Intentional and Deliberate Preparation for 21st Century Teaching & Learning NASH-ROCKY MOUNT PUBLIC SCHOOLS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING/PROPOSAL FORM REMINDER: PROPOSAL MUST REFLECT A MINIMUM OF 10 CONTACT HOURS TO GET CEU RENEWAL CREDIT Title: Target Audience Date(s): PreK-2 9-12 Other : Description: Lit Subject Area ELA Math Arts EC ELL LOCATION: Total CEU Credits: ___ CEU Credit Type: 3-5 6-8 Administrators TRC PD#1 TRC PD#2 TRC PD#3 TRC Computer Lab Sci Soc. Stud. Health/PE Technology CTE Tec Aca Gen Total Number Expected: _____ Content Appropriate for Beginners or Advanced Other: Other: SECTION 1: RATIONALE FOR PROVIDING THIS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) State or federal mandated PD District strategic plan initiative Faculty level performance data analysis Professional growth interests indicated by staff School-wide analysis of student achievement data Other (Describe) Certification needs SECTION 2: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OUTCOMES AND INDICATORS Teacher Outcomes (Learning Targets) Teacher Indicators (Criteria for Success) Student Outcomes (Learning Targets) Student Indicators (Criteria for Success) ALIGNMENT WITH SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN, DISTRICT GOALS, AND NC PROF. TEACHING STANDARDS: Addresses the following School Improvement Goal: Aligns with the following NRMPS goal: Relates to the following NC Prof. Teaching Standard(s) I II III IV V Consulted with the following depts: Content Tech PD EC CTE PreK SECTION 3: ACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES FOR ADULT LEARNING Manipulatives Use of pre-test/post-tests (ActiVotes, etc) Small Group Collaboration Thinking Maps Paideia Problem-Based Learning Interactive Technology Tools (LiveBinder, Edmodo, DropBox, Moodle, Symbaloo, Discovery Education, Socrative, Wallwisher, Polleverywhere, Blogging, etc) Professional Practice (Readings, Book Study, Case Studies, Self-reflection, Student Work Samples, Digital Journals, Mentoring/Coaching, Peer Observations, Action Research, Webinars/Modules, Lesson Plan Creation, Collegial Collaboration) Other ( Describe): Intentional and Deliberate Preparation for 21st Century Teaching & Learning NASH-ROCKY MOUNT PUBLIC SCHOOLS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING/PROPOSAL FORM Section 4: Professional Learning Activities, Follow-Up, and Evaluation Use this table to outline the learning activities and follow-up that will be included in the professional development. Be sure to describe how the professional development will be evaluated and how you will know the professional development achieved the intended goals. PROFESSIONAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES What evidence based strategies/activities will be implemented to meet the identified teacher learning need? ROLE OF SCHOOL LEADERS DATA SHOWING EVIDENCE OF IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE FOR ACHIEVING GOALS PREDICTED IMPACT ON STUDENT LEARNING NEEDS How will the principal and/or other school leaders be involved? How will you know and monitor that the strategy/activities were implemented? When are goals expected to be achieved? Be specific. What data and evidence will you collect to determine whether the activities had an impact on students? Initial activity: Follow-up activities: Time required to complete all: ____ hours Initial activity: Follow-up activities: Time required to complete all: ____ hours Add rows as needed. NASH-ROCKY MOUNT PUBLIC SCHOOLS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING/PROPOSAL FORM Intentional and Deliberate Preparation for 21st Century Teaching & Learning Section 5: Budget Plan Use this table to allocate resources necessary to ensure that the professional learning activities, related follow-up, and evaluation will take place as planned. Insert additional rows in the table as needed. RESOURCE(S) NEEDED Total Allocations AMOUNT ALLOCATED SOURCE OF FUNDING $ Date Approved: ___________ Approved by: Submit Planning Form to the Office of Professional Development c/o Cathy Wittman ____________________________________ PD Director ____________________________________ Title I Director (if applicable) POP Chart Present Reality What structure does each department in your school or district use for planning professional development? How do departments communicate and share resources with one another? How do you monitor for effective implementation? anOther’s Reality Possibilities st 21 CENTURY TEAMWORK Planning Powerful Professional Learning Talk. Listen Embrace the backchannel! Make comments, ask questions. Meet me at TodaysMeet. Turn and Talk Turn to a neighbor. Discuss what the following quote means to you. “The human species as a whole has shifted from learning in silos to learning with others and readily sharing what one has learned.” ~Curtis Bonk, The World is Open BIG IDEAS Importance of collaborative planning for professional development Problem‐ solving for continuous learning Tools to foster creative planning GROUP NORMS A few agreements for our work together: • • • • • Ask questions. Engage fully. Integrate new information. Open your mind to diverse views. Utilize what you learn. Facilitator Guide Standards for Professional Learning, Learning Forward PD PLT PURPOSE To craft a professional development planning protocol that will intentionally and deliberately align departmental efforts to ensure (1) successful Common Core/Essential Standards implementation, (2) implementation of the Rigor/Relevance Framework, and (3) effective technology integration. INTENTIONAL PLANNING DELIBERATE COMMUNICATION TOOLS Do you have specific tools that you use to foster interdepartmental collaboration? Share. A CONVERSATION WITH GLADYS AN EXCEPTIONAL MODEL CONTINUOUS LEARNING BLOG BLOG BLOG FIDELITY CHECKS EC Weekly Update February 1st, 2013 • Parker ‐ Compared schedules to IEP settings – only one setting needed corrections, Gladys conducted a fidelity observation in a co‐teaching math class – Marie Mullens/Tom Huffman. She was very impressed with what she saw and will go back to video and use in future presentations. EC Program Specialists – held PLC’s at Baskerville • Gladys – co‐teaching fidelity checks at Williford and Benvenue – Williford – the ec teacher was conducting meetings during the time of co‐teaching. She spoke with the teacher about not attending meetings during that time. Benvenue – She can’t get a clear picture of the planning between general education and special education. Overall, the schools whose staff has had the full co‐teaching PD, have more buy in and are being more successful. • Gladys attended Co‐teaching meeting with the Englewood staff, Eddie, Ed Specialists and Coaches. FIDELITY CHECKS Minutes Informational Meeting for Co-Teaching Model * Englewood Elementary Purpose: To gather information concerning program model in order for teachers, program specialists, ed. Specialists and coaches to collaborate and provide aligned resources for classroom instruction. Successes: •The opportunity to plan collaboratively, Regular Ed and EC Teachers •Ability to greater differentiate among all students •Strategies are available for all students including regular education students •Noted that more SWD are making connections and having “ah‐ha” moments •Peer tutoring •Small group instruction involving both SWD and Regular Ed Students •SWD strongly prefer to remain in class, with their peers, in order to learn •ALL teachers have taken ownership of ALL students. Next Steps: With approval of principal, a group of Ed. Specialists will communicate with selected teachers and program specialists to pool resources and provide support specific to Englewood’s needs in relation to co‐teaching. How do you monitor professional learning activities? Share. POPCORN PAUSE Use the blank white paper to complete these three statements: 1. I was surprised about ___________________. 2. I related to ____________________. 3. I empathized with ________________________. Crush your paper into a popcorn ball. Toss it across the room until I say “STOP!” Form groups of three. Read the statements aloud. Whole group share. WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? NEED MORE?