Name_________________ Lucky Listeners

Lucky Listeners
Directions: Read your text to someone. Then ask that person to add his or her
name to this form and the date and time of the reading. Your listener should
write what they liked about the text and how you read it. If your lucky listener
listens more than once, he or she can sign the form each time. Even your pets
can listen to you read (be sure to find a way they can sign the form). Try to get
at least five listeners. Happy reading!!!
Title of text: __________________________________________
Listener’s Name
Date and Time of
Comments on the Text
and Your Reading
Pathway for Change
 Identify the need and a solution
 Peak interest and curiosity
 Provide a great summer read
 Conduct summer planning
 Open the year with an overview
 Identify grade level leaders for implementation
(“Everyone on board” is a myth)
 Build an extensive related professional library
 Provide opportunities for further staff development
 Conduct collaborative planning and sharing across grade
 Highlight successes
 Continue with fidelity
Making Connections
Making the story personal
I have a connection…
That reminds me of…
Remember when…
That is like the time…
Reading between the lines, figuring
it out, recognizing the hidden
meaning and ideas
Questions I have before, during, and
after reading
I think…
Maybe it means…
I am guessing that…
I figured out…
I predict…
This allows me to assume…
Now I know…
I wonder…
I am confused…
I don’t get it…
What if…
What I see while I am reading
I visualized…
I get a picture in my mind…
 I can see, hear, taste, feel,
Thick questions!
Determining Importance
Important information, the big ideas
This is really important…
The big idea is…
I should remember…
The gist…
Often found as cause and effect,
compare and contrast, problem and
solution, sequence, and main idea
Synthesizing Information
New thinking from my reading
I get it…
Aha! ...
Yes!! …
 I see…
 The evidence caused me to
 The lesson or theme is…
Contact Information:
Leigh Yelton
Rowan Salisbury Schools
Knollwood Elementary Grade 3
704-857-3400 school
704-213-7343 cell
Ask Questions
Make Connections
Create Sensory Images
Make Inferences
Make Predictions / Draw Conclusions
Notice the Author
Text Features / Structures/ Author’s Word Choice
How to express understanding…
“ I wonder…” “ What if…” “ How about…” “What might…”
“I made a (text to text/self/and/or world) connection with ____” “ This
reminds me of ___”
“I visualized….” “I could see…hear…feel…taste..”
“ I was able to picture in my mind….”
“I read for clues and figured out…” “I drew the conclusion…” “I predict…” “ I believe that…” “ A generalization I can make is…”
“I noticed the author used…..” “ I believe the purpose of the author’s
use of ____ was …” ” The author…”
Determine Importance
in Text
“I thought ____was important in this text because…….” “The most
important thing I learned…” “ The main idea is…” “The theme is…”
Summarize/ Synthesize
“This was mostly about……” “ In just a few words…” “ I can sum this up
by saying…”
Utilize “Fix-up” Strategies
“ When I read___, I back-tracked, I read on, I asked “What would
make sense? ……” “A strategy I used to monitor or figure out what I
was reading was….”
2011 Copyright Strategies Unlimited, Inc ©
***Each strategy should initially be taught individually with direct instruction, teacher modeling, guided practice, independent
practice, and assessment of independent application to ensure understanding. It is crucial to provide ongoing review and multiple
opportunities for students to READ, WRITE, and TALK ABOUT what they are reading by LINKING and APPLYING these basic
comprehension strategies as a basis.