school longer, and participate in fewer risky behaviors. I am committed to join you in building a strong relationship between parents, teachers, administrators, elected officials, the business community and neighborhood groups because I believe we have a shared responsibility for the success of our children. As a new teacher, you have been chosen to perform one of the most valuable services there is. No matter where or what you teach, I want to thank on behalf of the people of Wisconsin for the commitment you have made and the contributions you will soon make to the quality of life in your community. Have a wonderful year, stay with it, and thank you for teaching the children of Wisconsin! Sincerely, Elizabeth Burmaster State Superintendent Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 5 6 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 Congratulations, New Teacher! Parents Plus of Wisconsin extends a hearty welcome to you as you begin your teaching career. We are happy to be co-sponsors of this packet designed especially to welcome new teachers and hope that you find this packet useful and informative. Parents Plus of Wisconsin is a statewide initiative which offers technical assistance and training to school districts, family resource centers and home visiting programs. Parents Plus strongly encourages parents to become involved in their childs education. We also work with school staff so that they can see the benefits of forming and maintaining partnerships with parents. Technical assistance and training to school districts is done in collaboration with other statewide entities. This allows us to reach large numbers of people, as well as work individually with others if necessary. Over 30 years of research tells us there are great benefits to children, parents and teachers when families are involved in the educational process. We encourage you to include parents in activities in and outside the classroom. When parents are involved children do better and schools improve. Partnerships with parents improve school programs by increasing parent leadership and assisting teachers in their work. Some of your greatest allies will be the families of the children you teach. Partnerships must be viewed as an essential component of the school organization that influences student academic, social and emotional development. Our intent is to assist you as you develop strong parent partnerships within your classroom, school, and community. If you would like to learn more about family/school/community partnerships or Parents Plus of Wisconsin, please call us at 1 (877) 384-1769. Sincerely, The Staff at Parents Plus of Wisconsin P. O. Box 452 328 Sixth Street Menasha, WI 54952 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 7 8 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 Acknowledgments This publication was produced with the assistance of the following individuals from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction: Neldine Nichols, formatter; Jane Grinde, editor; Pat Bober, special education consultant; Victoria Horn, cover art; and with assistance from Susan Werley of Parents Plus of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 9 How to Use This Packet We have tried to design this packet with your convenience in mind. Each page is easily reproducible on a copier and three-hole punched to fit in a binder. Please make as many copies as you need. How is it Organized? The Getting Started section includes an overview on how family-school-community partnerships improve student learning, and several articles on communicating with and relating to families. The Meeting with Families section provides useful samples of letters, forms, and ideas to help you plan effective face-to-face sessions with students and families. These articles have been placed chronologically according to the events in a normal school year. The Linking Families to Learning section gives you tips and forms to engage family and community members as volunteers, strengthen skills at home, and reach out to less-engaged parents. The Appendix contains important material to expand your knowledge of how effective family-community partnerships can get started and flourish in your school, as well as partnership-related web links for teachers. We hope you turn to this packet for useful, quick information throughout the year, not only in moments when you need something immediately, but also in quieter moments when you have the time and desire to learn more about how teachers and parents can be real partners in helping children learn. Wed be pleased to hear your ideas about how this packet can be improved. Contact Ruth Anne Landsverk, DPI Families in Education Coordinator, at 608-266-9757 or by email at or Jane Grinde, Bright Beginnings/Family-School-Community Partnerships Director, at 608-266-9356 or via email at Happy Teaching! 10 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 GETTING STARTED Getting Started An Overview: Family-School-Community Partnerships Improve Student Learning What Families Want to Know Teachers and Families Have Different Perceptions Family Involvement in Your Classroom: A Teacher Self Assessment Tool Teacher Tips: Communicating with Families to Help Children Succeed Techniques for Effective Two-Way Communication Between Home and School NOTE: Please make as many copies of this booklet as you need. 11 12 New Teacher Welcome Packet An Overview Family-School-Community Partnerships Improve Student Learning parents and teachers and perceive that caring people in both environments are investing and coordinating time and resources to help them succeed. Conversely, when parents become involved at school, or with the school, they develop more positive attitudes about school and school personnel, help build support in the community for the program, become more active in community affairs, develop increased self-confidence, and enroll in other educational programs (Becher, 1984). Parent involvement? The phrase has caused many a beginning teacher to quake in his or her new school shoes. Lots of teachers, however, have found some great ways to leash that parent power and put it to work helping students learn more and better. Studies of parent involvement efforts have documented these benefits for students: • higher grades and test scores, • better attendance and more homework done, • fewer placements in special education, • more positive attitudes and behavior, • higher graduation rates, • greater enrollment in post-secondary education (Henderson and Berla, 1994). Teachers, schools, and communities also profit when schools work well with families. These studies show that schools have: • improved teacher morale, • higher ratings of teachers by parents, • more support from families, • higher student achievement, • better reputations in the community (Henderson and Berla,1994). Epstein found that teacher leadership in parent involvement, especially in guiding parents with learning activities at home, can significantly increase student reading achievement. Her study showed that, when teachers help parents to become involved in student learning, they: • have improved communication between home and school, • better understand and support the childs instructional program. Morever, gains in reading achievement came not only for the parents who made a regular practice of helping their children, but also for children whose parents were simply encouraged by teachers to help their children. Teachers also had higher expectations of students whose parents collaborated with them; and higher opinions of those parents, themselves (Dauber and Epstein, 1992). When schools and families work in partnership, students hear that school is important from their Challenges Studies have identified a number of barriers that make it difficult for parents and teachers to work together. Teachers may: • feel that parents dont have the time or interest to be involved in school or in their childs learning. For example, Davies (1989) found that many teachers believe that parents with low incomes do not value education highly or have little to offer to the education of their children. • fear that parents will encroach upon their area of responsibility and will not follow instructions and school regulations. • be very supportive of parent involvement and not understand why parents arent responding to programs developed by the school. Parents may: • distrust schools and be reluctant to get involved because of bad experiences that they had as students. Some view their childs performance as a reflection on themselves and are hesitant to step forward to address problems. • feel that they lack the skills to be helpful and that if they do step forward school personnel will think that they are interfering. Perhaps the greatest impediment is that of time. Parents, many who work outside the home, find it difficult to participate in school activities. Teachers, whose days are filled with more and more curricular and non-curricular experiences, more challenging behaviors, and larger class sizes, find the idea of developing parent involvement strategies overwhelming, as do administrators who may spend Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 13 New Teacher Welcome Packet • Learning at home: Involve families with their most of their time dealing with the immediate crisis of the day. Teachers want and need training and support to work with parents, especially those whose cultural experience is different from their own. In order to develop effective partnership programs that teachers and parents can use and support, schools should have (Wikeland 1990): • written school and district policies that establish parent involvement as a legitimate and desirable activity, • clear and high expectations that parent involvement is a key to improved schools, • leadership and encouragement, • sufficient funding, • time allocated for staff and parents to plan and coordinate family-involvement activities, • staff and parent training, • space and equipment, • food, transportation, and child care as needed for parent meetings. children in learning activities at home, including homework and other curriculum-linked activities and decisions. • Decision-making: Include families as participants in school decisions, governance, and advocacy through PTA/PTO, school councils, committees, and other parent organizations. • Collaborating with the community: Coordinate resources and services for families, students, and the school with businesses, agencies, and other groups, and provide services to the community. (Also see A Checklist for Schools: Making Your Family-Community Partnership Work, in the appendix.) In addition, be sure to: • jointly plan partnership efforts with parents from the very beginning. The most effective partnership efforts are meaningful to parents because they directly address an expressed need or concern of parents. • reach beyond the parents who always volunteer. They will be there whether we plan programs or not. Special efforts must be made to welcome all parents and appreciate the contributions each brings to the planning process and beyond. • emphasize student learning. Epstein emphasizes that while not all partnership practices directly impact student learning, partnership activities must also be linked to the schools improvement plan, and parents and community members should participate in the development of the improvement plan. For example, if the school has a goal for improving reading, then the families and the community should be included in helping to achieve that goal. Partnerships should be an integral part of the schools regular work. Planning Your Family-School-Community Partnerships The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction uses a framework for participation, based on Joyce Epsteins work, that includes six types of familyschool-community partnerships to create a studentcentered learning environment: • Parenting: Assist families with parenting and child-rearing skills, understanding child and adolescent development, and setting home conditions that support children as students at each age and grade level. Assist schools in understanding families. • Communicating: Communicate with families about school programs and student progress through effective school-to-home and home-to-school communications. • Volunteering: Improve recruitment, training, work, and schedules to involve families as volunteers and audiences at the school or in other locations to support students and school programs. This article is adapted from a 1999 Wisconsin Education Association report by Iris Othrow and Katie Schultz Stout entitled, Involving Families In Order to Improve Student Achievement. Available on-line at Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 14 Madison, WI 53707-7841 New Teacher Welcome Packet What Families Want to Know Approximately 50 family members from several Wisconsin school districts were asked in an informal survey what they would like to say to teachers and what information they would find most beneficial in helping their children learn. Following, is a synopsis of their responses. • Keep communications clear, brief, and simple, Families Want to Belong not overly technical. • • • • • • I want to belong. Welcome me to the schooldont shut me out. Invite me to schooltake the initiative. Ask for my input, but dont intimidate me. Tell me how I can participate in school activities. I would like to be a member of an advisory council or family involvement committee. Families Want to Help • Give me specific ideas about how to complement what my children are learning in school or to strengthen their skills. • I need ideas for enrichment to supplement my childrens classes. • What can I do to help with homework? • I need to know what teachers expect at each grade level in emotional, social, and cognitive growth areas. • If a problem arises with schoolwork, contact me immediatelydont wait for weeks. • What are your expectations of my children? • Id like a family attendance day so I can understand my childrens classes better. Families Want Information • Tell me the philosophy of the school, the channels of authority, and the general goals of each subject studied. • Tell me the best time to call the teachers, the names of the staff, and their telephone numbers. • Send me a weekly or monthly newsletter, which lists school events, community resources, and enrichment programs. • I need to learn strategies I can use with my children when dealing with alcohol and drug prevention, video games, TV programs, peer pressure, and study skills. • I would appreciate family education workshops or videos to learn about communicating with teens, how to motivate children to study, social pressures, curfews and family rules, college applications, and helping with homework. Families Want Teachers to Love and Discipline Their Children • Do something to make my children feel good about themselves. • Make rules clear and dont put up with inappropriate student behavior. • Relax when students are acting normally. • Remind yourselves that you are an important influence in childrens lives. • If I complain about something, dont take it out on my children. • Avoid stereotyping children. • Praise students for good efforts. • Contact me about good news, too, not only about problems. Families Want Teacher Contact • I would like my childrens teachers to let me know when and where I can call them. • Because I work, I need school meetings scheduled during evenings or on weekends. • Let me know what my children are studying. • I want to meet the teachers at least once a month. • Care about my children. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 15 New Teacher Welcome Packet Teachers and Families Have Different Perceptions ers and families. Below is a chart compiled by Mendoza and Cegelka of Project P-Pact, San Diego State University. Most teachers realize how important it is to communicate with families, yet they often feel frustrated in their efforts to communicate. One reason may be the differences in perception that exist between teach- Differences in P erception T hat Can Interfere W ith Home-S chool Communication The Teacher The Family Groupmust focus on the whole class or group. Indiv idualconcerned wi th own chi ld's i ndi vi dual progress, needs. Established Skillshas knowledge of what chi ld has mastered. Emerging Skillsi s concerned wi th what chi ld i s learni ng. Presenti s concerned wi th present development of chi ld. H istory has the perspecti ve on how far the chi ld has come. Futuristiclooks to what chi ld wi ll be able to do i n the future, career potenti al. Presenti s concerned wi th here-and-now Specificity i s concerned wi th masteri ng speci fi c ski lls D iffusedtends to see whole chi ld's ongoi ng development. C ognitiv esees chi ld more abstractly, able to di stance self from chi ld. Emotionalhas emoti onal i nvolvement wi th chi ld. Achiev ed/chosen professionencourages chi ld to make professi onal career choi ce. Giv enaccepts the chi ld as she or he i s. D ominanthas power posi ti on, experti se. Submissiv emay feel helpless, uneducated. U niv ersallooks for one best method, way to work wi th all chi ldren. Indiv idualiz edwants to have chi ld approached and taught as an i ndi vi dual. Compiled by Mendota and Cogelka of Project P-Pact. San Diego State University. Published in Community Education Journal (April 1987) p. 12. Adapted and reprinted with permission. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 16 Madison, WI 53707-7841 New Teacher Welcome Packet Family Involvement in Your Classroom A Teacher Self Assessment Tool Whats happening? What would you like to be happening? For each statement, circle where you are now, then where you want to be in the future. Remember, you dont have to do it all! 1 HYHU+D SSHQ V I a m p le a s e d w ith th e tu rn o u t I h a v e fo r p a re n t/te a c h e r c o n fe re n c e s . I re g u la rly s c h e d u le p a re n ts to h e lp o u t in m y c la s s ro o m . I s e n d h o m e s tu d e n t w o rk fo r p a re n t re v ie w a n d c o m m e n t. I a s k p a re n ts to p ro v id e m a te ria ls , s u p p lie s , g a m e s fo r c la s s ro o m u s e . 2 IWHQ + DSS HQV Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 I k e e p p a re n ts w e ll in fo rm e d a b o u t a n y p ro b le m s th e ir c h ild re n a re h a v in g in m y c la s s ro o m . Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 I le t p a re n ts k n o w w h e n th e ir c h ild re n s h o w im p ro v e m e n t o r d o s o m e th in g w e ll. Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 I g iv e p a re n ts in fo rm a tio n a b o u t h o w to h e lp th e ir c h ild re n w ith h o m e w o rk fro m m y c la s s . Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 I le t p a re n ts k n o w h o w re p o rt c a rd g ra d e s a re e a rn e d in m y c la s s ro o m . I a s s ig n h o m e w o rk th a t re q u ire s m y s tu d e n ts to in te ra c t w ith th e ir p a re n ts o r o th e r fa m ily m e m b e rs . I m a k e s u re p a re n ts k n o w w h a t th e ir c h ild re n a re d o in g in m y c la s s ro o m . I s e n d a c la s s ro o m n e w s le tte r o r b u lle tin re g u la rly to a ll p a re n ts . I h o ld p a re n t m e e tin g s /c o ffe e s a t th e s c h o o l. I h o ld p a re n t m e e tin g s /c o ffe e s in n e ig h b o rh o o d s w h e re m y s tu d e n ts liv e . I m a k e h o m e v is its . I s h a re in fo rm a tio n w ith p a re n ts a b o u t p a re n tin g , c h ild d e v e lo p m e n t. Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 5 Now 1 2 3 4 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 5 Now 1 2 3 4 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 In fo rm a tio n a b o u t m y c la s s ro o m is a v a ila b le o n a c la s s ro o m o r s c h o o l w e b s ite . Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 H o m e w o rk a s s ig n m e n ts fro m m y c la s s (e s ) a re p o s te d o n a h o m e w o rk “ h o tlin e .” Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 I in v ite p a re n ts to te ll m e a b o u t th e ir c h ild re n ’s s tre n g th s , s p e c ia l ta le n ts , in te re s ts a n d n e e d s . Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 Now 1 2 3 4 5 F u tu re 1 2 3 4 5 I a tte n d p a re n t/te a c h e r m e e tin g s a n d o th e r fa m ily e v e n ts a t m y s c h o o l. D e ve lo p e d b y T h e F a m ily C o n n e ctio n o f S t. J o s e p h C o u n ty , In c . fo r th e In d ia n a C e n te r fo r F a m ily, S ch o o l & C o m m u n ity P a rtn e rsh ip s u n d e r a g ra n t fro m th e U S D e p t. o f E d u c atio n . Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 17 New Teacher Welcome Packet Teacher Tips Communicating with Families to Help Children Succeed • Let families know that they are welcome to Parents want to hear from teachers about how well children are learning, just as teachers want parents to be aware and supportive of whats going on in school. Whats a good way to get the school year off to a positive start and continue to build on that relationship all year? Here are a few ideas. observe the class frequently, but that teacher and staff conferences require an appointment. Work Through Problems • Listen first. Sometimes parents and family members just need to talk through their anger. Try to remember that many parents work long days and worry a lot about their children. • Acknowledge that being a parent is a difficult job. Try to remember that the childs performance in school is an important part, but only a part, of his or her life. • If you expect trouble, try a team approach. Include the principal or assistant principal and counselor to help deal with particularly difficult situations and people. Make every effort to avoid putting the parent on the spot. Instead, try to include the parent and student as partners in solving the problem. Be Positive First • Calling each family early in the school year, especially in the elementary grades, and saying something positive starts your relationship with parents off on the right foot. That initial contact can help you enormously. Parents can give you information about their child that will be helpful in working with the child. • If you cant call each family, try sending home a flier with your photo, schedule, and a short biography to introduce yourself to parents. Be sure to give telephone numbers and times when you can be reached; consider including your home phone number, if appropriate. A brief summary of what children will learn during the year and your expectations for them will also be appreciated by parents. • Stress your community ties and share your own experiences as a parent. If you attended the same schools or live in the community, let families know. Show Parents How the School Works • One of the best activities during back-to-school night or open house is a brief run-through of an actual school day, including teacher expectations for the year. • Stress what students are expected to learn, as well as your rules for behavior and grades. • Offer to explain test results, particularly on state assessments or developmental tests. Many parents are too embarrassed to ask questions, mistakenly assuming that everyone else can interpret the results. • Spell out the rules clearly early in the school year and stick to them. Parents respect clear and fairly applied rules. Respect Every Family • Smile and make eye contact when meeting with parents. If you can, sit beside not across from- the parent. Keep your sense of humor. Laughter can defuse some tense situations. • Avoid educational jargon. Words like pro-active or needs-based assessments will only confuse most parents. Using jargon only widens the gap between you and those unfamiliar with it. • Ask questions about the childs interests and family activities, but respect privacy if you sense resistance. Excerpted from Helping Students Succeed: What Teachers and PSRPs (Paraprofessionals and School Related Personnel) Can Do to Help Families Help Children Succeed, American Federation of Teachers, 555 New Jersey Ave., NW, Washington, DC 200012079; (202) 879-4400. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 18 Madison, WI 53707-7841 New Teacher Welcome Packet Techniques for Effective Two-Way Communication Between Home and School Families learn about school programs and their childrens classroom learning in a variety of ways. Schools with effective two-way communications not only provide several ways to reach families but also have several ways that families are invited to respond back with ideas, questions, and concerns. Listed below are techniques schools can use to encourage two-way communication. Which techniques does your school use? Circle two techniques you would like to try this year. Add more of your own. Elementary Middle High School 1. Send letters, notes, post cards, memos, half-and-half letters which ask families to respond (letters may have to be mailed to high school students families). o o o 2. Send schoolwork home once a week in a folder with a place provided for family comments. Require a parent/guardian signature. o o o 3. Develop assignment calendars that record students assignments, and invite families to respond. o o o 4. Send newsletters reporting community and school activities. Include a mini-survey about discipline, homework, conferences, other related information, and publish the results in the next newsletter. Include recommended movies, books, television specials, and community cultural activities. o o o 5. Ask families to identify two or three concerns before coming to parentteacher conferences. At the conference, listen to families and jointly develop a plan of action. o o o 6. Send small tape recorders home to families whose first language is not English or who may not be able to write well in English. The child can explain how to record a message for the teacher and bring the tape recorder back to school. o o o 7. Conduct periodic random telephone surveys of families, asking them how well they think the school is communicating and how well their children are learning. o o o 8. Once a month, randomly select a small group of families to meet informally with the principal or a teacher. Listen to their views. Discussion can be open-ended or focused on a specific topic. o o o 9. Involve the PTA/PTO and school council in data collection. Representatives from these groups can plan activities, find guest speakers, and organize public forums to encourage communication among students, families, teachers, and community members. o o o 10. Organize classes for families in which they learn about child development, mental health- issues, study skills, and student motivation. These classes can be provided through cooperation with county extension services, mental health agencies, human service agencies, and schools. o o o Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 19 20 MEETING WITH FAMILIES Meeting With Families Ready, Set, Go! Setting Goals for the School Year With Students and Parents Ready, Set, Go! Goal Setting Plan by Parent, Teacher, and Student Welcome to a New School Year Help Me Know Your Child How to Have a Great Open House Ideas for Holding Successful Parent-Teacher Conferences Getting Ready for Conferences Letter to Parents/Guardians Teachers Questions for Parents or Guardians Questions for Parents/Guardians to Ask Teachers 21 New Teacher Welcome Packet Ready, Set, Go! Setting Goals for the School Year With Students and Parents • Friends. Show the child a class list and ask if he More and more school districts are finding that providing teachers, students, and parents with time to meet and get to know one another before or just after school starts is a great way to give learning a jump start. Whether they are called, Ready, Set, Go! conferences or Get to Know You conferences, teachers and parents report that having a little time to establish positive relationships at the start of the school year goes a long way toward enhancing student learning during the rest of the year. Many schools schedule a 20- to 30-minute session with each child and at least one parent before school starts or during the first few weeks of the school year. The sessions are child-centered, friendly and relaxed, and the focus is on getting to know each childs strengths, talents, and interests. Often, siblings are invited to come along to play during the meeting, and parents can choose from conferences scheduled during the day or evenings. Most schools hold such conferences in the classroom, but some teachers visit the homes of families who feel more comfortable in that setting. Although there is no rigid format for these sessions, many teachers encourage the child and parent to respond to questions in a number of areas. The goal is for parent and child to get to know the teacher and establish open, friendly communications for the year. or she has any friends among the names. The information may help when forming cooperative groups. Sometimes, concerns about a childs isolation or aggressive behavior may arise. • Concerns. This is a good time to discuss any problems-academic, social, or behavioral-that the child is experiencing or that occurred during the previous year • Goals. The child and parent together set two or three goalsacademic, social, or behavioralto aim for during the next semester. The goals encourage students to think about areas they would like to improve and the responsibilities they will take to make that happen. Parents can also be encouraged to discuss specific actions they can take to encourage achieving the goals they set. For instance, a student who wants to improve in spelling may decide that she should study it more frequently and dad may pledge to review spelling words with the child or purchase a dictionary for her use. For Consideration • Teachers also may want to ask the child and parent, What would you like to learn more about this year? • Consider having volunteer sign-up sheets available at conferences for volunteer activities parents would like to be involved with: leading a Great Books reading group, assisting in the computer lab or with a drama production, planting a prairie area near the school, and others. • Write goals into a Friday Folder or other folder the student takes home weekly so parents can review the childs learning activities and performance. Encourage parents to write comments or questions in the folder every week and students to evaluate their progress toward meeting their goals by reflecting and writing about their experiences near the end of the grading period. • Bring the importance of family into the classroom by taking a photograph of the parent and student at the goal-setting session. Display the photos on a Lets Work Together bulletin board that stays up all year. • Scheduling the goal-setting sessions with parents by telephone may be more efficient than through a letter mailed home. A Great Way To Start It really gets us anchored around the child, how he or she learns best, and what the parent can do at home to support whats happening in the classroom, one fourth-grade teacher in the Verona School District said. Its the springboard for all other communications during the year and it eases the home-school relationship right away. The teachers role to listen, not evaluate, is a role that might take a little getting used to. I just encourage the child and the parent to talk. I dont fill in the quiet times, but just let conversation happen. You learn a lot about family dynamics and how the child fits in the family. Here are some ideas for four general areas teachers can discuss with children and parents and take notes on. See the form on page 13. • Strengths, talents, and interests. What is the child good at? What does he or she enjoy doing? Make sure both child and parent have a chance to respond. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 22 Madison, WI 53707-7841 New Teacher Welcome Packet Ready, Set, Go! Goal Setting Plan by Parent, Teacher, and Student Goal setting plan for (Students Name) Date Developed Date Reviewed The purpose of goal setting is to assist with communication and planning of the students learning experiences. 1. Areas of demonstrated strength or ability. Things I am good at in school: 2. Things I am good at outside of school: 3. Things I would like to learn more about: 4. I learn best when: Goals Academic Behavioral (optional) To help me accomplish these goals I will My parent(s) will My teacher(s) will The following agree by signature to support these goals Signature of Student Signature of Parent(s) Ø Ø Signature of Teacher Signature of Other School Representative Ø Ø Contributed by Verona School District Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 23 New Teacher Welcome Packet Welcome to a New School Year Date Dear Parent/Guardian: Welcome to a new school year! We all have a big job ahead of us, but working as partners, we know well have a successful school year. We hope to make this school an even better place to learn and grow than it was last year. Our staff has set goals to help every child make the most of each school day. Soon we will be letting you know about special conferences and events for families and students, but we want you to feel comfortable visiting your school anytime. We look forward to working with you and hope you will find the time to call, visit, volunteer, or share your experiences in our classrooms. Research shows that students are more successful in school when their families help them at home and get involved in school activities. Please call and visit often! Principal Telephone Teacher Telephone Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 24 Madison, WI 53707-7841 New Teacher Welcome Packet Help Me Know Your Child Date _____________ Dear Parent/Guardian, I invite you to share with me the talents, interests, and habits of your child, so that I may be prepared to teach in the best way possible. Feel free to write on the back of this page or to add additional pages if you need more room to write. Please share any concerns about your child so we can have a cooperative team approach to education. Call and let me know if you would like to visit our classroom or just to talk about your child. The best time to reach me during the day is from _______ a.m./p.m. to _______ a.m./p.m. at _____________________ (telephone). 1. My child learns best by 2. Some things I do at home to help my child learn are 3. Right now my childs goal/dream is 4. You will know my child is having problems when 5. The thing my child likes best about school is 6. One difficulty my child has at school is 7. When my child is having difficulty learning something, I find it works best to 8. Questions I would like to discuss at a parent-teacher conference include Please return this form to me by ____________________________________________. Teacher ________________________________________________________________ Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 25 New Teacher Welcome Packet How to Have a Great Open House • When are children taught in groups other than a An open house welcoming families to school early in the school year gives families a chance to meet their childrens teachers, to learn about the schools plans and policies, and to hear classroom goals and teacher expectations. Begin the open house with a general assembly for all families and teachers. As families enter the auditorium or gym, have them fill in name tags and put them on. Encourage teachers and school staff (also wearing name tags) to greet families as they come in. A suggested format for the open house follows. • The principal welcomes families and introduces teachers and others, such as school counselor, PTA/ PTO president, and secretary. • If possible, each person introduced should make a few comments (one or two minutes). • Principal talks about the goals for the year and special events. • Principal invites families to visit their childrens classrooms. • Classrooms are open for the next 30 to 45 minutes with teachers presiding in the classrooms. • Refreshments are available either in the classroom, the school family center, or an all-purpose type room. As appropriate, the principal or teacher should answer general questions. • What are the school rules regarding visiting, discipline, busing, lunches, homework, cars, and testing procedures? self-contained classroom? • How is a childs progress evaluated? • How much homework is given, and how can families help? • What level of mathematics will they learn, and how can families help? • When will children learn computer skills? • In what school committees or groups are families invited to participate? • How can parents volunteer in and out of school? • When is the best time to contact each teacher? • Are there programs for gifted children and children with learning disabilities? • What is expected in terms of classroom and school behavior? • What are the names of principals, counselors, bus supervisor, child-care coordinators, food service managers, and PTA officers? Even if your district distributed handbooks that answer the above questions, reinforcing what families have read will lead to stronger support from the home. The open house is a get-acquainted session for families and teachers. If teachers have business cards, this is a good time to distribute them. Its also a good time for families to sign up for individual conferences, or enlist as volunteers for a classroom or school activity. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 26 Madison, WI 53707-7841 New Teacher Welcome Packet Ideas for Holding Successful Parent-Teacher Conferences Teachers need the help of families to do the best possible job of educating children. Parent-teacher conferences offer teachers and parents the chance to consider new ideas and suggestions for helping children learn. Together, they can discuss childrens progress, behavior, motivation, and reasons behind successes and failures. Many schools also encourage parents to bring their child to the conference. Some schools, especially in the upper elementary and middle grades are conducted with the student acting as discussion leader. Schools and teachers should schedule conferences with the families of individual children early in the term to discuss the progress and potential of the child. Some of the topics that may be discussed are: • the childs overall ability to do school work. • the childs progress in all the subject areas. • samples of the childs work. • special abilities or interests the child shows. • books and materials used in the classroom. • social skills exhibited by the child in and out of the classroom. The parent-teacher conference should be held in a location that allows private, uninterrupted conversation. Families and teachers should be seated on the same level-preferably away from the teachers desk. Arrange for comfortable seating, with good lighting and ventilation. Organize samples of the childrens work and test results so they are easily accessible and will complement the conference plan. Teachers should write down the topics they plan to discuss with families. Teachers need to know beforehand what they hope to accomplish, communicate, and suggest, and what specific steps can be recommended for families to help improve their childrens education. Teachers should discuss childrens strong points as well as things that need improving. During the Conference Give waiting families folders of their childrens work. It makes waiting easier. Begin the conference with a friendly general remark unrelated to the child. When speaking about the child, start the conference on a positive note, stressing some good points about the student. Emphasize the childs strengths. Use words all family members will understand; do not use technical educational jargon. Do not present a long list of negative concerns to families; work on a few negatives at a time. Ask families questions to find out about their concerns. Listen carefully so you can separate facts from emotional feelings. Accept comments from families without showing surprise or disapproval. Give families time to ask questions, to interrupt, and to disagree. Relax and try to gain insight into the families attitudes toward their children, school, and you. Do not argue with families or impose your opinions on them. If you feel you must change a viewpoint be as diplomatic as possible. If a child has a problem, ask the family to suggest an approach that could be used at home to help the child. If applicable, suggest alternative approaches for joint consideration. This makes the family a participant in developing plans and may lead to a discussion that will help the family adopt a realistic plan. When working on solutions, try to set up a timetable. Ask for the familys help and help them Preparing for the Conference Teachers may contact the family by telephone or letter to arrange a conference. Check with your school principal or other staff members to find out how your school notifies and signs up families for the conferences. Many schools, for example, send a sign-up sheet home with students so families can choose the three best times for conferences. Confirm in writing the time for the conference. (Following, are samples of a letter and questions for families and teachers that may be duplicated and sent to families before the conference.) Teachers can improve the family-teacher relationship by encouraging family cooperation, inviting suggestions, welcoming family members help, recognizing individual and cultural differences, respecting childrens feelings, and living up to professional expectations. Teachers must not preach, downgrade family situations, overlook cultural differences in families, or use offensive expressions such as a broken home. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 27 New Teacher Welcome Packet accept responsibility for a share in the childs success or failure. End the conference by summarizing what has been said. Finish with a friendly remark. Thank the family for their concern and time and let them know that you care about and enjoy their child as an individual. Treat all information as confidential. Document conference notes for future reference. Remember that you represent your school district and that the final goal of parent-teacher conferences is to help children. might thank the family for attending the conference and ask if the family has begun to follow through with the suggestions made. Encourage the family to discuss the conference with his or her child, if the child was not present, and invite the family to call the teacher or school to check on the childs progress, or simply to keep in touch. Be sure family members know when and where to reach you by phone or e-mail if they have further questions or concerns. If this follow-up is not possible because large numbers of families were involved, make a special effort to contact those families whom you sensed might have been uneasy or who expressed negative concerns. Follow-Up If possible, after the initial family conference, follow up with a phone call or written note. The note Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 28 Madison, WI 53707-7841 New Teacher Welcome Packet Getting Ready for Conferences Letter to Parents/Guardians Date Dear Parent/Guardian, The success of your child is important to both of us. We can gain new awareness of your childs particular needs, strengths, and limitations by sharing our observations. Will you please take the time to meet with me in your childs classroom? I am hoping one of the following dates and times will be convenient for you. Please check the one you prefer and return it to me by ______________________. Day: _______ Date: _______ Time: _______ or ________ Day: _______ Date: _______ Time: _______ or ________ I have circled some questions on the attached sheet that I would especially like to discuss with you when we meet. On the same sheet you will find examples of questions families often wish to ask their childs teacher during parent-teacher conferences. Please feel free to ask me any of those questions when we meet, or anything else about your childs learning. Together, well make this a productive year for your child. Sincerely, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 29 New Teacher Welcome Packet Teachers Questions for Parents or Guardians The circled questions are points that I would especially like to discuss with you when we meet. You may wish to bring this sheet along to help focus our discussion at the conference. 1. What does your child like most about school? 2. What would make school more interesting for your child? 3. What activities take up your childs leisure time? 4. What activities do you and your child enjoy doing together? 5. How do you reinforce good behavior at home? 6. Does your child have a quiet place to study at home, and do you monitor study time? What TV programs do you and your child enjoy at home? Does your child get along well with his or her peers? How is your child not meeting your expectations? Are there any attitudes that you hope your child will change? 7. 8. 9. 10. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Questions for Parents/Guardians to Ask Teachers These sample questions are meant to prompt ideas for things that you may want to talk about with your childs teacher concerning his or her learning. Please feel free to ask about any other concerns you may have, as well. 1. What is my childs class schedule? 9. What standardized tests will my child take this year, and what will the results be used for? 10. What discipline procedures do you use in the classroom? 11. Does my child get along with other children? With you? 12. Does my child respect the rights and property of others? 13. Does my child show any behavior, such as squinting or irritability, that may be signs of a medical or emotional problem? 14. Can you mention other ways I can help my child reach academic success? 15. What special interest activities are available for my child? 2. Is my child working up to his or her ability? 3. Are children grouped for reading and math? What group is my child in, and how are children selected for each group? 4. What are my childs strengths and weaknesses in major subject areas? 5. Does my child need special help in any subject? If so, how can I help my child at home? 6. What will my child be learning this year in reading, math, and science? 7. How much time should be spent on homework, and how can I help with homework? 8. How is my childs work evaluated? Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 30 Madison, WI 53707-7841 Linking Families to Learning LINKING FAMILIES TO LEARNING Teacher Tips: Using and Keeping School Volunteers Survey of Interest for Volunteers Letter to Parents: A Note from Your Childs Teacher Helping Your Child Learn: A Survey for Parents 25 Ideas for Communicating the Curriculum to Families Teacher Tips: Helping Families Help with Homework Teacher Tips: Working with Families of Children with Special Needs Teacher Tips: Involving Less-Engaged Parents Fifty Ideas to Boost Family-School-Community Partnerships 31 32 New Teacher Welcome Packet Teacher Tips Using and Keeping School Volunteers The effectiveness of school volunteers depends largely upon the skillful guidance of the classroom teacher. The teachers attitude toward the volunteer can encourage and inspire, or it can discourage and defeat. Following, are some frequently-asked questions teachers ask when they consider using volunteers and some general tips to help teachers get volunteer efforts off to a promising start. Working Successfully With Volunteers Get to know the volunteer. Take advantage of his or her special interests, talents, and skills in the activities you plan. • Assume responsibility for introducing volunteers to the school staff and students with whom they will be working. • Explain your classrooms rules and basic management procedures. • Explain the purpose and importance of tasks so the volunteer understands how his or her contributions will help. • Let the volunteer watch your teaching techniques as you demonstrate activities for students. • Encourage the volunteer to help plan activities or make suggestions. • Say we, not I, to help the volunteer feel included. • Plan specific and clearly defined activities for the volunteer. • As abilities and strengths become apparent, increase the volunteers responsibilities. • Provide a regular time each week to plan with the volunteer. • Make time to ask the volunteer for feedback about his or her progress or to answer any questions. • Give directions and explanations in nontechnical terms but dont talk down to a volunteer. • Give credit when it is due! • Recognize the contributions of the volunteer through daily expressions of appreciation and encouragement as well as with certificates of appreciation presented at a school ceremony. • Remember, there are some responsibilities that should NOT be delegated to a volunteer: diagnosing consulting with parents evaluating on a formal basis prescribing providing initial instruction disciplining students What Are School Volunteers? School volunteers are the parents, students, senior citizens, service organization members, and other community members who care about students and want to help the school district. They perform a variety of tasks, including reading to and with students, sharing hobbies and careers, chaperoning field trips, and assisting with clerical or classroom duties. How Can School Volunteers Help? Some of your teaching ideas may require more than two hands to make them succeed. You may need more time to prepare special projects or exhibits, or you may need more time with a student who needs a little extra attention or just someone to talk to. Can a Volunteer Lighten the Load or Enrich the Curriculum? Yes! Are there non-teaching jobs which require gathering and organizing material for the classroom or bulletin boards? Maybe you just need an extra set of eyes and ears. How Do I Get Volunteers to Help? Check with your school or district to find out if it: • has a written school board policy that spells out expectations for volunteers, • recruits, trains, and recognizes volunteers, and • provides forms and other materials that help teachers obtain and work with the volunteers they need. Consider recruiting volunteers for your classroom whenever you meet with parents, but especially at the beginning of the school year during back-toschool night, school open house, or other introductory sessions. Have sign-up forms ready for parents to complete and return. Contributed by the National Association of Partners in Education (NAPE), Inc., 209 Madison Street, Suite 401, Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 836-4880. Web site: For ideas about how schools can establish standards for volunteering, read the PTA handbook on parent involvement standards on the National PTA Web site: programs/invstand.htm. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 33 New Teacher Welcome Packet 6XUYH\RI,QWHUHVWIRU9ROXQWHHUV You are invited! As a volunteer, you can help children learn. Please share your time, skills, or interests with our students. You need not be experienced in teaching, just willing to share. The gift will help our students develop positive attitudes toward learning and motivate them to achieve their potential. On the form below, please indicate how you are willing to help. We have provided a list to give you some ideas. We welcome your suggestions. This form may be returned in person or by mail to any school office. We will contact you regarding future involvement. Thank you! Telephone Area/No. (Daytime) (Evening) Your Name Address: Street/City/Zip Names and grades of your children, if any, attending our schools I am willing to help students by Coming to School Working from my Home No Preference Middle School High School I Prefer to Work At (Name of School) I Prefer to Work with the Following Students Elementary I have the following skills to share: Sewing/Needlecraft Working with One Child Typing/Word Processing Working with a Small Group Making Phone Calls Making a Presentation to a Class Cutting Paper Shapes Installing/Designing Bulletin Boards Working with Simple Carpentry Shelving/Cataloguing Books Filing Posting Flyers in the Neighborhood Making Posters/Banners Providing Childcare Reading Stories to Children or No Preference Helping with Math or Science Skills Providing Transportation Organizing School Events or Fundraisers Chaperoning Field Trips, Bus Trips, or Dances Writing Grants School Decision-Making or Advisory Listening to Them Read Bookkeeping Keeping Score at Athletic Events Working on Publicity Committees Talking About Career Other Ways I could Help My Other Hobbies/Skills (e.g., Camping, Architecture, Swedish Cooking, Local History, Calligraphy, etc.) are I have Access to a Computer Pickup Truck or Van Sewing Machine Video Camera Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 34 Madison, WI 53707-7841 New Teacher Welcome Packet Letter to Parents Teachers can use the following letter to notify parents that their child is working with a volunteer at school. The letter should be sent home as soon as the child begins working with a volunteer. A Note from Your Childs Teacher Date: Hello! Today your child, , worked with , a school volunteer. They worked on these things: Here are some things you could work on at home together to help your child: Thank you! Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 35 New Teacher Welcome Packet Helping Your Child Learn A Survey for Parents Explaining the Curriculum For Working or Single Parents Yes No o o o o o o o o o o o o Yes No 1. Do you understand what your child is learning and how he or she is being taught? 2. Has the curriculum been explained adequately to you grade by grade, either by a person or through written materials? 3. Have you received an orientation or materials explaining educational programs? (For example: Chapter 1; special, gifted and talented, or bilingual education; AODA; computer lab.) o o o o o o Helping You More 23. What areas would you like more information or instruction about? (check as many as you like) 4. Do you have enough ideas and instruction to enhance at home what your child is learning in school? o o o o o o o o 5. Do you feel well-informed about important dates, activities, and events? 6. Do you read the school newsletter? Student Assessment Yes No o o o o o o o o o o 7. Do you feel informed about the schools goals for student achievement? o o o o o o o o 10. Do you have an opportunity to discuss how to improve your childs performance privately with teachers? 11. Are the results of standardized tests, for your child and the whole class, clearly explained to you? 12. Do you feel comfortable contacting your childs teachers with questions and concerns? o o o o o o o o o o 16. Would you attend a workshop on how parents and teacher can work together to help your child learn? School Climate Yes No o o 19. Have you ever been invited to volunteer in the school or with school activities? disciplining my child what my child is learning at school volunteering in my childs school Your name is not necessary, but please tell us about yourself (check all that apply) 15. Would you attend a school-sponsored social event for parents and teachers to get to know each other? 17. Do you feel welcome in your childs school building? helping with homework __________________________________________________ 14. Are you notified right away if your child has difficulties at school or falls behind? o o child development 26. What do you think we could do better to assist you in helping your child learn?_____________________________________ 13. Do you hear from your childs teachers if your child is doing something well? o o parenting education 24. How do you find out about events happening in your childs school? (check as many as apply) o school newsletter o local newspaper o other parents o other (please describe) 25. What is the school doing that is most helpful to you as a parent?____________________________________________ 9. Are report cards and grades explained to you? Yes No o the schools educational philosophy other (please explain)_______________________________ ___________________________________________________ 8. Do you feel fully informed about your childs academic performance? Parents and Teachers Together o 20. Would you like to see more meetings and events held evenings and/or weekends to fit your schedule? 21. Would you use child care provided during meetings and at other school events? 22. Are you willing to be reached at work or in the evenings to discuss your childs academic progress? 18. Do you feel welcome to visit or observe your childs classroom? Female Parent o o Male Grandparent o Friend I am a single parent There are two adults in our household I work full time I work part time I attend school My spouse or partner works full time My spouse or partner works part time My spouse or partner attends school I have children in these grades (circle all that apply): Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 36 Madison, WI 53707-7841 New Teacher Welcome Packet 25 Ideas for Communicating the Curriculum to Families will be learning in each subject during the school year, major upcoming school events, and tips for helping with homework. View a template for these brochures at the DPI website: dpi/dlcl/bbfcsp/bbhghlts.html. Want to keep parents positive and enthusiastic about school? Make sure families are informed in a variety of ways about what their children are learning throughout the school year. One teacher starts each school day by reminding herself that the bright-eyed children filling her classroom dont come to school each day by themselves. They come with their family members perched on their shoulders, with the voices, lessons, and hopes of their parents, siblings, grandparents, and other family members resounding in their ears, brains, and hearts. How many of the following ideas has your school done or even considered doing to ensure that families know and understand what their children are learning and how they can help? Schools with involved families are schools that enjoy more support from families, rank higher on achievement tests, and report content, productive staff members. What have you got to lose? • Try a few neighborhood coffees in parents homes or a local community center. Invite people in a neighborhood area to meet informally with the principal and one or two teachers to chat about the school and education issues. • Work with other staff members to organize a parent forum informing parents about the Wisconsin Student Assessment System and the State Academic Standards. Provide a time for parents to ask questions and comment. Also provide them with copies of the DPI brochure, A Parents Guide to Standards and Assessment, available on-line at • Advertise the telephone number(s) and times when parents can call teachers during the day to ask questions or discuss their childrens progress. • Invite new students and their families to a Get- Acquainted Hour before school starts or early in the school year. • Devote time at staff workshops to discussing skills for communicating with parents and ways to get feedback from them. • Establish and publicize regular visitation days as a way for family members to observe classes and comment on their experiences. • Set up a family shelf in classrooms or in the school library with materials parents can check out on child development, discipline, homework techniques, and learning styles. Place copies of school textbooks in school and public libraries for parents to check out. • Schedule school open houses for one grade level at a time. Smaller groups give parents a better chance to get to know staff members and each other. • Hold a start-of-the-year potluck supper for students and families by grade level or classroom, followed by a short school- or curriculum-related presentation. Food and families bring people together. • Is there a place for visiting parents and family members to hang their hats while visiting your school? Designate space for a school family center in the school building where parents can talk with teachers, community groups can meet, and the lights and coffee machine are on! • Vary the times for open houses, holding some during the day and some at night, to allow all families to come. • Suggest that parents shadow their children for a day to experience a typical school day. • Organize special outreach efforts for less-engaged families. The personal touchtelephone calls, home visits, and special invitations mailed to families in their own languageswill reap results. • Organize a parent-and-student field trip so they • Work with other teachers to develop grade-level which offers practical suggestions for doing learning activities in the home and in the community, creat- can learn together. • Develop a How Parents Can Help handbook brochures that inform parents what their children Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 37 New Teacher Welcome Packet ing a learning-friendly home environment, and establishing good homework guidelines. • Start a Family Corner in your school district newsletter that invites the PTA, PTO, or individual parents to talk about opportunities for families to become involved. • Offer computer and family math night programs for parents and students to learn together. • Videotape or publish short summaries of programs or presentations offered by your school for families so those unable to attend will still be able to learn from them. • Offer learning-together opportunities that especially appeal to fathers, such as programs on the father-child relationship; making kitchen, science, music, or art projects; and gym or athletic activities. • Involve parents in creating your own parentteacher-student learning compact or agreement. • Enclose a two-minute survey in report cards asking parents how well they think your school is helping children learn. Publish the results promptly. • Keep weekly school newsletters to one or two sides of a page on brightly-colored paper so it can be read easily and quickly. Publish your schools goals for the year and leave a clipn comment corner for parents to jot down a thought or two about a featured school issue. • Create opportunities for families to volunteer together in a youth service-learning projectin a community drive for the local food pantry, cleaning up a park, or visiting those in need. • Establish a Families and Friends Program, bringing families from different neighborhoods or cultural backgrounds together at a school picnic and another time during the year to share food, conversation about the curriculum, and the joys of parenting. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 38 Madison, WI 53707-7841 New Teacher Welcome Packet Teacher Tips Helping Families Help with Homework • At the beginning of the year or semester, inform Teachers can encourage families to monitor and talk about school assignments with their children. Families who are aware of their childrens school program are able to give more support to their childrens efforts in school and reinforce the teachers goals. Students who know their families communicate with their teachers and support learning goals talk more about schoolwork and school decisions at home. In fact, the 1998 Reading Report Card for the Nation and States concluded that students in Grades 4, 8, and 12 who had at least weekly home discussions about their studies averaged higher reading scores than students who reported discussing their studies less frequently. Students who had such discussions almost every day were associated with the highest average score, the National Assessment of Educational Progress reported. The research also shows that teacher leadership in involving parents with learning activities at home significantly improves student achievement. In a study (Epstein 1991) of student achievement in 14 elementary classrooms, reading test scores of students improved from the fall to the spring after teachers used various techniques to involve parents in reading activities with their children at home. The study also found that reading gains came not only for children whose parents made a regular practice of helping them, but also for children whose parents were encouraged by teachers to help them. Parents are one available but untapped and undirected resource that teachers can mobilize to help more children master and maintain needed skills for schools this requires teachers leadership in organizing, evaluating, and continually building their parent involvement practices, the study concluded. Here are some tips for getting families on board with homework expectations: • At the beginning of the school year or semester, give parents a homework calendar, listing all major assignments (books to read, papers to write, special projects to complete) and the due dates. Suggest that students write the due dates on the calendar and that adults periodically check progress. This is one way adults can help children avoid last-minute panic in completing assignments. families about your homework expectations. In either a start-of-the-year parent-teacher meeting or in a note to families, briefly explain your philosophy of homework and generally what kinds of assignments will be made. How do homework assignments fit in with curriculum and school goals? What weight will homework assignments have on grades? How much time per night or week can students be expected to spend on homework? • Offer families some basic guidelines on how to encourage their children to complete homework on time, tips for setting up an appropriate time and place to study at home, and what to do if their child finds it difficult to understand or complete homework assignments. Visit the U.S. Department of Education website at Homework for parent-friendly, reproducible materials. • Help students develop assignment notebooks with space for the assignment, due date, teacher comments, and family comments. Send home a note about these notebooks and seek cooperation from home in using them. This can be an effective way to communicate daily or weekly with home. • Be sure students understand the assignments before they leave class. • Make homework assignments meaningful and give students feedback on the assignments. Students will soon lose interest in doing assignments that are simply busy work or that are never checked. If assignments are worth doing, they are worth feedback. • Homework assignments should be based on materials that are readily available to students. Offer ideas for further resources at the school or public library and on the Internet. • Assignments should not require teaching by the adult at home. • If homework assignments are not being com- pleted, call the childs home. If a phone call does not solve the problem, arrange a meeting with the student and family. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 39 New Teacher Welcome Packet Teacher Tips Working with Families of Children with Special Needs with the day-to-day parenting of their children with special needs. • Communicate respectfully with parents. Just as educators need to listen carefully, they also need to monitor their verbal and written communications with families to ensure they are done with mutual respect. Parents request that teachers speak to them as they would speak to a friend or equal, without dominance or the implication of intolerance. Establish regular notes, phone calls, or meetings to detail successes, as well as concerns. Teachers must help families feel comfortable contacting school with information about home or related services that affects student performance. • Be sensitive to the needs of the student as one member of a family. Parents encourage teachers to walk a mile in their shoes and imagine how they might feel if they were parenting a child with special needs. Being aware of family issues also means that educators must monitor their advice to fit individual families while building their own knowledge of available family supports. • Increase your knowledge about disabilities. Strive to be a lifelong learner in your field with the goal of becoming even more prepared to address the complexities of your students needs. • Accommodate the individual needs of students. Parents request that educators provide a supportive and nurturing environment that fosters student selfawareness and self-esteem. Educators who help students understand their strengths and needs allow students to be risk-takers and partners. • Improve the IEP process to be more receptive to family issues. Because the IEP is the one mandated interaction between school and family, it must reflect to the fullest degree the potential for strong collaborative relationships. Parents want to feel that they are equal partners in a team striving for the same goals. Develop instructional goals collaboratively with families. Parents know their children better than anyone else. They can represent them in a way no one else can, advocating for what they feel and know is best. Unless their message is recognized and acted upon, true collaboration that results in meeting the childs best interests cannot be realized. How can teachers of special education students work more effectively with students families? Researchers in 1998 interviewed 80 parents of children or young adults who received special education services in public schools and found that responses could be organized into six common themes: 1. Listen to us! Nearly 30 percent of parents in the study said they wanted educators to listen, both to their input and to their problems. Twothirds of parents responding in this category said educators should realize that parents know and understand their children; their contributions and suggestions are valuable and should be heard and respected. The remaining third of parent respondents wanted teachers to listen to their personal issues and be responsive to their feelings. 2. Strengthen communication between parents and professionals. Nearly 25 percent of parents responded that the quality and quantity of communication between parents and professionals should be improved. Several parents urged educators to be more humane when discussing their children, treating them in a more honest manner and with dignity and respect. Other parents wanted more frequent and consistent communication with professionals. 3. Be aware of families needs and differences. About 18 percent of parents suggested that educators be more sensitive to the needs of their family, including constraints of time and expertise, as well as to the differences among families. Most responses in this category indicated that educators should realize every family is different, should try to get to know more families in depth, and should see the familys point of view. 4. Be knowledgeable about my childs disability. (15% of respondents) 5. Respect my child and try to meet his or her needs. (12%) 6. Improve the Individualized Education Plan process. (4%) Steps for Teachers to Take Here are some specific steps educators of special needs students can take to promote more sensitive, effective communications and decision-making partnerships with families: • Value parents contributions. As the one constant in their childrens lives, parents have valuable information and observations to offer educators about their childs learning. Families want teachers to be supportive and nonjudgmental as they strive to deal Adapted from an article by Pamela Pruitt, Donna Wandry, and Diane Hollums: Listen to us! Parents speak out about their interactions with special educators; Preventing School Failure, Summer 98, Vol. 42, Issue 4, p. 161, Item Number: 1029951. Reprinted with permission of the Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation. Published by Heldref Publications, 1319 18th St., NW, Washington, DC 20036-1802. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 40 Madison, WI 53707-7841 New Teacher Welcome Packet Teacher Tips Involving Less-Engaged Parents leaders to help you survey the parents to determine their needs. Schools reporting success in reaching less-engaged parents (those who do not attend school events regardless of efforts or invitations) are succeeding by taking the schools to the community. Lessengaged parents can be from any geographic setting, ethnic group, or income level. Offer programs to meet parents needs and those of other members of their neighborhood or community. These may not always be school-oriented. Working to improve housing, providing day-care facilities, or offering recreation or after-school activities in community centers may be the first step in reaching less-engaged parents and letting them know you care. Ideas for Outreach Activities Hold coffee-and-doughnut discussions with groups of parents in their homes or at a community center. Communication can take place in a nonthreatening setting. Start with the positive aspects of the school and be honest in responding to questions and challenges. Provide school representatives, or recruit community volunteers who are fluent in the language of ethnic groups. Offer English classes, as well as parenting classes, to help these parents help their children. Hold them in locations and at times convenient for them. Be available to parents at local sites. In one district, principals, the superintendent, and board members each take two hours on one Saturday each month, on a rotating basis, to make themselves available to parents at local siteschurch, supermarket, library, or community centerwherever parents gather. Let parents know you will be there and want to meet them and answer their questions. Offer to hold parent-teacher conferences in the neighborhoodschurches, youth centers, and so forth. Offer transportation to school activities you would like parents to attend and provide child care facilities. Ask local service clubs to volunteer use of their vans or other vehicles for a special event. Make sure your school projects warmth and concern for parents and students. Customs and expectations differ. It is the school leaders challenge to find the proper vehicles and approaches for communicating with and involving hard-to-reach parents to help them help their children. Go to the churches, synagogues, or other places of worship. Work with the clergy in setting up opportunities for parents and community residents to talk about the schools and ways to help students. Ask the clergy for support and suggestions. (Send copies of your district and/or school building newsletter for distribution at places of worship.) Ask parents the best ways to reach them. Any time you have a group of hard-to-reach parents together, ask them what are the best ways to communicate with them. What are the best locations and times for them to meet? What kind of information do they want? How do they want to receive information about their child and the school? Locate community leaders and invite them to help you communicate with less-engaged parents. Develop a special neighborhood network by inviting these leaders to be your key communicators and share with you the concerns of parents. Ask these Source. Dr Santee Ruffin in Helping Parents Help Their Kids, from the National School Public Relations Association This article was originally printed in It Starts on the Frontline (Feb.1996) The National School Public Relations Association, 1501 Lee Hwy. Ste 201. Arlington, VA 22209, (703) 528-5840. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 41 New Teacher Welcome Packet Fifty Ideas to Boost Family-School-Community Partnerships How many of these ideas have been tried by the staff at your school? Which ones could you start or, if underway, could you reach more families with by doing differently? These ideas would also be good discussion starters for a staff inservice or a workshop on improving teacher-family communication. Effective family-school-community partnerships take planning by an action team composed of teachers and parents in roughly equal numbers, a school administrator, and community members. A good program may take three to five years to establish, so keep moving ahead! Partnership efforts are most likely to be effective if they are: l meaningful to and needed by families. l convenient for families. l administered in a supportive climate. l communicated to families several times in a variety of ways. _____ 3. Kick-off the school year or banish the winter blahs with a family-staff picnic or a familyfaculty athletic event, such as a one-mile race, basketball game, or tennis tournament. Listed below are 50 ideas for family involvement. Mark those that you _____ 8. Offer computer and family math programs during which families and students can learn together. ü _____ 4. Invite families to play together in the school gym at a weekly Family Recreation Night. _____ 5. Send home unit goals so families can help children reach the goals set by the teacher. _____ 6. Let younger children take envelopes or folders home on Friday to their families with the weeks work enclosed. Invite parental feedback either on the envelope or on a preprinted postcard. _____ 7. Invite parents to be members of all school committees. Aim for equal parent and staff representation on committees, especially those dealing with family-school-community partnership issues. Make sure parents represent all students in your school. = Tried with success within the last three years. = Tried, but with limited success. _____ 9. Invite families to select a book or chapter or poem to read to their childrens class, reinforcing a lifelong commitment to reading. Ñ à= Plan to do this year. < = Think will not work in your school. O = Have never tried. Teachers can implement some of these ideas; others need an administrators initiative. In small groups, teachers can share their successes and offer practical suggestions to improve practices that have met with limited success. Encourage teachers to review these 50 ideas and to suggest ways to make ideas work, or to offer alternatives. _____ 1. Schedule parent-teacher conferences at the convenience of both parties, either after school or in the evening. Offer families a choice of times and provide childcare for any family requesting it. Consider home visits to families not able to come to school. _____ 2. Ask parents to evaluate parent-teacher conferences. Ask parents how effective the conference was and what additional kinds of information they want about classroom activities, communication, or other concerns. _____ 10. Encourage students to adopt pen pals who are senior citizens or businesspeople. The letters often provide the impetus for getting community members involved in school. _____ 11. Invite families to volunteer to help with after-school activities in which their children show an interest (drama club, music, Girl/Boy Scouts, other). _____ 12. Establish a homework hotline. This could be a tape-recorded message to call, a computer modem hookup, or a family network. _____ 13. Have a monthly birthday calendar for students and staff posted in the hallway. Have the school food staff make cupcakes or a birthday cake for celebrants. Add new students when they arrive. The calendar could also be distributed in homes or sold as a moneymaker. _____ 14. Make a bulletin board available in the school lobby for families to share photos and other memorabilia. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 42 Madison, WI 53707-7841 New Teacher Welcome Packet _____ 15. Invite children new to the district or school and their families to a Get-to-Know-You Hour the week before school starts. _____ 26. Hold a School-Community Awards Day. Let students, staff, and volunteers nominate recipients from the school and community to be recognized for their service and excellence. Certificates of appreciation can be given to the nominees. Invite the press. _____ 16. Invite new teachers and new families on a tour of the district. Point out facilities available in the area, places that could be used for field trips, boundaries of attendance area, youth center, and other community sites which may interest families. _____ 27. Include a survey in welcome materials to new families asking about their interests, needs, and concerns. _____ 17. Develop a slide presentation or a video orienting families and students to the school. Involve high school students or volunteers in producing the presentation. _____ 28. Develop family surveys on key issues, school policies, home-school communication, community needs, and interests. Ask a local club to mail the survey and count survey answers. _____ 18. Announce a Family Visitation Day that includes time for families to offer suggestions, ask questions, and observe children in class. _____ 29. Ask students, perhaps as a classroom project, to conduct a survey of families to evaluate the school and collect ideas for improvement. Promptly announce survey results to all families in the school newsletter. Hold a family forum as a follow-up. _____ 19. Place a Welcome to Our School sign and a map at school entrances. _____ 20. Organize a partner system for new students. Students who will make newcomers feel comfortable are good ambassadors; they also build self-esteem as they participate. Call the family and describe your effort to make the new student feel welcome. Plan activities and follow through to cover at least two weeks. New families also could be assigned a partner family. Welcome them with packets of information on the school and community. _____ 30. Improve the quality and frequency of the school newsletter. Set up an idea exchange by asking families to send in ideas. Publish the ideas in future issues. You can also check with the Wisconsin School Public Relations Association (WSPRA) for help. _____ 31. Publish a curriculum calendar or syllabus in your school newsletter or in your local newspaper. _____ 21. Sponsor a talent show that involves students, families, faculty, and administrators. _____ 32. Ask other local organizations to print family involvement tips and information about school programs in their publications. _____ 22. Develop a well-organized volunteer program. Let parents, guardians, grandparents, community members, and business people know they are needed. _____ 33. Ask the local media to cover school board meetings if this is not standard procedure. _____ 23. Invite families to help with instructional activities for students, such as bike rodeos, book and video swaps, theater workshops, or art shows. _____ 34. Design an up-to-date logo, perhaps with the help of an art student, so people will immediately recognize letters or notices from your school. _____ 24. Encourage a families group to sponsor a health fair at school in which various community agencies bring exhibits and displays. _____ 35. Set up a speakers bureau. Include students, families, community leaders, and school staff willing to talk about school programs to interested individuals, groups, and businesses. Or, include those who are willing to share their interests and talents with students. _____ 25. Work with the Chamber of Commerce, realtors, or other groups to send a packet of information about the school to new residents in the community and invite them to visit. Include such information on your school website. _____ 36. Encourage school and community summer activities workshops and enrichment programs. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 43 New Teacher Welcome Packet _____ 44. Place suggestion boxes in key locations in the school and community. I Have An Idea cards near the boxes encourage positive contributions. For this to be effective, someone needs to respond to each suggestion. _____ 37. Have an evening or Saturday morning workshop for single parents and for fathers. Offer activities and ideas that take advantage of their unique strengths and that inform them about how and what their children are learning. Invite them to talk about their challenges and concerns as parents of school-aged children. Be prepared to act upon their ideas and to address their concerns. Hold seminars for two-career families and families of ESL students, too. _____ 45. Attract families to school events by putting their children on the program. Children can introduce speakers, perform, serve as ushers, be greeters, or have many other duties. _____ 46. Plan an evening movie (film or video) night for teenage students, families, and teachers. Hold a discussion of the movie afterwards. _____ 38. Invite families to breakfast or school lunch with the principal or superintendent. Listen to their concerns and ideas. _____ 47. Initiate enrichment courses or evening talks on communication, discipline, peer pressure, study habits, careers, or drug and alcohol abuse for middle and high school students and their families. Invite a panel of students to talk about the issues they deal with. _____ 39. Conduct a class for families on health and nutrition taught by the school nurse, a registered dietitian, or a human service agent. _____ 40. Make sure families are aware of resources, tutors, or support services to help address schoolrelated issues, as well as child development issues. _____ 48. Assign a time every week for families with pre-school children to play in the school gym during the day when it is not being used. Allow parents to network and become familiar with the school. _____ 41. Provide parents with summaries of recent research findings on topics such as the average hours of sleep children need per night by age, the average number of hours students at each grade devote to homework, television viewing habits, and other topics. _____ 49. Hold a Family and Community Town Supper that allows families and community members to discuss a timely issue, listen to a panel presenting both sides of the issue, discuss it over an informal meal, and vote on it as they get dessert. Announce the results of the vote and what steps the school will take next. _____ 42. Ask your community agencies to lend their vans or buses to transport families and senior citizens to school functions. _____ 50. Offer senior citizens and school volunteers reduced ticket prices to school-sponsored athletic and arts events. Create special buttons they can wear to the events in recognition of their support. _____ 43. Try to get media coverage of special school events. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 44 Madison, WI 53707-7841 APPENDIX The Six Types of Family-School-Community Partnerships Appendix A Checklist for Schools: Making Your Family-Community Partnership Work How Far Has Our School Moved Toward Partnership with Families? Web Resources for Teachers on Family-School-Community Partnerships 45 46 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 The Six Types of Family-School-Community Partnerships The Six Types Getting it Done ParentingBuild on parenting strengths and help families improve parenting skills. Facilitate support systems and networks to enable families to effectively nurture their children. LeadershipWho is in charge and has the authority to organize and assign tasks? One person should be accountable for the results. CommunicatingDesign and implement effective two-way communication practices to reach families, both individually and collectively. These practices should ensure that families and school staff communicate back and forth about their children. AnalysisWhat are the needs and challenges? What results do you want? Develop a basis for your efforts. Learning at HomeProvide for families and school staff to work together in developing learning goals and offering opportunities for learning activities at home and in the community to meet the goals. VolunteeringRecruit and organize volunteer participation from families and the community at-large. Decision MakingDesign governance structure through which parents are partners in policy decisions so that families have opportunities to give their opinions and to participate in decision making about school programs. Recruit families to act as advocates and decision makers and represent other parents and families. Community CollaborationEstablish partnerships with individuals and organizations in the community. *Based on the research of Joyce Epstein, co-director, Center on Families, Communities, Schools & Children's Learning, John Hopkins University. Implementation through the League of Schools Reaching Out, Institute for Responsive Education, Boston. Planning and Policy Development What must be done? How? Who will do it? What is the time line? School board policy and district and school procedures may need to be developed. Action/ImplementationWith the groundwork laid, how much of the plan can you put in place? While the six types of family-community participation for schools are interrelated and important for a comprehensive approach, determine what is possible and practical at any given time. Dont delay doing something because the whole plan is not in place. EvaluationWhat worked? What didnt? What needs changing or fine tuning? Listen and learn from experiences. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 47 A Checklist for Schools Making Your Family-Community Partnership Work Following are examples of practices and programs that schools and districts can use to encourage family and community support of childrens learning. They are meant to be advisory and should be adapted to each schools or districts needs. Parenting and Family Skills q 1. We sponsor family learning workshops on topics suggested by parents, and held at times and places easily accessible to all parents. q 2. We ask families what types of workshops or informational events they would be interested in attending and what session times are most convenient for them. q 3. We provide families with information on child development. q 4. We lend families books and tapes on parenting and parent workshops. q 5. We provide families with information about developing home conditions that support school learning. q 6. We survey parents to determine their needs, assign staff members to help address those needs, and work to link parents with community resources. q 7. We have a family center or help parents access other resource centers in the community. q 8. We have support groups for families with special interests and needs. q 9. We train staff members and support them in reaching out to all families. q 10. Other: q 11. q 12. q 13. q 14. 15. Communicating q 1. We schedule parent-teacher-student conferences to establish student learning goals for the year. q 2. We listen to parents tell us about their childrens strengths and how they learn. q 3. We follow the Rule of Seven: offering at least seven different ways that parents and community members can learn about what is happening in the school and comment on it. q 4. Teachers have ready access to telephones to communicate with parents during or after the school day. q 5. Staff members send home positive messages about students. q 6. We make efforts to communicate with fathers. q 7. Staff members make home visits. q 8. Parents know the telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of school staff members and the times teachers are available to take phone calls from parents. q 9. We involve families in student award and recognition events. q 10. We encourage and make provisions for staff members to communicate with parents about the 48 q 16. childs progress several times each semester. We communicate the schools mission and expectations for students to parents. The school has a homework hotline or other kind of telephone system. We provide parents with structured ways to comment on the schools communications, for example, with mailed, phone, or take-home surveys. We have staff members available to assist and support parents in their interactions with the school (i.e. home-school liaisons). We send home communications about q student academic progress q meetings at school q how parents can be involved in student activities q Parent Association q student discipline q child development q the curriculum q how parents can be involved as volunteers q how parents can be involved in school governance q how parents can help with homework and encourage learning at home q community resources available to families q how parents can communicate with school staff q the schools philosophy of learning. We directly speak to parents (does not include leaving messages on answering machines) if students are having academic difficulty or causing classroom disruptions before a crisis occurs. q 17. We provide copies of school textbooks and publications about the school to the public library. q 18. Other: Learning at Home q q q q q 1. We have specific goals and activities that keep parents informed about and supportive of their childrens homework. 2. We offer learning activities and events for the whole family. 3. We invite parents to borrow resources from school libraries for themselves and their families. 4. We link parents with resources and activities in the community that promote learning. 5. We give parents materials they can use to evaluate Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 q q q q their childs progress and provide feedback to teachers. 6. We help parents understand student assessments, including report cards and testing, and how to help students improve. 7. School staff and school communications help parents link home learning activities to learning in the classroom. Governance and Advocacy q q q 8. We include parents and other community members in developing childrens learning outside of school activities. 9. Other: q Volunteering q q q q q q q q 1. We encourage families and other community members to volunteer their support by attending school events. 2. We offer youth service learning opportunities for students who want to volunteer in the community. 3. We help school staff learn how to work with parent and community volunteers. q 1. We encourage parents to attend school board and site council meetings. 2. We assign staff members to help parents address concerns or complaints. 3. We invite staff and parent groups to meet collaboratively, providing space and time to do so. 4. We help families advocate for each other. 5. We involve parents in q revising school and district curricula q planning orientation programs for new families q developing parenting skills programs q establishing membership for site-based councils q hiring staff members. 6. Other: Community Collaboration 4. We ask family members how they would like to participate as volunteers at their childs school or in the community, and we respond in a timely manner to their offers of assistance. q q 5. We encourage family and community members to become involved as q participants in site-based management councils q presenters to students on careers and other topics q assistants with art shows, read-aloud events, theater workshops, book swaps, and other activities q tutors/mentors q chaperones on field trips and other class outings q instructional assistants in classrooms, libraries, and computer labs q non-instructional assistants q from-the-home contributors of baked goods, assembling materials, typing, etc. q q q q q q 6. We offer volunteer opportunities for working and single parents. q 7. We have a program to recognize school volunteers. 1. We act as a source of information and referral about services available in the community for families. 2. We use a variety of strategies to reach out to adults, families, and children of all ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds in the community. 3. We encourage local civic and service groups to become involved in schools in a variety of ways such as mentoring students, volunteering, speaking to classes, and helping with fund-raising events. 4. We encourage staff and students to participate in youth service-learning opportunities. 5. We open our school buildings for use by the community beyond regular school hours. 6. We work with the local chamber of commerce or business partnership council and public library to promote adult literacy. 7. We have a program with local businesses that enhances student work skills. 8. We widely publish and disseminate school board meeting notices, summaries, and board policies and agendas, and encourage the feedback and participation of community members. 9. Other: 8. We gather information about the level and frequency of family and community participation in school programs. 9. Other: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Families in Education Program Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 49 How Far Has Our School Moved Toward Partnership with Families? When schools involve families, children do better in school. The schools get better, too. This section is a scoring guide that sets a high standard of partnership. You can rate your school on that standard. Is your school more like a Partnership School or a Fortress School? Is it like an Open Door School or a Come-If-We-Call School? First, read more about these schools. Then, check the boxes that fit your school. Where are your checks? If most are under Partnership and Open Door, your school meets a high standard. If most are under Fortress and Come-if-We-Call, your school needs help. Bring parents, administrators and teachers together. Show them this guide. Talk about how you can move toward Partnership. Is Your School a FORTRESS SCHOOL? Fortress Schools keep parents outside. When students dont do well, the school often blames: themand their families. It seems as if the school thinks, Wed be a good school if we had better students and families. Check the boxes that sound like your school: q q q q q q q The school does not give parents information about learning standards. Its not easy for parents to talk to school staff. If there is a parent group, its handpicked by school staff. Few parents or community people visit the school. The front office is not friendly. Parents are afraid to complain or ask questions. They may take it out on my child. The school doesnt share student test scores with parents. Families feel like outsiders. Is Your School a COME-IF-WE-CALL SCHOOL? Come-If-We-Call Schools dont expect a lot of students or families. Families are welcome, but only when asked. Check the boxes that describe your school: q q q q q q q The standards for learning are not clear. The school calls families only when a child has done something wrong. Teachers see parents only at conference time and at special events. An in-crowd of parents does all the work. Other parents feel they dont belong. If there is a school handbook, its all about rules and discipline. Volunteers have to fill out long forms. Families have no say in school decisions. 50 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 Is Your School an OPEN DOOR SCHOOL? Open Door Schools try to help all students. Nearly all families come to the school at least once or twice a year. But teachers and the principal decide how parents will be involved. Check the boxes that describe your school: q Families get information about what students are learning. Teachers send home folders of student work. q q q q q q q The school has a family center. The parent group sets its own agenda. Parents helped write the school handbook. The school feels families have much to offer, but they are not experts in education. Families talk to classes about their jobs and help out as tutors. Most teachers or advisors try to contact their students families once a month. The school shares its test scores with families, but its hard to understand. Is your School a PARTNERSHIP SCH00L? Partnership Schools have high standards for all students, in all classrooms. This school does whatever it takes to make sure that every student succeeds. Check the boxes that sound like your school: q q q q Families and school staff set the school vision together. q q q q q q q Parents are on standards committees and know how to look at student work. Families and staff talk all the time about how students are doing. All students get extra help if they need it. The school shares power with families. Families are part of all big decisions, such as hiring the principal. Training for staff is open to families. Families learn how the system works. Data on student progress is shared in ways that parents can understand. Parents and teachers talk openly about tough issues like racism and tracking. The family center offers education, job training, and advocacy skills. The school budget supports partnership. It pays for childcare and transportation. Parents can use the telephone, copier, fax, and computers. This article was originally printed in Urgent Message: Families Crucial to School Reform, a 1999 report published by The Center for Law and Education, Community Action for Public Schools, 1875 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20009. Phone 202-986-3000. Website: http://www Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 51 Web Resources for Teachers on Family-School-Community Partnerships The following list of Internet sites offers teachers further information, guidance, and ideas about how schools and families can work together effectively to promote childrens learning. Most sites also feature links to other useful sites and resources. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction,, offers information on state education programs and initiatives, including the Wisconsin/National Network of Partnership Schools, the State Superintendents Parent Advisory Council, and reproducible materials. Two brochures of particular interest to parents are downloadable: l A Parents Guide to Standards and Assessment, and l A template for Grade-Level Brochures for Parents. The U.S. Department of Education website,, features the Partnership for Family Involvement on its homepage. Available under Publications and Products, are a Survival Guide for New Teachers and many downloadable publications for parents. The National Network of Partnership Schools, is based at Johns Hopkins University and offers excellent tools and strategies for implementing family-school-community partnerships in schools and classrooms. Wisconsin is a state member of the Network along with about 65 Wisconsin school and district members. The National Parent Information Network, http://, co-sponsored by the ERIC Clearinghouses on Elementary and Early Childhood Education and Urban Education, includes extensive articles on parenting, listservs, and links to more than 100 sites on education, health and safety, family issues, child development, and parenting. The Family Education Network,, offers hundreds of brief articles on parenting, links to local sites, and discussion boards that connect parents with on-line experts. The National Coalition for Parental Involvement in Education,, provides a catalog of resources available from all its member organizations. 52 The National Association of Partners in Education,, is a grassroots membership organization dedicated to providing leadership in forming and growing partnerships to ensure the learning success of all children. Its website offers publications, links, and newsletter articles highlighting successful partnership practices. The National Education Associations site,, with links to the Wisconsin Education Association,, offers a useful Parents section with many tips for teachers, articles on current practices and research, and learning at home strategies. The Harvard Family Research Project, http://, publishes research findings and provides technical assistance to a nationwide network of practitioners, policymakers, and educators. The site offers a useful FamilySchool-Community Partnerships section with models, solutions for sustaining partnerships, and web connections. Pathways to Social Improvement, sdrs/, is found on the North Central Regional Educational Laboratory (NCREL) website. It offers an extensive and in-depth section on Parent and Family Involvement. The two Critical Issues highlighted at this site offer respected reviews of the issues and hyperlinks well worth exploring. Hand in Hand: Parents Schools Communities United for Kids,, was developed as a response to Goal 8, the Parental Involvement Goal of the National Education Goals 2000. It was established to share information about programs that value and nurture the family and community role in childrens learning. The site is coordinated by the Institute for Educational Leadership and funded by the Mattel Foundation. At the National PTA site,, learn about PTA education groups, and participate in a discussion group, chat room, or bulletin board. The site also offers many links to sites of other organizations concerned about children. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Elizabeth Burmaster, State Superintendent 125 South Webster Street P.O. Box 7841 Parents Plus of Wisconsin P.O. Box 452 Menasha, WI 54952 (920) 729-1787 Madison, WI 53707-7841 Are We Family-Friendly? Record Sheet for Physical Walk-Through Instructions: On the line provided, write in the area(s) of the school you have been assigned. In the space provided, write your observations of the area and use the following questions to help direct your thoughts. • • • • • • What is the first thing you see when you enter this area? What is the condition of the things you see? Are written items in the home languages of the student body? Does the area reflect positively on how school staff feels about students and their families? What does this area say about what is important to the school or what the school values? What does this area say to the families and community members? Area of the School: __________________ Observations: Partnerships by Design © Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Permission is granted to reproduce. Epstein's Framework of Six Types of Involvement (Including: Sample Practices, Challenges, Redefinitions, and Expected Results) TYPE 1 PARENTING Help all families establish home environments to support children as students. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sample Practices Suggestions for home conditions that support learning at each grade level. Workshops, videotapes, computerized phone messages on parenting and child rearing at each age and grade level. Parent education and other courses or training for parents (e.g., GED, college credit, family literacy.) Family support programs to assist families with health, nutrition, and other services. Home visits at transition points to pre-school, elementary, middle, and high school. Neighborhood meetings to help families understand schools and to help schools understand families. Challenges Provide information to all families who want it or who need it, not just to the few who can attend workshops or meetings at the school building. Enable families to share information with schools about culture, background, children's talents and needs. Make sure that all information for and from families is clear, usable, and linked to children's success in school. Redefinitions "Workshop" to mean more than a meeting about a topic held at the school building at a particular time. "Workshop" may also mean making information about a topic available in a variety of forms that can be viewed, heard, or read any where, any time, in varied forms. Results for Students Awareness of family supervision; respect for parents. Positive personal qualities, habits, beliefs, and values, as taught by family. Balance between time spent on chores, on other activities, and on homework. Good or improved attendance. Awareness of importance of school. Results for Parents Understanding of and confidence about parenting, child and adolescent development, and changes in home conditions for learning as children proceed through school. Awareness of own and others' challenges in parents. Feeling of support from school and other parents. Results for Teachers Understanding families' background, cultures, concerns, goals, needs, and views of their children. Respect for families' strengths and efforts. Understanding of student diversity. Awareness of own skills to share information on child development. Joyce L. Epstein, Ph.D., et. al., Partnership Center for the Social Organization of Schools 3505 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218-3843 Epstein's Framework of Six Types of Involvement (Including: Sample Practices, Challenges, Redefinitions, and Expected Results) TYPE 2 COMMUNICATING Design effective forms of school-to-home and home-to-school communications about school programs and children's progress. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sample Practices Conferences with every parent at least once a year, with follow-ups as needed. Language translators to assist families as needed. Weekly or monthly folders of student work sent home for review and comments. Parent/student pickup of report card, with conferences on improving grades. Regular schedule of useful notices, memos, phone calls, newsletters, and other communications. Clear information on choosing schools or courses, programs, and activities within schools. Clear information on all school policies, programs, reforms, and transitions. Challenges Review the readability, clarity, form, and frequency of all memos, notices, and other print and nonprint communications. Consider parents who do not speak English well, do not read well, or need large type. Review the quality of major communications (newsletters, report cards, conference schedules, and so on). Establish clear two-way channels for communications from home to school and from school to home. Redefinitions "Communications about school programs and student progress" to mean two-way, three-way, and many-way channels of communication that connect schools, families, students, and the community. Results for Students Awareness of own progress and of actions needed to maintain or improve grades. Understanding of school policies on behavior, attendance, and other areas of student conduct. Informed decisions about courses and programs. Awareness of own role in partnerships, serving as courier and communicator. Results for Parents Understanding school programs and policies. Monitoring and awareness of child's progress. Responding effectively to students' problems. Interactions with teachers and ease of communication with school and teachers. Results for Teachers Increased diversity and use of communications with families and awareness of own ability to communicate clearly Appreciation for and use of parent network for communications. Increased ability to elicit and understand family views on children's programs and progress. Joyce L. Epstein, Ph.D., et. al., Partnership Center for the Social Organization of Schools 3505 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218-3843 Epstein's Framework of Six Types of Involvement (Including: Sample Practices, Challenges, Redefinitions, and Expected Results) TYPE 3 VOLUNTEERING Recruit and organize parent help and support. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sample Practices School and classroom volunteer program to help teachers, administrators, students, and other parents. Parent room or family center for volunteer work, meetings, resources for families. Annual postcard survey to identify all available talents, times, and locations of volunteers. Class parent, telephone tree, or other structures to provide all families with needed information. Parent patrols or other activities to aid safety and operation of school programs. Challenges Recruit volunteers widely so that all families know that their time and talents are welcome. Make flexible schedules for volunteers, assemblies, and events to enable parents who work to participate. Organize volunteer work; provide training; match time and talent with school, teacher, and student needs; and recognize efforts so that participants are productive. Redefinitions "Volunteer" to mean anyone who supports school goals and children's learning or development in any way, at any place, and at any time -- not just during the school day and at the school building. Results for Students Skill in communicating with adults. Increased learning of skills that receive tutoring or targeted attention from volunteers. Awareness of many skills, talents, occupations, and contributions of parent and other volunteers. Results for Parents Understanding teacher's job, increased comfort in school, and carry-over of school activities at home. Self-confidence about ability to work in school and with children or to take steps to improve own education. Awareness that families are welcome and valued at school. Gains in specific skills of volunteer work. Results for Teachers Readiness to involve families in new ways, including those who do not volunteer at school. Awareness of parents' talents and interests in school and children. Greater individual attention to students, with help from volunteers. Joyce L. Epstein, Ph.D., et. al., Partnership Center for the Social Organization of Schools 3505 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218-3843 Epstein's Framework of Six Types of Involvement (Including: Sample Practices, Challenges, Redefinitions, and Expected Results) TYPE 4 LEARNING AT HOME Provide information and ideas to families about how to help students at home with homework and other curriculum-related activities, decisions, and planning. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sample Practices Information for families on skills required for students in all subjects at each grade. Information on homework policies and how to monitor and discuss schoolwork at home. Information on how to assist students to improve skills on various class and school assessments. Regular schedule of homework that requires students to discuss and interact with families on what they are learning in class. Calendars with activities for parents and students at home. Family math, science, and reading activities at school. Summer learning packets or activities. Family participation in setting student goals each year and in planning for college or work. Challenges Design and organize a regular schedule of interactive homework (e.g., weekly or bimonthly) that gives students responsibility for discussing important things they are learning and helps families stay aware of the content of their children's classwork. Coordinate family linked homework activities, if students have several teachers. Involve families and their children in all-important curriculum-related decisions. Redefinitions "Homework" to mean not only work done alone, but also interactive activities shared with others at home or in the community, linking schoolwork to real life. "Help" at home to mean encouraging, listening, reacting, praising, guiding, monitoring, and discussing -- not "teaching" school subjects. Results for Students Gains in skills, abilities, and test scores linked to homework and classwork. Homework completion. Positive attitude toward schoolwork. View of parents as more similar to teacher and of home as more similar to school. Self-concept of ability as learner. Results for Parents Know how to support, encourage, and help student at home each year. Discussions of school, classwork, and homework. Understanding of instructional program each year and of what child is learning in each subject. Appreciation of teaching skills. Awareness of child as a learner. Results for Teachers Better design of homework assignments. Respect for family time. Recognition of equal helpfulness of single-parent, dual-income, and less formally educated families in motivating and reinforcing student learning. Satisfaction with family involvement and support. Joyce L. Epstein, Ph.D., et. al., Partnership Center for the Social Organization of Schools 3505 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218-3843 Epstein's Framework of Six Types of Involvement (Including: Sample Practices, Challenges, Redefinitions, and Expected Results) TYPE 5 DECISION MAKING Include parents in school decisions, developing parent leaders and representatives. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sample Practices Active PTA/PTO or other parent organizations, advisory councils, or committees (e.g., curriculum, safety, personnel) for parent leadership and participation. Independent advocacy groups to lobby and work for school reform and improvements. District-level councils and committees for family and community involvement. Information on school or local elections for school representatives. Networks to link all families with parent representatives. Challenges Include parent leaders from all racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and other groups in the school. Offer training to enable leaders to serve as representatives of other families, with input from and return of information to all parents. Include students (along with parents) in decision-making groups. Redefinitions "Decision making" to mean a process of partnership, of shared views and actions toward shared goals, not just a power struggle between conflicting ideas. Parent "leader" to mean a real representative, with opportunities and support to hear from and communicate with other families. Results for Students Awareness of representation of families in school decisions. Understanding that student rights are protected. Specific benefits linked to policies enacted by parent organizations and experienced by students. Results for Parents Input into policies that affect child's education. Feeling of ownership of school. Awareness of parents' voices in school decisions. Shared experiences and connections with other families. Awareness of school, district, and state policies. Results for Teachers Awareness of parent perspectives as a factor in policy development and decisions. View of equal status of family representatives on committees and in leadership roles. Joyce L. Epstein, Ph.D., et. al., Partnership Center for the Social Organization of Schools 3505 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218-3843 Epstein's Framework of Six Types of Involvement (Including: Sample Practices, Challenges, Redefinitions, and Expected Results) TYPE 6 COLLABORATING WITH COMMUNTY Identify and integrate resources and services from the community to strengthen school programs, family practices, and student learning and development. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sample Practices Information for students and families on community health, cultural, recreational, social support, and other programs or services Information on community activities that link to learning skills and talents, including summer programs for students. Service integration through partnerships involving school; civic, counseling, cultural, health, recreation, and other agencies and organizations; and businesses. Service to the community by students, families, and schools (e.g., recycling, art, music, drama, and other activities for seniors or others). Participation of alumni in school programs for students. Challenges Solve turf problems of responsibilities, funds, staff, and locations for collaborative activities. Inform families of community programs for students, such as mentoring, tutoring, business partnerships. Assure equity of opportunities for students and families to participate in community programs or to obtain services. Match community contributions with school goals, integrate child and family services with education. Redefinitions "Community" to mean not only the neighborhoods where students' homes and schools are located but also any neighborhoods that influence their learning and development. "Community" rated not only by low or high social or economic qualities, but by strengths and talents to support students, families, and schools. "Community" means all who are interested in and affected by the quality of education, not just those with children in the schools. Results for Students Increased skills and talents through enriched curricular and extracurricular experiences. Awareness of careers and of options for future education and work. Specific benefits linked to programs, services, resources, and opportunities that connect students with community. Results for Parents Knowledge and use of local resources by family and child to increase skills and talents or to obtain needed services Interactions with other families in community activities. Awareness of school's role in the community and of community's contributions to the school. Results for Teachers Awareness of community resources to enrich curriculum and instruction. Openness to and skill in using mentors, business partners, community volunteers, and others to assist students and augment teaching practices. Knowledgeable, helpful referrals of children and families to needed services. Joyce L. Epstein, Ph.D., et. al., Partnership Center for the Social Organization of Schools 3505 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218-3843