ALCT2000 Users Manual (Version 1.0) Martin von der Mey Jay Hauser University of California at Los Angeles July 8, 2000 1 1 Introduction: ALCT2000 and LCT99-mod The ALCT2000 system consists of two boards, the ALCT2000 board (see Figure 1) and the LCT99-mod board (see Figure 2). The master specication documents (very detailed) are located at (for ALCT2000) 2000 spec.PDF, and (for LCT99) The user may nd them helpful in case of detailed questions or if the user makes an unusual choice of conguration (not recommended). This Users Manual defers to those documents in case of any conict. Updates (if any) will be posted at the UCLA-CMS trigger web site, . A good source for DAQ and other conguration information are the various instructional les written by Lisa Gorn that can be found on the web in directory gorn/. The ALCT2000 board is mounted directly at the muon chamber and gets as input, discriminator pulses from the anodes. It processes this information using pattern nding logic and communicates the result to the LCT99-mod board. It also has test pulse and other control features (threshold, delay) used in testing and operating the front end anode (AFEB) boards. The LCT99-mod board serves as an interface module between the ALCT2000 board and the DAQ system. Originally LCT99 boards were used directly for triggering purposes. Since these boards mainly consist of a large programmable chip with many inputs, modifying mostly the software in the programmable chip allowed us to use LCT99-mod to read out ALCT2000 without building a new board. Some slight hardware modications were necessary, for example, to allow external triggering of ALCT2000. In the nal system, the functions of the LCT99-mod board as well as the Trigger Motherboard (TMB) will be included in the CLCT/TMB combination board. 2 Initial Handling, Power Supply The ALCT2000 and LCT99-mod boards are large and moderately fragile, so must be handled with care not to bend them or disturb the special wires. It is imperative to apply only the correct voltages to power the boards. Also, the initial switch and jumper settings on both boards are probably what is desired, so do not change them without good reason. The LCT99-mod board sits in a 9U VME-crate having a J1 backplane but otherwise no J2 or J3 or other backplanes. LCT99-mod is powered from the standard J1 backplane. The ALCT2000 board has a special power connector which attaches to a cable from the on-chamber low-voltage distribution board. It has to be supplied with three dierent voltages: 5.5 V, 4.3 V and -3.3 V. These voltages should be set to within 0.05 V of their correct values. The power supply voltages should be checked rst before any boards are plugged in, and then again later after all boards are plugged in. If there is a large overvoltage situation, fuses on the ALCT2000 board will blow out. These fuses are located on the bottom side of the board (away from the input connectors), which is somewhat inconvenient. There are LEDs to indicate rough power supply status and accessible test points to read the voltage on the board. 2 3 Default Hardware Settings for ALCT2000 The ALCT board has a variety of switches and jumpers which should be set to the appropriate positions, otherwise the board may not function in the correct mode and diagnosis can be very dicult. The locations of rotary switches, DIP on/o switches, and jumpers (shunts) on the board are indicated in Figure 1. SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8 SW9 up up up right right left left left down Table 1: Names and default settings of the shunts on the ALCT2000 board. The settings of these switches will be described in order of their designated switch number. Switches SW1-SW9 are 3-pin shunts. All are connected by 2-pin jumpers. Their settings can be found in Table 1. The settings listed in Table 1 (left, right, up and down) corespond to a view of the board as in Figure 1. Then there is a single hexadecimal (0-F) rotary switch designated as SW10. This switch has the default setting at 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ON ON OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF Table 2: Names and settings of the SW11 On/O DIP switches on the ALCT2000 board. Finally there is a DIP switch designated as SW11 that contains 12 On/O settings. The 12 default On/O settings are listed in Table 2. 3 STAT L1A WIN (Time window for Level 1 Accept signal) STAT HALT (ALCT Halted) STAT PRETRIG (Pretrigger found) STAT INVPAT (Invalid Pattern: pretriggered but no valid pattern found) STAT TMB (Sending a muon trigger to Trigger Motherboard) STAT L1A (Level 1 Accept received) STAT DAQMB (Sending a muon trigger to DAQ Motherboard STAT SEQ BUSY (Sequencer Busy after pretrigger and Level 1 Accept) Table 3: Names of the oscilloscope test points on the ALCT2000 board. For purposes of debugging with an oscilloscope, there are several useful test points on the ALCT2000 board. The most important names for the test signals at the ALCT2000 board can be found in Table 3. 4 Default Hardware Settings for LCT99-mod The LCT99-mod board has a wide range of functionality, and many settings can be set using software as well as hardware. The hardware settings are set using a variety of switches and jumpers. The switches and jumpers should be set to the appropriate positions, otherwise the board may not function in the correct mode and diagnosis can be very dicult. The locations of rotary switches, DIP on/o switches, and jumpers (shunts) on the board are indicated in Figure 2. The LCT99-mod board has 14 rotary hexadecimal (0-F settings) switches on the board. These are named rather than numbered. The names and default settings can be found in Table 4 The LCT99-mod board has 2 DIP switches, labelled as DIP10 and DIP8 in Figure 2. The names and settings for the 8 switches of DIP8 can be found in Table 5. The names and settings for 10 switches of DIP10 can be found in Table 6. The LCT99-mod has 32 shunts, labelled as SH0-SH31. Most of these are 3-pin shunts, congured by 2-pin jumpers. Their names and settings can be found in Table 7. The settings left and right correspond to viewing the board according to the shunt labels written on the board or the shunt labels shown in Figure 2. 5 ALCT2000 Cable Connections The ALCT2000 and LCT99-mod boards are connected by two 8m long \Skewclear" cables with SCSI-type connectors. These high-performance cables are required because the Channel Link chip set used for data transmission sends and receives signals at seven times the input 40 MHz frequency, i.e. 280 MHz. Ordinary twisted-pair or twisted-at cables give frequent data errors at these frequencies. 4 CSC ID Board ID FIFO mode FIFO time bins FIFO Pretrig Tbins BXN Oset Drift Delay L1A Window L1A Delay MSB L1A Delay LSB L1A Count Oset Pattern Threshold Plane Threshold FEB Clock Delay 6 0 0 D 1 0 3 2 7 C 0 2 4 8 Table 4: Names and settings of the hexadecimal (0-F) rotary switches on the LCT99-mod board. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. /ENX L1A HALT RESU INTP /FCK (no name) (no name) ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON Table 5: Names and settings of DIP8 switches on the LCT99-mod board. 5 1. /PD0 2. /PD1 3. /PD2 4. /PD3 5. /PD4 6. /PD5 7. /PD6 8. /PD7 9. /PD8 10. /PD9 OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF ON Table 6: Names and settings of DIP10 switches on the LCT99-mod board. SH0-SH14 SH15 SH16 SH17 SH18 SH19 SH20-24 SH25-28 SH29-31 left choice unconnected unconnected connected (2-pin-shunt) right right right left left Table 7: Names and settings of the shunts on the LCT99-mod board. 6 Besides the power connector and the Skewclear connectors already mentioned, the ALCT2000 board has two additional 20-pin-connectors used for conguration of the programmable logic from a computer. The two connectors are labeled with JTAG and ALTERA. (Both of these actually program the board using a protocol for communicating with chips known as JTAG. A serial chain links all of the programmable chips on the ALCT2000.) Normally, the ALCT2000 programmable logic is congured automatically to some acceptable default state upon power-up from ash-RAM chips. One often wants to use a slightly dierent conguration from that stored in the ash RAMs, and for this purpose, the JTAG connector receives dierential LVDS signals from a small Carnegie-Mellon/PNPIdesigned box, which translates TTL-level signals from a computer parallel port to LVDS levels. This connection is often used to change conguration under software control via an ALCT conguration le. The Altera connector receives TTL-level signals, and is connected to a PC equipped with an Altera ByteBlaster interface. This is only used on infrequent occasions if the ALCT2000 board needs serious re-programming. 6 LCT99-mod Cable Connections As previously mentioned, the LCT99-mod and ALCT2000 boards are connected by two 8m Skewclear cables. These run from the LCT99-mod FEB0 and FEB4 connectors to the ALCT2000 SCSI-type connectors as indicated in Figure 1. There are also some small front-panel connections to the FAST site DAQ system. The middle pair (pins 5,6) of the ECL IN connector brings the external trigger signal from the scintillators to LCT99-mod through a NIM/ECL converter unit. On the ECL OUT connector, the 3rd row from the top (pins 11,12) is used to bring out a fake Level 1 Accept signal (that is delayed 3.0 us from the external trigger signal) to the NIM logic. The 5th row from the top (pins 7,8) brings out a clock signal to a TDC channel to measure the phase of the 40 MHz clock with respect to the scintillator trigger. LCT99-mod must also be connected via three rear standard cables to the CCB (Clock and Control Board), TMB (Trigger MotherBoard) and DMB (DAQ Mother Board) as follows. Using a connector at the rear of the LCT99-mod board the LCT99-mod-board sends anode trigger data to the TMB (Trigger Mother Board). The communication is using LVDS Channel Links. For the description of the data format, see . For information about the Trigger MotherBoard, see, in particular . A second connector at the rear of the LCT99-mod board connects it with the Data Aquisition MotherBoard (DAQMB). The LCT99-mod module sends 2 LCT data words, Active-FEB bits, and wire group FIFO dump data using the rear connector to the DAQMB. The DAQMB module stores the LCT data it receives in a FIFO for every 25 ns clock cycle. The DAQMB transmits its own output data over an optical link to a PCI card, which connects to a computer. For detailed description see the Ohio State electronics page at ling/elec/ . 7 A third connector on the rear of the LCT99-mod board connects it with the CCB (Clock and Control Board). The LCT99-mod-board receives over this connector the 40 MHz system-clock, the Level 1 Accept bit, and Bunch Crossing (BX) control bits. The BX-0-bit starts the LCT99-mod Bunch Crossing Counter and Event Counter, and The BX-Reset-bit stops them and loads them with the preset values. The preset values compensate for dierent processing times of Cathode and Anode LCT99-mod modules. Detailed information on the CCB may be found at spec.pdf 7 ALCT2000 Software Conguration As mentioned previously, the ALCT2000 programmable logic is normally congured automatically to some acceptable default state upon power-up from ash-RAM chips. One often wants to use a slightly dierent conguration from that stored in the ash RAMs, and for this purpose, the JTAG connector receives dierential LVDS signals from a small Carnegie-Mellon/PNPI-designed box, which translates TTL-level signals from a computer parallel port to LVDS levels. This connection is often used to change conguration under software control via an ALCT conguration le. At present, ALCT conguration les are found in the FAST site computers in the /home/fast/data/afeb cong area. File afeb cong 0029 is currently recommended for the default mode of operation, i.e. external triggering by scintillators and the NIM logic that controls TDCs, etc. This le is a text le containing all of the parameters that can be set using the JTAG conguration cable. If the trigger logic is changed, it is likely that the ALCT conguration le will need to be revised, especially to adjust timing. The digital part of ALCT2000 consists of 5 chips : one Concentrator chip and 4 LCT chips (LCT0 to LCT3). A decision of whether a muon has crossed the muon-chamber or not (patternnding) is taken in these chips. The LCT chips handle 96 wire groups with some overlap for muons crossing boundaries, and the Concentrator chip coordinates control signals and chooses muon LCTs from those presented to it by the LCT chips (in the case of multiple LCTs). These chips have a large functionality and a large number of operation modes. The dierent operation modes can be selected using the JTAG chain. The analog part of ALCT2000 consists of the slow control chip and a pulse generator circuit. The slow control chip controls the thresholds for the front-end AFEB discriminator chips, as well as the time delay for the LVDS-to-TTL converter/time delay chips on the ALCT2000 board. The pulse generator circuit can be used to generate variable-height input pulses for the ALCT2000 board for testing purposes, either by pulsing through the AFEB preamplier/discriminator chips, or by pulsing a test strip in one of six CSC layers, which couple capacitively to the wires. 8 LCT99-mod Software Conguration LCT99-mod is a programmable module that, like ALCT2000, boots up from its ash-RAM chips. It is possible to re-program the board from a front-panel Altera Byteblaster connector. However, due to the simplicity of this module, usually no modication of the default conguration needs to be made. 8 ID PRTRG L1A OK NO L1A INVPAT HALT FEB0 FEB1 FEB2 FEB3 FEB4 1ST 6 1ST 5 1ST 4 2ND 6 2ND 5 2ND 4 TCK CFD FUNCTION Pretrigger: sucient hits in a pattern to pre-trigger. Level 1 Accept arrived in the L1A window. Level 1 Accept did not aarived in the L1A window. Invalid Pattern: No valid pattern remains after drift delay. Sequencer halted. FEB0 hit. FEB1 hit. FEB2 hit. FEB3 hit. (FEB4 hit-not valid for ALCT2000). 1st best muon has 6 layers hit. 1st best muon has 5 layers hit. 1st best muon has 4 layers hit. 2nd best muon has 6 layers hit. 2nd best muon has 5 layers hit. 2nd best muon has 4 layers hit. JTAG clock during initialization. Altera Conguration done. Table 8: Names and meaning of the LEDs on the LCT99-mod front-panel. 9 Front Panel LED Indicators and Timing Settings A way to notice some problems while installing the ALCT-System are the Front-panel LEDs on the LCT99-mod. These indicate the status of the LCT99-mod sequencer logic. The lights ash on response to a pre-trigger state. The dierent LEDs and their functions are described in Table 8. When the system is in good shape the LEDs for PRTRG, L1OK, FEB0-FEB3 and CFD should be ON or ashing. One of the main problems in setting up the system is getting all signals in the right timing to each other. For this reason, we show and explain next the measured signal curves for the main signals for a running system that was set up properly. We compare the measured signals with the time window for the Level 1 Accept signal to arrive (STAT L1A WIN) as reference. The following plots are from an oscilloscope connected to the ALCT2000 test points mentioned earlier. Figure 3 shows the Level 1 Accept signal at the bottom compared to the Level 1 Accept Window (STAT L1A WIN) at the top. For getting any output of the ALCT-System the Level 1 Accept signal has to be timed within the Level 1 Accept window. The Level 1 Accept window is 100 ns wide. The Level 1 Accept signal is 25 ns wide. Figure 4 shows at the bottom the Pretrigger signal compared to the Level 1 Accept Window signal. The Pretrigger signal is timed 3 s before the Level 1 Accept Window signal. Figure 5 shows at the bottom the signal going to the Trigger MotherBoard in comparison to the Level 1 Accept Window. The TMB-Signal arrives 3 s before the Level 1 Accept Window. Figure 6 shows at the bottom the DAQ Motherboard signal (STAT DAQMB) as measured at the ALCT2000 board. The pulse begins at the same time with the Level 1 Accept Window 9 (STAT L1A WIN) and remains for 20 s. Figure 7 shows at the bottom the busy-signal coming from the sequencer as compared to the Level 1 Accept Window signal. The signal begins 3 s before the Level 1 Accept Window signal and rests for 23 s. 10 Config. JTAG To FEB4 Altera SW6 SW4 To FEB0 SW9 Power In SW10 SW7 SW5 SW8 SW11 Test Points AFEB1 SW3 SW1 SW2 AFEB24 Figure 1: Picture of the 384-channel ALCT2000 board. The locations of rotary switches, DIP on/o switches, and jumpers (shunts) on the board have been indicated. 11 P13 SW 13 A1 P19 U4 U10 P20 SH7 SH6 P21 U7 J8 ECL Out 1 P23 U9 P24 U8 U6 SH9 SH8 P25 U29 SH19 SH18 U20 1 J7 To CCB 1 J6 To TMB 1 J5 To DAQMB SH10 SH31 1 J9 1 U16 U5 P18 U21 U22 U28 U33 J10 X1 SH11 SH30 1 J4 SH16 SH17 SH15 P17 P22 FEB4 JTAG In ECL In U26 SH12 SH29 SH5 SH4 U25 U27 P15 P16 LED19 LED20 LED21 U17 U2 U3 P12 VME J1 I/O U34 32 U19 P34 U35 SH14 SH13 U18 U1 U0 8 DCBAZ CSC ID DIP8 FEB3 1 J3 Board ID 1 J2 FIFO mode FEB2 FIFO time bins 10 1 U36 FEB Clock Delay 1 J1 BXN Offset FEB1 FIFO Pretrig Tbins DIP10 P33 SH3 SH2 Drift Delay 1 J0 L1A Window 1 FEB0 / FCK INJP RESU HALT IL1A / ENX P11 SH1 SH0 1 SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW SW 1 2 3 4 0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 /PD9 /PD8 /PD7 /PD6 /PD5 /PD4 /PD3 /PD2 /PD1 /PD0 U32 RN31 L1A Delay LSB U24 L1A Delay MSB RN15 L1A Count Offset U23 Pattern Threshold RN14 Plane Threshold LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5 LED6 LED7 LED8 LED9 LED10 LED11 LED12 LED13 LED14 LED15 LED16 LED17 LED18 U31 SH20 SH21 SH22 SH23 SH24 U30 SH26 SH27 SH28 SH25 UCLA LCT99 Module 6-July-2000 Figure 2: Diagram of the LCT99-mod board used for reading out ALCT2000. The locations of connectors, rotary switches, DIP on/o switches, and jumpers (shunts) on the board are indicated. 12 Figure 3: The curve at the bottom represents the Level 1 Accept signal (STAT L1A). The curve at the top shows the measured curve for the Level 1 Accept Window (STAT L1A WIN). 13 Figure 4: The curve at the bottom represents the Pretrigger signal (STAT PRETRIG). The curve at the top shows the measured curve for the Level 1 Accept Window (STAT L1A WIN). 14 Figure 5: The curve at the bottom represents the Trigger Motherboard signal (STAT TMB). The curve at the top shows the measured curve for the Level 1 Accept Window (STAT L1A WIN). 15 Figure 6: The curve at the bottom represents the Bunch Crossing Signal. The curve at the top shows the measured curve for the Level 1 Accept Window (STAT L1A WIN). 16 Figure 7: The curve at the bottom represents the Sequencer Busy signal (STAT SEQ BUSY). The curve at the top shows the measured curve for the Level 1 Accept Window (STAT L1A WIN). 17