Coaching the 21st Century Educator presented by… Cynthia M. Martin, Ed.D Professional Development Lead Educator Effectiveness Division Paul Marshall, MSA, MAT, MBA Professional Development Lead Educator Effectiveness Division Tara Patterson, MSA Professional Development Lead Educator Effectiveness Division Agenda Content How Resources Review NCEES Wikipage Wiki Coaching Process (definition, requirements, teacher evaluation process) Lecture Discussion CCSA Website rvices/conference/ Welcome to Ms. Smith’s class Video Welcome, norms, review agenda, introductions Coaching Activity Analyze Collaboration CCSA Website rvices/conference/ Sharing Discussion Reflection Web 2.0 tool Share Reflective Coaching non-judgmental approach to guide a person to selfdirected learning Reciprocal learning encourages reflection through questioning Reflective Coaching focus on a teacher’s thinking, perceptions, beliefs, and assumptions Observation is seen opportunity to collect data Adapted from Costa and Garmston (1985) Cognitive Coaching Framework Reflective Coaching is not… • Reflective coaching has nothing to do with evaluation. Observations are not evaluations…they are single points in time. • The evaluation is the Summary Rating Form completed at the end of the evaluation process. • Mentoring Research Based Benefits 1. 2. 3. Coaching is linked with higher test scores Teachers who are coached report higher teacher efficacy Teachers who are coached demonstrate more reflective, complex thinking about their practice 4. Coached teachers report higher job satisfaction 5. Coaching schools have higher self-ratings for professionalism 6. Coaching schools have more collaboration 7. Coached teachers report feeling more supported professional and personally Requirements for Reflective Coaching • Trust • Communication Awareness • Appropriate Responses • Knowledge • Structure • Questioning Implementation with Fidelity Deep understanding of Professional Teaching Standards Ability to identify skilled 21st century teacher behaviors Capacity for providing thoughtful feedback on individual performance. Questioning “It’s not the answers that enlighten us, but the questions.” • Questions are intentionally designed to engage and transform thinking and perspective. • Questions must meet three criteria: – Invitational in form – Engage complex cognitive processes – Intentional Judgmental vs. Non-Judgmental Questioning Example: • Why did you do it that way? • What would you do differently next time if you could? 10 Probing Practice Scenario: Imagine a teacher says the following: "My third period class is so rowdy, I just cannot do anything with them!” Formulate questions to influence this teacher’s thinking. Think-Pair-Share Coaching for Success “People are like dirt. They can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die.” ~Plato The Observation • Look for indicators of success • Look for the effectiveness of approaches, strategies, and decisions • Collect data as deemed necessary during the pre-conference • Observation focus should include: Planning, Interacting, Reflecting Post-Conference Coaching • Begins with open-ended question • Teacher does most of the talking • Coaches comments are grounded in facts • Paraphrasing shows that you value what you are hearing Reflective Coaching during Teacher Evaluation Process GOAL SETTING Assess growth and revise plan or begin new inquiry STEP 1: Training and Orientation STEP 4: Summary Evaluation and Goal Setting CONTINUOUS REFLECTION What were the teacher’s feelings and impressions through the process? Continue to synthesize/construct new knowledge. Plan to transfer that knowledge and build upon it. Reflect on the coaching process and explore refinements. STEP 2: Self-Assessment, Goal Setting and Pre-Conference STEP 3: Observation Cycle (Administrative and Peer) PRE-CONFERENCE COACHING What are the teachers goals? (before lesson or PDP) What actions are planned? What are the Indicators of success? What new learning might occur? (for the teacher). OBSERVATION Observe teacher’s actions/activities; Observe students for indicators of success. POST-CONFERENCE CONFERENCE Summarize impressions and recall supporting information Analyze causal factors: compare, analyze, infer, and determine cause-and-effect relationships. Construct new learning and applications Commit to applications. Question Stems • • • • • • • As you... What are some of... How might you... How did you... What led to... What possible... What might... Stems + Cognition A reflective coach collects data and learns to pose questions to engage the teacher in reflective thinking. Cognitive Operation Relevance/Justification Metacognition Question Stems How is this important to…? What were you thinking when…? Evidence How will you know if…? What evidence supports…? Predictions If you were to…what do you predict would happen? Data Use Of what use will you make of these data? What would that information tell you? Alternatives How else might you…? Perspective How would you feel if…? Causality What did you do to cause….? Tips for Successful Coaching • Provide Positive Feedback – Specific and genuine • Build in Support • Integrity Builds Trust – Be honest – Stick to the facts – DOCUMENT!! – Use student data Tips for Successful Coaching • Collaborate – Set goals – Plan the next meeting and/or observation • Provide resources • Always Focus on School Vision and Student Growth • Celebrate Success!! Questions References Cognitive Coaching: What is it? (2011). UTEACH. The University of Texas at Austin. Retrieved from: Costa, A. & Garmston, R. (1985, February) "Supervision for Intelligent Teaching." Educational Leadership, 42 (5), 70-80. Costa, A. & Garmston, R. (1992) Cognitive Coaching: A Strategy For Reflective Teaching Teacher support specialist instructional handbook. Winterville, GA: Northeast Georgia RESA, pp. 91-96. Costa, A. & Garmston, R.(2002). Cognitive Coaching: a Foundation for Renaissance Schools. Norwood, Massachusetts: Christopher-Gordon, Inc., 398-399. End of Grade Mathematics 2015 North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process Teacher Summary/End-of-Year Rating Form (Required) This form is to be jointly reviewed by the teacher and evaluator or designee during the Summary Evaluation Conference conducted at the end of the year. Principals are required to complete this form for Initially Licensed Teachers. The principal’s designee may complete it for Probationary Teachers who are not Initially Licensed teachers and for Career Teachers. Annette Smith Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014-2015 School: ____________________________________________________________ School Year: ________________ Principal Evaluator: _______________________________________________ District: _______________________________ Date Completed: ________________________________ Evaluator’s Title: _________________________________ ✔ Career Status Teacher (Please check one) ________ Probationary Teacher _________ Standard I: Teachers Demonstrate Leadership Elements Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated ✔ ✔ A. Teachers lead in their classrooms. B. Teachers demonstrate leadership in the school. ✔ C. Teachers lead the teaching profession. D. Teachers advocate for schools and students. ✔ E. Teachers demonstrate high ethical standards. Overall rating for Standard I ✔ ✔ Evidence or documentation to support rating: ✔ Leads PLC meetings, shares ideas and strategies within the EC ___ Lesson Plans ✔ School Improvement Planning ___ Department and throughout the school. Facilitates monthly ✔ Teacher Working Conditions ___ professional development to the staff - differentiation of ___ Surveys instruction, working with students who have ADHD, student ___ Journals conferencing, etc. ✔ Service on Committees ___ Recommended Actions for Improvement: ✔ Professional Learning Communities ___ ___ National Board Certification ___ Student Handbooks ✔ Relevant Data ___ ___ Membership in Professional Organizations ___ Discipline Records Resources needed to complete these actions: ___ Student Work ✔ Class Rules and Procedures ___ ✔ Formal and Informal Mentoring ___ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Comments: © 2009 McREL Developed in collaboration with the NC State Board of Education | Revised September 2012 36 North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process Standard II: Teachers Establish a Respectful Environment for a Diverse Population of Students Elements Developing Proficient A. Teachers provide an environment in which each child has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults. B. Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and in the world. C. Teachers treat students as individuals. D. Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needs. E. Teachers work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their students. Overall rating for Standard II Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Evidence or documentation to support rating: ✔ Student Profiles ___ ✔ Documentation of Referral Data and Use of IEPs ___ ____with Student Surveysweekly and more often as nee Has a very positive relationship with all students. Communicates parents ✔ ____ Communications with Parents/Community ____ Cooperate with ESL Teachers ____ Lessons that Integrate International Content Recommended Actions for Improvement: ____ Use of Technology to incorporate cultural awareness into Lessons _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Resources needed to complete these actions: Comments: © 2009 McREL Developed in collaboration with the NC State Board of Education | Revised September 2012 37 North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process Standard III: Teachers Know the Content They Teach Elements Developing Proficient Distinguished Not Demonstrated ✔ A. Teachers align their instruction with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. B. Teachers know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty. Accomplished ✔ C. Teachers recognize the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines. D. Teachers make instruction relevant to students. Overall rating for Standard III ✔ ✔ ✔ Evidence or documentation to support rating: ✔ Display of Creative Student Work ____ ✔ Use of Standard Course of Study ____ ✔ Lesson ____ Plans Makes instruction relevant to students - always helps them make connections to prior knowledge. ✔ Content Standards ____ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Recommended Actions for Improvement: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Comments: Resources needed to complete these actions: © 2009 McREL Developed in collaboration with the NC State Board of Education | Revised September 2012 38 North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process Standard IV: Teachers Facilitate Learning for Their Students Elements Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished A. Teachers know the ways in which learning takes place, and they know the appropriate levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of their students. ✔ ✔ B. Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students. ✔ C. Teachers use a variety of instructional methods. D. Teachers integrate and utilize technology in their instruction. E. Teachers help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ F. Teachers help students work in teams and develop leadership qualities. G. Teachers communicate effectively. H. Teachers use a variety of methods to assess what each student has learned. Overall rating for Standard IV Comments: Not Demonstrated Evidence or documentation to support rating: ✔ Lesson Plans ____ ✔ Documentation of Differentiated Instruction ____ Constant differentiation of instruction for all students. Also facilitates professional development monthly to h ____ Display of technology used Recommended Actions for Improvement: ____ Materials used to promote Critical Thinking and Problem Solving ✔ Professional Development ____ Get students using the technology in the classroom. Plan questioning to move students to the higher levels o ✔ Collaborative Lesson planning ____ ✔ Use of student learning teams ____ Resources needed to complete these actions: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ © 2009 McREL Developed in collaboration with the NC State Board of Education | Revised September 2012 39 North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process Standard V: Teachers Reflect on Their Practice Elements Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished Not Demonstrated ✔ A. Teachers analyze student learning. B. Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals. C. Teachers function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment. Overall rating for Standard V ✔ ✔ ✔ Evidence or documentation to support rating: ✔ Lesson Plans ____ Comments: ✔ Completion of Professional Development ____ ✔ Formative Assessments ____ ✔ Participation in Professional Learning Community ___ ✔ Student Work ____ Recommended Actions for Improvement: ✔ Formative and Summative Assessment Data ____ ✔ Professional Development Plan ____ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Resources needed to complete these actions: Teacher Signature Date Principal/Evaluator Signature Date Comments Attached: Yes __ No Principal/Evaluator Signature Date (Signature indicates question above regarding comments has been addressed). Note: The teacher’s signature on this form represents neither acceptance nor approval of the report. It does, however, indicate that the teacher has reviewed the report with the evaluator and may reply in writing. The signature of the principal or evaluator verifies that the report has been reviewed and that the proper process has been followed according to North Carolina State Board of Education Policy for the Teacher Evaluation Process. © 2009 McREL Developed in collaboration with the NC State Board of Education | Revised September 2012 40 Teacher Profile – Annette Smith Annette Smith is a sixth-year teacher at your middle school, and she has been at this middle school for her entire career thus far. She is an exceptional children’s teacher, and her caseload includes seventh and eighth grade students. She has three pullout mathematics classes, one curriculum assistance class, and one inclusion mathematics class. Mrs. Smith collaborates with her students’ other teachers weekly, and she offers strategies for the regular classroom teachers to ensure her students’ success in other courses. She uses technology to present information to her students on a daily basis and has set a personal goal to get her students using technology more. In year one of Standard 6, Mrs. Smith’s students did not meet expected growth; however, you would never guess that now observing her teaching aptitude.