Is Natural Resource Abundance Beneficial or Detrimental to Output Level and Growth?∗ Chi-Yung (Eric), Ng† May 3, 2006 Abstract The recent “resource curse” literature [e.g. Sach & Warner (1995, 2001)] indicates that natural resource abundance has a negative impact on output growth. These studies use natural resource dependence (e.g. share of resource exports in GDP) as a proxy for resource abundance (resource endowments per worker), and focus on the impact of natural resources on output growth. This paper addresses whether the distinction between resource abundance and resource dependence is important, and whether the impacts of natural resources on the level and growth rate of output are different. We find that natural resource abundance and resource dependence exhibit different empirical relationships with both the level and growth rate of output per worker. Using a simple dynamic model, we show that cross-country differences in mineral resource abundance, TFP levels in mining and non-mining sector, and relative prices of investment goods can account quantitatively for the empirical relationships. Our results indicate that the “resource curse” phenomenon reflects only a negative relationship between natural resource dependence and output growth. Natural resource abundance per se is beneficial to output level while not detrimental to output growth. ∗ I am grateful to Jim MacGee and Igor Livshits for their advice and guidance throughout this project. I also thank John Whalley for helpful suggestions, and Hiroyuki Kasahara and Martin Gervais for useful discussions. † Contact Info: Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5C2. Email: Telephone: (519)661-2111 ext.85886 Fax: (519)661-3666 1 1 Introduction Is natural resource abundance a curse or a blessing? Recent findings of the “resource curse” literature [e.g. Sachs & Warner (1995, 1997, 2001), Asea & Lahiri (1999), Leite & Weidmann (1999), Gylfason (2001), Atkinson & Hamilton (2003), Papyrakis & Gerlach (2004), Isham et al. (2005)] suggest that natural resource abundance is a “curse” for economic growth: resource-abundant countries tend to grow more slowly than resource-poor countries. Using cross-country growth regressions, these studies regress average growth rate of output per capita on natural resource abundance, initial GDP per capita and other potential growth factors (e.g. investment rate and institutional quality). A common finding is that natural resource abundance is significantly negative, even controlling for other growth factors. There are at least two potential caveats of recent work concluding that natural resources are detrimental to economic performance. First, these studies often use natural resource dependence measures as proxies for natural resource abundance. These resource dependence measures include the share of export of natural resource goods in GDP (or total exports), the share of mineral production (or resource rents) in GDP, and the share of natural capital in total national wealth. These resource dependency ratios may be poor proxies for resource abundance since they reflect the endogenous responses of production and trade. The endogeneity of resource dependency ratios implies there is a potential reverse causality or omitted variable bias. A simple example can illustrate this point. Suppose there is an exogenous time-invariant factor called institutional quality, which has a positive effect on GDP growth but a negative impact on natural resource exports. Over a long time horizon, countries with poor institutional quality will exhibit lower GDP levels and higher resource exports than those with better institutional quality. Therefore, the resource dependency ratio (measured by the ratio of nature resource exports to GDP) in the former countries will be higher than that in the latter countries. If we use the resource dependency ratio as a proxy for resource abundance, then we would tend to find a negative correlation between output growth and resource abundance. But this negative relationship is driven by institutional quality, and not by natural resource abundance. Hence, the negative correlation may reflect a reverse causality or omitted variable bias, and may not imply that natural resource abundance is detrimental to output growth. 2 Second, this literature (see papers cited above) focuses on the relationship between output growth and resource dependence, but not between output level and resource abundance. This may be important, as natural resources may have different impacts on the growth rate and level of output per worker. Countries with high endowments of natural resources may have high share of natural resource sector (e.g. mining and quarrying) in GDP. Suppose that the natural resource sector grows more slowly than the other non-resource sectors (perhaps due to differences in productivity growth). These resource-abundant countries will exhibit lower growth rates of aggregate GDP (due to compositional effect of natural resource sector), even though they may have high levels of GDP. In this case, even if natural resources have a negative effect on growth, they may have a positive impact on development (in terms of GDP per worker). In practice, oil-abundant countries (e.g. Qatar and Saudi Arabia) and other resource-abundant economies (e.g. New Zealand) do exhibit low average growth rates of per-worker GDP, but high levels of per-worker GDP. It is therefore important to examine the impacts of natural resource abundance on both the level and growth rate of output. This paper examines whether natural resource abundance is beneficial or detrimental to both output level and growth taking into account the two potential caveats. The first contribution is to document cross-country empirical facts on the respective relationships of natural resource abundance (resource endowments per worker) and resource dependence (share of resource exports in GDP) with output per worker. We show that the distinction between natural resource abundance and resource dependence is important, as they exhibit different empirical relationships with both the level and growth rate of output per worker. The second contribution is to develop a multi-country two-sector growth model to investigate the endogeneity of natural resource dependence and the impacts of natural resource abundance on the level and growth rate of output per worker. We find that low productivity in the non-resource sector and high barriers to investment can result in high natural resource dependence and low output growth. We also find that natural resource abundance has a positive effect on output level but no significant impact on output growth. These findings imply that one cannot simply use the regression of output growth/level on endogenous resource dependence to infer the impacts of resource abundance on output growth/level. In our empirical analysis, we divide natural resources into mineral and agricultural 3 resources. Our motivation is based on some studies documenting that countries with abundant mineral resources tend to exhibit different economic and social development than other resource-rich countries [e.g. Auty (2001), Isham et al. (2005)].1 For each group, we measure resource abundance and resource dependence for a cross-section of countries.2 Our empirical findings indicate that: (1) mineral resource abundance is positively related to the level of output per worker (both aggregate and non-mining GDP3 ), but not significantly related to the growth rate of output per worker (Fact 1); (2) mineral resource dependence is negatively related to the growth rate of output per worker (both aggregate and non-mining GDP), but not significantly related to the level of output per worker (Fact 2); and (3) both agricultural resource abundance and dependance exhibit no significant relationships with the level and growth rate of output per worker (Fact 3). These facts imply that the finding of recent “resource curse” literature is only a negative relationship between natural resource dependence and output growth. Natural resource abundance pe se is not significantly related to output growth. We then develop a simple dynamic model to examine the endogeneity of mineral resource dependence and the impacts of mineral resource abundance on output level and growth.4 We use the model to illustrate the potential bias in the regression of output growth on endogenous resource dependence. We extend the standard two-sector neoclassical growth model to a multi-country open-economy framework that allows for trade between countries. Growth in each country comes from a common exogenous growth in the non-mining sector and capital accumulation. Countries may have different exogenous initial levels of total factor productivity (TFP) in the mining and non-mining sector, and different exogenous bar1 See Section 2.1 for more details about the motivation of this division and the definitions of mineral and agricultural resources. 2 We use different measures of resource abundance and dependence. All of these measures are in value terms. There are 70 countries in our sample. See Section 2.1 for details. 3 Aggregate GDP refers to all sectoral value-added components of GDP as defined in International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC Rev.2). Non-mining GDP refers to aggregate GDP minus value-added in mining and quarrying (ISIC Rev.2: Major Division 2). 4 We focus on mineral resources since they exhibit contradictory empirical relationships with both the level and growth rate of output per worker. We are interested in addressing whether standard growth or trade theory can explain these empirical relationships. 4 riers to investment (relative prices of investment goods). These two features together with country-specific endowments of mineral resources and labour determine possible linkages between resource abundance/dependence and the level/growth rate of per-worker output in each country. In the model, there is a potential positive effect of mineral resource abundance on the level of output. An increase in mineral resources, ceteris paribus, will increase the level of mining output and so the level of aggregate output. The impact of mineral resource abundance on the growth rate of output, however, depends on country-specific exogenous initial sectoral TFP levels and barriers to investment. Ceteris paribus, if a resource-abundant country has high (low) non-mining TFP level and low (high) barriers to investment, then it will allocate more (less) existing physical capital into the non-mining sector and accumulate more (less) new capital. The share of the non-mining sector in GDP will increase (decrease) and there is an increase (decrease) in capital accumulation. As the non-mining sector grows faster than the mining sector, the growth rate of aggregate output will increase (decrease). Hence, the impact of mineral resource abundance per se on output growth is ambiguous. By contrast, there is a potential negative relationship between mineral resource dependence and output growth. If a country has low (high) non-mining TFP level and high (low) barriers to investment, ceteris paribus, then it will allocate more (less) existing physical capital into the mining sector and accumulate less (more) new capital. The share of the mining sector in GDP will increase (decrease) and there is a decrease (increase) in capital accumulation. The country will exhibit low (high) output growth and high (low) resource dependence. This endogeneity of resource dependence implies that there is a potential reverse causality (low output growth leads to high resource dependence) or omitted variable bias (low nonmining TFP level leads to high resource dependence) in the regression of output growth on resource dependence. In our quantitative analysis, we simulate the model and find that cross-country differences in mineral resource abundance, sectoral TFP levels and relative prices of investment goods can account quantitatively for the cross-country empirical relationships between mineral resource abundance/dependence and output level/growth (i.e. Fact 1-2). For reasonable parameter values, the model implies that mineral resource abundance has a positive effect 5 on output level, but no significant impact on output growth. The model also predicts that countries with high mineral resource dependence will exhibit low output growth. These quantitative results suggest that one should be cautious of interpreting the finding of recent “resource curse” literature. What the recent literature finds is a negative relationship between natural resource dependence and output growth. Natural resource abundance per se is beneficial to output level while not detrimental to output growth. This paper is related to other recent studies that also find natural resources are not a “curse” for output growth. Manzano and Rigobon (2001) show that the “resource curse” might be due to the direct effect of “external debt overhang” in the 1970s for resourcedependent countries. Stijns (2002) also finds energy and mineral reserves are not significant factors for output growth rates. Using GMM estimation of dynamic panel data model, Lederman and Maloney (2002) indicate that the “resource curse” finding is not robust to the inclusion of country effects and correction of endogeneity. These studies, however, focus on the impact of natural resources on the growth rate but not the level of output. Besides, the analysis of panel data requires using a higher frequency growth data (e.g. 5year averages in the panel data instead of 30-year averages in the cross-sectional data). Given the instability and volatility of growth rates in developing countries, the use of panel data is unlikely to be informative [Pritchett (2000)].5 We differ from them on (i) focusing the relationship between output level and natural resource abundance; (ii) distinguishing between mineral and agricultural resource abundance, and examining their relationships with both aggregate and non-mining GDP; and (iii) using a quantitative model to examine these relationships.6 The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the empirical relationships between natural resources and output, and compares the findings with those of the recent literature. Section 3 describes the model. Section 4 examines whether the model can account quantitatively for the empirical facts, and also explores the link between institutional quality and the quantitative results. Section 5 concludes. 5 Robert Solow (2001) also makes a cautious remark on the general practice of using cross-country growth regressions to test growth theory. 6 The comparisons between quantitative modeling approach and econometric approach for addressing growth and development issues can be found in King (1995), and McGrattan & Schmitz (1999). 6 2 Empirical Facts This section provides cross-country empirical facts on (a) the relationships between natural resource abundance (natural resource endowments per worker) and the level and growth rate of output per worker (including aggregate and non-mining GDP), and (b) the relationships between natural resource dependence (share of natural resource exports in GDP) and output level and growth. We find that the distinction between resource abundance and resource dependence is important, as they exhibit different empirical relationships with output level and growth. We also compare our empirical findings with those of the recent “resource curse” literature. We divide natural resources into mineral and agricultural resources. Our motivation is based on a number of studies documenting that countries with abundant mineral resources tend to exhibit different economic and social development than other resource-rich countries.7 Mineral resources include fuel-related and other mineral resources such as oil, coal, natural gas, metals and minerals. Agricultural resources include agricultural cropland, pasture land, timber resources and non-timber forest resources. For each group, we measure resource abundance and resource dependence for a cross-section of countries. 2.1 Measures of Natural Resource Abundance and Dependence Natural resource abundance should capture exogenous endowments of natural resources. In practice, however, even the estimation of reserve data (e.g. oil and mineral reserves) depends on the available exploration technology and the incentive for exploration. Given that no “perfect” data exist, we use three different measures of natural resources as proxies for resource abundance, and examine whether they have consistent relationships with output level and growth. These three measures are the stock value of natural capital, the export value of natural resource goods and the value-added component of GDP in natural resource sectors. Since one component of the stock value of natural capital (the subsoil capital stock) 7 For instance, Isham et al. (2005) indicate that counties with abundant point-source resources (i.e. oil, mineral resources and plantation crops) tend to have weakened institutional capacity and lower economic growth. Other studies [e.g. Collier & Hoeffler (2005), Fearon (2005) and Lujala, et al. (2005)] find that oil-rich countries are more prone to civil war risks. 7 only exists for 70 countries, we restrict our attention to this group for the other measures to allow consistent comparisons across the three measures.8 A list of country names and their codes are shown in Table 1. All these abundance measures are converted to per-worker terms. The labour force data (economically active population) are from World Development Indicators. The first measure of resource abundance is the stock value of natural capital estimated by Kunte et al. (1998). They divide natural capital into subsoil and non-mineral natural capital. Subsoil capital includes oil, coal, natural gas, metals and minerals. Non-mineral natural capital (agricultural capital stock hereafter) includes agricultural cropland, pasture land, timber resources, non-timber forest benefits and protected areas. For each type of natural capital, they define the economic rent as the return on a commodity in excess of the minimum inputs required to provide its services, and calculate the rental value as the difference between market price and cost of production or extraction. The stock value of each type of natural capital is then the present value of the stream of services it generates over its life-time. The second abundance measure is the export value of natural resource goods. Standard Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory implies that the relatively resource-abundant countries tend to produce and export more resource-intensive goods. We use the export value of mineral goods as a proxy for mineral resource abundance, and the export value of agricultural goods as a proxy for agricultural resource abundance. Specifically, exports of mineral goods include fuels, ores and metals [Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) section 3: mineral fuels, division 27: crude fertilizer and minerals nes, division 28: metalliferous ores and scrap, and division 68: non-ferrous metals]. Exports of agricultural goods include food and raw agricultural materials (SITC section 0: food and live animals, 1: beverages and tobacco , 2: crude materials except fuels, 4: animal and vegetable oils and fats, excluding division 27 and 28). The data are from World Development Indicators. The third measure of resource abundance is the value-added in natural resource sectors. Our logic is also based on standard Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory. Mineral resource 8 We also use the full sample for the other two measures to conduct similar empirical analysis in Section 2.2. The results are consistent with those using only these 70 countries. 8 and agricultural resource abundance refer to the value-added in mining and agriculture respectively. In particular, the value-added in mining includes mining and quarrying (ISIC Rev.2: Major Division 2), and the value-added in agriculture includes agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing (ISIC Rev.2: Major Division 1). The data sources include United Nation National Accounts Main Aggregates Database and World Tables. To measure natural resource dependence, we refer to the share of exports of natural resource goods in GDP. Again, we divide exports of natural resource goods into exports of mineral and agricultural goods. Their shares in GDP are used as proxies for mineral resource and agricultural resource dependence respectively. The definitions and sources of export data are the same as those for the export value of natural resource goods described above. 2.2 Key Facts Our initial approach for examining the cross-country data is to report correlation statistics between natural resource abundance/dependence and output level/growth.9 Correlation statistics, however, may be spurious if there are other factors affecting both natural resources and output. To address this issue, our second approach is to regress output level/growth on natural resource variable (resource abundance or dependence) and other potential factors. We examine whether the natural resource variable remains significant after controlling for the other factors in the regression. For output growth regression, standard explaining factors include initial GDP per worker (in 1970), physical investment rate (average over 1970-2000) and institutional quality (average over 1986-1995).10 For output level regression, standard factors include physical investment rate and institutional quality. 9 For all correlation analysis, we report both Pearson and Spearman rank correlation statistics. In the sample, there are cases that the data are heavily skewed or contain some outliers. For instance, the distribution of mineral resource dependence is heavily skewed to the right since there are some countries that have extremely high resource dependence. In this case, it is more appropriate to use the rank correlation since it is less sensitive to the outliers than the Pearson correlation statistics. 10 These explaining factors are the core variables used in most of the “resource curse” literature mentioned in Section 1. Institutional quality refers to an index of Government Antidiversion Policies (GADP) and is an average of five measures of institutional quality during 1986-1995. See Section 4.4 for detailed definitions and source of data. 9 We begin by examining the empirical relationships of mineral resource abundance with the level and growth rate of output per worker. We use the three measures of mineral resource abundance described above. All abundance measures are referred to their value in 1970 except the subsoil capital stock that we only have data in 1994. For output level and growth, we refer to per-worker real GDP in 2000 and average growth rate of per-worker real GDP over 1970-2000 respectively. Since aggregate GDP includes the sectoral value-added in mining and quarrying, to isolate the compositional effect of this sector, we look at both aggregate and non-mining GDP. Specifically, aggregate GDP refers to all sectoral valueadded components defined in ISIC Revision 2, and non-mining GDP refers to aggregate GDP minus value-added in mining and quarrying (ISIC Rev.2: Major Division 2).11 Data on aggregate GDP are from Penn World Tables 6.1, and data on mining share of GDP are from United Nation National Accounts Main Aggregates Database.12 Fact 1: There is a significant positive relationship between mineral resource abundance and the level of output per worker (both aggregate and non-mining GDP), but no significant relationship between mineral resource abundance and the growth rate of output per worker (both aggregate and non-mining GDP). Figure 1 and 2 illustrate the respective scatter plots of the per-worker aggregate and non-mining GDP level with different measures of mineral resource abundance. There seems to be a positive relationship between mineral resource abundance and output level. The correlation and regression analysis further confirms this point. Table 2 indicates that there is a significant positive correlation between all mineral resource abundance measures and the level of both aggregate and non-mining GDP per worker (ranging about 0.4-0.6). The regression results in Table 3 also suggest that all mineral resource abundance measures remain positively significant even including other standard factors in the regressions of aggregate and non-mining GDP per worker. In contrast, Figure 3 and 4 illustrate that there 11 Mining and Quarrying include coal mining, crude petroleum and natural gas production, metal ore mining, and other mining activities. 12 In addition to using the purchasing power parity (PPP) GDP data, we also use the GDP data in constant price of US$ from World Development Indicators. We find that the results of both correlation and regression analysis (in terms of coefficient estimates and their significance levels) are similar to the ones using PPP GDP data. 10 seems to be no systematic relationship between mineral resource abundance and output growth. Table 4 confirms that none of the three mineral resource abundance measures is significantly correlated with the growth rate of either aggregate or non-mining GDP per worker. Table 5 further indicates that all mineral resource abundance measures are insignificant in both regressions of the growth rate of aggregate and non-mining GDP per worker. Next, we examine the empirical relationship between mineral resource dependence and the growth rate and level of output per worker. For mineral resource dependence, we refer to the GDP share of exports of mineral goods in 1970. Fact 2: There is a significant negative relationship between mineral resource dependence and the growth rate of output per worker (both aggregate and non-mining GDP), but no significant relationship between mineral resource dependence and the level of output per worker (both aggregate and non-mining GDP). Figure 5 and 6 illustrate the respective scatter plots of the growth rate and level of perworker output with mineral resource dependence (including both aggregate and non-mining GDP in each figure). Mineral resource dependence seems to exhibit a negative relationship with output growth but no systematic relationship with output level. Table 6 confirms that there is a significant negative correlation between mineral resource dependence and the growth rate of both aggregate and non-mining GDP per worker (ranging from -0.31 to -0.46), but insignificant correlation between mineral resource dependence and the level of output per worker (close to zero). The regression results also yield similar conclusion. In Table 7, mineral resource dependence remains negatively significant in both regressions of the growth rate of aggregate and non-mining GDP per worker. This finding is similar to that of the recent “resource curse” literature that resource-dependent countries tend to exhibit lower growth rates of aggregate output. In contrast, the regression results in Table 8 suggest that mineral resource dependence is an insignificant determinant of the level of output per worker. Finally, one can also examine the empirical relationships of agricultural resource abundance and resource dependence with the level and growth rate of output per worker. We also consider the three measures of agricultural resource abundance described above. All 11 abundance measures are referred to their value in 1970 except the agricultural capital stock that we only have data in 1994. For agricultural resource dependence, we look at the GDP share of exports of agricultural goods in 1970. For output level and growth, we also refer to per-worker real GDP in 2000 and average growth rate of per-worker real GDP over 1970-2000 respectively. Fact 3: Both agricultural resource abundance and resource dependance exhibit no significant relationships with the level and growth rate of output per worker. Figure 7 illustrates the scatter plots of the level of aggregate GDP per worker with agricultural resource abundance and resource dependence (with Pearson and Spearman rank correlation statistics). There seems to be a positive correlation between agricultural resource abundance and output level, and a negative correlation between agricultural dependence and output level (about 0.3 and -0.2 respectively). However, when other factors such as physical investment rate and institutional quality are included in the output level regression, Table 9 indicates that both agricultural abundance and dependence are insignificant. Similarly, Figure 8 shows that output growth seems to be uncorrelated with both agricultural resource abundance and resource dependence (close to zero correlation). The regression results in Table 9 further suggest that both agricultural resource abundance and resource dependence are not significant determinants of output growth. 2.3 Comparison with Recent “Resource Curse” Literature Our empirical findings differ sharply from the results of recent “resource curse” literature. As mentioned in Section 1, the recent literature uses resource dependency ratios as proxies for resource abundance, and finds a negative relationship between resource dependence and output growth. Fact 1 and Fact 3 above point out that the distinction between resource abundance and resource dependence matters. Natural resource abundance per se (either mineral or agricultural resources) exhibits no significant relationship with output growth. Also the recent literature does not examine the relationship between natural resource abundance and output level. Fact 1 indicates that there is a positive relationship between mineral resource abundance and output level. Besides, the recent literature includes both agricultural and mineral resources in their 12 measurement of resource dependence. Fact 2 and Fact 3 illustrate that the distinction between mineral dependence and agricultural dependence also matters. Only countries with high mineral resource dependence tend to exhibit lower growth rates of output. Also the recent studies do not examine the relationship between resource dependence and output level. Fact 2 and Fact 3 indicate both mineral and agricultural dependence exhibit no significant relationship with output level. In sum, our empirical findings seem to suggest that natural resource abundance may be beneficial to output level, but not detrimental to output growth. In next section, we use a quantitative model to examine the impacts of natural resource abundance on output level and growth. 3 The Model In this and next section, we develop a simple dynamic model to investigate the endogeneity of mineral resource dependence and the impacts of mineral resource abundance on output level and growth. Our focus is on mineral resources since they exhibit contradictory empirical relationships with both the level and growth rate of output per worker. We are interested in addressing whether standard growth or trade theory can explain these empirical relationships. We first describe the model in this section and then explore the quantitative properties of the model in Section 4. We extend the standard two-sector neoclassical growth model to a multi-country open-economy framework that allows for trade between countries. 3.1 Basic Features In the model world, there are N countries. Each country has two production sectors: mining (R) and non-mining (M ) sectors. The mining sector produces mineral goods used as intermediate goods in the non-mining sector, while the non-mining sector produces nonmineral goods used for final consumption and investment. Countries can trade both mineral and non-mineral goods with no trading costs across borders. There is no international lending and borrowing, so the trade balance of each country is zero in each period.13 13 In terms of empirical justification, this assumption is not unreasonable despite that enhanced financial integration has increased financial capital flows across countries. First, the average current account during 13 Each country i (i = 1, ..., N ) has initial endowments of natural capital (Ri ), physical capital (Ki0 ) and labour (Li ). Natural capital and labour are the fixed factors of production in the mining and non-mining sector respectively.14 Physical capital is mobile across sectors within a country but is immobile across countries. The assumption of capital immobility across countries is consistent with the fact that there is a large cross-country variation in rental rate of physical capital.15 In each country, there is a representative household who owns all factors of production. Countries may have different exogenous initial total factor productivity levels (TFP) in the mining and non-mining sector. All countries, however, are assumed to have a zero TFP growth rate in the mining sector and a common exogenous positive TFP growth rate in the non-mining sector. These assumptions are also consistent with the empirical observation in G7 countries.16 In the quantitative analysis, we also calibrate most of the 1970-2000 (the periods that we consider in the empirical analysis and quantitative experiments) is not high for the 70 countries that we study. The median current account is -2.46% of GDP. For OECD countries (20 in the sample), it is even lower at -0.85% while for non-OECD countries (50 in the sample) it is relatively higher at -3.61%. Second, in terms of both gross and net amounts, international capital flows (especially bank loans and portfolio flows) during the last 30 years have been concentrated in developed countries even though there is a rising trend on capital flows to developing countries. In terms of computational consideration, the assumption of a balanced trade makes it relatively easier to obtain numerical solutions since there is no need to keep track of the current account dynamics for each country. 14 The assumption that labour is only used in the non-mining sector is based on the observation that a number of mineral-resource abundant and dependent countries have very low labour share in the mining sector (less than 10%). As the main objective of the model is to provide linkages between mineral resource abundance/dependence and output level/growth, this assumption is not crucial for this objective. These linkages depend mainly on exogenous sectoral TFP levels, which determine the allocation of mobile factor across sectors. Since physical capital is the mobile factor, the inclusion of labour as another mobile factor is not crucial for this feature. 15 Caselli and Feyrer (2005) finds substantial differences in marginal product of capital across countries. On average, the marginal product of capital in developing countries is more than twice as large as in the developed countries. The dispersion is even wider within developing countries, with the marginal product of capital being three times as variable as within the developed countries. 16 Using the production functions in the model, we find that the average mining and non-mining TFP growth rates during 1970-2000 in G7 countries are -0.54% and 1.13% respectively. Similar results for OECD countries are also found in Kets and Lejour (2003). Under these assumptions, the model will predict a rising trend in the relative price of mineral goods that is also consistent with data. 14 model parameters to match the average values or ratios in these countries. The source of growth in each country is originated from the exogenous growth in the non-mining sector and is generated through capital accumulation. 3.2 Production Sectors The technologies for mining and non-mining sectors in each country are given by the following production functions: 1−α YRit = ARi Riα KRit (1) 1−µ−θ t YM it = AM i γM Lµi Xitθ KM it (2) where ARi and AM i are the exogenous initial country-specific TFP levels in the mining and non-mining sector respectively; γM (> 1) is the exogenous TFP growth factor in the non-mining sector and is common for all countries; Ri is the natural capital stock (mineral resource endowments) in country i; Li is the labour employed in the non-mining sector of country i; Kjit is the capital used in sector j of country i at time t (j = R, M ); and Xit is the mineral goods used in the non-mining sector of country i at time t. Capital accumulation in each country follows a standard law of motion: Ki,t+1 = (1 − δ) Kit + Iit (3) where Kit and Iit are aggregate capital stock and gross investment respectively in country i at time t. Investment goods in each country are made of non-mineral goods only. 3.3 Firm Problem Let YM be the numeraire goods. In each country, the mining sector (R) faces the following firm problem in any period t: max {KRit ,Ri } {pRt YRit − rit KRit − qRit Ri } 15 (4) subject to (1), while the non-mining sector (M ) faces the following problem in any period t: max {KM it ,Xit ,Li } {YM it − rit KM it − pRt Xit − wit Li } (5) subject to (2), where pRt is the world price of mineral goods (in unit of non-mineral goods) at time t; rit is the rental price of physical capital (gross real interest rate) in country i at time t; qRit is the rental price of natural capital in country i at time t; and wit is the labour wage in the non-mining sector in country i at time t. 3.4 Household Problem In each country, there is a representative household who owns all factors of production and supplies labour inelastically. Each country may have different exogenous barriers to investment (different relative prices of investment goods). The representative household in each country solves the following problem: max (∞ X {Cit ,Iit } (Cit /Li )1−σ βt Li 1−σ t=0 ) (6) subject to (3), and the following budget constraint in each period: Cit + pi Iit = rit Kit + qRit Ri + wit Li (7) where pi is the exogenous country-specific relative price of investment goods (in terms of consumption goods). 3.5 Market Clearing Conditions In each country, there is a competitive market for physical capital. The physical capital market clearing condition in each period is given by: KRit + KM it = Kit (8) Also, there are competitive world markets for mineral and non-mineral goods. The world goods market clearing conditions in each period are given by: 16 N X Xit = N X i=1 N X YRit (Cit + pi Iit ) = i=1 3.6 (9) i=1 N X YM it (10) i=1 Definitions of Key Aggregate Variables The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in each country at any period t is the sum of valueadded in mining and non-mining sector, and is given by: GDPit = pRt YRit + (1 − θ) YM it (11) Each country can produce and trade mineral and non-mineral goods. Hence, exports of mineral and non-mineral goods in any period t are defined respectively as follows: EXRit = pRt (YRit − Xit ) (12) EXM it = YM it − Cit − pi Iit (13) With above definitions, a country is exporting mineral goods (non-mineral goods) if EXRit > 0 (EXM it > 0) and is importing mineral goods (non-mineral goods) if EXRit < 0 (EXM it < 0). In each country, the resource abundance (RAi ) is defined as natural capital stock per worker, while the resource dependence (RDit ) at time t is defined as share of export of mineral goods in GDP. Their definitions are given respectively by: Ri Li (14) EXRit GDPit (15) RAi = RDit = 17 3.7 Equilibrium Definitions Competitive Equilibrium A competitive equilibrium in the model world consists of: (i) a set of prices: {pRt }t=0,...,∞ , {rit , qRit, wit }t=0,...,∞; i=1,...,N (ii) a set of allocation: {YRit , YM it , Xit, Cit , KRit, KM it , Ki,t+1 }t=0,...,∞; i=1,...,N such that given prices, the allocation solves: (a) Firm Problem (3.3) for i = 1, ..., N (i.e. for all countries) and for t = 0, ..., ∞ (b) Household Problem (3.4) for i = 1, ..., N (c) Physical Capital Market Clearing Condition (8) for i = 1, ..., N and for t = 0, ..., ∞, and (d) World Goods Market Clearing Conditions [(9) and (10)] for t = 0, ..., ∞. Balanced Growth Path Equilibrium There are two production sectors in each country. A balanced growth path therefore requires the relative price of mineral goods to adjust so that the nominal output of mineral goods grows at the same rate as the output of non-mineral goods. Hence, a balanced growth path equilibrium with constant real interest rates (possibly different) for all countries, is a competitive equilibrium defined above with the properties that (1) the output of non-mineral goods, consumption and physical capital grow at a constant rate; and (2) the relative price of mineral goods grows at a constant rate such that the nominal output of mineral goods also grows at the same rate as the non-mineral goods. Specifically, (i) {YM it , Cit , KRit, KM it , Ki,t }i=1,...,N grow at rate γ − 1, (ii) {YRit , Xit } i=1,...,N γ − 1, and grow at γp−1 R (iii) pRt grows at γpR − 1, 1/(µ+αθ) where γ = γM 3.8 α/(µ+αθ) and γpR = γM . Characterizing the Equilibrium In any period of time t, the equilibrium in the model world can be characterized by the production functions of mining and non-mining sector [Equation (1) and (2) for all i = 1, ..., N ], the market clearing condition for physical capital [Equation (8) for all i = 1, ..., N ], the world market clearing condition for mineral goods [Equation (9)] as well as the following conditions: 18 Xit = β t Lµ K 1−µ−θ θAM i γM i M it pRt Ci,t+1 Cit −σ = ! 1 1−θ pi pi (1 − δ) + ri,t+1 −µ−θ t rit = (1 − µ − θ) AM i γM Lµi Xitθ KM it i = 1, ..., N (16) i = 1, ..., N (17) i = 1, ..., N −µ−θ −α t pRt (1 − α) ARi Riα KRit = (1 − µ − θ) AM i γM Lµi Xitθ KM it Cit + pi Ki,t+1 − (1 − δ) pi Kit = pRt YRt + (1 − θ) YM it i = 1, ..., N i = 1, ..., N (18) (19) (20) Equation (16) captures each country’s optimal use of mineral goods (being intermediate goods) in producing non-mineral goods. Equation (17) is the usual Euler’s equation, which determines intertemporal optimal tradeoff between current and future consumption for the representative household in each country. Equation (18) equates the real interest rate with marginal product of physical capital in each country. The optimal allocation of physical capital between mining and non-mining sectors in each country is captured by Equation (19). Finally, Equation (20) ensures a balanced trade in each country.17 3.9 Model Mechanics In each country, the linkages between mineral resource abundance/dependence and the level/growth rate of per-worker aggregate and non-mining GDP depend crucially on its exogenous initial sectoral TFP levels (ARi , AM i ). Given competitive physical capital market in each country and free trade in goods across countries, sectoral TFP levels determine mainly each country’s sectoral allocation of physical capital and trade pattern. This feature together with country-specific barriers to investment (relative price of investment goods) and endowments of natural capital and labour then determine each country’s level and 17 For characterizing the equilibrium, the world market clearing condition for non-mineral goods [Equation (10)] is redundant given Equation (9) and (20). 19 growth rate of per-worker output and resource dependence, along the transition to and on the balanced growth path. In the model, there is a potential positive effect of mineral resource abundance on the level of output. An increase in mineral resources, ceteris paribus, will increase the level of mining output and so the level of aggregate output. The impact of mineral resource abundance on the growth rate of output, however, depends on country-specific exogenous initial sectoral TFP levels and barriers to investment. Ceteris paribus, if a resource-abundant country has high (low) non-mining TFP level and low (high) barriers to investment, then it will allocate more (less) existing physical capital into the non-mining sector and accumulate more (less) new capital. The share of the non-mining sector in GDP will increase (decrease) and there is an increase (decrease) in capital accumulation. As the non-mining sector grows faster than the mining sector, the growth rate of aggregate output will increase (decrease). Hence, the impact of mineral resource abundance per se on output growth is ambiguous. By contrast, there is a potential negative relationship between mineral resource dependence and output growth. If a country has low (high) non-mining TFP level and high (low) barriers to investment, ceteris paribus, then it will allocate more (less) existing physical capital into the mining sector and accumulate less (more) new capital. The share of the mining sector in GDP will increase (decrease) and there is a decrease (increase) in capital accumulation. The country will exhibit low (high) output growth and high (low) resource dependence. This endogeneity of resource dependence implies that there is a potential reverse causality (low output growth leads to high resource dependence) or omitted variable bias (low nonmining TFP level leads to high resource dependence) in the regression of output growth on resource dependence. The scenarios above can explain why a mineral resource-abundant country may have high level of output and no systematic pattern on the growth rate of output, and why a mineral resource-dependent country may exhibit a low growth rate of output. Whether or not the model can generate these relationships in the cross-section of countries, however, is a quantitative question. It depends crucially on the actual distribution on cross-country differences in sectoral TFP levels, relative prices of investment goods, and natural capital endowments. The next section will address this quantitative question. 20 4 Quantitative Analysis We now examine whether the model can account quantitatively for the cross-sectional empirical relationships of mineral resource abundance and resource dependence with output level and growth. For reasonable parameter values, the model implies that mineral resource abundance has a positive effect on output level, but no significant impact on output growth. The model also predicts a negative relationship between mineral resource dependence and output growth. We also explore the link between institutional quality and the quantitative results. 4.1 Parameterization Each time period represents a year. There are 70 countries which are identical to the ones used in the empirical analysis (see Table 1 for a complete list of countries and their codes). The empirical counterpart for the mining sector (R) in the model refers to the value-added in mining and quarrying defined in ISIC Revision 2 (See Footnote 8 for details). On the other hand, the empirical counterpart for the non-mining sector (M ) refers to the aggregate GDP minus the value-added in mining and quarrying. Most of the parameters are set to match key values or ratios in the model to their counterparts in the data of G7 averages.18 The labour share (µ) and mineral goods share (θ) in non-mining sector are set to match their counterparts in G7 average in 1990, which is 0.5 and 0.1 respectively.19 Using the steady state equilibrium conditions for detrended economy, we set the depreciation rate (δ) to match G7 average physical investment rate (23.51%) and capital-output ratio (2.87) over 1970-2000, and the utility discount factor (β) to match G7 average capital-output ratio in non-mining sector (2.86) over 1970-2000. Based on the balanced growth path equilibrium definition, the exogenous TFP growth rate in non-mining sector (γM − 1) is set to match G7 average growth rate of GDP per worker over 1970-2000 (1.81%). Similar to the real business cycle literature, it is difficult to calibrate the intertemporal 18 19 G7 includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and United States. We look at the Input-Output Tables in 1990 for G7 countries and calculate the average share of labour compensation and share of use of mineral goods in non-mining gross output. 21 elasticity of substitution (σ) directly using the equilibrium conditions of our model. We set σ equal to 1. This assumption of logarithmic utility function is also used in the growth and development literature [e.g. Parente & Prescott (1994), Gollin et al. (2002), Restuccia (2004)]. Finally, because of the lack of data on natural capital share in the mining sector (α), we assume this sector has the same physical capital share as the non-mining sector. This assumption together with the constant returns to scale in the mining sector allow us to obtain the implied natural capital share.20 The following table summarizes the values of parameters and their targets to match: 4.2 Parameters Value Target µ 0.5 G7 average labour share in non-mining sector θ 0.1 G7 average share of mineral goods used in non-mining sector δ 0.0638 G7 average physical investment rate and capital-output ratio β 0.95 G7 average capital-output ratio in non-mining sector γM 1.0101 G7 average growth rate of GDP per worker σ 1 logarithmic utility function α 0.6 capital share in non-mining sector Quantitative Experiment In the quantitative experiment, we ask if exogenous cross-country differences in initial sectoral TFP levels (ARi , AM i ), relative price of investment goods (pi ), and endowments of factors of production [natural capital (Ri ), physical capital (Ki0 ) and labour (Li )] can account for the cross-sectional relationships between mineral resource abundance/dependence and output level/growth. All exogenous factors are referred to their values in 1970 except the subsoil capital stock that we only have data in 1994. The initial period (t = 0) in the model thus corresponds to year 1970. We feed these exogenous factors in the model 20 In the Input-Output Tables for G7, the value-added measure for each sector is the sum of compensation of employees, gross operating surplus and net indirect taxes. For the mining sector, the gross operating surplus may include the rents of natural capital and physical capital. Since the Input-Output Tables only provide the lump-sum figures of gross operating surplus, it is not possible to obtain directly the natural capital share in this sector. 22 and solve numerically for the transition to the balanced growth path.21 Using the simulated time series for each country during the first 31 periods (from 1970-2000), we conduct similar correlation and regression analysis as in Section 2. We then compare the simulated results with the corresponding empirical findings from the data. We refer to various existing data sets to obtain cross-country data on natural capital, labour and relative prices of investment goods. We also follow standard approaches to construct data on physical capital and sectoral TFP levels. Natural capital refers to the subsoil capital stock data (see Section 2.1 for details). Data on labour force (economically active population) and relative prices of investment goods are from World Development Indicators and Penn World Table 6.1 respectively. Aggregate physical capital stocks are constructed by using the investment share data from Penn World Table 6.1 and following the perpetual inventory method described in Klenow and Rodriguez-Clare (1997). To construct data on sectoral TFP levels, a residual approach is used as follows. First, assuming equalization of the rental price of capital across mining and non-mining sectors, we can use the aggregate capital stock estimates to back out sectoral uses of capital stocks. Second, based on the production function of mineral goods (Equation 1), we can estimate the mining TFP level. Finally, we substitute the first order condition for optimal use of mineral goods in the nonmining sector (Equation 16) into the production function of non-mineral goods (Equation 2), and then estimate the non-mining TFP level. We first examine the predicted relationships of mineral resource abundance with output level and growth. Figure 9 and 10 illustrate the respective scatter plots of predicted level and growth rate of per-worker GDP (including both aggregate and non-mining GDP in each figure) with exogenous mineral resource abundance. Mineral resource abundance seems to exhibit a positive relationship with output level, but no systematic relationship with output growth. Table 10 (Model A: endogenous price of mineral goods) confirms that there is a significant positive correlation between mineral resource abundance and the level 21 To solve the transition to the balanced growth path, we first solve the transition to the steady state for the detrended economy. We then add back the corresponding growth factors for detrended variables to obtain the solutions for the original economy. Appendix 6.1 and 6.2 present in details the detrended equilibrium conditions and steady state equilibrium conditions respectively. We use standard reverse shooting method to solve the model. A brief outline of the algorithm is discussed in Appendix 6.3 23 of per-worker output, and an insignificant correlation between mineral resource abundance and the growth rate of per-worker output (including both aggregate and non-mining GDP). These predicted correlation statistics are close to those in the empirical data. Besides, the simulated regression results are also consistent with the corresponding empirical findings. Table 11 (Model A) reports the regression of predicted GDP level (including aggregate and non-mining GDP per worker separately) on exogenous mineral resource abundance and predicted average investment rate. Similarly, Table 12 (Model A) reports the regression of predicted GDP growth rate (including aggregate and non-mining GDP per worker separately) on exogenous mineral resource abundance, predicted initial GDP and average investment rate. Consistent with data, the model predicts that mineral resource abundance has a significant positive effect on output level, but has an insignificant impact on output growth. Next, we examine the predicted relationships of mineral resource dependence with output level and growth. Figure 11 and 12 illustrate the respective scatter plots of predicted level and growth rate of per-worker GDP (including both aggregate and non-mining GDP in each figure) with endogenous mineral resource dependence. Mineral resource dependence seems to exhibit no systematic relationship with output level, but a negative relationship with output growth. Similar conclusion can be drawn from Table 13 (Model A: endogenous price of mineral goods). There is an insignificant correlation between mineral resource dependence and output level, and a significant negative correlation between mineral resource dependence and output growth (both aggregate and non-mining GDP per worker). These predicted correlation statistics are close to those in the empirical data. Besides, the model also yields similar regression results compared with the empirical findings from the data. The regression of predicted GDP level (including aggregate and non-mining GDP per worker separately) on predicted mineral resource dependence and average investment rate is shown in Table 14 (Model A). Similarly, the regression of predicted GDP growth rate (including aggregate and non-mining GDP per worker separately) on endogenous mineral resource dependence, predicted initial GDP and average investment rate is shown in Table 15 (Model A). Consistent with data, the model predicts that mineral resource dependence has an insignificant effect on output level, but has a significant negative impact on output 24 growth. The quantitative results above imply that one cannot simply use the regression of output growth/level on endogenous resource dependence to infer the impacts of resource abundance on output growth/level. In fact, one should be cautious of interpreting the finding of recent “resource curse” literature. What the recent literature finds is a negative relationship between natural resource dependence and output growth. Natural resource abundance per se is beneficial to output level while not detrimental to output growth. 4.3 Robustness Check: Using Exogenous Mineral Goods Prices In our multi-country model, the equilibrium relative price of mineral goods is endogenously determined by the demand and supply conditions of mineral and non-mineral goods for all countries in the sample. Furthermore, each country’s demand and supply conditions of mineral and non-mineral goods depend mainly on its exogenous factors such as endowments of natural capital. This implies that the simulated time series of relative price of mineral goods may depend on the distribution of cross-country differences in exogenous factors. The cross-country distribution then depends on sample selection. In the quantitative experiment above, we restrict our attention to the 70 countries covered in the subsoil capital stock data. This sample does not contain some mineral resource-rich countries such as Iraq and Russia that may have large impact on the world price of mineral goods. Therefore, the simulated results may be subject to sample selection. To check the robustness of the quantitative results above, we take the relative price of mineral goods as exogenous and conduct similar quantitative experiment. For the first 31 periods (from 1970 to 2000), the time series of relative price of mineral goods are taken from the actual data over the corresponding periods. From the 32nd period (year 2001) and onwards, the price is assumed to grow at the balanced growth rate of original model (γpR − 1). We feed the relative price of mineral goods as well as other exogenous factors in the model, and solve for the transition to the balanced growth path. We then conduct similar correlation and regression analysis as in Section 4.2, and compare the simulated results with the corresponding empirical findings from the data. The exogenous relative price of mineral goods from 1970 to 2000 is computed as the ratio 25 of the price of mineral goods to the price of manufactured goods. The price of mineral goods is the weighed average of petroleum price index and metal price index, with weights being the average export earnings of the commodities over 1995-1997. Data on the commodity price indices are from International Financial Statistics. The price of manufactured goods refers to the unit value of manufactured goods exported by developed countries. The data are from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development’s Handbook of Statistics. Comparing with the original model with endogenous relative price of mineral goods, we find that the model with exogenous price yields consistent results for the predicted relationships between mineral resource abundance and output level/growth. Table 10 (Model B: exogenous price of mineral goods) reports the predicted correlation of mineral resource abundance with output level and growth (including both aggregate and non-mining GDP per worker). Table 11 and 12 (Model B) reports the respective simulated results of regressing output level and growth (including both aggregate and non-mining GDP per worker) on mineral resource abundance. Both correlation and regression analysis indicate mineral resource abundance is beneficial to output level but not detrimental to output growth. We also find that the model with exogenous relative price of mineral goods also generates similar results as the original model for the predicted relationships between mineral resource dependence and output level/growth. The predicted correlation statistics between mineral resource dependence and output level/growth (including both aggregate and non-mining GDP per worker) are shown in Table 13 (Model B: exogenous price of mineral goods). The simulated results of regression of output level and growth (including both aggregate and non-mining GDP per worker) on mineral resource dependence are reported respectively in Table 14 and 15 (Model B). In sum, the model predicts that countries with high resource dependence tend to exhibit lower growth rates of per-worker output and no systematic pattern on their levels of per-worker output. This alternative experiment suggests that the quantitative results of the original model with endogenous mineral goods price are unlikely susceptible to sample selection bias. 26 4.4 Natural Resources and Institutional Quality In this subsection, we explore the link between institutional quality and the quantitative results in Section 4.2 and 4.3. Our approach is to examine the empirical relationships of institutional quality with mineral resource abundance and dependence, and also the relationships of institutional quality with sectoral TFP levels and relative price of investment goods. There are two motivation for this analysis. First, some of the recent “resource curse” literature finds a negative effect of natural resources on institutional quality [e.g. Leite & Weidmann (1999), Isham et al. (2005)]. These studies, however, do not distinguish between resource abundance and dependence, and use resource dependency ratios as proxies for resource abundance. Second, there are empirical evidences that institutions and polices affect productivity (TFP) and capital accumulation, which in turn determine long-run output level and growth [e.g. Hall & Jones (1999), Knack & Keefer (1995), Mauro (1995)]. These two streams of studies suggest that natural resource abundance may affect institutional quality, which in turn may affect productivity level (TFP). In our model both natural resource abundance and sectoral TFP levels are treated as exogenous factors. Their potential linkages with institutional quality imply that institutional quality may matter for the predicted relationships between resource abundance/dependence and output level/growth. We use two different measures as proxies for institutional quality. The first measure is an index of Government Antidiversion Policies (GADP) used in Hall & Jones (1999). The original source of GADP data is from International Country Risk Guide. The GADP is an average of five measures during 1986-1995, including law and order, bureaucratic quality, corruption, risk of expropriation and government repudiation of contracts. The index is measured from zero to one with a higher score representing a better institutional quality. The second measure for institutional quality is the governance indicators created by Kaufmann et al (2004). They provide a set of estimates of six dimensions of governance from 1996-2000. The index is measured from -2.5 to 2.5 with a higher score representing a better institutional quality. We use four of the six measures, including government effectiveness (GE), regulatory quality (RQ), rule of law (RL), and control of corruption (CC). Specifically, GE measures the quality of public service provision, the quality of the bureaucracy, the competence of civil servants, the independence of the civil service from political pressures, 27 and the credibility of the government’s commitment to policies. RQ measures the incidence of market-unfriendly policies such as price controls or inadequate bank supervision, as well as the perceptions of burdens imposed by excessive regulation in areas such as foreign trade and business development. RL measures the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules of society, including perceptions of the incidence of crime, the effectiveness and predictability of the judiciary, and the enforceability of contracts. CC measures the perceptions of corruption by public power for private gain. We first examine the empirical relationships of institutional quality with mineral resource abundance and dependence. For consistency, we use the same measures of mineral resource abundance and dependence as in Section 2. Table 16 indicates that institutional quality is positively correlated with resource abundance but negatively correlated with resource dependence. These results suggest that resource-abundant countries tend to have better institutional quality while resource-dependent countries tend to have poor institutional quality. Hence, the claim from some of the recent “resource curse” literature [e.g. Leite & Weidmann (1999), Isham et al. (2005)] that natural resource abundance results in poor institutional quality is unwarranted. Their findings reflect only the negative relationship between institutional quality and resource dependence but not resource abundance. Next, we examine the empirical relationships of institutional quality with sectoral TFP levels (including mining and non-mining sector) and relative price of investment goods, using the same data sets in Section 4.2. We find that institutional quality is positively correlated with non-mining TFP level but negatively correlated with relative price of investment goods (see Table 17). This finding is consistent with some studies documenting a positive association between institutional quality and aggregate TFP level [e.g. Hall & Jones (1999)]. The two findings above suggest that differences in institutional quality can explain why mineral resource abundance and dependence may exhibit different relationships with output level and growth respectively. Countries with high mineral resource abundance tend to have better institutional quality and so higher non-mining TFP levels. In the model, these countries will allocate more physical capital into the non-mining sector and will have higher levels of both non-mining and aggregate output. On the other hand, countries with 28 poor institutional quality tend to have lower non-mining TFP levels and higher relative prices of investment goods. They will allocate more physical capital into the mining sector and accumulate less new capital. The share of the mining sector in GDP will increase and there is a decrease in capital accumulation. Hence, these countries will exhibit lower growth in output and higher resource dependence. 5 Conclusion The “resource curse” phenomenon that countries with abundant natural resources tend to grow more slowly than resource-poor countries has been widely accepted as one of the stylized facts for modern economic growth.22 This paper, however, points out that the “resource curse” finding of recent literature is subject to two potential caveats: (1) using endogenous resource dependency ratios as a proxy for resource abundance; and (2) focusing on the impact of resource dependence on output growth but not the impact of resource abundance on output level. Hence, one should take cautious of interpreting this finding before exploring any policy implications such as whether or not a resource-rich country should exploit its natural resources. We examine whether natural resource abundance is beneficial or detrimental to both output level and growth taking into account the two potential caveats. We find that the distinction between natural resource abundance and resource dependence matters since they exhibit different empirical relationships with both the level and growth rate of output per worker. In particular, mineral resource abundance is positively related to output level, but not significantly related to output growth. On the contrary, mineral resource dependence is negatively related to output growth, but not significantly related to output level. We develop a simple dynamic model to investigate the endogeneity of natural resource dependence and the impacts of natural resource abundance on output per worker. We use the model to illustrate that one cannot simply use the regression of output growth/level on endogenous resource dependence to infer the impacts of resource abundance on output growth/level. Using the model, we find that cross-country differences in mineral resource 22 For instance, recent work like Sala-i-Martin (1997) and Doppelhofer et al. (2000) find natural resources as one of the ten most robust variables in empirical analysis of economic growth. 29 abundance, TFP levels in mining and non-mining sector, and relative prices of investment goods can account quantitatively for the empirical relationships. For reasonable parameter values, the model implies that mineral resource abundance has a significant positive effect on output level, but has an insignificant impact on output growth. The model also predicts that countries with high mineral resource dependence tend to exhibit low output growth. Hence, the “resource curse” phenomenon reflects only a negative relationship between natural resource dependence and output growth. Natural resource abundance per se is beneficial to output level while not detrimental to output growth. 30 6 Appendix 6.1 Transitional Dynamics (Detrended Equilibrium Conditions) To solve the model transition to the balanced growth path, we follow standard approach by first detrending all variables with their corresponding growth factors, and then solving the transition to the steady state for the transformed economy.23 Once we solve the transition path for all variables of the transformed economy, we add back the growth factors for all detrended variables to obtain the solutions for the original model. We denote all detrended variables with small letters except for the detrended price of mineral goods which is denoted by a “hat” notation. Specifically, we detrend {YM it , Cit , KRit, KM it , Kit }i=1,...,N by γ t , {YRit , Xit } i=1,...,N γ t , and pRt by γpt R . The transitional dynamics of the transby γp−t R formed (detrended) economy can be characterized by the following equations: −σ/(µ+αθ) βγM ci,t+1 cit −σ = pi pi (1 − δ) + ri,t+1 i = 1, ..., N 1/(1−θ) µ/(1−θ) θ/(θ−1) −µ/(1−θ) Li p̂Rt kM it rit = (1 − µ − θ) θθ/(1−θ) AM i 1/(1−θ) −α kRit (1 − α) ARi Riα p̂Rt (21) i = 1, ..., N 1/(1−θ) µ/(1−θ) −µ/(1−θ) Li kM it = (1 − µ − θ) θθ/(1−θ) AM i (22) i = 1, ..., N (23) 1/(µ+αθ) cit +γM 1/(1−θ) µ/(1−θ) θ/(θ−1) (1−µ−θ)/(1−θ) Li p̂Rt kM it pi ki,t+1 −(1 − δ) pi kit = (1 − θ) θθ/(1−θ) AM i 1−α +ARi Riα p̂Rt kRit kRit + kM it = kit N P 1/(1−θ) p̂Rt = i=1 i=1 23 i = 1, ..., N 1−µ−θ θAM i Lµi kM it N P i = 1, ..., N (24) (25) 1/(1−θ) (26) 1−α ARi Riα kRit Appendix 6.2 presents in details the steady state equilibrium conditions for the transformed economy. 31 After solving for the above equations, we can also obtain other relevant detrended aggregate variables for any country i by the following equations: 1−α yRit = ARi Riα kRit 1−µ−θ θAM i Lµi kM it p̂Rt xit = 1 1−θ (28) 1−µ−θ yM it = AM i Lµi xθit kM it (29) gdpit = p̂Rt yRit + (1 − θ)yM it (30) exRit = p̂Rt (yRit − xit ) (31) 1/(µ+αθ) (32) exM it = yM it − cit − γM 6.2 ! (27) pi ki,t+1 − (1 − δ) pi kit Steady State Equilibrium Conditions for Detrended Economy The steady state equilibrium conditions for any country i can be characterized by the following equations: h σ/(µ+αθ) ri = pi β −1 γM i − (1 − δ) (33) 1/(1−θ) µ/(1−θ) θ/(θ−1) −µ/(1−θ) kM i Li p̂R ri = (1 − µ − θ) θθ/(1−θ) AM i 1/(1−θ) −α kRi (1 − α) ARi Riα p̂R h 1/(µ+αθ) ci + γM 1/(1−θ) µ/(1−θ) −µ/(1−θ) Li kM i = (1 − µ − θ) θθ/(1−θ) AM i i (34) (35) 1/(1−θ) µ/(1−θ) θ/(θ−1) (1−µ−θ)/(1−θ) Li p̂R kM i 1−α − (1 − δ) pi ki = ARi Riα p̂R kRi +(1 − θ) θθ/(1−θ) AM i (36) 32 kRi + kM i = ki (37) The steady state world price of mineral goods is given by: N P 1/(1−θ) p̂R = i=1 1−µ−θ θAM i Lµi kM i 1/(1−θ) (38) N P i=1 1−α ARi Riα kRi Substituting (33) into (34) and (35), the respective steady state kM i and kRi for country i are given by: −θ/µ 1/µ (1 − µ − θ)(1−θ)/µ θθ/µ AM i Li p̂R kM i = (39) (1−θ)/µ ri 1/α kRi = 1/α (1 − α)1/α ARi Ri p̂R (40) 1/α ri Substituting (39) and (40) into (38), the steady state world price of mineral goods is given by: " (µ+αθ)/αµ p̂R = # (1−µ−θ)/µ θ(µ+θ)/µ (1 − µ − θ) (1 − α)(1−α)/α N P 1/µ AM i Li (1−µ−θ)/µ i=1 ri N 1/α P ARi Ri (41) (1−α)/α i=1 ri The steady state values for other key aggregate variables in country i are given as follows: 1/α yRi = (1−α)/α (1 − α)(1−α)/α ARi Ri p̂R 1/µ yM i = (43) (1−µ−θ)/µ ri + (1−α)/α −θ/µ 1/µ 1/α (1 − α)(1−α)/α ARi Ri p̂R (1 − θ) (1 − µ − θ)(1−µ−θ)/µ θθ/µ AM i Li p̂R (1−µ−θ)/µ ri (44) ri 1/α exRi = −θ/µ (1 − µ − θ)(1−µ−θ)/µ θθ/µ AM i Li p̂R 1/α gdpi = (42) (1−α)/α ri 1/α (1 − α)(1−α)/α ARi Ri p̂R (1−α)/α 1/µ − −θ/µ (1 − µ − θ)(1−µ−θ)/µ θ(µ+θ)/µ AM i Li p̂R (1−µ−θ)/µ ri ri 33 (45) 6.3 Computational Algorithm for Solving Transition To solve numerically the transition to the steady state for the detrended economy, we use the standard reverse shooting method. The algorithm is outlined as follows. Denote the steady state values of consumption and aggregate capital as css and k ss respectively. Assume the model will converge to its steady state at period T + 1 (T be sufficient large). Set k(T + 1) = k ss and c(T + 1) = λcss where λ is sufficiently close to 1. Using the equilibrium conditions for the detrended economy (Equation 21-26), solve backward the system of nonlinear difference equations for all periods and obtain k(0). Denote k(0) as a function of λ, i.e. k(0, λ). Solve zero for the function: k(0, λ) − k0 given a tolerance level, where k0 is the given initial capital. More generic discussion on shooting methods can be found in Judd (1998). 6.4 Data Sources Data Sources Subsoil Capital Kunte et al. (1998) Non-mineral Natural (Agricultural) Capital Ditto Export of Mineral Goods World Development Indicators Export of Agricultural Goods Ditto Labour Force Ditto Value-added in Mining World Tables Value-added in Agriculture UN National Accounts Main Aggregates Mining Share of GDP Ditto Aggregate Real GDP Penn World Tables 6.1 Investment Rate Ditto Relative Price of Investment Goods Ditto Institutional Quality (GADP) Hall & Jones (1999) Institutional Quality (GE, RQ, RL, CC) Kaufmann et al. (2004) Commodity Price Indices International Financial Statistics Unit Value of Manufactured Goods UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics 34 References [1] Acemoglu, D., S. Johnson, and J. Robinson (2001), The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation, American Economic Review 91 (5), 1369-1401. [2] Asea, P.K. and A. Lahiri (1999), The Precious Bane, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 23 (5-6), 823-849. [3] Atkinson, G. and K. 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Cote d'Ivoire Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt, Arab Rep. Finland France Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala Honduras India Indonesia Ireland Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Korea, Rep. Malaysia ARG AUS AUT BGD BEN BOL BWA BRA CMR CAN CHL CHN COL COG CIV DNK DOM ECU EGY FIN FRA GER GHA GRC GTM HND IND IDN IRL ITA JAM JPN JOR KOR MYS Mauritania Mexico Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Niger Norway Pakistan Papua New Guinea Peru Philippines Portugal Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Sierra Leone South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Tanzania Thailand Togo Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey United Kingdom United States Venezuela, RB Zambia Zimbabwe 40 MRT MEX MAR MOZ NAM NPL NLD NZL NER NOR PAK PNG PER PHL PRT RWA SAU SEN SLE ZAF ESP LKA SWE CHE TZA THA TGO TTO TUN TUR GBR USA VEN ZMB ZWE Table 2: Correlation between GDP Level and Mineral Resource Abundance Real GDP per Worker Level (2000) Aggregate GDP Non-Mining GDP Pearson Rank Pearson Rank Mineral Resource Abundance Subsoil Capital per Worker (1994) 0.43* 0.37* 0.38* 0.30** Export of Mineral Goods per Worker (1970) 0.50* 0.51* 0.48* 0.48* Value-Added in Mining per Worker (1970) 0.65* 0.67* 0.62* 0.65* *Statistically significant at 1% level **Statistically significant at 5% level Table 3: Regression Analysis: GDP Level against Mineral Resource Abundance* Dependent Variables: Real GDP per Worker Level (2000) Aggregate GDP Non-Mining GDP Explaining Variables Mineral Resource Abundance Subsoil Capital per Worker (1994) 0.111 0.091 (0.023) (0.025) Export of Mineral Goods per Worker (1970) 0.066 0.054 (0.029) (0.030) Value-Added in Mining per Worker (1970) 0.157 0.139 (0.033) (0.035) Investment Rate (1970-2000, average) 0.451 (0.156) 0.581 (0.170) 0.437 (0.156) 0.428 (0.168) 0.535 (0.175) 0.404 (0.166) Institutional Quality (1986-1995, average) 3.607 (0.398) 3.254 (0.462) 3.120 (0.408) 3.799 (0.429) 3.514 (0.477) 3.373 (0.433) 0.799 70 0.750 70 0.799 70 0.774 70 0.743 70 0.782 70 Adjusted R-square Observations *Each regression includes a constant term. **Standard errors of coefficients are in parentheses. 41 Table 4: Correlation between GDP Growth and Mineral Resource Abundance Real GDP per Worker Growth (1970-2000, average) Non-Mining GDP Aggregate GDP Pearson Rank Pearson Rank Mineral Resource Abundance Subsoil Capital per Worker (1994) -0.04 -0.04 0.03 -0.05 Export of Mineral Goods per Worker (1970) -0.19 -0.20 -0.08 -0.09 Value-Added in Mining per Worker (1970) -0.14 -0.10 -0.01 0.01 Table 5: Regression Analysis: GDP Growth against Mineral Resource Abundance* Dependent Variables: Real GDP per Worker Growth (1970-2000, average) Aggregate GDP Non-Mining GDP Explaining Variables Mineral Resource Abundance Subsoil Capital per Worker (1994) 0.113 0.054 (0.069) (0.063) Export of Mineral Goods per Worker (1970) -0.121 -0.096 (0.075) (0.068) Value-Added in Mining per Worker (1970) -0.043 -0.043 (0.117) (0.099) Initial Aggregate GDP per Worker (1970) -1.552 (0.251) -1.141 (0.249) -1.264 (0.302) Initial Non-Mining GDP per Worker (1970) -1.076 (0.254) -0.846 (0.246) -0.910 (0.283) Investment Rate (1970-2000, average) 1.393 (0.392) 1.525 (0.386) 1.535 (0.401) 1.336 (0.378) 1.430 (0.368) 1.434 (0.381) Institutional Quality (1986-1995, average) 6.020 (1.313) 5.140 (1.233) 5.126 (1.306) 4.430 (1.339) 4.000 (1.257) 3.923 (1.313) 0.463 70 0.462 70 0.441 70 0.356 70 0.368 70 0.350 70 Adjusted R-square Observations *Each regression includes a constant term. **Standard errors of coefficients are in parentheses. 42 Table 6: Correlation between GDP Growth/Level and Mineral Resource Dependence Real GDP per Worker Growth (1970-2000, average) Non-Mining GDP Aggregate GDP Pearson Rank Pearson Rank Mineral Resource Dependence Exports of Mineral Goods as % of GDP (1970) -0.46* -0.34* -0.31* -0.32* *Statistically significant at 1% level 43 Real GDP per Worker Level (2000) Aggregate GDP Non-Mining GDP Pearson Rank Pearson Rank -0.12 -0.06 -0.16 -0.12 Table 7: Regression Analysis: GDP Growth against Mineral Resource Dependence* Dependent Variables: Real GDP per Worker Growth (1970-2000, average) Aggregate GDP Non-Mining GDP Explaining Variables Mineral Resource Dependence Exports of Mineral Goods as % of GDP (1970) -3.963 -2.634 (1.339) (1.252) Initial Aggregate GDP per Worker (1970) -1.112 (0.220) Initial Non-Mining GDP per Worker (1970) -0.893 (0.226) Investment Rate (1970-2000, average) 1.538 (0.370) 1.445 (0.362) Institutional Quality (1986-1995, average) 3.837 (1.272) 3.299 (1.286) 0.507 70 0.390 70 Adjusted R-square Observations *Each regression includes a constant term. **Standard errors of coefficients are in parentheses. Table 8: Regression Analysis: GDP Level against Mineral Resource Dependence* Dependent Variables: Real GDP per Worker Level (2000) Aggregate GDP Non-Mining GDP Explaining Variables Mineral Resource Dependence Exports of Mineral Goods as % of GDP (1970) 0.341 0.007 (0.602) (0.614) Investment Rate (1970-2000, average) 0.615 (0.176) 0.569 (0.179) Institutional Quality (1986-1995, average) 3.607 (0.471) 3.753 (0.480) 0.732 70 0.730 70 Adjusted R-square Observations *Each regression includes a constant term. **Standard errors of coefficients are in parentheses. 44 Table 9: Regression Analysis: GDP Level/Growth against Agricultural Resource Abundance/Dependence* Dependent Variables Real GDP per Worker Level Real GDP per Worker Growth (2000) (1970-2000, average) Explaining Variables Agricultural Resource Abundance Agricultural Capital per Worker (1994) 0.137 0.032 (0.090) (0.208) Export of Agricultural Goods per Worker (1970) 0.090 0.030 (0.058) (0.128) Value-Added in Agriculture per Worker (1970) 0.481 0.365 (0.104) (0.311) Agricultural Resource Dependence Exports of Agricultural Goods as % of GDP (1970) -1.131 -0.686 (1.198) (2.566) Initial Aggregate GDP per Worker (1970) -1.349 (0.226) -1.202 (0.226) -1.505 (0.258) -1.196 (0.221) Investment Rate (1970-2000, average) 0.582 (0.174) 0.634 (0.174) 0.52 (0.154) 0.598 (0.178) 1.499 (0.396) 1.434 (0.380) 1.475 (0.39) 1.413 (0.383) Institutional Quality (1986-1995, average) 3.485 (0.455) 3.162 (0.519) 2.361 (0.476) 3.542 (0.461) 5.273 (1.256) 4.654 (1.278) 4.902 (1.279) 4.761 (1.224) 0.740 70 0.752 69 0.797 70 0.734 69 0.440 70 0.404 69 0.452 70 0.404 69 Adjusted R-square Observations *Each regression includes a constant term. **Standard errors of coefficients are in parentheses. 45 Table 10: Model Prediction of Correlation of Mineral Resource Abundance with GDP Level and Growth Real GDP per Worker Level Real GDP per Worker Growth (2000, log) (average over 1970-2000) Aggregate GDP Aggregate GDP Non-Mining GDP Non-Mining GDP Pearson Rank Pearson Rank Pearson Rank Pearson Rank Mineral Resource Abundance# Model A: endogenous price of mineral goods 0.49* 0.41* 0.36* 0.31* -0.10 -0.13 -0.03 -0.04 Model B: exogenous price of mineral goods 0.49* 0.42* 0.34* 0.30** -0.05 -0.07 -0.15 -0.16 Data 0.43* 0.37* 0.38* 0.30** -0.04 -0.04 0.02 -0.04 # Resource Abundance: exogenous subsoil capital per worker (1994, log) *Statistically significant at 1% level **Statistically significant at 5% level 46 Table 11: Regression of GDP Level on Mineral Resource Abundance: Model Prediction vs Data* Dependent Variables: Real GDP per Worker Level (2000) Aggregate GDP Non-Mining GDP Model A1 Model B2 Model A1 Model B2 Data Data Explaining Variables Mineral Resource Abundance Subsoil Capital per Worker (1994) 0.153 0.155 0.105 0.093 0.083 0.084 (0.035) (0.035) (0.035) (0.035) (0.035) (0.037) Investment Rate (1970-2000, average) Adjusted R-square Observations 0.885 (0.150) 0.878 (0.150) 1.362 (0.177) 1.073 (0.148) 1.107 (0.149) 1.388 (0.188) 0.500 70 0.500 70 0.569 70 0.514 70 0.515 70 0.528 70 *Each regression includes a constant term. **Standard errors of coefficients are in parentheses. Model A: endogenous price of mineral goods 1 2 Model B: exogenous price of mineral goods Table 12: Regression of GDP Growth on Mineral Resource Abundance: Model Prediction vs Data* Dependent Variables: Real GDP per Worker Growth (1970-2000, average) Non-Mining GDP Aggregate GDP Model A1 Model B2 Model A1 Model B2 Data Data Explaining Variables Mineral Resource Abundance Subsoil Capital per Worker (1994) 0.001 0.017 0.002 -0.008 -0.067 -0.013 (0.045) (0.043) (0.073) (0.043) (0.048) (0.064) Initial Aggregate GDP per Worker (1970) -0.396 (0.126) -0.370 (0.123) -0.808 (0.218) Initial Non-Mining GDP per Worker (1970) Investment Rate (1970-2000, average) Adjusted R-square Observations -0.283 (0.138) -0.307 (0.154) -0.496 (0.197) 0.936 (0.187) 0.847 (0.183) 2.223 (0.397) 0.831 (0.212) 1.050 (0.233) 1.890 (0.364) 0.289 70 0.253 70 0.330 70 0.190 70 0.257 70 0.291 70 *Each regression includes a constant term. **Standard errors of coefficients are in parentheses. Model A: endogenous price of mineral goods 1 2 Model B: exogenous price of mineral goods 47 Table 13: Model Prediction of Correlation of Mineral Resource Dependence with GDP Level and Growth Real GDP per Worker Level Real GDP per Worker Growth (2000, log) (average over 1970-2000) Aggregate GDP Non-Mining GDP Aggregate GDP Non-Mining GDP Pearson Rank Pearson Rank Pearson Rank Pearson Rank Mineral Resource Dependence# Model A: endogenous price of mineral goods 0.10 0.07 -0.16 -0.10 -0.52* -0.40* -0.40* -0.27** Model B: exogenous price of mineral goods 0.13 0.08 -0.19 -0.12 -0.46* -0.31* -0.63* -0.44* Data -0.12 -0.06 -0.16 -0.12 -0.46* -0.34* -0.31* -0.32* # Resource Dependence: endogenous exports of mineral goods as % of GDP (1970) *Statistically significant at 1% level **Statistically significant at 5% level 48 Table 14: Regression of GDP Level on Mineral Resource Dependence: Model Prediction vs Data* Dependent Variables: Real GDP per Worker Level (2000) Aggregate GDP Non-Mining GDP Model A1 Model B2 Model A1 Model B2 Data Data Explaining Variables Mineral Resource Dependence Exports of Mineral Goods as % of GDP (1970) 0.993 0.830 -0.651 0.400 0.190 -1.025 (0.579) (0.776) (0.801) (0.576) (0.775) (0.825) Investment Rate (1970-2000, average) Adjusted R-square Observations 1.195 (0.161) 1.189 (0.159) 1.499 (0.180) 1.190 (0.160) 1.191 (0.159) 1.489 (0.186) 0.457 70 0.464 70 0.516 70 0.467 70 0.475 70 0.503 70 *Each regression includes a constant term. **Standard errors of coefficients are in parentheses. Model A: endogenous price of mineral goods 1 2 Model B: exogenous price of mineral goods Table 15: Regression of GDP Growth on Mineral Resource Dependence: Model Prediction vs Data* Dependent Variables: Real GDP per Worker Growth (1970-2000, average) Aggregate GDP Non-Mining GDP Model A1 Model B2 Model A1 Model B2 Data Data Explaining Variables Mineral Resource Dependence Exports of Mineral Goods as % of GDP (1970) -1.859 -1.996 -5.491 -1.521 -4.495 -3.539 (0.667) (0.893) (1.313) (0.621) (0.832) (1.252) Initial Aggregate GDP per Worker (1970) -0.234 (0.120) -0.215 (0.120) -0.689 (0.180) Initial Non-Mining GDP per Worker (1970) Investment Rate (1970-2000, average) Adjusted R-square Observations -0.233 (0.127) -0.217 (0.125) -0.508 (0.177) 0.634 (0.207) 0.605 (0.206) 1.998 (0.357) 0.640 (0.218) 0.624 (0.213) 1.824 (0.344) 0.364 70 0.304 70 0.470 70 0.257 70 0.470 70 0.367 70 *Each regression includes a constant term. **Standard errors of coefficients are in parentheses. Model A: endogenous price of mineral goods 1 2 Model B: exogenous price of mineral goods 49 Table 16: Correlation of Institutional Quality with Resource Abundance and Dependence GE2 RQ3 RL4 GADP1 Resource Abundance Subsoil Capital per Worker (1994) 0.30 0.26 0.30 0.25 CC5 0.27 Export of Mineral Goods per Worker (1970) 0.38 0.45 0.45 0.48 0.46 Value-Added in Mining per Worker (1970) 0.40 0.47 0.44 0.50 0.49 -0.29 -0.29 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 Resource Dependence Exports of Mineral Goods as % of GDP (1970) 1 GADP: Government Antidiversion Policies. See text for detailed description. 2 GE: Government Effectiveness. See text for detailed description. 3 RQ: Regulatory Quality. See text for detailed description. 4 RL: Rule of Law. See text for detailed description. 5 CC: Control of Corruption. See text for detailed description. Table 17: Correlation of Institutional Quality with Sectoral TFP Levels and Relative Price of Investment GE2 RQ3 RL4 CC5 GADP1 TFP Level in Non-Mining Sector (1970) 0.61 0.64 0.65 0.60 0.65 TFP Level in Mining Sector (1970) -0.02 -0.01 -0.07 -0.01 -0.003 Relative Price of Investment (1970) -0.61 -0.58 -0.67 -0.58 -0.54 1 GADP: Government Antidiversion Policies. See text for detailed description. 2 GE: Government Effectiveness. See text for detailed description. 3 RQ: Regulatory Quality. See text for detailed description. 4 RL: Rule of Law. See text for detailed description. 5 CC: Control of Corruption. See text for detailed description. 50 Figure 1. Aggregate GDP Level and Mineral Resource Abundance across Countries Pearson correlation: 0.43 Rank correlation: 0.37 Aggregate GDP per worker (2000, log) 12 11 USA IRL NOR AUT FRA AUS DNK NLD CAN JPN FINITAGER GBR SWE ESP NZL GRC KOR PRT ARG TTO CHL MYS MEX ZAF TUN VEN BRA TUR BWA DOM PER COL THA EGYJOR NAM GTM ECU MAR PHL IDN JAM CHN BOL PNG IND ZWE HND PAK CMR CIV COG SEN NPLBGD MRT GHA BEN SLE ZMB TGO CHE 10 9 LKA 8 MOZNERRWA 7 SAU TZA 6 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Resource Abundance (subsoil capital per worker, 1994, log) Pearson correlation: 0.50 Rank correlation: 0.51 Aggregate GDP per worker (2000, log) 12 USAIRL NLD NOR AUT FRA AUSCAN CHE ITA DNK FIN GBR SWE GER ESP NZL SAU KOR PRTGRC ARG MYS CHL TTO MEX TUN ZAF VEN TUR BRABWA COL DOM PER EGYTHA JOR GTM NAM ECU PHLMAR LKA JAM IDN BOL CHN PNG IND ZWE HND PAK CIV CMR COG SEN 11 JPN 10 9 BGD 8 NPL BEN NER GHA RWA 7 MRT TGO SLE MOZ ZMB TZA 6 -7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 Resource Abundance (export of mineral goods per worker, 1970, log) Pearson correlation: 0.65 Rank correlation: 0.67 Aggregate GDP per worker (2000, log) 12 USA IRL NLD NOR AUT FRA CAN CHE ITA FIN GER AUS JPN GBR SWE ESP NZL PRT KOR GRC ARG MYS CHL TTO MEX ZAF VEN BRA TURBWATUN COL JOR PER THADOM EGY GTM NAM ECU MAR PHL JAM LKA IDN BOL CHN PNG ZWE HND PAKIND CMR CIV COG SEN BGD MRT BEN GHA SLE TGO ZMB MOZ NER RWA 11 DNK 10 9 8 NPL 7 SAU TZA 6 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 Resource Abundance (value-added in mining per worker, 1970, log) 51 11 Figure 2. Non-mining GDP Level and Mineral Resource Abundance across Countries Pearson correlation: 0.38 Rank correlation: 0.30 Non-mining GDP per worker (2000, log) 12 11 IRL USA AUT FRA DNK NLD CAN AUS JPN FINITAGER GBR SWE NOR ESP NZL GRC KOR PRT ARG TTO MEX MYS CHL CHE 10 9 LKA NPLBGD BEN GHA 8 ZAF TUN BRA TUR DOM PER THA JOR COL GTM EGY BWA MAR NAM PHL ECU IDN JAM CHN BOL IND ZWE HND PAK CMR CIV PNG SEN SLE TGO MOZNERRWA SAU VEN MRT ZMB COG 7 TZA 6 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Resource Abundance (subsoil capital per worker, 1994, log) Pearson correlation: 0.48 Rank correlation: 0.48 Non-mining GDP per worker (2000, log) 12 11 USAIRL NLD AUT CHE FRA ITA DNK FIN GER GBR SWEAUSCAN NOR ESP NZL KOR PRTGRC JPN ARG 10 MEX SAU TTO MYS CHL TUN ZAF BRA DOM PER THACOL JOR EGY BWA NAM PHLMAR JAM IDN BOL CHN ZWE HND CIV CMR PNG SEN TUR GTM 9 LKAECU PAK BGD 8 NPL IND BEN GHA RWA COG NER MOZ TGO VEN MRT ZMB SLE 7 TZA 6 -7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 Resource Abundance (export of mineral goods per worker, 1970, log) Pearson correlation: 0.62 Rank correlation: 0.65 Non-mining GDP per worker (2000, log) 12 11 IRL USA NLD AUT FRA CHE ITA FIN CAN GER AUS JPN GBR SWE NOR ESP NZL PRT KOR GRC ARG MEX CHL TTO MYS DNK 10 9 8 SAU ZAF TUN BRA TUR DOM COL JOR PER THA VEN GTM BWA EGY MAR NAM LKA ECU PHL JAM IDN BOL CHN ZWE HND PAKIND CMR PNG CIV SEN BGD BEN GHA MRT ZMB SLE RWA COG TGO NERMOZ NPL 7 TZA 6 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 Resource Abundance (value-added in mining per worker, 1970, log) 52 11 Figure 3. Aggregate GDP Growth and Mineral Resource Abundance across Countries Growth in aggregate GDP per worker (70-00, avg) Pearson correlation: -0.04 Rank correlation: -0.04 7 BWA 5 KOR CHN IRL MYS IDN IND PAK EGY TUN NPL JPN FINDOM NOR PRT AUT COG TUR ITAGERGBR FRA ESP USA CHL GRC DNK JOR BRA NLD CAN AUS BGD CMR SWE MAR ECU TTO BEN PHLZWE GTM MEX ARG NZLCOL PNG SEN BOL ZAF GHA NAM HND CIV PER MRT JAM ZMB TGO SLE THA 3 LKA 1 CHE RWA TZA -1 MOZ NER VEN -3 SAU -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Resource Abundance (subsoil capital per worker, 1994, log) Growth in aggregate GDP per worker (70-00, avg) Pearson correlation: -0.19 Rank correlation: -0.20 7 BWA 5 KOR CHN IRL MYS THA IDN 3 IND PAK COG LKA NPL BGD 1 EGYJPN DOMPRT TUN FIN NOR AUT TUR GER ITA FRA GBR ESP USA CHL GRC DNK BRA JOR NLD CMR SWEAUSCAN MAR ECU TTO PHLZWE GTM COL MEX ARG CHE PNG RWA NZL SEN BOL GHA ZAF NAM HND TZA CIV MRT PER JAM ZMB MOZ TGO SLE BEN -1 NER VEN -3 SAU -5 -7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 Resource Abundance (export of mineral goods per worker, 1970, log) Growth in aggregate GDP per worker (70-00, avg) Pearson correlation: -0.14 Rank correlation: -0.10 7 BWA 5 KOR CHN IRL THA IDN 3 MYS IND PAK JPN EGY DOM TUN FIN NOR PRT AUT COG TUR GERUSA ITA LKA FRA GBR ESP CHL BRA DNK JORGRCNLD CAN BGD CMR SWE AUS MAR TTO GTM BEN ECU PHLCOL ZWEMEX ARGNZL CHE RWA PNG SEN BOL GHA HND ZAF NAM TZACIV MRT JAM PER ZMB MOZ TGO NER SLE NPL 1 -1 VEN -3 SAU -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 Resource Abundance (value-added in mining per worker, 1970, log) 53 11 Figure 4. Non-mining GDP Growth and Mineral Resource Abundance across Countries Growth in non-mining GDP per worker (70-00, avg) Pearson correlation: 0.03 Rank correlation: -0.05 5 BWA KOR CHN IRL THA 3 LKA 1 RWA CHE MYS IDN IND TUN PAKEGY NPL JPN FINDOM AUT PRT TUR FRA ITAGERGBR NOR USA ESP CHL BRA GRC DNK TTO NLD JOR NAM CAN AUS BGD CMR MARSWE BEN PHLZWE ZMB GTM MEX ECU ARG NZLCOL SEN BOL ZAF GHA COG HND TZA CIV PER -1 MOZ NER PNG MRT JAM SAU SLE TGO VEN -3 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Resource Abundance (subsoil capital per worker, 1994, log) Growth in non-mining GDP per worker (70-00, avg) Pearson correlation: -0.08 Rank correlation: -0.09 5 BWA KOR CHN IRL MYS THA IDN 3 IND PAK NPL FIN AUT ITA GER FRA NOR GBR ESP USA CHL BRA JOR GRC DNK CAN TTO NLD NAM AUS SWE CMR MAR ZMB PHLZWE GTM MEX COL RWA CHE ECU ARG SEN NZL BOL ZAF GHA COG HND TZA CIV PNG MRT PER JAM SAU MOZ TGO SLE BGD 1 TUN EGYJPN DOM PRT TUR LKA BEN -1 NER VEN -3 -7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 Resource Abundance (export of mineral goods per worker, 1970, log) Growth in non-mining GDP per worker (70-00, avg) Pearson correlation: -0.01 Rank correlation: 0.01 5 BWA KOR CHN THA 3 IND PAK NPL DOM PRT TUR LKA BGD CMR BEN GTM RWA ECU 1 TZA CIV IRL IDN MYS TUN EGY JPN FIN AUT ITA GER FRA NOR GBR USA ESP CHL TTO BRA DNK JORGRCNLD CAN SWE AUS NAM MAR ZMB ZWE PHL MEX COL CHE ARG SEN BOL NZL ZAF GHA COG HND PNG MRT PER JAM -1 MOZ NER SAU SLE TGO VEN -3 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 Resource Abundance (value-added in mining per worker, 1970, log) 54 11 Figure 5. GDP Growth and Mineral Resource Dependence across Countries Growth in aggregate GDP per worker (70-00, avg) Pearson correlation: -0.46 Rank correlation: -0.34 7 BWA 5 KOR CHN IRL THA 3 IND IDN MYS PAK JPN EGY DOM NPL FIN TUN PRT AUT NOR COG TUR GER ITA LKA FRA GBR USA ESP CHL GRC BRA JOR NLD DNK C AN AUS CMR SWE MAR 1BGD ECU BEN PHL GTM COL MEX ZWE ARG CHE RWA NZL SEN BOL GHA NAM ZAF HND TZA CIV PER JAM -1 MOZ TGO NER SLE TTO PNG MRT ZMB VEN -3 SAU -5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Resource Dependence (export of mineral goods as % of GDP, 1970) Pearson correlation: -0.31 Rank correlation: -0.32 Growth in non-mining GDP per worker (70-00, avg) 7 5 BWA KOR CHN IRL THA IDN MYS 3 IND TUN EGY PAK JPN DOM NPL FIN AUT PRT TUR ITA GER FRA GBR NOR LKA USA ESP CHL BRA GRC CAN NLD DNK JOR NAM AUS BGD SWE CMR MAR 1BEN ZWE PHL GTM MEX COL RWA CHE ECU ARG SEN NZL BOL GHAZAF HND COG TZA CIV PER JAM -1 MOZ SLE TGO NER TTO ZMB PNG MRT SAU VEN -3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Resource Dependence (export of mineral goods as % of GDP, 1970) 55 70 Figure 6. GDP Level and Mineral Resource Dependence across Countries Pearson correlation: -0.12 Rank correlation: -0.06 Aggregate GDP per worker (2000, log) 12 IRL 11 USA NOR NLD AUT FRA AUS CHE CAN ITA DNK FIN GER JPN GBR SWE ESP NZL GRC KOR PRT ARG CHL MYS 10 MEX ZAF TUN BRA BWA TUR COL DOM PER THA JOR EGY GTM NAM ECU MAR 9 LKA PHL IDNJAM BOL CHN IND ZWE HND PAK CMR CIV SEN COG NPL 8BGD BENGHA SLE TGO MOZ NER RWA 7 SAU TTO VEN PNG MRT ZMB TZA 6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Resource Dependence (export of mineral goods as % of GDP, 1970) Pearson correlation: -0.16 Rank correlation: -0.12 Non-mining GDP per worker (2000, log) 12 IRL 11 USA NLD AUT FRA CHE ITA DNK CAN FIN AUS GER JPN GBR SWE NOR ESP NZL GRC KOR PRT ARG 10 MEX MYS CHL TUN BRA ZAF TUR DOM COL PER THA JOR GTM EGY BWA NAM MAR 9 LKA PHL ECU IDNJAM BOL CHN IND ZWE HND PAK CMR CIV SEN NPL 8BGD BENGHA RWA MOZ COG SLE TGO NER SAU TTO VEN PNG MRT ZMB 7 TZA 6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Resource Dependence (export of mineral goods as % of GDP, 1970) 56 70 Figure 7. GDP Level and Agricultural Resource Abundance/Dependence across Countries Pearson correlation: 0.33 Rank correlation: 0.31 Aggregate GDP per worker (2000, log) 12 11 USA IRL AUT FRANOR FIN DNK SWE ESP SAU PRT KOR GRC ARG TTO CHL MYS MEX ZAF TUN VEN BRA BWA TUR COL DOM PER JOR GTM THA EGY NAM ECU MAR PHL LKA IDN BOL CHN PNG HND ZWEIND PAK CIVCMR COG SEN BGD NPL GHA MRT BEN SLE ZMB TGO MOZ NER RWA NLD ITA GER JPN CHE GBR 10 9 JAM 8 7 AUS CAN NZL TZA 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Resource Abundance (agricultural capital per worker, 1994, log) Pearson correlation: -0.21 Rank correlation: -0.26 Aggregate GDP per worker (2000, log) 12 USA AUTNOR FRA CHE CAN AUS ITA DNK FIN GER JPN GBR SWE ESP SAU KORGRCPRT ARG TTO CHL 10 MEX ZAF TUN VEN TUR BRA PERCOL JOR EGYTHA MAR 9 JAM IDN BOL CHN IND ZWE PAK 11 NLD NZL MYS DOM GTM NAM ECU PHL LKA PNG CMR COG BGD 8 ZMB 7 NPLMRT SLE MOZ RWA NER IRL HND SEN GHA BEN TGO TZA 6 0 10 20 Resource Dependence (export of agricultural goods as % of GDP, 1970) 57 30 Figure 8. GDP Growth and Agricultural Resource Abundance/Dependence across Countries Growth in aggregate GDP per worker (70-00, avg) Pearson correlation: 0.01 Rank correlation: 0.02 7 BWA 5 KOR CHN THA IDN 3 IRL MYS IND PAK EGY DOM NPL FIN TUN PRTTUR AUT NOR COG GER ITA GBR LKAESPFRA USA CHL GRC BRA JOR NLD DNKCMR BGD SWE MAR ECU BENGTM TTO PHL MEX COL ZWE ARG CHE PNG SEN RWA BOL GHA NAM ZAF HND TZA CIV MRT PER ZMB MOZ TGO NER SLE JPN 1 JAM -1 CAN AUS NZL VEN -3 SAU -5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Resource Abundance (agricultural capital per worker, 1994, log) Growth in aggregate GDP per worker (70-00, avg) Pearson correlation: -0.06 Rank correlation: -0.15 7 5 KOR CHN IRL THA 3 1 -1 -3 MYS IDN IND JPNPAK NPL EGY DOM TUN FIN AUT PRT COG TURNOR GER ITA LKA GBR FRA USA CHLESP GRC BRAAUS JORCAN DNK NLD BGD SWE CMR ECU TTO MAR BEN GTM COL MEX ZWE PHL CHE PNGNZL RWA ARG SEN BOL GHA NAM ZAF TZA MRTJAM PER ZMB MOZ TGO NER SLE HND VEN SAU -5 0 10 20 Resource Dependence (export of agricultural goods as % of GDP, 1970) 58 30 Figure 9. Predicted Aggregate and Non-Mining GDP Level against Resource Abundance Pearson correlation: 0.49 Rank correlation: 0.41 12 SAU VEN Aggregate GDP per worker (2000, log) USA CHE DNK NLD ITA SWE GBR GRCARG NZL GER AUT ESP IRL JPN FIN ZAF PRT FRA 11 TTO NOR MEX CHL PER COL BRAJAMMYS ECU JOR GTM KORMAR TUR 10 CAN AUS DOM HND PHL TUNNAM CIV EGYIDN BOL THA MRT SLE ZWE PNG INDCMR TGO BGD SEN PAK ZMB BEN BWA GHA NPL CHN LKA 9 MOZNER RWA 8 COG TZA 7 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Resource Abundance (subsoil capital per worker, log) Pearson correlation: 0.36 Rank correlation: 0.31 Non-mining GDP per worker (2000, log) 12 USA CHE DNK NLD CAN AUS FRA ITA SWE GBR NZL GRC ARG GER IRL AUT JPN FINESP MEXNOR VEN PRT ZAF CHL TTO PER GTM CJAM OL BRA KOR TUR ECU JOR MYS MAR DOM PHL HND CIV THA EGY TUN BOL PNG IDN INDCMR MRT ZWE PAK BGD TGO SEN SLE BEN NAM BWA NPL CHN GHA 11 10 LKA 9 MOZ NERRWA 8 SAU ZMB COG TZA 7 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11 Resource Abundance (subsoil capital per worker, log) 59 13 15 Figure 10. Predicted Aggregate and Non-Mining GDP Growth against Resource Abundance Pearson correlation: -0.10 Rank correlation: -0.13 Growth in aggregate GDP per worker (70-00, avg) 5 4 3 LKA 2 IDN IND ECU THA GTM BGDKOR MAR PAK DOM TUR GRCIRL BEN HND JOR NPL USA MEX CJAM OL MYS BRA PRT GBR MRT CHL ITA CHN CMR ARG JPN PHL FRA ESP DNK ZAF CAN CIV TGO FIN GER AUS SWE NLD EGY AUT VEN SLE PER BWA TTO SEN NZL ZWE NOR PNG BOL TUN ZMB GHA RWA CHE MOZ NER 1 TZA 0 NAM COG -1 SAU -2 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Resource Abundance (subsoil capital per worker, log) Pearson correlation: -0.03 Rank correlation: -0.04 Growth in non-mining GDP per worker (70-00, avg) 5 IDN 4 3 RWA LKA 2 ECU IND THA GTM MAR MYS BGDKOR PAK JAM DOM TUR GRCIRL MRT HND BEN JOR COL CHL BRAUSA MEX NPL PRT GBR VEN ITA CHN CMR ZAF TGO ARG CAN FRA JPN ESP DNK TTO CIV PHL SLE EGY AUS FIN AUT GER SWE NLD PER BWA CHE MOZ SEN NER 1 ZWE NZL BOL PNG ZMB TUN NOR GHA TZA 0 NAM COG SAU -1 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 11 Resource Abundance (subsoil capital per worker, log) 60 13 15 Figure 11. Predicted Aggregate and Non-Mining GDP Level against Resource Dependence Pearson correlation: 0.10 Rank correlation: 0.07 12 Aggregate GDP per worker (2000, log) SAU USA CHE AUS CAN NLD DNK ITA FRA GBR SWE NZL GRC GER AUT ARG ESP IRL JPN FIN NOR MEX PRT 11 VEN PER GTMBRA COLJAM ECU KOR TURJOR MAR 10 DOM HND PHL CIV THA LKA 9 TTO ZAF CHL MYS NAM TUN EGY BOL IDN MRT SLE ZWE TGO PNG CMR IND PAK BGD SEN BENMOZ BWA NER RWA GHA NPL CHN 8 ZMB COG TZA 7 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Resource Dependence (export of mineral goods as % of GDP) Pearson correlation: -0.16 Rank correlation: -0.10 Non-mining GDP per worker (2000, log) 12 USA CHE DNK NLD AUS CAN SWEITA FRA GBR NZL GRC ARG GER ESP AUT IRL FIN JPN MEX NOR PRT 11 VEN ZAF CHL GTMBRA PER COLJAM KOR TUR ECU JOR MYS MAR DOM PHL HND CIV THA LKA EGY TUN BOL IDN PNG CMR IND MRT ZWE PAK BGD TGO SEN SLE BEN MOZ BWA NER RWA NPL CHN GHA 10 9 8 TTO SAU NAM ZMB COG TZA 7 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Resource Dependence (export of mineral goods as % of GDP) 61 80 90 Figure 12. Predicted Aggregate and Non-Mining GDP Growth against Resource Dependence Pearson correlation: -0.52 Rank correlation: -0.40 Growth in aggregate GDP per worker (70-00, avg) 5 4 IDN IND ECU THA GTM BGD KOR MAR PAK DOM TUR GRC BEN IRL HND MYS JOR NPL LKA MEX USACOLJAM RWA BRA PRT MRT GBR CHL CHN ITA CMR ARG JPN PHL FRA ESP DNK CAN TGOZAF CIV FIN SWE GAUT ER AUS NLD EGY SLE PER BWA CHE MOZ SEN NZL ZWE NOR PNG NER BOL TUN 3 2 1 VEN TTO ZMB GHA TZA 0 NAM COG -1 SAU -2 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Resource Dependence (export of mineral goods as % of GDP) Pearson correlation: -0.40 Rank correlation: -0.27 Growth in non-mining GDP per worker (70-00, avg) 5 IDN 4 ECU IND THA GTM MAR BGD MYS KOR PAK JAM DOM TUR GRC HND IRL JOR BEN MRT COL USA CHL RWA MEX LKA BRA NPL PRT GBR CHN ITA CMR ARG CAN TGOZAF FRA JPN ESP PHL DNK CIV EGY SLE AUS FIN GER SWE AUT NLD PER BWA CHE MOZ SEN ZWE NOR NZL PNG BOL NER TUN 3 2 1 VEN TTO ZMB GHA TZA 0 NAM COG SAU -1 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Resource Dependence (export of mineral goods as % of GDP) 62 80 90