Identify and Overcome Obstacles to Student Achievement! Learn how to: 1. Pinpoint which barriers prevent students from achieving their best. 2. Identify who can help students overcome their barriers. 3. Help students turn their stumbling blocks into stepping stones. 4. Use Quarterly Progress Ratings for students to create specific goals. 5. Use four different Progress Cards to help students achieve. Scott Ertl Progress Cards Founder & Facilitator 411 Archer Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106 (336) 765-7319 Download this handout at: Break through barriers! What barriers are regularly keeping students from achieving their best performance? M___________________________ S_____________________________________ S___________________________ L_____________________________________ H___________________________ F_____________________________________ ____________________________ ______________________________________ ____________________________ ______________________________________ ____________________________ ______________________________________ Check the barriers that can be overcome—when a student is personally motivated. How do we overcome our barriers? Prevent D_________________ Achieve P_________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Who can help? __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ © 2 Turning Stumbling Blocks Into Stepping Stones 1. Recognize areas of _______________. Athletics Music High energy Singing Sports Perseverance Dancing Running Good listener Cooking Helping others Creative Art Honesty __________ 2. Use strengths to pull other areas up, while keeping it _________. Ride exercise bike while reading a magazine or book. ( Practice spelling words while jumping rope or tapping leg. (Akeelah and the Bee movie) Read to younger students after they master a book and can re-tell the story. 3. Show how practicing new behaviors can increase ___________________. Raising hand to participate and ask for help in class more can increase understanding. Talk with the student about how their hard work really helped them improve. Use progress monitoring to help students keep track of their improvements. 4. Improve self-confidence by seeing ________________ come from practice. Don’t try to do intensive improvements on too many areas at the same time. When one area improves, then show how their efforts paid off and add another area. MAKING IT REAL Share with your students a goal that you worked hard to achieve. _____________________________________ Who can you ask in your school to share with students about one of the goals they achieved? _____________________________________ © 3 Name: _________________________________ Teacher: __________________________ Date: __________________ 0 1 Terrible Bad Never Once in a while 2 Poor Very little 3 Needs help Seldom 4 Low Average Less than others 5 Average Sometimes 6 Above Average More than others 7 Good Often 8 Very good A lot 9 Excellent Mostly 10 Perfect Always Quarterly Progress Rating On the scale above of 0 – 10, rate yourself on each of the following: Today Today Apologizing to others Art Asking for help Attendance Bedtime routine Behavior Build trust with others Bus safety Compliment others Computer lab Control and express your anger Courage Deal with bullies Deal with death Deal with stress Eat healthy meals & snacks Exercise Forgive others Friendship skills Get along with siblings Heal sore spots Help the environment Home safety Homework routine Honesty Internet Safety / Cyberbullying Learning attitudes to succeed Listen and focus in class Loving Make and save money Make good and fair decisions Manners Math Memory Morning routine Music Overcome boredom Overcome fears Overcome jealousy Overcome loneliness Overcome sadness Overcome shyness Patience Perseverance Positive attention Problem-solving Procrastination Reading Relax Responding to put-downs Responsibility Science Self-Confidence Self-Discipline Sleep well Social Studies Spanish Spelling Sportsmanship Stick up for others Stop yourself from being selfish Stop yourself from cheating Study skills Team-Building skills Testing Writing 1st quarter goals: 1) _____________________ 2) _____________________ 3) __________________ 2nd quarter goals: 1) _____________________ 2) _____________________ 3) __________________ 3rd quarter goals: 1) _____________________ 2) _____________________ 3) __________________ 4th quarter goals: 1) _____________________ 2) _____________________ 3) __________________ © 4 Use Quarterly Progress Ratings for students to create specific goals 1. After students complete their Quarterly Progress Rating, ask 5-10 students to share one of their strengths with the class. Ask the rest of the class to raise their hand if they have the same strength. Ask how long it took to develop their strengths. 2. Similarly, invite 5-10 students to share with the class an area that is low that they would like to improve. Each time a student shares, ask the rest of the class who would also like to improve that area. 3. Affirm that many times we know what to do to improve our weaknesses, but we simply don’t consistently do what it takes to improve. Of the weaknesses that students decided to improve this quarter, ask them which ones they already know what they can do to improve those goals. Allow them to talk with a partner to see if they can help each other come up with more things to do to improve. Who else can they ask for help? Progress Cards can also be used for all of the areas. 4. How can you remind yourself to keep practicing? Record your goals in your daily agenda/planner and/or use the Practice Cards below: Name: ______________________ Name: ______________________ Sample Practice Card Practice Card Math: Practice flash cards. ..... ________________________ Math: Work on ________________________ Math: Do math homework first ________________________ Listen: Watch teacher better. .. ________________________ Listen: Don’t play with toys. .... ________________________ Listen: Stop talking to friends.. ________________________ Attitude: Say “I can do it.” ....... ________________________ Attitude: Finish all of my work. ________________________ Attitude: Ask for help. .............. ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ © © © 5 Friendship Skills Practice Card Study Skills Practice Card Write all my HW in my planner .. Ignore/remove distractions ........ Eat snack or drink before HW ... Use bathroom before HW ......... Start my HW at a set time ......... Do my HW at a desk or table .... Do my hardest HW first ............. Complete all of my homework ... Practice with my Study Buddy ... After HW, put bookbag away .... Bring HW to and from school .... Read for 20 minutes .................. Use the dictionary ..................... Keep my school desk clean ...... Have 2 pencils and paper ......... Plan ahead on special projects . Review work, quizzes, & tests ... Answer questions in class ......... Ask for help in when needed ..... Listen and pay 100% attention .. Don’t cheat on work/quiz/test .... Cover my work .......................... Behave in class 100% ............... Practice my flashcards .............. Keep a positive attitude ............. Compliment others .................... Share......................................... Be a good sport ......................... Smile ......................................... Say "Good morning" ................. Invite friends over to play .......... Stand up for your friends........... Be polite .................................... Help someone ........................... Have a good attitude ................. Cheer someone up ................... Admit my mistakes .................... Tell the truth .............................. Show your respect others ......... Listen without interrupting ......... Be thoughtful ............................. Take turns ................................. Don’t be bossy .......................... Don’t gossip .............................. Don’t force others to do things .. Introduce yourself to someone . Ask someone to play together .. Stop yourself from being mean . © © Helping Others Discover Similarities! Cheer up someone ........... Teach something .............. Share ................................ Carry something ............... Pick up something ............ Give a compliment ........... Practice with someone ..... Admit mistakes ................. Open the door .................. Hand out papers ............... Listen to someone ............ Clean up ........................... Encourage someone ........ Feed your pet ................... Let someone else go first . Invite someone to play ..... Wash the dishes ............... Take out the trash ............ Tell the truth ..................... Make them something ...... Pick up trash..................... ___________________ ... With a partner, check the activities and places that each of you like. Find out how many things you have in common with your partner. Then decide what you’d like to do together. Archery Bake cookies Ball game Baseball Basketball Beach Biking Blow bubbles BMX track Bowling Camping Candy Land Carve wood Charades Checkers Chess Church Climb a tree Concert Connect Four Cook Crafts Crazy Eights Draw Finger-paint Fishing © © Paintball Paper airplanes Park Ping-Pong Football Plant a flower Frisbee Playground Go Fish Puzzles Golf Race track Hiking RC cars Horseback riding Scrabble Learn a new joke Sculpt Lego's Sew Library Skateboarding Listen to music Skating Look at stars Soccer Magic tricks Softball Mall Swimming Marbles Tae Kwon Do Monopoly Take pictures Movies Tennis Museum Tic-Tac-Toe Paint Trampoline Videogames Weightlifting Yoga Zoo © 6 Educator Self-Appraisal What are 5-10 qualities that describe a great educator? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Next to each of the descriptions above, rate yourself from 0 (none) – 10 (100%!), showing how much you regularly fulfill and demonstrate that characteristic. What are your top 2-3 traits? ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ What advice could you share with others who want to improve the qualities you excel in? _______ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ What are your lowest 2-3 traits? ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Who do you know who excels in those traits?__________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ If you want to improve those areas, what (specifically) can you do?_________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ © 7