INFORMATION DISCLOSURE IN MULTISTAGE TOURNAMENTS∗ MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE Abstract. We consider a framework where two agents are participating in a tournament that has two stages, intermediate and final. The results of the intermediate stage are observed by the principal who organizes the tournament, but not by the agents. This paper attempts to answer the question of how much information about the intermediate results the principal should disclose back to the agents in order to maximize their aggregate effort. We find that, when choosing the disclosure policy, the principal faces a tradeoff between intermediate and final effort. The disclosure policy that resolves this tradeoff in the optimal way includes two public announcements: one is made if both agents do poorly, and the other one otherwise. Consequently, both the policy of full disclosure and the policy of no disclosure are suboptimal. 1. Introduction Promotion tournaments have been extensively analyzed by economists, starting from Lazear and Rosen (1981), Green and Stokey (1983) and Nalebuff and Stiglitz (1983). This is not surprising, since such tournaments are often used in practice. Most of the existing tour- nament models are static, in the sense that they assume that the winner is determined by how well the participants complete a single task. However, one might imagine a situation where the principal can make the tournament participants complete not one, but several tasks sequentially, and let the winner be determined based on the completion of all tasks. In such a dynamic tournament, besides optimally determining the prizes, the principal has an additional instrument to affect the effort levels of the participants, namely, information disclosure. To be precise, suppose that a participant does not observe how well his com- petitors (or possibly even himself) have completed the intermediate tasks, but the principal does. Then the principal has the choice of how much information about the intermediate ∗ Goltsman: Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario, Social Science Centre, London, ON N6A 5C2, Canada. Email:; Mukherjee: Bates White LLC, 1300 I St, NW, Washington DC 20005; Email:; URL: We would like to thank Braz Camargo, Zsolt Macskasi, Gregory Pavlov and Michael Whinston for helpful suggestions. The remaining errors are ours. 1 2 MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE results to disclose back to the participants. For example, he might disclose no information at all (and thus make the dynamic tournament equivalent to a static one); he might tell each participant exactly how well he and his competitors have fulfilled the intermediate tasks; or he might choose some intermediate level of information disclosure, pooling the information or even introducing some stochastic noise. The choice of how much information to disclose will clearly have an effect on the participants’ incentives. If the information on how suc- cessful everyone has been so far is revealed in the middle of the tournament, it will affect the participants’ future effort incentives. Also, if a participant knows that he can affect the information being disclosed by his early efforts, he will take this into account at the beginning of the tournament.1 This paper attempts to answer the question of what is the optimal disclosure policy in a dynamic tournament where the principal is maximizing the aggregate effort of the participants. We look at the simplest possible model with two ex ante symmetric participants and two stages, intermediate and final. At each stage, each contestant can either succeed or fail. After the intermediate stage, the principal, but not the contestants, gets to observe the results and can disclose a public signal that transmits some information about the results back to the contestants. After observing the signal, the contestants update their beliefs accordingly and choose the final-stage effort levels. The winner is determined as the participant who gets the highest total number of successes. First, we compare the disclosure policies that are symmetric (it treats the agents the same way) and deterministic (the announcement depends deterministically on the intermediate results). Both restrictions are likely to be satisfied by disclosure policies used in practice. We find that the optimal disclosure policy in this class takes a simple form: the principal only tells the agents whether it is the case that both of them have failed at the intermediate stage. The intuition behind this result is that the principal faces a trade-off between final-stage and intermediate-stage effort: if he wants to induce high competition at the final stage, he may have to decrease effort incentives at the intermediate stage. The disclosure policy in question resolves this trade-off in the optimal way. On the one hand, disclosing that both agents have failed at the intermediate stage and thus are in the same position stimulates competition at the final stage. On the other hand, both agents would not want to find themselves in the 1These two effects of information disclosure are called the ex post effect and the strategic effect, respectively, by Aoyagi (2004). DISCLOSURE IN MULTISTAGE TOURNAMENTS 3 position where they compete intensively at the final stage. So they have incentives to exert effort at the intermediate stage in order to decrease the probability of the outcome where both fail. We proceed by analyzing all feasible disclosure policies, not necessarily symmetric or deterministic. We solve the principal’s optimization problem numerically and compare the resulting maximal total effort to the total effort generated by the optimal symmetric deterministic policy. Our results indicate that the latter policy remains optimal among all feasible disclosure policies. The paper is structured as follows. The next section presents the model. characterizes the optimal effort choice given any disclosure policy. optimal choice of a disclosure policy. Section 3 Section 4 analyzes the Section 5 presents a discussion of related literature and possible extensions of the model. All proofs are given in Appendix 1 and omitted in the text. 2. The Model 2.1. Setup. Two agents, A and B, are competing for a prize. The competition proceeds in two stages, intermediate and final. At each stage, each agent can exert costly effort. The principal is maximizing his profit, which is the sum of agents’ efforts exerted at both stages. After the intermediate effort is exerted, the intermediate results are determined, which are observed by the principal, but not by the agents. The intermediate result for an agent can be either success (s) or failure (f). Thus after the intermediate stage the principal gets to observe an element of the set Y= {(s, s) , (s, f) , (f, s) , (f, f)} , where, for example, (s, f ) corresponds to agent A succeeding and agent B failing at the intermediate stage. The information about the intermediate results can affect how much effort the agents exert at the final stage and thus their equilibrium behavior at the intermediate stage as well. The ability to release information about intermediate outputs to the agents gives the principal an instrument to influence their choice of effort. Finding the optimal way to release this information is the aim of this paper. Formally, the game proceeds as follows: 1) The principal publicly announces a disclosure policy (Z, ζ) , where Z is the set of signals, and ζ : Y → ∆ (Z); 4 MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE 2) The agents simultaneously choose intermediate effort levels eIi ∈ [0, 1] , i ∈ {A, B} , and ¡ ¢2 ¡ ¢ pay cost of effort c eIi = 12 eIi ; 3) Intermediate outputs yi ∈ {s, f } , i ∈ {A, B} , are realized according to Pr (yi = s) = αeIi , where α ∈ [0, 1] is a parameter; 4) The principal observes (yA , yB ) and sends a public signal z, randomizing according to ζ (yA , yB ) ; 5) Agents simultaneously choose final effort levels eFi (z) ∈ [0, 1] , i ∈ {A, B} , and pay cost ¡ ¢ ¢2 ¡ of effort c eFi (z) = 12 eFi (z) ; 6) Final outputs Yi ∈ {s, f} , i ∈ {A, B} , are realized according to Pr (Yi = s) = αeFi (z) ; 7) The winner is determined as the agent who has the highest total number of successes. If the number of successes is equal for the two agents, agent A is considered the winner with probability 12 . The winning agent i gets the prize, which is worth 1 to both agents. Let ζ yA ,yB denote the probability distribution function of ζ (yA , yB ). The expected payoff of the winning agent i is 1 ¡ I ¢2 e − Uw = 1 − 2 i X Pr (yA , yB ) (yA ,yB )∈Y Z Z ¢2 1¡ F ei (z) dζ yA ,yB , 2 and the expected payoff of the losing agent j is Ul = − where 1 ¡ I ¢2 e − 2 j X Pr (yA , yB ) (yA ,yB )∈Y α2 eIA eIB αeI ¡1 − αeI ¢ A B Pr (yA , yB ) = ¡ ¢ I αeB 1 − αeIA ¡1 − αeI ¢ ¡1 − αeI ¢ B A Z Z ¢2 1¡ F ej (z) dζ yA ,yB , 2 if (yA , yB ) = (s, s) , if (yA , yB ) = (s, f) , if (yA , yB ) = (f, s) , if (yA , yB ) = (f, f) . It is implicit in the definition of Uw and Ul that both agents are risk neutral. These ex- pressions simply represents the reward of an agent net of his expected cost of effort. The DISCLOSURE IN MULTISTAGE TOURNAMENTS 5 principal is also assumed to be risk neutral and her payoff is the expected level of aggregate effort by both agents, i.e., Π= eIA + eIB X + Pr (yA , yB ) (yA ,yB )∈Y Z Z ¡ F ¢ eA (z) + eFB (z) dζ yA ,yB . This completes the description of our model. We now introduce the equilibrium notion that we will be using in our analysis. 2.2. The Equilibrium. We use perfect Bayesian Equilibrium as an equilibrium concept. In this game, such an equilibrium is defined as follows. Definition 1. A pair of strategies for the agents, n © o ª eIi , eFi (z) z∈Z i∈{A,B} together with a disclosure policy (Z, ζ) constitute an equilibrium, if o n © ª (a) For each i ∈ {A, B} , the effort levels eIi , eFi (z) z∈Z solve (IC) max eIi ,(eF i (z))z∈Z Z X (yA ,yB )∈Y ¸ · ¢2 1¡ F 1 ¡ I ¢2 ei (z) e dζ yA ,yB (z) − Pr (yA , yB ) Pr (i wins | z) − 2 2 i where the probability that agent A wins conditional on signal z ∈ Z is (1) Pr (A wins | z) = X (yA ,yB )∈Y Pr ((yA , yB ) | z) Pr (A wins | (yA , yB ) , z) , and Pr (B wins | z) = 1 − Pr (A wins | z) ; (b) The disclosure policy (Z, ζ) solves max Π = eIA + eIB + (Z,ζ) subject to X (yA ,yB )∈Y Pr (yA , yB ) Z ¡ F ¢ eA (z) + eFB (z) dζ yA ,yB (z) , n © o ª eIi , eFi (z) z∈Z solving problem (IC) for i ∈ {A, B} . 6 MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE The strategy of the principal is to choose a disclosure policy, while the agents’ strategy has two elements: a choice of intermediate effort level, and a choice of final effort level given the realized signal. A three-tuple of strategies by the principal and the two agent is said to constitute a perfect Bayesian equilibrium is this game if two conditions are satisfied – first, each agent’s effort choices must maximize his expected payoff given the disclosure policy, and the strategy of the other agent; second, given the strategies of the two agents, the principal’s choice of disclosure policy must maximize his expected payoff. In the following two sections we will characterize the strategies of the agents and the principal that satisfies these two conditions. We start with the characterization of the optimal effort by the agents for a given disclosure policy. 3. Optimal Effort For every z ∈ Z, let Pyi ,yj (z) = Pr ((yA , yB ) |z) denote the posterior probability of intermediate outcome (yi , yj ) conditional on signal z being observed. Thus ¡ ¡ ¢¢ Pr z | (s, s) , eIA , eIB ¡ ¡ I I ¢¢ ¡ ¡ ¢¢ , Pss (z) = P Pr (yA , yB ) | eIA , eIB (yA ,yB )∈Y Pr z | (yA , yB ) , eA , eB or ¡ ¡ ¢ ¢ Pss (z) = α2 eIA eIB ζ ss (z) Á[α2 eIA eIB ζ ss (z) + αeIA 1 − αeIB ζ sf (z) + 1 − αeIA αeIB ζ f s (z) ¢¡ ¢ ¡ + 1 − αeIA 1 − αeIB ζ f f (z)] z , P z and P z are determined in a similar fashion. Without loss of generality, we and Psf fs ff will consider only signals for which the denominator is nonzero. At the final stage, after observing a signal z ∈ Z, the winning probability for agent A is determined by equation 1, so if the constraints eFi (z) ∈ [0, 1] , ∀z ∈ Z, i ∈ {A, B}, do not bind, then the first-order conditions are: (2) ¡ ¢ eFA (z) = 12 αPss (z) + 12 α2 Psf (z) eFB (z) + 12 αPf s (z) 1 − αeFB (z) + 12 αPf f (z) , ¡ ¢ eFB (z) = 12 αPss (z) + 12 α2 Pf s (z) eFA (z) + 12 αPsf (z) 1 − αeFA (z) + 12 αPf f (z) . The second-order conditions hold for both agents, because Pr (i wins|z) is linear in eFi (z) and the cost of effort is convex. It follows that if the constraints eFi (z) ∈ [0, 1] , ∀z ∈ Z, i ∈ DISCLOSURE IN MULTISTAGE TOURNAMENTS 7 {A, B}, do not bind, then the equilibrium final-stage effort is the ones that solve (2). Here, we will write the solution denote the solutions as: eFA∗ (z) = eFA (z; α) , (F inal) eFB∗ (z) = eFB (z; α) . At the start of the tournament, before any effort is exerted, the probability that agent i wins is Pr (i wins) RP = (yA ,yB )∈Y Pr (i wins|z, (yA , yB )) Pr ((yA , yB )) dζ yA ,yB (z) ¡ ¡ ¢ ¢¡ ¢¤ R 2 I I £1 2 F = α eA eB 2 α eA (z) eFB (z) + αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) + 12 1 − αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) × + + + R R R dζ ss (z) ¡ ¢¤ ¡ ¢ £ αeIA 1 − αeIB 1 − 12 αeFB (z) 1 − αeFA (z) dζ sf (z) ¡ ¢¤ ¢ £ ¡ 1 − αeIA αeIB 12 αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) dζ f s (z) ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢¡ ¢£ 1 − αeIA 1 − αeIB 12 α2 eFA (z) eFB (z) + αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) + ¡ ¢¡ ¢¤ 1 F F 2 1 − αeA (z) 1 − αeB (z) dζ f f (z) . It follows that if the constraints eIi ∈ [0, 1] , i ∈ {A, B}, do not bind, then the first-order conditions with respect to eIA and eIB can be written as: ¡ I∗ F ¢ I F eI∗ A = eA eB , eA (·) , eB (·) ; α , ¡ I∗ F ¢ I F eI∗ B = eB eA , eA (·) , eB (·) ; α . (Int) The following proposition asserts that we can indeed use equations (F inal) and (Int) to find an equilibrium. Proposition 1. Given any disclosure policy (Z, ζ) , there exists a Bayesian-Nash equilibrium o n © ª = in the game between the two agents that is induced by (Z, ζ) where eIi , eFi (z) z∈Z i∈{A,B} n o © ª F∗ eI∗ . i , ei (z) z∈Z i∈{A,B} 8 MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE Proposition 1 shows that the intermediate and final effort levels as discussed in (Int) and (F inal) are in fact the best-response mapping of the agents given the disclosure policy of the principal. Thus the optimal disclosure policy of the principal is the one that corresponds to o n © F∗ ª , e (z) mapping which maximizes the expected aggregate a point in the eI∗ i i z∈Z i∈{A,B} effort of the two agents. The next sections deals with this problem. 4. Optimal Disclosure Policy This section analyzes the optimal choice of the disclosure policy. The first subsection presents the principal’s problem and proves a number of results that make it more tractable. The second subsection looks at the class of symmetric and deterministic disclosure policies and identifies the optimal policy in this class. The last subsection extends the analysis to all disclosure policies. 4.1. Principal’s Problem. The optimal disclosure policy solves: P max(Z,ζ) s.t. ( eIA + eIB + P (yA ,yB )∈Y n © o ª eIi , eFi (z) z∈Z ) R¡ F ¢ Pr (yA , yB ) eA (z) + eFB (z) dζ yA ,yB (z) i∈{A,B} n o © F∗ ª = eI∗ , e (z) i i z∈Z i∈{A,B} , ∀ (yi , yj ) ∈ Y, ζ yi ,yj is a probability measure on Z. The following two propositions make the problem more manageable. Lemma 1. If an optimal disclosure policy exists, then there exists an optimal disclosure policy with a finite Z. Using the above lemma, we derive the following result. Proposition 2. If an optimal disclosure policy exists, then there exists an optimal disclosure policy with |Z| ≤ 6. DISCLOSURE IN MULTISTAGE TOURNAMENTS 9 Note that since the final effort depends on the posteriors in a continuous way, it is not a priori obvious that we can restrict attention to disclosure policies with a finite number of signals. However, Lemma 1 and Proposition 2 assert that this is indeed true. The reason is that the only way the disclosure policy enters both the objective function and the constraints in the principal’s problem is through the mathematical expectations of certain random variables (for example, effort), whose distribution is determined by the disclosure policy. However, if a probability distribution on some set has a certain expected value, it is possible to find a finite probability distribution on this set with the same expected value: this is the intuition behind Lemma 1. Proposition 2 further bounds the power of the set Z by treating the principal’s problem as a linear programming problem with nonnegativity constraints and determining the maximum number of choice variables in this problem that can take nonzero values at a corner solution. 4.2. Symmetric and Deterministic Disclosure Policies. In this section, we are going to restrict attention to a certain class of disclosure policies (namely, deterministic and symmetric) and look for the optimal policy in this class. To better illustrate the trade-offs involved, we are first going to analyze in detail the case of α = 1 (that is, the case when the probability of success at each stage is equal to the effort level). The results of this analysis are summarized by Proposition 3. First, let us define two restrictions on a disclosure policy. Definition 2. Disclosure policy (Z, ζ) is symmetric if ∀z ∈ Z, ∃z 0 ∈ Z such that ζ ss (z) = ζ ss (z 0 ) ; ζ (z) = ζ (z 0 ) ; ff ff ζ sf (z) = ζ f s (z 0 ) ; ζ (z) = ζ (z 0 ) . fs sf Definition 2 means that the disclosure policy is treating the agents symmetrically ex ante: if conditional on some signal z, Psf (z) = p, then there should exist a signal z 0 (possibly, but not necessarily, the same as z), such that Pf s (z 0 ) = p. We consider it unreasonable to assume that z 0 should always be the same as z, because this requirement would rule out some interesting disclosure policies (for example, full disclosure). Symmetry is a reasonable 10 MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE requirement in practical applications. It implies that there exists a symmetric equilibrium where eFA = eFB and ∀z ∈ Z, ∃z 0 ∈ Z : eFA (z) = eFB (z 0 ) . Definition 3. Disclosure policy (Z, ζ) is deterministic if ∀ (yA , yB ) ∈ Y, ∃z ∈ Z : ζ yA ,yB (z) = 1. To illustrate the trade-offs involved in choosing the optimal disclosure policy, let us consider the case of α = 1 and look for the optimum in the class of symmetric deterministic disclosure policies. There are seven such policies: 1) Full disclosure: Z = {zss , zsf , zf s , zf f } , ζ yA ,yB (zyA ,yB ) = 1; 2) No disclosure: Z = {z} , ζ ij (z) = 1, ∀i, j; 3) Disclosing only if both succeed: Z = {z1 , z2 } , ζ ss (z1 ) = 1, ζ sf (z2 ) = ζ f s (z2 ) = ζ f f (z2 ) = 1; 4) Disclosing only if both fail: Z = {z1 , z2 } , ζ f f (z1 ) = 1, ζ sf (z2 ) = ζ f s (z2 ) = ζ ss (z2 ) = 1; 5) Disclosing whether the score is the same or not: Z = {z1 , z2 } , ζ ss (z1 ) = ζ f f (z1 ) = 1, ζ sf (z2 ) = ζ f s (z2 ) = 1; 6) Disclosing whether the score is the same, and if it is the same, whether both succeed or fail: Z = {z1 , z2 , z3 } , ζ ss (z1 ) = 1, ζ sf (z2 ) = ζ f s (z2 ) = 1, ζ f f (z3 ) = 1; 7) Disclosing who is the leader if the score is not the same: Z = {z1 , z2 , z3 } , ζ ss (z1 ) = ζ f f (z1 ) = 1, ζ sf (z2 ) = 1, ζ f s (z3 ) = 1. Comparison of these policies leads to the following proposition: Proposition 3. When α = 1, the optimal disclosure policy in the class of symmetric deterministic disclosure policies is “disclosing only if both fail”: Z = {z1 , z2 } , ζ f f (z1 ) = 1, ζ sf (z2 ) = ζ f s (z2 ) = ζ ss (z2 ) = 1. DISCLOSURE IN MULTISTAGE TOURNAMENTS 11 To understand the intuition behind the proposition, note first that the principal is facing a trade-off between intermediate and final effort: the policy that induces the highest intermediate effort (”disclose only if both fail”) at the same time induces the lowest final effort. In fact, the ranking of the disclosure policies with respect to final and intermediate effort are almost the reverse of each other (with the policy of full disclosure as an exception). To explain this trade-off, let us look at the final stage first. Note that the highest possible final-stage aggregate effort level (equal to 1) follows a signal that induces a posterior belief that with probability 1, either both agents succeed or both fail. In other words, the agents exert the most effort in the final stage if they know for sure that they are in equal position after the intermediate stage.2 In contrast, when they know for sure that one of the agents leads after the intermediate stage, both the leader and the follower have less incentive to exert effort at the final stage. In this case, the marginal benefit of final stage effort (that is, the marginal increase in winning probability) is smaller both for the leader and for the follower than in the case when both agents get the same intermediate stage output. This reflects on the agents’ intermediate-stage effort choice. At the intermediate stage, an agent takes into account the effect of his effort on the probabilities of different intermediate outcomes. In particular, suppose that increasing the intermediate-stage effort will make more probable the intermediate outcomes that lead to intensive competition at the final stage. If this is the case, there is a disincentive for an agent to exert effort at the intermediate stage. Thus, the principal might face a trade-off between intermediate and final effort: intermediate effort can be increased with a policy that creates high competition at the final stage, but such a policy might reduce effort incentives at the intermediate stage. The policy “disclose only if both fail” achieves the optimal balance between intermediate and final effort. On the one hand, the policy includes a signal (namely, z1 ) that creates intensive final-stage competition. On the other hand, the probability of this signal decreases in intermediate-stage effort, so the agents have incentives to exert high effort in the intermediate stage in order to avoid competing fiercely at the final stage. This reasoning also suggests why the policy “disclose only if both succeed,” which seems symmetric to “disclose only if both fail,” does so much worse. The policy “disclose only if both succeed” sends a signal that leads to intensive final-stage competition (namely, signal 2This is a common feature of patent race games: see, for example, [7]. 12 MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE Table 1. Total effort for several values of α α 0.05 Disclosure Policy Disclose only if both succeed 0.099876 No disclosure 0.099875 Full disclosure 0.099906 Disclose whether the score is even 0.099929 Disclose only if both fail 0.099930 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.3923 0.3923 0.3942 0.395 4 0.395 6 0.7447 0.7449 0.7568 0.7639 0.7657 1.0401 1.0418 1.0720 1.0861 1.0920 1.2844 1.2932 1.3433 1.3591 1.3709 1.4946 1.5279 1.5841 1.5983 1.6211 z1 ) only after an outcome (s, s). The agents, who dislike exerting effort, would like to avoid such a signal. This creates disincentives to exert effort at the intermediate stage, because intermediate effort makes outcome (s, s) together with signal z1 more likely. We can now check whether Proposition 3 generalizes to the case of α ∈ [0, 1]. Table 4 in Appendix 2 shows the total effort as a function of α for the five disclosure policies considered above. Table 1 displays the total effort evaluated at different levels of α. Table 1 demonstrates that the ranking of disclosure policies in terms of total effort is the same for all values of α. In particular, the result that “disclose only if both fail” is the best policy is robust to changes in α. The same is shown in Figure 1 (α < 0.4 is not shown in this graph as it is hard to visually distinguish the graphs as α gets smaller). DISCLOSURE IN MULTISTAGE TOURNAMENTS 13 Figure 1: Aggregate expected effort under different symmetric deterministic disclosure policies – the bold plot represents effort associated with “disclosure if both fail” policy 4.3. General Disclosure Policies. In this section, we extend our analysis to include all feasible disclosure policies (not only symmetric and deterministic) and search for the optimal policy in this class for different values of α. We find that “disclose only if both fail” remains optimal even if more general disclosure policies are allowed. We resort to numerical analysis to solve problem (P) for different values of α. Proposition 2 allows us to restrict attention to disclosure policies with six signals (any disclosure policy with less than six signals can be represented as one with six signals, some of which have probability zero). The optimization problem boils down to a problem of choosing 26 variable 14 MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE Table 2. Results of numerical optimization in the class of all feasible disclosure policies α 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Highest total effort under optimal symmetric deterministic policy 0.3956 0.7657 1.0920 1.3709 1.6211 Highest total effort under any disclosure policy (simulation results) 0.3961 0.7662 1.0923 1.3706 1.6178 (2 intermediate effort levels, and 24 probability values representing 4 probability distributions (each corresponding to a particular (yA , yB ) realization in Y) on the set of signals which has cardinality of 6) that maximizes the expected aggregate effort level subject to the constraints that the intermediate effort levels satisfies (Int) and the final effort levels satisfies (F inal). The numerical simulation was performed using Matlab version 6.5. The outcome of numerical optimization turned out to be highly dependent on the initial condition, so for each value of α, 100 simulations were performed, with initial values of these 26 variables are drawn as a 26 × 1 vector from a uniform distribution in [0, 1]. Table 2 summarizes the results. The middle column reproduces the results of Table 1, showing the highest effort obtained by any symmetric deterministic disclosure policy for each value of α. The right column shows the highest total effort obtained from solving problem (P) numerically. One can observe that for α equal to 0.8 and 1, the optimal symmetric deterministic policy generates a higher effort level than the numerical solution to problem (P). When α equals 0.2, 0.4, or 0.6, the optimal symmetric deterministic disclosure policy generates lower effort, but the difference is negligible. The fact that the two columns do not exactly match is due to the numerical nature of the reported solution to (P). Since the optimization routine in Matlab requires that the initial conditions must be feasible, it is not possible to use (Int) as a nonlinear equality constraint ¢ ¡ (it is rarely possible to draw a tuple eIA , eIB at random that satisfies (Int)). Instead, a measure of the “error” due to not exactly satisfying constraint (Int) is incorporated as a “penalty term” in the objective function. With this modification, the optimization routine ¡ ¢ can start with an arbitrary eIA , eIB value but converges at a point that “almost” satisfies DISCLOSURE IN MULTISTAGE TOURNAMENTS 15 the equality constraint.3 Such approximation error is reflected in the discrepancy between the two columns in Table 2. 5. Discussion 1. Related Literature There are several recent papers that consider the effect of information transmission on incentives in dynamic settings. The one that are closest to the present paper are Aoyagi (2004) and Ederer (2004). Aoyagi (2004) asks the same question as we do, but considers a model where the outcome is a sum of effort and a noise term (so that the outcome space at each stage is continuous) and thus arrives at a very different conclusion. In particular, in his model the optimal disclosure policy is highly sensitive to the sign of the third derivative of the cost function: if the third derivative is positive, full disclosure is optimal; if it is negative, no disclosure is optimal; if the cost function is quadratic, like in the present paper, then all disclosure policies induce the same effort. Another feature of his model is that the equilibrium first-stage effort does not depend on the disclosure policy. This is not the case in our model, and, although we consider only the quadratic cost function, we do not expect the optimal policy to depend on the sign of the third derivative of the cost function in such a dramatic way in our model. Ederer (2004) looks at only two disclosure policies, full disclosure and no disclosure, in a variety of settings that differ with respect to whether agents are characterized by privately observed ability levels and how an agent’s output depends on his ability level. He replicates the results of Aoyagi for the case of homogeneous ability, but shows that when ability is privately known and complementary to effort, then the two policies may generate different effort levels, and the comparison between them depends on the parameters. Another related paper is Yildirim (2005), who considers a dynamic contest where the agents can decide after the intermediate stage whether to reveal the information about their 3More precisely, in order to solve P0 : min f (x) s.t.g (x) = c, x (where c is a scalar) we rewrite the objective function as P1 : min f (x) + λ (g (x) − c)2 x where λ is a positive real number. The term λ (g (x) − c)2 represents the “penalty” for not satisfying the equality constraint. This is always positive by construction. Thus the solution to P1 must sufficiently minimize this penalty. Therefore, a solution to P1 is a reasonable approximation of the solution to P0 for a suitably chosen λ. We have used λ = 1000 for all equality constraints in our program. 16 MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE performance or not. In contrast to our paper, Yildirim assumes that the agents cannot commit to an information disclosure rule and considers only the two extreme revelation options: whether to reveal everything or to reveal nothing. He finds that in an asymmetric contest, all the information is revealed in equilibrium, but in an ex ante symmetric one, there is a continuum of equilibria with different revelation decisions that all lead to the same outcome. The assumption that the agents cannot commit to an information disclosure rule has also been considered in the patent race literature (for example, Gordon (2004)) where the agents can also choose when to reveal the information. This paper is also related to Dubey and Geanakoplos (2004), who study how coarse should the optimal grading scheme be in tournaments where a participant’s utility is directly determined by his net status (that is, the number of players with results below his minus the number of players with results above his). The main insight of the paper is that coarse grading schemes may generate better incentives than fine ones: for example, more effort can be induced if the continuum of outcomes is mapped into a few letter grades, and the participant’s status is determined by the grade he gets, not by his exact outcome. Their results can be viewed as complementary to ours, since the force that drives their result is not the effect of information transmission, but the direct dependence of utility on status. The question of optimal information transmission in a dynamic setting has also been studied in the context of a principal-agent model by Lizzeri, Meyer and Persico (2002). They find that, if the prize structure is held fixed, full disclosure generates more effort than no disclosure, but if the principal is also allowed to optimize with respect to the prize structure, no disclosure becomes optimal. 2. Possible Extensions One could consider several possible extensions of the model. For instance, making the outcome dependent not only on effort, but also on ability, like in Ederer (2004), will likely change the optimal disclosure policy. In such a setting, intermediate output provides in- formation not only about the relative standing, but also about the opponent’s ability (and one’s own ability as well in a career concerns - type model). This may strengthen the effect of disclosure on second-period competition. If the agents learn that they are close after the intermediate stage, they will compete even more intensively in the final stage, because this information also implies that their abilities are likely to be similar. In contrast, if they learn that they are far apart in the intermediate stage, this will imply that their abilities DISCLOSURE IN MULTISTAGE TOURNAMENTS 17 are likely to be disparate, which will dampen the incentives to compete in the final stage for both of them. The effect of introducing heterogeneous abilities on the optimal choice of the disclosure policy can thus go both ways. Another potentially interesting extension is to allow the principal to choose how he wishes to aggregate the results of the two stages into the final score. In particular, the tie-breaking rule that we are using (split the prize in half if the sum of the results is equal for the two agents) may be suboptimal. We also cannot rule out the possibility that the optimal aggregation rule should give less (or more) weight to the intermediate result, or that an asymmetric tie-breaking rule that favors one agent over the other can generate more effort. Indeed, the former possibility is suggested by Gershkov and Perry (2006), who find that in a two-stage tournament, giving equal weight to intermediate and final result can generate less effort than only conducting a final review. Finally, in most real-life dynamic tournaments,the principal can send private signals to participants, telling each competitor only how well he did, but not how well the others did. Introducing private signals into the model would lead to substantial technical complications, but make the model more realistic. 6. Appendix 1: Proofs We present the proofs omitted in the text in this section. Before we do so it is useful to present the following expressions as we will be using then in our proofs. First, using the law of total probability, equation (1) can be expanded as below: ¡ ¢ Pr (A wins | z) = Pr ((yA , yB ) = (s, s) |z) { 12 α2 eFA (z) eFB (z) + αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) ¡ ¢¡ ¢ + 12 1 − αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) }+ ¡ ¢ Pr ((yA , yB ) = (s, f ) |z) {α2 eFA (z) eFB (z) + αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) ¡ ¢¡ ¢ ¢ ¡ + 1 − αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) + 12 1 − αeFA (z) αeFB (z)}+ ¡ ¢ Pr ((yA , yB ) = (f, s) |z) { 12 αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) }+ ¡ ¢ Pr ((yA , yB ) = (f, f) |z) { 12 α2 eFA (z) eFB (z) + αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) ¢¡ ¢ ¡ + 12 1 − αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) }. As mentioned in the text, one can derive closed form solutions for the final effort levels. 18 MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE These solutions are: (F inal) eFA (z) = 1 3 1 αPss (z)+αPf s (z)+αPf f (z)+ 2 α (Psf (z)−Pfs (z))(Pss (z)+Psf (z)+Pf f (z)) , 2 2 1+ 1 α4 (P (z)−P (z)) eFB 1 3 1 αPss (z)+αPsf (z)+αPf f (z)+ 2 α (Pfs (z)−Psf (z))(Pss (z)+Pf s (z)+Pf f (z)) . 2 2 1+ 1 α4 (P (z)−P (z)) (z) = 4 fs sf 4 fs sf Finally, it is worthwhile to derive the exact form of the first order conditions that pin down the intermediate effort levels of the two agents. These conditions are: eIA = α2 eIB R £1 ¡ ¢ 2 F F F F 2 α eA (z) eB (z) + αeA (z) 1 − αeB (z) ¡ ¡ ¢¡ ¢ ¢2 i dζ ss (z) + + 12 1 − αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) − 12 eFA (z) i h ¡ ¢ ¢ ¢ R ¡ ¡ 2 dζ sf (z) − 1 − 12 αeFB (z) 1 − αeFA (z) − 12 eFA (z) α 1 − αeIB i h ¡ ¡ ¢ ¢ R 1 F 2 1 F F α2 eIB dζ f s (z) − 2 αeA (z) 1 − αeB (z) − 2 eA (z) (Int) ¡ ¢ ¢ R £1 2 F ¡ F F F α 1 − αeIB 2 α eA (z) eB (z) + αeA (z) 1 − αeB (z) i ¢¡ ¢ 1¡ F ¢2 ¡ + 12 1 − αeFA (z) 1 − αeIF dζ f f (z) , (z) − (z) e B A 2 R £1 ¡ ¢ 2 eF (z) eF (z) + αeF (z) 1 − αeF (z) α A B A B 2 ¡ ¡ ¢¡ ¢ ¢2 i dζ ss (z) + + 12 1 − αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) − 12 eFA (z) i h ¢ ¡ ¡ ¢ ¢ ¡ R 2 dζ sf (z) − α 1 − αeIA 1 − 12 αeFB (z) 1 − αeFA (z) − 12 eFA (z) h i R ¡ ¡ ¢ ¢ 2 1 1 F F F α2 eIA dζ f s (z) − 2 αeA (z) 1 − αeB (z) − 2 eA (z) ¢ £ ¡ ¢ ¡ R 1 2 F F F F α 1 − αeIA 2 α eA (z) eB (z) + αeA (z) 1 − αeB (z) i ¡ ¢¡ ¢ 1¡ F ¢2 dζ f f (z) . + 12 1 − αeFA (z) 1 − αeIF B (z) − 2 eA (z) eIB = α2 eIA Proof of Proposition 1. Given a disclosure policy (Z, ζ) , the game between agents has a ´ ³ ¡ ¢ that satisfy (F inal) , (Int) Bayes-Nash equilibrium if there exist eIi , eFi (z) z∈Z i∈{A,B} and belong to [0, 1] . First, let us prove that eFi (z) ∈ [0, 1] for any z ∈ Z, if eFi (z) are defined by (F inal). For any z ∈ Z, DISCLOSURE IN MULTISTAGE TOURNAMENTS 19 αPss (z)+αPfs (z)+αPf f (z)+ 12 α3 (Psf (z)−Pf s (z))(Pss (z)+Psf (z)+Pf f (z)) eFA (z) = 12 2 1+ 14 α4 (Pf s (z)−Psf (z)) ¤ £ ≤ 12 αPss (z) + αPf s (z) + αPf f (z) + 12 α3 (Psf (z) − Pf s (z)) (Pss (z) + Psf (z) + Pf f (z)) £ ¤ ≤ 12 α + 12 α3 ≤ 34 < 1, and αPss (z) + αPf s (z) + αPf f (z) + 12 α3 (Psf (z) − Pf s (z)) (Pss (z) + Psf (z) + Pf f (z)) = α (1 − Psf (z)) + 12 α3 (Psf (z) − Pf s (z)) (1 − Pf s (z)) £ ¤ α (1 − Psf ) + 12 α3 (Psf − Pf s ) (1 − Pf s ) ≥ min Psf ,Pf s : Psf ≥0,Pf s ≥0, Psf +Pf s ≤1 ¤¯ £ = α (1 − Psf ) + 12 α3 (Psf − Pf s ) (1 − Pf s ) ¯P sf =0, Pf s =1 = 0, so eFA (z) ≥ 0. Similarly, eFB (z) ∈ [0, 1) , ∀z ∈ Z. ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ Next, let us prove that equations (Int) have a solution eFA , eFB ∈ [0, 1]2 . Let fA eFA , eFB ¡ ¢ and fB eFA , eFB denote the right-hand side of the first and the second equation of (Int) , ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ respectively, where eFA (z) , eFB (z) z∈Z are considered as functions of eFA , eFB and deter¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ mined by equations (F inal). Both fA eFA , eFB and fB eFA , eFB are continuous. Moreover, ¢ ¢ ¡ ¢¢ ¡ ¡ ¡ if eFA , eFB ∈ [0, 1]2 , then fA eFA , eFB , fB eFA , eFB ∈ [0, 1]2 . To see this, note that if ¡ F ¤2 ¢ £ eA (z) , eFB (z) ∈ 0, 34 , then: Kss (z) := ¡ ¢ ¢¡ ¢ ¡ (z) eFB (z) + αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) + 12 1 − αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) − 2 (eFA (z)) 2 ³ ¡ A ¢2 ´ 1 F F = 2 1 + αeA (z) − αeB (z) − eF (z) ¢¤ £ £7 1 3 ¤ 1¡ , 2 − 8 α , 2 1 + 14 α2 ; ∈ min 32 1 2 F 2 α eA ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢¡ ¢ Ksf (z) := α2 eFA (z) eFB (z) + αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) + 1 − αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) 2 ¡ ¢ (eF (z)) + 12 1 − αeFA (z) αeFB (z) − A 2 2 (eF (z)) = 1 − 12 αeFB (z) + 12 α2 eFA (z) eFB (z) − A 2 ¢ ¤ £ ¡ ∈ 18 5 − 3α + 94 α2 , 1 ; 2 Kf s (z) := 1 F 2 αeA (z) − 12 α2 eFA (z) eFB (z) − (eFA (z)) 2 ∈ £3 ¡ ¢ 1 2¤ 3 2 3 8 α − 8α − 4 , 8α ; 20 MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE ¸ µ ¶¸ · · 1 1 2 7 1 3 , − α , 1+ α . Kf f (z) := Kss (z) ∈ min 32 2 8 2 4 Similarly, Mss (z) := 1 2 F 2 α eA ¡ ¢ ¢¡ ¢ ¡ (z) eFB (z) + αeFB (z) 1 − αeFA (z) + 12 1 − αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) − 2 (eFB (z)) £ £7 1 3 ¤ 1¡ ¢¤ ∈ min 32 , 2 − 8 α , 2 1 + 14 α2 ; 2 ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢¡ ¢ Mf s (z) := α2 eFA (z) eFB (z) + αeFB (z) 1 − αeFA (z) + 1 − αeFA (z) 1 − αeFB (z) + 2 F ¢ ¡ 1 F (z) αeF (z) − (eB (z)) 1 − αe B A 2 2 ¢ ¤ £ ¡ ∈ 18 5 − 3α + 94 α2 , 1 ; ¡ F ¢2 · µ ¸ ¶ eB (z) 1 F 1 2 F 3 3 2 3 1 2 F Msf (z) := αeB (z) − α eA (z) eB (z) − ∈ α− α − , α ; 2 2 2 8 8 4 8 · · ¸ µ ¶¸ 7 1 3 1 1 2 , − α , 1+ α . Mf f (z) := Mss (z) ∈ min 32 2 8 2 4 Consequently, ¡ ¢ R ¢R ¡ Ksf (z) dζ sf (z) − fA eFA , eFB = α2 eFB Kss (z) dζ ss (z) + α 1 − αeIB R ¢ R ¡ Kf f (z) dζ f f (z) α2 eFB Kf s (z) dζ f s (z) − α 1 − αeIB ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ ≤ 12 α2 eFB 1 + 14 α2 + α 1 − αeIB − 38 α2 eFB α − 38 α2 − 34 ¡ ¢ £7 1 3 ¤ −α 1 − αeIB min 32 , 2 − 8α ¤ ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ £ 3 3 7 2 7 1 4 = eFB 17 , 2 − 38 α + α − α 1 − αeIB min 32 64 α − 8 α − 32 α ¡ ¢ ≤ α − 18 α2 1 − 34 α < 1, DISCLOSURE IN MULTISTAGE TOURNAMENTS 21 and £7 1 3 ¤ 1 ¡ ¡ ¢ ¢¡ ¢ 9 2 fA eFA , eFB ≥ α2 eFB min 32 , 2 − 8 α + 8 α 1 − αeIB 23 − 3α + α − 4 4 ¡ ¢¡ ¢ 1 4 F 1 I 1 + 14 α2 8 α eB − 2 α 1 − αeB ¡ 9 4 3 3 ¢ 5 3 3 2 £7 1 3 ¤ 7 2 7 , 2 − 8 α + eFB − 32 α + 8 α − 32 α + 32 α − 8 α + 32 α = α2 eFB min 32 ¡ ¢ 9 4 3 2 5 3 7 α + 38 α3 − 32 α + 32 α − 38 α2 + 32 α ≥ eFB − 32 £ 9 4 3 3 ¤ 3 2 5 3 7 α + 32 α − 38 α2 + 32 α + ≥ 1α< 1 − 32 α + 8 α − 32 3 ¤ £5 3 3 2 7 1α≥ 1 32 α − 8 α + 32 α 3 ≥ 0 ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ Similarly, fB eFA , eFB ∈ [0, 1] if eFA , eFB ∈ [0, 1]2 . By Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem, it ¢ ¡ ¢¢ ¡ ¡ follows that the function fA eFA , eFB , fB eFA , eFB : [0, 1]2 → [0, 1]2 has a fixed point. Proof of Lemma 1. Let us change the choice variables in the following way: (a) If for some z ∈ Z, ζ f f (z) > 0, then the Bayes rule defines a one-to-one correspondence ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ between ζ yA ,yB (z) (y ,y )∈Y and ζ f f (z) , Pss (z) , Pf s (z) , Psf (z) . In fact, ∀ (yA , yB ) ∈ A B (z) , where KyzA ,yB depends only on (Pss (z) , Pf s (z) , Psf (z)). So ¢ ¡ for such z the principal can maximize with respect to ζ f f (z) , Pss (z) , Pf s (z) , Psf (z) in¢ ¡ stead of ζ yA ,yB (z) (y ,y )∈Y ; Y, ζ yA ,yB (z) = KyzA ,yB ζ f f A B (b) If ζ f f (z) = 0 (which implies Pf f (z) = 0) and ζ f s (z) > 0, then, similarly, the principal ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ can maximize with respect to ζ f s (z) , Pss (z) , Psf (z) instead of ζ f s (z) , ζ sf (z) , ζ ss (z) ; (c) If ζ f f (z) = ζ f s (z) = 0 and ζ sf (z) > 0, then the principal can maximize with respect ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ to ζ sf (z) , Pss (z) instead of ζ sf (z) , ζ ss (z) . So the principal can change the choice variables from (Z, ζ) to ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ (Z, ζ f f (z) , Pss (z) , Pf s (z) , Psf (z) z:ζ (z)>0 , ζ f s (z) , Pss (z) , Psf (z) z:ζ (z)=0,ζ (z)>0 , ff ff fs ¢ ¡ ζ sf (z) , Pss (z) z:ζ (z)=ζ (z)=0,ζ (z)>0 , (ζ ss (z))z:ζ f f (z)=ζ f s (z)=ζ sf (z)=0,ζ ss (z)>0 ) and add the ff fs sf P PyA ,yB (z) = 1. constraints that PyA ,yB (z) ≥ 0 and yA ,yB Let µ ³ ´ ∗ (z) , P ∗ (z) , P ∗ (z) Z ∗ , ζ ∗f f (z) , Pss fs sf ¡ ∗ ¢ ∗ (z) ζ sf (z) , Pss z:ζ ∗ z:ζ ∗f f (z)>0 ∗ ∗ ff (z)=ζ f s (z)=0,ζ sf (z)>0 ³ ´ ∗ (z) , P ∗ (z) , ζ ∗f s (z) , Pss sf , (ζ ∗ss (z))z:ζ ∗ z:ζ ∗f f (z)=0,ζ ∗fs (z)>0 ∗ ∗ ∗ ff (z)=ζ f s (z)=ζ sf (z)=0,ζ ss (z)>0 ¶ , 22 MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE ´ ³ ¡ F∗ ¢ and eI∗ , e (z) i i z∈Z ∗ i∈{A,B} be an equilibrium, and suppose that Z ∗ is infinite. Then µ ³ ´ ³ ´ ∗ (z) , P ∗ (z) , P ∗ (z) ∗ (z) , P ∗ (z) , ζ (z) , P , Z ∗ , ζ f f (z) , Pss f s ss fs sf sf z:ζ f f (z)>0 z:ζ f f (z)=0,ζ fs (z)>0 ´ ¡ ¢ ∗ (z) ζ sf (z) , Pss , (ζ ss (z))z:ζ f f (z)=ζ f s (z)=ζ sf (z)=0,ζ ss (z)>0 z:ζ (z)=ζ (z)=0,ζ (z)>0 ff ´ ³ ¡ F∗ ¢ , e (z) and eI∗ i i z∈Z ∗ fs i∈{A,B} sf will also be an equilibrium if (Int) holds ((F inal) will hold automatically, since we haven’t changed Py∗z and eFi ∗ (z)) and i ,yj I∗ eI∗ A + eB + (2) eI∗ A + eI∗ B (3) P (yA ,yB )∈Y + P (yA ,yB )∈Y R³ ´ eFi ∗ (z) + eFj ∗ (z) dζ ∗yA ,yB (z) = ´ R ³ F∗ Pr (yA , yB ) ei (z) + eFj ∗ (z) dζ yA ,yB (z) ; Pr (yA , yB ) ζ yA ,yB (z) ≥ 0, ∀ (yA , yB ) ∈ Y, z ∈ Z; Z (4) dζ (yA ,yB ) (z) = 1, ∀ (yA , yB ) ∈ Y. We will prove that there exist distributions ζ yi ,yj with a finite support such that (Int) , (2), (3) and (4) hold. Take (Int), (2) and (4) (7 equations in total) and divide both sides by R ∗ P dζ (yA ,yB ) (z). The result will be 7 equations of the form the constant left-hand (yA ,yB )∈Y side lies in the convex hull of some set, the points of which are indexed by z ∈ Z.” It follows that the left-hand side of (Int), (2) and (4) can be represented as a convex combination of points in this set, where the coefficients of the convex combination are of the form ³¡ ¢ ¡ ¢ R1 ∗ P × ζ f f (z) z:ζ (z)>0 , ζ f s (z) z:ζ (z)=0,ζ (z)>0 , (z) dζ (yA ,yB )∈Y ¡ ζ sf (z) ff (yA ,yB ) ¢ z:ζ f f (z)=ζ fs (z)=0,ζ sf ff fs , (ζ ss )z:ζ f f (z)=ζ f s (z)=ζ sf (z)=0,ζ ss (z)>0 (z)>0 ´ for certain z ∈ Z. This convex combination defines a probability distribution concentrated on a finite number of points in Z. By Caratheodory’s theorem, one can choose such a distribution so that it puts positive probability on not more than 8 points in Z (since we have 7 equations). DISCLOSURE IN MULTISTAGE TOURNAMENTS 23 Proof of Proposition 2. By Lemma 1, there exists an optimal disclosure policy that puts positive probability on at most 8 signals in Z. Let the equilibrium generated by this optimal disclosure policy be µ ³ ´ ∗ (z) , P ∗ (z) , P ∗ (z) Z ∗ , ζ ∗f f (z) , Pss fs sf z:ζ ∗f f (z)>0 ¡ ∗ ¢ ∗ (z) ζ sf (z) , Pss z:ζ ∗ ∗ ∗ ff (z)=ζ f s (z)=0,ζ sf (z)>0 ´ ³ ¡ F∗ ¢ and eI∗ i , ei (z) z∈Z ∗ i∈{A,B} µ ¡ ∗ ¢ ζ f f (z) z:ζ ∗ f f (z)>0 ³ ´ ∗ (z) , P ∗ (z) , ζ ∗f s (z) , Pss sf z:ζ ∗f f (z)=0,ζ ∗fs (z)>0 , (ζ ∗ss (z))z:ζ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ff (z)=ζ f s (z)=ζ sf (z)=0,ζ ss (z)>0 ¶ . Then ¡ ¢ , ζ ∗f s (z) z:ζ ∗ ∗ ff (z)=0,ζ f s (z)>0 ¡ ¢ , ζ ∗sf (z) z:ζ ∗ ∗ ∗ f f (z)=ζ f s (z)=0,ζ sf (z)>0 (ζ ∗ss (z))z:ζ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ff (z)=ζ f s (z)=ζ sf (z)=0,ζ ss (z)>0 , ´ solves maxζ ( eI∗ A + eI∗ B + P (yA ,yB )∈Y s.t. R¡ ¢ Pr (yA , yB ) eFA∗ (z) + eFB∗ (z) dζ yA ,yB (z) ) (Int) , (3) , and (4) . This is a linear programming problem, and the canonical form of this problem is max cα s.t. Aα = b, α ≥ 0, α where µ ¢ ¡ ∗ α= ζ f f (z) z:ζ ∗ ff (z)>0 ¡ ¢ , ζ ∗f s (z) z:ζ ∗ ∗ f f (z)=0,ζ fs (z)>0 ¡ ¢ , ζ ∗sf (z) z:ζ ∗ , ´ (z)=0,ζ ∗ss (z)>0 ) , ∗ ∗ ff (z)=ζ f s (z)=0,ζ sf (z)>0 (ζ ∗ss (z))z:ζ ∗ ∗ ∗ ff (z)=ζ f s (z)=ζ sf A is a 6 × 8 matrix (there are 6 constraints, two corresponding to (Int) and four to (6)), b is a 6 × 1 vector, and c is a 8 × 1 vector. If a solution to this problem exists, then there exists an extreme point of the feasible region that is optimal. coordinates of α are strictly positive. At any extreme point, at most 6 , 24 MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE Proof of Proposition 3. Policy (5) and policy (7) generate the same efforts as policy (6) and policy (1) , respectively. This is because a signal z such that ζ ss (z) = ζ f f (z) = 1, ζ f s (z) = ζ sf (z) = 0 leads to the same final-stage effort as a signal z 0 such that ζ ss (z 0 ) = 1, ζ f f (z 0 ) = ζ sf (z 0 ) = ζ f s (z 0 ) = 0, or a signal z 00 such that ζ f f (z 00 ) = 1, ζ ss (z 00 ) = ζ sf (z 00 ) = ζ f s (z 00 ) = 0 (namely, the final-stage effort is 1 2 for both participants following any of these signals). Con- sequently, policy (5) generates the same final-stage efforts as policy (6) , and, consequently, the same intermediate-stage efforts, and the same is true for policies (7) and (1). In words, it does not matter whether only to disclose that the score is even, or to disclose the actual value of the score, given that it is even. So in effect, we have 5 different cases: 1) Full disclosure Here PyA ,yB (zyA ,yB ) = 1, so substituting into the FOC for the final-stage effort yields eFA (zss ) = eFB (zss ) = eFA (zf f ) = eFB (zf f ) = 12 ; eFA (zsf ) = eFB (zf s ) = 15 ; eFA (zf s ) = eFB (zsf ) = 25 ; In a symmetric equilibrium, the first-order conditions at the intermediate stage are: ¢ ¢ 2 3 41 ¡ 3¡ 1 − eI − eI − 1 − eI eI = eI + 8 50 25 8 So eI = 89 ≈ 0.38696 230 The expected final stage effort is ¡ ¢ Ez eFA (z) + eFB (z) = (0.38696)2 +(1 − 0.38696)2 +2× 35 ×0.38696 (1 − 0.38696) = 0.81022; The expected total effort is 2) No disclosure ¢ ¡ T E = 2eI + Ez eFA (z) + eFB (z) ≈ 1.5841 With no disclosure, the two periods are symmetric, so eIA = eIB = eFA = eFB = e. Substituting into the first-order conditions for the final stage gives: DISCLOSURE IN MULTISTAGE TOURNAMENTS e= = 2 1 2 2 2 1 e +e(1−e)+(1−e) + 2 (e(1−e)−e(1−e))(e +e(1−e)+(1−e) ) 2 1 2 1+ 4 (e(1−e)−e(1−e)) 1 2 so (1 − e (1 − e)) √ 3− 5 e= 2 The expected total effort is ³ √ ´ T E = 4e = 2 3 − 5 ≈ 1.5279 3) Disclosing only if both succeed At the final stage, the effort after signal z1 is eFA (z1 ) = eFB (z1 ) = 1 2 After signal z2 , in a symmetric equilibrium the posteriors are Pss (z2 ) = 0, Psf (z2 ) = Pf s (z2 ) = eI (1−eI ) 1−(eI )2 2 1−eI ( Pf f (z2 ) = ) 1−(eI )2 ; . So eFA (z2 ) = eFB (z2 ) = eF (z2 ) = 1 2 = 2 = (Pss (z2 ) + Pf s (z2 ) + Pf f (z2 )) I 2 I I 1 1−(e ) −e (1−e ) 1−(eI )2 1 . 2(1+eI ) At the intermediate stage, eI = = 3 I 8e eI ¢³ ¡ + 1 − eI 1 − µ (eF (z2 )) 2 2 − 1 8 ¶ eF (z2 ) 2 ´ ³ F ¡ F ¢2 ´ 2) − eI e (z − − e (z ) 2 2 ¶ µ 2 ¡ ¢ 1 (eF (z2 )) I 1−e 2 − 2 2 + (eF (z2 )) 2 − eF (z2 ) 2 + 12 . Substituting for eF (z2 ) and reorganizing yields ¡ ¢2 ¡ ¢3 9 eI + 14 eI + 2eI − 3 = 0 25 26 MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE The only solution that lies between 0 and 1 is eI ≈ 0.3629 2 (eF (z2 )) The second-order conditions are satisfied at this point, since 2 − 1 8 < 1. The expected final-stage effort is ¢ ³ ¡ ¢2 ´ ¡ Ez eFA (z) + eFB (z) = 1 − eI The resulting total effort is ¡ I ¢2 ¡ I ¢2 1 I + e = 1 − e + e ≈ 0.7688 (1 + eI ) ¡ ¢ T E = 2eI + Ez eFA (z) + eFB (z) ≈ 1.4946 4) Disclosing only if both fail At the final stage, the effort after signal z1 is 1 2 eFA (z1 ) = eFB (z1 ) = After signal z2 , in a symmetric equilibrium the posteriors are Pf f (z2 ) = 0, Psf (z2 ) = Pf s (z2 ) = Pss (z2 ) = eI (1−eI ) 1−(1−eI )2 2 eI ( ) 1−(1−eI )2 ; . So eFA (z2 ) = eFB (z2 ) = eF (z2 ) = 1 2 = (Pss (z2 ) + Pf s (z2 ) + Pf f (z2 )) I 2 I I 1 1−(1−e ) −e (1−e ) 2 = 1 . 2(2−eI ) At the intermediate stage, µ ¶ 2 ¢³ ¡ (eF (z2 )) 1 I I + 1 − eI e = 1− − e 2 2 = eI µ 2 (eF (z2 )) 2 − 1 8 ¶ − eF (z2 ) 2 + 58 . 1−(1−eI )2 eF (z2 ) 2 ´ − eI ³ eF (z2 ) 2 ¡ ¢2 ´ − − eF (z2 ) ¡ ¢ 3 I 8 1−e DISCLOSURE IN MULTISTAGE TOURNAMENTS 27 Substituting for eFA (z2 ) and reorganizing yields ¡ ¢2 ¡ ¢3 9 eI − 41 eI + 53eI − 16 = 0 The only solution that lies between 0 and 1 is eI ≈ 0.4333 2 The second-order conditions are satisfied at this point, since (eF (z2 )) 2 − 1 8 < 1. The expected final-stage effort is ¡ ¢2 ´ ¢ ³ ¡ Ez eFA (z) + eFB (z) = 1 − 1 − eI The resulting total effort is ¢2 ¡ ¢2 ¡ 1 + 1 − eI = 1 − eI + eI ≈ 0.7544 I (2 − e ) ¡ ¢ T E = 2eI + Ez eFA (z) + eFB (z) ≈ 1.6211 5) Disclosing whether the score is even After signal z1 , in a symmetric equilibrium the posteriors are ¢2 ¡ ¡ I ¢2 1 − eI e Pf f (z1 ) = 2 2 , Pss (z1 ) = 2 2; I I I (e ) + (1 − e ) (e ) + (1 − eI ) Psf (z1 ) = Pf s (z1 ) = 0. The final-stage efforts after signal z1 are eFA (z1 ) = eFB ¡ ¢2 ¡ ¢2 1 eI + 1 − eI 1 (z1 ) = e (z1 ) = = 2 2 I I 2 (e ) + (1 − e ) 2 F After signal z2 , in a symmetric equilibrium the posteriors are Pf f (z2 ) = Pss (z2 ) = 0, Psf (z2 ) = Pf s (z2 ) = 1 2 The final-stage efforts after signal z2 are eFA (z2 ) = eFB (z2 ) = eF (z2 ) = 1 4 28 MARIA GOLTSMAN AND ARIJIT MUKHERJEE Table 3. Symmetric Deterministic Policies with α = 1 ¡ ¢ eI Ez eFA (z) + eFB (z) Total Effort 0.3870 0.8102 1.5841 0.3820 0.7639 1.5279 0.3629 0.7688 1.4946 0.4333 0.7544 1.6211 0.4211 0.7562 1.598 Disclosure policy Full disclosure No disclosure Disclosing only if both succeed Disclosing only if both fail Disclosing whether the score is even At the intermediate stage, ¢ ¢ 1 3 I 7¡ 3¡ 1 − eI − eI − 1 − eI e + 8 8 16 8 3 I 1 = − e + 16 2 eI = The solution is eI = 8 ≈ 0.421 05 19 The expected final-stage effort is ¡ ¢ Ez eFA (z) + eFB (z) = µ 8 19 ¶2 + µ 11 19 ¶2 +2× 8 11 1 × × ≈ 0.7562 19 19 2 The resulting total effort is ¡ ¢ T E = 2eI + Ez eFA (z) + eFB (z) = 0.42105 ∗ 2 + 0.7562 ≈ 1.598 Table 3 summarizes the equilibrium efforts. Appendix 2: Symmetric Deterministic Policies when α ∈ [0, 1] References [1] Aoyagi, M. (2004): “Information Feedback in a Dynamic Tournament,” working paper. [2] Dubey, P., and J. Geanakoplos (2004): “Grading Exams: 100,99,...,1 or A, B, C? 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