FAMILY BACKGROUND, PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT, AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN CANADIAN SCHOOLS James McIntosh Economics Department Concordia University 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W. Montreal Quebec, H3G 1M8, Canada and Danish National Institute of Social Research Herluf Trolles Gade 11 DK-1052 Copenhagen K, Denmark January 18, 2008 ABSTRACT This study analyzes school grade performance in 2002 of a representative sample of Canadian students aged 5 to 18. Family background variables, parental characteristics and attributes as well as how parents view the importance of education and what they actually do in terms of helping and guiding their children are all important factors in the child’s success in the primary and secondary school system. The most important contributing factors were how important the parent thought grade performance and getting further education were as objectives for their children. These two variables were more important than parental educational qualifications or whether the child came from a low income or dysfunctional home. These are optimistic findings. Children from disadvantaged families are not condemned to be at the bottom of the grade distribution. In fact, children with poorly educated fathers can actually do better than average if their parents have positive attitudes on the importance of school grades and further education. Girls differ from boys in that they are less responsive to family attitude variables and the their grades while higher than those for boys are more dependent on unobservables. ∗ E-mail Address: Telephone: 514 848 2424 3910 Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: I20 J62 Keywords: School grades, test scores, beta probability model, parental involvement, Canada. 1 1 Introduction An individual’s success in post-secondary education and consequently in the labour market is determined primarily on how well he or she does in primary and secondary school. It is, therefor, very important to have a clear understanding of what determines school performance. In particular, it is important to identify the factors which can be influenced by educational or social policy. Although there has been some research on the determinants of child and adolescent school performance it far from complete and there are many unresolved issues. In fact, in Canada, there is very little research on this topic. Two issues are considered in detail here. The first concerns the typology of causal effects. Many studies which attempt to explain school grades do not classify causes by type. This is done here by dividing causal factors into parent characteristics on one hand and parent attitudes and actions on the other and assessing their relative contributions to the explanation of grade performance. This distinction is important. While it is difficult to alter parental characteristics like educational attainments parental attitudes and what they actually do for their children in terms of helping them can change or be changed. The second issue involves gender. Girls do better than boys at school. This is a universal phenomenon and why it occurs is subject to much speculation as to whether its causes are cultural, biological or economic or a combination of all three. But, the precise role that family background plays is not clear and that issue will be examined carefully here. The main results obtained in this research project using a representative sample of Canadian students aged 5 to 18 indicate that it is what parents do for and with their children together with their attitudes about the importance of doing well in school and getting further education rather than their characteristics like educational qualifications that account for most of the explained variation in school grades. Attitudes and practices are amenable to change so this provides scope for schools to get better performance out of their students by getting parents to promote the importance of doing well at school and giving their children more support in their studies. Children who come from low income households, having divorced or separated parents or parents who are on welfare will actually do slightly better than average if they come from homes which have positive attitudes and strongly support their children. Boys and girls respond differently to their parents attitudes on the importance of doing well in school and getting further schooling. Girls have higher predicted mean grades, are less influenced by their family environments, and have a smaller proportion of problem respondents in a typology which emerges when mixture distributions are used to deal with unobservable heterogeneity. The paper is organized in the following way. The next section contains a review of the literature on academic performance. Section 3 develops a theoretical model which is tested on a data set described in section 4. Section 5 outlines the statistical procedures 2 used in the analysis. The results are outlined in section 6. Section 7 ends the paper with a summary and discussion of these results. 2 A Brief Review of the Literature There is a very large literature which deals with the determination of educational attainments. Social scientists have also been interested in academic performance. The two are related, of course, because how well the individual does in primary and secondary school largely determines the individual’s final post-secondary educational destination. In fact, from a theoretical point of view attainments and performance are outcomes of the same household process in which parents try to influence the activities which relate to their children’s schooling performance, make investments of time and money in their children, serve as their role models, and set objectives and priorities for them to follow. The early theoretical contribution of Becker and Tomes (1979) provides a partial representation of this process by focusing on the role of parental investments by the current generation in the determination of the success of the next generation. The intergenerational transfers in this model arise from altruistic parental objectives which are captured by including the incomes or utility of their offspring in their own utility function. While this type of model, or recent generalizations of it by Han and Mulligan (2001) for example, provide some insight into why there can be some correlation between the incomes of parents and their children, two important features of the household which determine how these transfers occur are missing. First, What children actually contribute to their own success plays no role in these models. This is a serious limitation since how hard children work at school or how willing they are to learn new material are crucial in determining how well they do or how far they go in the educational system. Their attitudes and motivation are crucial here. Once child inputs are considered there are the associated problems of intergenerational differences of opinion on what is required; parents want more effort and the children want to do less. Weinberg (2001) makes some progress in dealing with these issues by modeling the relations between parents and their children as an agency problem. The idea here is that parents act as principals and provide incentives to their children, their agents, to act in ways which are in their own long term interests as well as being coincident with their parents altruistic objectives. Unfortunately, this theoretical perspective has had little or no influence on the empirical research which examines academic performance. The research here divides into two quite distinct sub-areas: the analysis of test score performance and actual school grades. The notion that there are intertemporal objectives to be pursued or the possibility that 3 there may be intergenerational conflicts within the family are ignored in both branches of this literature. There may be some distinctions between test scores and grades but these appear to be small. Test score responses are a one-off event and may reflect short term fluctuations in individual performance. There may also be incentive problems present; students at young ages may not appreciate the importance of doing well on an intelligence test whereas they may be more inclined to take their school work seriously, especially in households where parents put a high value on this. If there are other major distinctions these are not obvious so the theoretical insights that the researchers who analyze test scores have found should also be applicable to the analysis of school grades.1 While complete capital theoretic models of family decision making have not been employed by researchers in this area some results on how academic performance is produced are available. Todd and Wolpin (2003, 2004) examine test scores in a production framework first suggested by Ben Porath (1967), although what they say applies equally to school grades. The timing of inputs plays a crucial role in their model because they recognize that in addition to unobservable innate ability achievements are determined by a capital accumulation process which involves the whole history of investments that parents and schools make in the child. They also note that the estimation of such models is particularly difficult even when there is more than one age at which achievement information was obtained. When there is achievement data available at different ages but no information on parental investments prior to the last achievement, geometric distributed lag models can be used to estimate the effects of the unobserved contributions which are captured by the inclusion of the lagged achievement variable. These are referred to in the literature as ‘value added models’. However, this procedure is less satisfactory than it first appears because of the moving average error that is induced by replacing the lagged parental inputs with the lagged value of the achievement and the untreated correlation between it and the unobservable ability variable. Using the US National Longitudinal Survey of Youth data they actually reject these models in favour of models based on the observed lagged values of parental inputs and which control for unobservable child effects so this criticism has empirical support as well. Attention now turns to a review of the research that has been carried out on achievements. There are a large number of studies which examine test score behaviour. A summary of the results here can be found in McIntosh and Munk (2006) and interested readers may refer to that paper. School grades are, for the most part, analyzed by sociologists and educational psychologists, although economists have taken some interest in the subject. This is surprising given economists interest in test score analysis and 1 One of the Canadian studies reviewed below, Connolly et al (1998), analyzes both and gets similar results. 4 the importance of early scholastic performance as an indicator of later educational and labour market success. There are a large number of papers that analyze school grades, many of which were written some time ago. Consequently, my review will focus on papers that are representative of the literature rather than being comprehensive. I start with the Canadian literature. Two papers, Connolly et al (1998) and Adams and Ryan (2000), use the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth which interviewed 5186 children aged 6-9 in 1994 and reinterviewed them again in 1996 providing two complete information cycles. Both papers report significant effects of family background variables, parent support, teacher support, and the child’s attitude towards school using an achievement score based on teacher ratings of the child’s class room performance. Adams and Ryan using recursive path analysis examine the role of family dysfunction, ineffective parenting, and the child’s academic focus on achievement as mediating variables. Unfortunately, neither paper exploits the panel aspects of the survey. Value added models could be estimated here in a random or fixed effects framework which deals with the endogeneity of the lagged achievement variable and the application of a systems estimator like GMM would probably lessen the damage caused by the moving average error present in distributed lag models. Missing variables reduce the sample size by more than two thirds in each paper so there may be serious selection problems. Neither paper offers any explanation as to why this happens. Turning now to some results based on American data, two papers that use the same type of qualitative grade score outcome that is used in this research are discussed first. In these two papers, Fehrmann et al (2001) and Tavani and Losh (2003), grades are characterized by an integer outcome variable reflecting an ordered set of categories which have both interval and letter grade representations. The highest grade is A/A+ and corresponds to numerical grades between 90 and 100. There are seven other categories the lowest being D for grades below 60 but the intermediate grades differ by five percentage points so that the intervals are not the same for every grade. The first study uses data from the US High School and Beyond Longitudinal Survey. The sample consists of 28051 students who were in their last year of high school in 1980. In addition to the outcome variable there is information on ethnicity, gender, ability as measured by test scores, the socio-economic background of the parents, parental involvement, homework and time spent watching TV. Their results are obtained by running an ordinary least squares regression of their integer valued outcome variable on the regressors mentioned above. They find that ability is the most important variable in explaining grades but parental involvement as well as homework, socio-economic background, gender, and ethnicity also contribute. The second paper uses a somewhat smaller survey (4012) of first year university stu5 dents sampled in 1995 whose grades employ this outcome measure and finds that variables like motivation and expectations in addition to parental educational attainments. It is not at all surprising that highly motivated students do well at school. Expectations are probably based on the student’s opinion of how well he or she can do or how much effort is planned so both of these so this should also be a good indicator. However, the real value of the study is that it shows that parental attainments have a significant effect on a population which has much higher than average ability having been admitted to university. Family background is, therefor, something that never disappears from the list of performance determinants. Like the previous study, however, the explanatory variables are all integer scales so the previous caveat applies. Another outcome measure is the Grade Point Average, GPA. An early study, Dornbusch et al (1987), which focuses on the type of parenting style analyzes GPA data from a sample of 7836 San Francisco high school students collected in 1985. For whites they find that in addition to gender (girls do better) age, parental background, and family disruption children from households which are authoritarian or permissive do much worse in school. What parents do and the way they do it seems to explain as much of the variation in grades as who the parents actually are in terms of their characteristics. The authors also report significant differences between the major American ethnic groups, Asians, Blacks and Hispanics. A more recent study, Pong et al (2005), uses a large sample of 17996 adolescents in grades 7 to 12 from the US National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. The data was collected in 1994-1995. Like the Dornbusch et al (1987) study they focus on both immigrant behaviour and parenting styles but these are defined in terms of the degree which parents and their children cooperate in making decisions which relate to school. They find that households in which both parties collaborate in decision making are the most successful. They also find that along with the usual socio-economic and family background variables parents trust in and expectations for their children are important. The last paper in this review, O’Brien and Jones (1999), is an English study. It is included for two reasons. First it gives some balance to the literature review by including some non-American research. Secondly, the data used is very similar to the Canadian data used in this study. The sample is quite small, 620, and was collected from 6 schools in two predominantly working class London boroughs in 1995 and had an average age of 14.33 years. The outcome variable was performance on the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) as represented by a three category achievement responses: higher, intermediate, and lower. In spite of the small size of the sample and the curious use of a logit model which ignores the fact that the responses are ordered the authors find some interesting results some of which are replicated here. They find that the child’s expectations about continuing past GCSE’s are important. This result is difficult to interpret, however, since it is as much an outcome variable as the school grade itself. 6 Being praised often by the mother, living in a home which is owned rather than rented, and not having a boyfriend or girlfriend helped child to do well. Somewhat surprisingly, gender, parent occupations, family structure, and variables which represent parenting style were not significant. To summarize the literature represented by these seven papers, family background variables as well as variables which describe the parents style and degree of involvement in their children’s school activities and the amount of support they provide either in terms of rewarding them or helping them with their school work all matter. The relative contributions of the each type of regressor depended on the individual paper. 3 A Theoretical Model of School Grades School performance depends on a variety of factors. In addition to the obvious observation that it depends on the individual’s innate ability, the amount of time and effort invested by the parents in activities that help the child to develop are also crucial. Of course, the characteristics of the parents also matter because the quality of the investments made in children depend on them. Innate ability also depends on parental characteristics to the extent that it is inherited. Furthermore, it is obvious that the motivation and the time that the child is willing to devote to academic school activities are variables that also need to be considered. The literature on the analysis of test scores suggested that a production function approach might be appropriate. School grades are a measure of performance and thus reflect the characteristics and endowments of the child as well as the variable inputs provided by both the parents and the child. Let y(t) be the aggregate grade score of the child in period t. Then y(t) = f [k(t), ep (t), ec (t), z(t), a] (1) where k(t) is a vector the child’s stocks of human capital at t, ep (t) and ec (t) are vectors of parent and child inputs, respectively, and z(t) is a random shock which is observed by all parties before any t-period decisions are made. a is innate ability and is constant over time and is not affected by years of schooling or any investments that were made in the child. The grade score production technology differs from that considered by Todd and Wolpin (2004) in two respects. It ignores the age specific aspects of parental contributions to the child’s human capital formation process. This is possibly a limitation of the model but it turns out to be a necessary simplification given the data that is available to estimate the model. On the other hand, it explicitly recognizes the role that the child’s own inputs play in determining how well he or she does in school. 7 Decision making within the household is complicated by the fact that the parent’s view on how much time and effort the child should be putting into his or her academic activities does not always coincide with the child’s view. One way of modeling these intergenerational conflicts is to assume that the decision making process within the household has a non-cooperative structure. Added realism is achieved by modelling it as a game where the parents are the first mover and make decisions in Stackleberg fashion taking account of anticipated child responses. This reflects the idea that parents want their children to behave in a certain way. They do this by spending time with them, showing them what to do, giving them encouragement, sometimes imposing sanctions on them, all in the hope that the child will come up with desired response. This process is formalized by the following functional equation which describes the child’s objectives. Vc [k(t), Y (t), ep (t), z(t)] = Max{vc [y(t), ep (t), ec (t), z(t)] + ec (t) Et δVc [k(t + 1), Y (t + 1), ep (t + 1), z(t + 1)]} (2) where Y (t) = {y(s) : s < t} is the individual’s grade score history prior to t, δ is the discount factor, and Et is the conditional expectation operator. vc is a concave per-period von-Neuman utility indicator. It depends positively on the grade score, on the parent inputs, on the shock, but negatively on the child’s own inputs since these are provided at the expense of the child’s leisure activities. The model can be completed by specifying the parent’s objectives as well as the equations which describe the evolution of the child’s human capital stocks. However, it is unnecessary to do this since all formal models in which the child responds to the parental input variables will have the property that ec (t) = ec [k(t), Y (t), ep (t), z(t)] (3) This means that a reduced form of equation (1) can be estimated without having any information on the child’s own inputs in the production process. The parents also have to solve an intertemporal optimization problem and it is assumed that this involves a criterion function in which the welfare of the child is represented. This means that the child’s stocks of human capital will reflect these decisions and since they were made by the parents they will reflect the parent’s characteristics as well as depending on variables which the parents observed at the time the decisions were made. Not all of these are available to the researcher but parental characteristics are readily available in many surveys and they can be used to capture effects that would normally be attributed to the child’s stocks of human capital. Finally, the input vector of parental investments, ep (t), can be taken to be exogenous since this what the child responds to when deciding what level of effort is to be provided. This model is quite different from the principal-agent model proposed by Weinberg (2001). Mechanism design problems, of which agency is a special case, arise because 8 one party does not have the same information as the other and can not observe the actions of the other. While it is common for parents not to always know what their children are doing and even if they did and there were no information asymmetries there would still be incentive problems in getting children to carry out what was wanted of them. Mechanism design models usually require a participation or individual rationality constraint. This does not make much sense in the present context, a point which Weinberg himself recognized. His alternative to the participation constraint was to include both the child’s utility and the value of the child’s action in the parents utility function. His model also has a parental budget constraint. He shows that this does not bind at high levels of parental income so that high income parents will not be able to control their children. There is not enough structure in the model developed here to get any theoretical results on this issue. However, the effects of parental income on performance can be examined and the question of whether income effects decline as parental income increases will be discussed in section 5. 4 The Data The data comes from the 2002 Statistics Canada Survey of Approaches to Educational Planning, (SAEP).2 The dependent variable is the answer to the survey question ‘Based on your knowledge of your child’s school work and report cards how did he/she do overall in school?’ The parent answering the questionnaire could select the following six answers: 90%100% (mainly A+ ), 80%-89% (mainly A/A−) , ........., Below 50% ( mainly E, F, or R). The distributions of the answers to these responses for both genders are shown in the first six rows of Table 1A. The rest of this table and Table 1B contain summary statistics for variables which describe the characteristics of the household in which the child resided at the time of the interview. Most of these relate to the child’s parents and are dummy variables which take the value one if the condition of the category is satisfied. Most of the variables mean what they appear to mean. The dummy variables in Table 1B convey parental attitudes or the frequencies of certain practices involving the management their child’s school activities. The sample is representative of the country as a whole. The were 10788 randomly dialled telephone interviews. 2524 had children under the age of five and hence, reported no school performance for their child. There were 966 missing child grades for the age group 2 See Shipley et al (2003) for addional information about the survey. 9 5-8 so that almost all of the missing observations are for young children. It, therefore, seems reasonable to treat the reduction in the sample size as being caused by exogenous factors which means that the there will be no selection biases in the parameter estimates. The final sample size is 6793 with 3422 boys and 3371 girls. Statistics Canada weights are used in the computation of the sample means to make the sample representative of the country as a whole as well as in the estimation procedure. 5 Statistical Model The grade score data is qualitative and is the parents response to the survey question ‘overall, how did your child do in school?’ Starting with the highest category, the possible answers are the intervals [0.90,1.00], [0.80,0.89], etc. Since this is the data that is collected it is desirable to use a statistical procedure which uses the data exactly as it was obtained from the respondents. Three different statistical models were used to analyze the grade data. Two ordered probability models with known threshold points, one using the Beta distribution and the other using the doubly truncated normal distribution, were used to analyze the interval data . A doubly truncated normal regression model was also used to analyze grades when they were represented by the mid-point of the interval. All three methods yielded very similar results but the regression model appeared to provide the best fit for the data and suffered from fewer computational problems in spite of the fact that the procedure used grades which are measured with error. Because of the similarity of the results for all three procedures only those for the regression model are reported. These appear in Table 2 for each gender. By a regression model it is meant that the grade, yi , for respondent i has a doubly truncated normal distribution3 f (yi , µi , σ) = 1 φ((yi σ − µi )/σ)) yi ∈ [0, 1] [Φ((1 − µi )/σ)) − Φ((−µi )/σ))] (4) where µi = Xi β and φ() and Φ() are the normal density and cumulative distribution functions, respectively. Xi is the vector of covariates whose weighted means are displayed in Tables 1A and 1B. 3 See Johnson and Kotz (1970: Ch. 13) for details. 10 For this distribution the expected grade for respondent i is E(yi ) = µi + σ [φ((−µi )/σ)) − φ((1 − µi )/σ))] [Φ((1 − µi )/σ)) − Φ((−µi )/σ))] (5) The estimates of the (β, σ) parameters are obtained by maximizing a likelihood function which depends on a finite number of mixtures of these truncated normal density functions. These are displayed in Table 2 for each gender. In order to save space some of the attitude and activity estimates are represented by the average of the estimated dummy coefficients. The number in round brackets to the right of the variable name gives the number parameters in the average.4 6 Empirical Results For the models the values of McFadden’s Psuedo R2 reported in Table 4 are 0.221 and 0.158 for the boys and girls, respectively and while not particularly large they are acceptable for the cross section models that are estimated here. Many of the variables are significant with the parental attitude to grades and further schooling being the most important. Positive parental attitudes to good grades and the importance of further education, having a parent with a university degree, and having been tutored had a positive effect on grades. On the other hand, having a Canadian parent, having homework supervised, or the number of times the a parent contacted the respondent’s school all had a negative impact on the respondent’s grade. Grades also decline with age for both genders. These negative results may appear counterintuitive but there are plausible explanations for them. Canada has very stringent entry requirements which ensures that immigrants to Canada are of the highest quality. Immigrants are also likely, being immigrants, to be very ambitious for their children so it is not surprising that this has a positive effect on grade performance. Given the recent difficulties that many European countries have experienced with their immigrants it is reassuring that immigrants to Canada pass through our educational system without any observable difficulties. Helping with home work and visiting the respondent’s school is probably an indicator that the respondent is having school difficulties so the negative signs are quite reasonable. 4 For example, there are three dummies for the parent’s attitude towards more education for boys. The question here is ‘How important is it that your child gets more education past high school?’ The three dummies represent the answers: somewhat important, important, and very important, with the residual category being not important al all. The three estimated coefficients are 0.083* (0.041), 0.126** (0.040), and 0.152** (0.040) and the average is 0.120** (0.040) as indicated in Table 2. 11 The effects of having parents who have separated or divorced or coming from a household which is on welfare are relatively small. The impact of household income is also small and not significant. Thus it would appear that children from disrupted or low-income households will not automatically do poorly in school because of that. Unobservable effects were treated by estimating mixtures of the distributions described in equation (4). The models estimated here follow a procedure developed by Heckman and Singer (1984) and use the distribution g(yi , µi , σ A , σ B ) = pA f (yi , µi , σ A ) + pB f (yi , µi , σ B ) (6) where pA + pB = 1 are the mixing probabilities. Initially, µi = Xi β was allowed to have type specific intercept terms, β 0A and β 0B , however, this turned out to be unnecessary because the variance terms, (σ A , σ B ), pick up the differences in E(yi ) across the two types. Only two mixtures were used since models involving more that two mixtures would never converge. The estimates of the probabilities and variance terms are shown in Table 4. The standard errors are computed from the inverse of the weighted information matrix. Robust standard errors were also computed but they were almost identical to the standard errors in Table 2 so the measurement errors induced by the use of the interval midpoint appear to have no impact on the results. How these parameters should be interpreted will be discussed in the next section. 7 Discussion and Conclusions Like most of the studies referred to in the literature review, the grade performance of a random sample of Canadian secondary school students was shown to depend on a set of variables which reflected the environment of the child when the performance was measured. There are three types of variable. First there are baseline variables: age, language whether the parents were Canadian, and geographical location. Secondly there are parental characteristics like the father’s and mother’s level of educational attainment and variables which characterize the economic and social circumstances of the child’s environment like whether the child’s parents were welfare recipients, or were separated or divorced. Income for the household was also available and is a measure of both parental characteristics involving their occupations and employment records as well as the level of material advantage for the child. In Table 3 these will be referred to as Group I variables. Finally, there are variables which reveal parental attitudes and the type of involvement in activities designed to help their child do better at school. These will be referred to as Group II variables. 12 Group I and II variables are different from each other in a number of important respects. First, Group I variables describe who the parents are in terms of their defining social and economic characteristics. At the time their children are attending school most parents will have completed their formal educations and embarked on a work career. As a result short run education policies will have virtually no effect on variables in this category. Some of what children get from their parents is genetically determined and it is Group I variables, especially the educational attainments of the father and mother, that are most likely to capture the genetic relations between the two generations. With the exception of the two parental attitude to education variables, Group II variables describe what parents actually do for their children in terms of specific support activities to help the child do better at school or those which provide emotional support or reward successful outcomes as well as their attitudes. Unlike Group I variables, these attitudes and practices could be changed in the short run in response to programmes which made parents more aware of the importance of education or getting more involved with their child’s schooling. The computations in Table 3 are designed to determine the relative importance of these two groups of variables. The first row in Table 3 gives the value of the ln-likelihood of a model using the baseline variables mentioned above. Since Group I and Group II variables are likely to be correlated with Group II being dependent on Group I variables, Group I variables are the first variables to be added to the baseline variables. The values of the ln-likelihood function in the second and third rows of the table show the effects of adding first the Group I variables and then both the Group I and Group II variables, respectively. The effects of unobservable heterogeneity that arise from mixing are shown in the fourth row. As the percentage increases in the third and fourth columns of the table indicate that for boys it is the Group II variables that are doing most of the work. Only 24.0% of the increase in the ln-likelihood function from its baseline value is due to the Group I variables so the activities and attitudes of the parents are much more important in explaining the grade performance of their children than the variables that describe their attributes and account for 60.7% of the explained increase in the ln-likelihood function. Unobservables explain the remaining 15.3%. For girls the results are quite different. Group I variables account for 29.8% of the explained increase in the ln-likelihood function. Group II variables explain only 21.2% and the other half of the increase is due to mixing. A number of consequences follow from this result. First, since Group I variables do not contribute very much to the explanation, it suggests that inherited genetic factors are not particularly important in determining how well children do in school. While the parent’s educational qualifications are an indication of their intellectual ability, having 13 well educated parents can be advantageous for a large number of reasons which are not related to the parents genetic makeup. Since parents can also serve as good role models or promote behaviour like being conscientious, ambitious, and methodical; all of which are likely to contribute to making the child more successful at school, only part of the variation explained by the parent’s characteristics could be due to inherited genetic endowments. However, the small role for genetics conflicts with the results of Plug and Vijverberg (2003: 633) who found much larger genetic effects.5 Secondly, the fact that the most important factors contributing to grade success appear to be associated with what parents do for and with their children suggests that education policy should also focus on the parents as well as the children. Educating parents may turn out to be an effective way to get better results from the children in contrast to some of the more traditional policies that have been suggested to get better results by improving teacher quality or reducing class sizes. It is clear from the large and significant coefficients associated with the parent attitude to education variables that getting parents to be more aware of the advantages of doing well in school and the benefits that this brings to their children could be an effective policy for raising average grades. For example, the model for boys shows that a change in attitudes to the importance of school grades from not important to very important would raises school grades by 12.2 percentage points for boys!6 There are no independent measures of the respondent’s ability like an assessment by the teacher or a test score in the SAEP data. School grades obviously depend on ability so there is an estimation problem if nothing is done to counter the effects of leaving out a variable which is likely to be correlated with some of the covariates. Heckman and Singer (1984) devised a procedure which dealt with an unobservable variable like ability by assuming that there were a finite number of ability types. The probability distribution of each type had a mean function which could depend on a set of common covariates but with a type specific intercept term. These intercept terms represented the different levels of ability for the types and can be estimated along with the type probabilities using a finite mixture distribution. When there are only two mixtures, equations like (6) describe the distribution. It should be noted that in this framework what is meant by ability here is not something which depends on any attribute of the parent like a genetic endowment, for example. If respondents get any genetic benefit from their parents this is captured by 5 Instead of parental educational attainments they used parental IQ tests to measure the child’s inherited ability and claimed that “about 55-60 percent of parental IQ relevant for schooling is genetically transmitted”. That may account for the differences between the two outcomes although one should be cautious about accepting results involving adoptees. 6 The mean grade for boys whose father does not think that education is important at all is 68.8% whereas it is 81.0% for boys whose father thinks that education is very important. 14 the coefficients associated with the parental characteristics and these do not vary across type. This could be seen as a limitation of the model employed here but an attempt to estimate a latent class model7 where slope coefficients are also allowed to vary across types so that unobserved ability can depend on parental characteristics as in McIntosh and Munk (2007) failed to converge even for two mixtures. Thus the models used here appear to be as general as possible given the data. Unlike the Heckman-Singer procedure there are potentially two parameters (β 0j , σ j ) which could be used to represent type j instead of just one. As mentioned in section 4 the differences in the intercept terms across the two types were negligible which raises the question as to how the variances should be interpreted. It is clear from equation (5) that the larger the value of σ j the bigger the difference between E(yi |σ = σ j ) and µi . For type A boys Table 4 reveals that σ A = 0.253. For this type the difference, µi − E(yi |σ = σ A ), is 0.088. Truncation is important here and Pr{yi ≥ µi |σ = σ A } is significantly less than 0.5 However, for type B µi − E(yi |σ = σ B ) = 0.004 and truncation plays almost no role at all in determining E(yi |σ = σ B ). So the variance parameters take over from the intercept terms in characterizing type specific ability with the higher variance being associated with the lower ability type. One of the more interesting features of the data is very large difference in the grade performance between the two genders. The simple fact is that the girls are much better at school than the boys. The data in Table 1 shows that while 17.0% of the girls are in the top grade category only 12.6% of the boys are. For the next highest category there is still a difference but it is not as great. Similar gender differentials have been found using reading achievement test data from the Canadian component the Programme for International Student Assessment tests (PISA) for the year 2000. See HRSDC (2004: 9). The experience of many other countries is similar so this result is neither new nor surprising. What is surprising is the absence of explanations of this phenomenon. Unfortunately, the results based on the SAEP survey data used in this study are more informative about what does not explain these gender differences than what does. The first point to note that is that the major component of each mean is the intercept term which makes up 68.2% and 81.7% of the means for boys and girls, respectively. Secondly, with the exception of the variable which represents parents attitudes to school grades, there are no significant differences in the parameter estimates associated with attitude, activity or family background variables. Girls are less responsive to the school grade variable than boys but the difference, although significant, is small. The biggest difference is in the intercept terms, 0.130** (0.059), which suggests that the reason why girls do better than boys is minimally related to the way that they respond to their family backgrounds but 7 Deb and Trivedi (1997) describe latent class models for count data. 15 depends on factors located outside the home. The typologies are different as well. A much higher proportion of boys 0.083 are low achievers, type A, than the proportion, 0.022, for girls. The failure of boys to keep up with the girls in terms of school performance is symptomatic of a broader set of problems that are related to the age at which boys mature and the way boys learn to deal with the changes that have occurred in child and adolescent society. Many of these are discussed in Sax (2007). One of the predictions of the Weinberg (2001) model was that high income households would not be able to influence their children’s school performance. Although the model here is not informative on this point the question is, nonetheless, interesting. The mean function is significantly concave in household income. As an alternative to using the natural logarithm of household income a quadratic version was also estimated. Neither of the terms were significant and the natural logarithm formulation fitted the data slightly better so it was the preferred formulation. But this was not significant so there is no support for the Weinberg hypothesis. Blau (1999) also found, using NLSY data, that the effect of income was extremely small so that household income does not determine the amount of leverage that parents have over their children. The survey does not contain any information on the quality of the school as perceived by the parent. This is unfortunate. However, parent characteristics like educational attainment are likely to be correlated with the quality of the school which the respondent attends since it is uncommon for well educated or affluent parents to live in neighbourhoods with poor schools or send their children to low quality schools. Consequently, there are some variables in the survey which capture school quality effects. As is the case in many countries Canadian grade performance of young children and adolescents depends significantly on the environment where they resided. Family background variables, parental characteristics and attributes as well as how parents view the importance of education and what they actually do in terms of helping and guiding their children are all important factors in the child’s success in the primary and secondary school system. Unlike most of the research done on the school performance of children this study focused on the relative importance of various types of contributing factors. The main result was that the most important contributing factors were the degree to which parents supported their children as well as their outlook in terms of how important they thought grade performance and getting further education were as objectives for their children. These variables were more important than parental educational qualifications or whether the child came from a low income or dysfunctional home.8 8 I am not the first researcher to find results like this. Feinstien and Symons (1999: 308) in their study on English test score write “Of the family inputs, only parental interest has a consistently strong impact. In contrast to what is usually found, social class, family size, and parental education are not 16 These are optimistic findings. Children from disadvantaged families are not condemned to be at the bottom of the grade distribution. In fact, children with poorly educated fathers can actually do better than average if their parents have positive school grade and education attitudes and praise their children when they do well. The good news continues with the result that children from immigrant families, that is with fathers or mothers not born in Canada, do slightly better than average so the integration problems that many European countries have experienced are not present in Canada, at least as far as their participation in the educational system is concerned. Finally, as was noted earlier in this section, educating parents about the benefits of getting good grades or going further in the educational system could lead to significant improvements in average grade performance. But there are limits here since between 65% and 70% of Canadian parents already believe that these objectives are very important. 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Variable Estimate Age Number of Siblings ln(Household Income) Canadian Father Canadian Mother Parents On Welfare Parents Separated or Divorced Boys -0.004** (0.001) 0.006** (0.002) 0.006† (0.003) -0.021** (0.006) -0.008 (0.006) -0.008 (0.008) -0.006 (0.005) Girls -0.004** (0.001) -0.005* (0.002) -0.001 (0.003) -0.009† (0.005) -0.014** (0.005) -0.014† (0.008) -0.009* (0.004) 0.007 (0.005) 0.009 (0.008) 0.017** (0.005) 0.021** (0.007) -0.004 (0.006) 0.011 (0.008) 0.004 (0.005) 0.034** (0.006) -0.006 (0.006) -0.006 (0.008) 0.008 (0.006) 0.040** (0.007) 0.012* (0.006) 0.005 (0.007) † 0.009 (0.005) 0.032** (0.006) 0.063** (0.009) 0.120** (0.040) 0.015** (0.006) 0.017 (0.013) -0.032** (0.006) -0.008 (0.006) 0.042** (0.005) -0.001** (0.000) 0.024** (0.010) 0.094** (0.030) 0.008 (0.006) 0.017 (0.013) -0.025** (0.004) -0.009 (0.006) 0.035** (0.004) -0.001** (0.000) Mother’s Education High school Diploma Some Post-Secondary Education Diploma in Post Secondary Education University Degree Father’s Education High school Diploma Some Post-Secondary Education Diploma in Post Secondary Education University Degree Averages of Parent Attitudes Parent’s Attitude to School grades (3)N Parent’s Attitude to More Education (3) Time Spent with Child (3) How Often Child Praised (4) Homework supervised (3) Help With Homework (4) Child Tutored Number of School Contacts Notes: †, ∗,and ** mean significant at 10%, 5%, and 1%, respectively. N indicates a significant gender difference. 22 TABLE 3 Relative Contributions To The Likelihood function: Characteristics vs. Attitudes and Activities. category boys girls ln(L) % %∆ ln(L) % %∆ Baseline Variables 2733.153 0.0 0.0 3130.476 0.0 0.0 Baseline + Group I 2855.858 24.0 24.0 3257.974 29.8 29.8 Baseline + Group I + Group II 3167.435 84.7 60.7 3345.166 50.0 21.2 3245.732 100.0 15.3 3559.585 100.0 50.0 Baseline + Group I + Group II + Unobservables Psuedo R 2 0.221 0.158 TABLE 4 Predicted means by Gender and Type (Standard error) Quantity Boys y E(y) Xβ Xβ − β 0 βN 0 0.774 0.773 0.784 0.249 0.535** (0.045) Probability Type A Type B E{y|σ = σA } = 0.696 σA = 0.253** (0.024) pA = 0.083** (0.018) E{y|σ = σ B } = 0.780 σB = 0.088** (0.024) pB = 0.917** (0.019) Quantity Girls y E(y) Xβ Xβ − β 0 βN 0 0.805 0.805 0.814 0.150 0.665** (0.038) Probability Type A Type B E{y|σ = σA } = 0.664 σA = 0.329** (0.066) pA = 0.022** (0.003) E{y|σ = σ B } = 0.808 σB = 0.087** (0.001) pB = 0.978** (0.008) 23