Measuring Aggregate Labor Quality Change Using Firm-Level Production Functions Natalya N. Dygalo The University of Western Ontario May 23, 2006 Abstract We propose a method for measuring aggregate labor quality in the economy using estimates of workers’ marginal products obtained from firm-level production functions. Compared to the most widely used method for measuring labor quality, this method does not assume the equality of the value of the marginal product of labor and wages and does not assume constant quality within pre-defined demographic groups. In each time period in the data we estimate the productivity of each cohort in the model relative to the productivity of a group of workers whose productivity remains roughly stable between consecutive time periods. Labor quality can be compared between adjacent periods by comparing the productivity of workers in the economy expressed in reference units in both adjacent periods. We estimate labor quality for France for the period between 1978 and 1996 using a large matched employer-employee data set. We find that labor quality has been increasing over the period, with the magnitude of the increase of the order of 15-30%. These estimates contrast the results for labor quality measures obtained using the most widely used method, which shows a decline in labor quality in France for the period. 1 Introduction Being able to measure labor quality and its evolution over time is important for learning about the underlying sources of economic growth. Ideally, we would like to be able to measure how the share of output that can be attributed to workers’ labor changes from period to period to measure labor quality change over time. In practice, instead of measuring workers’ quality by workers’ output, economists and national statistical agencies rely on changes in the composition of hours worked by sex, education, age, and other characteristics weighted by relative wages (Jorgenson (2005), BLS (1997)). In this paper I propose a method for measuring labor quality change by comparing workers’ productivity between periods. The commonly used measure of labor quality that relies on changes on composition, while easy to construct, may be removed from the objective of measuring workers’ contribution to output for two primary reasons. First, relative wages that are used as weights in calculating the index of labor quality, may not reflect relative productivity between age, education, sex, and other demographic groups that enter the labor quality index. Recent research has shown 1 that spot market wages may diverge from productivity for older workers (Hellerstein and Neumark, 2004), and for female employees (Hellerstein, Neumark, and Troske, 1999)1 . Second, relative wages by education, for instance, may also include returns to unmeasured workers’ ability, and not represent the direct impact of education on workers’ productivity. If the composition of workers by ability changes over time within education groups, and averaged relative wages by education between adjacent time periods are used to aggregate hours changes between adjacent time periods, then the Jorgenson’s method for measuring labor quality will not be able to take the change in within-cell labor quality into account (see Griliches (1970), Griliches (2000), Griliches and Regev (1995)). Within-cell labor quality change may be due, for example, to the changing quality of education and training, changing exposure to health and social services (Bowlus and Robinson (2004), Bowlus, Liu, and Robinson (2005), Hanushek and Kimko (2000)). The method proposed here is as follows. First, I estimate a production technology using firm-level data with labor and capital as inputs, and the labor input disaggregated by perfectly substitutable groups defined by age (birth cohort), occupation, and sex (the setup is similar to Hellerstein and Neumark (1995), (2004)2 ). Second, I assume that between the ages of 46 and 55 workers’ productivity remains stable, or there is a ”flat spot” for workers between these ages, in terminology of Heckman, Lochner, and Taber (1998) and Bowlus, Liu, and Robinson (2005). For adjacent periods the age groups are selected in such a way that workers in age group i are in the age group (i+1) in the next time period. In addition, there is a flat spot cohort that is between the ages of 46 and 55 in both adjacent time periods (see Table 1). Thus, the flat spot cohort’s productivity can be taken as a unit of measurement, or the productivity of a worker in the flat spot cohort is assumed to be stable between adjacent time intervals and is normalized to unity. The existence of a flat spot is predeicted by the human capital theory; workers at some point in their career stop investing in human capital 1 Other studies using matched employer-employee data to compare earnings and productivity are Crepon et al (2002) and Dygalo and Abowd (2005) for France, Haegeland and Klette (1999) for Norway, Hellerstein and Nuemark (1995) for Israel, Dostie (2006) for Canada, Kotlikoff and Gokhale (1992) using data for one US firm, Nedoff and Abraham (1981) using personnel evaluations for US firms, Ilmakunnas et al (2004) for Finland. 2 Hellerstein and Neumark (2004) refer to their method as a method for measuring labor quality in a cross section. The added value of this project is that I propose a method for comparing labor quality over time. 2 and productivity remains flat until depreciation of human capital causes it to decline (BenPorath, 1967, Becker, 1975, Miner, 1974). The relative productivity of workers in all other demographic groups is measured from the estimated relative productivity coefficients in the production function relative to the productivity of the flat spot cohort. To construct an index of labor quality, relative productivities normalized to the productivity of the flat spot cohort are multiplied by the proportion of workers (the number of workers) to measure labor quality change (change in aggregate human capital) and added together across sex, occupation, and age groups. Chain indexes for adjacent time periods can be multiplied to obtain total quality change between any two time periods. The advantages of this method are many: labor quality is measured using actual workers’ output and not wages. The heavily disputed assumption that wages equal the value of the marginal product is relaxed and so is the assumption of no within-cell quality change. There are a large number of challenges associated with this approach, some of which are addressed in the paper. The ability to interpret the change in the estimated relative marginal products by demographic group as reflecting change in labor quality depends on our ability to account for other inter-temporal factors that may influence the relative marginal products by age, occupation, and sex within each time period. A number of robustness checks are performed in the paper in addition to by now widely used panel data econometric techniques for addressing some of the issues related to omitted variables, endogeneity bias, and measurement error. While the results differ in their magnitude between specifications, they tell a consistent story. The data for the project are matched employer-employee data for France with millions of workers followed as they change employers between 1978 and 1996, with information available on employers’ capital and labor inputs and output. I find that labor quality increased over the period, with the magnitude of the upgrade ranging between 15 and 30 percent over the period, with about 50% of the upgrade due to improving quality within cells defined by occupation, sex, and age, and the remainder attributed to the shift in composition to more skilled occupations. This contrasts the conclusions that would be obtained using the standard labor quality change measure as in Jorgenson (2005), which results in a 3% labor quality decline over the period. Thus, labor quality change was responsible for a greater 3 share of output change over the period than would be inferred from the standard labor quality measures, and therefore would leave a smaller role for the total factor productivity in explaining growth in France between 1978 and 1996. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The next section presents the model together with the decomposition of labor quality change into parts attributed to within-cell quality upgrading and to change in composition of the labor input. Section 3 is devoted to data and implementation, and Section 4 to the presentation of results. Section 6 concludes. 2 A Method for Measuring Aggregate Labor Quality Using FirmLevel Production Functions We start by assuming that firms produce output according to a Cobb-Douglas technology using labor and capital as inputs. We assume perfect substitution between workers so that the aggregate labor input can be expressed in total units of human capital used by the firm to produce output. The exact amount of efficiency units contained in each of the labor sub-groups defined by birth cohort, sex, and occupation, is allowed to be determined from the coefficients of the estimated production technology similar to Hellerstein and Neumark (2004): Yit = Ait Lαit Kitβ (1) t Lit = L1it + a2t L2it ... + aMt t LM it (2) where Yit is firm’s output, Ait is a measure of firm’s productivity, Lit is the labor input expressed in total units of human capital, Kit is capital input, and Mt is the number of groups of workers within the aggregate labor input Lit in time period t. Coefficients a2t , ..., aMt t are t the relative productivities of labor inputs L2it , ..., LM it with respect to the reference labor input L1it (to see this, substitute equation (1) into equation (2) and differentiate the resulting expression with respect to L1it and Ljit , j = 2, ..., Mt ). After taking logarithms and rearranging, we have the following equation for logged output (Pitj = Ljit /L1it , j = 2, ..., Mt ; Pit1 = 1 − PMt j j=2 Pit ): 4 Mt X ln Yit = ln Ait + α ln Lit + β ln Kit + α ln(1 + (ajt − 1)Pitj ) (3) j=2 We impose restrictions on relative proportions of labor inputs within firms: we assume that the proportion of labor inputs by each subgroup by birth cohort, sex, and occupation is the same within all cells defined by the other two classifications. For example, this assumption implies that the proportion female is the same is each occupation/birth cohort cell. Hellerstein and Neumark (2004) adopt similar assumptions due to data limitations and find that their qualitative conclusions are unaffected by these restrictions. It remains to be determined to what extent these constraints affect the results of this paper. We distinguish between five occupations: managerial employees, professional and lower-level managerial, service, skilled and unskilled laborers. Similar equality constraints are imposed on coefficients with equation (3) rewritten as follows: ln Yit = ln Ait + α ln Lit + β ln Kit C Ot X X j1 + α ln(1 + (aj1 t − 1)Pit )(1 + (aj2 − 1)Pitj2 )(1 + (af − 1)Pitf ) j1 =2 (4) j2 =2 where C is the number of age cohorts (see Table 1; also see Table A1 for age ranges and the corresponding cohorts by time period), Ot is the number of occupations (we use five as described above), and af is the productivity of female workers relative to male workers (with the proportion of male workers equaling (Pitm = 1 − Pitf )). These restrictions are somewhat unrealistic since it is well-known that the proportion of workers in managerial and supervisory positions increases at older ages, and the proportion of females is larger in services occupations than among unskilled laborers. Each of the sets of proportions by birth cohort (Pitj1 , j1 = 1, ..., Ct ), occupation (Pitj2 , j2 = 1, ..., Ot ), and sex (Pitf , Pitm ) sum up to one by construction. From equation (4), the relative productivity of females relative to males within any cohort/occupation group is the same and equals af . Similar restrictions are imposed on coefficients with occupations and birth cohorts. 5 The division of labor inputs into cohorts and the ideas underlying the construction of labor quality aggregates and labor quality comparison between time periods are described in what follows. In the first stage of the method, I estimate the productivity of cohorts of workers relative to the reference cohort whose productivity is assumed to remain constant between adjacent periods. The next step is to estimate the total labor quality expressed in human capital units, with one unit equaling the productivity of a worker in the reference cohort. Since for any two adjacent time periods labor quality is expressed in the same units, we can compare labor quality between adjacent time periods. Chain indexes of aggregate labor quality can be constructed from indexes for adjacent time intervals. We define five time intervals in the data as follows: 1978-1981, 1982-1985, 1986-1989, 19901993, 1994-1996. Thus, we have four four-year intervals and one three-year interval. Labor inputs are subdivided by five occupations 1) managerial - PCS occupation codes starting with 2 and 3; 2) administrative and lower-level supervisory staff - codes starting with 4; 3) service occupations - codes starting with 5; 4) skilled laborers - PCS codes 62-65; and 5) unskilled laborers - all other PCS codes. The second division of labor inputs is by sex, and the third is by cohort. I distinguish between twelve cohorts, as shown in Table 1. Table 1 shows cohorts, the five time periods, and age ranges for each cohort/period cell. I assume that workers’ productivity remains roughly stable between the ages of 46 and 55, or, in terminology adopted in Heckman, Lochner, and Taber (1998), there is a ”flat spot” for workers within these age ranges. Such a flat spot exists according to the human capital theory which suggests that workers stop investing in their human capital at some age later in their career, and workers’ productivity that equals to the accumulated human capital over the lifecycle remains flat over the duration of a number of years. The specific age ranges are taken to roughly correspond to the age ranges adopted in Heckman, Lochner, and Taber (1998) and in Bowlus, Liu, and Robinson (2005). To compute the index of labor quality change using this method, first I deflate the estimated coefficients in adjacent time periods by the coefficients of the ”flat spot” cohort. Then I express total labor quality by summing the economy-wide proportions of labor inputs that 6 enter equation (4) multiplied by the estimated coefficients a. Since in both adjacent periods total labor quality is expressed in the same units, or relative to the productivity of a worker in the ”flat spot” cohort, labor quality change between adjacent time periods is a simple ratio of labor quality measures expressed in the same units. Chain indexes of labor quality can be constructed by multiplying period to period indexes j2 of labor quality change. If P̃itj1 , j1 = 1, ..., M and P̃it+1 , j2 = 1, ..., M are economy-wide proportions of labor inputs in time periods t and (t + 1) in equation (3) and ã are the coefficients a divided by the coefficients with the ”flat spot” cohort in periods t and (t + 1), then the labor quality index between periods t and (t + 1) can be computed as follows: PM it,t+1 = j2 j2 j2 =1 P̃it+1 ãt+1 PM j1 j1 j1 =1 P̃it ãt (5) Using equation (5), we can compute the chain indexes between period t and (t + n) by multiplying indexes it,t+1 , ..., it+n−1,t+n : it,t+n = n Y it,t+j (6) j=1 To investigate the source of labor quality change, I decompose the total quality change between adjacent time periods into the proportion attributed to changing relative marginal products ai and the proportion attributed to changing composition of labor input P̃i 3 : PM PM it,t+1 = 1 + j=1 āj 4Pj PM j1 j1 j1 =1 P̃it ãt j=1 + PM P̄j 4aj (7) j1 j1 j1 =1 P̃it ãt j j P̃it +P̃it+1 ãjt +ãjt+1 j j , 4P = P̃ − P̃ , ā = , and 4aj = ãjt+1 − ãjt . We can refer to j j it+1 it 2 2 PM āj 4Pj γ1 ≡ PMj=1 j1 j1 as the proportion of the overall quality change attributed to the change in j1 =1 P̃it ãt PM P̄j 4aj composition by age, sex, and occupation, and to γ2 ≡ PMj=1 j1 j1 as the portion attributed j =1 P̃it ãt where P̄j = 1 to the change in within-cell marginal productivity, or within-cell quality4 . 3 Equation and PM 4 We PM (5) implies it,t+1 = j2 j2 j2 =1 P̃it+1 ãt+1 − PM j1 =1 P PM j j j2 j2 j1 j1 P̃it1 ãt1 + M j2 =1 P̃it+1 ãt+1 − j1 =1 P̃it ãt PM j1 j1 j =1 P̃it ãt j1 j1 j1 =1 P̃it ãt = PM j=1 1 āj 4Pj + PM j=1 PM =1+ j2 =1 P̄j 4aj . have it,t+1 = 1 + γ1 + γ2 ≈ (1 + γ1 )(1 + γ2 ) if we ignore the cross product (γ1 γ2 ). 7 P j2 j2 j1 j1 P̃it+1 ãt+1 − M j1 =1 P̃it ãt PM j1 j1 j =1 P̃it ãt 1 , Estimation of equation (4) presents a number of challenges. The role of possible biases due to omitted variables, endogeneity of labor and capital, and due to measurement error have to be extensively investigated. The objective is to estimate the relative productivity coefficients between occupations, age groups, and genders ai to allow meaningful comparison of labor quality over time using indexes defined in equations (5) and (6). Estimation methods used in this study are discussed in the next section. 3 Estimation After adding an independently and identically distributed additive error term, I estimate equation (4) using nonlinear least squares with additional controls for industry and allowing the intercept to vary between time periods. Coefficients a in equations (3) and (4) represent relative marginal productivities between the specified groups of workers by birth cohort, sex, and occupation, if there is no omitted variable bias or bias due to endogeneity or measurement error. Some of these assumptions will be addressed in the empirical section of the paper. 4 Data and Implementation The data for this project require information on firm’s inputs and output to estimate the production function in equation (4) as well as information on firm-level composition of employment by sex, occupation, and birth cohort. The data are matched employer-employee data for France, with a longitudinal workers’ employment history file with information on workers demographic characteristics and salaries matched to a firm-level survey with information on firms’ production inputs and outputs. The match between the two files, the worker history file with identifiers by worker, firm identifiers and year of employment, and firm-level file with identifiers by firm and year, is conducted using firm identifiers and year. The source of information on the firm level composition of employment by sex, birth cohort, and occupation is “Déclarations annuelles des salaires“ (DADS) administered by INSEE (Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques) in the years between 1976 and 1996, with the exception of 1981, 1983, and 1990. The data are a 1/25 subset of all 8 workers in the French economy, with the exclusion of civil servants. The sample includes all workers born in October of even-numbered years, and the data are from mandatory reports provided by employers. Self-employed workers are included in the data, but we cannot identify them. For each worker-year record the following information is available: the identity of the employing firm (the data are aggregated to the level of the firm from establishment-level data), full-time status, the number of days paid, a measure of annualized compensation, occupation, the industry of the employing firm, workers’ age and sex. Each record is identified by a person identifier, firm identifier, and year. The full data set with observations identified by person, firm, and year of employment contains 15,424,755 observations, with 1,142,736 firms and 1,951,334 workers. Since the data for firms is available only starting in 1978, the DADS sample excluding 1978 and 1979 contains 13,949,578 observations, and information on X unique firms and Y unique workers (Table 2). The source of firm-level information is the annual survey “Enquête annuelle d’entreprises“ (EAE) available for the years between 1978 and 1996. Employer-level information includes the firm identifier, the four digit industrial affiliation, employment, capital, and sales by year. The sampling frame for this data set is described in INSEE documents, and larger firms were sampled with a larger probability than smaller firms. An approximate sample weight was constructed for the data to be representative by firm size (the weight was not used in the current set of estimations). Two-digit industry capital and value added deflators were available separately from INSEE for the period under investigation. The deflators were obtained from the INSEE macroeconomic time series data (Banque de données macroéconomiques). Information on the composition of workers at the firm/year level by sex, occupation, and twelve birth cohorts in DADS was merged with information on firm-level inputs and outputs by year and firm identifier. The estimating sample was further reduced due to some firms missing information on sales, capital, and/or employment. Finally, the sample of firms was further restricted to firms with at least two matched workers. Table 2 contains the description of the merged sample of workers and its comparison to DADS for 1978-1996. The empirical specification divides the data into four time intervals: 1978-1980, 1982-1985, 9 1986-1989, 1991-1993, and 1994-1996. From Table 2, the estimating sample contains slightly less than half of all observations in DADS for 1978-1996, slightly better paid workers and more full-time workers than in the full sample. Notice that the proportion of part-time workers has been increasing over time. The total number of observations is larger in 1986-1989 because this time interval contains four years of data compared to all other time intervals with three years of data. After taking this into account, the number of worker-year observations has been increasing over time which reflects population growth and changes in workforce participation. The sample is reasonably well-representative by age and residence in Ile-de-France. Table 3 describes the sample of firm-year observations used in estimating equation (4) compared to the full EAE sample fo firms. The sample of firms contains about half of all firm-year observations in the full EAE dataset: 504,858 out of 1,516,123. The most important difference is that the firms in the sample are larger by all available measures: they are larger in terms of employment, sales, and capital, and there are about 22 percent of all firms in the sample with over 150 employees compared to the full EAE dataset which has only about 11% of such firms. On average, firms’ employment composition by demographic characteristics in equation (4) was computed using 8.2% of all employees. There are about 75% of firms with 3 and more matched employees from DADS, and 35% of firms with 6 or more matched workers. Table 4 presents the distribution of workers in the sample compared to DADS and the distribution of firms in the sample compared to EAE by industry. The industry classification in Table 4 is a NAP40 classification with 38 industries. The codes were changed after 1983, but a cross-walk between time intervals provided by INSEE was used to make NAP40 codes consistent between all years in the data. Compared to all workers in DADS, the sample contains fewer workers in construction and homebuilding, services to individuals, financial and non-profit services, and a larger fraction of workers in manufacturing, in particular in trucks and auto industries, electrical materials and electronics. There is a larger fraction of workers employed in firms providing services to firms in the sample compared to DADS. Compared to the full sample in EAE, the sample of firms used in estimating equation (4) 10 contains fewer firms in construction and home building and in financial services, and a larger fraction of firms in non-food wholesaling, food retailing, and transportation services. Table 5 presents the composition of firm-level employment by birth year cohort, sex, and occupation for the average firm in DADS and in the sample of firm-years used to estimate equation (4). First, the proportion female is slightly lower in the sample because the sample contains a larger fraction of manufacturing workers and there are fewer females employed in manufacturing. Second, the proportion female increases from 38 to 44 percent over the time period spanned by the data in DADS, and only from 32 to 33 percent in the sample. Third, the average firm-level proportion of workers employed in service occupations is lower in the sample than in DADS which is due, once again, to a larger fraction of manufacturing firms in the sample and a lower fraction of firms from the service sector. Finally, the sample reflects the average firm-level composition in DADS by cohort reasonably well. 5 Results Table 6.1 presents the estimated coefficients with logged capital, labor, occupation and sex in equation (4). The results in Tables 6-7 were obtained using nonlinear least squares. In addition to variables shown in equation (4), the estimated equation contains controls for 40-digit industry and year effects. From Table 6.1, the coefficients with logged employment and capital sum up to almost one. While the Wald test of equality to exactly one is rejected (Wald Test 1), the rejection is probably due to the large sample of firms - over half a million. The Wald test of equality of the sum of capital and labor coefficients to 1.005 (Wald Test 2) is not rejected, and the estimated production technology, therefore, is very close to exhibiting constant returns to scale. From Table 6.1, female employees are about 15% less productive than males. Skilled laborers are about 13% more productive than unskilled workers. Workers employed in service occupations are about 30% more productive than unskilled workers, while managerial and lower-level supervisory workers are 50% and 240% more productive than unskilled laborers 11 respectively. These coefficients are in line with the usual estimates for this type of specification of production technology with perfectly substitutable labor inputs obtained with data for France (Crepon et al, 2002) and other countries (Hellerstein and Neumark (1995) for Israel, Hellerstein, Neumark, and Troske (1999) and Hellerstein and Neumark (2004) for the US, Haegeland and Klette (1999) for Norway, and Dostie (2006) for Canada). The coefficients with cohorts are presented in Table 6.2. The reference category by cohort was chosen in such a way that workers in the reference category are 34-39 years old during the period (age ranges are in square brackets in the table). The general pattern within each time period is for the productivity to peak during workers’ late twenties and early thirties, and for older and entry-level workers to have lower productivity than during the peak years. Thus, the age-productivity profile within a given cross-section appears to be concave, and increasing during younger ages and then declining. Table 6.3 tests the hypothesis of stable age-productivity profile between time periods. The test compares coefficients with the same age ranges across different time intervals. for most age ranges the age-productivity coefficients differ between time periods. This finding suggests that either there are forces that are unaccounted for in the simple model in equation (4), there are different biases between time periods, or that the age-productivity structure actually changes between time periods. For now we will disregard possible challenges from the quality of the estimated equation - the specification will be tested more below, and focus on the hypothesis that the age-productivity profile does not remain stable over time. One potential source of the different coefficients between time periods would be differential labor quality between cohorts. Workers born in different years acquire different vintages of education and undergo different styles of training. Differences in accumulated human capital between cohorts within cells defined by occupation, sex, and age together with differences in other factors such as the quality of healthcare between cohorts may explain the results in Table 6.3 of unstable age-productivity structure over time. To further investigate this possibility, I present a series of Wald tests in Table 6.2 that test for the equality of differences between coefficients between adjacent cohorts. If the age differences between adjacent cohorts do not overwhelm differences in labor quality, then we 12 would expect to find roughly stable differences between relative productivities for adjacent cohorts across all time periods in the data. Except for cohorts that are in their younger ages and are probably in the most intensive stages of human capital accumulation, the differences between adjacent cohorts tend to be very stable over time offering some support for the hypothesis that different age-productivity structure between time periods may be partially due to different quality between cohorts. Thus, within-cell quality changes with cells defined by age, occupation and sex are probably important, and we will probably see change in aggregate labor quality between time periods using the labor quality index in equations (5) and (6). The results of labor quality calculations are presented in Table 7. Using the coefficients in Tables 6.1 and 6.2, labor quality showed an approximately 5% increase for between the first four time periods: 1978-1981, 1982-1985, 1986-1989, and 1990-1993. Labor quality remained stable between 1990-1993 and 1994-1996. The total quality change over the period amounted to about 14%. Using the decomposition in equation (7), about 50% of the total quality change was due to changing composition of the labor force over time, and the remaining 50% was due to quality upgrading within cells defined by age, sex, and occupation. The standard errors with the labor quality measures for adjacent time periods (columns (4) and (5) in Table 7) are sufficiently precisely estimated to dismiss concerns that the estimated differences are entirely due to random variability. An immediate concern may be that the sample of firms changes over time and the estimated quality upgrade may be due to differences in the sample composition and not to true quality changes. While the following exercise of selecting firms that are observed in all years in the data is not completely valid, the results are also presented in Table 7. The exercise is not completely valid because the sub-sample of firms observed in all years in the data contains larger firms and the sample is no longer representative of all firms in the French economy. Still, the results are given in Table 7 and they indicate an about 30% total quality upgrade over time. Thus, the finding of a quality upgrade does not depend on different firms sampled in different time periods. The finding of rising labor quality using the method presented here contrasts with the usual finding of declining labor quality in France between 13 the early 1980’s and the mid-1990’s using methods commonly used by national statistical agencies (e.g., Jorgenson (2005)). 6 Conclusion The paper proposes a method for measuring labor quality change by comparing the portion of output that can be attributed to labor between time periods. This is a major departure from the current method used by national statistical agencies that measures the change in labor input by comparing hours weighted by relative wages between adjacent time periods. The method presented here departs from the two main assumptions of the conventional method, the assumptions that have been challenged in recent research: 1) the assumption that wages equal the value of the marginal product of labor, and 2) that within-cell labor quality with cells defined by gender, age, education and other characteristics remains unchanged over time. The method estimates relative productivity using a production function with perfectly substitutable labor inputs by age (cohort), sex, and occupation. The ability to compare labor quality over time depends on the assumption that there exists a flat spot during certain ages when the productivity remains stable between adjacent time periods. The age range was chosen to be between 46 and 55. Then the quality of all labor inputs in two adjacent time periods can be expressed in terms of the productivity of the flat spot cohort whose productivity is assumed to be the same in both time periods, and an index of labor quality can be constructed and labor quality compared between adjacent time periods. In this project the data are from a large matched administrative employer-employee data set for France for the period between 1978 and 1996. The estimated labor quality using the method developed in the paper increases over the period spanned by the data by a magnitude of 15-30%. While the exact quality change figure varies between estimation methods, the results indicate a labor quality upgrade over the period and therefore a smaller role for the total factor productivity change in explaining growth in France between the late 1970’s and the mid-1990’s. 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Schooling, Experience, and Earnings, New York, National Bureau of Economic Research; distributed by Columbia University Press. 17 Table 1. Cohorts, time periods and ages Birth Year\ Time Period 1978-1981 1982-1985 1986-1989 1990-1993 1910-1920 58-81 X X X 1921-1928 50-59 54-63 58-67 X 1929-1932 46-51 50-55 54-59 58-63 1933-1936 42-47 46-51 50-55 54-59 1937-1940 38-43 42-47 46-51 50-55 1941-1944 34-39* 38-43 42-47 46-51 1945-1948 30-35 34-39* 38-43 42-47 1949-1952 26-31 30-35 34-39* 38-43 1953-1956 22-27 26-31 30-35 34-39* 1957-1960 18-23 22-27 26-31 30-35 1961-1968 16-19 16-23 18-27 22-31 1969-1980 X X 16-19 16-23 Notes: 1) the flat spot is between age 46 and 55; 2) the reference group in the estimating equations is between age 34 and 39 (denoted as "*"); the coefficient (relative productivity) with the reference cohort is normalized to one 3) the data DADS contain information for workers born in October of an even-numbered year 4) X - the cohort is not included in this year (its proportion is assumed zero) 1994-1996 X X X 58-62 54-58 50-54 46-50 42-46 38-42 34-38* 26-34 16-26 Table 2. Descriptive Statistics for Workers Time Interval Variable 1978-1980 1982, 1984, 1985 1986-1989 1991-1993 1994-1996 Age Logged compensation Full time Ile-de-France Observations Age Logged compensation Full time Ile-de-France Observations Age Logged compensation Full time Ile-de-France Observations Age Logged compensation Full time Ile-de-France Observations Age Logged compensation Full time Ile-de-France Observations DADS Mean 34.539 4.007 0.822 0.285 2,322,435 34.997 4.046 0.792 0.281 2,224,398 35.018 4.030 0.735 0.280 3,368,644 35.337 3.986 0.695 0.272 2,986,837 35.848 3.880 0.675 0.257 3,047,264 1,076,340 1,853,134 13,949,578 SD 12.227 0.837 0.383 0.451 11.718 0.907 0.406 0.449 11.381 0.966 0.442 0.449 11.329 1.118 0.460 0.445 11.191 1.245 0.468 0.437 Sample Mean 36.088 4.189 0.917 0.247 919,394 35.530 4.160 0.829 0.287 994,606 35.106 4.141 0.758 0.299 1,402,544 34.814 4.100 0.721 0.286 1,235,914 35.254 4.016 0.712 0.272 1,251,219 105,157 1,060,641 5,803,677 SD 12.203 0.676 0.276 0.431 11.529 0.863 0.376 0.452 11.217 0.945 0.429 0.458 11.181 1.131 0.449 0.452 11.032 1.201 0.453 0.445 Unique Firms Unique Workers Total Observations Notes: 1) Data source: DADS, 1978-1996 2) The sample contains all worker-year observations employed in firm/years (504,858 obs.) used in constructing labor inputs in the estimated the production function (or workers employed in firms in years with matched firm-level information from EAE, firms with at least two matched workers to the firm, valid capital, employment, and sales) 3) Logged real annualized compensation (1980 FF) includes employer and employee taxes 4) Ile-de-France is the area in and around Paris 5) Observation counts refer to worker-year observations Table 3. Firm-Level Variables Variable Period Mean 3.965 3.863 3.772 3.901 3.933 8.012 7.695 7.617 7.643 7.756 9.581 9.570 9.659 9.732 9.785 6.9 69.8 12.2 6.8 4.4 100.0 EAE SD 0.946 0.975 1.023 0.888 0.916 1.594 1.891 1.971 1.826 1.854 1.254 1.331 1.306 1.259 1.304 Obs 173,344 201,406 293,200 202,750 187,519 115,121 132,482 214,337 279,710 284,738 173,730 198,313 267,804 203,607 188,315 Mean 4.487 4.414 4.356 4.201 4.250 8.307 8.020 8.089 8.196 8.369 10.222 10.201 10.225 10.033 10.101 2.1 56.4 20.0 13.0 8.5 100.0 Sample SD 1.077 1.095 1.044 0.968 0.987 1.619 1.933 1.972 1.794 1.855 1.259 1.356 1.355 1.319 1.365 Logged Employment 1978-1981 1982-1985 1986-1989 1990-1993 1994-1996 Logged Real Capital 1978-1981 1982-1985 1986-1989 1990-1993 1994-1996 Logged Real Sales 1978-1981 1982-1985 1986-1989 1990-1993 1994-1996 Firm Size <21 (employees) 21-75 76-150 151-350 351+ Total Percent of workers matched per firm 0.082 Distribution of the 2 26.35 number of 3 18.42 matched workers 4 12.13 per firm 5 8.07 6+ 35.03 Total 100.00 The total number of firm/years 1,516,123 Notes: 1) The sample is a subset of firms in EAE with at least 2 matched workers and valid observations for employment, capital, and sales 2) Capital is measured at book value in the beginning of the period 3) Data source: EAE, France 1978-1996 Obs 75,580 82,762 116,916 119,263 110,337 75,580 82,762 116,916 119,263 110,337 75,580 82,762 116,916 119,263 110,337 504,858 Table 4. The Composition of Workers and Firms by Industry Sample of Firms DADS Sample of Workers Industry EAE Agriculture 0.50 0.04 0.02 0.01 Milk and Meat 1.79 2.37 0.95 1.84 Other Agriculture and Food 2.61 3.51 2.37 2.91 Mining 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.15 Oil and Natural Gas Production 0.09 0.09 0.20 0.44 Electricity, Natural Gas Distribution, Water 0.24 0.21 0.84 1.90 Steel, Ferrous Metals 0.28 0.40 0.68 1.29 Non-Ferrous Metals 0.17 0.23 0.29 0.62 Construction Materials 1.70 1.48 0.82 1.12 Glass 0.23 0.30 0.34 0.64 Chemical and Artificial Fibers 0.44 0.58 0.69 1.40 Pharmaceuticals 1.11 1.55 1.10 2.22 Metal Working and Foundry 5.18 4.89 2.50 3.23 Mechanical Construction 4.71 4.86 2.63 3.79 Electrical Materials and Electronics 2.58 3.00 3.04 5.71 Trucks and Automotive 0.89 1.20 2.19 4.52 Shipbuilding, Aerospace, Arms 0.27 0.36 0.76 1.53 Textile and Apparel 4.51 4.81 2.56 3.52 Leather and Shoes 0.88 0.93 0.51 0.74 Lumber and Furniture 3.46 3.09 1.69 1.85 Paper and Carton 0.89 1.15 0.63 1.15 Printing and Publishing 2.58 2.37 1.51 1.87 Rubber and Plastics 1.68 1.89 1.18 2.06 Construction and Home Building 13.65 10.55 8.17 6.95 Food Wholesaling 3.85 3.48 1.50 1.69 Non-Food Wholesaling 9.17 10.21 4.31 5.15 Food Retailing 3.73 4.85 3.73 5.68 Non-Food Retailing 4.18 3.82 4.72 3.85 Automotive Sales and Repairs 3.75 4.12 1.97 1.56 Restaurants and Tourism 2.18 2.70 4.61 2.36 Transportation Services 5.57 6.73 4.65 6.46 Postal/Telecommunications 0.05 0.04 0.64 0.57 Services to Firms 10.64 10.06 13.42 16.59 Services to Individuals 3.45 3.19 11.91 3.83 Real Estate and Leasing 0.92 0.90 0.61 0.71 Insurance 0.17 0.00 0.91 0.02 Financial Services 1.67 0.01 2.17 0.01 Non-Profit Services 0.24 0.05 9.11 0.06 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Notes: Data Source EAE and DADS, France 1978-1996 The sample of firms includes firms with at least two matched workers and valid observations for capital, sales, and employment. The sample of workers includes all workers observed working in the sample of firms. The proportions are out of the total number of firm-years and worker-years. Table 5. The Composition of Firm-Level Employment by Occupation, Sex, and Cohort DADS: Mean Firm-Level Proportions Sample of Firms Category Labor Input 1978-1981 1982-1985 1986-1989 1990-1993 1994-1996 1978-1981 1982-1985 1986-1989 1990-1993 1994-1996 Cohort 1912-1920 4.16 4.17 [58-81] [58-81] 1922-1928 9.92 6.51 2.86 11.78 6.95 2.33 [50-59] [54-63] [58-67] [50-59] [54-63] [58-67] 1930-1932 6.60 5.82 4.37 1.88 7.46 6.54 4.56 1.65 [46-51] [50-55] [54-59] [58-63] [46-51] [50-55] [54-59] [58-63] 1934-1936 6.62 6.14 5.26 3.92 2.21 7.25 6.59 5.54 4.04 2.08 [42-47] [46-51] [50-55] [54-59] [58-62] [42-47] [46-51] [50-55] [54-59] [58-62] 1938-1940 6.54 6.18 5.63 4.83 3.99 6.95 6.62 5.84 5.06 4.15 [38-43] [42-47] [46-51] [50-55] [54-58] [38-43] [42-47] [46-51] [50-55] [54-58] 1942-1944 7.71 7.33 6.82 6.18 5.65 8.01 7.78 7.15 6.39 5.91 [34-39] [38-43] [42-47] [46-51] [50-54] [34-39] [38-43] [42-47] [46-51] [50-54] 1946-1948 10.93 10.09 9.51 8.86 8.36 11.24 10.94 10.13 9.19 8.71 [30-35] [34-39] [38-43] [42-47] [46-50] [30-35] [34-39] [38-43] [42-47] [46-50] 1950-1952 12.91 11.21 10.38 9.78 9.41 12.66 11.82 11.02 10.23 9.90 [26-31] [30-35] [34-39] [38-43] [42-46] [26-31] [30-35] [34-39] [38-43] [42-46] 1954-1956 14.59 12.09 10.78 9.85 9.50 13.67 12.51 11.40 10.40 10.03 [22-27] [26-31] [30-35] [34-39] [38-42] [22-27] [26-31] [30-35] [34-39] [38-42] 1958-1960 15.61 14.76 12.89 11.22 10.69 13.77 14.59 13.24 11.75 11.26 [18-23] [22-27] [26-31] [30-35] [34-38] [18-23] [22-27] [26-31] [30-35] [34-38] 1932-1968 4.42 18.87 27.98 27.48 25.31 3.03 14.84 26.40 27.97 26.66 [16-19] [16-23] [18-27] [22-31] [26-34] [16-19] [16-23] [18-27] [22-31] [26-34] 1970-1980 3.34 15.26 24.01 2.26 12.90 20.78 [16-19] [16-23] [16-26] [16-19] [16-23] [16-26] Sex Proportion female 38.33 40.93 42.18 44.20 44.40 31.59 34.05 34.64 33.66 33.08 Occupation Managerial and Professional 5.70 7.28 8.90 11.20 12.17 4.29 6.53 8.17 9.49 10.44 Lower-Level Supervisory 12.74 14.68 15.95 16.35 16.46 14.16 15.95 16.73 16.91 17.19 Service 29.10 31.03 31.46 31.62 31.44 18.64 23.07 24.24 20.57 19.88 Skilled Laborers 30.63 27.03 25.36 22.95 21.69 36.69 30.81 29.19 31.17 31.09 Unskilled Laborers 21.82 19.98 18.33 17.87 18.23 26.22 23.64 21.67 21.86 21.40 Notes: Source: DADS 1978-1996 The column proportions within categories defined by occupation and cohort do not always sum to 100% Age ranges for the cohort-year cell are in square brackets. Table 6.1. Coefficients with Sex, Occupation, Labor, and Capital Variable Coefficient SE Female 0.860 0.004 Managerial and Professional 2.405 0.016 Lower-Level Supervisory 1.509 0.009 Service 1.277 0.007 Skilled Laborers 1.133 0.006 Unskilled Laborers Logged Capital reference 0.224 0.001 Logged Employment 0.782 0.001 Wald Test 1 35.90 (0.001) Wald Test 2 0.29 (0.589) R-Square 0.777 The Number of Observations 504,858 Notes: Data source: DADS matched with EAE, 1978-1996, additional covariates include year and industry dummies by NAP40 industrial classification; the model was estimated using NLLS. Wald Test 1 tests for the equality of the sum of the coefficients with logged employment and capital to one, and Wald Test 2 - to 1.005 (p-value in parentheses). Both tests have 92 degrees of freedom. Table 6.2. Production Function Estimates: Coefficients with Cohorts Variable 1978-1981 1982-1985 1986-1989 1990-1993 1994-1996 Wald Test P-Value Cohort 1912-1920 0.835 X X X X (0.030) [58-81] 1922-1928 0.925 0.892 0.968 X X 0.43 0.808 (0.024) (0.023) (0.031) [50-59] [54-63] [58-67] 1930-1932 0.917 0.870 0.932 0.910 X 4.79 0.188 (0.027) (0.024) (0.024) (0.034) [46-51] [50-55] [54-59] [58-63] 1934-1936 0.998 0.927 0.928 0.942 0.805 11.73 0.020 (0.029) (0.025) (0.022) (0.024) (0.029) [42-47] [46-51] [50-55] [54-59] [58-62] 1938-1940 0.951 0.908 0.960 0.954 0.902 1.76 0.780 (0.029) (0.024) (0.023) (0.023) (0.023) [38-43] [42-47] [46-51] [50-55] [54-58] 1942-1944 reference 0.987 0.999 1.001 0.934 4.22 0.378 (0.024) (0.022) (0.022) (0.021) [34-39] [38-43] [42-47] [46-51] [50-54] 1946-1948 1.075 reference 1.020 1.025 0.938 3.56 0.468 (0.028) (0.020) (0.020) (0.019) [30-35] [34-39] [38-43] [42-47] [46-50] 1950-1952 1.027 0.997 reference 0.973 0.910 1.68 0.794 (0.026) (0.022) (0.019) (0.018) [26-31] [30-35] [34-39] [38-43] [42-46] 1954-1956 1.070 1.009 1.009 reference 0.938 22.16 0.000 (0.027) (0.022) (0.019) (0.018) [22-27] [26-31] [30-35] [34-39] [38-42] 1958-1960 1.049 0.989 1.025 1.082 reference 4.05 0.399 (0.026) (0.020) (0.019) (0.020) [18-23] [22-27] [26-31] [30-35] [34-38] 1962-1968 1.062 1.007 1.008 1.090 1.022 18.80 0.000 (0.038) (0.020) (0.016) (0.017) (0.015) [16-19] [16-23] [18-27] [22-31] [26-34] 1970-1980 X X 0.912 1.010 0.863 (0.030) (0.018) (0.014) [16-19] [16-23] [16-26] Notes: Data source: DADS matched with EAE, 1978-1996, additional covariates include year and industry dummies by NAP40 industrial classification; the model was estimated using NLLS. Standard errors are in brackets under the coefficients, and age ranges are in square brackets. The Wald Tests test for the equality of the differences between coefficients for adjacent cohorts (the difference between the current cohort's coefficients and the coefficients of the following cohort) for all periods available for the two adjacent cohorts. For example, the test for adjacent cohorts born in 1922-1928 and 1930-1932 the Wald test is in the line for cohort 1922-1928 and the test is for the equality of the following differences: coefficients in 1978-1981 (0.925-0.917), coefficients in 1982-1985 (0.892-0.870), and coefficients in 1986-1989 (0.968-0.932). The degrees of freedom for the test equal to 93 minus the number of time periods with valid coefficients in both adjacent cohorts (for most cohorts, this number is 88 (=93-5)). Table 6.3. Wald Tests for Stability of the Age-Productivity Profile Between Periods Age Range 1978-1981 1982-1985 1986-1989 1990-1993 1994-1996 Wald Test [58-63] 0.910 0.805 5.57 (0.034) (0.029) [54-59] 0.932 0.942 0.902 1.60 (0.024) (0.024) (0.023) [50-55] 0.870 0.928 0.954 0.934 7.03 (0.024) (0.022) (0.023) (0.021) [46-51] 0.917 0.927 0.960 1.001 0.938 8.41 (0.027) (0.025) (0.023) (0.022) (0.019) [42-47] 0.998 0.908 0.999 1.025 0.910 27.84 (0.029) (0.024) (0.022) (0.020) (0.018) [38-43] 0.951 0.987 1.020 0.973 0.938 10.37 (0.029) (0.024) (0.020) (0.019) (0.018) [34-39] reference reference reference reference reference [30-35] P-Value 0.018 0.450 0.071 0.078 0.000 0.035 1.075 0.997 1.009 1.082 12.40 0.006 (0.028) (0.022) (0.019) (0.020) [26-31] 1.027 1.009 1.025 0.39 0.821 (0.026) (0.022) (0.019) [22-27] 1.070 0.989 6.00 0.014 (0.027) (0.020) Notes: The age range for years 1993-1996 is shorter than for other periods by one year: for example, the age range 46-51 is 46-50 for 1993-1996. The Wald test tests the equality of all coefficients within a given age range. See notes to Tables 5.1 and 5.2; the coefficients are from Table 5.2. Standard errors are in parentheses. The degrees of freedom equal 93 plus one minus the number of coefficients in the row: for example, the test in the first row has 93+1-2=92 degrees of freedom. Source: DADS matched with EAE, France 1978-1996 Table 7. Labor Quality Change between 1978-1991 and 1994-1996 Period 1 Period 2 Flat Spot Cohort Labor Quality in (1) Labor Quality in (2) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Results based on coefficients in Table 6 1978-1981 1982-1985 1929-1932 1.328 1.384 (0.027) 1982-1985 1986-1989 1933-1936 1.299 1.357 (5)/(4) (6) % within Cumulative Change (7) (8) 1.042 37.7 1.042 1.045 50.8 1.089 1986-1989 1990-1993 1937-1940 1.312 1.384 1.055 70.1 1.148 1990-1993 1994-1996 1941-1944 1.318 1.306 0.991 N/A 1.138 Results for firms observed in each year in the data 1978-1981 1982-1985 1.017 1982-1985 1986-1989 1.091 1986-1989 1990-1993 1.100 1990-1993 1994-1996 1.071 Notes: Standard errors (delta method) in parentheses In column (7), percent within refers to the portion of period to period labor quality change that is due to quality upgrading within cells by age, sex, and occupation (see equation 7 in the text). The decomposition of labor quality change between period 1990-1993 and 1994-1996 is not reported because there was almost no quality change between the periods Data Source DADS matched to EAE, France 1978-1996 Table A1. Age Ranges and Corresponding Cohorts by Time Period Age Range 1978-1981 1982-1985 1986-1989 1990-1993 14-19 61-68 61-68 69-80 69-80 18-23 57-60 61-68 61-68 69-80 22-27 53-56 57-60 61-68 61-68 26-31 49-52 53-56 57-60 61-68 30-35 45-48 49-52 53-56 57-60 34-39 41-44 45-48 49-52 53-56 38-43 37-40 41-44 45-48 49-52 42-47 33-36 37-40 41-44 45-48 46-51 29-32 33-36 37-40 41-44 50-55 21-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 54-59 21-28 21-28 29-32 33-36 58-63 10-20 21-28 21-28 29-32 1994-1996 69-80 69-80 69-80 61-68 61-68 57-60 53-56 49-52 45-48 41-44 37-40 33-36