Job Market Paper Inflation Threshold Effects in the Finance-Growth Nexus and Transmission Mechanism Analysis Min Li, University of Alberta October 2007 ABSTRACT: In this paper, we use two econometric approaches, an endogenous threshold model and a rolling regression method, to examine the interaction among inflation, finance, and economic growth. Using data from 90 countries for the period 1961-2005, we find evidence of a nonlinear effect of inflation on the link between finance and growth. While finance can stimulate economic growth in a low-inflation environment, it does not do so when inflation exceeds a threshold of around 15%. This paper also analyzes the inflation transmission mechanism in the financial market, through which inflation can affect the marginal effect of finance on economic growth. The empirical findings are consistent with the hypothesis that when inflation is sufficiently high, financial intermediaries become less efficient in allocating resources and monitoring investment projects and this in turn lowers the productivity of capital. As a result, during high inflation-periods, financial development has less ability to stimulate economic growth. The main implication of these findings is that the adverse effect of inflation on economic growth in high-inflation environments can be mitigated only if financial intermediaries improve their efforts in collecting information, allocating funds, and monitoring projects. JEL Classification: E31, E44, O16, O47 Keywords: Financial Development; Economic Growth; Inflation; Investment; Productivity; Cross-country regression Acknowledgement: We are grateful for the valuable comments and suggestions from Dr. R. Todd Smith and Dr. Stuart Landon. Any remaining errors and omissions are the author's responsibility. Correspondence: Min Li, Department of Economics, University of Alberta, 8-14 HM Tory, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2H4; Tel: 780-428-9361; E-mail: 1. Introduction Over the last two decades, the relationship between financial development and economic growth has been receiving increased attention in the macroeconomics and development literature. Theoretical studies (Townsend, 1979; Greenwood and Jovanovic, 1990; Bencivenga and Smith, 1991; and Gurley and Shaw, 1995) suggest that the development of the financial system may be important for economic growth because such development facilitates the provision of liquidity services, improves the productivity of capital and investments, ameliorates the adverse effects of informational frictions, and improves the allocation of funds to investment projects. Empirical studies document a positive relationship between the size of a country’s financial system and its rate of economic growth (e.g., Atje and Jovanovic, 1993; King and Levine, 1993a, b; Levine and Zervos, 1998; Bell and Rousseau, 2001; and Rousseau and Vuthipadadorn, 2005). A shortcoming of the empirical literature is that it has assumed a constant relationship between finance and growth in different types of economic environments. For example, the financial system is considered in some studies to be the key channel through which inflation can adversely affect economic growth (Azariadis and Smith, 1996; Choi, et al, 1996, Huyben and Smith, 1999, and Bose, 2002), but the finance-growth relationship might be very different in different inflationary environments. In high-inflation environments, the financial system might not function as well, and may have less ability to promote economic growth than it does in a low inflation environment. Some recent studies (Andres et al., 1999; Rousseau and Wachtel, 2002) have found evidence of an adverse inflation effect on the finance-growth nexus, but a major question remains: why is it that inflation affects the finance-growth nexus? This transmission mechanism of inflation in financial markets is a main focus of this paper. In other words, we examine the cause of the weaker finance-growth nexus during high-inflation periods. This issue -1- is important because it may help policy makers to understand why inflation is harmful to economic activity. There are many possible reasons why inflation might affect the finance-growth relationship. Intuitively, we know that when inflation rates are very high, the usefulness of money assets is eroded and there will be considerable uncertainty about future prices and interest rates. This uncertainty, in turn, may make financial intermediation — standing between lenders and borrowers—less efficient in allocating funds for investment, and may affect the ability of lenders to monitor projects. As a result, high inflation may weaken the link between finance and growth. More precisely, inflation could alter the link between finance and growth in two key ways. First, inflation could affect the financial system’s ability to accumulate capital — the amount of investment. In particular, when inflation is sufficiently high, the ability of financial intermediaries to raise capital may decrease, and thus the positive effect of financial development on capital accumulation may diminish. This channel, represented as ① in Figure 1, is referred to in this paper as the “capital accumulation channel.” Second, inflation could affect the productivity of capital investment financed through the financial system. Intuitively, in highinflation environments, even if the level of financing provided for capital investment is not affected, high inflation may decrease the productivity of accumulated capital, and this decrease will reduce the link between investment and economic growth. This second channel, referred to in this paper as the “productivity channel,” is represented as ② in Figure 1. In contrast to the first channel, the second channel focuses on the ability of financial intermediaries to allocate credits efficiently, possibly because it impairs the ability of financial institutions to manage effectively informational frictions with borrowers. -2- Figure 1. Inflation Transmission Mechanism in the Financial System Productivity of Capital 1 Finance Development 2 Investment Long-Run Economic Growth Inflation To address these questions, we apply the endogenous threshold model developed by Hansen (1996, 1999) and a rolling regression technique suggested by Rousseau and Wachtel (2002). Using a five-year-average panel dataset with 90 countries from 1961-2005, we first examine whether the positive relationship between finance and growth varies with the inflation rate. We find that an inflation threshold exists at around 15 percent. Below this threshold, financial activity stimulates economic growth, but when inflation exceeds the threshold, then the link between finance and growth is severed. Second, we examine whether inflation exerts this effect on the finance-growth nexus through the capital accumulation channel ① or the productivity channel ②.To our knowledge, this study is the first to examine this issue. A main finding of this paper is that the effect of inflation on the finance-growth nexus is transmitted through the productivity channel (②) rather than the capital accumulation channel (①). In other words, during high-inflation periods, the ability of financial intermediaries to accumulate capital may not be significantly affected, but the productivity of capital may be significantly impaired. This reduction in the productivity of capital might come from an adverse effect of inflation on financial intermediaries’ ability to allocate resources and monitor projects efficiently as theoretical studies have suggested (e.g., Townsend, 1979; Greenwood and -3- Jovanovic, 1990) . In sum, a decline in the productivity of capital, rather than the level of capital accumulation, may be the key reason inflation impairs economic activity. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly reviews the literature on the relationship between inflation, financial development, capital accumulation, and economic growth. Section 3 discusses the data including the construction of the panel dataset and the measures of financial and real activity. Section 4 outlines the econometric methodology and presents our estimation results for the inflation threshold in the finance-growth nexus. Section 5 focuses on the inflation transmission channel through the financial system. Section 6 analyzes the nonlinear relationship between the productivity of capital and inflation. Section 7 offers some concluding remarks and policy implications. 2. Related Literature The finance-growth relationship has been examined intensively in the past two decades. The traditional views of the finance-growth nexus are pioneered by Schumpeter (1911), who emphasized a proactive role of financial services in promoting growth and development. Goldsmith (1969) and McKinnon (1973) provided some analytic foundations for this view and supported it with simple but persuasive observations. These treatments focused on the role of financial repression as manifested in government interventions in the financial sector, such as ceilings on interest rates and directed credit programs, in hampering financial development and thereby reducing rates of capital accumulation and productivity growth. The more recent financial intermediation literature stems from seminal works by Townsend (1983a, 1983b), Diamond (1984), and Boyd and Prescott (1986), which demonstrated that, in the presence of private information and costly state verification, it is optimal for borrowing and lending to be conducted through financial intermediaries rather than bilateral contracts. Recent -4- contributions to the endogenous growth theory, typified in models by Greenwood and Jovanovic (1990) and Bencivenga and Smith (1991), have characterized the role of the services provided by financial intermediaries in stimulating economic growth. In sum, the theoretical literature identifies two distinct channels linking finance and long-run economic growth. The first “factor accumulation” channel emphasizes the link between the ability of financial intermediaries to provide liquidity services, mobilize resources, help firms to overcome project indivisibilities, and improve the rate of capital accumulation, and in turn promote economic growth (Gurley and Shaw, 1955; Bencivenga and Smith, 1991). The second so-called “productivity channel” emphasizes that the financial system may be important for the productivity of capital investment because it is important for resolving informational asymmetries, improving the quality of project selection, and monitoring financing (Townsend, 1979; Greenwood and Jovanovic, 1990). The empirical literature concludes that there is a strong positive relationship between measures of financial market development and real economic performance. In a classic study, Goldsmith (1969), using data from 1860 to 1963, showed that a positive relationship exists between economic development and the size of the financial sector. Kuznets (1971), in a crosssectional study of 57 developed and developing economies, found that the share of banking, assurance, and real estate in GDP rises as income increases. Another well-known study is McKinnon (1973) who showed that the ratios both of private credit to GDP and a broad monetary aggregate to GDP are positively related to per capita income. More recently, King and Levine (1993a) utilized more sophisticated techniques and reconfirmed the correlation between growth rates and various measures of financial development in a cross-section of more than 80 countries (see also Levine and Zervos (1998)). -5- Various studies have reached similar conclusions by using time series rather than crosssectional data. Jung (1986) applied the method of vector autogregressions (VARs) on post-1960 annual time series for financial and real variables, and found bi-directional causality in most cases. More recently, Rousseau and Wachtel (1998) applied the VAR approach to five industrialized countries over the 1870-1929 period and found strong uni-directional links from finance to growth. Rousseau and Vuthipadadorn (2005) used the same approach for 10 Asian economies and reached similar conclusions. While intensive studies have examined the relationship between finance and growth, very few efforts have been made to identify why a link exists between finance and growth. Empirical studies on the issue of whether the finance-growth relationship is due to the “capital accumulation channel” or the “productivity channel” are mixed and surprisingly scarce. Barro (1995) employed a cross-sectional dataset to examine the impact of inflation on the amount of capital investment. Barro (1995) found a negative effect of inflation on the INV-GDP ratio and interpreted this finding as evidence for the presence of a capital accumulation channel. McClain and Nichols (1994) studied time series for the U.S. from 1929-1987 and found that the amounts of investment and inflation are positively correlated. Due to data difficulties, no empirical research so far has explicitly examined the “productivity channel.” The previous studies have generally assumed a constant relationship between finance and growth. That is, they have not considered whether economic conditions, such as the rate of inflation, are associated with a stronger or weaker finance-growth relationship. Andres et al. (1999) pointed out that empirical studies have focused on either the finance-growth relationship or the inflation-growth relationship, but not linked the two. These researchers tried to bring inflation into the picture of the finance-growth relationship by using a data set mainly from industrialized (OECD) countries and found that inflation affects growth through its interaction -6- with financial market conditions. Rousseau and Wachtel (2002) went one step further and examined the variation in the strength of the finance-growth relationship with respect to the rate of inflation. Using a rolling regression technique and data for 84 countries from 1960 to 1995, Rousseau and Wachtel (2002) found that the positive effect of financial deepening1 on growth is weakened when inflation exceeds a threshold, which they estimated to be between 13 and 25 percent. A shortcoming of these few studies of the effect of inflation on the finance-growth nexus is that they have not examined whether and why this relationship is nonlinear and, in particular, whether and why a threshold inflation rate exists above which this relationship kicks in. In our study, we examine inflation effects on two potential channels which connect finance and growth—the capital accumulation channel and the productivity channel—in order to bring together the inflation-growth nexus and the finance-growth nexus with a focus on their nonlinear features. In particular, the rest of this paper will examine the evolution of the capital accumulation channel and the productivity channel with respect to the inflation rate in an attempt to explain the nonlinear inflation effect on the finance-growth nexus. 3. Data Our study is based on a panel dataset constructed mainly from the World Development Indicators (WDI) and International Financial Statistics (IFS) databases. The dataset includes 90 countries and generally covers the period from 1961-2005. The selection of countries is based on data availability. To examine the interaction among inflation, finance, and real economic performance, we use the growth rate of the CPI index as a measure of inflation and the growth rate of real per capita 1 Three measures of financial sector depth were used: the broad money supply (M3), M3-M1, and the total credit, each as a percentage of GDP. -7- GDP as a measure of real economic performance. To ensure comparability with previous studies, we use three measures of financial development: the ratios of liquid liabilities (M3) to GDP, quasi-liquid liabilities (M3-M1) to GDP, and domestic credit to GDP. M3 as a ratio of GDP has become a standard measure of financial depth and an indicator of the overall size of financial intermediary activity in cross-country studies. M3 less M1 removes the pure transactions component and focuses on the intermediation activities of depository institutions. Domestic credit includes all credit to domestic sectors with the exception of credit to the central government. The credit is provided by monetary authorities and deposit money banks, as well as other banking institutions where data are available (including institutions such as credit unions and mortgage loan companies). Since banking institutions play the most important role in many countries’ economies, the ratio of domestic credits to GDP is used as an indicator of the overall level of financial intermediation in an economy. In addition, we measure the level of investment in an economy as gross fixed capital formation (formerly gross domestic fixed investment) as a share of GDP. The investment-GDP ratio is generally considered to be the best variable measure of the level of investment in crosscountry studies since this ratio accounts for country size. The productivity of capital is typically measured by the Marginal Product of Capital (MPK). We use two measures of the productivity of capital: the growth rate of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and the growth rate of the average productivity of capital (Y/K). The dataset for the growth rate of TFP is constructed based on the assumption that the production function follows a Cobb-Douglas specification with constant returns to scale between capital and labor. In other words, we assume a production function Y = AK α L1−α across countries, where Y is output, A is an index of total factor productivity, and K and L are the stocks of physical capita and labor, respectively. The growth rate of TFP can be derived as -8- TFP Growth= gY − α * g K − (1 − α ) * g L , (1) where g Y denotes the growth rate of real GDP, and g K and g L denote the growth rates of the total physical capital stock and labor, respectively. In practice, we calculate the TFP growth index on the basis of equation (1) by using a value of 0.4 for α .2 We also consider that α = 0.3 to ascertain the robustness of the results. An alternative measure of the productivity of capital is the growth rate of the average productivity of capital, which is measured by the difference between the growth rate of real GDP and the growth rate of physical capital stock, that is, gY − g K . Our main source of data for the above two measures of the productivity of capital is the database on physical capital stocks (K), working-age population (L), and gross domestic product (GDP), constructed by Nehru and Dareshwar (1993). They derived the data for physical capital stocks by using the perpetual inventory method applied to gross domestic fixed investment series. This data base covers the period 1950-1990, but we updated it through 2005 by using data from the World Development Indicators (WDI) and International Financial Statistics (IFS). The specific procedures used in this updating are described in the Appendix. Other control variables required for our study include the real GDP measured as GDP per capita in 2000 constant U.S. dollars, the secondary school enrollment rate, government consumption expenditure as a share of GDP, and the growth rate of the terms of trade. The secondary school enrollment rate, which comes from Barro and Lee’s (2000) education dataset, is more widely available than more specific measures of human capital. Therefore, we use this rate as an overall indicator of the commitment towards investment in human capital. The growth 2 The 0.4 average capital share in output is used by Fischer 1993,Nehru and Dareshwar (1993), Marfan and Bosworth (1994), and Fajnzylber and Lederman. Collins and Bosworth (1996) use a capital share of 0.35 in their study of TFP growth and assert that “we believe, from the existing literature, that a plausible range for the capital share is 0.3 to 0.4; and there is also considerable evidence that the capital elasticity is higher in developing countries than in industrial economies” (p.155). -9- rate of the terms of trade (TOT) is included to control for international trade effects on economic growth. The use of data averaged over a number of years is a standard approach for analyzing the long-term determinants of growth. Since our interest is the long-term interaction among inflation, finance, and economic growth, we use five-year-average data. Therefore, the time dimension is reduced to nine observations: 1961-65, 1966-70, 1971-75, 1976-1980, 1981-1985, 1986-1990, 1991-1995, 1996-2000, and 2001-05. The potential dimension of the panel is 90 × 9=810 observations but data for a number of developing countries are not available for the entire period. Because of the uneven coverage, the analysis is conducted using unbalanced panels. 4. Inflation thresholds in the Finance-Growth Nexus We first focus on how the finance-growth nexus is affected by the inflation rate. This section uses two econometric methods, a rolling regression approach and an endogenous threshold technique, to test for the existence of an inflation threshold in the finance-growth relationship. The endogenous threshold model has the advantage of providing a confidence interval for the estimate of the threshold inflation rate. 4.1 Methodology (1) Baseline Growth Regressions The following specification captures the basic relationship between financial development and growth: growthit = β 0 + β 1 * FIN it + θ ′ ∗ X it + υ t + eit , (2) where the dependent variable, growthit , is the growth rate of the real per capita GDP, and the explanatory variables include one of three measures of financial sector depth ( FIN it ), and a -10- vector of control variables ( X it ) including the inflation rate (Inflation), the logarithm of the initial income per capita (Income), the logarithm of initial secondary school enrollment rate (SSER), the government consumption expenditure share of GDP (GOV), and the growth rate of the terms of trade (TOT). The contemporaneous five-year inflation rate (Inflation) is included in the growth equation in order to control for the direct effect of inflation on growth. The growth rate of the terms of trade (TOT) is used to control for external supply shocks. υ t is a countryinvariant time-specific intercept that captures omitted time effects, and eit is the error term.3 The index "i" is the cross-sectional index, and "t" is the time-series index. Since coefficients in the baseline specification for the growth model may be influenced by the simultaneity between growth and contemporaneous measures of financial depth, inflation, and other control variables, we use instrumental variables to extract their predetermined components. The instruments used for financial depth, inflation, government expenditure, and the growth rate of terms of trade are their initial values in each five-year period. The instrument used for income is the value of GDP per capita at the beginning of the data set. In addition, we include initial values of TOT and the INV-GDP ratio as well as the initial values of the financial depth measures, which are not included as regressors, as additional instruments. Since TwoStage-Least-Square (2SLS) estimation might be sensitive to different sets of instrumental variables, the growth equation is estimated using various sets of instruments. (2) Rolling Regression After estimating the baseline growth equation (2), we employ a rolling regression technique to examine the manner in which inflation alters the impact of financial development on growth. A rolling regression technique is also used by Rousseau and Wachtel (2002). Their approach has 3 The country dummies are not included in the growth regression because the logarithm of the initial secondary school enrollment rate (SSER) is a country invariant variable. If SSER is included together with country dummies as regressors, we would have a multicollinearity problem. -11- three steps: first, they order panel observations by the magnitude of the inflation rate; second, they estimate the growth equation sequentially, starting with 50 panel observations with either the lowest or highest inflation rates, and then add one observation at a time until the full sample is included; finally, they present a graphical illustration of the evolution of the coefficient on the financial depth variable as the sample grows. This graph provides a view of the influence of inflation on the finance-growth nexus. A drawback of the above rolling regression technique is that the sequential regressions have different sample sizes. Rousseau and Wachtel (2002) use 50 observations as the starting number of observations and then add one observation at a time until the full sample is included. With this technique, the regression coefficients are estimated from different sample sizes. A potential problem is that the finance coefficients might not be comparable since the coefficients estimated with small sample sizes might have large standard errors and be insignificant purely due to the sample size. To avoid this drawback, this paper uses a rolling regression with a constant number of observations —namely, a 300—observation rolling window. This approach requires first ordering observations by the size of the inflation rate, estimating the growth equation (1) sequentially starting with the first 300 observations with the lowest inflation rates, and then rolling in an additional observation and rolling out the initial observation one-by-one so that each finance coefficient is estimated from a 300-observation window. Finally, we present a graph of the evolution of the finance coefficient as the average inflation rate of the 300-observation rolling window grows. This graphical presentation then provides us with a view of how the finance-growth linkage evolves as the inflation rate increases. For example, a downward sloping curve, with the finance coefficient on the vertical axis and the average inflation rate of the 300observation rolling window on the horizontal axis, would suggest that the finance-growth nexus is weakened in a high inflationary environment. -12- (3) Endogenous Threshold Model a. Threshold Model Specification A drawback of the rolling regression technique is that it does not precisely determine whether there is an inflation threshold above which finance ceases to stimulate growth. To precisely estimate the inflation threshold in the finance-growth nexus, we use Hansen’s (1996, 1999) endogenous threshold model. In particular, we estimate the following regression: growth it = β 0 + β 1 ∗ FIN it ∗ I ( Inf it < Pistar ) + β 2 ∗ FIN it ∗ I ( Inf it ≥ Pistar ) + θ ′X it + λ ′Tit + eit , (3) where the dependent variable growthit and the vector of control variables X it are defined as in Equation (2), Tit represents a vector of time dummies, and Pistar is the inflation threshold. 4 I ( Inflation < Pistar ) and I ( Inflation ≥ Pistar ) are indicator functions which take the value of one if the term between the parentheses is true, and zero otherwise. The finance effect on growth is measured by β1 and β 2 , which, respectively, capture the effect of finance on growth when inflation rates are below and above the threshold level Pistar . b. Estimation and Inference The Two-Stage-Least-Square (2SLS) method is used to deal with potential endogeneity among growth and financial depth, inflation, and the other control variables.5 We use the same set of instrumental variables as in (2). For any Pistar , (3) is estimated by 2SLS, which yields the error sum of squares (ESS) as a function of Pistar . The least square estimate of Pistar * is found by 4 ⎧1, periodit = t Tit = ⎨ ⎩0, otherwise , where Tit denotes the time dummies. The varaible periodit denotes the nine periods from 1961- 65 to 2001-05, each of which is assigned a number from 1 to 9. For example, number 1 denotes the period 1961-65, 2 denotes the period 1966-1970 and so on. The time dummy time dummy Tit Tit is equal to 1 when periodit equals t , and is zero otherwise. In such a way, a carries the information for the period t . 5 The fixed effect estimation method cannot be used in our panel data analysis since the secondary school enrollment rate (SSER) is a country invariant variable. -13- selecting the value of Pistar which minimizes ESS, thus maximizing the R 2 of the regression. Stacking the observation in vectors, we can write: growth = Z γ ( Pistar ) + e (4) Pistar ∈ ( Pistar ,......, Pistar ) , where γ ( Pistar ) =( β 0 , β1 , β 2 , θ ′, λ ′ ) is the vector of parameters, and Z is the corresponding matrix of observations on the explanatory variables. Note that the coefficient vector γ ( Pistar ) is indexed by Pistar to show its dependence on the threshold levels of inflation, the range of which is given by Pistar and Pistar . Define ESS ( Pistar ) as the error sum of squares with the threshold level fixed at some value, Pistar . Then, the threshold estimate Pistar * is chosen by minimizing ESS ( Pistar ) ; that is: Pistar * = arg min { ESS ( Pistar ) }, s.t. Pistar = ( Pistar ,......, Pistar ) . (5) ( Pistar ) After the inflation threshold Pistar * is estimated, it is important to determine whether the threshold effect is statistically significant. The hypothesis of no threshold effect in (3) can be represented by the linear constraint H 0 : β1 = β 2 . Then the Likelihood Ratio (LR) test statistic of H 0 : β1 = β 2 is based on LR = ( S 0 − S1 ) / σ 2 , (6) where S 0 and S1 are the error sum of squares under H 0 : β1 = β 2 , and H 1 : β1 ≠ β 2 , respectively, and σ 2 is the variance of the residuals under H 1 . Under H 0 , the threshold Pistar is not identified, so the asymptotic distribution of LR is non-standard and strictly dominates the χ k2 distribution. Hansen (1996) suggests the use of a bootstrap method to simulate the asymptotic distribution of the likelihood ratio test. Given the panel nature of our dataset, we -14- implement the following bootstrap procedure. First, treat the regressors Z it and threshold variable Pistar * as given, holding their values fixed in repeated bootstrap samples. Second, take the regression residuals eit* , and group them by individual: eˆi* = (eˆi*1 , eˆi*2 ,..., eˆiT* ) . We treat the sample {eˆ1* , eˆ2* ,..., eˆn* } as the empirical distribution to be used for bootstrapping. Third, draw (with replacement) a sample of size n from the empirical distribution and use these errors to create a bootstrap sample under H 0 . Fourth, using the bootstrap sample, estimate the model (3) under the null hypothesis β1 = β 2 and the alternative β1 ≠ β 2 , and calculate the bootstrap value of the likelihood ratio statistic LR. Next, we repeat this procedure a large number of times (i.e.,10,000 times) and calculate the percentage of draws for which the simulated statistic exceeds the actual. The result is the bootstrap estimate of the asymptotic p-value of LR under H 0 . Finally, we can reject the null of no threshold effect if the p-value is smaller than the desired critical value (e.g., 0.05). c. Confidence Intervals It is an interesting question whether the estimated inflation threshold (e.g., 10 percent) is significantly different from a threshold of, say, 8 percent or 15 percent. In other words, can the concept of confidence intervals be generalized to threshold estimates? Hansen (1999) suggested that the best way to form confidence intervals for Pistar is to form the “no-rejection region” by using the likelihood ratio statistic for tests on Pistar . To test the hypothesis H 0 : Pistar * = Pistar , where Pistar is the true value of Pistar * , the likelihood ratio test rejects for large values of LR ( Pistar * ) , where LR ( Pistar * ) = ( S 2 ( Pistar ) − S 2 ( Pistar * )) / σ 2 . -15- (7) Hansen (1999) showed that the asymptotic distribution of the likelihood ratio statistics LR ( Pistar * ) is non-standard but free of nuisance parameters. In addition, Hansen (1999) forms asymptotic confidence intervals by using the inverse of the asymptotic distribution function of LR ( Pistar * ) : c (α ) = −2 log(1 − 1 − α ) . (8) With this method, critical values can be calculated easily. For example, the 10% critical value is 5.94, the 5% is 7.35, and the 1% is 10.59. A test of H 0 : Pistar * = Pistar rejects at the asymptotic level α if LR ( Pistar * ) exceeds c (α ) . To form an asymptotic confidence interval for Pistar * , the “no-reject region” of confidence level 1 − α is the set of values of Pistar * such that LR ( Pistar * ) ≤ c(α ) . 4.2 Estimation Results (1) Baseline growth regressions Table 1 reports the Instrumental variables (IV) estimates from our baseline growth regression (2). Panels A, B and C present the estimation results of (2) with finance measured by M1/GDP, (M3M1)/GDP, and domestic credit/GDP, respectively. The second and the third columns of each panel present the estimation results of the Two-Stage-Least-Square (2SLS) estimation with two different sets of instrumental variables. For comparison purposes, we also include the simple OLS estimation results in the first column of each panel. -16- Table1. Baseline Growth Specification [Equation (1): growthit = β 0 + β1 * FIN it + θ ′ ∗ X it + υ t + eit ] Panel A M3/GDP Financial variable: Financial Variable Inflation Log initial GDP Per Capita log initial SSER Gov/GDP TOT constant R Square Adjusted Number of Observations Number of Countries Panel B (M3-M1)/GDP Panel C Credit/GDP OLS 0.024* (5.883) -0.002* (-17.35) -0.319* (-2.571) 0.524* (3.904) -0.061* (-3.224) 0.132* (6.828) 2.878* (3.691) 2SLS-1 0.028* (7.128) -0.002* (-3.459) -0.615* (-4.861) 0.741* (5.559) -0.049** (-2.459) 0.139* (4.562) 4.284* (5.295) 2SLS-2 0.029* (7.149) -0.002* (-3.426) -0.634* (-4.991) 0.759* (5.673) -0.050** (-2.514) 0.141* (4.596) 4.387* (5.409) OLS 0.037* (5.567) -0.002* (-14.27) -0.319* (-2.593) 0.472* (3.446) -0.057* (-3.001) 0.130* (6.776) 3.203* (4.057) 2SLS-1 0.043* (7.231) -0.002* (-3.531) -0.620* (-4.913) 0.682* (5.109) -0.045** (-2.277) 0.133* (4.417) 4.730* (5.712) 2SLS-2 0.043* (7.268) -0.002* (-3.531) -0.642* (-5.048) 0.701* (5.225) -0.046** (-2.330) 0.134* (4.356) 4.858* (5.848) OLS 0.007** (2.127) -0.002* (-13.68) -0.148 (-1.111) 0.538* (3.796) -0.061* (-3.105) 0.137* (6.936) 2.122* (2.540) 2SLS-1 0.014* (3.955) -0.002* (-4.579) -0.557* (-4.206) 0.812* (5.833) -0.049** (-2.361) 0.170* (5.417) 4.010* (4.712) 2SLS-2 0.014* (4.173) -0.002* (-4.478) -0.574* (-4.336) 0.820* (5.898) -0.047** (-2.270) 0.148* (4.682) 4.218* (4.957) 0.2751 660 90 0.2671 660 90 0.2661 660 90 0.2755 660 90 0.2671 660 90 0.2659 660 90 0.2353 660 90 0.2111 660 90 0.2138 660 90 Notes: The dependent variable is the five-year average growth rate of real per capita GDP. We use two sets of instrumental variables to estimate the finance coefficient in each panel. The Two-Stage-Least-Square (2SLS) estimates with the initial values of those financial depth measures not included as repressors as additional instruments are reported in the second column under the title 2SLS-1 in each panel, while the results reported in the third column (2SLS-2) in each panel are the 2SLS estimates excluding the initial values of those financial depth measures not included as repressors from the set of instruments. The t-statistic for each coefficient, given in the parentheses, is computed from Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Standard Errors (HCSE). The asterisks “*”, “**”, “***” indicate statistical significance at 1, 5, 10 percent, respectively. All equations include time dummy variables, but the estimated coefficients for the time dummies are not reported. The number of countries and observations are shown in the last two rows. -17- The first impression from Table 1 is that finance coefficients are all positive and highly significant. These results are consistent with those in the existing literature, which has found that the positive finance-growth relationship is robust with respect to different measures of financial depth. Note that a 10% increase in a financial depth measure is associated with a 0.1-0.4 percentage point increase in the annual growth rate. After corrections are made for the endogeneity problem, the positive and significant finance coefficients in the standard growth equation regression support the finance-leads-growth view. The coefficients on the control variables in the growth equation are consistent with those in previous studies. In particular, the direct inflation effects on growth are estimated to be numerically small but all negative and significant at a 1 percent significance level. It would take an increase in the inflation rate of more than 500 percentage points to depress the growth rate by 1 percentage point. In addition, in all equations, the initial secondary school enrollment rate—a measure of human capital investment —has a significant and positive effect on growth; the initial GDP has a negative growth effect as suggested by Neoclassical Growth Theory; government expenditure as a share of GDP has a negative effect on growth, but its statistical significance is questionable. Finally, the growth rate of the terms of trade is shown to have a very significant and positive relationship with growth. (2) Rolling Regressions Table 2 shows the finance coefficients from the baseline growth equation for the above and below median inflation observations. Clearly, the positive effects of financial depth on growth are dampened substantially when we use the above median inflation observations. When we use domestic credit/GDP as a measure of financial depth, the finance coefficient even turns out to be insignificant for the high-inflation group. -18- Table 2. Sample Divided by Inflation Rate Financial variable: Full Sample [660] < Median [330] > Median [330] M3/GDP OLS 0.024* (5.883) 0.026* (5.257) 0.016 (1.476) 2SLS-1 0.028* (7.128) 0.030* (5.583) 0.023** (2.388) (M3-M1)/GDP 2SLS-2 0.029* (7.149) 0.029* (5.334) 0.022** (2.322) OLS 0.037* (5.567) 0.035* (4.195) 0.029** (2.555) 2SLS-1 0.043* (7.231) 0.043* (5.674) 0.034* (2.723) 2SLS-2 0.043* (7.268) 0.044* (5.672) 0.036* (2.864) Credit/GDP OLS 0.007** (2.127) 0.008*** (1.806) 0.001 (0.276) 2SLS-1 0.014* (3.955) 0.013** (2.308) 0.007 (1.295) 2SLS-2 0.014* (4.173) 0.015* (2.723) 0.007 (1.390) Notes: The dependent variable is the five-year average growth rate of the real per capita GDP. Financial coefficients reported here are estimated from the base line growth equation, which includes the same set of explanatory variables as those in Table 1, while only the finance coefficient estimates are reported. All equations include time dummy variables, but the estimated coefficients for the time dummies are not reported. OLS estimation and 2SLS estimation with different sets of instruments are used. 2SLS-1 and 2SLS-2 are defined the same way as those in Table 1. The t-statistic for each coefficient, given in the parentheses, is computed from Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Standard Errors (HCSE). The asterisks “*”, “**”, “***” indicate statistical significance at 1, 5, 10 percent, respectively. The median inflation rate of the sample with 660 observations is 8.5%. -19- Figure 2 shows the evolution of the finance coefficients as the average inflation rate of a constant 300-observation rolling window increases. Specifically, Figures 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3 show these plots when the growth equation is estimated with M3/GDP, (M3-M1)/GDP, and domestic credit/GDP as financial depth measures, respectively. In each figure, the solid line gives the finance coefficient estimates from the rolling window, and the 5-percent-confidence intervals are represented by the dotted lines. To shed light on where the inflation thresholds lie, we draw a solid bold horizontal line (the “benchmark line”) passing through the vertical axis at the point which equals the finance coefficient estimate from the full sample by using 2SLS-1 estimation. In Figure 2-a, for example, this line is at the point 0.28 on the vertical axis. Figure 2 suggests that, generally, the relationship between financial depth and growth is stronger when inflation rates are below 14 percent, and tends to weaken as the average inflation rate increases. In Figure 2-1, for example, the coefficient on M3/GDP is about 0.02 points above the benchmark line when inflation rates are lower than 14 percent, but about 0.01 points below the benchmark line when inflation rates are higher than 16 percent. This suggests a threshold inflation rate of somewhere between 14 and 16 percent. In other words, only when inflation is beneath the threshold is M3/GDP important for growth. The conclusions are similar when alternative measures of financial depth are used. (3) Endogenous Threshold Model Next, we use the endogenous threshold model to estimate more precisely the inflation threshold. The inflation threshold Pistar * is estimated to be 16.0%, 15.3%, and 14.1% with M3/GDP, (M3M1)/GDP, and domestic credit/GDP serving as the financial depth measure, respectively. Note that the inflation threshold estimates from the endogenous threshold model are consistent with our observations from the rolling regressions. -20- Figure 2. Rolling Regression Figure 2-1. 0.09 0.07 0.05 22 18 15 14 12 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 0.03 4 Coefficient on M3 (%of GDP) Rolling Regression - M3/GDP (Inflation Ordered by Increasing Inflation) 0.01 -0.01 Ave rage Inflation Rate in 300 Obs e rvations Rolling Window Figure 2-2. Rolling Regression - (M3-M1)/GDP (Observations Ordered by Increasing Inflation) 0.08 95 22 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 0.04 4 0.06 4 Coefficent on (M3-M1)/GDP 0.10 0.02 0.00 Average Inflation in 300 observations Rolling Window Figure 2-3. 0.05 0.03 22 18 15 14 12 11 10 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 0.01 4 Coefficent on Credit/GDP Rolling Regression - Credit/GDP (Observations Ordered by Increasing Inflation) -0.01 Average Inflation Rate in 300 Observation Rolling Window Notes: These figures show the evolution of coefficients on financial variables in cross-country 5-year growth regressions as the 300-observation rolling window moves from the lowest inflation to the highest inflation. Estimation is by 2SLS with initial values of those financial depth measures not included as repressors as additional instruments. The estimation results for the full sample are reported in the second column (2SLS-1) of each panel in Table 1. -21- Table 3. The Endogenous Threshold Model [Equation (3): grow thit = β 0 + β 1 ∗ FIN it ∗ I ( Inf it < Pistar ) + β 2 ∗ FIN it ∗ I ( Inf it ≥ Pistar ) + θ ′ X it + λ ′Tit + eit ] Financial variable: Financial Variable (Inflation<Pistar) Financial Variable (Inflation>=Pistar) Inflation log initial GDP log initial SSER GOV/GDP % change of TOT constant Threshold Searching Range * Inflation Threshold Pistar Likelihood Ratio (LR) No Threshold against one Threshold 5% Confidence Interval R Square Adjusted Number of Observations Number of Countries Panel A M3/GDP OLS 0.023* (6.023) [411] -0.006 (-0.742) [149] -0.001* (-5.173) -0.272** (-2.407) 0.478* (3.832) -0.064* (-3.508) 0.127* (8.274) 2.817* (3.819) {1.0,120.0} 2SLS 0.027* (6.815) [411] 0.003 (0.296) [149] 0.001* (-2.943) -0.561* (-4.457) 0.690* (5.215) -0.051* (-2.591) 0.135* (4.498) 4.146* (5.190) {1.0, 120.0} Panel B (M3-M1)/GDP OLS 2SLS 0.037* 0.043* (5.490) (7.249] [504] [504] 0.003 0.013 (0.221) (1.041) [156] [156] -0.002* 0.002* (-13.21) (-3.218) -0.295** -0.590* (-2.397) (-4.686) 0.457* 0.663* (3.363) (4.998) -0.058* -0.045** (-3.036) (-2.301) 0.127* 0.131* (6.709) (4.397) 3.105* 4.583 (3.951) (5.574) {1.0, 120.0} {1.0, 120.0} 16.0% 17.311 1% [13.2, 22.4] 0.2929 660 90 16.0% 17.305 1% [13.2,22.4] 0.2852 660 90 15.3% 41.794 1% [13.0, 35.0] 0.2851 660 90 15.3% 10.078 1% [13.0, 35.0] 0.2773 660 90 Panel C Credit/GDP OLS 2SLS 0.011* 0.017* (3.355) (4.869) [486] [486] -0.006*** -0.0001 (-1.244) (-0.030) [174] [174] -0.002* -0.002* (-5.335) (-3.319) -0.175 -0.559* (-1.515) (-4.286) 0.495* 0.752* (3.861) (5.472) -0.061* -0.050** (-3.237) (-2.457) 0.134* 0.165* (8.534) (5.345) 2.358* 4.127* (3.078) (4.914) {1.0, 120.0} {1.0, 120.0} 14.1% 15.100 1% [11.7, 22.4] 0.2517 660 90 14.1% 20.310 1% [13.2, 22.4] 0.2340 660 90 Notes: The dependent variable is the five-year average growth rate of real per capita GDP. The Two-Stage-Least-Squares (2SLS) estimation, reported in the second column of each panel, uses the initial values of those financial depth measures not included as repressors as additional instruments. The t-statistic for each coefficient, given in the parentheses, is computed from Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Standard Errors (HCSE). The asterisks “*”, “**”, “***” indicate statistical significance at 1, 5, 10 percent, respectively. All equations include time dummy variables, but the coefficient estimates for the time dummies are not reported. The number of countries and observations are shown in the last two rows. The inflation threshold Pistar * is the threshold estimate, which achieve the minimum value of ESSs in the threshold search range. -22- Table 3 presents the estimation results of (3) with the inflation threshold Pistar * . Specifically, panels A, B, and C of Table 3 show the estimates of (3) with M3/GDP, (M3-M1)/GDP, and domestic credit/GDP serving as the financial depth measure, respectively. For comparison purposes, the OLS estimates are also reported. Table 3 suggests that while the finance coefficients ( β1′ s ) are all positive for the low-inflation group ( Inf it < Pistar * ), none of the finance coefficients ( β 2′ s ) are statistically significant for the high-inflation group ( Inf it ≥ Pistar * ). The chief conclusion from these results is that the depth of the financial system plays a positive role in real economic performance only when inflation is less than around 15 percent. To test if the threshold estimate Pistar * , reported in each column of Table 3, is statistically significant, we use the Likelihood Ratio (LR) test suggested by Hansen (1999). The row labeled LR in Table 3 gives the observed value of the likelihood ratios for testing the hypotheses of no threshold against one threshold. The significance levels of the LR test were computed by using the bootstrap distributions of LR . Our results suggest that the null hypothesis of no threshold effects can be rejected at a 1 percent significance level for all regressions. This evidence strongly supports the existence of an inflation threshold. Hansen (2000) also suggests that under the alternative hypothesis of the existence of a threshold effect, the t-statistic for each coefficient has the usual distribution and thus the t-tests presented in Table 3 are valid. Next, we compute the confidence intervals around the threshold estimates. If a confidence interval shows that the threshold estimate is not significantly different from a large number of other potential threshold levels, the implication is that substantial uncertainty exists about the threshold level. The confidence intervals for the estimated thresholds at the 5 percent significance level are [13.2, 22.4], [13.0, 35.0], and [13.2, 22.4] when M3/GDP, (M3-M1)/GDP, -23- and domestic credit/GDP, respectively, serve as the measure of financial depth. This finding implies that the thresholds are reasonably precisely estimated. In addition, the confidence intervals for the inflation threshold estimates are also consistent with the estimates of Rousseau and Wachtel (2002), which suggest that an inflation threshold for the finance-growth relationship lies between 13 and 25 percent. 4.3 Summary of Inflation Effects on the Finance-Growth Nexus Our major findings in this section are summarized in Figure 3, which demonstrates how inflation affects the finance-growth relationship nonlinearly. As Figure 3 shows, the inflation threshold Pistar * divides the axes of inflation into two parts. As inflation rises from zero percent up to the threshold Pistar * , the effect of finance on economic growth is stable and significant at the level of β 1 ; when inflation rises beyond the threshold Pistar * , the finance coefficient decreases dramatically and, in some cases, is not significantly different from zero. Inflation threshold estimates Pistar * are quite robust to the use of different measures of financial depth. Figure 3. Demonstration of Inflation Thresholds Finance Coefficient β1 β2 Inflation Threshold Pistar * -24- Inflation Rate 5. The Inflation Transmission Mechanism in the Finance-Growth Nexus The depth of financial sector development can promote economic growth in two ways: by encouraging savings and investment (through the capital accumulation channel) and by improving the allocation of funds among investment projects (through the productivity channel). In Section 4, it was found that inflation severs the finance-growth nexus in high-inflation environments. This section studies how inflation impacts the two channels mentioned above, which are involved in the finance-growth nexus. 5.1 Methodology (1) Baseline Models Our study employs the following two baseline specifications (9) and (10) to shed light on the ability of finance to promote economic growth through the capital accumulation channel and the productivity channel, respectively. INVit = α 0 + α1 * FIN it + δ ′Z it + υt + eit (9) growthit = γ 0 + γ 1 * INVi ,t + φ ′ X it + υt + eit ,6 (10) where vt and eit , shown in both equations, represent country invariant time dummy variables and the error term, respectively. The dependent variable INVit in Equation (9) represents the level of investment, which is measured as gross fixed capital accumulation as a share of GDP. The explanatory variable FIN it is one of the three measurements of financial depth: M3/GDP, (M3-M1)/GDP, and domestic credit/GDP. The coefficient α1 measures the link between financial intermediation and the accumulation of capital. In other words, the magnitude of α1 reflects the strength of the capital 6 The model specification is selected based on the Ramsey Reset Test. The results are reported in the Appendix. -25- accumulation channel. For example, a positive and significant α1 implies that financial intermediation encourages a higher level of capital formation. Equation (9) also includes a set of control variables Z it to control for the effects on investment from sources other than financial development. Using the Ramsey Reset Test, a model specification test, we choose the following variables as additional explanatory variables in (9): inflation (INF), the logarithm of initial income (INCOME), government expenditure as a share of GDP (GOV), and Openness, measured as the ratio of exports plus imports as a share of GDP. In addition, we include the first lag of the growth rate of per capita GDP (lag_growth) in order to control for the effect of economic conditions in the previous period on the current level of investment. Equation (10) is estimated to measure the productivity channel. Equation (10) is a standard specification of the growth equation, which regresses the average rate of real per capita GDP growth for the five-year period on a set of conditioning variables. The explanatory variable INVit , measured by the INV-GDP ratio, is included to examine the growth effect of investment. Then the investment coefficient γ 1 measures the productivity channel. A vector of control variables X it is also included in (10). To maintain consistency, we use the same control variables in (2). 7 The Two-Stage-Least-Square (2SLS) estimation method is used to address the endogeneity problem associated with (9) and (10). The instruments used for (9) are the initial values of financial depth, inflation, government expenditure, and openness in each five-year period, the initial value of the logarithm of income over the entire period, and the initial value of gross fixed 7 The vector of the control variables ( X it ) in Equation (10) includes the inflation rate (Inflation), the logarithm of the initial income per capita (Income), the logarithm of the initial secondary school enrollment rate (SSER), the government consumption expenditure share of the GDP(GOV), and the growth rate of income terms of trade (TOT). -26- capital accumulation (INV). In addition, the one period lag of growth (lag_growth) is included in the 2SLS estimation equation as an exogenous variable. The instrumental variables used for (10) are the initial values of gross fixed capital accumulation, inflation, the secondary school enrollment rate, government expenditure, the growth rate of the terms of trade in each five-year period, and the initial value of the logarithm of income. In addition, we use the initial values of those financial depth measures not included as regressors as instruments. (2) Rolling Regressions The baseline specifications (9) and (10) describe the finance-growth relationship as arising from two channels: the capital accumulation channel and the productivity channel. We use a rolling regression technique to examine inflation effects on these two channels. In particular, we examine the evolution of the finance coefficient α 1 in (9) and the investment coefficient γ 1 in (10) with respect to the inflation rate. We do so with 300-observation rolling windows, by using the same technique as in Section 4.1.(2). Graphical presentations of the evolution of the finance coefficient α 1 and the capital accumulation coefficient γ 1 , as the average inflation rate of the 300-observation rolling window increases, shed light on effect of inflation on the financeinvestment nexus and the investment-growth nexus, respectively. (3) Endogenous Threshold Model An alternative method that can be used to identify nonlinear inflation effects on the capital accumulation channel and the productivity channel is the endogenous threshold model. We apply the same technique as described in Section 4.1.(3) to examine whether a weaker capital accumulation channel and/or a weaker productivity channel are associated with high inflation rates. To do so, we employ the following two threshold model specifications: INVit = α 0 + α1 * FINit * I ( Infit < Pistar ) + α 2 * FINit * I ( Inf ≥ Pistar ) + δ ′Z it + ζ ′Tit + eit -27- (11) growthit = γ 0 + γ 1 ∗ INVit ∗ I ( Inf it < Pistar ) + γ 2 ∗ INVit ∗ I ( Inf it ≥ Pistar ) + φ ′ X it + λ ′Tit + eit . (12) In each equation, Pistar is the inflation threshold; I ( Inflation < Pistar ) and I ( Inflation ≥ Pistar ) are indicator functions which take the value of one if the term in parentheses is true, and the value of zero otherwise. Equation (11) specifies the finance effect on the level of investment with two discrete coefficients: α1 and α 2 , which denote the effect of finance on investment when inflation rates are below and above the threshold level Pistar , respectively. In other words, α1 and α 2 measure the link between financial intermediation and the accumulation of capital in low- and high-inflation environments, respectively. In contrast, Equation (12) specifies the investment effect on growth with two discrete coefficients, γ 1 and γ 2 , which capture the productivity of investment when inflation rates are below and above the threshold level Pistar , respectively. 5.2 Estimation Results (1) Baseline Models Table 4 presents the estimation results of Equation (9), which describes a baseline relationship between financial depth and the level of investment. For comparison purposes, the OLS estimation results are reported as well as the 2SLS estimation results when each of the three measures of financial depth is employed. Consistent with the existing literature, the finance coefficients are significant in all regressions. This finding supports the theoretical models which characterize the role of financial intermediaries to mobilize unproductive resources and stimulate the level of capital accumulation. In particular, a-one-percentage-point increase in -28- Table 4. Baseline Investment Specification (Investment-Finance Nexus) [Equation (9): INVit = α 0 + α1 * FINit + δ ′Zit + υt + eit ] Financial variable: Financial Variable Inflation lag of Growth Log of initial income Openness Gov/GDP Constant R Square Adjusted Number of Observations Number of Countries Panel A Panel B Panel C M3/GDP (M3-M1)/GDP Credits/GDP OLS 0.027** (2.100) -0.001 (-1.582) 0.667* (8.373) 0.262 (1.496) 0.053* (4.896) 0.018 (0.376) 10.458* (8.966) 2SLS 0.025* (2.653) -0.001 (-0.698) 0.676* (9.875) 0.116 (0.581) 0.055* (9.133) 0.038 (0.811) 11.224* (7.449) OLS 0.030*** (1.882) -0.001 (-1.444) 0.715* (7.575) 0.473** (2.506) 0.052* (6.382) 0.042 (0.961) 9.188* (6.509) 2SLS 0.032** (1.949) -0.001 (-0.531) 0.733* (8.552) 0.326 (1.511) 0.052* (8.012) 0.049 (0.930) 10.122* (6.046) OLS 0.023* (3.544) -0.0001** (-2.002) 0.745* (8.244) 0.344** (1.970) 0.048* (6.612) 0.043 (0.944) 9.938* (7.437) 2SLS 0.024* (3.256) -0.001 (-1.011) 0.754* (9.158) 0.203 (0.999) 0.049* (8.533) 0.049 (0.943) 10.795 (6.774) 0.3130 810 90 0.3120 810 90 0.3486 564 89 0.3481 564 89 0.3507 569 89 0.3498 569 89 Notes: The dependent variable is the five-year average capital accumulation as a share of GDP. The Two-Stage-Least-Square (2SLS) estimation, reported in the second column of each panel, uses the initial value of financial depth measure, inflation rate, government expenditure, and Openness in each five-year period and initial values of GDP per capita (Income) and capital accumulation in the whole period as instruments. In addition, the growth rate of previous period (lag_growth) enters into the 2SLS estimation equation as an exogenous variable. Since we include the previous period growth rate (Lag_growth) as an explanatory variable, we lose the initial observation for each country. The t-statistic for each coefficient, given in the parentheses, is computed from Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Standard Errors (HCSE). The asterisks “*”, “**”, “***” indicate the statistical significance at 1, 5, 10 percent, respectively. All equations include time dummy variables, but the coefficient estimates for the time dummies are not reported. The number of countries and observations are shown in the last two rows. -29- Table 5. Growth and Investment: Baseline Model [Equation (10): growthit = γ 0 + γ 1 * INVi ,t + φ ′ X it + υt + eit ] Estimation Methods OLS 2SLS-1 2SLS-2 Investment/GDP 0.171* (12.89) -0.001* (-5.861) -0.236* (-2.720) 0.585* (5.592) -0.058* (-3.599) 0.105* (7.705) 0.424 (0.729) 0.3765 755 90 0.144* (8.569) -0.002* (-3.304) -0.452* (-4.007) 0.726* (5.822) -0.060* (-3.196) 0.143* (4.905) 1.649** (2.260) 0.3522 659 90 0.130* (8.588) -0.002* (-3.760) -0.464* (-4.771) 0.814* (7.211) -0.034*** (-1.931) 0.143* (5.255) 1.860* (2.915) 0.3527 755 90 Inflation log initial GDP per capita (Income) log initial SSER GOV/GDP % change of the TOT Constant R Square Adjusted Number of Observations Number of Countries Notes: The dependent variable is the five-year average growth rate of real per capita GDP. We use two sets of instrumental variables to estimate the finance coefficient in each panel. The Two-Stage-Least-Squares (2SLS) estimates with the initial values of those financial depth measures not included as repressors as additional instruments are reported in the second column under the title 2SLS-1 in each panel, while the results reported in the third column (2SLS-2) in each panel are the 2SLS estimates excluding the initial values of those financial depth measures not included as repressors from the set of instruments. The t-statistic for each coefficient, given in the parentheses, is computed from Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Standard Errors (HCSE). The asterisks “*”, “**”, “***” indicate statistical significance at 1, 5, 10 percent, respectively. All equations include time dummy variables, but the estimated coefficients for the time dummies are not reported. The number of countries and observations are shown in the last two rows. -30- financial depth leads to a 0.024-0.032 percent increase in capital accumulation as a share of GDP. All control variables in (9) have the expected sign and significance level. For example, inflation enters into the investment equation negatively and significantly; the previous period growth rate (lag_growth) shows a positive and significant effect on capital accumulation. Table 5 presents the estimation results of (10), which describes the baseline relationship between investment and economic growth. Again, we present 2SLS estimates with two different sets of instruments as well as OLS estimates. The investment coefficients are significant and positive in all regressions. In particular, a one-percentage-point increase in the INV/GDP ratio leads to a 0.130-0.144-percentage-point increase in economic growth. All control variables in (10) have the same signs and significance levels as those estimated from the baseline growth equation (2). In sum, estimation results from (9) and (10) support the view that finance promotes economic growth through the capital accumulation channel as well as the productivity channel. (2) Rolling Regressions Figure 4 reports the rolling regression results of (9) for the three measures of financial depth. For example, Figure 4-1 shows the evolution of the finance coefficient ( α1 ) as the average inflation rate of the 300-observation rolling window increases when M3/GDP serves as a measure of financial depth in (9). The three graphs in Figure 4 suggest that, generally, the finance coefficient ( α1 ) is not adversely affected by the increasing inflation rate. In fact, when M3/GDP or (M3M1)/GDP is used as the measure of financial depth, the finance coefficient tends to increase when inflation rates are higher. Thus, the ability of financial intermediaries to promote the accumulation of capital does not appear to be damaged by high inflation. -31- Figure 4. Rolling Regressions of Equation (9) Figure 4-1: Rolling Re gre ssiion - INV&M 3/GDP (Obse rv ations orde re d by incre asing inflaiton) 0.15 0.10 0.05 20.8 21.7 38.5 16.7 18.1 14.3 12.8 11.7 10.7 10.0 9.3 8.6 8.0 7.5 6.9 6.4 5.8 5.4 4.9 4.4 4.0 3.6 -0.05 3.1 0.00 2.6 Coefficient on M3/GDP 0.20 -0.10 Ave rage Inflation Rate in 300 Obse rvation Rolling Window Figure 4-2: Rolling Regression - Inv and (M3-M1)/GDP (Observations Ordered by increasing inflation) 0.15 0.10 15.5 13.7 12.4 11.4 -0.05 10.6 9.8 9.2 8.6 8.1 7.5 7.0 6.6 6.1 5.6 0.00 5.2 0.05 4.7 Coefficient on(M3-M1)/GDP 0.20 -0.10 Ave r age Inflation Rate in 300 Obs e rvation Rolling Window Figure 4-3: Rolling Regression - Inv & Credit/GDP (Observations Ordered by Increasing Inflation) 0.10 0.05 22.1 18.1 15.4 13.5 12.2 11.2 10.3 9.56 8.92 8.33 7.76 7.21 6.69 6.19 5.71 5.23 0.00 4.72 Coefficient on Credit/GDP 0.15 -0.05 Ave rage Inflation Rate in 300 Obs e rvation Rolling Window ) Notes: These figures show the evolution of coefficients on the financial development in Equation (9) regressions as the 300-observation rolling window moves from the lowest inflation to the highest inflation. Estimation is by 2SLS with initial values of those financial depth measures not included as repressors as additional instruments. The estimation results for the full sample are reported in the second column (2SLS) of each panel in Table 4. -32- Figure 5 presents the evolution of the investment coefficient ( γ 1 ) from the rolling regressions by using (10) with two different sets of instrumental variables. In contrast to Figure 4, Figure 5 shows a decreasing trend of the investment coefficient as the inflation rate increases. In order to have a clearer view of where the inflation thresholds lie, we draw a benchmark line as a solid bold horizontal line passing through the vertical axis at the point which equals the investment coefficient estimated by using 2SLS estimation and the full sample. In Figure 5-1, for example, the benchmark line is a horizontal line passing through the vertical axis at the point 0.144, which equals the investment coefficient from the 2SLS-1 estimates of (10). With the benchmark lines, Figure 5 not only shows the trend of the investment coefficient as the inflation rate increases, but also provides indications of where the inflation thresholds lie in the relationship between investment and economic growth. Consistently, both Figure 5-1 and 5-2 suggest the existence of inflation thresholds between 8 and 9 percent in the investment-growth nexus. In particular, when inflation rates are below 8 percent, the investment coefficients, which measure the productivity channel in different inflationary environments, are above the benchmark lines by around 0.15 or higher; however, when inflation goes beyond 9 percent, the investment coefficients are all below the benchmark lines. Our finding is consistent with the idea that the ability of financial intermediaries to allocate credits efficiently is dampened during highinflation periods. To summarize, the rolling regression estimation results suggest that during high-inflation periods, the link between financial intermediation and the accumulation of capital is not deterred, but the productivity of investment is reduced. Thus, a reduction in the productivity of investment appears to be the major source of the harmful effects of inflation on growth. -33- Figure 5. Rolling Regression of Equation (10) Figure 5-1. 2SLS-1 Rolling Regression -INV/GDP (Observations Ordered by Increasing Inflation) 0.2 48.4 20.7 16.8 14.4 12.8 11.6 0.1 10.6 9.8 9.1 8.4 7.7 7.2 6.6 6.0 5.5 4.9 4.4 0.15 3.9 Coefficient on Inv/GDP 0.25 0.05 0 Average inflation in 300 Observation Rolling Window Figure 5-2. 2SLS-2 Rolling Regression - INV/GDP (Observations Ordered by Increasing Inflation) 0.2 21.0 16.6 14.1 12.6 11.5 10.5 9.8 9.0 8.3 7.7 7.1 6.5 5.9 5.4 4.9 4.4 3.9 0.1 3.5 0.15 2.9 Coefficien on INV/GDP 0.25 0.05 0 Average Inflation in 300 observation Rolling Window Notes: These figures show the evolution of coefficients on the capital accumulation in Equation (10) regressions as the 300-observation rolling window moves from the lowest inflation to the highest inflation. Estimation is by 2SLS with two different sets of instrumental variables. The estimation results for the full sample are reported in the second (2SLS-1) and the third column (2SLS-2) in Table 5. -34- (3) Endogenous Threshold Model As Figure 5 implies an inflation threshold in the investment-growth relationship, we use (12), an endogenous threshold model, to precisely estimate this threshold. Table 6 presents the estimation results for (12). As Table 6 shows, a significant inflation threshold Pistar * is estimated to exist at 14.8-16.0 percent. In particular, the investment coefficient ( γ 1 ) is strongly positive at 0.1290.142 for the low inflation group ( Inf it < Pistar * ), but its magnitude decreases to 0.08-0.09 for the high-inflation group ( Inf it ≥ Pistar * ). As γ 1 and γ 2 measure the ability of financial intermediaries to allocate credits in a low- and high-inflation environment, respectively, the smaller magnitude of γ 2 possibly indicates the inefficiency of financial intermediaries in project selection and monitoring during high-inflation periods. This finding is consistent with that from the rolling regressions. As well, we estimate (11) to examine if inflation affects the link between financial intermediation and the accumulation of capital. Consistent with the results from the rolling regressions, we find that no significant inflation threshold exists significantly in the relationship between finance and the level of investment (these results are not reported for brevity). 5.3 Conclusions The existence of an inflation threshold in the investment-growth relationship suggests that inflation impacts financial markets mainly through the productivity channel. Thus, the cost of inflation appears to stem from a reduction in the ability of financial intermediaries to allocate credits efficiently. One explanation for this finding is that during high-inflation periods, the usefulness of money assets is eroded, and considerable uncertainty exists about price and interest -35- Table 6. The Endogenous Threshold Model (Growth-INV Nexus with One Inflation Threshold) [Equation (12): growthit = γ 0 + γ 1 ∗ INVit ∗ I ( Inf it < Pistar ) + γ 2 ∗ INVit ∗ I ( Inf it ≥ Pistar ) + φ ′ X it + λ ′Tit + eit ] Estimation Methods Dependent Variable = Growth Rate INV/GDP (Inflation<Pistar) INV/GDP (Inflation>=Pistar) Inflation log initial GDP log initial SEC GOV/GDP % change of TOT constant Threshold Searching Range Inflation Threshold Pistar Likelihood Ratio (LR) Significance Level by using Bootstraping Distributions Threshold 5% Confidence Interval R Square Adjusted Number of Observations Number of Countries OLS 0.169* (9.907) [596] 0.129* (6.048) [159] -0.001* (-14.88) -0.213** (-2.225) 0.543* (4.988) -0.069* (-3.954) 0.104* (6.580) 0.575 (1.021 {1.0,120.0} 15.3% 13.380 1% [11.7, 20.3] 0.3867 755 90 2SLS-1 0.142* (8.513) [494] 0.088* (4.203) [165] -0.001** (-2.507) -0.393* (-3.505) 0.661* (5.338) -0.075* (-3.953) 0.140* (4.864) 1.699** (2.358) {1.0, 120.0} 14.8% 17.8686 1% [11.7, 19.3] 0.3687 659 90 2SLS-2 0.129* (8.559) [603] 0.080* (4.073) [152] 0.001* (-2.977) -0.408* (-4.208) 0.739* (6.559) -0.047* (-2.694) 0.140* (5.201) 1.894* (2.995) {1.0, 120.0} 16.0% 15.257 1% [11.7, 20.3] 0.3649 755 90 Notes: The dependent variable is the five-year average growth rate of real per capita GDP. The Two-Stage-Least-Squares (2SLS-1) estimation, reported in the second column, uses the initial values of those financial depth measures not included as repressors as additional instruments. The 2SLS-2 estimation, reported in the third column, uses a different set of instrumental variables, which exclude the two financial depth measures as additional instruments. The t-statistic for each coefficient, given in the parentheses, is computed from Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Standard Errors (HCSE). The asterisks “*”, “**”, “***” indicate statistical significance at 1, 5, 10 percent, respectively. All equations include time dummy variables, but the coefficient estimates for the time dummies are not reported. The number of countries and observations are shown in the last two rows. The inflation threshold Pistar * is the threshold estimates, which achieve the minimum value of ESSs in the threshold search range. -36- rates, and uncertainty, in turn makes financial intermediation less able to ameliorate informational asymmetries, allocate resources, and monitor projects efficiently. Consequently, the productivity of capital investment decreases during high-inflation periods. Thus, a given level of investment has less of a positive effect on economic growth than is the case in a low inflationary environment. The above transmission mechanism conclusions provide an explanation for our findings in Section 4 that the positive finance-growth relationship is reduced during high-inflation periods. The weaker finance-growth nexus appears to stem from the ineffectiveness of the financial sector in allocating credits in high-inflation environments. The inflation threshold estimate 14.8-16.0% in the investment-growth nexus is quite close to the inflation threshold estimate 14.1-16.0% in the finance-growth nexus. As the inflation rate increases, the effect of inflation on the link between investment and growth shows a similar pattern to the effect of inflation on the financegrowth nexus. This result implies that the effect of inflation on the finance-growth nexus is likely transmitted through the productivity channel rather than the capital accumulation channel. 6. Inflation and the Productivity of Capital In Section 5, we have shown that the investment coefficient γ 1 varies as the inflation rate increases and argued that this variation appears to stem from the negative effect of inflation on the productivity of capital. Next, we explicitly examine the empirical relationship between inflation and the productivity of capital. 6.1 Methodology -37- The following dynamic equation is used as a baseline to measure the relationship between the productivity of capital and inflation: PROit = β 0 + β1 * INFit + θ ′ X it + eit ,8 (13) where the dependent variable PROit is the productivity of capital measured as the growth rate of the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) with the elasticity of capital α = 0.4 ; INFit is the annual inflation rate measured as the growth rate of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The set of control variables denoted as X it in (13) includes the first lag of the productivity measure, PROi ,t −1 , and the first lag of the growth rate of real per capital GDP, growthi ,t −1 . These two lagged variables are included to control for any possible growth trend in the productivity of capital and economic conditions in the previous period. In addition, the logarithm of initial income, the logarithm of the secondary school enrollment rate, and the growth rate of the Terms of Trade (TOT) are also included in X it to control for other possible factors which could have effects on PROit . To investigate threshold effects in the inflation-productivity relationship, we use the following endogenous threshold model: PROit = β0 + β1 ∗ Infit ∗ I ( Infit < Pistar ) + β 2 ∗ Infit ∗ I ( Infit ≥ Pistar ) + θ ′ X it + eit , (14) which can measure the effect of inflation on productivity. The two coefficients β1 and β 2 measure the effect of inflation on productivity when inflation is below and above the threshold Pistar , respectively. 6.2 Results Table 7 presents estimates of (13) by using OLS and 2SLS with two alternative sets of instrumental variables. The coefficients on inflation are negative and significant (at the 0.001 8 The model specification is selected based on the Ramsey Reset Test. The results of the Reset Test are reported in the Appendix. -38- level) in all regressions. This result suggests that a 10-percentage-point increase in the inflation rate will cause a 0.01- percent-point decrease in the growth rate of productivity. Although the inflation coefficient in (13) seems small, the long-run effects on productivity might be substantial. The negative relationship between inflation and productivity supports our earlier contention that a weaker investment-growth nexus during high-inflation periods results from a decrease in the productivity of capital. Ten percent annual inflation causes the price level to rise by a factor of 45 in 40 years; even 3 percent inflation causes it to triple over that period. As a result, inflation may result in the deterioration in financial intermediaries’ ability to effectively allocate funds. For example, during high-inflation periods, financial intermediaries may have reduced ability to collect accurate information on borrowers and may allocate funds inefficiently, and this in turn lowers the productivity of capital. A lower marginal productivity of capital means that a given level of capital accumulation has less effect on economic growth. The estimation results for (14) are reported in Table 8, which shows that a significant threshold exists at 9.1% in the relationship between the productivity of capital and inflation. In particular, when inflation rates are below 9.1%, inflation has a positive effect on productivity, but when inflation rates exceed 9.1%, the effect of inflation turns significantly negative. In other words, the ability of financial intermediaries to allocate funds efficiently appears to be weakened only when inflation rates exceed 9.1%. 6.3 Robustness To check the robustness of our results, we consider two alternative measures of the productivity of capital. The first is the growth rate of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) with the elasticity of capital α = 0.3 ( gTFP 0.3 ). The second is the growth rate of the average productivity of capital -39- Table 7. Productivity and Inflation [Equation (13): PROit = β 0 + β1 * INFit + θ ′ X it + eit ] Estimation Methods OLS 2SLS-1 2SLS-2 Inflation -0.001* (-11.29) 0.300** (2.336) -0.202** (-2.187) -0.114 (-1.174) 0.348* (2.756) 0.093* (4.390) 0.913 (1.388) 0.168 684 90 -0.001* (-2.589) 0.270* (3.285) -0.198* (-2.892) -0.152 (-1.415) 0.370* (2.681) 0.153* (4.944) 1.101 (1.622) 0.1382 684 90 -0.001* (-2.670) 0.265* (3.203) -0.197* (-2.869) -0.182*** (-1.667) 0.397* (2.848) 0.162* (5.140) 1.276*** (5.140) 0.1282 684 90 Lag(TFP) Lag(Growth) log initial GDP per capita log initial SEC % change of the TOT constant R Square Adjusted Number of Observations Number of Countries Notes: The dependent variable is the five-year average growth rate of total factor productivity. The Two-Stage-Least-Squares (2SLS-1) estimates, reported in the second column, use the following variables as instruments: the initial values of inflation, the growth rate of TOT, Domestic Credit as a share of GDP in each five-year period; the initial values of the logarithm of secondary school enrollment rate, the logarithm of initial income, Openness, and domestic fixed capital accumulation/GDP in the entire period. In addition, the first lag of the growth rate of real GDP per capita and the first lag of the growth rate of TFP are also included as exogenous variables. The 2SLS-2 estimation, reported in the third column, uses the same sets of instrument variables as those used in 2SLS-1 but excludes the initial value of Domestic Credit/GDP in each five-year period from the instruments set. The t-statistic for each coefficient, given in the parentheses, is computed from Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Standard Errors (HCSE). The asterisks “*”, “**”, “***” indicate statistical significance at 1, 5, 10 percent, respectively. All equations include time dummy variables, but the coefficient estimates for the time dummies are not reported. The number of countries and observations are shown in the last two rows. -40- Table 8. Productivity and Inflation with a Threshold [Equation (14): Pr odit = β0 + β1 ∗ Infit ∗ I ( Infit < Pistar ) + β 2 ∗ Infit ∗ I ( Infit ≥ Pistar ) + θ ′ X it + eit ] Estimation Methods Productivity of Capital Inflation (Inflation<Pistar) 2SLS-1 0.136** (2.387) 2SLS-2 0.140** (2.454) Inflation (Inflation>=Pistar) -0.001** (-2.085) -0.001** (-2.152) Lag(TFP) 0.263* (3.238) -0.218* (-3.197) -0.180*** (-1.691) 0.361* (2.647) 0.148* (4.820) 1.076 (1.604) {1.0, 120.0} 9.1% 10.741 1% [7.4, 9.7] 0.1599 684 90 0.258* (3.157) -0.218* (-3.183) -0.210*** (-1.942) 0.387* (2.811) 0.156* (5.013) 1.245*** (1.831) {1.0, 120.0} 9.1% 11.198 1% [7.3, 9.7] 0.1512 684 90 Lag(Growth) log initial GDP per capita log initial SEC % change of the TOT constant Threshold Searching Range Inflation Threshold Pistar Likelihood Ratio (LR) No Threshold against one Threshold 5% Confidence Interval R Square Adjusted Number of Observations Number of Countries Notes: The dependent variable is the five-year average growth rate of the total factor productivity. The Two-StageLeast-Squares (2SLS-1) estimates and 2SLS-2 estimates reported in the first and the second column are defined the same way as they are in Table 8. The t-statistic for each coefficient, given in the parentheses, is computed from Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Standard Errors (HCSE). The asterisks “*”, “**”, “***” indicate statistical significance at 1, 5, 10 percent, respectively. All equations include time dummy variables, but the coefficient estimates for the time dummies are not reported. The number of countries and observations are shown in the last two * rows. The inflation threshold Pistar is the threshold estimate, which achieve the minimum value of ESSs in the threshold search range. -41- ( g Avgprod ), which is measured by the difference between the growth rate of real GDP and the growth rate of physical capital stock, that is, gY − g K . In our panel dataset, the three commonly used measures of the productivity of capital are highly correlated. The correlation with gTFP 0.4 is 0.994 for gTFP 0.3 and 0.814 for g Avgprod . We employ the same methodology as we described in Section 6.1 to estimate the relationship between inflation and productivity, with gTFP 0.3 and g Avgprod alternatively serving as measures of the productivity of capital. While the results (not reported for brevity) are slightly weaker when we use g Avgprod as the measure of productivity, the inflation effect has a similar pattern for all three measures of productivity. 7. Conclusions and Policy Implications 7.1 Conclusions Recent literature has shown the finance-growth relationship to be strong, positive, significant and robust. However, there is little consensus regarding the effect of inflation on the finance-growth relationship, because this relationship appears to be nonlinear. In this paper, we use a modified rolling regression technique along with an endogenous threshold model to investigate the interaction among inflation, finance, and economic growth. Using a rolling regression technique and an endogenous growth model, our study suggests that the strength of the finance-growth relationship, which is commonly assumed to be constant, varies with the inflation rate. In particular, an inflation threshold exists in the finance-growth relationship. The positive link between finance and growth decreases substantially as inflation -42- rises above a threshold level. This threshold is estimated to lie in the tight range of 14.1-16.0% depending on the measure of financial depth employed. This paper further analyzes the inflation transmission mechanism through the financial system and, in turn, on economic growth. In particular, we examine the impact of inflation on the ability of financial intermediaries to facilitate the accumulation of capital (the “capital accumulation channel”) as well as their ability to allocate funds efficiently (the “productivity channel”). Our study implies that during high-inflation periods, while the ability of financial intermediaries to accumulate capital may not be affected, there does appear to be harmful effects on the productivity of capital investments, which may arise from impairing financial institutions’ ability to allocate funds and monitor projects effectively. In other words, the cost of inflation appears to derive from a reduction in the productivity of capital accumulated through the financial system. Finally, we explicitly examined the hypothesis that the productivity of capital decreases in a high-inflation environment. Using three different productivity measures, we found a robust, significant, and negative effect of inflation on the productivity of capital. In addition, a threshold is estimated to exist at a 9.1% rate of inflation in the relationship between the productivity of capital and the inflation rate. The adverse and nonlinear effect of inflation on the productivity of capital provides an explanation for our finding that the finance-growth relationship is impaired during high inflation. When the inflation rate increases above 9.1%, inflation may inhibit the ability of the financial sector to allocate funds efficiently and, thus, results in finance having less ability to promote economic growth. -43- 7.2 Policy Implications The existing literature finds a positive relationship between finance and growth and commonly assumes a constant relationship between these two variables, whereas this paper finds that the finance-growth nexus varies with the inflation rate. A chief finding of the paper is that a reduction in the productivity of capital during high inflation appears to be the main route by which inflation weakens the finance-growth relationship. Furthermore, our study provides a possible explanation for the nonlinear relationship between inflation and economic growth. As discussed by Khan and Senhaji (2001) and Li (2005), while the relationship between inflation and growth is not significant and may even be positive at low inflation rates, inflation has a significantly negative effect on growth when inflation is sufficiently high. The nonlinear relationship between inflation and growth could stem from a nonlinear effect of inflation on the finance-growth nexus. For example, during high inflation, information about investment projects and returns, which is used by intermediaries in allocating funds, may become less accurate. As a result, the productivity of capital accumulated through the financial system may decrease. High inflation may also depress the efficiency of financial intermediation by eroding money assets. Consequently, in high-inflation environments, inflation may adversely affect economic growth. In contrast, during low to moderate inflation, financial intermediaries may be better able to promote economic growth due to their improved ability to analyze information, monitor projects, and allocate funds efficiently. The key policy implications of this paper are as follows. First, policymakers should recognize that there may be no reason to keep the inflation rate at a very low level since singledigit inflation (below the threshold level of 14-16%) may not affect the ability of financial intermediaries to stimulate economic performance and may even have a positive effect on the -44- productivity of capital (below the threshold level 9.1%). 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Egypt, Arab Republic of Gambia, The Ghana Kenya Lesotho Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mozambique Niger Rwanda Senegal Sierra Leone South Africa Sudan Swaziland Togo Tunisia Uganda Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe Asia Bangladesh China India Indonesia Malaysia Pakistan Barbados Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Jamaica Caribbean Barbados Jamaica Europe Hungary Malta Poland Turkey Latin America Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Trinidad and Tobago Uruguay Venezuela Middle East Cyprus Iran, Islamic Republic of Jordan Kuwait Syrian Arab Republic United Arab Emirates Oceania Fiji Papua New Guinea -49- Developed Countries Australia Canada Denmark Hong Kong Iceland Israel Japan Korea, Republic of New Zealand Norway Portugal Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland United States -50- APPENDIX 2: Updating the Nehru and Dareshwar (1993) Data Base The data base constructed by Nehru and Dareshwar (1993) for the period 1950-1990 was updated until 2005 for the 90 countries considered in this paper. We used information from the World Bank’s “World Development Indicators Data Set” (WDI) and the International Monetary Fund’s “International Financial Statistics” (IFS). A brief description of the procedures used in this updating is described in this appendix. (1) Capital Stocks This series was calculated by using the perpetual inventory method, which is based on the following accumulation equation: t −1 K t = (1 − d )t K 0 + ∑ (1 − d )i I t −i , (A1) i =0 where K t is the capital stock at time t (in 1987 prices), K 0 is the initial capital stock (in period 0), I t −i is the Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Accumulation in period t − i , and d is the depreciation rate. Nehru and Dareshwar (1993) estimated K 0 by a modification of a technique proposed by Harberger (1978). The procedure is based on the assumption that in steady state, the rate of growth of output (g) is equal to the rate of growth of capital stock. The depreciation rate is assumed to be 4 percent, and g is derived from the series of real GDP at market prices. Equation (A1) is then applied to calculate the rest of the values of K t . To continue this procedure for the post-1990 values, we used data on Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Accumulation from IFS. (2) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) While comparing the IFS data for this series with the data from Nehru and Dareshwar (1993), we found considerable discrepancies in the levels but not in growth rates of the series. Thus, we -51- performed the updating by multiplying the 1990 levels from the original source by the subsequent years’ rates of growth, as derived from the IFS data base. (3) Labor Force Nehru and Dareshwar (1993) use the population aged 15-64 years as a proxy for the labor force. Their data covers the period from 1960 to 1990. We updated this series with WDI data for the period 1991-2005. APPENDIX 3: Reset Test for Equation (10) and Equation (13) 1. Reset Test Results of the Equation 10 (Growth-Investment Specification) Regression: ols Growth Inv Pi Lincome LSSERT GOV TOTC T2-T9 / coef=b RAMSEY RESET SPECIFICATION TESTS USING POWERS OF YHAT RESET(2)= 0.20929 - F WITH DF1= 1 AND DF2= 739 P-VALUE= 0.647 RESET(3)= 0.89116 - F WITH DF1= 2 AND DF2= 738 P-VALUE= 0.411 RESET(4)= 1.4268 - F WITH DF1= 3 AND DF2= 737 P-VALUE= 0.234 DEBENEDICTIS-GILES FRESET SPECIFICATION TESTS USING FRESET(1)= 1.6817 - F WITH DF1= 2 AND DF2= FRESET(2)= 0.94413 - F WITH DF1= 4 AND DF2= FRESET(3)= 0.84626 - F WITH DF1= 6 AND DF2= FRESETL 738 P-VALUE= 0.187 736 P-VALUE= 0.438 734 P-VALUE= 0.534 DEBENEDICTIS-GILES FRESET SPECIFICATION TESTS USING FRESET(1)= 0.32014 - F WITH DF1= 2 AND DF2= FRESET(2)= 0.74185 - F WITH DF1= 4 AND DF2= FRESET(3)= 0.56801 - F WITH DF1= 6 AND DF2= FRESETS 738 P-VALUE= 0.726 736 P-VALUE= 0.564 734 P-VALUE= 0.756 2. Reset Test Results of the Equation 13 (TFP-Inflation Specification) Regression: ols TFP Pi LTFP Lgrowth Lssert Lincome TOT / het RAMSEY RESET RESET(2)= RESET(3)= RESET(4)= SPECIFICATION 0.68326 0.54768 0.43230 - TESTS USING POWERS OF YHAT F WITH DF1= 1 AND DF2= 676 P-VALUE= 0.409 F WITH DF1= 2 AND DF2= 675 P-VALUE= 0.579 F WITH DF1= 3 AND DF2= 674 P-VALUE= 0.730 DEBENEDICTIS-GILES FRESET SPECIFICATION TESTS USING FRESET(1)= 1.0258 - F WITH DF1= 2 AND DF2= FRESET(2)= 2.5652 - F WITH DF1= 4 AND DF2= FRESET(3)= 3.7221 - F WITH DF1= 6 AND DF2= FRESETL 675 P-VALUE= 0.359 673 P-VALUE= 0.038 671 P-VALUE= 0.001 DEBENEDICTIS-GILES FRESET SPECIFICATION TESTS USING FRESET(1)= 0.22574 - F WITH DF1= 2 AND DF2= FRESET(2)= 0.47336 - F WITH DF1= 4 AND DF2= FRESET(3)= 0.43461 - F WITH DF1= 6 AND DF2= FRESETS 675 P-VALUE= 0.798 673 P-VALUE= 0.755 671 P-VALUE= 0.856 -52-